..-- . .... . g -Mjm; .-;;:- (W f '.'if VJll ViLUvU 11111X15 (giJUAIull- j VOLUME XXXIV. NUMBER 3K COIXMBUS. NEBRASKA. ItNESDJET. OCTOBER 28. 1903. WHOLE NUMBER 1.74 .. t--.;: U: V '--. .if . CLERKS LET OUT THREE IN THE ROSTOFFICE OE- PAftTMSNT DISMISSED. MOIE WILL BE MOPPED SMN Cawtra-t-. te Favored lid- and Were Extravagant and Was-efu One is Guilty ef Petty Smuffsfinc. WASHINGTON. D. C pGtaster General Payne on Wednesday remov ed frcm offce ichael W. Louis, su perintendent of supplies ef the post ure department Louis Kempner. w Te -e Waited States suastan h;ef of the registry division of the uaJI -11 the t-rritory The line corn third assistant postmaster general . Pleir clears all the bays and inle-js 3-- and C H Terry, a SW d-rfcr in Jie postcfiee dep5.rtn.ent. and direct- id the pcstaster at Nr York to re- tnov Otto Wets, a clerk. aese r-movais are th- first result a Fourth Assstaa; Postmaster Gen eral 3ristow"s reporr en tne irreru lanties in the nosroSce department. lnfc.Tar.cn on th contemplated di. chargsp did not lea. oet nt the depart ment nntil after 4 o deck, and at 40 the postmaster zezenl mace an c!L ciai anncrmcemeni of hr? action a foiG-r -Michat; -CT." Itis --. n . - n-r. ed frcm the cfSce cf sutrintendent. 3f the diTisn cf supplies because theTec-nt inTesxiatlcn shc-rs that he innuenced the a-rardin? of contracts for supplies to favered bidders, that h has been eitravaxanr and -"asre- fcl m the admnitratu:n of his of- ' re. and that . has paid escesrive prices for sipphes to favored contm--tsrs. i "Lcms rempner superintendent . Oi e rejnstry system, haj for mcomoetency. fcr reckless e-rravaance ben remove "-stefuI and sending ei- , pensive manifold remstry books to . la-Te number of small fourth-riaw oces. and for vioiatinft the rev ue I la -"s oy a system of ptty smundinr. - r t.-- .7---- -- -r -sj ,-j - - - V 4 . 4 4l . Al. . at the supplies, has been remi ovec for oakcz faL aSdavtts attemptms to obtain monev from the cJ t -ks under ! the ruis that he could influence their promotxin. and general ceciency.- The postmaster aeneral also stated I tnat tne postmaster a- Ne- York had fc-n directed to remove Otto "Veis. clerk in the Nei- York postoSce. for coaectmsr money from clsrks to influ ence iesislaaon and to secure promo pen. in reply to questions :Mr. Pavn said rh discharges -cere tne result of dis desares made bT the 3nsto- repon. "I anve read th report. he said. nnd am tree to say that my acnen as the resl o: .i perusal" HUNTING FOR MORE FRAUDS. Mcney Maee by Seiimg Cans and Est- 3arrli. Ni.V YORK. The Tar depart sa invesrinaisz cuarsr-s of ho-esai" fraud in t- 5arrermas--r" &-parTm-nt ca Governors Island. Jame L Svil -:so i tinned his H-rksnip r. ts qiarTe-m3-.er'5 de partment of constra-Hjn a? Gov ernor's Island, and F K. Herald, chief cl-'rk of the qu3rerma5er IecarT raeat ar tha. pc?T. have been lor years .'inr tne empty h! cans and afl barrel-, thai accumglate in isree quantities at that p.j?t. and thar no iccocn'inu has ben made to the cov-emm-n? of Th- proceeds The bar rel have a market valse of JL15 ck OWES DEPOSITORS ScOOOCO- Peci- Get Scare- zr.z Witr:arv Funsa. Cauris a Failure. M--.vHTO CI i i That portion of tht catamenity nr &esHr. Trith tn varioes American i.Ji'rk te thtf city save rrt?E eicKi over tfee fzihnv of is.e i-Siernanenil Bank and Trust cca-paa-. 'iioh hau an o5v in N-w York id hrrtr Recent rtac hai potntTrd i trot Wc ctff.:ng' far th- tnstcutxn. and Pt-k-nt Hent. la an intrviw. ays :ii: th-c- cans? ot ti eiosmg a; noh inj" mort or !t tnan enormous "itii-cra-s-ais of funds y ceporitors. TTIth in the past -reek depctsrtcrs took out aor- than $00.w There is still due them tSfti3.v Creditors Lse S4O0CC. ST. PAUL. 3inn. A specral ?Tcm -Mankatc. ilinn says that the losses of the creditors of Alfred H. Buck, ng cashier of the ifapleton State bank, are ov estimated at J0. Admiral Glass Sails Away. SAN FRANCISCO. CaL Rear Ad miral Glass. -vih his squadron. left this port Thursday, bonne for Acap uico. I is supposed that the war ships are romg on a practice ruis- Jee for Senater Qsay's Sey. WASS1.-MJ1U-.. A. U. U. WUay. ; . - - -. - . S TTT Jr.-f T" .i. W.TI L . - - - ' -.--" -1 4 appointed dep- j m eriic BERLIN The Prussian govs '- r ' ' '? .5 TftBL Zt III 1 .;. I - i - - JJt-- !- i flg nty te issae tse e. praposed iast of J5T.0W Trigs -'" eeic lights. Waticsal Ti WAi-EHNGTO? o tr-nT t-1! im the -- s re sf tSs 1X5-.3C" 000 vm2ah j -sat, acid, ties.?.-- f"l.T i IB??:-- ' .2,,"" -i"fcw-i-i"-P--- IH-I1IB1M 1 v. K- " ' Z &5Cai " r " "-Sel-- of pig lead. levyiag hlackaiaiL j ze21 P&nadel?ha on November j L vxj --aTd c-cer rW- --wa jd eie--Ixhts H , - - -. WSL resaiss ti? , cury, w a-y JbI tie Te-' .-. iv, ' aS-as ar Caxas. has 4eii-d . --c -x.1-cn5-srcs.w , 1 i p- -wa -, e-e-- grt5. rg g gg- - - - , , w. , r f , t-Tgr tuei- mastTe2--i- the fr te j -- te-tisa ha4 cf rrt Mi- jit- West xirgjjf - aj-ri- farcrm? the tr of 2aal reals iag the east--- herrse-j Tiiinsf ts-B-set Sonar. . jgj f the fcKe lacal tixec ' As ararsr cf 5.Ac CLUE W11HTHE Wataesal Traas-rry a-t'-ncaa. j I 5rss dr- ?-? --v -r:..-x---'-- the. m--;f ,-unt, cf rrs 3 L the ser. A e-t T WASHZS-BZOK. D C Maier ( "a--- 4rit?'"i ass-SK ia r.r!.M-ft tc A 2 stygm tie sIM c . y1 1 i ALASKAN AWARD. Canada Is Net Reconciled te the Avrarl LONDON. The eagmssed copy cf , the Alaskan award vras sigaed at -.:!) p. m. The Canadians deciiaed to sign. tne aware. The -Alaska award rolari-- to the Portland canal giva the TJaited States two islands. Kaaaghunut aad Si-frlar.. ccnimandiug the entrance o " the Portland and. the ocean passage to Port Sanpscn and destroy ing the strategic value of Wales aad Pearse islands, rhich are given to Canada. The mountain line adoptee as the bscndarj lies so far from the coast -Jd--a of access to the sea. ?1?i -& Crated States a complete land --THr between Canada and the sea. ! from tne Portland canal to Mount St. a. Around the head of the Lynn canai the line oI1ots the Tratershed som-har in accordance with the prssent prDrisional boundary In consequence of thr aiutude mammied sy the Canadian commis sioners Lord Chief Jusrice Alrerstone decided this momimr nor to hold the proposed pchhc meetins of the Alas- Iran boundary com sion. hut to zx cscs3 to Messrs roster and Md Silla- respecuv-iy agents of the American and Cnn?r. n zovemments. , iE- uaaaB ccmmissioners ret ' -lj d!-iis-d si- -ae a-rard. hut -Id lh3' "5'o;i!d PbHcly Tvithdra-r fre1 - commission. mey. as -rell as the Canadians connected '-"ith the case, are very Telegram? from Premier X-urner , and ether . prominent persons in Can- ' aaa s--" tnat this sentrsient is narea reneraiiy tnrourhoat te cc- ' Messrs Ayles-rcrth and Jeae have issued a lonn statement in the aaturv ct an ar iment expnin? the con Canada and hv it should te:i:i0:: c have ilessrs. Ay!esrorth and Jette -i!2 ubmit their contrary opinions to th. -nbc--11- so as to go oicially 3n reccrd -- i3 they decimed to szn a-trc. they sinned the maps -1?r--d by the majority RECOHD LGWEHED. Cresccus Beat: tne Wcrid'i Trcttinn Ftgurrs. WICHITA. Kan. Cresceus broke the -forid's trotting record for a ails ilonday afternoon, soin? the distanc. m 1.534 beatmu th previous rec orti held or Lou Dillon and Major Bel mar by a quarter cf a second. The day vras ideal and tne track -odd not have been better. 3Ir. Ketcnam -rorked the horse out before the final test in 2 15 af then sent him the record. He broken -s-hen he nrst scored for the record, but on the nevr attempt "vas sent c. sroing tn th- first quarter m :3i) Sat. Ther. -r-is a cheer vhen he reached the hall .a? and. "vhen the three-quarteri "is passed m l.-o tne cheer became an uproar. Just before he rcach ae nzs Cr3ceus broke and r i believed lost fuliy three-quarters of a second. K canrhi handilj" anc Sashed under the Tre a 1.5?r. No wind shield -ra used. Cresceus vras paced by MIks the Tmmp. Such an ovation as --as given Cres reus -ivhen ne trotted a mile in 1:554 zzd made a ne-r -rorld's reccrd rarely been -sritne-sed. The stallior vas nearly smothered, so eajer Tert th? people to pat him or set nen encsih to touch him. Georg- H Ketcnam. rho owns Cres ceus and drove fr?-- saia. "The cend: nous -were perfecr "When I -vas her. ""r-ek ferrfore mst the "track ras z fe I savr its aavantnses and ceter i 2D-d to come fcaric. The renlt jes- fined my -itrrcianons. I kn.-. bs-fo- thtr rcr tha: tht- taiJn tciU bai hs rr-or-i. bet I did iot antic, sairr a tnn?h so rermplete. I -r'. ?o to oishou.- City and fort Sco: rij-ht a-ray to keep engagements an tnai vriil -. the las' time Cresc-tr ii .pfcar Steamer Leaded Wrtn Gale. PLYMOUTH. Ens: The sum cf $5.-O0.0tr in sld was landed here Fr. day frcm 3cabay. This is the larsss: snipmem every brought to Engiand on one steamer Eiectnc Csr Attains Hgh Spesd BERLIN -An elecmc car on Fri- cay in tie nigh speed experrmeats cm the Mariennelce-Ejossen line attained the speed ct 13 2-5 miles per hour. .. Annual Report ef the Q. CHICAGO The annual report of the Chicago. 3urrtoa Quincy . railroad fcr the year Tfj-.g June 30, just issued, shcs an increase is. gross earr:r.gs cf SS43 J.ZL and in ' net earnings of C35S53S. The sur plus was increased hr $-14S. Th ,.-. 1- n-.l ,Trri-- , .. . - r - 1 - - i. ....w tAJ - 1 m 1 1 - ma - r : rrr! anrmrof. ...-. leagth of road oaerated ja - 3a SjSZi mile?, as -agatast g.1,4 mUes at the end of rhe preced rag ascai year. RcsseveJt Carrrrs WASHINGTON. D. C The u S 1 V ' m T a 5 -ire - .-ai- v 303 s ox iar?ca .Har- m c--r 1 .n -- IgtllK 1 ma.f p Tya trwm ' TTT kr ,r- .o. .i . --. - ,r : w rmfs. - r- ---- --, T -.- . ILUT aSC2Tr rnr 2 TOOf DSM 229 5A rF MTV - 'T 1 - ' -- - I Jit TEnl Mit Wr I l. ....'W PIP-I x gss ter. i..t! --- i? -i at ..... tz- . Maasttn care ec3t .? j . -r . . . w water. ,t? cyrss -- aad Bartsa - 1 per. coal masr3. who were ccavrrted I m est v '" - c rssistrar I - T--g ds ---wi - n srui Earner to imrri estt 'T-?', -i 3s tts scat icr rra ??, ; SC3jl5" im- " i.TLr. .Qab.K3Ttoerir tw ! t--t-.- . r sad g. COlJIVrRV. AT THE CAPITAL POTMASTER GENERAL BARS DKTED ATTORK-EY. IN- TUNMS THE IASCALS WT EitnMttt cf Departmental Expetne r P-paitiiniil Wni Require Mncyr mvt War Department fer a Uttie Mere. "WASHINGTON Poa5ter Gen eral Pmyae on Friday sipied an order debarring K. J. Barreu of Baltimore, nephew of former Attorney General Tyner and for some years la clerk and acting assistant attorney zeneral for the departmenr. from practice be fore, the depAmneat. J3rren. -ras ia fiicred bythe rand jury In connec uen with the investment cases. The poTuuKer accepted the resig nation of William H. Landvoisht. chief of the division of ciassiacauan cf mails cf the postolfice. to take e'ect at the close of business Saturday. Estimate far Interior Denaitiiic.it. The secretary of the interior has ccmpleted and forwarded to the secre tary of the treasury his estimate of the appropriations ueoessry to con duct the affairs of the interior depart ment fcr the fiscal year endinr June Zd. 15v5. The estimate places the tctal requirement for the department n; S15o.GX),000. -which is abour $. 000,000 less than the appropriation for the current year The proposed re duction Till be made in the pension ' bureau and the Indian o5ce. The es timate for pensions is SI2t-.SOO.000 or 11.700.000 less than the appropriation made for this year. There also is a , cut of 11.300.000 in the estimate for the Indian bureau. The estimate for the expenses of cenductras: the a2airs of the five crvied tribes cf Indiana is J52S.533. The reduction in the pen sion estimate is due to the calculation ' of deaths of pensioners made by the commissioner of pensions. ; War Department Estirnataa. The estimates for the " depart ment for the nscai year ending June 30. 150C. shovr a net increase over the estimates of the previous year cf about 1130.000. This, including 115. Gi0.0 for river and harbor improve ments, for -which no estimates rere submitted last year. The -.stimate for the military. Trhich includes the pay.equipment and supplies for the armv. is about $T3.0.0'.i'. ,i.000 less fna-- last year. The estiaes j its to the country. Nothing ha. i oc for public -arorks of a military char- curved -sliich -xould lead the few cu acier. -xhich includes arsenals, forts. lookers even to suspect that the dis- barracks. buildmas znd urounds. a?- rresate J24.0K.0-. which is s about SliOOOw less than last y- rtstow-s Report Ready. Fridays meeting of the cabinet ivas ' bnefl Only four members. Secretary Hay and Cortelycu. Postmaster Gen- eral Payne and Attorney General Knox, were present. Postmaster Gen- era! Payne announced that the report of Mr. BrisTo-r on tne postoSce in- . vestizatioa -rould be placed m the hands cf the president either Satar- day or on Monday. It has not been . decided -srhen the resort "xill be riven 1 to the public. DROPS CHIEF OF DIVISION. Wiliiarn H. Lantfvsign- cf Pasta! De partment Resigns Upcn Requsst. WASHINGTON William H. Land- voisht. chief of the ciassiacatmn dir -xhich Leimer is vice president, ha vision of the Pcsto5ce departmenr. been ordered bj the state officials not on Thursday presented his resimia- , to open its doors for business for a uoc to Postmaster General Payne. The resignation vms requested by 3ir. Payne as a result of the investiga tion by the inspectors of the charges nro-sring out of the employment ef itr. Landvoiaht's son in the General Ianifoding cempany of Franklin. ?a -s-hich had a contract for suppty m: patented rr-istry kouki 10 the departmeni. Mr. Landvoigh: va. rhief ol the registry divisicn of tht- epartmtnr prior jo hi cumparatively recent transfer 10 'take charge 01 the dassi- tirIoi -work, of th ! tie tiepr i-ni China Uses Wirtrss Z,ftzzrz. . PEi-ING The Marccni system of wireless telegraphy was inaugurated Plct te Kill Russian Consul. CONSTANTINOPLE In conse-! j quence cf rhe discovery of a military plot akffllL 3elaiei. the Russian . --.- .. "T-' 1- T .. l. s government nas rusred so. battalions of troops thith- er irem opruxu anc rriepe. African Prise te Kansas SchccL WiNIKi.D. African 4 prince is to attend school in this city ; tor the next two years. nor of this city Lai Lai. Basctniand. Lewanica sons arte: rhmr proaie two , jr. " iia - fc j :ctg sccoci rn r.agi?i-!d anc . . . .. - -.: f -m . 1. . M .... .1 - t --- - .-i..:-n- ii ,-e ii tuit; : 4 r . . .. j . w ,.. ..., mmia Ui t A f . ( ? t 1- M . . . M- .1.; cosrtry. Tee yo prtace will beard a rasp-ctable colored famil- in 'Wr-fflt Wauld Banish Ftrewerks. LOUISVILLE. Hy Dr. Eeary El TTaiy, secrgtsTi- of the Mississrarsi rn - -it. . ,.r. . -.- -. J .-. - 1 w 1 1 . 1 1 i: .jr Sc a -. tf resalariaas rv--y a atr; staaHl ar;"t the sale of toy ?frT. r as 1 -. 'i2fc the cnt of itI Sunday h-tween Pekmg and the coast, dier at Fon Sam Houston, who was crorract. is ejected a member of con- taken sick before the cost cuaran- i -. ., - - - -.-- . ji aoBaaexi far wBk htu- f-j ; ... ---- t- .- -1. .--..--i.. . . .. . - - - -- - -- --.. . - " 1 aws-- - I-J--- wertfdfapt-si tr the csT-sti.5f :-!a---r--i-rT5tfe sjaaBf. whfcm seat - C tfes deoarJ-' sacasrf tag ec gscda od at Cta 1 1 " .- f OP TW --rt t mT - ifc j - , , , 1 1 1 -i ii T7 trpT jvv 3" ff? '" - United S ..M &-i LONDON. The Aiaskaa commission has Teaeaed aa ---hereby aH the Aaerican are sustained -with the thcse in relation to tie Portland t, ; canal, rhich Canada wias- All ibmz noT remains to he done is for tie - commissioners to ax their igak-Bxes t to the dedion and compete the mm which Brill accompany it. Os. tJse sap nLl U iJlI.U LSM iRJUUU-UTk " tC- J TIT !. .J 1 .1- - - nitely fixing the divlsic-t of JUMQan r and British terri-ory en such a taeis that no American tntttea -rill laae -m foot of land he already believed he held. sriHe the "Cnirel States lrtH re exrep-fa. ef r tain ail the ra-xvs to te xLt- AlaskTn territory, rith the -Jteni t oi tne rcruanu caaa.- -nucs. (- - T - ..T - . i2nAua. j-n-Q gh oauti gip so -w-. needed. The Icng-sraudi-g. cipute -ras only ; settled after a t-eek cf keen tryiatt. j secret deiibcratioc. bersreen the arbi trators. Even up to Bithia a. few hours cf the end of the conference there ras an acute possibiliry that a disanreemenr might result and the whole proceedings fail to the jround. i Lord Alverstone. tlicugh openly in iT? m hoJiPTc in z& tosticp of the i American argument, that the TJaited r . -. .-tts , .--, vr? , states ras .ntitlea to tne neis or m- lets, as contained in questics. firve. held . - that Canada had established her in cnvssrrr;T!; rsn aad three, del1- ou ense m questions tsx and tnree, ' inn -svith the Portland canal After luncheon Senator Lodge. Sec retary Root and Senator Turner azreed to cede those points and to start the American boundary line'froai. the head of he Portland canal, thus I giving the Canadians that channel and some small islands on which there are only a fer disused stone houses. This acccmplised- the majority of the tri bunal azreed to Sx. -Kith this excep tion, the enure boundary as outlined in tne American case wnetasr Messrs. Avles-rorth and Jette. the . " - "c 3aI ? x ajmoroec. Canadian caarmissioners. vrtll refuse Xt Iook to me as if Caaada had -won to sisn the decision and aiake it f the case aad lost the territory. uanimous is not vet kno-n. but it wCl Uor "--aais of Vaacouver nct af ect the validity cf the agree-, tii--5 xhK - --!-- ri may . (f , -..--,fTr.;-. ,-. i5 sn? sub- mined. By next Ionday afternoon it " -ciHix --i-is hoped that everything -sill be ready for iaxure. thounh the actual mark- Conaratulaias American r of the line on the map -c-hich shall fcrever determine the respective ter-! fdal advices caaceraiag the award of ntcries. -"-Hi occuir seme time. I the fi Boundary Comzsissicn The majority cf the commissioners j President Roosevelt seat the follow left the foreicn office hurriedly, in. or- j ins eablegraa- to Messrs. Lodge. Tur- der to catch trains for week-end vis- pete hnd reached its practical end. ins ccmmissioners themselves are stO L-cund to secrecy until the decis- loc -nraiiy rendsreti. and practic- ally few others ere really arfare how j sreai a degre- cf success had attended ; the efforts of the American members , cf ttfi trfcunaL . FORGERIES OF Sc3.3C3. 1 - The Banic wasftier Matcss Ccr.Tessicn cf His Transgression. j PRINCETON. Wis J. E. Liemer. cashier of the Prmcon bank, has J been arrested and taken to Dartford. -mere ne 1.- m jau. 1 state Bank ammer cr?n stated Monday nirht that Liemer had con-; fessed that the forgeries amount to the sum of 3S5.oO The Princeton State bank is closed and the MonticeHc ' State bank, of fo-7- iays. Specui-tion in srani. vras the cause. Lelmer Leimer says. Caae here as i casmer ot tne rrinceton bani- eigat years ago, and the examiners believe tnat the icTgeries nave coveru a pe- , riod cf six years. SOLDIER HAS YELLOW FEVER. Only Ne Cszz Rscrted Is at Fcrt Sarr. Hcustm. SAN ANTONIO Tex. The yeUo ieer sitctk.c ui Si Antcniiv at the " cios- oi tie lay vris Very courajf int. The buHetia at night follows. New .. I : cases.-3: otal 1LI Bt ncue: total ue-u. . me ue T ? -T . case reportea tocay is tnat or a so.- tined the cry - ne state quarantine declared .---.-.- ban Aarnatn has zarion here, as the caused much indi governor has act declared a state quarantine agains- Laredo. waere there are nearly Sw cases, against j;e cases in Saa Antonio. I Unr- M.-es to Be Clsaed. , GALENA. Kas. The rin nd Tniae. ? o - ruers aad operators of the Galea-1 1 -s"-i- ore acove m.e unces now aSered bv . j.i ijiTr .a ijt .- rTT - n. . the smelting combine. Exteasive - uijeraix - : cjt- i.k to r- tm . - . .t- . . .. - " . . . . .. i.mi a tiec-rre way ot ; raising the price of ore and Tr 1 1 ' i the -mice on a iar with rie -m-i- f of pig leasL Scientists Find "EOCE SPRINGS. Wye a aartv sf ' . ss2r.c ae frtrm TVasii-.Tr- v-it - , - -,. . J - 1 - ' B. R. O COS- JoDjTT! disrriT -s:i m -r-T-r' nine nn a son living in ; Friday fcr a total shut-down of the Rhodesia. Sinn-! mines ! Tiils tn fnrro tho nriw nf 1 HtAMEXATION M-..M-K i mm TK u,, STATES. - - e - M--- X c ------. If Mat ft UJ mm Will Tl- j ' am laaaaaaHaar . -. . , ! VAJICOUVDL B. C Lflcml fnih-C !i yfkr hitter ever the mwmrA C the . " --v at what they th Uaked State-, It i of- iimmi ii that the the dHca-tteatad are Slish-Ms. TT-ifTrir here. Maay these say that rinii -rtH achieve its creatcat aaaaihO-1 til it hecaaa a part of the United States. Rev. Eliot S- Save, the leadiws leth4et miaiater rf Britiah Ccht- I bi wfco' H" 1 ter- co-tauiated the Lahor j . this in aa ia- T iCTVJ I I Frill- Bxlther aad I have al- -ys been a Britisher, but if Great i Britain, is to haad CBsia orer ptece- meal to the United Staiaa. I aay let us jean the Ameneaa repobtte By dnae so aow e are large popuicus eaoagh ad fecyartaat esoajeh to have anTfttac to aay re garding the terms of saeh aaaexatioa. aad also woahl he potest esoagh to have someiag to say in the -Eairs of the republic, of -which we would form a part. Bat it we -wait aatil onr best aad richest territory is given ' ieaa to tae estabiiahment of Canada . -- - ...-. . WASHINGTON. On receipt of of- J ner and Root the American members rof the comacssioni "Congratulate you heartily in the name or the people of the United j States. ! "THEODORE ROOSEVELT" CONTRACTOR STERN ON TRIAL PreJminaPy Haaring Befsr 1,,, ZmsrX fcr Wmrnkfhinm 1,tL,lt, WASHINGTON Leopold J. Stem, the Baltimore contractor arrested ia Toronto uader two warraats charxnie false pretense in the sunplv to the ' soveraaMat of satchels for rural free delivery carriers, was given a pre- liitary hearing in the sopreaie court Tuesday. Stem pleaded sot goiltv - Postofllce Inspector Walter B. Mayer -xho worked up the case agatast Stem. J -aras called to the witness stand, but before his examination was coaduded corrt adjouraed for the day. Tie case win be continued Wednesday. Assistant District Attoraey reviewed rhe charges agarast Stem, who. he said, submitted a bill aad re ceived money for sztch'1 scrape which he aever famished. "The biTf on its face." said Mr Taggart. "was . a lie. There r T tat ti li-lT-i nm nTr? imr tnT- J?f mnr bra r. .--. --.. ,-. . . mm m u mm .- --. , m- - - .,- -b--. ! - mmtmm -- wm.. -..- stipulated ia the etmtract." On cross-exaauaaricn of Iaspectcr m-3 rha .. 1, ---,-.- .. .t '". ' ' vt fcT- .-(. ww.. vmi. t.e . admissicn tint Stem had claimed , tnat te secured tae permission of two postal officials to furnish the satchels Tvithout etiap. Election Oan't Awct Qwttract. A5HINGTON. On a qutitijn 1 . In . .. . . ..k- . . ... t m ICtUeSTUAUIC- I el-ct in cuagrs. who owns property lapsed to the Poetoftce der. hs h- ,- rir ..---- m made by the proper ccer with a per Hi . aey Geaeral Rodaey. rsadered ia 1SCS. a year azter tee passage of an acti of coagress prshibittaa: aay of t a eoatract Mcrway CHUBTIANZA. NORWAY. The over by Otto Biekr ittee's deciaic-i ever the oppaatrjen ia. a dispcted etec- a-m a tae .eeeaaes axaenct eaeie .fc- ... .- . j . upueiu-i gasea iowt seats. cabinet, made up cf ygltmm ar aAmvmam TiwaT -rfTt . fc-ed ggo, Kta Oacxr test - . ! 1 11 1 tj 1 rr id: 111 tbi .. j ter r aoa who. dariaa the existence of a - , b- . - - kuw f wi. t eCT.i a.n based aa a deciaiao of Atror- has resaed ia Tinai mi 1 IT:. - - - . t Decides Aaainst Vemmse-- m preparations are being mad I I llrrll r I " " -- ' . T W TFTW - . - .-.- B m - . . -"727 POST OF SPAIN. Island of Trmi - proposed visit c .-aag .Aifcnsc . J I 11 I . T W-Tm MMIT TT' tn & fWI , - .. MM mmU m M w . . - . " dad Jackacn HL E. Balstrar cf Ws Qi jata in PeitU-2 1 is rumored , At --- - - - I . i mm m. f ..--..-.-.-- ----------- H fai--. H (AIM WHmWttaWm, 1 i --------- ------- - IWWlWlllllTLl ." WASHINGTON The preef4.it 1s- the Priaiieat cf the United of ia.r'ri, a Proclaaatic-i: Py the resolutjoa of the of March 19. T93, the ap hy coagros- of the reciprocal eoeTeatiwn betweee the Uaitsd States aad the republic of Z?afca. ssgaed at Havana ea Daec-aher IL IS9S. is aeceaaar? before the said shall take effect, aad It is iapcrtaat to the yaMic in these TJaited States tJmt the mid eoa-eetiaB shall become -trre. as aearty as aay be. therefare. L Thccdore Roosevelt, pr-s sf the TTaited State3 cf America. f?y rirtae of the "power .esied in 'me ay this constitatiosx. do hereby prc hum axe -declare that an extraordi sary oceasion requires the convening 3f both he sat- of the coagress cf the United States at rheir respective -hambers in the city of irasciagtoc. -& the ainth day of November next t 12 o'clock coop, to the end that Ihey aiay consider and determine whether the approval of the coagress fcall be given to said convention. A1I persoas eatitled to act as mem bers of the Fifty-eight coagress are iequited to take aotice of this proc mati Gtvea trader my hand and the seal of the United States at Washington a the 20th day cf October, in the fear of our Lord. ca thousand nine -usdred and three, and cf the inde--eadesce of the United States th me huadred and rrenty-eiiht. (9aL THEODORE ROOSEVELT. By the Praaideni. JOHN HAT. Secretary cf State. ETTER THAN WAS EXPECTED. America Cains Title te Mere Terri- tsry Than Anticipated. "" WASHINGTON. D. C fhe im- rressioa prevails a: the State depart- nent hat all the details of the Alaskan Boundary Commission's deci-on vj 10c be kno-ru until the mails brings opies of the maps and other docu ments actually laid before the Com mission. There is a slight zap in the JUtliae descriutioc of the faoTrsdarv in the acrthern portion which win prob- j-aer at w-Ston in its elventh aa tbly be filled in -hen the full tran-1 aTri1 convention with nearly 2W defe script is received. Closer inspection of the charts 1 here, in the light of Mr. Poster's dis patch of yesterday, adds to the satis 'action of the oScials. particularly as the commission actually extended he American title over a lare territory orth of the Kliehini river boundary "ine claimed by Secretary Evarts a quarter of a ceatury ago. instead of limiting it to that stream, the bound ry tentatively 3xed by the Hay Pauncefote modus Vivendi. L ' The treaty requires expert survev- tts to personally fix the boundary Ihw 5B the general data furnished by ih commission aad the State department intends to turn this work over to the coast survey and to prosecute it with all vigor, to obviate further friction -. aawng the miners alons the boundarv IG RlTTSEURG ANK FAILS. Federal National ef Pittsburg Fails to Open Its Doers. PITTSBURG. The doors of the Federal National bank were not opened for business Weduesda- morn- - t fnJTo-rr-. ---,-, , t ---g- -- .w-r ww .ti i.- .-- yua.ru in explanatiac "Qosed by the authority of the , comptroller of the currencv. "Signed) "JOHN 3. CUNNINGHAM. "Receiver.' Soce such action as this within the possibilities for the past two days, forecasted by the deter-ii-ed raid mad-- upon the institu tion's stock on the Pittsburg Stock Exchange Th positive statement-. hc-wever. of the president. J A. Lang itt. to the e3ect that the bank w t ia need of aioney. that its losses would act affct its T,rml or surplus. liid much toward allaying distrust on j the part of its depositors, thus pre- ventiaa ran. to Fifty Years. ST JOSEPH. Mo. Wffiiam 3Cat- xraer. aged 23. ember of a good f family, was sentenced to ram for ' frr -- frm- tT,-. tt-- vr.- - - . - - - -- i-mv. ---- k,.. UL J1M5 Alta May GaDiritore- which occurred two rh yn i t Here nnininir mi.- 1 HELJENA- Moat. Aorir to rn aathearicated reports, the Northea Pacifc Eaihray company is act alone in ia trochles with the dynamiters ! though it has beea so far the only suf ' ferer. Tor several days there "ha.. beea a aurxber cf Great Northern se er-t serrice aea in Helena aad. vicin rty. aad it has developed that theL1 adsIcB is rn rrr- rn Trwar rv tv-- : try to locate the persct: j iwho has sent tne levyiag hlackaiail IT T - S I W T iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiV "Terry over Ji CriterioQ is the Sfteeath The sale of a aeat oa. the New York stock exefcaage at S3L0O was reported- A year ago jtesLheiJ-Lipe were held at otct ISO.000. A Saa Fraacisco Arm has- made a bid for the earire issse of Hawaima boads. wllich Secretary of tie Terri tory Carer is sow eagaged ta Hoarrag in the eaatera states. Last week Lord Roberts received coagrataiatioBS ea his 71st birthday. It. was is 1S3? that the presemt cem-aaader-tn-chief cf the Brith army -tras-bcTB is Cawapere The fc.os-ccrt of appeals hash ed do-cm a decisioa that the iasuraace coaxpany has not the right to repair damage done to properrj- by fcrc with out the consent of the insaredL At Springfield. HL. a telegram was received announcing the death at Aa- bum Park. IIL. of aicther Stuart, the j famous temperance advocate, aad one of rhe founders of the W. C T. U. William H- Leavitr. the artist -who married Ruth Bryan, intends to take titd his residence in St. Louis aatil after the World's Fair, as he expects there w-ill be remunerative work there President Roosevelt authorised the statement that there is so truth ia the rumors of r.ereaces of opiaioa bereea himself or Secretary Shaw or imrrg other members cf the cabi net. George Duncan, a lawyer of New York, was accidentally shct and kffl ed near Rassellville. Ky while oct hunting. He is a nephew of George B. Edwards, president of the Deposit bank. A careful revision of the losses by the Sre at Aberdeen. Wash- shows the aggregate to be $323,000. with S1S3.000 insurance. Plans fcr rebuild ing with brick and stone are progres insr rapidly. I J. Hart, secretary of the St. Paul. llinn beard of trade, and a prominent business man, died as a re suit of seif-cted bullet -rounds in th- head. President Durke rfcr??-- the dearh -ras accidental The National Spiritualists associa tion of the United States and Canada cates present. This is one of the largest conventions ever held. 3L Pepin, a socialist nember of the Belgium chamber of deputies, was staboed at Mons whllr walking on the street with wne friends. There are slight hopes of his recovery The as sassin struck 3L Pepin from bhiad and succeeiied in aV.::g his escape. One of the concluding acts of ia Union Veteran Legion, which closed its annual meeting ar Dayton. Ohio. "as the adoption of a resclHtioc bit terly protesting against th plan of placing a tatue of General Robert E. Lee tn the hall of fame. The death mask of President Wit iam McXiuly taken some few days after his death bv Prof William H. Holmes of the bureau of ethuoiccy. has been placed on exhibition in th3 National Museum, occupying a con spicuous case by itself near the main entrance. A Rome dispatch published m the Pans edition of the Ne Tcrk Herald says the marriage of Marquis Carlo RudmL son of the ex-premier and i Dora, daughter of Henry Laboechere. the English member of parliament. Tvfll take place at Florence towards the end of the month. "The Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt" is the name of a new lily waich has beea hybrid-ted by Joseph Tailby of Yel lesley and received a silver acedal from the Massachusetts Horticultural j society as beiag the finest novelty in the wav cf decorative plants ever hy bridized in the United States In the United States district court at Pittsburg. Pa- L N. Rc. peaJI $ity to an inditmnt for emt-ez iim moner- of the United State Ross Ls the former deputy wirveycr of the port. ha on S-ptemLer 11. tooX a pat-ge cf nyiaey from tne ofcc of the coliectcr of tne port rcr be shipped to the suit-treasury in Phil adelphia. The package contained J3.-I ! and when received ia Phfladeiphm. S&iO was missinz. That T3 per cent of the J4.600.000 ia judgaenrs against Chicago are based upcn bogus and fraudulent persoeal &J2TT daim is said to be the charge "e' pre- Pare- to maice oetore zm aty hau grart committee. Willia Dockery of Grand Ranids. Mich- e after 'a? six stories 1 w P"31 4aw- Ke landed apon co1 of rept- ""icil broke tiL Do-k?r7 suffered a fracture of th fef c '"rTist Bd ri:t aiI- --a15 uaiajured. Arraagsmecu have ben. aiade by Commander Browracn of the aaval acae7 --i Colonel MHls of the aH- ttary acsxieaty tor a i.oor ball XeGorera 90c the aeissr tmarr rtsas ot wetasa a tae acadeay at Bostoe. Maas. rtmad. !- -- T BSPSi HH 2 l Pltt Reliable... s Z -c 2 2 ABSOLUTE saitty: mf U tkebest tMnc we iw 2 hvetfftr, Other Z f- 1 c c . m I Columbus 2 I State Bank. IX,- Columbus, County of Platte, TVt Stjataf Nebraska.. United States, r . Urn tic cT u. $1.50 pTc--rfIIMi a Copies ScniTrM l any Address. HCNRY CASS. !. rTAie L IlCass Columbus Journal. Any im aa-------------------------------------- 'She .1 I Columbus JournoJ, P-smsm-sms--sam-s--msB w I : . HI A BfcJEE T F!r?JawaBSiB! - si Jfr-h,,,,.! - '-B Bf3"w-biPmIjjb'S J)w ? i -. tfv hfiP9!H ? y j -ff ky"SsjSteE2r f- --s . SjjpjcMr