The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 14, 1903, Image 3

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j Special Sale ! I
Ctlnmtrms JraraaL
I Ens I Wn. litem
.. , - .. -
: i
'- jVff'',5'' - v5Bp'5 '-i
BBBBBaaaaBaBBS -fl
" aaaBaaaaBBaaaaayyBBaBaaiaa . ..
bbkbbbbbbbv a
aaa zsbb or oaataayaajas at aaai vbbbbbv. i"i i xiar
Ttoaatfafltoaaaaar MaataatwBB- .. . riT . "
bbbbbb wean asm aha
as. tf - ,-, -
"7 aaaa. aaaf wwajw aajajjaV eaBWaf bbbbbbi jpaaBBBaa -BfcaaBBBjfc aaai aBBaBaaaB aft MsaaaBB aaaMaaaa4aBB aaaa
aaaaaaay faaajiBwaa. ex Gv WnaaaaaaBHt
DcPwI, Imbbb,
Dr. G i tii i, aawaat, mmtulwkra
wwaewaa eaa aawaaa ac a weea mx vmrm
OCT. 19,
84. FUrtfcecrir4.
- ."
i- .
K;--; .
flsvl MeniMtari all w
Ladles' and Mlutt itedtnraar.
Ladies' FitwfeU Union suit, fleece lined.
regular price 2.5(5 sale price
Ladies' all wool Union suii,
regular price $o25 sale price
MiseeaT Union suits, size 3, 4 and 5, good weight,
fleece lined, regular price 85c sale price .
3IIetT Union suits, ribbed fleece lined,
regular price 60c sale price
Children's all wool Union suits, size 2 to 6,
regular price 90c to Sl2o sale price
Dress GMd.
Black- and gray Zibeline,
regular price 32.00 sale price l.S
Blue and green Zibeline,
regular price $2.00 sale price- -- 1-wS
Green and brown Zibeline, 6 yard patterns,
regular price S12.00 sale price 10.00
Full iine of ladies tailor-made walking and dreae skins,
extra good values at l.vJ0 tv 8.60
2000 yards Outing Flannel, all colors, light and dark,
extra good values at 10c sale price 9e
Do not overlook this great opportunity to purchase seasonable
soods at verv low prices.
i 11th Street.
Do not miss getting a ticket
on the drawing of the
Hot Blast
Which will take place Sat
urday, Oct. 24th, at 3:30 p.
m. We want everyone to
get a chance to draw this
stove. It costs you noth
ing. Ask for a ticket in
the hardware department.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
MaJe in the best stvie, nnest fit. at prices not anv higher
tti what others sell voa interior goods fer. We carrv
the larsest line of GESTS FURXBHrS'G GOODS at
a very low price. Our shoes ail made up for us especially
bv the foremost roanafactarers of the coontrr. A iMrge
stock to select from for man, woman and child. You will
not run the risk of getting shoddy or shelf-worn goods if
vou bar of us.
8IM6 Repair! Neatti
Mschliolz Bros
411 Eleventh Street
ii::i:ii i iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmi
Telephone 26. t
: : ?i 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 1
ani PrMiptti teat.
- ---aiar-aa-
Dm. Msilji fiwni k Haa-
-J. M. Carta mil 1 m tba Axgaa
oaace laat Mk while Editor Buna
A lew ahotaa, lata Fakin daeks for
sale. Call at Hoaae Fan. tve auks
aarthaawaf towa. 3tp
On aad after Octoaar 15. 1 wffl caa
dact my aaaat aaarhat an a atrictly cash
E. H. Teaiiaa aad aon Lai ratarned
Thexaday tram a law day huating
trip to Cadar Bifida
CH-Qarriann stoved to Columbas
Sataxday from Blair and ia living wast
of the Third ward aeanoL
Mr. aad Mza. Ckariaa '
aad child
a a vast to
Moatavflle Fkwan will be
Friday mu( aaxt. He will give the
aznt aaa-bar oa the High aehool laeCore
WatSchiai aukaa aaota and
in taa baas atylaa,aad aaaa aaiy taa Tery
taataaaaa arucarad in taa
In taa maaatiaia, fallow taa erowd
to . D. Fitzaatndc'a, tna Whka Front
Dry Oooda Stora, and aaa what yoa can
fat for your oaay.
aaL Taa Tryaar
aU ia eoaatraetioB,
dorafaiiity aad. ariea. Sold oa awmtaly
pa j a ii Aadkoriam Maaie Co.
Ma. H. P. Cooiidfa ia aaxaria with
aaadlyaacaiaadkaaa. Moaday of laat
iaaaadaa a iooaa beard which
to trip aad JalLapraiwiagtha
Tba Albioa Arraa aaya: "L. Eohl
and daafktar waat to Soata DakoU
hniililiill Taaaday. Mza. F. M.
Waltsal taarhiaf Haaa Hoal'a rooaa dar
ing bar abaaBca.1
Bar. J. M. BatkwaU aad wife wen
in town Thuraday on thair way from
FaUarton to Madiana wnan Ear.Both
waU will araaea. taa eoauag yaar in tae
Mataadaat ebvrea.
E. H. Jaakxaa waa at Qadta a couple
of daya laat waak aad aarcaaaad asveral
aaadof yoaag cattle from taa ranch of
Araoid Oablrirk, to ba aiaoad on hia
Hadiaoa eoaaty fiatagu
Dr. Coadoc aad C H. Swallow of
Haaxpfcray aad Wax. Prioa of Iaafh were
ia town laat Taaaday on their way to
Tazaa where they expect to auke aaeae
exteaarte parehaaaa of laad.
The Moarae Tiwaaia Giaaa aaya
that for taa jeer jaat aaat. Mza. Kaayon.
aaatl aarriar for oae of the roataa oat
from that plana, baa aat aaaaed goiae; on
bar trip aaee dariaa; taa yaar.
rtaaaatof the
a aJaafaio ad-
to their aaarfwaJaaeaa in the way
of a haatal paaritna to be placed m
Bar. J. B. Laadaaa aad wife ware in
the city Taazaday .aacwaaa traiae on.
way froaa Albiaa to Silver Creek.
Bar. Laedoai baa been appelated
of the Matkodiet ehmreh.
Miaa LOa Halaay of Chacafo arrived
a viais to her brother
at ortaaWd,
Mza. Floyd Fame haft
for finer fi It will he
eoaipany a law waaaa ago ef aot reaut
tatg faada balnagiag to tbaai, aad waa
A. G. Bolf ofPalaatiaa, thai eoanty.
at the aaaaal atato aaawamnon of Bap-
bald in Baatriaalaat waak; aad Ber.
of thia dty waa
daat of the Yoaag Faoplei' Uaion.
At tba
bald their aaaaal aaaattag ia Fre-
aity wa
Ber.Haiaay. Sbea
iag tba Moody aabaai
aaaaaaa aaaaad vase praaaaaat. ' ' sms m gbvbbj. wj
. - - who ia bow ocenpyiag the baaaa, wfll tww- aka -aJ to iiiT the K
. , tm uiat iVBHinap i m w. bmib; .i ---- - .v. -
. naif -with i lali Tn tm mnrth mmrt at m . t
- - -
to m'.iBii hai atoxhae at the atato T ZTTT - T T uaa iaj aaga- ae aau atanan tae taaai
- as v-aa-a aaiaa aaaac isihbbj ,, Mfrbsri the door. In the pertiee
i tka aM'liak (a - Waana - i ij - m. . . - TV
x-- - -. ---.. ana. jaaa xvbbmb bbvo a zaaaBi par aavaa waa bbbbb. Mmmmmwj eaweea taa tazaa am aoaaiaataa.
eaBBaaae ac aafatv aaaaa. ear. -aaacat - j r . - . . - m. mm ..
-- - tr jBaaaatv evaaaar at hoaar ef Mem eaa baa aaaa SS ar aes aad ao traae haa ------------
aava the aaaae waa wane aad aaa. i L L w ' wm m " "
aflBavfcaaah aaaat vaaHBaaBai aaai aaap .J. . -j, . . ,fc , ,i ,il:. m. - l n t- - aaui aaaa1
aa v vp kh ipbmbbi aMHK bmc ManaaanaaafY m. vaaai aaaaai waaaaaMa aiv m . a zsaa ffflaauaMaar anaaasaiaL naac aar caaa acoaat HA BKi
aaaa-aa am feap Maaa faMB-aa - . . , T . . . .- .. . ijl
aaaaa i& Bar aWKBBBBBe bk UBaaBBHaaHL amamm amaat aaaai aaaat aaaaak mmm i a t . i ty l ! aaafc aaaaaai a . aaua m ae were
- - aaasBJBBBB-HBaBaaBV-eaara--BBeBBB al zee--. aa? aM-aaaswea. m .....--.
"" "-" ------ wewaiBW eeBBai aaj wwa vesaiBBBX aiBer . aa aee aaai waaaa. - - -. .- -- . .
ef aaBakt aaaaaaaaaai aaaaaalaa an z x - i a - a -- - SaHan' Bar au-i aaaaa aat aarr SBO. MZB. SteveBB
m tf w- 3S-'i-i
ifiirallh aiiniBaAMr-e'
It aaaai yoa
atiekataa taa dcawiafof aCaWa aW
-Waadar of taa Am,'
to bold ire M bnaxa ban
Said aaly by Pi H i a
Mr. aad Ha. Harry Biley ware a
Sehaylar awtr Saadayr called there b;
the aarioae niaaaa of Mr. Bday'a
epaaka bare aaxt Friday, atoppad in
dty between traau Taaaday aa
tO Tiii(pxn
Miaa Jeaaie Maw. the aaaalr
fnr tho itj- h?fifa baariaff tbn
of Prof. Eichardaoc, who ia
the bonae by eickneaB.
Charias Wake and WOkan Carry
St. Edward and Sick Andre of
barf , all atadanta of the baaBaaaa
pant Sunday at boaaa.
Walter Scots, E. C Warden
Oacar Stcte, who are bafldiag a barn
tba Sealer farm north of
Sanday with tbair faauliaa.
der of the Macaaaaa at
Wedaaaday, to take the phase of
Hoffman who baa aaowad away.
Forty oaat to SL00 diabaa at
centa. Sato baeaa Oetober 30.
ing fire daya. Seethe 10 aaat hae
in von Beraaa'a
Unioe 5b. 150L
larxaaatBaga e-ary Sataxday aight. Tav
iting brotban xaTitad. E. J. Seatt
for the
health. He will
Mra.Oxaaax aad Mza. Siaaon of 5or
folk were ia town Satarday oa their way
to Central City where they attended a
eonTantion of auaaionary aooetiee of
several id joining atatee.
Prof. Waters racerred a That laat
weak from hie brother H.L. of Dnhnqoe,
Iowa, who retarned home Sataxday.
Mr. Waters hi interaatad in the
railway of hie boeae town.
J. H. Drinnin ia expected
Thursday from Wyoming, Tn,
he waa called aereral waeka ago by the
enoos Olneaa of has mnthar, aad who
died about two weeks ago.
A number of students of the TmaiaT
and BoataeeB college would like to aecare
work in stores or private faauliaa to help
pay for board. Any one wiahiagao aaaa
the young people, pleeeeeall at the
of Prof. Waters, abore poatoasee.
An exnloaioc raaaed froaa
being aeed in the Haatiagahigh
eheauatry daaa a-rrnaaiy iajared two
papOa last Friday. The teacher, Prof.
P. E. McCoy, a farmer Cwlaaihaja boy,
bad freqaanily need the iagrediaata bat
were never known to have eaueed aay
We learn from the Sodolk Sewa
that acaae time m Deeamber the Moore
hardware store of that dty will aaaa
into the bands of mie puiaaiafiaa W.
B. Blakeman of that plaee aad a J.
Hahn of Colambaa, bariag bacgaiaed
with Mr. Moore for the paiihaan at
The two and oae-half yean old
riaaghtw of John Biley, who
of Platte Center, died
were held in the Catholic charch
in Colxmbua Saturday aftaranaa aad
inter mibm t aaade in the eaaaetery aouth
eaat of Platte Ceater.
Fin Howard eatertaiaad tweaty-tve
yoaag people Wednesday wnaaian laat,
frienda of bia in the ffign eebiinl Hifh
live waa the game of aniaaaaaaat for the
evening, Miaa Ehaae Boan aad
Early reeatriag the arisaa. The
were for the geatlaman a paper knife aad
for the lady a eut
G. T. Everett baa ranted the Oieatt
Methnrhat ehaxeh,aad exaaeta to
L H.F.
who ia aow ocenpyiag the baaaa, wfll
with zwlifivaa in
tbeeoaaty aatH he
he wfll locate ia
trip aacazaaoa taasati to
t dariag tba AhSar
-Ly ,
elected i aaiBiaa
aioa raaaae uata aas aaaa bti ,i - a ar wa .
M - -- aarxvea szwea aw . -ar av aaan eea as, a- -.. aaat aaai a-a-aa..., - -- - - --
, BBa bbbb aaay aaa ea- aa t av amar eaaia ea sai aw aea. aaaaw. a. av eaaaaaav wws w
to W. A. Way far IK per acre. Mr.
Saaraawk will baald an hie aaw lam
thia fall towaaahhe wfll-awva ia tba
taia aaoniacof bar aiatar, MmSaaaa
Aabalof Oaaaaa. Mbl Aabal vaatad in
thia dty, hamag hare afaoat three waaaa
t-e aaaa aad two daaghtaaa. Mav Baa-
erowda af paeple haat weakr to aad froai
the Ak-Sar-l'iaetiTkiee at Oaaaba.
The braaea laaaa brewght erowded
traiaaaad tba aaaai baa aoaad extra
caratoaiTaammlalatha aaapla. Friday
extra ear aad ware tbaa erewded aa-
1. 19b Care
quick. The Dr. White
Gx.Deaetax.HL tf
Thoaaof tae auKta.
boya who will
taa days' ea-
leave aaxt Satatday for
MBiaaiar at FL Biley,
Sotlar, a H. BatthvWi
are F.
Fox, E. Wdaea, D.
atond, H. Mewery,
Phca, Arch.
MrFariaad. Jew McOaad,
Trhapy, H. Harriag, W.
Bean aad B. Yoaag.
Hahn Moaday eveaiag at the borne of
CO.Baxae. The gathering wan in the
aataxe af a farewell party to Mr. aad
Mza. Haha who leave thai waak for Kor-
foUr to aaake their fatare hoaM. The
brought rafreehaMBta aad a
The ladies aid aodaty of the Metho
diat ehurefa have aaat invitatibna to all
aaambwa of the ehaxeh aad nig r eaa
than to be ptwaaat at a recaption at the
church thia Taaaday eveaiag in hoaer of
the pastor, Bar. Laee aad preaidiag
elder Bev.MOIard. Aprograai baa been
arxaaged, aad a aorial eveaiag will be
apaat together by the cbarah people.
Colambae waa hoaorad laat week by
having three cithTaae elected to state
aaacea. BeT.TJIaaar waa aaade an aaadal
at theBapthKB atato coavaation held in
Beatrice, Miaa Faaay Gaar waa elected
to aa cease on tae atate notary beard
aad Miaa Beaaie BhaliWi waa aaade the
recotdiag aecretary for the Woaaaa'a
federation, the laat two at aiaariwga held
aad priad-
whkk wfll aaaat ia
Lincoln October 2231, Ptaf. Sara of thae
dty ia oa the program for the toUowiagt
L ShoaJd theaaaaraad arraHfaaiiait
of aahjeeta be changed in standard
? 2. What ahoald be the maxi-
of zaeatatioaa par week for
papd 3. What esbjecta not aow
ahoald be accredited?"
Prof. Bidaardaan received a letter
,y from Prat Mareer of
feat baU of the
hahaadaddad that the Cahtmbaa beye
eatitied to the fve points which Mt
aaaad they had won m
played hare with the
boya oae waak age Sataxday. The
salary to
t a referee ia a feet ball
At the eerier of the atoekhcidara
f the Platte Coaaty Iede-
arPr-feiir"rfji -T.Iy akafc-Jteaifc-g-..
abi to aall Dr.
Baetrie Caaaba, patented Jan.
ilea ill af . hair falling aat.
am tbaa erdaaarr eaaab. Sella oa
eight. Agaata ate
price). Write
Electric Ceaib
At theaapariatoadaata'
oary, taay vaBwoaaiy raaaas
thedaimaf tawSwedaah Aaaariaaa Tel-
ii asAoaA aaBBBT ni Ban man m ia
aBBBDXBIJ aaa wfll aaake other iMariiiaeau of uu .v
MvaaaSMftflML vb Lw ,Lbm
Oaaaba fraam -- i-aat thw rf ta mtr a- --" w
-" mj - " -" - - i t fc wmmom
aad will iaapreve aad actaad thair Ihaaa J
aarapullj aa thaiJaaiBBil an aaa ahjaia S
aaaaa to Caiaambaa ahaat Jaaaary 1. aad s
will aaaba baa baaaa bate and devote bia x
tiaattotbataaaaaaaaawark. I
In the aaaaaataea with the
of tba State
of the aatartaia-
t wiU ba a aaaOiag aoataac Tba
of whiah Prof.Kera.of thia
aity ia Tiaa
Eacheoaaty at the atato ia eatitied so
two eaataataata aad we hope to aaa
Platte caaaty aaad the proper delegate.
the priaa. Write to E. C
Taanala, Seb. fiar
Walter GaUey
bean lor
Jwrth Dakota, aad at Aberdeaa, South
Dakota. He aaya tba ceattnaed wet
aaaaoa imams the apriag, aaaiaier and
fall baa greatly iajared the eropa in
both atataa aad wbaa be left, the weather
waa eold aad daaip. Jaaaaa and Aleck
Bead aad Frank laawian all went north
with Waiter, aad have remained there
with the exception of Baoman. Aleck
Bead bee a pneition in a freight depot at
The followrag from Jim Tanners
r at Falierton would indicate that
Alberta. Caeada, ia aot the delightfnl
eoantry that laad laaarn have represent
ed it to be: 'Word eoaaaa from the
people who left thai county for Alberta.
to beecaae aubjeeta of King Edward, that
they are tired of it, aad will return as
aoan aa they can. Win. Johnson, for
merly of Soath Branch, and who wrote
each glowiag letters from there returned
aaaaa thae ago, and ia now living in
Iowa. Wbaa wfll people quit rnaamc
We've quit."
ty-sfth infantry, United
of 490 colored
of twenty white ofi-
froat Norfolk Monday
over the Union Parinc
to Fart Biley, Fieaae, to attend the ea-
.t. Tney were earned m three
of traiae. From Fort Niobrara
at Valaatzae to Norfolk, a diatanee of
170 aulas, the aoidiam marched across
eoantry ia jaat aeveateen days, arrmag
in Norfolk Satarday noon. The troops
m caarge of Uolnael Jtapes wno
acquaintances m and aroand
John Bader, a fomiture dealer of
Freawat. aad a man who had tried to
peaa a worthless eheek upon him Friday,
had a lively tiaw at the Union Pacific
depot here Satarday. The check waa
drawn on the People's National bank of
Island, HL, and waa for $215,
by John Sherman and payable to
John Woodman. Bader sold 1195 worth
of fornitaxe, but did not deliver it.
When he foaad the cheek to be worth
leas he followed ha aaa here and nude
him pay hack the money advanced and
alao eettie far the trip. The stranger
then left oa thenrat train for the
Fred Seofteld had avaloahle black
stolen Sataxday evening from in
Croat of Sehapbech's drag store. Boy
Haaulton, employed on the dairy farm
of Mr. Srniald rode the home to town
aad while in the Ziaaeeker barber shop
about 930 o'doak, a stranger took the
horse from where it waa tied, and aa yet
ao trace baa been found of aim. The
a coal black with white star in
aad weighs 1100 pounds. A
heavy, doable cinch aaddle valued at
$35 waa taken with the horse. Mr. Sco
iaid baa catered a reward of SSO for the
eonvictioa and recoaacy of the
Mr. aad Mza. Patrick Powers return
ed Satarday from Soath Omaha where
T7ng final arraageaaenta far
of their daughter Miaa
to Prof. Ftaaigan of Harvard. Ne-
The marriage will take place in
St. Bridget's Catholic charch in South
Oaaaba thia Wedaaaday morning. Miaa
wail known in the vicinity
of Colnmbaa, as oae of the sne-
i of Polk county for
aral years aaat. Her frienda wfll
her a bright aad happy-future life. Mrs.
Cnafailn of Cheyenne. Wyoming.
of Miaa Powers, peeaed through
bare Monday oa her way to the wedding.
-The republican city convention waa
Satarday evening aad J. M. Carta
The democrats
xtioo Monday evening
Wm. O'Brien jaatiee of
aad Ed.TiBBB'ruiaad Wflliam
law allows two
of thaae eaaeera aad the
i of oae aaaa from each of the two
. aa aa alert ioc, eo that
i will ha ao contest for the jaatiee
Aa there are two demoerataaad
wfll baa
baiiaay S
' aHkBV.
a-u - Guara
in their icmion,
store, will be
aaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
a r
ot run
'v. J , .
5kJ n
T'i!i.)i-jl -
-mnVtng- zzm
played The KovemberDESiGXEH.
tells you all about it gives full
rules for the games and suggests
good things to eat in keeping- with
the spirit of the hour
The Old Woman wa.
Lived - Shoe
a play and drill for the wee folk,
is also given in this number
beautifully illustrated by llabei
The Designer a catrsj nxmbc s? cmrr
J. - CflkkEY.
i aaam democstrated darmjr
of satisfied customers are the best evidence of the merit of our
millinery in which excellent styles acd low prices are the rul
ing spnta. You cannot aJord to buy a hat before seein? our
display. Hundreds of the newest designs arriving continually.
I am in the millinery market every dayr which enables me
to buy the new styles as fast as they come out at prices
at about half what you would pay elsewhere.
Joseph Benescii. who has been postal
clerk on the Columbus-Albion rs: for
some time, has been transferred to the
run from Wayne to BlocuteId and leaves
t.H Wednesday for his new home. Mr.
Beeeech wfll be greatly missed by the (
oBcal orga ons of the city. Hisj
place ae instructor of stnajzed instru-'
menta and crecsor of the Aaditonum
orcheetra will be hard to 51L as he has '
awompLbed much in mtroducinc: a
higher grade of music than had hereto
fore been attempted. The orchestra has
been the pride of the musicians of the
town. Mr.Beneschsriefids here hope
that he may return to the Columbus
Meadames Geer, Garlow. Gerrard
Andereos and Mies Bessie Sheldon who
attended the federation o vvocan'
clubs at Fremont last week report hav
ing peaeed a very profitable and pleasant
and the federation a success in.
every particular. Mrs. W. . Page of
Syracuse was unanimously re-lected
axeaident of the federation for the fol-
lowing year and Miss Bessie Sheldon.;, . . . . . . .
-riwi h haari an iTntd rarnrmn!? aH?-
retary to take the place o Ms. XT E.
Weaver a few months ago. was elected '
to that praptf'Tin for the coming year.'
aaeldon was also electee a delegate
to the St. Louis biennial convection.
and Mrs. F. H. Geer her alternate.
The foUowing, taken from the Genoa '
is ia reference to a woman who
had aaaey-acquaintances amongst Joca-f
aux. raedera: -'Mrs. Henry Stevens died
at the family home in Platte county, oce
aad nan half miles east of Genoa. San
day evaahag, Oetober -L 1903. in her 53rd
taken sick two
with an attack of pneumonia ,
trocble which terminated
fatally aa abaveatated- Funeral services
beld ia the Methodist church Tues-
Oay forenoon. the remains taken to I
Beverly, "P1f-"- for bwrial on the after-
ao?- trajn, an 'jwnii'i' hf rhi Tinn'runT'
Jaaaee. Deceased was the
of Mr. Stevens. Thev were
in Colambas about nf-o years
Wella. Sh waa bom in. Bev-
she grew to woman -
lived -m1 ---- to Xe-
around aad
who to vote for at
and the many
T3t Stwcxt. 5
a aaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa
dav for mr
and the al
most -grownups
be surprised
at the number
:es that can be
. -
our openinc week. Handreda
, . ,
One tlonr a ' of
Hnc Ju.
Havrx pnrrniiimii th- C F. Exj--ha
-U-cit of Dra. Wall Patr.
raai t. out. ai a st
tion w ar u
r tm t-tt 1 r
prtces. Call asil :
' T
At 3) to 40 per cent, discount. T
Craaa Saw is Teas
All prescripdoc carefully
compounded by an exper
ienceti regiiterei pnrc?t
I ilalUt'a rttra-4w.
Manager. T
2N-ohsr block. eorr I3tii isii 01t
Gas aaVatnie-
tared far pain i
teas extractiee)
af teeth.
B"uiuac- Triephosa L Z.
Ofl-- TeiesooBe A 4
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the coming election con t overiooc the
fact that there are to be two district
judges elected, and that the republicans.
H casting about for raT:fffrina who
would command tne support of the peo-
pie 'or these important poeitinns. select-
ed one of them from our neighboring
maiden -am- waetcoency of f latte. We refer to Eon. J-
G.Beeder than whom there hi no more
f competent man for the poeitioc in the
entire aietnct. Tou all know him. and
you know his qualtficatjcaa. Honor
youraeir and Conor the aiatnet by votrag
for J. G "Reader for daatriet fudge.
'.." -s I
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