The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 19, 1903, Image 2
sfiitr v, wmmfmmmmmmmm9?mrr v" . t 4 ; - If- l"v - I . I i - i'Zf H si i - ir" ! Kir ; n - i" hi' r.i- i - i s - i . -. t-.. i . . - btabusbbd Mat 11.187. Columbus f auruaL Columbus, V8elr taliill "-- Pbatoatoe, Cohuabae. Make, i latter. IHt VaaBsfltyl tj . ic.x.TrasxiM. ovMJMOurnoa: OaMyH.Iwf HiiiiH .fUJ WKDXEBDAT. AUGUST . Mat, 8bcrlbrs of tan Jowr- look at tmo data .oppo m tne wrapper of Joasnal oroa U aaargla Tfee Joanul. Up to this stata. yoar to pal or accoaataa Legal lstiess. Americm is a tolerably free ooantry when yon think right down to the foun dation of things And act accordingly. Tn Jodbxax has had thirty yean' ex perience in handling legal notices of all daarriptionn and taken this occasion to say that it is thoroughly equipped for this sort of work. We desire that yon remember us when yon have work of this sort to be done. When yon do the paying, yoa hare the right to place the work. Special atten tion given to mail orders. Call on or address, M. K. Tckhkb & Co, Journal OSes, Colambas, Nebr. COUNTY CONVENTION. The republicans county convention which was held? in Platte Center last Saturday was o at the most.entb tic and hi f . ever held in ths couaay.. OresAniaaty per cent of thesWsgalss alsctsi wore of a good prospsroas campaign - for the republicans. A number of gentlemen are being talked of as candidates for the county offices, whose naates will be brought before the adjourned conten tion which meets in this Wedasaday, September 2d. F. M. Oookragaam of Hnmparsy was mads oaairmia of the convention and P. N. Newman of Columbus secretary. The delegates elected to the state con-, vention wars: AL Edwards, a C. Gray, Ed. Hoars, Carl Kramer, E. H. Cham bare, Garrett Hulst, B. R. Cowdery, Harry Lamb, R. O. Strother, W. D. Wil son and Chris MeedeL As J. O. Reader is a candidate for the nomination of district judge, a resolution was adopted to give him the privilege of naming the delegates to the judicial " 2 KsftUicna Jaikial CaaTsmtisn. The delegates elected to the repablicaa jadi cial convention. Sixth judicial district of Ne braska, are hereby notified to meet in OohuBbaa, Nebraska, on the 3d day of September, ISM, at 2 o'clock ia the afternoon of amid day, for the parpoee of nominating two caadidates for dis triet jadcw of aaid district. Tbesereral counties are entitled tomnreeea- tation an follows, viz: Dodge.... ...... ..21 Merrick ... .10 Colfax. V Nance 10 Platte 12 By order of the committee. J. D.Bnazs, Chairman. J. H. Kemp. Secretary. Dated Colaabtu, Nebr., July 24. UN. A bulletin issued on the 13th by the Kansas state board of agriculture places the wheat yield of that state at 90,270,000 bushels. The services of Herman Bellstedt, the great cornetist, have been secured for the old settlers picnic, whish will be held at West Point on August 27. A TaXBosaM from Fremont Monday saoraingststed that the linemen of the Nebraska Telephone company, acting presumably under instructions from Omaha, cut the wires connecting the Farmers' Telephone company at a point ' Hooper. Four wires were out Tn; point is raised ia an appeal to the supreme court from Sherman county whether a school teacher's pay goes on when his school has been closed by the board of health. Henry Howard has won in his contention that it does, in both justice and district courts, but the board is stubborn in its stand. convention which will be held in Colum bus September 3rd. The following gen tlemen were named by him as delegates: W. A. McAllister, F. M. Cookingham, Geo. A. Scott, George Brodfnehrer, W. M. Cornelius, S. & McAllister, O. a Shannon, J. L. Sharer, H. O. Rodehoret, L Gluck, F. T.Walker and E. A. BrodboU. Ed. Hoare was unanimously elected fhsipw" of the central committee, Gar rett Hulst secretary and C. C. Grey treasurer. Those on the central com mittee are: F. T. Walker, First ward Columbus; D. N. Newman, Second ward Columbus; C C. Gray, Third ward Co lumbus; Harry Reed, Columbus town ship; C. A. Cattau, Bismark; Ed. Lus chen, Sherman; 8. D. Flemming, Cres- ton; Herman Kluefer, Shell Creek; Win. Hoeffelman, Grand Prairie; G. M. Smith, Humphrey; Chris Meedel, Butler; Fred Meedel, Loup; R, G. Strother, Lost Creek; F. M. Cookingham, Granville; Harry Lamb, Barrows; Br. W.W.Frank, Monroe; E. A. BrodboU, St. Barnard; J. W. Apgar. Woodville; Nek Olson, Wal ker, and A. W. Lamb, Joliet After speeches by W. A. McAllister, E. A. BrodboU, J. G. Reader and others the convention adjourned to meet in Colum bus September 2nd for the purpose of nominating candidates for county ontoes. H PERSONAL T MENTION Miss Fanny Geer visited in Oconee Yokk county, this state, claims an oddity in the form of a two-year-old lemon tree which shows excellent growth and ass produced one large lemon and .two smaller ones. Tne ripened one measured nine and one-half inches and naturally enough has caused consider able interest to fruit growers in the vicinity. The board who will decide the loca tion of the new state normal school will visit Central City the 26th. The splen did offer made to the state by that town, of $3200 and a choice of four good sites, is not to be lightly passed over. The central location and the best rail read system ia the state will all help to give Central City a boost. The following named persons were nominated for offices by the prohibition ists at their state convention held in Linoain the 10th. George I. Wright of York, sapreme judge; C. A. Barker of Lancaster and R. V. Muir of Saunders eoanty for regents. W. Bert Clark wi elected chairman of executive committee, and Mrs. Frances Beveridge, secretary. Mb. Bbyan didn't use W. Y. Allen's name in his editorial denoaacing the Denver conclave, bat he drew a faithful picture of the big populist of Madison sad it wss no puzzle to guess the iden tity of the individual aimed at. On the 23rd of this month we shall discover whether Mr. Allen and Mr. Poynter have more influence with their party than has Mr. Bryan, a democrat. Fremont Steam was turned through the pipes si power iato the belts at the canning at Grand Island last week, for 4mm to teat the asaaasasry and every thing was found to bain ftrst-class con antisB for the sunning of n big crop of sweat com, the first of which will be har vasted with ths end of the week. It k srpsotsd that frost fifty to 100 employes will be busy at the plant. One farmer aleao has raised 160 acres of sweet corn, and, depite the drawbacks of the season, expects to come out fine with it. State Horticultural ' at its semi-annual meeting held at Fremont recently, says the Nebraska Fncsatr, gave additions! evidence of what that organization is doing, and ii oapsnlw of doing, for the fruit and gen are! horticultural and tree interests of ana stats. The eaoouragement of tree plantisg is the great work to be aooom s as almost as much de- id for the growing of ornamental, and forest trass ss there is for fruit trass. There is now n very notiee- nbls tendency all over the western prairie country to pay more attention to, the I growing of the forest and timber trees, lf and less to the commercial nrohsrding. TnMhaagtawnanAof theoomparatirely sssy cultivation of tne forest varieties of ttsBBStn, and the sgitatisn of forestry by hath government and state specialists. ted an impression that the and most valuable im- it that can be added to the farm is the few acres devoted to the prodao- tien of oonunsrciBl timber. The beauti fying of the farm homo with the bast its! shade trass, the planting of alsng the roadways, and an clnmp of trass on some hill, ,.wmaaww piaceaeai wBum, " Ii teas pita Fanny Geer visited Monday. M. Rothleitner was in Humphrey Wednesday. Frank Schram and AL Becker were in Schuyler Thursday. Miss Eva Walker went to Omaha Mon day to visit friends. Miss Clara Bloedorn is in Platte Cen ter visiting relatives. Hsrry Pool of North Platte is visiting his brother, Prof. Pool. AL Palme of St Edward spent Sundsy in the city with friends. Rev. Henry Zinnecker of Beaver Cross ing was in town last week. Mrs. M. Henggler went to Bellwood last week to visit relatives. Mrs. Frank Gerharz has returned from a five weeks' visit in Chicsgo. Mike Usgel and Win. UJSnen were Schuyler visitors Wednesdsy. Miss Minnie Meagher is spending her two weeks vacation in Omaha. Mrs. Charles Kuntzelman of Cornlea is visiting relatives ia this city. Mrs. Louis Schroeder was in Hum phrey last week visiting relatives. 'Miss Alvina liners went to Waboo Saturday to visit relatives one week. W. E. Reed of Madison passed through the city Monday on his way to Omaha. Miss Ella Kemp went to Schuyler Wednesdsy to visit Mrs. Joseph Ryan. Miss Hattie Ren of David City is visit ing her friend Miss Hedwig Schnpbach. Misses Msggie Zinnecker and Emma Ragatz visited in Humphrey over Sundsy. A. Haight left Monday for Michigan, where he will visit relatives two weeks. i Miss M. Murphy left Saturday for Chicsgo in the interest of her millinery store. Miss Alice Hoare of Platte Center is visiting Miss Louise Echols and Miss Ettna Linstrum. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, parents of Mrs. Dr. Paul of Merna, Nebr., are visiting their relatives here. Mioses Sadie Wilson and Emma Hop pen were visitors to the Carnival in Schuyler last week. Dr. Jennings of Omaha was the guest of Rev. Luce Thursday on his wsy to the Fnllerton assembly. Henry Getts left Thursday for Chicago where ha will have a position in the Marshall Field store. Miss Csrrie Risder went to Omaha Friday to visit relatives two weeks there and in Council Bluffs. Mrs. F. L. Axtell of Omaha was the guest last week of Mrs. Dr. Msrtyn. She left Friday for Denver. Mrs. John Becher, Mrs. J. Carrig and Mrs. Mark Burke spent Friday with friends in Platte Canter. Mrs. Charlotte Erekine of St. Paul returned home Monday after a visit to J. E. Erekine and family. Miss Marie Griffin of Omaha returned home Saturday after a month's visit with her cousins, the Misses McMahon. Mrs. Clark and daughter Miss Jessica of Clarinds, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. Edgar Howard who is n sister of Mrs. Clark. Miss Bessie Marks went to Grand Island Saturday where she will spend her two weeks vacation with relatives. J. L. Everett of Jefferson county, Iowa, arrived in the city last Wednesday for a few days' visit with his son G. T. Everett Homer Msrtyn left last week for a two weeks visit to Denver and will spend part of the time on n reach near that city. Mrs. W. T. Riekly and daughter Miss Ruby returned home Friday from St. Louis where they have been for ten Rochester, New York, and other ssstsra cities where she has been for asotothan a year past. f)- Mrs. Conger of Linoojn aadfjnuMc Ossnfrff ?if Tasnns QHr sntursntt.anune Thswaday ufceru vksaVij M as-Mrs. J.K,Maaamr. ft McandMrs.J.F. town left Saturday evening fora two months' visit to the west, going direct to 8an Francisco. Miss Alios Hughes of Platte Canter was the guest of Mrs.' J. Carrig Sunday on her return home from attending the Fremont normaL Mr. and McsFrsd Bobarts wars in Central City last week7 to attend the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yonngblnt. Mrs. M. Stonssifer of Omaha visited friends in the city Thursday on bar return home from a su wsjaka rant with her son Herman at SeatUa, Washington! Miss Msy Tedrow of Corydon. low;' arrived Saturday from Central City on her return home from visiting relatives. She is the' guest of Missus Anna and Maud Burns. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoekanborger and children, Mrs. Katharine von Bsrgsn and son E. von Bsrgsn nil returned Saturday from n two weeks' outing nt Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Miss Clara Kropf of Schaytor who has been with hei'nunt Mrs. Paul Hagel for several weeks; spent Sunday at home.- She was accompanied by Missrn Lints and Leanore HageL - Mrs. George Burke and daughter Miss Greta came up Wednesdsy to spend a week with the Riekly families. Mrs. Mary Booker accompanied them and is visiting her son John Becher. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Powers stopped a few days with relatives here on their return from Beatrioe where they went on their wedding trip. They left Friday for their future home in Cheyenne. Misses Alma- Segeike, Lillie Deegan,4 Mary Fairchild, Mrs. George Fairchild, Mrs. Psasley, Mrs. & & Riekly and daughter Vera and Carl Becker were among the visitors at 8chuyler last week at different times. Mrs. E. B. Maguiness and children of Greeley, Colorado, were the guests last week of Mrs. G. W. Galley, er., and W. M. Brown and family on their way to Omaha. Mrs. Maguiness is n sister of Mrs. Galley and aunt of Mr. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. North and Grandma North started Tuesday morning of last week for Wenatehee, Washington. Ths latter expects to remain for an extended visit with her daughters Mrs. Ouahiag and Mrs. Moras, while the others will return in n few weeks. Mrs. J. H. Craun and Miss Mary Craun left Friday for Mianasota where they will visit relatives. Mr. Craun will follow in n abort time and if they are pleased with the ooantry msy decide to locate there. The Utter has rented his farm north of town to his sons. I l.i 1 1 1 ii urn H-H--M 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 h i : m 1 1 : 1 1 n n mni :-i-H-r-x-:-w-x-!"K 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i j i u i n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' ' HlSftill pl(Mitteariigi of All I BiMmnffXffffnffjmmyyBHpnB nunuunuunT uuuuuuuV nnnnnnnnnl HH HB H H LLLLmLLLL H unnnnnnnlBnnnnnnnnl nun nnnnnnnnnl' nnnnnnnnV .4lm. annnl annni' nannnnnnnsnnni annsnnnnnWannni Jsnnnnnnl . ' LnnnnnnamV snuam anunl 'anunlsnunn! snnam nnnnl Lnnnm fnunum. nunaW snani mM Huuuuuf sunn, anal nunanff nuanl AmW i annnnnnni ' LnHnnnnnnnnnnni nH BnBnnnn'nnnnl anna! IHH HH snnnl nannF nnnnl'nannPnnnnl' nH .. -Bnuna. mnam nunnn. nannf snunl uuuuHnuunn 'snunL unanv anunl - nuuuul nunn snunn Lnnnn wanmnnnnn numnuuuv wanmBnnnv ununwaanna LnnnnV anunl naanBUBBnanT wanansnanw snnBnmnnBnf'nnBnBnaBnBnBnl nana snaBnBVSnnnnnnBBnShnBnBnannBnai naannnnnnl. snanBanw snaunanw Bnnnnnnnnnnv Lnnnnnnnnnw sBBBsnnB BnHsnnsj aBnuaaf nBBnBnnnnvnnBnnni nsnw snnnnnwBnnnnnnnnnnwBnnnnnnlBnanw BnBssnnBj BBnaan' nunana' bubuubbuuw snnnjBBnnn snsnsnnBW' unsnw' usmnnv mnw msnnvnnnsnw' ma nmnmav aBBvaBBansns nanmnss nsna usnw'mm maw aw ansnsnnnw snsnrmsw ."'l1 - f" ZZI u i 'UuuuuunuHuuuuunBHUuumHUBUunnHunwn 'i YiU Mason of and nephew ware Norfolk and n of Mrs. F. apirit has taken root, and the A. SoosWd Friday on their return indicates great improvement in nomunio. uhmlsassfwsrkfor the next few ysars.1 MksiNsUie Browner has retarasd from I K. F. D. . 3. Miss Katie Reed attended the carnival at Schuyler last week. Miss Clara Jones, sister of Mrs. A. W. Thomas, has returned to her home in Kearney. Miss May Reed returned home Thurs day from visiting her nunt Mrs. Engel near Claras station. A nice little social hop at Jacob Schwank's last Saturday evening. A good time and atteadanoe. Mrs. G. B. Miller and family expect to remove to Chioago thw week, where they will mnke their future home. Frank Henderson is receiving n visit from his father the past week, whose residence is at Shenandoah, Iowa. The Mioses Peobe. Emma and Dora Papenhausen, and Mrs. Lenora Brack, with Ruth and Frederick, left for their respective homes, Boston and New York, last Fndsy evening. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, new 2 Corn, old aheUed-V bushel 37 Oats-ybnahal 25 Rye-V bushel 35 MJmAM&3f MJ Hogs cwt. 4 500 75 Fat steers-V owt 4 00 4 50 Fat oo we-V cwt 2 25 3 00 Stock steera-y owt 3 000 4 80 Potatoes-V bushel 50 Butter-V . 130 20 Eggs V dosen. 10 FEED PBICES AT MILL. Bran, bulk 65 Sborts, " 75 Chop feed. balk. 8090 Marksts oorrected ovary Tuesday af ternoon. OunffflXS In Any light MAKE P1CTURK8 ON THE KODAK PUN is naylight, deTeltn eU daylight. N Dark Rmm iwMtMari. lata ia Oaljr PomiMa Wttk the KODAK Not with any other Ours is the only plsos that . KODAKS are for sale in Columbus, Nebraska. Brownie Kodaks f 1.00 Browaie Kodaks 2.00 Other Kodaks ap to 25.00 A f sU line of suppliss, aU at fac tory prioes.' Here yon save or freight. . J. "BnHnvwWWnwnansnTannnnWJp r nU aa Watta. a . unnnamiM t-r " I JT HE GREATEST SALE EVER HELD IN COLUMBUS! Every article of pLiiiuut?! vri.ryuD uiudu &v ukj uj.cujkj iuuiu iui uui inmioiiae rail aiiu iwniMr SfMMsoon to Arrive. Profits not considered during this Sale ! As we will car- ry no Summer Goods overt Every, article in Ready Made Goods must be sold, all SUMMER WASH DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, WRAPPERS, CORSETS, MUSLIN AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, CHHiDREN'S DRESSES, AND LADIES' TAILOR MADE SUITS must be Closed OUt ! WE HAVE RE DUCED PRICES ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK DURING THIS SALE! THESE PRICES ARE NOT FOR ONE DAT, BUT ALL WEEK OR UNTIL SOLD:, IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ EVERT ITEM BELOW. t .. f SALE STARTS MONDAY, AUGUST P, 8 A. M. Complete clearance of the entire stock of Sinmer fjaasb IVcss Ooods Cnn8isting; of Lawns, Dimities, Batiste, Percales, "French Ginghams, Scotch Zephyrs, lioniton Lace JNoveities and Mercerized Novelties and a complete line of White Goods, India Linen, Persian Lawn- nnd Dotted Swiss Lawns, former price G and 7c per yard, dur- Qp J ing this sale vb Ul Dimities, former price 10, 12J and 15c yd., during this sale 6, 8, IOC yd Batiste', former price 12 and 15c yd., during this sale 029 IUC yd Percales former price 10 and 12icyd., dur- 111? IDIS lVllCaa Jf J A French Ginghams, former price 12Jc yd., during this sale. . C Scotch Zephyrs, former price 25 and . 35c yd., during this sale 15, 23C yd Honiton Lace Novelties, former price, 50c yd., during this salc.i 35C yd Mercerized Novelties, former price 50c yd., during this sale. .'. 3C yd India Linens, former price 10, 12i, 15, 20 and 25c, during this sale. 7, 9, 11, 14, 15C Hosiery & Knit Underw'r Ladies' Black Seamless Hose value 12Jc, during this sale for lOf Ladies' Black Seamless Hose value 15c, during this sale for 12ie. Ladies' fine quality Hoae fast black value 20c, dur ing this sale 15c. Ladies' fine quality Maco fast black Hose value 25c, during this sale 20c. Ladies' fine quality Lisle Hose fast black, double heels and toes, value 40c, during this sale 25c. Ladies' ribbed votton Vests value 12c, during this sale 10e. Ladies' ribbed cotton Vests, fancy, value 20c, during this sale 15c. Ladies' Jersey ribbed Vests, fine quality, value 25c, during this sale 20c. Ladies' Swiss ribbed Vests, good quality, value 35c, during this sale 25c. JfaAlso a good assortment of Children's Hosiery and Knit Underwear at reduced prices during this sale. Aftslins and prints During this sale we will offer a complete assortment of Muslin and Staple Prints at special prices. Simpson's Black Prints at 5c per yard. American Indigo Prints at 5c per yard. Good Standard Prints at 3. 4 Mud 5o per yard. All you want while they last Ladle's Tallor-Madc Suit and Skirt All tailor-made Suits, Dress Skirts and walking Skirts to be closed out at great reductions during this sale. A large assortment to select from in the latest styles. We can save you money in this department. WRAPPERS ! WRAPPERS ! In Indigo, Black nnd white Per cales to be closed out during this sale. All Wrappers valued at 1.00, for .79 All Wrapers valued at $1.25, for. B9g All Wrappers valued at . 81.50, for. &1.29 SHbs and SHb Waists No. 1 Silk Waist pattern, former price 35c yd., to close at 19c yd. No. 2 Silk Waist pattern, former price 50c yd., to close at 29c yd. No. 3 Silk Waist pattern, former price 75c yd., to close at 39c yd. No. 4 Silk Waist pattern, former price 81.00 yd., to close at 59c yd. Special Silk Waist Bargains. Ladies' Taffeta Silk Waists, former price 80.00, to close at $3.75. Ladies' Peau De Sole Waists, former price 86.50, to close at $3.75. Twenty-live Ladies' all Silk Waists, black and assort ed colors, former price from $3.50 to $0.50, to close, dur iug this sale, at $2.50. hildren's Dresses reductions In white and colors at tremendous this sale. during ladies' AasliR Vaderwear ...Four Specials in Gowns Extra Bargains. ' 4S for 75c MoRlia Gowns nmltrnul- i'1-ttl anil homfttitrhnl. Sj5e 'or VUc Muxlin (inwnti larn or fuihruiifary trimming. ?5e for $1.(1) (iown, loco or em- broitlery trimminKH. tl.OO for $1.25 Cambric flown, lace or finbroitlery triramirifT. THREE SPECIALS IM SKIRTS. All Laces and Embroidery ...AT HALF PUCES... iBM's Cktttig Where to buy Friend Bros' clothing at Galley's. All dealers handling the Friend Bros.' clothing are authorized to make the following guaran tee: Every garment bearing r riend label is warranted to be free from defects in mater ial and workmanship, to be silk sewn throughout and made of honest cloth, thor oughly sponged and shrunk and carefully tailored by skilled workmen. We have a large stock of clothing to select from. A ?.!!?'"... $ 3.76 A ?.?:?l.. 6.00 A $10.00 men's wait 7 SO A 112.50 men' rait ft a J for 47.UV A $15.00 men's soit 1 O C for 1AUV Za Arwairo nmmia 4-a M ABUTiTVaf IfAAUliD UV close out. 48c for Mnslin nml Cambric HkirtH. rmbroiilereil nnI Iixmstitchcd. valued at 75. CCA for Ke Muslin Hkirts trinini- ed m Iacoorembroiilenr. 7 Co for S1.0U Hkirta. lace or em. broii S1.0U idery trimming. "A complete line of Muslin Underwear in well garments, excellent values.-iSa made Entire stock of Parasols going at cost during this sale. a? m IE J I x '" m BV Mi m SSm "1 y mm s ml it i o. rzw jmm. cj m mM v KSBfBF- It BB I A . BBB MmmW I MmMmmr S" P 'aw' I r X M if x T Ml anT A I X II Iv i 1 whM 1 1 mmmmVUlfm BBB) " F f SSB mil IE t i :'llir! A i ,Bnffi&r i .'. rviBsv .. fABBBB X ' b-Jf "b v ' ' mmw 7 ' mW & YttitHs', Bans aN GklMrM's GtowMM Ynatha' saiU. ajp M to IS tkat f AA were $5.Waaleprice .VH YoaUM'aaKa.altol9tMrt er AA were SS.SS sale price O.W Voataa'aaita,afMtolStaaC rj tTfa were SM-iS sale price .OU Uojb three-piece aaita. ae U ST W to 15 $S.W to BlflS. ..$3.75 to O.W BojV Norfolk saita. age 8 to Q K.f t2JSto$5.(W BZOSto al.OfJ Bojra' two-piece aaita. ae 4 to Q r ll$X5tto$.60 tLSSto O.OfJ trhiMrea'ajeatea saita. awaato Q gmT tlssto O.vFLF VeHlag 500 yds Veiling in the latest styles. 25c ami 40c per yd to be closced out at 20c and 25c per yd. 505 llth St. J Columbus, Nebr. &$Q$&$&&fr$QQ$G LfrMM.ftfrMraW I II 1 8 H K 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 ut i j 1 1 1 ffitcnj NOTICE FOR PUBMOATION. DepartaMBtof the Interior. I IBdOB at Uln, Nebr., ISM. f mtrmiCVL ia kereby tkat tk foUowiBK-wamed JM settlerbaa SW notice of bcriBtflt toe to Mke anal proof ia enpportof ner claim, and tkat amid proof wiU be nwdebefore datk of tka district eoait at ColamjMa, Mefaron Asiraat . 1BB via: Mary Droad, for tbe N. W. SM7n-2w. ILK. 17412. gke bbwit- taa followisc wilaeaaaa to prore ker oontiaaoaa residence vpoa and ealuauom of aaid land, via: Patar Lena. Jokn KoakibB. AiAwwMok. EasfaBiea. Brr of Dm can, Nebr. W. A. GKEeN, gjalftt Begtster. NOTICE OF REFEREES' SALE. mrE U heroin mirtm tkat snsat to an XV order of tfce district coart of Platte MMMO, qui nun Ha mHiini . tneawsdayoc aceruua wneratn joan m. uoaan an. wuuam uoaan. eAaliaT. Alice Con- . 8s-?! SrSrS l??a,f.,i!B5f JT aiioa namm, mn owe aa wnw ue ummmmmmaa reii coaaty, Mnrd awtt taareiBPSBdJBBwkewiin J. HVmvIbbi sbbsb) l. nartiUon will, on Twe-day. Heptcmbar ZQid. lttaVat the boar of 2 o'elosk p. suat the froat : tne eoan mamm. tm waeciij ox iwur Law latss Wsrt. The Burlington offers round trip tick ets as follows: Denver, CoL, and return, S16L00L Jnne 1 to Sept. 30. Colorado Springs. CoL, and return, $17.35. June 1 to Sept. 30. Pneblo, Col., and return. f 17J50, Jnne 1 to Sept. 9a Olenwood 8pringjs, CoL, and return, $2&75, Jnne 1 to Sept. 30. Ogden, Utah, and return, S90LSO. Jane 1 to Sept. 9a Salt Lake City, Utah, and return, $3050, Jnne 1 to Sept. 30. Desdwood, 8. D and retnrn, $ia20, Jnne 1 to Sept 30 Lead, S. D., and retnrn, UUJ0, Jane 1 to Sept. 30. Hot SpraBgsr& I- snd retnrn, $15.30, Jnne 1 to -Sept. 30 Caster, S. D., and retnrn, $1030 June 1 to Sept. 30. Ask the ticket agent for psrtienlsrs. 8jnl20sep. BAwbTB baa. in aaid Platte coaaty. offer for. sale at band, tke foUowiaB oBBansea isbi estate, to-ww Twi Mill t oaartar of aaetion auiuntaai 117). townaklD twenty (), ortk. masa three iKwestof theSthP.M. . "tffc- MrfkMt oatartar of aaetion (17). township twenty CO), aorta, ranee three (S).waatot tnaaxnr.m. . Tbeeaat half of the northeast oaarter of see- rSreTS)- m' And the northeast quarter of tke aoatheaat oaarter of aautlna aishtaaa (18). township twen- ?S). north. lans three (S) west of the th P.BL. aU aiBMtwTfii the coaaty of Platte aad stateof Mabraaka. The reatato troea all the aaore described lands for the earreat year. 198K. an nearred by the adaxiaiatrator. DaMdVOetaaBhaa. NebtBshB.AnfBat 17th. MSJ. Htvnw sanci.! THOMAS M. BYAM. yon wish good, nsat, clean work done in ths has of I friatinfff oall at Tas Joobxax. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache CURE SPREADING THE NEWS. PUTTING THE SPURS WE KEEP THE- -IKTO Peering Binders, Msw ers and Twine. The DeHaHce Flows; Buggies, Carriages, Wagon aad all Kiad of Iataleaieats. H afaSSSSB Sf TliBSJS. Alao mmmmmmmmJmmVmwmi bssl aWBMST aMBMIB TrSnBaSS. BshHBja If wurwaBry write AllooaamltaUoaa t a life tnae carlns iaat aTSS, III Feaaer. : tosses tajavMsoser. Afisr Bottles of Dr.rBMfiKMMf velhalfaa A TBTB Inara. fan? arkarhn fTnrn T funhTir fra-iatlnaiB Iwnseared. T. OAKSS, Orris, Ta.- Aak forOooh Book-lTSS. n.nnnuREisnssKrHS BLACKSMITHING Done on Short Notice. LOUIS SCHREIBER. D.BTIBES. ATTOBjTST AT LAI OU For 8mto bj a HEN8CHDCG, 8C. foarth door Berth of Flref tattoaalBaak. COLCMB08. HUBASKJ. SEASONABLE GOODS. We are putting the spurs into seasonable good and we mean just what we say and will make the prices that will give you the goods for less money than any dealer in Columbus can buy them. The following is a partial list of prices: Two burner Gasoline Stoves $ 2.98 Three " " " 8.00 " with Ther-Lite and oven 15.00 Four " " " " " " 15.00 Three " " " with oven 12.50 Three quart Ice Cream Freezer, only. 1.50 Four " " " " . " 2.00 Ball bearing Lawn Mowers, 18 inch, only 5.98 Lawn Mowers, 16 inch, only 3.98 Lawn Mowers, 18 inch, only. 4.48 Gas Ovens from 98c to 2.48 These are prices that will surely move them. First const, first served. C. S. EASTON & CO., eleventh St., Columbus, Nebr. V Xt x 2k s3fc. .yt3Mmrfje..5Jt jk.naas. .i i,5T i. -. ?? Sfcfev. i, '.vSj'Jf&is. Ki-V - -. Jftt!--f.rf.-Hsr'3r - J .a... . v