W'SM "'" W (fMnmlras axaml ' -I VOLUME XXXIV.-NTMBER 23 COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1903. WHOLE NUMBER 1.739. -. a . . i i iipniiwajpy -mv 'gji jw gwqg Che V:. & IT PATS TO RIDE Df A f mjIHBJIP LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarfaaaaV "" saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB 4aaaaaaaaa ii saaaav a.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar"l V aaaaaaa J ARREST FIVE MEN BECAUSE O- THE ASSAULT ON OUR VICE CONSUL. WHAT TURKISH OFFICERS CLAIM Th-y Say Ns Attsmrrt Was Mace to Assassinate. Assert tnat Shots Were t Celcrsticn sf a Marriage Ctrtncnv CONSTANTINOPLE The pone ias notifi"! Minister Leishman that lve arrest? hav oen man1 at Bev root in rcnn-Hrtion with The snootinc which ec To th- reor hax William C Marelssen. the vich consul there. had been a.-5assinated. The Turkish ofSciais continue to in sist that no attemst was made on the vice consul's life and thev r assert that the who! story orijnnated in a xeu-d-jol fired on th- occasion of a marriase in accordance with customs. Mr. Leishman. however, refuses to accept an emiananon without con clusive proof that 'ne judicia investi gation con'ms. The attemnf to burn the American collese at Harpoo; occurred fiv weeks azo and apparently was tn work of an individual wco ocsidered he had a zrievane aramsr Thi college au thonues. When Mr Leiahman was informed of the attempt he demanded that the pone protect th American institution and in ccusfraence in structions were sent To thv authorities ar Harpoot to try in the reguiar courts the cnarges azams- afy Armenians. accused of traficKinz m arms and en sazinz in othr sfKiitiou- acts WASHINGTON Chekib 3ey. the Turkish minister has received from the minister of foreign affairs a: Con stantinople a dispatch zivrng the Turkish version of tne reported at tempt on tb I:f of United States Vice Consul Magelssen at Byrcor. it vis dated August Z-t and originally wa- sent to the minister s summer home at Sayviile. L T After aeciannz that the repor of the assassination of Mr Mageissen was absolutely false h dispatch gives a version of th a2air practical ly th ?am as nas ben Toiu in rh1 dispatchlc from Turkey ii says that the pistol was Hz! by a man ,eturn mz tram a mama: ft- tha the shot was fired in the air and tna it hap pended jusi as Mr. Mazelssen wa? passinz is his camane. This, the dir patch ays led 'he rice consul to b heve that an attempt had bn mad1 against his lifo The man who did the shooung already has been deliv ered to th judicial authorities. Che bik Beys dispatcn also asserts tat order and tranquility prevail a Bey foct. The information contained in the cablegram has been furnished to United States Minister Leishman a: Constantinople by th Turkish mrni ter of foreign affairs and u Secretary , Hay hy the Turkish minister here A man is known dv the co-nzany he rcrks for. Raiircad Builcer Csnisle Dead. CINCINNATI. O John Car .s'e. cue of the most prominent and foremost titizen? cf Cincinnati died Monday, aged 57 He constructed part of the Ohio i: Mississippi railway was for merly vice president of the Cincmnaa. Hamilton Sz Dayton railroau and trus tee cf the Southern railway He built the Chatteroix railroad from Ashland to Richardson. Hy to develop his coal lands and was largely interested in buildings and business in Cincinnati Agitation m Senna. BELGRADE. Servia A crowd cf icusands of peoole gathered in the theater square en Sunday aftemccn end cem-astrated m sympathy- with She Macedonians. Several well knnwn J'clr'icians speke. They cendesmed Tnrkxsh ntismle. appealed to the Ser bians zo assist tie Macedonia?'? in thcir srrugzle- for freedom and declar ed that Srvi2, S znria -" icn.ta- SUBSTANTIAL BALLOOK. 'THE PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. Decrease is Shown cf Over $.000,000 for August. WASHINGTON" ! C The month ly statement of tne public debt at ta ciose of ousmess August Zl shows th- totai debt. less ash in treasury, amounted ro 8323.924.35? which is a d-rease for the month of $6.09.SS1. This decrease is accounted for nnn- t ctpally by the corresponding increase m th c3h on hand Th debt is re capitulated as follows Iateres bearing debt $314.541.4',0a debt oc wsirh interest has cea.ed since maturity $:.24 07" debt bear mg no interest. J39".2S 527: totals. Jit 3i'7.375.')io This amount, how- i ever does not 'ontam 55.733.jy In certificates and treasury notes out standing wmch are offset Dy an ec.ua! amount of cash on hand held for their redemption. BRAZIL'S BIG APPROPRIATION. "hat Nation tc Hav a Lar; ExMibil at World's Fair WASHINGTON. D C The state g- partment has transmitted to the Wasn- j mgton representative of the World's j fair a dispatch from the United States j minister to 3raz: D E Thompson of Linccin statins mat an anpropna::cn of Jiirw.O''''' sold on accoun of Brazil's parucipa'acn in th- esrosition has passed both houses of the Brazilian congress ana has received the pres ident s approval The appropriation, which is the full amount rcommencec by tne govern- j Bandits Fire on tne Engineer at Great ment. is the greatest appropriation Falls. Mcnt. Brazil has arer mad for represents- 3UTTE. Mont. A special to the In uon at an international exposi'ion. ! ter-Mountnin rrom Great Falls says and will insure that country the most What is believed to have been an extensive exhibit of any South Amert attempt to hold ud Express No. 151 can country. I 0ii rh Great Northern railroad al- i most within the city limits of Great AGUINALDO GIVES ADVICE. Urges His Ccuntryr-er tc Send Their Children tc Scncol. MANILA Agumaldo the ex-revolu-tionary leacer buL now a pronounced supporter of the policy maintained by the United States in the island, has just addressed a letter of advice to his countrymen In tms he ues tha- tney forsake rambling to improve their methods of azrirulture and to attend the puV Iic school? o zenerousiy provided to furnish them educational facilities. Discuss Prcscects cf War. VICTORIA. B C Jananese pa-Prs brouzk by tii Emprs.- of China, which arrivpd Tujda" from h-- Ori ent have coiumns n s'-asir the pros ncs of war Tt Mamichi reporrs that 'h Japanese zovernment ha3 conduced arrangements with a certain now-r for tne ican of 31flO.00O.00O for military purpose? Th1 paper states editorially that the report is believec to be true. Condition cf trie i reasury. WASHINGTON D. C Today's statement of the treasury balances m xk general fund, exclusive of the S130.uO.GOO goid reserve in the divi sion of redemption, shows: Available cash balance. J233.430.711: gold. $103. 202.571. Bulgarian Less is Heavy. SALONICA According to the lat est Turkish estimate about 1.500 3uiganans were killed in the recent fighting at Smilero. Ve Nevska and Klissnra. The Turkish loss is not stated. This loss does not include loss in the Smilero district, where fighnng was resumed August 3u anc continued until the following day. It is reported that Sarafoff. the rev olutionary leaders, left Salcuica on Tuesday The Thomas ? Treasure Shic SAN FRANCISCO. CaL The arar transport Thomas sailed for Manila ay way cf Guam She carried 307 manses for the Philippines and Guam, twenty-nve members of the Fourteenth cavalry and a few casu als. In addition to a inrge cuaztriry ef freight. ti Thomas takes tc the islands $7 000 000 m treasure cf whiczi $2 200,(300 is m the -w silver treses THE GUP IS HELD AMERICAN RELIANCE WINS THE THIRD RACE OF SERIES. btlAMKUUK Mlddtb A I NAIbH uces rto: trass rne tine anc ucmes to It from the Other Side Ameri-' can Yacnt Takes tne Maintains the Same. Lead and Time cf Race. Outer Start Mart. Sfcainroclc HI .1-iC.om 3.51 5 giiamroek III iui sot nnish. NEW YORK Reliance, the r ;j.h- 3s"c Ameri can cup defender, on Thursday won the third and anal race and the series for that famous sea trophy. America's cup. In a dens foz. which prevented visien beyond 200 yards, the defender finished the race at 3.30:02 amid the J acclamations of the assembled fioat. Shamrock III. after running for nizd when not in direct conflict with more than an hour in the foe. missed , American laws. the finish line passed by it and then - General Leonard Wood, now resi rtumed to it rrom the opposite di- ' dent of Zambonga. who has just com rectiou. As Rrhance was then being pleted the organisation of the gov towed through the flt the yacnt's en- enm? council reports a feeling of sign fiuttered from its truck and unrest among the Moro tnhaoiiants. spreaders in celebration of its victory. aaj upon his request an additional j Shamrock III did not cross the finish ( batry nas been dispatched from Ma 1 line. As often said of the historic race ' nna to strenzthen the forces now un- when America wan the cup. "There was no second." This successful race was achieved only after four futile attempts to sail off the final race and after the out come had ben admitted by even Sir Thomas Liptou to be a foregone con clusion. Today's via the eighth at tempt to sail a race. After on fiuk Reliance won the followinz races, one by 7 minutes and 3 seconds and the other by 1 minute and IS seconds. A week ago the first attempt to sail tha third race failed and other? hav failed very day this week. On the flrst occasion Reliance led Shamrock to the finish line by two mils. but failed to reach it before the expiration of the time limit cf five and a half hours. TcdaySs victory means that the cup is destined to remain in Amer ica until England is able to produce a srenius enual to Herrshoff m yacht designing. Rarely, if ever, has there been a more spectacular finish than R fcance's. After racing over an hour at terrific speed through a blinding ! foe. Reliance burst through the wall or mist upon tne vision oi tne spec tators on the fleet assembled at the finish line. and. heeling under a great ! hellving balloon jib topsail until its 1ie - a-xash. new across the ' finlsh line almost before the spectators , Id da,erIls rar a certainty that it was th defender One1 mor the Yankee boat had added to the long string cf victories in contests for the ( honored old silver trophy that carried ' with it the blue ribbon of tne sea. THE GREAT NORTHERN HOLDUP Falls was foiled by the engineer, who ran his train by the suot where n was to have been halted so fasT that the robbers could not get at him. Just east of the city the engineer saw figures on the side of the track m the darkness. Some one shonted .something, out the engineer paid no attention. There was a shot and the hall passed within a foot ot his hac and smashed a zias sm the cab. De tectives were uumed to the scene, but no one as found there NO INCREASE IN DEPOSITS. Secretary Shaw Says tnat Money WiU Be Held ir. Treasury CHICAGO The published report that government daosit? in national banks are to be materially increased is declared by Secretary of th Treas ury Leslie M. Shaw to D- unfounded. Secretary Shaw Thursday made the following statement. "I notice seme newspaper accounts to the effect that I am about to in crease deposits cf money to the ex tent of $40,000.010 available fcr depos its if conditions should hereafter ren der it expedient to make so large an increase. "For the present I am acceptine only applications for small amounts that have been on file for several months and am confining these to ag ricultnral districts." Wine Flews in Fresnets. LOS ANGELES. Cai. Fizures com piled from records by the local inter national revenue olScers show that the sweet wme output for Southern California for the season of 1303 will exceed 1.300.000 gallons. The output of brandy is estimated at 40jOOO gal lons, tax-paid, and 250.000 gallons free of tax for fortifying purposes. The gross crop is estimated to be fully 60 per cent heavier this season than in 1932. Jealous Woman a Murderer. DENVER Mrs. Theodore Kruse. -lie ui. a.wuua - - a killed en Thursday at her heme hy Mrs. Sate Bernardine. Tne murder- ess was arrested. She decided tc make any statement. The cause cf tie sheeting rs supposed tc have "sees jealousy Mrs. Kruse was attending her eight-mcnrns-old baby when call- ec. tc the doer fc Mrs. Semardins ; i...,?-i.... - -;... , -i ' MOROS BECOMING RESTLESS. Jolo Constabulary Kills Twenty tneur- Bents in a Battle. MANILA The Jolo constabulary ' have been in conflict with a body of I insurgents in the province of Cavite. near Lacuna de Bay, and kilted " ty or them during a sharp engage- menr Reinforcements barv- been sent to j t ) subdue the insurgents. who have tak en up a strong position :n the moun . tains which Sank the Lacuna. The executive council for the Moro , , . , province has been organized in ac- i i cordance with the bill recently en- actd by th Philippine commission. providing ror the sovernment of the Moras. T. ,, i ; . ,,,- The council is composed of a gov . .. ,..,.. -,... ..,,,.. emor. secretary, treasurer, engineer and superintendent cf schools. The province will now be within the ju risdiction of the Philippine courts and constabulary. Moro laws being recog- i ar hiS command. IS GLAD OF FINAL DEFEAT. i Just before 11 o'clock the man re Sr Thomas Says He Knew He Was turned a third time and demanded of Doomed Anyhow tjje officer that he should be permit- KIGHLANDS - OF - THE - -NAVE- ted to see the president at once. The SINK. N J When the Erin had dis- officer's response was to take the man charged her passengers Thursday froa, hiS buggy and put him in the night and the cho of therr cheers stables, where he was placed under had died away Si i nomas Upton said "Two weeks ago I was hopeful, last week I knew I was doomed to d feat and was disappointed, but today I am almost glad in my own defeat. this America has been such a gener ous victer I want to azain thank th1 American people for their gen erosity to me in my defeat. Asked what his plans are. Sir Thomas said "My crew is to return to England on Tuesday next and I really ought to go back by that time myself. I will post on my engagements in a cav or two and then determine what I shall do. I will artend a dinner in New York Tomorrow night, and I halt promised to be Mr. Woodruff's guest m Brooklyn and go to the New York state fair, but that is not absolutely certain. It is possible I may have to start for home next week." SAY THE BETTER BOAT WON. Lsnccn Pacers Commenr an the Cua Yacht Races. LONDON Friday morning'? papers puohsh editorials congratulating the United States on again retaining the ' America s cup. and complimenting Sir ' Thomas on his gallant fight. AH the journals agree that the contests were j won by the better boat and the clev erer skipper and crew and admit that ther2 seems to be no reason why the United States should nor retain the cup for many y-ara to cme. snce it s-ms tha Great Britain has some thing to learn from America in the matter of yach building. The Daily Telegraph expresses the general reelinjc. when, paring a trib ute to the fairness with which the contents were conducted, it says. "An entirety honorable cnapter added to the history of the America's cup." Pe? Coal Remains tne Same. FOTTSVILLE. Pa. The Philadel Dhia &: Reading Coal & Iron company announces a continuation of the spe cial reduction of 23 cents a ton at the mines on pea and buckwheat coal, on conrtacts r'o- September making the price of pea coal $1.73 at the mine, the same as in August. Owing to over production of anthracite several large coilenes have been closed radeSnitelv. Since the commencement of the or Snips Going to Beirut. eratiens in Somoliiand an aggrczat" GENOA The United States cruis- of 30.000.o00 rounds of L.-'e-Metford ers Brooklyn and San Francisco, ammunition and 'orrespondinr num whicn sailed from Genoa yesterday bers of Lee-Metforu and Gras nfies evening, are hound for Beirut and not , have been shipped by this London for Per- Said, as previously cabled. . firm to Jubutil and Harrar. by way cf i The Machias previously sailed Port Said, where she will coal. for Colonel Eskndge Dies in Manila. WASHINGTON. D. C General Wade has cabled the War department from Manila announcing the death of Colonel Richard Eckridge. U. S. A-. t retired, who died in the hospital , August 29. He was retired in 130L Destroy Bulgarian Sine. SALONICA. Hihaa Pasha. insp-( tor general of Macedonia, has tele-1 grapneu irom jionasur that a BM- j garian baad was defeated September , i Between uis3ura and Kastona. with , heavy loss. The remainder of the band is being pursued by the Turks, Another band was defeated the same J day near Venezianogratsko and thirty insurgents killed. Another band of , sixteen rebels was destroyed near ftjini?. By Threat of Death. BUCHAREST M. Swotkoff. agent . - nere ot tne Macccnzsn. committee, has been arrested for extartiag. by menaces of death, sniscrrctfem to tie funds cf the revoluticnists- Tee po- f lice discovered receipts signed by 3aris Saracff, the revtslnrzonary lead-1 -r. for snzas a?srearias; 15,000- The k Rcnmaruar. arvernznext. has ordered the frontier omciais tc register 2H tie LOCK UP LUNATIC INSISTED UPON SEEING PRESI DENT AT LATE HOUR. ' AIMED WITH A BIG IEV0LVEI Man Resides in the Neighborhood af Oyster Bay and Belongs to a Good Family Secret Service Men Have to Take Him in Charge. OYSTER BAY A man giving his name as Henry Weilbrenner was ar rested at Sagamore Hill late Tuesday night while making a persistent de mand to see President Roosevelt. The I Qan "s armed with a revolver fully loaded. He was taken to the village ' - - "-" h Shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday sight Weilbrenner drove to Sagamore r Hill in a phaetcn buggy. He was stopped by the secret service opera tive on duty. Weilbrenner said he had a personal engagement with the president and desired to see him. As ir was long after the hours when visitors are received the officer de clined to permit him to go to the . house. The man insisted, but the offi 1 cer turned him away ' Scon after Weilbrenner returned and again insisted that he be allowed j to ee the president if only for a min I ute This time he was ordered away and warned not to return. jt guard of two 3table men. A re volver was found in the buggy. Later Weilbrenner was brought to th jail and locked up. He is five feet six Inches high, has a medium sized dark moustache, black eyes and evidently is of German descent. He resides at Syosset. about five miles inland from Oyster Bay. He was well dressed in a suit of dark material and wore an old-fashioned drby hat It is thought bv the officers that Weil brenner was accompanied by two oth er men. as their footprints were found in the mud alongside the buggy tracks. In vi-w of this fact the offi cer on duty telephoned to the village for assistance and was sGon joined by two other s-rret service men. Weilbrenner appears to be dement ed. He said that he had received a telephonic communication from the president directing him to call at Sag amore Hill. His buggy was taken to a local livery bam. When asked what had become of the rig. Weii brenner replied- "Oh th3 nrusidnT has takn cart- cf it that s all nzht." PROBLEM FOR THE COURTS. Can Pn'lippine Government Enforce Court Martial Sentence? WASHINGTON D C Tne war de- partment has decided to refer to the supreme court of the Philippines is lands the case of the native. Philipino Dunony. who was convicted of mur der by the military government and s-ntencetl to deatn. He escaped anc was apprehended after the Philippines passed to civil control His attorneys make the claim that the civil govern ment cannot carry our the sentence of the military government. It is expected that the cas ulti mately will be taken to the United States supreme court. ARMS FOR THE MAD MULLAH. Weapons and Munitions Furnisned by a Lcndan Firm. ADEN. Arabia The pr.ncipa! sources of supplies of rines and am munition to the Mad Mulian's forces m Somoliiand have be-n traced through a complete identification of trade marks through agent at Har rar and Jubutil. Tbyssinia. to a Lon don firm. Manchester and Marseilles. "Lonesome Joe" is Captured. CODY. Wyo. "Lonesome Joe." whose correct name is H. I Hughes, was captured near the Montana line I a.ja u uj i3ueii- rotier ot Carbon county. Montana. "Lonesome Joe" is wanted on several charges of hcrse stealing and bank robbery. Massacre by tne Infantry. SOFIA A strong force of Turkish infantry, cavalry and artillery recent- ly attacked the rillaare of Stoilovc, northward, which had been occupied by insurgents. The lattar retired. after which the Turks entered the place, massacred the entire population and destroyed the village, Priace Ferdinand of Bulgaria has arrived at Eaxinograde, Bulgaria, where ke has been joined by the pre atier. Confessed ts Murder. DETROIT. Mich. A man xrviaz the nazn of Charles Risen, walked into pelice headquarters 2 o'clock this lWTg and said is wished to eve himself tib. as he wj the murdered at Little Alfcnse Wilries. the 4-7ar- eld bey who was icuztd nzurdered and his body terribly slashed several dav ae. The twiice have searched far zsi t fcr sczns cine tc the zznr- WITH CHEKIB BEY. Turkish Minister Confers with Secre tary Hay. WASHINGTON Chekib Bey. the Turkish, minister, had a long interview Monday with Secretary Hay. He re fused, to discuss the inwrview, stat ing that he had nothing to communi cate further than what appeared in the Associated Press dispatches Sun day morning. After the interview Secretary Hay isited the navy department. If the Turkish minister requested that the European squadron be kept away from Turkish waters his request prob ably cannot be granted, even shauid this government desire to accede to it, as the navy department states that it would be impossible to communi cate witht either Brooklyn or San Francisco until they arrive at Bey rcot. Chekib Bey assured Secretary Hay that the Turkish government had done nothing wrong and will use every en deavor to protect American citizen residing m Turkey. He also discuss ed the conditions of the insurrection in Turkey and said that the Turkish government was not responsible for any of the disasters tnat had occur red. Secretary Hays call upon Acting Secretary Daraling was for the pur pose of ascertaining the whereabouts of the European squadron and also what its orders are. There is no in tention of changing any orders at present, especially as the ships can not be reached until they arrive a: Beyrcoc No messages of importance have been received from Minister Leisch man. Late dispatcaes from Minister Leischman aive in detail the condi tions in Turkey and do not differ ma terially In tone from those previously sent. Minister Leischman does not. as reported in some quarters, rqust the withdrawal of the American ships from Turkish waters. FIRE OF REVOLUTION. Indians Arise on Isthmus cf Panama. Joining New Insurgent Leader. NEW YORK Travelers m Panama report the isthmus ahgnt with fires of a new revolution, according to a Times disputes from San Jose. Costa Rica. The Indians have arisen and the late followers of General Benjamin Her rera are mustering in the mountain villages preparatory to joining an or ganized revolt caused by the rejection of the Panama canal treaty Hundreds of stacks of arms con fiscated by the Colombian zovemment at the close of the late revolution have reappeared from some mysterious source. With the arms goes ammuni tion fresh from factories, snowing the movement is not spasmodic, but care fully planned. WIND IS TOO LIGHT. Fcurth Rate Between Reliance and Shamrock III a Fluke. outr Starr. M.irK F.nL-h. Reliance . :i r. .IS : '.tTT Rai:.- Shamrock III. U.iaJSi .1.Z: v) -.lltt NEW YORK Azain oc Monday the beautiful cup defender P.eliance faiied to resister its third victory over Lip ton s challenger because the wind died to nothing and the time limit of five and a half hours expired before it could reach tne finish line. Its margin was approximately rhe same as on last Thursday It was less than half a mile from the finish when the gun sounded Shamrock III was a fainr blur on the horizon, fully two and a half miles astern Reliance's failure to score the race was th mor exas perating because it ulnmare triumph is now conceded even by Sir Thomas himself to be simply a formality KEARNEY GETS THE NORMAL. State Beard cf Education Puts in a Large Part cf Day Balloting. LINCOLN Nb Kearupy zts The new statp normal school tor thf er" tinn of which the late legislature ap propriated $30.)00. Ord and Broken Bow also ran. The location was de cided upon the 1 1th ballot, after the board had discussed for same time the advisability of adjourning. The proposition made by the 3uffaIo coun ty town was a 20-acre site for the school, a large three-storv brick building that can be used as a dormi tory and a water power privilege, in all valued at $30.00. On the winmuz ballot Kearney zor i votes. Ord I and i Broken 3ow 3. Deficiency in World's Gram. BUDAPEST The annual estimat or the worlds grain crop by the min ister of aartculture ets the wheat crop in Hungary at 4L2iJ.70O meter centners la metercentner equals 440.S2 pounds, compared with 45. 3fl7.0i0 last year. The deficiency in the other cereals is about the same percentage. The report mdi tates a deficiency amounting to 13. 270.000 metercentners in rhe world's 'grain crop. Insurgent Fsrces Total 15.0CG. SOLIA Th Macedonian Iadrs her? claim Tha an aznremiTe cf 2.P1rt Bulgarians have Tossed 'he fmnuer tn small parties and joined the msur seats durtns the last ren days Gen eral Zcntchcff. th presidenr cf the Macedonian, rciitital csntmttree. azd Colonel Jinko5. s.e of the r?volTit!cn .ory Ieadr3 -"hc are now- in Mace- xiOmn g.. v ' ... the 1 1 Mtff THEGtAMS. fl'V.'t". l"l' . n I 1 . 1 l1 . . 1 The State bank of Silver Lake. Minn was robbed of $230 In cash and all notes and securities. Emperor William banqueted 10 000 civil oacials and prominent inhabi tants of the province of Hesse-Nassau it Cassel. Frau Costma Wagner telegraphs to Berlin that she will not produce "Par sifal" in America, as reported from I V. New York. A zeneral bureau of information l to be established at Salt Lake by the Women's Missionary union and the Utah Ministerial union. Henry Caldwell established a new world's competitive record on a motor at the Charles River track. Boston, riding fifty miles in one hour. Twelve hundred stationary engi neers met m national convention at Evansville. Ind.. representing the or ganization of every state in the un ion. Fernando Valenzuela. for whoi-e capture dead or alive a large reward was offered, has been shot and Kill ed by Mexican rurales at Santa Cruz Canora. Two German students, named Lud wig Schmit: and Emil Mark, of Hei delberg, have been sentenced to three months detention in a fortress for uueling. The Indianapolis Southern railway let the contract for the preparatory work on the road between Indianap olis and Sullivan, a distance of !! miles, to Kenenck Co. of Pittsburg .Mathematicians from all over the country, as well as from various parts of the continent of Europe, were in Boston to attend the tenth sum mer meeting of the American Math ematical sociery The monthlv statement of the coin ae executed at the mints of the Uni ted States show the total coinage for Auzusr to have been $1,114,130. as fol lows Gold. $43O.00: silver. $432.')0'. minor coins. $212.1,?3 Consular dispatches from Prishtina. near the Servian frontier, confirm the r-ports that nearly all the Christian villages in the districts of Dihro. fifty four miles from Monasnr and Ciceve have been pillazed and burned A repar- tram Rear Admiral Cozh lan on the accident to Olympia during the joint maneuvers received at the navy department says that the ju ries are slight, but that the ship is leaking quite bad.'. The eruption of Vesuvius continue in all iz grandeur but without appar ent danzer to tn- neizubormg popula tion. The lava emitted i of an un usually liquid form and consequently has covered a larzer area than at pre vious eruptions. General George 3. Wright, one of the best known men in Ohio, died fn ColunJJs of nneumonia. azed 7 years. He was prominent in statt and national affairs and had held of fice under both rhe state and United State- zovernments. The department of commerce and labor announces the appointmenr o" Edwm W Sims as sp-cial attornev m the bureau of comorations. H has been practicing law in Chicazo fcr the pasr ten years and ha- o-n county attcm-v of Cook coonTy sine IS01 The Liquor Dealers a.-sociatian of New York passed resolutions denounc ing Mayor Lo for annonncinr that the association has determined to en ter the municipal campaign this yea-a.- a non-political body ro oppose he election of its enemies and espouse the cause of iTs friends In a pani ar the rirr annua! p. nic of the butchers of Racine. Wi held at Sunside park foar person -r3 ,vereiy injured by a mail -which broke loose and ran thronzn the crowd of I.ioo people. A bundr; or more persons were knocked down sad rhre women famred Mis? Sarah F Gardner the mir. or. who resumed a monrh azo -rm India, where she represented the Wo man s Cnion Missionary socienr i-twenty-four years is dead in the Car skills. wher she hac zone to r-o . perate. Miss Gardner toorc a leaimz part in the missionary work and neau ed the ereat Hoyt Memorial hospital for the women cf India. Federal cfiicials at IndianapoL. receivec word that two Scotland Yaru detectives lert Liverpool. Enzland for Indianapolis, armed with warrauTs and complete extradition papers for Jams L. Lynchehaun. the Irish fuz: tive under arrest hre. Tne Chicazo Yacht iub will retam possession of the Sir Thomas Lipron cup for another year. La Rita wmninz the deciding race. La. Rita woe the. cup last year, and another victory will zive her permanent possession of tie trepey The monthly statement of govern ment receipts and expeditures shows that for the month of August. 1S03 tne totai receipts were J45."'!JI77 and the expenditures J4C.024.544. leav inz a surplus for the month of Xo - Tn Honolulu Bar association haa drafted a memorial to ronzress askins that th number of sunreme jn.-tices nf the TznTCTy of Hawaii b rnrr3 ed frctn thre v fiv cwrcs to th Iara aacbcr cf case? a-innx i" sicn. Oskar Messtsr sf Heri. who his invited sn 3?naritii5 comhr2a the :, ! phencaraph and mov: "T" chotcsTich- ?iv? s pTtviis "iVv r iiiiiiii iiiiii iiimiiiH Sac Old Reliable :: Colximbxis ! Sta.te B&nk. I Oltet Baak ia the tc Pn.ys Interest on Time Deposits and Mswkes Loa.ns on Resvl Estswte Issues Sight Drafts on ; ; Om6.ho.. Chicsgo. ; Sew York snd a. 1 1 ;; Foreign Countries. t Sells Steetroship Tickets Buys Good Notes and Helps its Custonrtsrs when they need help. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: X M- Brugjjer. Pres. T Wm. Bucher. Vice-Pres. T H. A. CleLrk. Csvshier L- Gerrard A- M. Clsvrk tun 1 1 ii ii i ii 1 1 iiiiii nn Coluinbus JournaJ, A Vttkiy ReeublksA Ne wspsper Derrotei to th Interests ci X X Columbus, THE County of Platte, The State of -Nebraska.- THE United States, and the RUt Of MilkM w Tbm Unit of Measure with U is $1.50 Mr Yssr, if ?aid in AdTsocav Stinpte Copies Sent Prte t any Address. HENRY CASS. 1 .UNDCfiTAKCft.. Cc&m scd Metallic ...The... Columbus Journal. Any- Rsqjoirsd f a i i t CLUBS TTH THE OF THS :nu;r, m m i .srsbv mamm ' eaeaeaeReaeaeRcaTlawaRSBRaeHVf vavBeHRaRHsaCk pRwnii nnt tc cccxy zz , j M s , S -T 5 y -a. h-c mvnticn "lth. sa -- ,-w.