'.i TTT- slB3liJ5C--""sv ;- ?;: - x :-; : i : i : : i :::: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li Columbus f onrttaL i - HULST & ADAMS Gnom Qrin Gteiai ft Few Special Pi-tot Hurt Speak LmI J n T UB, flHHM, MHRi l aBSBBT B ! IBBBBBBt BT. eBB JUH BuBVBM, WBB) OC rfeam m - -- . N. i QUALITY GUARANTEED. jF . Perfo, Malted Breakfast Food, regular price 15c sale price 10c All package Coffee. 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar. 9 bars Iienox Soap .. 8 bars White Russian and Diamond C Power, flaked breakfast food, 12c package J Saurkraut, 31b. can Unrivalled Baking Powder, 25c can K. C. Baking Powder, 25c can Calumet " 10c $1.00 25c 25c 10c 7c 20c 20c 20c FanGu'Jartf Inert aH FlwrPt6alt. An excellent opportunity to supply your wants at greatly re duced prices in this line, just when you need to house your flowers. Jardinere and Pedestal very handsome worth $6.00 sale price $4.50 Jardineres handsomely decorated verv handsome 2.00 1.50 1.40 .75 .45 at 3c, while thev 4c, 6c, 8c, 10c, 12ic, 1.75 1.25 1.10 .65 .35 2c 3c 4Jc 6k 8k lie Many New Bargains Every Day. WATCH FOR THKIff. HULST & ADAMS, 11th Street Both Telephones 26. -:-:-:xk:x-x:x::: : i : : 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOV. 1st NOV. 1st CREDIT TO CASH As we announced last week we will on and after Nov. 1st, sell for cash only. As we gave you substantial reasons wherein the benefit of this change will be mutual, we give below a comparison of cash prices with credit prices of a few items which will con vince our customers the saving that can be made by the change. The prices quoted are for goods we have always sold and not pur chased for the occasion. CREDIT PRICE CASH PRICE Granulated Cane Sugar 17 lbs. for $1.00 20 lbs. Srap, "White Russian or Diamond C 6 hire for 25c 8 bars Silk Soap, n'o better made 6 bars for 25c 9 bars Fern Soap 9 bars for 25c 10 bars Xaon, Arbuckles. or 4X Coffee. per p'kg 12Jc 10c Soda, Schilling's or Grays per p'kg 10c 5c Fancy Japan Tea per lb. 40c "35c Tomatoes, standard per can 10c 9c ' " 12c 10c ' extra standard " 15c 12ic " Monarch, best packed " 18c 15c Triumph Early June Peas " 10c 9c Grant Peas, Monarch " 15c 12c Cocoanut, Schepp's lb. p'kg 20c 15c Baker's Chocolate lb. cake 20c 15c Baker'? Cocoa lb. tin 25c 22c Lye. Lewis per can 10c 8c Lye, Rex ! " 10c 6c Best Corn Starch 1 lb. p'kg 10c 6c Best Gloss Starch " 10c 6c Gelatine, Monarch per p'kg 15c 12ic Mince Meat, Monarch " 10c 8c Condensed Cream. Monarch per can 15c 12$c Milk " ' 15c 12c Vinegar, pure apple cider .per gallon 30c 25c Currants, Thanksgiving lib. p'kg 12c 10c Heintz Queen Olives per bottle 25c 20c Yeast Foam per p'kg 5c 4c Uneeda Biscuit ' 5c 4c Zu Zu Snaps " 5c 4c Baking P'der Monarch pure cream tr'trl lb. can 50c 40c Hunt's perfect .1 lb. can 25c 20c Schillings J. lb. can 50c 40c Horseshoe Tobacco .per lb. 50c 45c GRAYS'. Both Telephones 27. :-::': :::: : 1 1 1 :--:: 1 1 : i n 1 1 1 u i m i n m i m h i h COLUMBUS CREJUI CO. Greamri antf Dalri Daptft. 5 .X. Creamery Batter Sweet Cream Butter Milk Cottage Cheese. flffffte far DaUIVJIL CREAM SEMMTOM. WTBSBBBBSMX. OfTlVJBBBl Sft. SBBL t Sbb th tW wfc a0 l - mM W lmA au ti m is Tb1 il waaBBm, Mj&bsb K w ! rBHBBfav tftk Bfam. fSta BtaM. SWW mtmmt mn V MB WVSSv Mmw XBS) MMM WBS OBCm IB rMHIl . . - . iseB)iB& L.aitMi u fc- ait. Akv kA Dr. rami, iwat tst. n.fcM - - - - -n v ""wemeBWMssmsBswsp eaeaw s xisses seven ihn aiewimaai a imimi at au graa mmj , mrm . k b,j a g stii Im --- -- -- ijmiI m ...,, ' Th-TTaii- rwiiii - . . wiaiaaiia jMnafik. aa mbim mM 7ra . ,. fc """t F, OTppart a( wary vaav ia tav kaaw aity. 'aw aaa saav Jua M0nH iawaa ; '" lualaaa olaataad. Bahaa MwadanataaaaaffiyattBhaad. kairfai aar kaafcaad,4ra aoaaaadfoar 12 &f IM aaAA a aaaMav va w ai a A.a 4iSa k 1 k& A. fliHal aJHaVBaaB 9BAaa tS fttaA SlaaW kiBsaBiB. flavMLl AflaaaarBaVaa BflavaT aVaaflar aVaAaV aa &1 ar & ssak AMSNHaBkaBaalarF feaay vpaMa laaa a vaaaas. Or aaSaaiBBaw VaW VWa waaftaaa VMaataftaw m tt m P W fJBHBT OC fjHMflfB flHKDCS TkeWUteFrwtOryCrMil -For Bent, tk -DalaaMa" kaam ,,h'T'? 'g kyM.-!r niiiy. aa at towa Friday aaaiac Sttre. F4lW the Crw4. Iaaira at tha Ootaaihaa fHali Baal SSfT-Z!?! Iiaiili to aataaaiaa aa aV ia i ffcai n nm.anamfitairfaj Waatad, a girl to do gaaacal haaaa. y.r . JHL .22 ? tkaay. HawiH ratara ia Kofaataar, j aieiaa aad aanaoa, poatnaVa bafldJag. work. Affij at naidaaaa of A. HaifhL Zm!!ZF!ZLK7 apaa aair atoaa aara far i -XaatoavaUatkaaalatxatadBadiant Do aot fafl to aaa oar Meat amlfa- aad aai laataaa aaawad a daaa atadT at "? V? 1?Th?r J " : Ham B aj, aj afiMfir iaad ataal aull for S33J8L A.Daaaall4 - " " D,,W,M S n tf ' Oaaaa aad Daavar, aad will fat tba S ""m- nM J. Ik Saarrar aad Ed. Laaaaaaa, aMaaaaaMataf ataua kata iaaaadaof 3 Artia . Pwi, Tinfakt Papita Tha Haraalnr girk' ctab wara aatar. MJirii - . !,,",, a1, jy eoaaay aoadaet " m sHHb a r aHKy BBar aaipaaiKaaiyy wara as aa taav aaaaaawi avarywaara ia aa aa to s mm n . h. wmj7 xnumj mommg anar taaar aaniiaai data way, faraJaMac taair ipluj m -Dra, Martya,CTaaa,Oaar k Baa- TaaytaUaathayaarataaaaataaada ialaiaala ia taia aart af taa aoaaty. with aaifcraM at ataty atation. I pkoaa taawi oa aal af Oatabar, aad yat npanma; tnawoaw ara oaaw taaaa troai Tinat in taa viaiaity. Giaataatof aUaiab at Kiawoaaar. Saa axwda on diaalay in aortaaaat wiadow. Dan Ecaola kaa a poaition in tba ooaaty traaaarara oaVa, aad Bagaa aia work taara Moaday aiaraaic. Miai Julia Fozwaa aaabla to attand kar dntiai in tka tlapaoaB oflos part of onaocoantof Ebar Sautk, who kaa basn kardicfr in waatarn atataa dorina; tha anm- ; ia aow at work in Salt Lake City. A gold watch rained at $35 goes at tka greatest of grab aaka at Niawokaar'a. Saa Bortkeaat window for diaplay of goods. Wax Sebik aaakaa koota aad akosa in tke best atylaa, aad aaaa only tkerery best stock tkatoaaka proearad in tka tf . 1 H 1 i II I U 1 1 HI III I II II M.I 1 1 111 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1.3 1 I.I J III 1 1. Jtiam In the meantime, follow tka crowd to E. D. Rtzsatock's, the White Front Dry Goods Stare, aad saa' what yoa can gat for yoar asoaey. The Albion Argae aaya: "P. A. Kraoae's sixtk girl arrired Wadaaaday, bat it was a boy like all tka rest so Dr. Thompson isamta." The marriaga kaaa of Jasaas Haaey, jrand Miss Alsaa Sagalka, daaghter of Chirks Ssgalke, were annooneed in the Catholic ckarch Sanday aioming. -ay tha test Tka Tryker Piaaa leads them all in conatraetaoe, iniah, dorability and prioa. Sold on monthly payments. Aaditoriam Maaie Co. Miss Sarah Baker.aiater of Mrs. J. E. Erakina, retarned last weak from Yankton, Soatk Dakota, and expects to make kar kome kere with he Irs E. Gates of taia vicinity has been aamed to eerre on the grand jury at the Norember term of the United States district court which will cooTene in Omaha. H. G. Parson of this city is extra good at rifle shooting, holding the cham pionship at tka local gallery here, his record beiag 166 straight hits at dock tirgats. The first complete oar load of poul try, 45,000 bead, whiek kaa bean shipped from Colomboa, waa pat ia tka ear last Friday by Joan Sraatockef aad E. F. Yoankin, and billed to California. Harry Byan, who kaa been in Wyo ing the past summer, retaraed last week to Colnmbas and will resaaia kere dar ing the winter. In tkeaariagke expects to locate permanently in Colorado. Mrs. Parry Loshbaugh stepped on a rusty nail Tharsday which nearly want through the foot. The limb within a akort time after was swollen to the knee, and she has suffered much from it The Catholic eharch people of Dun can are mating arranasaaents for the purchase of a pipe organ, which they expect to hare in place soon. The in strament will be a good one and a credit to the eharch. The Humpkrey Leader, (democrat) in speakiag of Jadge HoUenbeck gives his leaideaee aa Colnmbas. Brother Herbas skoald gat better acqaainted with his candidates Jadge HoUenbeck was aerer a resident of this eity. Tkaraday night the hsBTJaat frost of the aaaaon nipped flowers and Tines tkat had not before been affected by lighter frosts. Many plants aave bloomed oon tinaoaaly, aad tka kardy flowers ware not affected to any exteat aatfl Tharadsy. H. ffeiswin held the lneky ticket No. 8734, which drew the store at Grays' last Saturday. Several haadrad people ware waiting on the sliest for tke hoar appointed, and tke good natarad crowd to enjoy tka excitement of the Tke coal dealers aaya tkat kard coal will be plentiful tka winter, bat tkat there is bow a ehortage of soft coal It is thoaght, however, that after the rail road companies have tke grain delivered to sjarkat tkat tkeaoal eapoly win be sll that coald be Mr. aad Mrs. Will Davis retaraed Wadaaaday from Iaacola where tkey took their six weeks old bake to be aponattkeCoQsgeTiewSaai Tke iintinii n aaiinsaaTal aad tke child "will be left there a few tke Wsated,forU.a SamaamaaVVwffafl bbbbbbbI ffaaaatwM 35, eitsteaa of TJated of 21 aad of gaod For Nov. S to 30, 19Q& WANTED, Live ageats to esll Dr. mTaaaar'wl FlaaaaaiBaa Uaaasiweak J Y 1, Care ilaaikaff. kair fimag awl, Bead ite far sample (half priceX Write awiek. Tka Dr. White Tlieliii Oemb CeDseatar,IlL tf Prat. Kara atsaadad tka atatsaaao tsaiiaaai m T isn Friday. Tke mast- BBBBaVBBBaS aaaaaffa aa taak aaaaPaaaaawaV aaBBBftaaaaaaaaaa tka kaad held ia tka atsas. F.&WO- Tkey tell aa they have tka at tka Tkaratoa Aaaax. Aay doabts? AakEaUy. tf Dr. MeKaaaw method of plates equality witk gold. Garlaad'a "Wonder of tke Age," gmaraatasd to hold fire 24 hoars baras alack. Sold only by Eaaton. M.Watkiaa,wko has bssaoonkaed to has bed for ten ported Monday as ei Jos Stovieak has baaa given tka position of Bight engiaear at tka water works station and began work Moaday. "Piano tuning." Mr. Earl C. Brisk, the reliable piano taner, will be ia Columbus Nor. 16th, aad era! days. Wanted, a good girl for boose work. Apply at J. H. Gallsyv dance, corner of Fiftssatk aad Mar- 7 Dr. Palmer of Bancroft waa tka guest of Bar. Cash over Suaday, aad preached in the Epiacopal eharch both morning aad evening. Prof. Floyd Gail, principal of tha Silver Creek schools, accompanied by three other teachers af that place, visited the Golumbas eehools on Friday. Mrs. Peter Elantachy of Daneaa is in a very critical condition aa a result of a stroke of paralysis last weak. Ska ia an old aettler aad nearly 70 years old. The High school and business eol lege foot ball teams played a practice game Saturday. The resalt of 29 to 0 in favor of tke High eckooL Carpenters Union No. 1201. lar meetings every Satarday night. Vis iting brothers invited. E. J. Scott president; Chas. Wurdsmaa, financial secretary. The Grand Island and Cotambas High achool foot ball game which waa to have been played next Satarday in Grand Island has been called off by the boys of that'town. Word has been received here an nouncing the death last Wednesday of Mrs. A. H. Ives formerly of Colnmbas, later of Carlson, Iowa. She was 64 years old at the time of her death. Marriage licenses warn issued dariag the past week to the following aamed parties: A. G. Layton aad Lottie B. Pace, both of Humphrey; & Mittra and Julia Barniach both of Cotambaa. Charles Deck moved into aia aew home last weak which he recently pur chased from B E. Jonas, and Robinson who occupied tha pi moved to the reaidance of Dr. Homer reausat ass Bar. Lace has made to preach every otker Suaday in the Richland Methodist church, dar ing the winter months He will deliver his first sermon there next Sanday. Win. Snyder lost a valuable Jersey milch cow Satarday. She harems entansied in a rope with the result of a broken leg, which injarsd kar so badly that they were compelled toekoot her. The first issue of the Silver Creak Sand, edited by D. F. Davis, reached oar table today. It is a creditable, newsy little paper pabliehed ia book form and will no doabt meet the ap proval of its patrons. Tke Woman's Home Companion for November is, as usual, fall of good things. Beauttfmlly fllaatratad, with charming stories, it is always wsleosaed in the home. Yoa can procure any news dealer for 10c The Gray Mercantile Co. oaN bar 1st will discontinue tke credit ness and esll only for cash. Bead advertisement this weak wkere tkey will show yoa by comparison tke earing ia paying cash over tke old credit way of doing business. Willie, the eleven weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Warniek, died last Tuesday from catarrh. Tke fnaeral ser vice waa held Wednesday artaraooa aa tke United Brethren eharch. Bar. Lokr officiating, and tke remains were laid to rest in tke Colombaa cemetery. Homer Bobiaaoa of tkis eity parchased the kardware aad furaitare store of Oieoa k. Ekmaa of Newman Grove, and aa keiaaaaaaof goodbaai neas.jadgment aad a kaatlar, will ao doabtdo wall taara. H away will wish aim. abuadaat Mike Savage kaa moved to hie Uy parchased home, tka property of Mrs. J. D. Brewer. Mr.Bat- of Hampkrey moved Iris fssaily Moaday and will eeeapy tke raa vstttedbyMrSavage. Mr. tertontxavaki for tka J.LC Tke laaaaa af tka maairil aaaart meat of tka Wemaaa dab, apoa iavita tioa, apaat last Taeeday ftafassa at tka eoantry laaiilaaiis of Mm HaJatr, aortkeastoftowa. Secad saaass kecped to peas the time, aad before the pat tiai paals islaiaiil In Isn litj. lafieamaasai asvwa yoaag suja givssg isasr avar- aigkt aad ladgad hi jafi. Tkey waaa they elaamad wara aa Omaaa. Tka sokes keld them kata, bwt aa ao aaaaarj ao isnsiisi is regard to them aad aa eaamaey at tka jsil, saaaaag aa aamai aapsaae as saa mmj. xmi aamaa art af tka Batk ara wortfcy, aaajpataat mea tar tka will -M.E.Damaiagfwho tka Beeeroft dry gaods staeksi saold aattlar of Polk oaaaty. t af Shelby, aad kaa aaaay oagtheold Mr. Oaaaiag hm af tka property. The toauatiaae to OnC( tBaamUT Wmm&tm Oalambwatkaiikraaa. A kaaaa taleat play wfll be ahoat tares weeks aader tha. t of A. B.Tomaoa of tbeCblambae city library. Farther of the plans will U given later. As tke library is aatirely for tke was of the paklie, it ia expected tkat tka itertsiameat will he liberally patroa ed by the Colambaa people. Five of tka tsanhara from Oasaola ted tka Colambaa aehoola Moaday. This ie the sseoad time within oae week tkat neigkboriag towns have aaat their to Colambaa to visit our sckool syateai, tke tespkars from Silver Creek eoming Friday. Tkoae from Osceola teadaat Stothower, Mrs. Baara, Mrs. Nixoa, Miss West aad Mies Joy. George Fairekild waa in Wedseaday aad Tkaraday of attending tke grand lodge of Odd Fel lows of the state of Nebnaks. Mr. Fair ekild waa appoiated grand kar aid, oae of the twelve eaaees ia the graad lodge. This is the third tisss an cases has basn held in the higher order by a Colambaa sare ahoat five Bandied from different pacta of tka t. , of tka city are kaviag a war between tkeaesnhrea, aad from present indieatioaa tha trouble mayeoatinae for aometjmo. Tka eat Btpriess bagaa over a week ago, and in last weeks iasaeof Tax Jovxhal tka Gray Mercantile Co. made the annoaaeement tkat after Norember 1, tkair satire buataess would be coadacted oa a cask baaia. It is net at all improbable that otker stores in the eity will aooa follow tha eame systeax We have a few copies of the eity ordinaaeas, bound in leather, that we will dispose of at a reasonable price. These books were prated ia 1866 by Tarn Jotnoux compiled by the. late C A. Wooaley under the direction of tke eity council, aad ia tke last printed work gotten out by tke eoaaeil. The book ia valuable to aay oae ia any way eoaneet ed with the city government We have but a limited namber. See them at this Tke Genoa Times saya that Hannah Wsstins, throagh kar attorneys, Boss Bros. Bead, has roamteared an aetioB in the district eoart against the village of Oaaoa for $100. claiming physical iajaries to tkat amoanL Tka plaiatHf allagaa that eke waa injured by falliag into a ditek oa tha streets of Geaoa late last fall, whiek had bean excavated. It is understood that tke hoard will employ aa attoraey and fight the esse to a finish. Mrs. Martha & Gielow, who gave a recital here Monday evening ander the assiees of tha High school athletie or ganizatiooa, met with the favor of those who keard ker. The faitkfolness aad devotion of tke old black "mammy'' of tka aoath as a aarse was portrayed in a way to bring forth both tke pathetic aad tke haajaroaa aide of aegro life ahoat the time of tke civil war. Ms. Gielow recited her own literary prodaotioae aad the aonga wkack ake saagwere of kar own eompositioB aad writing. Mrs. Robert MeCray, Irriag ia tke aorth part of the eity, on Satarday moraiag last sast witk a peealiar acei deat She left tke koaae raaaing into tke street to attract tke attention of tke driver of a meat wagon to give him an order for tha aooaday sseal, when ake stopped into aa aaevaa place in the groaad, fell heavily, hreaMisg the right arm jast below the elbow. Dr. Martyn waa called aad rednead tke fraetare, bat it will be aeveralwaaka kafore ake will keabletoattead her keaaakold daties. Pater Sakautt, tha aullar of Shell creek, royally eatertsiaed from three to five kaadrad iavited gaests at aia kome A great many leading mer- of tke city, tagathar with people tka pleaeaat Mrs. pkmitt prepared aa elaborate spread far all present, tables beiag est aa tka laws aad in tke koaae where aassja wara sarvaa aanag taa afteraooa aad imaiag Prnmiaeat mea ia tka aart af ealeeaatmmef tka ccasplataoa af n irtkaw part ia aad aroaad aia mffl. Tka falls a mi frem tka Iaaaaaa Jowraal wiO be af interest to tka Gakaav Mr. Carrie dariag kas atayia tkat city. Ha waa eaaaleyed kyMr. Baardaley far several meatka: -Joka Carrie, wke yeaas age by strntsag astataeof Akra yaara. Heieaewa iiiiilut of Blair aad BBBBBBBBBBmaai bbbbbbbbbI aBBYaaBBBBavfrwr Vas as wjwaa&eft. east of tarn city, Mrs. Loaiea Heikel, wife of flihart Haikal, Moaday morning at 1 JO o'asoek, after an ilhMss of 24 with ksmorrhsgi of tke brain. ras born in Oidenbcrg, , 46 years ago, and eame to aboat 1872. She waa married to Mr. Heikel ia 188a Tke kuebead. meaadfoaTdsaghtersareleftto tkair loss of a loviag wife aad Fanaral sarvicea will be keld tkis Wednesday morning in tke Shell church at 1030, Bar. Graaenborst iBtarmaat will be made in Luther aa cemetery. Whoa tke aftaraoon palliag into town from tke eaet Monday, aaya tha Geaoa Leader, Fagiaar Riley discovered an Tadiaa boy lying on the ealvart jast below tke achool sslaap. Tke aoy waa laying between the rail and tbegwardrailof the culvert sad had be aot kaaa awakeaed by the train he woald aot have been injared, bat jast sa tke pilot paaaad aim be raiaed his head aad the step oa the engine struck him on tke kead kaockiag kirn off tke cul vert. Bat thea the train backed down to pick ap bis ramaiaa, it aad already picked itaslf ap aad waa limping off toward tke achool baildings, ceasing the train for distarhtng his slumbers. Cila GtwNwS tf H aWSwiTaplMwS 11H1S, EBESE HDS in their season, and the many other necessary articles which make a first-class grocery store, will be found : : at HENRY RAGATZ ft GO NEW STORE eeeClTfBjfci$, MlwflllaeaB P 1 13th Stmct. s 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Heary Labker traded his entire of implements and baggies to Loaia Latjekarms for a 200-aere farm in Colfax eoanty aboat eight miles north of BsBtOB. Part of tha farm was home steaded ky Mr. Latjaaaraia' father and is ia one of tke bast farming communi ties in thai part of the state. Mr. Lab ker gives immsdisrs possession of his bat will ram sin in the city until t apriag at least before moving to the farm which be expects to make his home. Mr. Lutjekarms needs ao introduction to tkis community kaviag lived in the city aad in Colfax eoaaty many years and aia good basinem principles are well kcowa to tkoae who have had dealings with hiss. Mr. Labker retires from bas- with tke best wishes of his many BhBBBBBal yv- AW TpXjI'i1 "1l BY yVVrBBm ill r i ww Nut The fad of the dav for tots and the al most -grownups you'll be surprised at the number of fun-making games that can be played The NovemberDEsiGNER tells you all about it gives full rules for the games and suggests good things to eat in keeping with the spirit of the hour The Old Woman wa. Lived ia Shoe a play and drill for the wee folk, is also given in this number beautifully illustrated by Alabei Humphreys. The Designer to cents a number cents ayesr-at our Standard Pattern Department. a -ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -ft . ft ft ft - ft ft ft ft -ft ft -ft ft : At tke graad lodge meeting of the Odd Fellows sad Bebekake keld in Lin coln last week the following officers were sleeted. For the Odd Fellows: F. H. Ellis of Laurel grand master; F. B. Car- rick of Cosed, grand warden; L P. Gage of Fremont, grand secretary; F. P. Bryant of Omaha, graad traaaarer; O. O. Sayder, representative. TheBebekaha elected Mrs. Livingstone of Fremont, president; Mrs. Carriek of Cozad, vice president; Mies Lyan Satkerland of Omaha, grand warden. The memorial address was read by Past Graad Master C A. Patterson of Omaha. In speaking of the oldest Odd Fellow Mr. Patterson said: "Henry J. Hadeon waa the oldest Odd Fellow sad received his first im prasrions in Manchester unity, London, England, at the age of 18 years. He eame to Nebraska in 1857 and located at Colambua. He was received in the American Independent Order of Odd Fellows in 1874 aad became a member of tke grand lodge in 1877. Hewasachris tian gentleman aad mach tribute waa paid to hie memory as a man. Hie fel low towasmea spoke of him as a man 'active in motaoa, progressive in spirit, ambitions, religious and generous.' He was appointed postmaster at Columbus and served hia fellow towasmen in a moat satisfactory J. H- GALLEY. !!. iaaa a aaaaaaaaaaa t -ft r t ' t & ft " ft -ft ft ft -ft ft -ft -ft -ft -ft -ft ft ft ft DiMin iincT i sgsin demonstrated daring oar opening week. Hundreds of satisfied customers are the best evidence of the merit of our millinery in which excellent styles and low prices are the rul ing sprits. You cannot afford to bay a hat before seeing our display. Hundreds of the newest designs arriving continually. I am in the millinery market every day, which enables me to buy the new styles as fast as they come oat at prices at about half what yoa woald pay elsewhere. J.C.FILLMAN'S Lawrence McTaggart writes from Chefoo, Ckina, to his parents here, of hm navy life, parte of whiek we quote, as we know his Colambaa friends will be inter ested in his experiences. The letter is dated Sept. 12: "There is a big fleet here aader 'Fightiag' Bob Evans, ss he is called. We aave amaaements every day in baaa ball games and boat races. Today tke 'Wisconsin' raced with the 'Kentucky,' the former winning the paras. We have jost-come in from tar get practice, which we aave every six moatks We alao had practice in rsscu iag a man ovarboardl They time ue in sewing how qaiek we can lower a boat aad loscne the man. Tke weather here is something like the states in the fall hot in day time aad chilly at nights. We aas Mexicaa money kere, aad a dol lar ia worth aboat 48 cents in oar money. No wonder a Ckiaamaa wko goes to America can come back rick. We don't aas aay koraas to speak of, tke people do tka heavy work themselves. Tkey have a rig that tkey eall a 'rigsehaw' end they will all lineap along the dock when we gooa shore aad try to gat aa to take a ride, all aftaraoon for 30 cents. Ton what we got to sat. Well, we have aoap, giager-bread. aa pretty good, espe cially wkea wa are ia port, bat oat at saa wa gat kard task qaite often. We asm soak it ap ia ear coffee aad make a easel oat ef it. There ia a big German battle skip kere today, aad wa are goiag to visit it. Tka Germaae are all right witk tka bear, kat tkat ia eometkiag tke Amarieaa skips am gaissf If yon are drank er disorderly ar take 'booae' on wfllkeaajtiatkejailfora thertwaaawekavegettobecare- faL Taa akiaa kere aave beads, sad we ." Lai Ji Sept, SL eayiag they had tkat they tka straits, or iakaad sssa, aad aave manse every evwaiag, wrete a latter from Tokokonsa, WE OFFER FOR FALL WINTER SEASON A VEBY COMPLETE LIXE OF Men's and Boys' Clothing rieaeman Made in the best style, finest fit, at prices not any higher than what others sell vou inferior goods for. We carrv the largest line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS at a very low price. Our shoes all made up for us especially by the foremost manufacturers of the country. A large stock to select from for man, woman and child. You will not run the risk of getting shoddy or shelf-worn goods if you buv of us. Shte Repairing Neatly and Prtmptli Dent. Msehholz Bros. 411 Eleventh Street Mr. aad Mrs. A. E. Hatson and F.E. Strotber of Columbus were in Monroe Wedseaday visiting relatives . . . Charles Keiley bought the gas plant this week aad is kaviag it hauled and put in con dition for oae. The tanks have been eleaaed aad pipes are being taken up aad relaid.... Poles have been distrib ated for a aew telephone line northeast of town. This is the use that is to con nect with Platte Center, and when com pleted will add enough sabecribera to ntke a list of one hundred patrons. Moaroa Ropablicsn Have yoa seen the Tunison atlas we offeriagowr eabscribers? Ask to see aad you will be convinced that yoa it ia yoar home. Only 3&40 paye lor oae of these large books sod a years taTnJocssui. DK. J. E. PAUL, DENTIST. Niwohar block, coraer 13th aad Olire atmCa. CotaabM. Jfebr. vBB& Gas adimwis tered far psis less extractiaa af teetk. Reaidesce TIphoee L. St. OCee Tefephoee A i. When yon wish gaod. Beat, cleaa kandaosaw work doae at tke bse of Btiatiag, sail at Tarn Jocaam, aalss. i? vei- .itASr---. .i-leJSL? kZ:t'is!i'Z . WftSiM?t iSlfewSfeKES. -- e . jrit.Mj'. efl.-jr:.- .a I'll tatflaaailtfi