P"i-?" BF i SfJ' "S "J -1 r-,v"J at T VOLUME XXXIV.-NUMBER. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1903. WHOLE NUMBER 1J49. SffihffiWffieffKMJffBprhFiflBnnnB -y- Ws?i?tjTFh5amwmirKf' j aBKCm Mjmj Jf1 nmnneRffhnnnnftyijBenLmW " sak-i &iwmm fartial. m : - r- re- l mmmmwmummg I The Old Reliable.. ABSOLUTE SArCTY is the best thinf we have to offer. Other Inducements are of secondary import- jS ance. upon inu oa sis only, do we solicit your business. i 5 Columbus z State Bank. 2 m oo-SoSSooodeooooooooooooo Colunvbus JournaJ, A VccUy RcenUeaa Devottdtotni of X X StJIJi - Columbus, County or Platte. Taw Smtt of ..Nebraska-. United States, Rest if MiikiK. Ths Ufafc of Messun wtti Us is $1.50 pcrYcsr.tf PUd in Ad Sample Copies Sent Tree U any Address. HENRY GASS. .UNDCBTAKCtU N ...The... Columbus Journal. lis Rsraish Any. Rsfusfsisf a CLUB WITH TW COUNTRY. 13he OMMotHlyMn J -Offmj BBnn I B)VWSaiMBBBBVBBlBBVaBBBVBSBlBBBBlBBal PANAMAREGEIVED THE PRESIDENT FORMALLY RE CEIVES BUNAU-VARILLA. GEIEiNY OF THE RECErTM The Envoy Extraordinary and M in later Plenipotentiary Formally Pre rented by Secretary Hay, Exchange of Addresses Impressive. WASHINGTON President Roose velt on Friday formally received M. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, the duly ac credited envoy extraordinary, and minister plenipotentiary of the Re public of Panama to the United States. The reception of the minister marked the birth of the new Republic of Panama intothe family of nations and paves the way for negotiations be tween the United States and the infant republic, precisely as they may be con ducted between any two foreign na tions. The ceremony incident to the recep tion of Minister Bunau-Varilla and the presentation of hia credentials oc curred in the Blue room of the White House at 9:30 o'clock in the morning. At a few minutes before that hour Minister Bunau-Varilla, accompanied by Secretary of State Hay, in the lat ter's state carriage, arrived at the White House. The secretary's carriage was followed by a landau, the only occupant of which was Minister Bunau Varilla's young son. Secretary Hay and the new minister, both attired in conventional morning address, entered the White House, accompanied by the minister's son, and were shown into the Blue room. They were joined al most immediately by the president and Secretary Loeb. Secretary Hay formally presented X. Bunau-Varilla to President Roosevelt as the accredited minister of the Re public of Panma. Minister Bunau-Varilla- in turn presented his credentials and delivered an address, to which the president feelingly responded. The exchange of addresses was impressive by reason of the circumstances and the addresses themselves, are regarded as felicitous and patriotic. Minister Bunau-Varilla spoke, in part, as fol lows: "Mr President: In according to the minister plenipotentiary of the Repub lic of Panama the honor of presenting to you his letters of credente you ad mit into the family of nations the weakest and last-born of the republics of the new world. "It owes its existence to the outburst of indignant grief which stirred the hearts of the citizens of the isthmus on beholding the despotic nation which sought to forbid their country from fulfilling the destinies vouchsafed to it by Providence. In consecrating its right to exist, Mr. President, you put an end to what appeared to be the interminable controversy as to the rival water ways and you definitely in augurate the ero of the achievement of the Panama canal." President Roosevelt made suitable rcpl7- Cabinet Discusses Panama. WASHINGTON At Friday's cabi net meeting practically the only sub ject under discussion was the Panama situation. The whole Panama ques tion was discussed briefly, particular attention being devoted to prospective developments in congress. Both the president and members of the cabinet have taken up the matter with the senate and the house, with a view to a reconciliation of any difficulties that may exist and to the securing of har monious action, if possible, on the isthmian canal question. It can be stated authoritatively that the situa tion, as it now presents itself, is rea sonably satisfactory to the president and his advisers. PANAMANS ARE PLEASED. Receive News of Varilla's Reception With Satisfaction. PANAMA The Associated Press' correspondent on Friday communicat ed to Jose Arango, president of the Junta, the first news of President Roosevelt's reception of M. Philippe Varilla as minister of the republic of Panma. Senor Araago expressed in tense gratification, saying that this act of President Roosevelt made possible the negotiation of a canal treaty and that such negotiation would probably be completed before the Panamans held a convention to elect a Iegislatare and adopt a constitution. Released from Mexican Jail. TUCSON. Ariz. Hermosillo advices state that Walter McCurdy. the Amer ican attorney who has been in a Mex ican prison nearly a year awaiting trial on the charge of forging tele grams in connection with the trans fer of the stock of the Yaqui Copper company, was acquitted Friday. Mc Curday has yet to stand trial on the charge of assault on one of the stock holders of the Yaqui Copper com pany -Must Ray the Policy. LEADVTLLE. Colo. A suit of im portance was decided here Friday in the case of the widow of A. Cooper man against the United Moderns. The latter.' just before the deata of Cbop erman. canceled his policy, alleging that the policy holder secured admit tance bv misrepresentation. The Jnry decided tact the disease om which the ed was "not of long mm awarded the widow the THE LAND LEASING SILL. The Proposition Makes Its Appearance in Congress. WASHINGTON The land leasing proposition made its appearance in congress Friday, when Representative Laeey introduced a bill which primar ily gives to homesteaders and settlers In the arid and semi-arid regions the right to improve and protect the grass apoa the pablic domain in the vicinity of the lands so aa to prevent further deterioration and monopolization of the range by the owners of large herds of live stock. Sach parts of the arid and semi-arid region as are not nec essary for Irrigating purposes may, un der the Lacey bill, be leased for stock grazing purposes subject to the right of homestead and other entry at all times. The leases are to.be regulated by the secretary of the Interior, to ran for ive years, with the right of renewal, each lease to be limited to 3,200 acres to each person. The leases are non-transferable and are to be granted only to actual settlers. Corporations are denied the right to make leases. The lands subject t5 lease are to be classified and shall be rented at rates varying from l'to 6 cents an acre per annum. Persons leasing land under the above provi sions will be permitted to fence the land at their own expense. PROTESTS AGAINST SMOOT. Hundreds of Petitions Filed in the Senate. WASHINGTON Several hundred petitions protesting against Reed Smoot retaining his seat as junior senator from Utah were filed in the senate. Most of these were offered by Senator Burrows, chairman of the elections committee, through petitions filed by their senators. Churches, re ligious organizations of all kinds, uni versities, colleges and other educa tional institutions are among the or ganizations which have filed protests. Some of these petitions charge that Senator Smoot practiced polygamy, while others rest their objections on the charge that he is a member of an organization which countenances the practice of plural marriage. Senator Burrows said no action will be taken by the elections committee until the one vacancy on the commit tee has been filled, and that it is not likely the changes will be considered until the last week of the extra or the first week of the regular session. DOWIE SEES THE PRESIDENT Conference With Chief Executive Last Nearly an Hour. WASHINGTON, D. C John Alex ander Dowie, bead of the restoration host, arrived at Washington Monday from New York. He passed most of the day in viewing the sights of the capitol. Early in the afternoon, accompa nied by several members of his host, Dowie called by appointment at the executive office to see the president. He was in conference with President Roosevelt for nearly an hour. At the contusion of his interview Dowie said he had no statement to make concern ing it The call, he said, was purely a social one, and no significance was to be attached to it He hid a pleas ant chat with the president, for whom he entertained a high regard. Dowie left for Zion City, via Chi cago, traveling in his private car. MRS. LENA M. LILLIE SUES. Wants Insurance on Life of Husband She Murdered. LINCOLN, Neb. A special from Daivd City says: Mrs. Lena M. Lillie, convicted last spring for murdering her husband, a wealthy man, and sen tenced to imprisonment for life, is again hi court, this time as plaintiff in trivial actions. At the time Harvey Lillie was mur dered he carried fraternal insurance aggregating the sum of 18,000. - Seven hundred and fifty dollars of this was made to the 12-year-old daughter Edna, who has been paid. For the balance, $7,250, Mrs. Lillie was named as the beneficiary, and suit is brought by Mrs. Lillie to recover. Three fra ternal companies are defendants. In No Hurry to Give Recognition. HAVANA It has been decided by the cabinet that no recognition will be given by the Cuban government to the new republic of Panama until that republic has been recognized by some of the other Latin-American governments. - ' Measures to Suppress Panama. LIMA, Peru The Colombian min ister to Peru has published here cat blegrams received from his govern-, ment. dated at Bogota, NovemberlO, 11 and 12 respectively. The cable grams say that the Colombian govern ment has taken measures to suppress "the isthmian traitors," and add that all parties and all classes have offered' to the government their lives and property In defense of the national ter ritory.' Hanna CaHs the Committee WASHINGTON Senator Haana, chairman of the repmbHcam national committee, has mailed to each mem ber of the committee a letter calling them to meet at the Arlington hotel; Washington, om Friday. December 1L The can also is signed by Perry S. The committee will of ap Heatk. secretary. meet Friday far the purpose phtnteag hrnmrnUHai aad Saturday marata wffl hear the cUm of cities for the CUBAN TREATY PAYNE INTRODUCES THE BILL IN THE HOUSE. FULL TEXT IF -TK Fixes Twenty Per Cent Sugar UathV Reejuiree that Ne Greater Bodaotion ef Duty Than This Be -Made White Convention is in Force. WASHINGTON Mr. Payne om Thursday introduced in the homse a bill making, effective Ike mew Cuba reciprocity treaty. The l referred to the ways and mlttee. It is, in part, as follower That whenever the president T if the United States shall receive satis factory evidence that the repehHe'ef Cuba has made provisionto give fall effect to the articles of the comven tion between the United States and the republic of Cuba, signed om the 11th day of December, in the year one thousand nine hundred and two, he is hereby authorised to issue his proclamation declaring that he has re ceived such evidence, and thereupon bn the 10th day after the exchange of ratifications of such convention be tween the United States and the re public of Cuba and so long aa the caid convention shall remain in force, all articles of merchandise being the product of the soil or Industry of the republic of Cuba, which are now Im ported into the United States free of duty shall continue' to be so admit ted free of duty, and all other arti cles of merchandise, being the pro duct of the soil or industry of the republic of Cuba Imported into the United States shall be admitted at a reduction of 20 1 per centum of the rates as provided by the tariff act of the United States approved July 24. 1897, or aa may be provided by any tariff Law of the United States subse quently enacted. The rates of duty herein granted by the United States to the republic of Cuba are and shall continue dur ing the term of said convention pref erential in respect to all like imports from other countries. Provided That while said conven tion is in force, no sugar imported from the republic of Cuba and being the product of the soil or industry of the republic of Cuba shall be admit ted into the United Stales at a reduc tion'of duty greater than 20 per cent um of the rates of duty thereon, as provided by the tariff act of the Uni ted States approved July 24, 18971 and no sugar, the product of any oth er foreign country, shall be admitted by treaty or convention into the UnP ted States while this convention is in force, at a lower rate of duty than that provided bv the tariff act of the United States, approved July 24, 1897, and , Provided further, that nothing here in contained shall be held or con strued as an admission on the part of the house of representatives that cus toms duties can be changed otherwise than by act of congress, originating in said house. Section 2. That so long as said con vention shall remain fn force, the laws and regulations adopted or that may be adopted by the United States to protect the revenues and prevent fraud m the declarations and proofs that the articles of merchandise to which said convention may apply are 'the product or manufacture of the re public 'of Cuba, shall not impose any additional charge or fee therefor on the articles imported, except the con sular fees established, or which may be established by the United States for issuing shipping --documents. Changes in Postal Regutationa, WASHINGTON One of the re forms in postoffices that will be advo cated by the postofflce department is authority by which all clerks below the designation of foreman shaU be classed simply as clerks. This will abolish the titles' of stampers, mailing clerks and a variety of other subor dinate places whose duties are cleri cal and enable transfers to be made without involving the charge of em ployes being assigned to other duties, ftedmond win Net Resign. LONDON. When questioned as to the train of reports in the Irish mews papers that lie would resign the lead ership of the Irish party and join William O'Brien in retirement, John Redmond telegraphed to the Associ ated Press 'from Dublin: "The report is quite untrue. The party remains united." New Counterfeit Five. WASHINGTON, D. C The secret service-has announced the discovery of a new counterfeit 5 silver certifi cate, series Of 1899; check letter. A; late number, 161; ' Lyons, register; Roberts, treasurer. The' moat notice able defect in this counterfeit is in ihe coarse, blotchy appearance of the Indian head. The paper Is of good quality and has red-ink Unas to imitate the silk threads of the genuine. Carried Mall in KANSAS CTTT, Mo. G. W. Hafler, who in 183S carried man from fade- Mo-, to tUam, died at his amed C7 yean. He Uved near Kansas City for kali century. Seven Y CIKCLEVTLLE, O. J. K. of the New to the penitentiary. WILL ATTEND CHUM'S WEDOf NU Leila McCanley. will he oae of the at tarn marriage at Wash- ingtom, Nov. 25 next, of Miss Leila McCanley to Walcott Tnckerman. Miss Roosevelt and Miss McCanley have been chums since they were at school together. The bride-to-be is a daughter of CoL Edward McCanley of the census omce. She Is related te prominent families In Virginia and Maryland. LAMBASTS ANTI-SMOOT PEOPLE. Filing of Petitions Practcaily a Con tempt ef the U. S. Senate. WASHINGTON The house was ift session only five minutes Wednesday and mo business waa transacted. The senate began business in earn est by receiving a number of petition? and also many bills. In presenting a numerously signed petition asking the senate to expedite the consideration of the charges against Mrl Smoot, Mr. Hoar took oc casion to remin the senders of peti tions bearing upon Mr. Smoot's case that the proceeding is out of order and Is improper. He based bis re marks upon the fact that the deter mination of, Mr. Smoot's rights will be purely a judicial proceeding, to be determined by the laws and the con stitution of the United States. "With all dee respect to the signers of the petitions of this character." he said, "I want to say to them that their petitions are as much out of place when addressed to this court as simi lar petitions would be if addressed to the supreme court of the United States in any .case' pending before that tribunal." THEY GET THEIR BILLS IN. Eight Hundred and Nineteen Meas ures the First Day. WASHINGTON There were 819 bills introduced in the house Tuesday of which 115 were public bills, and the balance measures for the benefit of private individuals. The bills introduced Tuesday in clude the following: By Mr. Jones (Wash.) Increasing the duties 10 per cent ad valorem in imports brought to the United States in foreign ships. By Mr. Crumpacker (Ind.) providing a commission to investigate state elec tion laws. By Mr. Rixey (Va.) a resolution au thorizing the secretary of the navy to consolidate such bureaus in his de partment as he may deem best. By Mr. Lowering (Mass.), providing a retired list in the life-saving service, and a joint resolution for a constitu tional amendment, giving congress power to regulate the hours of labor. By Mr. Watson (Ind.), prescribing an age limit and an educational test to the immigration 'laws. By Mr. Adams (Pa.), to reorganize the consular service. KAISER MAY HAVE CANCER. Present Slight Affliction Recalls Hia Relative's Malady. BERLIN A bulletin concerning the condition of Emperor William, who was operated upon Saturday for the removal of a polypus from the larynx was issued Monday morning at the new palace at Potsdam. It is follows: "Inflammation, which naturally fol lows as a reaction from the operation, already is diminishing. We can, therefore, be satisfied with the ap pearance of the local chord. 'Never theless, the healing of the little wound probably with require another week. The emperor's general condition is good, his temperature and pulse are cormaL VON LEUTHOLD, "SCHMIDT, TLBERG." The court circular states that the emperor personally heard the report of the chief of the civil cabinet.'' Receiver for Grain Company. DBS MOINES, la. . F. McCarty applied to the district court for the ap pointment of a receiver for the M. C. McFarilm Graim company of Ds Moines. McCarty owns 42 per cent of the stock. .The compaay had grain el evators throughout Iowa and in Jan- verted the elevators into cash to over $190,000. McCarty alleges this money has beam leaned to different corporations without secur ity. far Rural Carriers. WASHINGTON Mr. Jomea of Washington introduced a bin provid ing a subsistence allowance of 1250 aammaUy for rural free delivery car7 riera. Chilean Crisis te End. SANTIAGO DE CUBA The minis- of the gemeral affairs. have wtthdrawm their iSmKcS"4vvfc uHSsfiaaF cNu j nWaWaWaWaWmmrW nnnnnnnnnnnnnnmaann an. L " LmamEL. enmv linmvmmflnM nivnmmmmeaw SxaxaTrtiA is WAS UNDER FIRE AMERICAN MINISTER NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH. SFJZB IYTHE lEVfAUTmiSTS Shelling Which ' Began Friday Wan ' Still in Progress Monday Merningw Government in Power at Last Re pert Ropela Attack on Outposts. SAN DOMINGO The city is closely besieged by the revolutionists and commerce is paralyzed. Firing around Sam Domingo continues. The political situation is unchanged. The Germam warships Panther and GazeUe are here. The revolutionists have addressed a letter to Minister Powell, informing him that agreements entered into with the United States by the government presided over by General Wos y Gil win not be recognised by them. The letter requests that Minister Powell recognize the revolutionists, but the minister has refused to hold commun ication with them. The political sit nation is unchanged. NEW YORK A dispatch from Sam Domingo, dated November 9, to a newspaper here, says the attack on the city by the revolutionists which began last Friday waa still in force Monday. During all of Saturday night, the dispatch continues, the insurgents at tacked the outposts with small arms and also delivered a rather heavy shell fire. The government, however, suc ceeded in repelling the attack, al though with considerable loss. The losses of the revolutionists were slight.. Some -foreign noncombatants were killed. During an attack Sunday afternoon an Insurgent shell passed within a few feet of Mr. Powell, the American min ister, at the legation. A sortie was made by 140 govern ment troops, but they were ambushed and compelled to retire within the walls, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. Early Sunday night ticre -eras an other heavy attack, but the rebels were again repulsed. The losses are unknown. Several shells exploded in the city this morning. The German cruiser Gazelle arrived Monday and landed marines. The Ger man cruiser Panther arrived the pre ceding day. No other foreign war vessels are here. Previous to the beginning of the bombardment of San Domingo, the revolutionists notified the diplomatic corps and the consular officers that they had previously served notice on the Dominican government that the forces of the revolution intended to adopt all means, including a bombard ment, in their efforts to capture the city. BRYAN IS OFF FOR EUROPE Sails on the Steamer Majestic te be Absent Several Weeks. NEW YORK. William J. Bryan will sail for Europe Thursday afternoon with his 13-year-old son, William J jr.. on the steamer Majestic. He is going to Europe for the first time, partly on business and partly for pleasure ,and will take in the most of England and a good part of the con tinent before returning. He will be gone several weeks. Before he sailed William J. Bryan was asked by an interviewer: "Will the democrats go to the polls next year a united party?" "I think all democrats will be uni ted at the polls, but not of course those who are not democrats. These who are not democrats will not be with the democrats:" BENNETT WILL CASE GOES UP. Bryan Authorizes His Attorney to Seek Higher Judgment. NEW HAVEN, Conn. It was an nounced Tuesday that William t. Bryan had given his counsel power of attorney to perfect an appeal to the superior court from the decision of Judge Cleaveland of the probate court, declaring that the sealed letter referred to in the win of Philo 3. Ben nett, which provided for a gift of $50, 000 to Mr. Bryan was not a part of the will. At a hearing of the probate judge prior to this announcement, by agree ment of counsel and Mr. Bryan as ex ecutor the widow's allowance was fixed at $7,500 a year. Colombia Censors Cablegram. WASHINGTON The state depart ment was notified that the Colombian government had established a censor ship over cable for the interior of Co Iombia reaching Buena Ventura. This cuts off communication between the capital of Colombia fand the.oatside world. It may delay communication with the United States, but this gov ernment win not submit to any sup pression of its dispatches, so long as the telegraph route is open at alL Miners in Utah Won't Do It. SALT LAKE CITz. Utah That the m-aers in tas 3ectiou are unfavora ble to the strike movement in. Colo rado is indicated by specials from several mining camps. According tc the reports received the men -are sat ismed with the present scale of wages and will continue to work, disregard tag the orders to strike. There, are about eight hundred mem omnfeysd in the coal .mimes at this state at FRANCE IN LINE. She Wicognlasa the New Reaueffe at PARIS The French government has recognized the de facto govern ment of the republic of Panama. The action of Fraace carries eat the purposes which M. Delcaese had throughout, namely, to leave the Uni ted States untrammeled, and to act so far as possible la sympathetic ac cord with the American government. - The instructions forwarded by For eign Minister Delcaase to the French consul at Panama authorize him to have relations with the new govern ment. The instructions are substan tially the same as those sent from Washington to the Uaited States con sul at Panama and will hnve the ef fect of giving the same recognition of the new regime aa the United States has already given it. A for mal recognition will 'follow later when the new government is fully organ ized, bat the instructions of the con sul definitely establish the attitude of France toward the new republic The action of M. Delcaase is not yet pub licly known. BERLIN The Colombian commis sion, if it comes here, will receive no consideration from the Germam gov ernment. The correspondent of the Associated Press called the foreign office's atteatioa to the statement made Monday by Arturo de Brigard. the Colombian consul general in New York, that the Colombians were clam bring for a German protectorate over their country, and that the Colombian government had been asked to send a commission to Germany to offer Emperor William certain pieces of land on both seas in return for Ger many's protection. The reply was: "We have no intention of mixing ourselves in the affairs of the Isth mian state. We are still without any information from our consular reports in regard to the revolution, hence we have not asked the Uaited States to look after our interests. The state ment regarding our interests in Co lombia and Panama have been much exagggerated, but we hope to see our trade thus prosper better after the United States builda the canal." WASHINGTON An important con ference concerning the Panama situa tion was held at the White House an Tuesday prior to the formal meeting of the cabinet. The participaat in the conference were President Roose velt, Senator Hanna and members of the cabinet. The decision reached, if any, was not disclosed. FIRST SESSION OF HOUSE, Joseph G. Cannon Elected Speaker ef the House. WASHINGTON The house of rep resentatives ot tne Fifty-eighth con gress Monday held its first session, and except for the naming of com mittees, which will follow later, or ranization was completed. Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois, whose elevation to the speake-ship was assured months ago, was formally elected speaker and inducted into office. Mr. Cannon re ceived the applause of democrats and republicans when he took up the gavel of authority, the demonstration being most complimentary to the speaker. He was at once at ease In the spesker's chair, having filled it so often temporarily during KTs many years of service in the house. The old officers were re-elected, and the customary resolutions adopted providing for the appointment of a commiuee to notify the president and senate of the election of a speaker and clerk, and a committee to join a senate committee to notify the pres ident of tne presence of a quorum in the two bodies. The hour of meet ing was fixed for 12 o'clock. Coming to Negotiate Canal Treaty. PANAMA Dr. Manuel Amado. Frederico Boyd and Carlos Constaatin Arosmeaa left on Tuesday for Wash ington with instructions from the pro visional government to negotiate a canal treaty with the government of the United States. Dr. Amado is seventy years old, yet it was largely owing to his daring and great en ergy that the isthmus was declared free. Chicago Banishes Toy Arms. CHICAGO The city councU has passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale of toy pistols in Chicago. The measure provides for a penalty of $100 for anyone who "shall sell, loam or furnish any-toy gun, or toy pistol, or toy fowling piece, or other toy fire arms in which any explosive sab stance cam be used." To Repeal Timber and Stone Act. WASHINGTON Senator Hi brough introduced in the-senate on Wednesday a bill which, by implica tion, repeals the timber and stone act. under which land is now acquired at $2.50 an acre, regardless of its real value. The measure is intended to cure defects in existing laws, put a quietus upon speculation in public tim ber lands and an end to the frauds which recently have grown into a na tional scandal. Opneaitien te General Wood. WASHINGTON Senator Telle gave notice in executive session la the senate on Wednesday that before action is taken on the nomination of Brigadier General Leonard Wood to oe major general of the army he de sired to make certain inquiries relat ing to the nominee's military record. The nomination, with a number of other army appointments, waa refer red to the senate committee om mili tary affairs. Brief Telegrams The Uaited States h setae mo si Hot at the thirteen war- of The mew British ambassador to thtf Uaited States im a novel published ten years ago highly ptalsid tale country! Speaker Tiaan baa appointed the foUewiac committee om rales: The speaker, Dalaell (Pa.). Groaovmor (O.).. Winmmw (Mma.). and De Armoa '(Mo.). ' Speaker Cannon ana roaprolated Aacher C Hmda ef Maine aa clerk to the speaker's table. He has se? leered L. W. Beshey. correspondent of the Chicane later-Ocean, aa secretary to the speaker. The beard of education ef New York City baa and a etrenuena considera tion of the question of "spank or act to spank" pupila. Since the election It has been decided not to spank. All pupils are invited to be "ornery" and become more wide open is abuse of everybody. Reports from all the coal mining camps of Utah are to the effect that no strike of coal atiaers has taken place. One of the priacipal causes c the strike in Colorado, the demand for am eight hour workiag day. la ab sent her, as the eight hour law la in effect im Utah. At a meeting of the directors of the New England Shoe and Leather as sociation in Boston, it was voted to authorize the committee on traaspor tation and commerce to appeal to the interstate commerce commission to stop the alleged violation of the inter state commerce law. On the steamer Coma, which arriv ed at Sam Francisco from the Orient, were aiaety-six young Flllptaoa who have been sent to the Uaited States, to perfect their education. They have, already been assigned to various cotj leges, a large proportion goLag te the University of California. Charles B. Hayes, formerly postmas ter of Whiting, Kam. has been Indict-' ed br the federal court on the charge of making false entries in his report, showing the amount of business traas-, acted at his office. It is claimed h swelled the stamp report account in! order to get an increase ra salary. - The Colorado state court of appeals' has rendered an opinion im a case in stituted by the treasurer of Boulder county against the Colorado a: South era railroad, im which Judge Guather lays down the rale that when m rail--road refuses payment of taxes a re-, ceiver may be appointed aad the mat ter adjusted in a court of inquiry. The Oklahoma grand jury returned indictments against fifteen lumber dealers doiag business ia Oklahora? City, charging them with being in a combination to restrict trade ia vio lation of the Oklahoma anti-trust law. Eleven of the indicted are residents, while four are officials of lumber cor porations having headquarters else where. In the house Mr. Hitt of Illinois of fered the following resolution: "Re solved. By the house of representa tives, that the president be requested to communicate to the house, if not incompatible with the Interest of the public service, all correspondence and other official documeats relating to the recent revolt la the isthmus of Panama." ' v It is announced In a dispatch re ceived from Belgrade, Servia. that the British charge d'affaires there refused to receive the congratulations of the Servian goverasMBt on the birthday of King Edward. This refusal was ia accordance with his instructions not to maintain diplomatic relations with King Peter's government. The affair has caused some semsatloa. Evelyn Baldwin, the Arctic explorer, arrived in St. Louis on his way to Jefferson City, where he will appear before the grand jury which is iaves ttgnHsg the alum boodle scandle iu the legislature. Mr. Baldwin will tea? tify at the revest of Attorney Gen eral Crowe, who is anxious to have him toll what he knows of the con nection of Kelley aad Zlegler with the defeat of legislation inimical to the Interests 0T the baking powder trust, f Aa Ruby Stanley, school girl, a few miles from Ripley. O. T.. was on her way to carry some flowers to the grave of her brother, killed in an acci dent, the girt met with am accident on the same spot where her brother was killed aad her life is despaired of. . The general land office has with drawn from settlement $.920 acres in the Salt Lake City. Utah, district, for use in the' proposed extension of the Fish Lake forest reserve. Dr. M. L. Jackson: a pioneer Iowa dentist, is dead at Oskaloosu. ' A waiter spilled a glass of water on a white crepe de chine princess gown at Sherry's im New York. At the south end of a law suit she was awarded damages, $100. Russia and Japan are said to have nearly concluded a convention. The Solomons of the Massachusetts supreme court decide that it is un lawful for a man to get drunk in his own home. A learned Chicago professor. says the earth is good for 100.000,000 more years. The name of Count Cassini. Russian to the United States, is those considered for appoint as Bnseion ambassador at Paris. The republican emncma at Washiaa faiw fox : s ..." a -.A y 4 its .t- ' -1 && dnVnt " BnmJjl - &lW A