3BS1 'SslBl -v L - VOLUME XXXIVJ NUMBER 31. THE HORRORS OF WAR or sz , a-vv C-tei.X .fA" ?-5 OVMf I1X K fc AVV . Snv y- T rSsr wlsJbL f- K? -" cr rr -gTs 2KanV wt--9atfjvnVjiEJ ' ,, snnfiri55rn2 -"fiX. RhH nanBW"Sffr3? nr A-4 V2sXL: t: I jr. VSE9 BUMjk'". PR BnK " I HI r"HHfrl When Japan znd Russia Ready Get Busy It Will Be a Terrible 3low to the Reading Public Minneapolis Journal PARTINGOF WAYS WHAT A HALIFAX PUBLICATION HAS TO OFFER. THE ALASKA BOUNDARY AWARD Dissatisfaction of Canadians Over Same is Unanimous. Present Rela tions With England. It is Asserted. Must End. HALIFAX. X S. The declaration that present relations between Can ada and Great Britain cannot exist much longer -xas made Wednesday by the Halifax Chronicle the leading newspaper supporter in the mancne provinces of the liberal party In an unusually outspoken editorial on the recent Alaska boundary award, the Chronicle expresses what is claims to be unanimous dissatisfaction of Ca nadians at the action of the 3ritish government in the matter The paper says- "This Alaska episode has made it clear that our existing relations can not be continued much longer. We are even now ar the parting of the ways. Our subordinate position has been so clearly and so humiliating revealed that it must speedily bocome utterly unendurable. The Chronicie adds that there are now only two courses open for Can ada, complete legislative Independ ence wirhin. the empira. acknowledg ing the sovereignty of the Inng of England alcne. or the status of an in dependent nation. The paper says there is much to commend the latter steD in particular because it would free Canada from the danger of ever becoming embroiled with the United States on account of its European con nection, and at the same time would secure for the dominion th beneSt of the protection of the Monroe doc trine. LOXDOX Chief Secretary for Ire land Wyndhm. speaking at Dover, said that unless England was pre pared to lose her prestige, she could not afford to see Canada dominated by American capital "Under fis cal reforms, as proposed by Mr Chamberlain." said Mr Wyndham. "Canada could become the granary of Great Britain." He strongly urged the linking of Canada directly with the mother country This, he said, must be done, whether it be accom pished by Mr Chamberlain's method or by some other Walsn Gets Ten Years. MAXILA Lieutenant James W. Walsh, constabularly supply officer. stationed at Mashate. in the province of Tiscayas. military department of Luzon, convicted recently of embez zlement of SLOOO of government funds, has been sentenced to ten years' im prisonment. San Antonio Quarantined. AUSTTX. Tex. Governor Tjihin on Saturday quaraatinec all Texas again San Antonio on account of the yellow fver there. The order is mandatory upon all railroads to oper ate no trains o cr out of San An tonio, j Re-Argument of Oregon Land Case. WASHIXGTOX. D. C The United States supreme court ordered a re-argument in the case of the United States versus the California and Ore gon Land company, involving the land granted to the state of Oregon in 1S64 to aid in the construction of a wagon read from Eugene City across the Cascade mountains to the eastern boundary of the state. The case already has been argued twice in the supreme court. American Arrested in Hungary. BUDA PEST Adolph" Friedman. as. American, has been arrested at, the instance cf the United States an-, thorities. on the charge of fraudulent! bankruptcy in Xew York. Marking the BattiefieMs. VICKSBTJRG.- Miss. The Vlcks hurg battle park cemmissianers of Iowa are here engaged im marking the yytrtnn occupied br Iowa troops during the siege. ijr HSsi'V j?a?fegBvifc :ti r aj. -" TX . VKJf 1 W ? OAfe V 7 d 1 IV .aw, " m 1KS'm 07KV? ENTERS PROTEST. Attorney Barrett Surprised at Being Disbarred. ' WASHIXGTOX. Harrison J. Bar- ! rett. whose disbarment from practice j before the Postoface department for alleged wrongful acts, disclosed by I the general postal investigation, was j announced last week, has written a letter to the postmaster general un ; der date of Baltimore. October 27, ' in which he expresses surprise in view of the fact that he has been furnished no specification of charges and has been given no hearing. The letter says the writer invited a search ing investigation of all his acts, and i was assured a hearing and an oppor tunity to meet any accusations against him. He says he furnished i the inspctors all information asked I of him, though much of its was irrel evant, notwithstanding he was satis- j fled they were seeking his indictment. The letter adds: j "My right to practice my profes sion is one of which I ought not and cannot properly be divested without a , full and impartial hearing according ' to law. The government has pre ferred its charges against me in the . courts and I am ready and anxious to meet them; indeed. I am glad of the opportunity to put this matter in its true light before a court and to show that the allegation that I en tered into an unlawful conspiracy with General Tyner. a man who has 1 lived nearly eighty years respected and honored among men. and presid ed over the department now in your charge, is as absurd as it is false." Secretary Hitchcock, who has been ill with a cold, was at his desk Tues day for the first time since the mid dle of last wek. His first act was to order the suspension of Asa B. Thompson, receiver of public moneys at the land office at La Grande. Ore., who was indicted yesterday on the charge of bribery "And there will be others." he said, "whenever Sim ilar circumstances are discovered in connection with them." He declined to say more concerning the reported frauds in connection with the public lands than that they are receiving careful attention and have been since January S last, when the secretary said the investigation was besran. He also said that proceedings have been, started against Miss Ware, who is a commissioner of deeds and is charged with issuing certificates in 300 cases of fraudulent land entries. Mere Indictments at Basin. DCXVER, Colo. A special from Basin City. Wyo.. says: The grand jury concluded its work on Wednes day and was discharged. Eight addi tional indictments were found in con nection with the German and Wal ters lynclung. but as the arrests have not been msie the names are with held. The bonds for Pat lock and Sa bin have been placed at 110.000 each. The men are still in jail. Roots Are Coming Home. LOXDOX Secretary of War Roct and Mrs. Root will be passengers on tne Celtic, which is to sail from Liv erpool October 30 for Xew York. Contraband Chinese Caught. PORT TOWXSEXD. Wash. Four teen contraband Chinese and Harry Thomas and Fred Anderson, the white men who were piloting them into the country, were arrested en San Juan island on Thursday. They were brought here Friday and will be ar raigned Saturday. Thomas and An derson are entirely unknown to the customs officers, who are thoroughly acquainted with the smuggling frater nity. Have a Hs.rrarz Escape. CHICAGO. EL A dispatch from Centralia. EL. says: W. K. Vander bilt. John Jacob Aster, General Man ager Harahan and other members of. the Illinois Central railroad narrowly escaped injury in -an accident to their special train at Carbondale. EL Through a misunderstanding another train undertook to leave a side track as the special came along. Two coaches of the special were sid swiped.' , . -irTrr1T7r''-t'fcJ't'te snf TiTiilsl I mm ill Tin 1 i'ilTsftV'rBlTaniimrsTrrn'" -' '" l Anssfif-ilnnt'"i ilii If 'ffisTrat jajjtsf'Yr BBTBTBTBsnTsTBsnTssnTsssnrsnTa ALASKAN AWARDS THE BOUNDARY COMMISSIONERS HAVE NOT MUCH TO SAY. VUMTIISNSSmrMTTEi VancMvr RteorM Hew He Reached Paint and Commit isn Made Oeduc tien United States Gets Two 11- ay the Agreement. NEW YORK On account of his oftcial connection with the Alaskan ttibunal Senator Lodge of Massachu setts declined to discuss the award of the tribunal on his arrival here by the steaaur Cedric. Senator Lodge said the members of the tribunal had been very hand- sonMiT treated im London, bat as one or tne arbitrators he couid not even wild seem to require a systematic, venture to say that he was satisfied substantial and immediate effort on with the award and declined to say i the part of the people generally. Dip anything about the attitude of the iomatically, the problem would be an Canadian commissioners in refusing extremely delicate one, and would re to sign the award. quire discretion and experience for Joseph Pope, representative of the I its successful solution." Canadian government, and one of the assistant secretaries of the tribunal, T0 CONSIDER RACE RRORLEM. who also was on Cedric said that the award was of course a disappointment from the Canadian point of view, but offered no farther comment, appr Ing anxious, however, to ascertain Liw the decision had been received in Canada. Former Senator Turner of "Washing ton, another American member of the tribunal was not willing to discuss how the agreement came to be reached, but 't was admitted that the decision giving two islands in the Portland canal to the Unieed States was based on Vancouver's narrative of his voyage of exploration. The question hinged an whether he had called fh arafir tn fha nnfi nf rho island the channel or whether he had gone to the north of them. It was found that he recorded having gone from the entrance to a point of land above the islands in a certain time. To do this it was figured that he en tered the broad channel, followed it up, and turned in betwn the four islands. This led the commissioners to de cide that tne two islands lying near the mouth of the canal and opposite Port Simpson belonged to the United States. Mr. Turner, while he was not willing to discuss in detail the sub ject, admitted that this was true. LOXDOX. Chairman MacRae, at a meeting of the stockholders of the White Pas A Tukon railroad, alluded tc the Alaska boundary award. He said that while he regretted the decis ion which placed twenty miles of their railroad under the jurisdiction of the American flag, it was in eality more i a matter of sentiment than business. cf the Mad Mullah near Hlig, in Ital The reciprocal bounding arrange- . ian Somaaliland: ments between Canada aad the United States would continue. Both coun tries would suffer equally by a dis turbance of the arrangements, and it was more in harmony with the enlight ened spirit of civilization to extend than to curtail them. HUSBAND DELIVERS ADDRESS. Eulogy of Mrs. Booth-Tucker Pro nounced by Commander. j CHICAGO Surrounded by 3.000 , Salvation mourn jrs who had gather- cd at Princess rink Friday night to pay tribute to the memory o Mrs. ' I Emma Booth-Tucker, who was kill ed in a railroad wreck Wednesday ! night. Commander Booth-Tucker, in j a sermon full of pathos, told of the many good deeds performed by the , dead leader. While speaking the , husband, grief stricken and weeping, stood at the head of the casket. When the eulogy was finished there was not a dry eye in the audience. The memorial services were dot- ( here on December wheat have assum ticipated in by many prominent offi- ed fictitious values, cers of the army. At the conclusion , The beard was asked to grant re of the ceremonies the casket was re- lief. President Ballard refused to moved to the Pennsylvania depot aad make any state further than to say started to Xew York. ' he would announce to the exchanro Millionaire Hoanland Dead. ST. JOSEPH. Mo. George T Hoag land. pioneer and millionaire philan thropist, is dead at his home in rftia city. Mr. Hoaglaad was 90 years old and gave liberally to local charities and to Methodist educational institutions. i with the president. He discussed China Sees Pease Ahead. j with him the Cuban reciprocity legis PfcKiXG The Chinese minister at lation to be taken up" at tile extra St. Petersburg telegraphs that while ' ordinary session of -ongress nest the war party has been dominant for president on the award of the Alas a long time, he believes a peace sea- , kan boundary commission, timent is beginning to prevail. I Is Murdered by Burglars. Asks Ssain to Pay Sac the Money. I VTXCEXNES, Ind. William J. En- SAX JUAX. P. R. Secretary of gle. secretary of the Vincennes Dis- State Haj has informed Governor J tilling company, and a prominent- Hunt that he has instructed the Uni- business n, was shot at his home ted States minister at Madrid. Arthur S. Hardy, to claim the $40,000 for Porto Rican school pensions, seized by Spain in the San Juan bank after the American occupation cf Porto j Rico aad daring the armistice which j preceded Spain's from the island. final withdrawal Mercer Denies the Charges- SALT LAKE CTTY-Captain W. A. Mercer, who is mentioned in the suit . of the government brought at Fergus Falls. Minn, against the Common-r wenlth Lumber ccmTnny for timber alleged to have been unlawfully tak- en from the government land, is now f stationed at the Uintah Indian reser-1 Tstian, in northwestern Utah. Captain j Mercer telegraphed, denying chargse of irregalnriry is. r -n with his im Mmmancta. j COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. APPEAL TO CLARA BARTOW. Red Cr Aid WASHINGTON. for aid im her distress before Miss Clara, Barton, the aeai at tie Americas Association of the Bed Cross. Conatantxne Stepaanove, the special Macedonian delegate, tsM Miss Barton of the urgency of the situation, and begged her to take fam mediate action to insure the forward ing of Red Cross relief to Macedonia. Miss Barton asked for detailed tar iiuiuwuuu ma iu uic cuvaciu: sou scope of the aid needed, and said: j "The RC Cross feels that it wonld- be a humane and noble thing; for the American people to undertake to re lieve the suffering in Macedonia. Such a movement would be in. keep rag with American traditions in all similar emergencies. The situs fins. ' in view of the approach of Conference to Be Held at Washington in November. WASHIXGTOX Commenang: Mon day, Xovember 9, and continuing for three days, there will be held in this city an interesting conference on the race problem in the United States. Many prominent leaders In the color ' ed race have promised to attend the cenforence, which is to be held un der the auspices of the Xatlonal So ciological society, an organization for i the study of the condition of the coi- ored people. The object of the con ference is stated to be to "deliberate on the most serious phases of the ,' nCe F1. " formuiate laM for the relief of a strained situation brought about by the presence of the serious problem to discover some common ground on which all of the triends of the cause may stand, and to adjust the different and divergent views respecting the solution of the problem into a definite and harmoni ous proposition." I The conference will also consider the religious, educational, physical , aad ethical aspects of the race ques t tion and considerable time will be spent in discussing the evif influence of urban life on the colored people. BOMBARD THE MAD MULLAH Italian Cruii r Has a rush ht maliland. ROME The government has re ceived the following information con cerning the engagment between the Italian cruiser Lombardia and forces i "Owing to the close watch kept on the Scmalliland coast by British and Italian ships, the Mad Mullah was unable to get arms and ammunition by sea as previously. He decided to , make a desperate attempt to take I possession of a point on the coast I with GOO men, who, on October 14. ; attacked the Italian boat and killed I several men. The following day the Lombardia bombared the Mullah's po- ! sition and obliged his followers to re tire.' PRICE OF DECEMBER WHEAT. St. Louis Exchange Fixes a Basis or Settlement. ST. LOUTS At a special session of the board of directors of the Mer chants' exchange the marginal basis for December wheat was fixed at 87 cents. The meeting was called in an swer to a petition in which members of the exchange claimed that owing to certain manipulations the prices the board's action. The assertion is made by the commission men that De- cember wheat is already practically I cornered in St. Louis. Cullcm Calls on President. WASHIXGTOX Senator CuUom. chairman of the senate foreign rela tions committee, had a conference early on Friday. Engle had risen early to take a rriin for St. Louis. While dressing he heard a noise in the kitchen. He went down and as he reached the kitchen he was met by a volley of shots. Two bullet3 en- tered his head before he fell unecn- scious. New Austrian Emigratieit Law. VDSXXA. The new emigration law , .---!. .,-. ; - .w of Austria, wnich is nnw awaiting the . , . apprt:val ae msus - & a03113365 e y"rffJT'g provision under "hich emigrants of an rlssse? loae tneir Austrian citizensnip. Tisder'tlie new law emigrants for economical rem- sons win continue to be regarded as Austrian citizens and efforts wm he made tn keep in touch tsiT isa'ir tmsnt hi the ccastry tn which, they WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBERS. 1903. DEATH IN WRECK aWOTMTUCKER, SALVA TIONIST. KILLED. MSB H IK SMTA FI a Fatal Was Returnins prfien the KANSAS Cm Mrs. Eama Booth Tacker, eostsvl im America of the Sal azkm Arsty, wife of Commander Booth-Tucker and second daughter of Wmtaat Booth, founder of the army, was kfOed im the wreck of the east boamd CalhTocaia train No. 2 am the Samtm Fe aear Dean Lake, Mo., eighty tre stiles east of sTsiisas Ctty, at 10 o'clock Thursday might. Colonel T. C. Holland, im charge of the Salvation Armty at Amity, Colo., was fatally injured, bat up to 3:30 o'clock in the awning was reported still alive. Twenty others were mare or less seriously hart. The dead and injured were taken to Fort Madison, Iowa. Mrs. Booth-Tacker was rendered un eomscaftns and died within half an hour after being injured. Her skull was fractal ed and she was injured in ternally. She- was on her way from a visit in Colorado to Chicago, where she was to hare met her husband. Al though the wreck occurred at 9:30 at night, it was mot known until after midnight that Mrs. Booth-Tucker was among the injured. The first details of the wreck were' obtained by the Associated Press hi the awraimg over the kng distance tel ennone from. MareeUme, through Dr. D. B. Putnam, who had been at the The wrecked train left Kansas City Thursday evening. It ran into an open switch just outside of Dean Lake. Only the three last cars, two Pull mans and a diner, were wrecked. The Pullmans were partly demolished, while the diner was badly damaged. In the forward Pullman Mrs. Booth-Tacker and Colonel HoDnnd. who were thesole occupants of that car. fans just gone to the forward end for a consultation. Two of the Pull mans struck a steel water tank with such force as to move- it five feet from its foundation and when the train crew reached the scene bath Mrs. Booth-Tucker and Colonel Hol land were found unconscious. They, with the other injured, were after muck delay taken to the depot plat form, a few blocks distant, where ev erything possible was done for them. Xeither regained consciousness and within half an hour the noted Salva tion Army lender succumbed to her in juries. For a time it was believed that the unconscious man at her side was Commander Booth-Tucker and in the confusion this report was spread. CHICAGO Commander Booth Tucker, who arrived in Chicago Thurs day, expecting to join his wife here, was prostrated by the shock of Mrs. Booth-Tucker's death. At the Salva tion Army headquarters, where he ap peared soon after his arrival, he de clined to be interviewed and denied himself to all but his intimate friends. Ensign Agnew, speaking for the com mander, said that he had thus far made no plans for the immediate fu ture. RELIEF FOR THE MACEDONIANS. Red Cross Society to Extend Succor to the Suffering. WASHIXGTOX Constantine Step hanove, special Macedonian delegate to the United States, who is in this country in the interest of the oppres sed people of Macedonia, had a long talk with Asistant Secretary Loomis. Mr. Stephanove is anxious to secure relief for his people, and one purpose of his visit to this country is to show their actual and pressing needs. Mr. Loomis took a lively interest in the matter, but no direct appeal has been made for action on the part of this government. Later Mr. Stephanove had a confer ence with Miss Clara Barton. Mrs. John A. Tngar and other members of the American Xatioaal Red Cross so ciety, at which the subject of steps to be taken for the immediate relief of the Macedonians was considered, and it was decided, through the so ciety to devise means, ff possible, by which snecor might be extended to the Macedonians who are suffering. Will ef Arcftfciahee Katn. ST. LOUIS The win of the late Archbishop John J. Earn was filed far probate. It provides that all of the late archbishop's property, both of a personal and real character, snail be turned over to the diocese. The will is dated December 14. 1902. Im the codicil Rer. John A. Connolly. Rev. John Joseph Hennessey and Bishop John J. Glenmoa, the Inst named now arenmsoop at St. Loam, are Taft May Stay Friar MAXTLA Munsignor Guidi. the Ro man jrelate sent to Manila as apos tolic delegate to conduct negotiations between the Vatican mad the United regarding sale of meld fey the friars, is urgimc set tlement of the matter before Governor Taft leaves Jar mertn TheaDTem or says me mwpea the nsayirfiiusu wffl mis eepartaie. hare re- NAVAL STRENGTH. MwMsb llwssK Almt VsRFtYCv Vy MswV WASHINGTON Rear Admiral Bowses, chief of the bureau of con struction and repair, in his annual' re port to the secretary of the navy re views at length the progress made b this government in naval construction during that period. It is shown that the following additions have been made to the effective force cf the navy daring the year: One battleship, four monitors. twelve torpedo boat destroyers, one torpedo boat and seven submarine tor pedo boats. The list should have been increased by two battleships and five cruisers, the report states, but ow ing to strikes and other causes their completion was delayed. The report states that the "rate of progress of vessels under construction at the pres ent time presents -some very- encour aging indications for completions of many of the most important contracts, but, considered as a whole, the pro gress made daring the last fiscal year has bees very unsatisfactory. Speaking; of the battleship Ccncec- acut. wnicn is being buut at a ?ov- i ?rnment yard, and which is a sister shfcp ef the Louisiana, being built by a private company, the report says that although slightly behind the Louisiana, the progress made has been well up to the present previous aver age of contract. Appended to the report is a complete list of all the vessels in the navy, with elaborate data concerning them, alsc summary which shews there are 252 vessels in the, navy fit fcr service, forty-five building and twenty-three onlt for sea service. Vessels fit for serice, including those under repair, ire as follows: First class battleships, ten; second :lass battleships, one; armored crui jers' two; armored ram. one; single turret, harbor defense monitors, four; double turret monitors, six; protected cruisers, fourteen; unprotected crui iers, three; gunboats, twelve; light iraft gunboats, three; composite gun 'joats, six; training ship (naval acad lmy), one; special class. Dolphin. Ve suvius, two; gunboats under 500 tons, twenty-one; torpedo boat destroyers, sixteen ; steel torpedo boat3. twenty oine; submarine torpedo boats efcht; vooden torpedo boats, one; iron cruis ng vessels, steam, five; wooden cruis ing vessels, steam, six; wooden sai! ng vessels, four; tugs, thirty-nine; inxiliary cruisers, five; converted achts, twenty-three; colliers, seven; lupply ships rnd hospital ships, four teen. The following are under construc tion or authorized: rirst class battle ships, fourteen; armored cruisers. light; protected cruisers, nine: gun ooat for Great Lakes (not begun). :me; composite gunboats, two; steel torpedo boats, six; training 3hips. .wo; training brig, one; rags, two. LAYS DOWN NEW RULE. Inspectors Must Be Permitted to Ex amine Stock on Forest Reserves. WASHIXGTOX. D. C Commis sioner Richards o2 the general land 3ffice, supplementing tarmer instruc tions issued by the Indian bureau. ,ias issued crders to forest officers notifying them that all stock grazed n the forest reserves must be sub letted to the bureau of animal in 1u3try when called upon for inspec tion. That in the event of failure of owners to recognize inspectors of the department of agriculture the same is to be communicated at once to the interior department, when prompt and decisive action will be taken. In event that privilege is being accord 3d owners cf sheep of cattle by the forest officers and their owners object to having their stock dipped or treat ed Commissioner Richards notifies all such offenders that the permit to ;raze stock will be abrogated immedi ately. This order supports the hands of the agricultural department, and is intended to stamp out. a3 far as pos sible, diseases incident to 9heo and cattle grazed on the open plains. Boy Discovers Sun Spcta, DENVER, Colo. Herbert S. Howe, the 15-year-old son of Prof. Herbert A.- Howe, instructor in astronomy at Denver university, has discovered at the upper edge of the sun's disc a new group of sun 3pots as great in magnitude and importance, it is stat ed, as the group discovered by the scientists of the Washington observ atory two weeks ago. The bey made his observations with a six-inch tele scope in the observatory at University park in this city. Harriet A. Richards Dies. WASHIXGTOX- Mrs. Harriet Alice Richards, state regent for Wyoming of the Daughters of the American Revolution and wife of the commissioner cf the general land office, died here Tuesday of heart trouble. She was 49 years eld and left three daughters. The burial will be at Cheyenne. Wyo. She was a descendant of that branch of the Hunt family who served as min its men at Lexington. River and Harscr Defenses. WASHIXGTOX. D. C The annuel report of General George L. Gillespie, chief of engineers of the United state army, fcr the year ended Jane 30. 1S03. dealing with fortifications and river and harbor work, has been made public At present there are provided far the defense cf the United States 105 twelve-inch guns. 133 tan inch gnsa. 96 eight-inch guns. 567 rap Si fire guns and 37S twelve-inch mnr- geSMMMItSSSwwt) ' i IK NDVS Wi smbKE. i:)aOM0 3tMMsMMIriMSI Fifty kinds of degrees axe Strom aj American colleges. One person in every. 375 im the Uni ted States is a physician. The legislative period of a Reichstag is Sre years in Brazil's crop of coffee this equals fifteen-sixteenths of the worid's consumption. The inventor of the safety bicycle, George Shergoid. is dead in an Eng lish poarhouse. Already this year America has skijK ped 0,000 tons of agricultural imple ments into Russia. Considerable surprise was "JH- ed in Paris over the fact that the of Italy did not applaud when dent Loubet took him to the opera there. The Xatioaal Municipal Improve ment association selected St Lenin far the next meeting; next yen- M. 6. M. Bnrllard. Xewark, X. J., was elected president. A new system of wireless tele graphy, in which the earth is seed for the transmission of waves invented by Dario Campana. a young Italian of Leghorn, was tried succesafnUy. The outbreak of cholera at Bethle hem, which was reported October IT. has been stamped out and Che cordon of troops which had been drawn around the city has been removed. John Howard ParnelL who had been selected to contest South Meath in ap position to David Sheehy. is a brother of the late Charles Stewart Pnrmell aad city marshal of the city of Dnhv lin. Australia has, as the result of last year's droaoh. bought, sjsce Jamanry. 7,734.000 bushels of wheat, or its equivalent in flour, from the Pacific coast, and 1,000,000 bushels from Xew York. The Servian government has order ed a large consignment of Krupp gams and ammunition, to be delivered on March 1 next. This Is the first indi cation of a BaTTrsn outbreak in the spring. Mr. Jocfaelson. chief of the Jessup Xorth Pacific exploring expedition, states tEat the tribes which he studied in Siberia possessed characteristias in common with the Indians of Xorth America. The managers of the races at Mem Dhis. Tenn, have offered the owner of Cresceus a purse of $5,G0G for the at tendance of the champion there, on condition that he go a mile in not less than 2:00 flat. General C. A. Whirtierr who was in charge of the United States- cuatoau service in Manila, has just returned to this country by way of the Siberian railroad, having crossed Siberia in fourteen da vs. Official announcement is made in Xew Orleans that all the vast Hogg Swayne interests in Louisiana and lexas. together with those controlled by General Xelson A. Miles, are to be combined in one. There is no truth in the report pub lished in a special disparca. received in London from Rome, that the Italian cabinet has resigned, tiwugh Premier Zanardelli Is willing to withdraw an ac count of ill health. Sir John Cockbum. an eminent Eng lish authority on matters medical and surgical, says that women are less nervous than men in surgical cases, and are altogether better fitted than men to become doctors. The London Exchange Telegraph company savs Sir Henry Mortimer Durand. the British ambassador at Ma drid, will probably succeed the late Sir Michael Herbert as ambassador of Great Britain to the United States. Captain Henry Marmaduke. a son of former Governor Marmaduke of Missouri, is now a man without a country. He gave up his United States citizenship to take part in a recent revolution in South America, which failed, so now he is not a citi zen of any land. He is in business m St. Louis. After years of study devoted to the topic. Prof. Alfred Xewton of Cam bridge stated that without doubt bird migration is the greatest mystery in the entire animal kingdom "a mys tery." he added, "that can be no more explained by the modern man of sci ence than bv the simple-minded sav age of antiquity." General Xelson A. Miles has arriv ed in Los Angeles after a leisurely trip through Texas. Xew Mexico and Arizona. He will remain in Los An geles several days and will then pro ceed north by way of San Francisco. through Oregon and Washiagton. The "trains de luxe." which now cover the distance from Moscow to rhe Pacific 73 sixteen days, and which rival in luxury any in the United States, each carry a physician and an inspector who speaks half a dozen lan guages. The Third battery cf field artillery completed its eight hundred mile march from Chickamauga Park. Tem to Fort Myer. Every wan who start ed from Chickamauga was in line as the battery arrived after its forty-day march. Burglars gained an entrance to the store room of the Deutsch Jewelry company in Cleveland. O- and secured diamonds to the value of 5S.000. In the great coal mines of Bohemia the average wages. Inside, for nine hours is SS cents. Mrs. Ida B. Wise of Missouri Val ley, corresponding secretary of the Iowa W. C T. U.. in her annual report declared that drinking among womes in the state is on the increase. Americans imported J23.412.T7i! J WHOLE 1VUMBER 1.747. . wttttttttwttttttttttttny Tle Old Reliable... c S ABSOLUTC 5AITTY5 b the best thine we . - -. M.m j) s : a e : s r nave u oner, uuicr are of secondary impart- ance. Upon this ba- sis only, do we saHcit 5 yatir business: x I t at e st z Cnluntfaira $ 7 5 State Bank, z nWWsVWWWe c Colunvbus JournaJ, A calSy of X X Columbus, County of Platte, TW Sural ..Nebraska- THE United States, Best tmm. n Un of Measure with Usi. $1.50 (par Tea If Md ia Is as SsHnpli Copies Sent Tree t any Address. HENRY CASS. jwomxtiz-. ZN The Columbus Journal. Any- Reaatwlof CLUBS wlTH THE CFTH2 COU1VTRY. t JffKt j ft s s