The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 02, 1903, Image 4

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Matters In
Northwestern Read Give Out Treat-
merit It Hae Successfully Tested.
The prescription known as "The P.
K. M. V. R. R- Hog Kenedy," for
prevention of hog cholera or swine
plague is bow beiag published by the
Chicago tc. Northwestern Railway
coaipaay for the benefit of all con
cerned. The prescriptiom and direc
tions are as follows:
No. 1 Trollae, two quarts; kero
sene, two quarts. No. 3 Tincture
aconite. No. 4 Sulphuroid, fire
pounds; sulphur, five pounds.
No. 1 of this remedy acts on the
liver and keeps the lungs in a healthy
condition. No. 3 stimulates and pro
tects the heart. No. 4 keeps the blood
pure and free from disease.
Directions If the hogs have been
exposed to the disease, take food and
water away from them and give
twice daily for five to eight days, Nos.
1. 3 and 4, in slop, made from shorts
and oil meal, as follows: No. 1, one
tahlespoonful to each hog weighing
100 pounds or over. Hogs weighing
50 to CO pounds, one tablespoonful to
two hogs. No. 3, for hogs weighing
100 pounds or more, one tablespoon-
f ul to five hogs. Sboats, weighing 50 to
60 pounds, one tablespoonful to eight
to ten of them. No. 4, give to each
hog weighing over 50 pounds, one
tablespoonful. To prevent disease
when hogs have not been exposed,
give Nos. . 3 and 4 twice daily for
three days, then once a week. When
disease is in the neighborhood be
more careful with hogs and feed med
icine oftener. Keep pens disinfect
ed with air slaked lime. Each num
ber must be kept separate until fed.
Feed all three numbers together. This
remedy will in no way injure piggy
The Omaha retail price for the
drugs in Ibis preparation are:
Troline. $1.40 per gallon; kerosene
oil, 15 cents per gallon (lowest grade
is best): tinctured aconite root, U. 8.,
90 cents per pint; sulphuroid, 35
cents per pound; sulphur, 5 cents per
Many Victims of Fakir.
NORFOLK. More fanners who bit
at the medicine fake a few days ago
are coming to light every day and
two of them have just filed attach
ment papers in court, by which they
hope to secure the immense diamond
left by the wily Shields as a deposit
for a check. They are prominent citi
zens of their community and signed
their names to notes for $63 and $$5
Prairie Chickens Plentiful.
Chief Game Warden Carter return
ed to his headquarters at the capitol
Monday from a tour, lasting almost
two weeks, of the counties in north
ern Nebraska, the heart of the prairie
chicken country. During his absence
he ferreted out three violations of
the game laws, and secured the con
viction of as many chicken shooters,
two in Antelope county and one in
Holt. Mr. Carter reports that the
chickens are very plentiful.
Beatrice Bey Is Successful.
BEATRICE. Henry Wolf, a young
man 18 years of age. who left Bea
trice two years ago with only 70
cents in his pockets, has written to
his parents in this city that he is
now at Port Clearance. Alaska, on
board a ship, and is meeting with
splendid success.
That White Catfish.
Superintendent W. J. O'Brien of the
state hatcheries recently announced
that he had caught a fifty pound
white catfish in overflow water of the
Missouri river. Few fishermen have
ever heard of a variety called the
white catfish and some do not believe
that there i ssuch a thing. Mr.
O'Brien took the fish to the hatcher
ies. He got it there in good condi
tion, but later it became sick and he
feared it would die. It has recovered
its health and will be placed on ex
hibition in the fisheries building at
the state fair. Fishermen who have
never seen one of this kind will then
have a chance to gratify their curi
osity. The man who wears the pinching
shoe knows better than any one else
where it hurts most.
Unearth Eisht Skeletons.
PLATTSMOUTH. While plowing
on the farm of W. H. Baker, five
miles northwest of Plattsmouth. eight
skeletons were unearthed by Ray Wes
ley and Frank Barker. The bones are
supposed to be those of Indians, and
some of them appeared to be the re
mains of children. The teeth and
some of the bones were picked up and
kept for farther examination. The
heavy rains had washed the dirt from
the side of the hill.
Sues Railread far Damages.
WEST POINT. Suit was filed in
the district court of Cuming county
against the Northwestern Railroad
Company by Mrs. Werner, wife of
the man killed some months ago in
the railroad yards in this city. Dam
ages are laid at $5,000. and negUgence
of the company's servants is alleged.
Service of the summons was made
upon the engineer of the train which
killed Werner, the engineer being
nude a party defendant.
. Parmer's Wife Gees te Asylum.
WEST POINT. Mrs. Kate Ringel.
Tjfe of Adam Ringel, a well known
swmer. was adjudged insane by the
commissioners and taken to the asy
lum at Lincoln.
WW Attend Pert Riley Maneuver.
FREMONT. The 'signal company
of the Nebraska National Guards ex-
yaets te attend the maneuvers at Fort
nay with the regmlara and one regi-
ef the state troops.
The Copp's Memorial Free Will Bap
tist church at Adams was dedicated
Sunday. The church cost $2,050 and
was free from debt.
The 'Buffalo county institute, which
was held in Kearney, proved to be one
of the most successful institutes ever
held in the county. About 150 teach
ers were enrolled. - t
At a meeting of the officers of the
Gage County Old Settlers association
it was decided to hold the annual pic
nic on the Chautauqne grounds Wed
nesday, September 28.
A gang of railroad surveyors have
been operating on the west side of
the Blue river near Blue Springs dur
ing the last week and it is rumored
that the Union Pacific road intendB
to run its line to Wymore and tap
the trade now controlled by the Bur
lington. The National Society of the Army
of the Philippiaea will hold its fourth
annual convention at St. Pasl, August
31 to September 2. For the Nebraska
veterans the Northwestern railroad
has been selected 'as the official route
and the Windsor hotel will be the
Two buildings were struck by light
ning during the electric storm which
visited Aurora. The residence of El
mer Brown was struck, but the light
ning was carrried to the ground with
but slight damage, also the barn of
F. E. Valentine, which was burned
to the ground.
Secretary Royse of the state bank
ing board and Assistant Dodson arc
compiling the annual report of the
condition of the building and loan
companies located in Nebraska. The
report will show the existence of six
ty companies and their affairs gener
ally are flourishing.
The United States Loan and Trust
company of Grand Island, Hall coun
ty, filed articles of incorporation with
the secretary, of state. The capital
stock is fixed at $3,000. The incorpo
rators are James H. Wooley, Mary A.
Wooley. William A. Hemberger, David
Ackerman and, Chris Ipsen.
Rollie Curtis, an employe of the
Ward Bridge company of Tecumseh,
bad his leg broken while at work near
Sterling. He was riding on the rear
of the pile driver when one of the
hind wheels of the wagon dropped
into a hole, letting the heavy ma
chine onto his leg with the above re
sult. President Van Dyke Wight of Hast
ings college is looking forward to a
most prosperous year for that institu
tion. The school will open on Sep
tember 9 and it is expected that the
enrollment will exceed the 100 mark,
since most of the students will return
and many new ones have signified
their Intention of attending.
State Veterinarian W. A. Thomas 4
has received word that two head of
cattle have died at Craig from rabies
and that another animal appears to be
suffering from the same disease. Two 1
dogs that appeared to be mad were
killed. Dr. Thomas sent word that
he could do nothing except to advise
the owner of the cattle to confine any 1
animal that shows signs of the dis
ease so that it cannot come in contact
with others. He also advises people
to kill their superfluous curs.
John Hoatson, county chirk of Thay
er county, died of stomach trouble at
his home in Hebron. The deceased
was a man who bore the confidence
and esteem of nil who knew him and
many expressions of grief are heard
because of his demise.
The marriage of William Koenig and
Mrs. Anna Koenig, which occurred at
David City, is the case of a man mar
rying his stepmother. The bride,
though two years the junior of the
groom, was the widow of the latter's
father, Rhlnebart Koenig, who was
found dead on the bank of a creek a
mile or two from his home. May 10.
1902. with a partly filled bottle of
strychnine in his pocket.
Tim Sedgwick of York has present
ed a claim of $2,398.28 to the state
printing board for printing the ses
sion laws. The contract called for
delivery of the volumes by July 1 and
for every day's failure to deliver $10
was to be deducted from the price of
the work. The board has not yet
acted on the claim. The question of
date of delivery is to be considered
before the claim will be allowed.
William Routine and R. H. McCros
sen. representing themselves as the
Romine Dental company, were arrest
ed at Lodge Pole for refusing to pay
the occupation tax for itinerant den
tists. They were tried before Justice
Kidney and fined $10 each and costs.
The 5-year-old child of Mrs. M. B.
Stewart of Beatrice was quite badly
Injured by jumping from a buggy onto
the brick pavement. She was ren
dered unconscious by the fall and was
badly bruised about the body, but will
State Auditor Weston rejected a
claim of $288 for wolf bounties held
by the Lincoln Safe Deposit and
Trust company and the company has
brought suit in the district court of
the county, for the .recovery of the
Charlie, the 12-year-old son of Chas.
Wllcoinski of Columbus, had his skull
frightfully crushed by being struck
by the engine of an extra east bound
freight train, and the attending phy
sicians say that he cannot possibly
Food Commissioner Thompson has
rejected a shipment of vinegar made
by the Nebraska Mercantile company
of Grand Island to Fred Swirtz. a
merchant in Wood River, a chemical
investigation by State Chemist Nel
son disclosing that the vinegar was
not up to the required grade.
John McDonald, a farmer 'residing
a few miles west of Callaway, while
rasing a cow became tangled in the
Tone in some manner and was thrown
to the grouad with such force that his
collar bone was broken.
The Ssfdier eTy.
I five my soWlar boy a static
In fair Damascus fashlonM.wflU . , ,
Who first the glittering falcMott sayu,
Who first beneath t fury fell.
I know not, but I hepti to know
That for no ntftan or hlrling- trade.
To cuara h teelliis -baac.or low..
I sive my Midler boy a blade.
OboI, calm and clear, the lucid flood
In which Its tempering- work was done.
As calm, as- clear, as cool of mood.
Be thou whene're It sees the sun.
For country's claim, at honor's call.
For outraged friend, insulted mala.
At mercy's voice to bid It fall.
I give my soldier boy a blade.
The eye which mark'd lt peerless edge.
The hand that weigh'd its balanced
Anvifand 'pinchers, forge and wedge.
Are gone with .all their flame and
And still the gleaming sword remains;
So, when In dust I low am laid.
Remember, by those heartfelt strains,
I gave ay soldier boy a blade.
-William MSgifth.
tefere Antlttam.
As these vast American armies, the
one clad in blue and the other in gray,
stood contemplating each other from
the adjacent hills, flaunting their de
fiant banners, they presented an array
of martial splendor that was not
equaled, perhaps, on any other field.
It was in marked contrast with other
battlegrounds. On the open plain,
where stood these hostile hosts In long
lines, listening in silence for the sig
nal summoning them to battle, there
were no breastworks. no abatis, no in
tervening woodlands, nor abrupt hills.
nor hiding places, nor impassable
streams. The space over which the
assaulting columns were to march, and
on which was soon to occur the tre
mendous struggle, consisted of smooth
and gentle undulations and a narrow
valley covered with green grass "and
growing corn. From the position as
signed me, near the center of Lee's
lines, both armies and the entire field
were in view. The scene wa& not only
magnificent to look upon, but the rea
lisation of what it meant was deeply
impressive. Even in times of peace
our sensibilities are stirred by the
sght of a great army passing in re
view. How inflintely more thrilling
In the dread moments before the bat
tle to look upon two mighty armies
upon the same plain, "beneath spread
ensigns and bristling bayonets," wait
ing for the impending crash and sick
ening carnage!
Behind McCIellan's army the coun
try was open and traversed by bread,
macadamized roads leading to Wash
ington and Baltimore. The defeat,
therefore, or even the total rout of
the Union forces meant not neces
sarily the destruction of that army,
but more probably its temporary dis
organization and rapid retreat through
a country abounding in supplies, and
toward cities rich In men and "means.
Behind Lee's Confederates, on the
other hand, was the Potomac river, too
deep to be forded by his Infantry, ex
cept at certain points. Defeat and
total rout of his army meant, there
fore, not only its temporary disorgan
ization, but its possible destruction,
and yet that bold leader did not hesi
tate to give battle. Gen. John B.
Gordon, in Scribner's.
Maine's First Artillery.
Major Charles J. House, clerk of the
office of the labor commission, and
Capt Horace H. Shaw of Portland
have about completed the history of
the First Maine heavy artillery, which
was mustered into service in Bangor,
August 21. 1862.
The history of the First Maine
heavy artillery is of special interest
from the fact that it lost more men
than any other of the 4,000 regiments
in the civil war, a total of 441, as
against the second heaviest loser, the
Eighth New York heavy artillery,
with a record of 361.
The loss of this Maine regiment at
Petersburg was the heaviest of any
regiment -in a single action, the num
ber killed' and subsequent deaths from
wounds being 242, against 207 in the
Eighth New York at Cold Harbor. The
Maine loss of 155 at Spottsylvania was
the third heaviest of any regiment
In a single action. There were 2.200
men originally enlisted in this Maine
regiment, 219 hailing from Bangor.
The loss to the regiment during
the 36 days from May 19 to June 18,
1864, inclusive, was 404 killed, 789
wounded and 15 taken prisoners, mak
ing a total loss In this short period of
During the three days' battle of Pe
tersburg the second army croos. com
posed of 84 regiments and four batter
ies, lost 59 commissioned officers, 14
of whom, or almost 24 per cent, were
officers of the First Maine heavy ar
tillery. In the two -battles of Spottsyl
vania and Petersburg there were a
total of 746 members of the regiment
wounded. At the four engagements of
Cold Harbor, Boydton Road, siege of
Petersburg and Deatonville (here was
a total of 113 wounded.
The greatest number taken prison
ers at one time was at Jerusalem
Plant road, June 22. 1864, when 22
went off with the enemy. There are
537 survivors scattered over various
sections of Maine and Massachusetts,
a few having drifted to the west and
south. The only field officers now liv
ing above the rank, of captain are
Major C. V. Crossman of Bangor and
Brevet Brigadier General Charles
Hamlin, reporter of decisions. Port
land, Me., Argus.,
Gen. Gordon's Contraband Bouquet.
As we moved along the 'street a lit
tle girl, probably twelve years of age,
ran up to my horse and handed me a
large bouquet of flowers, in the cen
ter of which was a note in delicate
handwriting, purporting to give the
numbers and' describe the position of
the Union forces of Wrightsville, to
ward which I was advancing. I care
fully read and reread this strange
note. It bore no signature and con
tained no 'assurance of sympathy for
the Southern cause, but it was so
terse aad explicit in its terms as to
compel my confidence. The second
day we were in front of Wrightsville,
and from the high ridge, on which' this
note suggested that I halt and ex
amine the position of the Union troops
I eagerly scanned the prospect with
my field glasses in order to verify the
truth of the mysterious communica
tion or detect its misrepresentations.
There, in full 'view before us, wa the
town. ' just as described, nestling on
the banks of , the Susquehanna. There
was the blue Use of soldiers guarding
the approach, drawn up as indicated,
along an intervening ridge and across
the pike. There was the long bridge
spanning the Susquehanna and con
necting the town with Columbia' on
the other bank. Most important of all
there was the deep gorge or ravine
running off to the right'and extending
around the left flank of the Federal
ltme and to the river below the bridge.
Mot an inaccurate detail in that note
could be discovered. I ' hesi
tate, therefore, to adopt its suggestion
of moving down the gorge In order to
throw my command-on the flank, or
possibly in the rear, of the Union
troops 'and force them to a rapid, re
treat or surrender. The result of this
movement vindicated the strategic wis
dom of. my unknown and Judging-by
the. handwriting female correspond
ent, whoso note was none the'less mar
tial ' because embedded In roses, 'and
whose evident genius for war, had oc
casion offered, might have made her a
captain equal to Catherine. Gen.
John B. Gordon, in the July Bcrib-ner'6,
The Fihht for Little Round Top.
The fiercest struggle is now for the
possession of Little. Round Top. Stand
ing in its rugged summit like a lone
sentinel is seen an erect but slender
form clad in the uniform of a Union
soldier. It is Warren, Meade's chief of
engineers. With practiced eye he sees
at a glance that, quickly seized, that
rock-ribbed hill would prove a Gibral
tar amidst the whirling currents of the
battle, resisting its heaviest shocks.
Staff and couriers are summoned, who
swiftly bear his messages to the
Union leaders Veterans from Han
cock and Sykes respond at a "double
quick." Around its base, along its
sides, and away toward the Union
right with the forces of Sickles and
Hancock, the gray veterans of Long
street arc in herculean wrestle.
Barksdale's Mississippians seize a
Union battery and rush on. The Union
lines under Humphries break through
a Confederate gap and sweep around
Barksdale's left. Wright's Georgians
and Perry's Floridians are hurled
against Humphries and break him in
turn. Amidst the smoke and fury.
Sickles, with thigh-bone shivered, sick
ens and falls from his saddle into the
arms of his soldiers. Sixty per cent of
Hancock's veterans go down with his
gallant Brigadiers Willard, Zook,
Cross and Brooke. The impetuous
Confederate leaders, Barksdale and
Scmmes, fall and die. but their places
are quickly assumed by the next in
command. Tne Union forces of Vin
cent and Weed, with Ilazlett's artil
lery, have reached the summit, but all
tnree arc killed. The apex of Little
Round top is the point of deadliest
struggle. The day ends, and thus ends
the battle. As the last rays of the
setting sun fall, upon the summit, they
are reflected from the batteries and
bayonets of the Union soldiers still
upon it, with the bleeding Confeder
ates struggling to possess it The
embattled hosts -sleep upon their arms.
The stars look down at night upon a
harrowing scene of pale faces all over
the field and of sufferers in the hospi
tals behind the lines an army of dead
and wounded numbering qver twenty
thousand. John B. Gordon in Scrib
ner's. Kentucky Soldiers.
"I remember how shocked some of
the boys from Ohio were on one of our
first scouting expeJitions," says a
veteran. "We were prowling along a
ravine when the scouts or skirmish
ers reported armed men on the other
side of the stream. There was some
confusion, but before instructions
could be given ont of our men fired
at.a man who had shown himself well
up the hill, and whose body a minute
later came tumbling down toward us.
our 6cout nad recognized a man who,
as the leader of a guerrilla band, had
burned the house of his father and
driven the family from the neighbor
hood, and had shot him through the
head. Thereupon the guerrillas scat
tered and our own men discussed the
shooting with many expressions of
"That right several Kentuckians dis
appeared from camp, and we learned
later that they had joined some men
of another regiment, pursued the rebel
guerrillas and had killed three more
of them. One day our company came
suddenly on a superior force of the
enemy and the order was to retreat.
Some of the men took to the woods,
however, and rallying some of their
old neighbors serving in other com
panies, ambushed the rebels and drove
them back. As they put it, they were
in the service to fight the rebels, and
if they couldn't do it one way they
would another. Many men of this
character were in Wolford's First Ken
tucky cavalry, and were notrious.for
their disposition to scatter over thr
country on a march."
Veterans Will be Welcomed.
Referring to the coming encamp
ment of the G. A. R., the San Francis
co Chronicle says:
"For the second time the Grand
Army of the Republic will hold its an
nual encampment .in this city. Doubt
less also it will be the last time. Sev
enteen years ago the encampment met
here, and' that body is not likely to
revisit any city at shorter intervals.
Seventeen years hence there will
doubtless remain some straggling rem
nants of that mighty host. who. with
feeble steps, will wend their way to
the appointed rendezvous once more
to meet their old comrades in arms
and renew their vows of fraternity,
charity and loyalty. But they will not
be here. The fatigue cf so long a jour
ney will be impossible at their great
age. Whatever honor San Francisco
ever intends to pay to the survivors of
the great struggle for the Union Its
people must prepare to pay now. When
the coming encampment, which is to
meet here in August, breaks up we
shall part with that body of veterans
Confederates Aid Union Veteran.
A strange and affecting scene re
cently was enacted before a court in
Augusta. Ga. A man named George
Moore was arraigned -before the court
charged with burglary. He was a
Union veteran and was with Sherman
in the "March to the Sea." It was
claimed that he stole In order to sup
ply himself with food, for he was very
needy and nearly 70 years old. H
pleaded guilty and threw himself on
the mercy of the court. The presiding
judge. William Gary, was a Confed
erate veteran, and the jury was large
ly made up of ,the same class of men.
The jury brought in a verdict of guilt;
but recommended the prisoner to the
mercy of the court. Thereupon the
judge fined the prisoner fl which
Capt. Smythe, a Union veteran and
the postmaster, immediately tendered
He was anticipated, however. .by Capt
John W. Clark, sheriff, a Confederate
veteran, who naid the fine, whfrh thi
judge ordered the clerk to turn over t
the prisoner.
H Lard Is Economical. ,
Lard is' the most economical aniina
I pou tm y I
1 sri i i 1 1 i JM l. i,j iJ u w
. f, x z r- t -r r r snv
The Way .to Success.
From Farmers Review: The lesson
he world's most eminent and' success
'ul meahave taught us "most forcibly
s,the importance of enthusiastic (ef
'oft The accomplishment of any
jiven object in life is based largely
ipon how intently we are taken up
ith Its importance. Our hearts' must
e in our avocation. He who wills to
lo with his whole heart, conquers or
.lies in the attempt Too much of
what the world has seen fit to destg
late as pastime or pleasure enters into
inr everyday existence. Its presence.
:aa be traced to every man's daily
activities. Each successive duty we
lerform has its degree of earnestness
or indifference. The poultryman who
likes the details of his business to bed
with him at night and arises with it in
nind Is not disappointed in his asso
:iation. Enthusiasm conquers all
problems and perplexities and
inows no failures. It finds a
way or makes one. Ignorance,
false theories, mistakes, all are but
stepping stones to success to him
who wills with enthusiastic zeal.
When the breeder' of prize fowls puts
determination. Intelligence and enthu
siasm correctly proportioned into his
mating, handling, advertising and ex
hibiting, something always happens.
What happens is success. Where one
fails another is successful. Out of
the same soil wheat and tares are pro
duced, from the same family, per
haps, the successful business man and
the pauper, the reformer and the
drunkard. One presses forward to a
definite aim in life with enthusiastic
zeal, the other drifts aimlessly here
and there on the waves of circum
stances. As our lot in life 'is what
we choose to make it, so surely will
our poultry operations prove successes
or failures in proportion to the amount
of earnest zeal and energy there is in
evidence. It is from a fancier's point
of view that. I speak, and a few things
( I consider of vital importance. You
must procure the very best of stock,
and select for advertising mediums pa
pers of known large circulation. Make
your advertisements clear and concise.
Be sure your have stated convincing
facts. When you have received an
inquiry for stock or eggs, summon all
the common sense, good judgment,
business ability and tact at your com
mand. You will need them all to
properly handle the inquiry. Right
here Is one of the most decisive points
in success or failure. Always use good
printed stationery. A catalogue or
good circular is a help and saves an
immense amount of writing. A good
show record is a very great help. All
who are endowed with a reasonable
amount of common sense and have a
liking for the poultry business, and
will' press forward 'with enthusiastic
zeal and give it their time and atten
tion, will find that success will crown
tfe-ir efforts. Elmer Gimlin, Christian
County, Illinois.
Dust Baths.
We hope our readers will not forget
that there are only certain times in
the year when dust may be had from
the well-traveled highway. During
most of the year the road is either
frozen or muddy or in the process of
drying, st which time it is not pos
sible to get dust suitable for the use of
the fowls. A few barrels of dust at
this time of year will serve to keep
the fowls free from body lice all the
rest of the time. It will require a
little effort to .make this collection
now, but it will save much work later
on dusting the fowls one by one with
sulphur compounds or Insect powders.
This hand work should be avoided as
much as possible.' Give the fowls a
good dust bath and they will take care,
of the lice question.
It may be necessary to go some dis
tance to get the dust desired unless
the road in front of the farm Souse is
well traveled. The dust bath should
be arranged in a good-sized box and
placed' in the pen in a place where the
sun will strike It and keep it dry.
The hens like to lieand dust them
selves in the sun, especially In winter.
During the summer months a dust
bath may- be made out of doors, near
the poultry house, but should be pro
tected from above by some kind of a
protection against rain. Otherwise a
sudden shower may turn the whole
thing Into mud and it will be several
days in drying out
The greatest difficulty we have
found with the dust bath is the inclina
tion of the hens to roost on the edge
of the box at night. If a cover is put
over it, they try to roost on the cover.
But this can be obviated by hinging
the cover to the wall and having it
drop over, the box in a slsnting man
ner. The fowls will then find it im
possible to stick on the cover, much
as they may desire to do so. We
have had hens make the dust bath
their laying place, and this is always
annoying. We have no panacea for
this evil, but it does not always occur.
Where it does, and becomes serious,
the poultry keeper will have just
grounds for experimentation.
We would like the experiences of
our readers on the' question of dust
boxes and dust baths. What have they
found the most serviceable arrange
ment of the box and what has been
their experiences with the objection
able features? Also how many farm
ers provide their fowls' with any dust
bath at air in winter?
Yield of Barnyard Millet
Barnyard millet is a heavy yielder of
green fodder; from 12 to 18 tons per
acre have been grown upon the col
lege farm, on naturally moist land in
good condition, while as high as 35
tons per acre have been reported by
outside parties. Our own experience
has shown it to yield from 12 to 14
tons per acre upon medium loam in
good state of fertility, but not natur
ally very retentive of moisture. Such
quantities, however, were produced
without the millet appearing to .suffer
from lack of water,; and it is believed
that this amount is a conservative es
timate of its productiveness, unless
the land is especially moist, wand and
fertile. If the millet is planted in
drills 15 inches apart and allowed to
mature, it will yield about 60 .bushels
3f seed per acre, of an average weight
of 35 pounds per bushel. When sown
broadcast, 90 bushels per, acre have
been reported. Hatch Experiment
Station report
In order to put a stop to "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" 6hows. the Howard
County (Mo.) court recently decided
to levy a tax of 8200 a dsy on sll such
Seventy-seven per cent of the
women aad 62 per cent of the men
taking civil service examination are
sbls ts pass them.
fO A aWa0 1Sv3R?
v - AfisW fssaWSksBsl M s
sjBBLassjgsassr T . ay ,-
tMfafirm smTJswPsw.
Wheat as Horse Feed.
Wheat as food for. horses was test
ed -at the North Dakota Experiment
Station. The results are published in
Bulletin No. 20 'of that station. The
wheat was fed at the rate of 14
pounds daily, and the horses were
given an average day's work. It was
found that wheat alone was not a
satisfactory grain ration for a work
horse. There was a tendency for the
horses to get "off feed" and for the
digestion to become deranged. No
tests are reported where wheat
formed a part of the grain ration fot
work horses; upon this point. Dr.
Salmon, of the Bureau of Animal In
dustry, U. S. Department of Agricul
ture, gives suggestions in a circular
of information Issued in 1894.
"There are certain points to be
borne in mind when one is commen
cing to feed wheat. Our domesti
cated animals are all very fond of It
but are not accustomed to eating it
Precautions should consequently be
observed to prevent accidents and dis
ease from its use. It is a matter of
common observation that when full
fed horses are changed from old to
new oats they are liable to attacks of
Indigestion, colic and founder. If
such results follow the change from
old to new oats, how much more
likely are they to follow a radical
change, such as that from oats to
wheat? For this reason, wheat should
at first be fed In small quantities. It
should, when possible, be mixed with
some other grain and care should be
taken to prevent any one animal from
getting more than the quantity In
tended for it These precautions are
especially necessary when wheat is
fed to horses, as these animals are
peculiarly liable to colic and other
disturbances of the digestive organs,
accompanied or followed by laminitis.
Cattle, sheep and bogs frequently
crowd each other from the feeding
troughs, in which case some individ
uals obtain more than their share,
and may bring on serious or fatal at
tacks of indigestion. The best form in
which to feed wheat is to roll or grind
it- into a coarse meal. It msy then
be fed alone, or mixed with corn
mesl or ground oats. When ground
fine it is pasty and adheres to the
teeth, gums and cheeks so that it Is
not so readily masticated or eaten.
Hessian Fly in Missouri.
1. There are usually three broods of
the Hessian fly each year in Missouri,
although in. some years there may be
only two, while in other years there
may be as many as four. This great
variation in the number of broods
from year to year in a given locality is
a result of the influence of tempera
ture and especially of wet or dry sea
sons in accelerating or retarding their
2. The last or fall brood and the
first or spring brood are the two most
destructive, and since eacli brood
comes from the preceding brood, the
extermination of any one brood during
the year will Usually result in practi
cal freedom for one year.
3. The simplest and in many re
spects the most satisfactory, economic
and effectual method of destroying the
Hessian fly is to prevent the develop
ment of the fall brood. This is ac
complished by sowing the winter
wheat just as late as can be done
safely. The Hessian flies will then be
compelled to desposlt their eggs, on
grkss and other plants, where they
will ultimately perish, and when the
wheat comes up it will be free from
this pest which will not occur in dam
aging numbers the following spring.
4. The destruction of all volunteer
wheat, and the burning over or plow
ing under of the stubble soon aftei
harvest and before the adult flies have
emerged, will be found an effectual
check and preventive of noticeable
damage for one year. The stubble
should be turned under as deep as pos
sible, and the field rolled so as to pack
the earth and prevent the possible es
cape of the adults that may hatch un
der the ground.
5. The Hessian fly Is extremely sub
ject to the attack of a number of
parasitic insects that great 'y assist in
holding the pest in check, and com
monly reduce its numbers from flftj
to ninety per cent Hot and dry
weather of long duration is also detri
mental. Bulletin 62, University ol
Missouri. e
Natural Phosphates.
A bulletin of the Massachusetts ex
periment station has the following tc
say regarding the uso of phosphates:
1. It is possible to produce profit
able crops of most kinds by liberal
use of natural phosphates, and in a
long series of years there might be a
considerable money saving in depend
ing, at least in part, upon these rather
than upon the higher-priced dissolved
2. None of these natural phosphates
appear to be suited to crops belong
ing to the turnip or cabbage family;
but whether it is because these crops
require the presence of an unusually
large amount of soluble phosphoric
scid, or whether it is because of some
other effect of the dissolved phos
phates, our experiments do not enable
us to say. While we have obtained
much the largest crops of turnips and
cabbages on the natural phosphates,
the yields have not been what could
be considered good.
3. Between ground South Carolina
rock, Mona guano and the phosphatlc
slag there is no considerable differ
ence in the economic result.
4. The Florida phosphate, though
used in amounts furnishing much more
phosphoric acid than is furnished by
either of the others, stands far behind
them in yield, and would appear,
therefore, fo be rendered available
only with extreme slowness.
In conclusion, it may be doubted
whether, under the conditions prevail
ing in ordinary farm or garden prac
tice, it would be wise to depend ex
clusively upon the natural phosphates.
The best practice will probably be
found to consist in using one of these
In part, and in connection with it a
moderate quantity of one of the dis
solved phosphates.
The egg-plant Is of tropical origin,
and was introduced into England from
Africa in 1597. It derives its common
name from a small white variety simi
lar in shape and appearance to the egg
of a goose.
The first importations or Dutch Belt
ed cattle into this country were made
In 1838. - Importatloas have not been
many, as the Dutch owners generally
refuse to put with these cattle.
Nitrogen is the dominant ingredient
in wheat barley, oats, rye, grasses,
Netes en Nut Trees.
There Is sn ever-Increasing demand
'or hickory, chestnut aad walnut lum
er. The supply of these trees Is very
ihort indeed, and the price that a good
ne will bring Increases from year to
'ear. It is altogether probable that
be price paid for such lumber fifty
rears frost now will be very much in
tdvaace of the price paid now. It Is
.herefore suggested by men who have
ooked the ground over pretty thor
jughly that It would be a good invest
ment to plaat quite heavily of these
:rees now where Isnd Is unsulted to
general farming purposes. That there
s an abundance of such land we all
now, for we see It here aad there
)earing only scrubby growths of dlf
'erent kinds of trees of smsll value,
f trees are to be grown at all. why
jot grow valuable ones. Besides, the
nuts of some of these trees have some
ealue in the market
We realize that it is difficult to grow
chestnuts in all situations. The tree
seems to be one that will do well only
where given proper conditions of soil
and moisture supply. Yet there are
certainly many waste places where
chestnut trees might be successfully
srown. The nuts would prove quite a
valuable annual receipt while the main
harvest of timber was being waited
for. He who plants these trees plants
for his children unless be himself is
a very young man; but most men de
sire to do something of the kind.
Some years ago an enthusiastic
Pennsylranian came into the office of
the Farmers' Review to show some
large chestnuts of the Parcon vari
ety. He told of a new company organ
ized In his state with the object of cul
tivating this nut Since that time the
company mentioned, the Paragon Nut
and Fruit Company, hss been doing
good work in, reforesting hilly and
rocky land in that state. They began
work about eight years ago, purchas
ing 200 acres of hilly, mountain land.
This land contained much native
chestnut, which was cut down and per
mitted to sprout from the stumps.
These sprouts were then grafted. The
sprout, with a full-sized root under it.
grows with great rapidity, and the
graft will bear some chestnuts in a
very few years, and will become prof
itable la a few years more. Other tracts
of land were bought, la rabeeaseat
years snd treated as hsd been the first
tract. Now the company has about
808 acres of land, on which are grow
ing 80,000 trees. There is always a
demand for chestnuts, both for eating
boiled and roasted and for confection
ers' use.
The Strawberry Bed.
From Farmers' Review: The late
frosts got the earliest blossoms, but
owing to rush the patch was not
worked over this spring, leaving a
mat of plants, so the frosts were per
haps an advantage to us, for while the
yield was less, the berries were larger.
The second week of berry time was
very warm with daily showers, heaos
ths fruit ripened very fast yielding
from eight to eleven gallons daily; but
oh, so hard to pick! by being in a mat
From a patch 1-16 of an acre in ex
tent we gathered sevesty-feur gallons
of cherries, sad perhaps eight or ten
quarts spoiled. Ripening ss fsst ss
they did, a few ripe berries overlooked
to-day would be spoiled to-morrow.
The quality was fine, extra; and the
size on an average was very good,
some few berries as large as common
peaches four Inches in circumfer
ence. The yield was in proportion to
4,600 quarts per acre. The bed was
not mulched at all last winter or
spring; where the bed is covered with
thick foliage, it is better to mulch
lightly with straw or leaves in our
climate, if at all, excepting with late
set bed.
Now since the harvest is over,
spaces two feet wide are marked off
lengthwise of the bed; in each alter
nate space the plants are dug out
this vacant space is to be spaded or
plowed, then mulched with stable ma
nure as free from weeds as is possible.
Commercial fertilizer suitable to
strawberries and to the soil in which
they are grown would be the best
possible to use. as it Is free from seeds,
but we have the manure; hence for
economical reasons we shall use it.
cultivating the weeds out of this path.
In addition to fertilizing the vacant
place, unlesched wood ashes will be
thickly sown over the rows of plants.
Plants will be left as they are In the
plant rows, weeds, grass and clover
being all removed, but there isn't
much of this, only where the berry
plants sre thinnest.
All runners will be kept ont of va-
rant rows, and straw will be put there
this winter. If put on thick enough.
this will do away with weed-fighting
and also serve some protection to the
nerry plants. Do not mnlch heavily
with material that lies close or packs;
better risk winter killing than smoth
ering. Emma Clearwaters.
Argentine Corn Crop.
The Minister of Agriculture of Ar
gentina estimstes the corn crop of
:hls year, now harvested, at 148,000,
)0v, which was grown on 4,436,1 iY
teres of land. Last year the area un
ier maize amounted to 3,473,746 acres
ind tbe total crop to 84,018,341 bush
ls, the average yield being then 24.2
)uShels per acre. The increase was
27.7 per cent In tbe area, 39 per cent
o the average yield per acre, aad 76.7
ier cent in the total crop. The quan
Ity of maize available for exportation
Jifs year is not likely to be quite in
proportion to the magnitude of the
:rep produced, as a considerable
imount was damaged by wet weather
ind a portion of the crop was lost for
vast of adequate labor to gather it
vhllc in good condition. In many
:ases cattle were turned into the
lelds to est the standing corn, owing
o the impossibility of geting labor '
o harvest it in time.
Nut Growers to Meet
The second annual convention of
be National Nut Growers' Association
rill assemble in the city of New Or
cans. La., on the last Wednesday
28th) of October, 1903, at 10 o'clock
i. m. Arrangements being made con
cmplate a two or three days session.
V cordial invitation is extended to all
hose interested in this industry by
he State of Louisiana, the city of New
Orleans and the officers of the Nation
al Nut Growers' Association to meet
n convention at the time and place
Farmyard manure is the commonest
ind most important, of all fertilizers.
lit as a rule it Is largely wasted
efore being applied to the soil
Ewsorgsd ttemach.
A Missouri reader writes us thst he
hss lost three fiae horses by a new
disease which has apparently followed
horse distemper. He ssys the horses
seem to act all right while at wor'.:
aad take the noon or evening meal
with good appetite, but soos after be
come weak, have drooping ears, sweat
on the neck sad shoulders, have col
icky pales, roll a-little, breathe fast,
have flapping nostrils and soon com- '
meace to have "hiccough" and pass '
food aad saliva from mouth aad nose,
then die. To horses In this state he
gave half a pint of raw Unseed oil.
followed by sundry doses of baking
soda and 20 drop doses of tincture of
aconite. Still the horses died aad he
could not understaad either the dis
ease or the failure of his drugs. Not
understanding the disease what busi
ness had he to give drugs? Aad why
rhould anyone bat a qualified practi
tioner give aconite? It is oae of our
most dangerous drugs, requiring an
Intimate acqualataace with its spe
cific action upon the heart, so that it
should only be given with the edu
cated finger upon the pulse. Thou
sands of horses are aaneally killed
with this poison which on general
principles should bs excluded from
the farmer's list of simple snd safe
stock remedies. The disease above
described Is not a aer one, but a very
fatal trouble. It is known as "en
gorged stomach" or "typanltes" (bloat
ing) of the stomach and comes as a
rule from eating or drteNIag when
hot or fatigued or when the stomach
.acks tone, as it well might do fol
lowing an attack of distemper (influ
enza) whicn was probably treated
with irritating drugs. In this disease
the body does not swell at the flanks
as in flatulent colic. The bloating is
in the stomach and not apparent to
te eye. but all of the symptoms point
to it and death will speedily follov.
from suffocation or bursting or the
stomach unless intelligent relief is
promptly given. The stomach of thf
horse holds but three and one-half
gallons, so that it canant stand much
distension and bursting is easily
-ansed and especially so If the animal
is allowed to roll or is galloped, as
is a common but dangerous remedial
method followed by most quacks and
some owners. Like aconite, which
slows the heart's action Just when it
requires stimulation, baking soda is
also dangerous. The stomach in this
disease contains acid food and liquid.
Add a drench of baking soda and ef
fervescence at once takes place with
the evolution of added gas, which but '
adds to the misery and may cause
Fudden bursting of the stomach.
Never give aconite or baking soda in
rolic of any kind! Sometimes both -drugs
apparently give good results, -but
there is so much danger of killing
some of the cases that they are best
left out of the medicinal treatment.
When a horse shove- the symptoms
above set down place him In a well
bedded box stall aad keep aim from
casting himself violently. Givo copi- .
ous injections of soapy warm water
in rectum by means of a force pump
or three foot length of one inch rub
oer hose with funnel attached. Add a
couple of ounces or more of glycerine
to each injection. Give by the mouth.
very slowly aad carefully, a drench
composed of four ounces of hyposul
phite of soda, eae ounce of sulphuric
ether, one drachm of fluid extract of
nux vomica and 30 drops of pure -beechwood
creosote and repeat in
half to one hour. This medicine tend? .
to neutralize the acid condition of the
stomach snd contains stimulants tc
start the muscular action of the stom
ach which for the time is absent The
walls of the stomach are so distended
as to be paralyzed and the nux and
other stimulant tends to start up ac
tion or "peristalsis." so that the gas
passes on into the small and large
intestines or is first absorbed and the
food and flui- follow or are rendered
aseptic or nondecomposing so that
further gas Is not evolved. If there
is great pain tbe second dose, a?
above, may contain half to one
ounce of fluid extract of cannabis In
dies which will be found an admirable
medicine in all colics. Where above
medicines cannot be readily obtained
give one and one-half pints of raw
linseed oil. two ounces of turpentine,
and after it is taken give glnper.
whiskey and essence of peppermint In
warm water. Farmers' Review.
Mineral Food fer Hogs.
It is necessary to keep constantly
accessible to all hops both pips and
old hogs, some material that supplies
lime, salt. etc.. to aid in bone build
ing, as an appetizer, to remo-e intes
tinal parasites, etc. This mixture
ohnnM fta kont In a strnnir hrtr nrn-
tected from rain and the quantity and
frequency with which pigs will visit
and eat of the mixture will often he
surprising. The following is the mix
ture that we use: Charcoal. 1 bush
els; common salt. 4 pounds: hard
wood ashes, 10 pounds; slacked lime,'
4 pounds. Fresh water, shade in sum
mer, and grain food when on grass
and dry bed free from dust, shelter
in winter and above all when confined
have the area sufficiently large so that
it will not become foul with droppings
and mud bogs; these are essentials
for successful hog raising. Bulletin
73, Arkansas Station.
A Test for Suttermakers.
We must make the business of hut
termaklag more attractive, not only
as to the place where we have to
work, bnt in wages as well, and in
order to do this I believe that a
compulsory examination of candidates
for creamery buttermakers before a
duly constituted board of examiners,
similar to the examination which
doctors, dentists and lawyers have to
undergo before being able to prac
tice, would (it seems to me) weed out
some of the incompetents.. aad thas
by raising the standard of quaiifica-
tions enable those who really desire
to make buttennaking a life work to
enter the ranks confident that they
can make of themselves as much in
this their chosen line as other men in
'theirs. J. S. Moore. ,
The Hurry and the Stroll.
A man with a jag fell down in City
Hall park the other morning and
couldn't get tip. A crowd collected,
made tip from the thousands who were
on their way to work. A man over
come by the heat collapsed near the
same spot the same night. Thousands
were hurrying home from work, but
not enough persons stopped to form a
stretcher squad. The same cop was
on duty when both things happened..
"It makes all the difference in the'
world." he said, "whether fools are go-!
ins to work or getting away from, it"
New York Sun. J
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