The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 04, 1903, Image 2

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Columbus Journal
Columbus, Nelr
Eatsradattfae Festo(W.ColBdkH.lMrM
ajooari r'r n
WHmiijf ty.
atabacrfbara of tau Joair-
al:-Pleae look at taa data oppo-
atu yoar
Montki wrapper oi
Journal or oa taa aaargia oi
Taa Journal. Up to tala data, yoar
aabacrlptioa la paU or accounted
The "Long Night" and "The Wing of
the Morning" are said to be the most
popalar booka in Lincoln.
Tax Chicago Chronicle would like to
know' how many other free silver nan
bare had their wills written for them by
Mr. Bryan?
The cenaas of 1900 credits
with having 20,000,000 apple trees, one
third more than are grown in aay other
state in the Union.
Iowaks boast that fifty of the ninety
nine coanties of that state have no
saloons, which they claim is a better
record than Kansas can brag of under
Nebraska defeated Iowa at foot ball
Satarday in Iowa City. la, 17 to & The
same was fierce from start to
The teama were equally strong, but Iowa
played in hard lack.
A gas epouter with 500 pounds pres
sure was recently struck in the oil fields
eight miles east of Douglas, Wyoming.
There is considerable excitement there
as a result of the discovery.
It is said the cost of the Alaska boun
dry arbitration reaches $300,000. Canada
spent nearly $200,000 preparing the case
and for the- fees of the British lawyers.
The United States expenditure
about $100,000.
Two persons were killed, one fatally
injured, two perhaps fatally and half a
dozen farm houses were demolished by
a tornado that formed three miles north
of Hydro, Oklahoma, Friday night The
property loss is estimated at $50,000.
Axoxa the new rural free delivery
routes which will be established Dee. 1,
is that of Newman Grove, Madison
county, which will be given two routes
covering an area of seventy-four square
miles, sad accommodating 940 people.
A special train on the Big Four, bear
ing 954 Lafayette passengers, including
several hundred students of Purdue um
varsity, was wrecked Saturday near
Indianapolis, Ind. Fifteen dead were
taken from the wreck and forty passen
gers were injured, twenty-four of them
Moke than 400 deaths from tetanus
followed the Fourth of July celebration
of 1903, has moved the Mississippi Valley
Medical Association to adopt a resolu
tion demanding "the enactment of laws
by the nation, states and municipalities
prohibiting the manufacture and sale of
toy pistols, blank cartridges, dynamite
canes and caps, and cannon crackers."
The October maneuvers of regular
troops and militia on the Fort Riley
Military Reservation in Kansas are
graphically described in an illustrated
article contributed to the November
Review of Reviews by Mr. Philip East
man. Another article of interest to
military men is contributed to the same
magazine by Mr. Charles J. Leach on
"The New Springfield Rule and Im
provement in Small Arms."
Road Supervisor MrrcHELof Elkhorn
township, near Fremont, uses a bunch of
8j000 sheep being fed on his place as a
road machine. A number of roads are
being graded in the sticky gumbo soil of
that township and Mitchel found it
almost impossible to break up the big
lamps. By driving the sheep a few times
over the roads their sharp hoots cut and
Back the sticky solid chunks better than
could be done with a roller.
Hekrt Snms of Clarks was accident
ally ahot Friday night with a 32-calibre
revolver ia the hands of hia brother Wil-
The Simma live on a farm five
west of town. Ia examining a
revolver the gun was discharged, the
hall catering the upper part of the abdo
men and penetrating the liver. Medical
assistance was secured and while the
ballet has not been located the patient
ia resting easily, with some hope of
recovery. -
Fire Sunday night attacked that por
tion of the Vatican containing the hall of
iaacriptiona, where the pope gives bis
audiences and which is adjacent to the
gallery of pictures. The flames caused
mach coafaainn and excitement in the
Vatican. No lives were lost No idea of
the damage can jet be obtained. The
fire caused more excitement in Rome
than aay other event since the death of
Pope Leo. The gendarmes broke into
the apartment of M. Marie, a restorer of
manuscripts and found him in a heavy
alaap. It ia supposed that he retired and
forgot to take proper precautions with
hia kitchen fire, which probably blazed
ap aad ignited some hangings.
Octobxe has been a reoord-breaker in
theaamber of homesteads taken daring
oae mouth at the local land office ia
O'Neill, there aaviag been 100 homeatead
abac made, taking nearly 16,000 acres
of the public domain ia a single month.
During the last six moaths 17,440 acres
aaeateaded ia Garfield
ty, 14.720 acres ia Wheeler county.
19L280 acres ia Holt county aad 8,640
liaLoupooaaty. There ia yet left
for homestead approximately 140,-
m Garfield county, about 100,-
in wneeier county, aoout
laaVMi acres ia Holt caaaty aad about
UMMI acres at Loup eoaaty, so that the
r aettiera ia likely toeoatiaae
It sarimated that fully
r east of the new settlers coauag
tata part of tao csaatry are Iowa
Itato C mi a Walts Km -aaa
final Tail CtUty.
The Nebraska 8tate Commission to
the World's Fair at St Louis, wishing
to exhibit the finest samples of Nebraska-grown
com at the J3i position in 1901,
a splendid opportunity to the
of this county to enter into
petition for valuable Exposition pre-1
miams as wall- as to widely advertise
their cora-producing lands. Any farmer
who baa grown fine, large samples of
corn is asked to ahip at least twenty-lve
ears of each variety by freight to the
Secretary of the Commission, Mr. H. 6.
Shedd, 414 McCague Building, Omaha,
Nebraska, notifying him of such ship
ment and sending him the bill of lading.
All each eollectiona of corn, if accepta
ble to the Commission, will be sent to
St. Louis and entered in the individual
growers names for the premiums offered
by the Exposition authorities without
expense to the growers. In preparing
ears of corn for such exhibition purpo
ses, the following suggestions should be
The ear should stand on the Btalk un
til fully matured. The earscebould be
dried in a heated room, but toe kitchen
is not a good place on account of the
steam. Great care should be taken not
to shell even a single kernel from the
To ship, wrap each ear separately in
cloth or paper, pack carefully in a box,
staling paper in any remaining space to
prevent the ears from shaking about in
Each box should contain the shipper's
name and address. Ship by freight,
prepaid, to the Seerefary of the Com
mission, 414 McCague Building, Omaha,
At the Iowa Station, in 1898, says
the Nebraska Farmer, 7,000 pounds of
corn were husked and stored in a crib on
October 19. The crib was built upon
the platform of a pair of scales, so that
weighings could be made at any time
without moving the corn or destroying
the normal conditions of storing. The
weights taken weekly during an entire
year ahow some variations due to the
weather. The shrinkage during the year
was 9 per cent of the original weight for
the first three months, 5 4-7 per cent for
the second, 3 1-7 per cent for the third,
and 2 5-7 per cent for the last three
months. The loss for the entire period
amounted to 1,430 pounds, or a little
more than 20 per cent In this case a
bushel of corn weighing 80 pounds when
stored, weighed 64 pounds at the end of
the year; or if calculated to weigh 75
pounds when put into the crib, weighed
00 pounds after storing one year. In a
similar experiment the following year
the total loss in weight for the entire
period was 635 pounds, or a shrinkage of
9 2-7 per cent At the close of this sec
ond experiment the kernels contained
12.14 per cent of water, and the cob 25JJ2
percent The corn used in this test was
in a much drier condition than the corn
used the preceding year, and the season
had a much larger rainfall. These con
ditions largely account for the smaller
The following from the Omaha World
Herald will be of interest to Mr. Black
man's acquaintances here and to the old
settlers who knew the country around
Council Bluffs in the early days: "E. E.
Blackman, archaelogist of the Nebraska
State Historical society, returned to
Council Bluffs this morning, after explor
ing the vicinity of Henton's station, with
N. J. Miller of this city as guide. For
four miles along the bluff fronting the
Missouri river valley, and for twp and
a half miles back into the hills evidences
were found that the place was once a
great gathering place for the red men.
On the summits of some of the highest
hills sun dance circles' were found sixty
feet in diamater and five feet or more in
depth. A number of Indian mounds
were discovered, a considerable collec
tion of Indian pottery and a number of
fine specimens of stone and flint imple
ments. The discoveries made by Dr.
Blackman are not sufficient to enable
him to make a positive identification of
the people to whom the relics belonged.
The fact that no implements or other
traces of white men were found is taken
to indicate that the relics belong to a
period long -before the whites invaded
this territory. By far the most interest
ing result of the trip, however, was the
discovery of the relics of Father Allis,
who came to Nebraska as missionary to
the Pawnee Indians in 183a Mr. Black
man spent a night under the hospitable
roof of Otis E. Allis, son of Father Allis.
the oldest living white boy born in Ne
braska, and the third child of white
blood born in that state. Father Allis
built the mission house at Bellevue in
the days when Council Bluffs was Kanes
ville and Omaha had but one log cabin,
near the present site of the union depot
Mr. Blackman considers his trip very
successful. He found a ledge of lime
rock cropping out of the bluffs, carrying
flint nodules. This is a continuation of
the Nehawka flint quarries in Nebraska.
Great advance ia being made right
along in the medical profession. Word
came from Sioux City, Iowa, the other
day that William Noes, a farmer living
near Pomeroy, had left the Samaritan
hospital for home without' a stomach,
yet feeling well and weighing fifteen
pounds more than he did three weeka
ago. Noas began to have trouble with
hia stomach four months ago, and finally
Um physicians told him be was suffering
from cancer. He was dying of atarva
tion when he arrived at the hospital.
The stomach was removed so as to leave
a flaring end to the gullet, while the
lower end was cut off where it narrows
to merge into the inteetinea. When the
stomach had been removed a funnel
shaped part attached to the eaophagaa
was stitched in such a way as to form a
small sack with an orifice. By delicate
stitching this psasagB was made all tight
The wound was closed and the man given
rood. ow be eata as much as he
AssubaTIOXAI. kidnapping ia reported
from Peterabarg, Nebraska, where Edith
Reyaolda, aa 18-year-old school teacher,
who has bean ia charge of ascaooljken
miles east of Norfolk ia auaaisg sad ia
supposed to have beea atolaa lad taken
to Colorado by aaaaat
ForTaxJocasAL. T
Oh! little eacU of the potato heart.
Lost oat ia tao aspaatata Msalaaaa.
To. mm to be of the sea a pan
ft .UU M if MBB InTiBifa 1
Now f ostar-caild of a noanUia sUde
On the bank of a moaataia river.
Whom wailiag aoajc as a aoal delayed
Calls dowa to its oceaa lover. -
What miahty force, oh! parpls shell,
Astrar oa a eoathera moamtaia
Upballt thaee hill froa the May wall
Aad the aader-world's deep f oaataia?
With the Mauser breeze rockiac.
The Camfaerlaad with iU piajr craat
Uproea oa the billow aockiac
Slowly, aileatlr, peacef ally ap
Not aqr oeaaa aheU defadac
Ita purple heart ia a "lories cap"
The scalloped brim esmbraefac.
Away fioat the iskads fair aad i
Away from the atfaloesaa.
Awaitiac the soac o' th' piaee I
Aad their swayiac slombroae asotioa.
My love f or yoa th lore of a child
Wheal dream o'th' day I foaadyoa.
A moaaiac thiag oa th moaataia wild
With yoar moaataia maids aroaad yoa.
Laarel aad ivy weaTiac yoar bed.
Bright woodbiae htoomiag; over.
While eiagias piaee their shelter spread
'Bore my parple-hearted lover.
Have yoa en aoaght sweet sisters twia
Lost yet ia this lovely ration
la dark'aiac caves as yoar owa Ida
Aad held as a lovely legion?
Sweet troop of the royal hearts be
Haste from yoar dreamy Atdeaa.
Each parple chalice drippiac wiae
Daphne of the laurel tree.
Paebio, Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wade of Co
lumbus, came over last Friday to attend
the funeral of M. J. Fox. Mr. Wade
returned home Saturday evening. Mrs.
Wade visited over Sunday with her sis
ters Meedamea Mike Murphy and Wm.
Schram Miss Winterbotham handed
in her resignation to the school board
last week as teacher in the fifth grade.
The school board at a meeting held
Monday evening employed Miss Belle
Schick of Seward to fill vacancy. David
City Banner.
The Lanoota Journal gives a very
flattering notice relative to E. W. Nel
son, son-in-law of Mr. aad Mra.O. D.
Butler or Una city, part or wtucn we.
quote as follows: "Eton W. Nelson,
deputy clerk of the Nebraska supreme
court, has resigned to accept the man
agement of the Fitzgerald Dry Goods
company of this city. Hia resignation ia
to take effect November 15 or as soon
thereafter as it will be convenient for
him to leave his present position. This
important official and business change
came as a surprise to Mr. Nelson's
friends. He had not thought of nuking
a change, but the Fitzgerald company
made him such a tempting offer that he
could not resist it The offer came in
recognition of Mr. Nelson's well known
business ability. Although still a very
young man, he has held some of the
most responsible positions under the
state government of Nebraska. He was
first appointed to a position in the office
of Governor Holcomb, a place which he
left to accept the office of deputy com
missioner of publio lands and buildings
under J. V. Wolfe. Before the close of
his term of appointment he was chosen
by the supreme court as deputy clerk.
In all of these places of honor and trust
he has made friends among all factions
and parties. Unlike many who have
held political office he has won friends
rather than made enemies. This he did
by his courteous and kind treatment of
all with whom he came in contact
These qualities and his remarkable suc
cess in business affairs naturally makes
his services in demand among business
men, and the Fitzgerald company, one
of the largest of its kind in the state, is
considered fortunate in securing him
for manager. Mr. Nelson was born in
Massachusetts, but has lived in Nebras
ka since early childhood. Hia father,
Orlando Nelson, moved to Colfax coun
ty, Nebraska, in 1878 and has resided
there ever since. Mr. Elon Nelson was
married in 1897 to Mies Sybil I. Butler
of Columbus, Neb, and they have two
children. Hia popularity was attested
by a magnificent reception by state
house friends and others on his return
to Lincoln with his bride.''
Morgan Watkins, one of the old set
tlers of the city, died at his home in the
west part of town, Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Watkins has been troubled for
two and a half years with a cancer on
the right leg and November of last year
underwent an operation, but the discs no
returned, and for eleven weeka before
death relieved him he had been: a great
Mr. Watkina was born March 20, 1843,
in Roffa Beaufort, South Wales. He was
married forty years ago next Christmas,
in Green Bryn Mawr, South Wales, to
Miss Susan Beynolds, aad to them have
been born eleven children, only three of
whom are living. Besides the wife, his
three daaghtera, Mrs. Harvey Miles,
Miss Alice end Miss Elizabeth, eurvive
He also leaves one sister who
ides in Ohio.
Mr. Watkina came to Columbus in
1870 and has lived here continually ever
since. He waa in nature of a modest
retiring disposition, had no enemies and
every acquaintance waa a true friend.
He waa a kind, indulgent father and hus
band and a christian in spirit and deed.
Since early ia the year of 1888, ap to the
time of his last illness Mr. Watkina waa
sexton for the Columbus cemetery asso
ciation. Funeral services ware held Monday
afternoon at the home, Elder James Haas
of Omaha, of the Latter Day Sainte
church, preaching the sermon and con
ducting the service later at the grave.
The funeral was attended by a large
number of friends, aajong them being
the teachers aad pupils of the Third
ward school, where Mies Alice Watkina
haa beea a t eschar for aevaral years.
Gttitf Taenftf,
Wo wish to express oar thanks to the
neighbors aad friends, Kaighta aad
Ladies of Security lodge, the
of the city, the maskaansaad the
of the Third ward school for the sym
pathy sxprssssd ia assay waya ia oar he-
Mas. Hauvbt Mrxxa,
, .jgg3B--l, jajTraiillii-T-T liaaarihrfftfr ' - auWaaaTOiifflaaWaaaaaW iiaar'irJii
aaaaaaasamMMMMMMS ggMJ"ga"g"jgr,gi.L-.. : i!LSmnlna
lb Our Frids ani PatriL
You are undoubtedly aware of the fact, that there
is a movement contemplated by several business
houses to do a strictly cash business. The theory
looks plausible, but after, an experience of 28 years in
selling merchandise of various kinds, we have come
to the conclusion that it ispracUcally an impossibili
ty to adhere strictly to the cash system. In order to
treat all alike we have adopted the following system:
In order to meet all competition, we have reduced
the price on all our goods. In other words, we will
sell our goods at the same price or lower than the so
called cash .stores. This will give the customer that
pays cash the same inducement to trade here as at
the so-called cash stores.
As we are. originators (not followers) we will make
our own price list. For the convenience of such custo
mers who prefer to pay their bill once a week or on the
1st of each monthwe will make the same low price as
to the cash customer. We consider thirty days the
same as cash. v.
An itemized statement of amount purchased will
be clieer fully given tot all who desire. To our Farmer
Friends we wish to say, do hot be alarmed, we expect
to take care of you in the future as in the past.
After careful consideration we have adopted the
above system as outlined and we believe it will
meet the approval of all. We provide for our cash
customers, also our customers who pay once a week
or on the 1st of each month, also for our Farmer cus
tomers. The only ones we do not provide for are the
slow paying customers, for tJie reason thai goods sold
on a cash basis cannot be sold on long time.
We expect to handle the same high grade of goods
that we always have. Do not. be deceived by being
offered at some stores inferior goods as the result of
price cutting. Call for standard goods that have a
reputation. We expect to devote our whole time in
furnishing tlie- people of Columbus and vicinity with
the best the market affords in Groceries, Crockery,
Lamps and Fancy Goods. Our system for handling
your business and delivering your purchases are un
surpassed, in this city. 0
HENRY RflGflTZ & 60.,
Columbus, Nebraska.
Closing Out
at Cost-arid
I have purchased the stock
of goods of C. M. Beecroft ;
on 13th street, in the old
Oehlrich.biiildiiig and in
tend to give the people of
Columbus the benefit of
prices. never before heard!
of m this city and com
munity. Tou are cordially
To calland examine the goods and find
for yourself that
vertising scheme
these goods will be made.
Tours for business,
W E,
Buggy and I&
Wholesale Jobbers & Contractors.
Our goods are of the beat quality to be round anywhere, w am
bought them right in car load lota for eata. We sell them right
and you will save money if. you will come to Oolambaa, bring your neigh
bors along, club together, and bay your goods right here. Freight paid at
wholesale prices, ready for ase. rree lnaoeeaoa ror toe oast judges or toe
country. Brands that have been tested for yeara and found perfect.
Tours very truly,
Oat-Way lataa.
Every day from September 15th to
November 30th, incluatre, the Union
Facile will sell one-way ticketa from
Mmaoari River Terminate (Council
Blufla to Kansas City, indaaiTe) aa
$30.00 to Ogdeo aad 8alt Lake (Sty.
$20.00 to Helena aad Batte, Montana.
$2150 .to Spokane aad Wanatcaee,
$2150 to Huntington and Nampa,
S2&0O to Portland, Tacoaia aad Se
attle. tattOO to VaaeoaTtr and Victoria.
$36.00 to Ashland and Astoria, Ore
gon, via Portland.
$35.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
aad 8aa Diego.
- Correspondingly low rates to. many
other California, Oregon, Waaaiagton,
Montana, Utah aad Idaho aoiaU.
For fall iaformatiou call aa or ad-
tf W. H. Bona.
this is not a mere ad
but a bona fide sale of J
1 HIM-M-
8T00KS, ETC., $15,000
025.00 to Portland. Taooeaa. Seattle.
OXUWtoSaa Fraaeisoa aad Los An-
- $3000 to Salt Lake City, Batte aad
Proportionately low rates to aaadiads
of other point, indadiag Big Horn
Baaia, Wyo, Mootaaa, Idaho. Waaaiag
ton, Oregon, British Oolambia, Galifor
aia.etc Every day aatil November 30.
'xoanat can daily to California.
aonallyeondawtudexoaraknM three
Tourist care daily to Seattle. Iaqsire
of nearest Barliagtoa Route ageat. 8t
iber there ia
aatr. Nebr.
from Oolambaa to B
lead ia the state at vary low
F. T. Wauaa. Baal Estate Ageacy, Co-1
lumbaa,Vebr. 24 J
in Monro Wedaaa-
W. A. McAllister was a Monroe
Judge Rattermaawas ia Platte Gaa
ter Satarday.
Miss Petite Martya haa returned from
a Taut to Chioago.-
F. T.Walker made, a trip to Genoa
Saturday oa bnsjaiss
Sam Maaood waa home Saturday from
hia school near Craston.
Mm. & 8. Dickinson weat to Omaha
Monday for a abort visit
Editor Strother of Monroe waa a Co
lumbus visitor Satarday.
Earl Edmaae of David City apent
Sunday with & E. Baker.
Jovial Denny Roberts of Platte Center
waa a Colambua visitor Monday.
Misssa Anna Goetz and Ella Kersen
brock visited in Shelby last week.
O. T. Everett and Earl Weaver made
a business trip to Creston Thursday.
Henry Stargeoa came ap Satarday
evening from Oarriaoa to spend Sunday
at home.
John WinUeman weat to Norfolk Sat
arday evening to spend a few days with
Mrs. Dr. Neumann returned Wednes
day from Independence, Kansas, where
she visited a
Lillian and Josie Belford spent
the first part of last week visiting in
Lincoln and Omaha.
Mrs. O. T. Everett and baby returned
today from Paekwood, Iowa, where ahe
haa been for several months.
Miss Lettie LsBue of Chambers, Neb.,
visited over Sunday with Mrs. E. S.
Newlon on her way to Lincoln.
Mm. W. T Ernat and children went to
Belgrade Saturday to visit Mm. Ernst's
sister, Mrs. Walter Butler and family.
Miss Rath Barber, who haa been vis
iting her aunt Mm. C K. Daviea several
weeka, left today, Tuesday, for her home
in Michigan.
George Scott, jr., visited at home over
Sunday from hia studies in the State
University. He was accompanied by hia
friend Mr. Giffln.
Vt. u. ifnteu or at. JSdward made a
business and pleasure trip to this city
Satarday and waa the 'guest while here
of his brother, L H. BritelL
Mr. and Mm. Charles Wiae of Argen
tine, Ksnsss, visited relatives here from
Tuesday to Saturday and were the
guests while here of Mrs. Mary Wise.
Mrs. Jasper Nichols of New Virginia,
Iowa, ia expected here this Wednesday
on a visit to her mother Mrs. Paul Hop-
pen. Mies Emma Hoppen will meet her
in Omaha.
Mm. Josephine Partaoh of. Perry, Okla
homa, arrived here Thursday on a visit
to her brother Carl FroemeL She went
to Humphrey Friday and will visit a few
daya there with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. L B. Morse of California
are making a visit of a few weeks to rel
ativea here, arriving last week in the
city. They are on their way to New
York. Mm. Morse is a sister of Mrs. C.
Miss Claire Wetherwax of Ogallala
visited her uncle E. C Worden and Cam
ily from Tuesday to Thursday on her
return home from Omaha. Miss Wetb
wax ia assistant cashier in a bank in her
home town.
Fatal Aedaaat.
C Edminson, brakeman on the Union
Pacific Spalding branch, met death in a
distressing manner at Spalding last
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. He
waa walking on top of one of the freight
cam, when in stopping the train quite
suddenly, the jolt caused him to lose his
balance and he fell between two cars,
striking his head against a rail which
waa probably the immediate cause of
death. The back of hia head was crush
ed and the abdomen punctured by a
projection from the car. Death
probably instantaneous. The body
dragged thirty feet before the train waa
The remaina were held at Spalding
until Wednesday when an inquest
held, the jury rendered a verdict that
the deceased came to hia death from in
juries received from a fall, while at hia
post of duty with the railroad oompany.
Cameron Edminson waa twenty-seven
yeara old and was born in Colfax county.
thie state, where he passed his boyhood
daya. Hia parenta now live in Alberta,
Canada. Besides his parents be leaves a
young wife, having been married about
two years. Short services were held at
the home in this city Thursday morning
by Rev. Luce and Rev. Monro, after
which the remains were taken to Silver
Creek, the home of the wife's parenta,
where interment was made.
Wheat, new 60
Corn, old ahelladVbuahel 30
Oate-V bushel 26
Bye-V bushel 35
Barley, .................. E!
Hogs y cwt. ............. A 903 40
Stock steersHpowt 3 000 4 00
Fatoowa-V cwt...'. 2 253 3 00
Stock steers-Vow...:... 3 00 4 80
Potatoes V bushel 070
Battar-V HftW
Eggs-t docea. 190
Bran, bulk 60
Shorts, " 70
Chop feed. bulk. 70
Chop com, " 650
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
coertof Piatt eoaaty. Wsbraska;
or ia smu of mosss asaasny
nonce of aaal aartlamsat
To tto crsditors, aaba, legatees aad others
asr, deceased, lake aotiea that KlbaV Martha
aad J. A. Taiasr aare fled ia the eoaaty eoait a
resort of tlMirdoiainasezseatorsor the estate
oTmoasa Keaaedy Turner. iIibiiiiiI. aad it ia
that the same stead for anag oa tao
of Hwiahv, mm. Before Uw eoart at
tfce hoar of M o'clock a. at, at which time aar
Thie aotiea ia
ajtoa ia Tub Coixh-
Jovbjul for taiaa
tilths tit id rim ihw ana
mr haa earn the aaal of the
at Cbhushaathie Sam da of October.
I.. 'JJamSJSk
&&'& .? - i
Fssdor was
AuaBBauTa Oa90uaamBaa
1 C. S. EASTON k CO,
Are very
glad to know
they are
in the
. Grocery
O Eleventh St., Columbus, iNobv. aat
Oregon and Washington.
Haadsomely Eioipprl With
Free Kecliaing Chair Caw. DiniBjc Caw. Meala la cart...
Pullman PalareSleepiagCara. BBBtSmokinKan.l Library Can.
ToarfetSleepingCoraaSpecialtr. Piatsch Light-Steam Heat. etc'
Full information cheerfully fumislml on
application to
W. H. BEjYHAM;.tAgent.
Kaaaaa City,
aU.lKmlaaad all
poiats Baat aad
Salt Lake City,
San Francisco
and all poiats
No. 22 PaMeager, daily except Sunday. 7:25 a. as
Satarday 4:30 p. m
No. 21 PasMBger. daily except Sunday. 850 p. m
No. SI Accommodation, daily except
Haaday 30 P.
No. 12. Chicago Special 120a.m.
No. 4, Atlaatie Kxpresa. 420a. m.
No. 8. Oolambaa Local 1t 8:30 a.m.
No. 102, Fast Mail 10 p.m.
No. 106, Colorado ExpretHt 2:10 p. m.
No. 8, Eastern Kxpresa 250 p.m.
No. 2, Overland Limited 5:27 p.m.
No. 5, Pacific Express 2:16a.m.
No. II, Colo. Special 9-X. m.
No. 101. Vast Mail 11:40 a.m.
Ho. l, ureriaaa limited. izw p. m
No. 3. California Exorees
7.-00 p. m.
No. 7,ColBmbas LocaL.
No. 23, rraigbt.. ............ ......
ho. as, xrSBseBgvr. . . . ............ .
No. 71, Mixed .........
. . 8:35 p. m.
.. 6:30 a.m.
.. 7:10p.m.
.. 7:15 a. m.
...1220 p.m.
.. 7:10 p.m.
No. 64, Passeager
No. 72, Mixed
Ho. av, sRsseager . ..... .............. :i u p. m .
No. 71, Mixed 630a.m.
No. 70, Passeager 1:00 p. m.
No. 74, Mixed 8.00 p.m.
Norfolk passeager trains ran daily.
No trains oa Albion and Spalding branch
- Columbus Local daily except Saaday.
W. H. Bknham. Ageat.
One door west of
Hoist & Adams.
Having purchased the C. F. Hon.
hen stock of Drags, Wall Paper,
Paiat. Oils, etc at a great reduc
tion we are martng some very low
prices. Call i
J At 30 to 40 per cent, discount. T
Craan Ssia is Tarn '
All prescriptions carefully
compounded by an exper- j
ienced registered pharmacist !
X tmut's Phamafii.
Manager. I
Tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
At reasonable rates at Grand
Pacific Hotel, Tenth Street.
- I t..J.!rtjMa,.J
WE arc uow, and always have
been making our own prices
and know that they are
legitimate, and only such as will war
rant a sate and legitimate business,
our trade has steadily increased since
adding the grocer, department of
which "w,e are thankful, and we are
not going to be influenced by the
wild-cat prices of our competitors.
We do not have to scale our price on
some goods to make up what we lose
on others. We will say to our custo
mers that they will be taken care of
right. We pay the highest market
price tor all country produce
and. keep everything usually kept iu
our Hues ami deliver all goods to any
part of the city promptly. Remem
ber that we were never tatter equipped
with stoves to keep you warm with
this winter than now, aud we cm get
you repairs for any stove made.
Mat Cut fa
Tbe largest selection of the
Gnest and newest cnttins
eer brought to our city.
Also a fall line of . . .
Yttv tasptctiti taital.
Ed. J. NiewiMer.
Cylinder Cin Shelter
Can do more and better work
than any other aheller sold.
Our wagons will not scatter
your grain while on the road to
market or overtax your horses
with needless heavy draught.
Biggies aid Carriages
-All Kinds of-
Come and look our stock
over before haying : : : :
JsBlaeksMitfc work ami
Hrse Sfceeiig etoae oh short
OaW. Olive 8t foarta door aorta of First
. .. k