The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 12, 1903, Image 2

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Cofamfos JourtrcL
Up to thlo date.
la paid or
elected totba ncabliw jedi-
. MxtkMieU&ttietot Se-
I hMb antified to But ia CoMwbaa.
k&. o tke Id day of tJeotoabar. MM. at 2
e'eloek ia'the afteraooa of Mid day. for taa
wmici of air-'-T twoeaadidatea rordia-
waat laaaae of aeid district.
Taa aetata! coaaHea ara eatKlad torepraaaa
SstieaaafoUowa,viz: Badge ! Merrick
CeHaxI"!".'" Maace
ef taaeaauaittee.
j. u. Brats, caauwaa
M. asm?. Heetatary.
Datal Cofeuafaaa. Jfafcc, Jaly , IML
Itfaliaii Canty CaawamtisaU
Platte coeatj.NebraaVa.
to mart ia their wapectire
1 oa Sataraar. Aasaat ttk.
, freak 2 p. bk to 4 p. bl. f or the paipaaa of
1 to the eoaatrcaereatioa, to
be held at Platte Ceater. oa Satardajr. Aagaat
Uth. INK. at 1 o'clock., of that day. to
rhnneo dnlraatnitn thn rrrahlimn ttatir coaraa.
tkauaad dnliaptw to the repablkaa jadieial
uuaiaatli. 2ta JadieJal diatriet ot Nebraska,
for the farther parpoas of aoauaaUas caadi-
for.eeaatr Jadae. coeatr clerk, coaatjr
eoaatjr aapenateadeat of
clerk cf the diatriet
reoroaer, coaatjraarrejror, aad for
before the
The towaahip BMetiaea will aleo aoadaate
The asraral prariacta wiU be entitled to oae
aalagatefor each 15 votes aad fraeUoa thereof
eaat fornLConaiagbaai for coaaty atteraey
at theWoteadM)r.lWe.electioa aad naa ileleaate
1 aai will hare the fellowias aaabarof
aP araVlaiBaT
2 aUOOaP
. 4
. 7
. 4
. 4
. 2
sis ! 2
saVeus) BMMkVB oV"
VTtm anBbsctibete of the low
aw& lHoooe took ot tfco date eppo-
wear Joauaal or eo the bhIi of
Tkm Joaraal.
tiawanr. aheriC.
j TaaalwarS 1 uoatiaaaa
iiowaaaip.. a unarma.
....... BBITDWa.. .......
....... JftCIHWi.... ....
....... O .UUHti ........ .
beUCNek. 2 HCBeraard.
Otaad Prairie 2 Woodrille..
af VaUBajaT O
Edwih Hoakx, Cbainaaa.
B. W. Mobabt, Beeretanr.
vAvatST 11, 1807, Fallon's steamboat
aade its fist trip. Aagaat 12, 1833, the
fnt towa election in Chicago was held.
GovsauoB Mickbt oas aaaied W. J.
Bryaa as oasot the delegates to the
IateraatioDal congress, which
1 at Niagara Falls, September 22.
Jaax. Boskt is the list ladies pab
lisher ot a daily paper. Mr. Foaey has
beea eagaged iaedacationaland literary
werk for sereral years and has recently
started the Indian Journal at Eafaala,
Iadiaaj Territory.
Auhon is undergoiBg the greatest
eMttdtag boom that it has experienoed
tor a long while. There are foarteen
residences and two bnsinass hoases
wader eoastracUon, besideB other addi
1 and repairs to bafldiags.
A fSyOiOyOOO mortgage was filed recent
ly in theeoaaty clerks oeace at PspiUioa
by the Omaha k CoaacU Blaia Street
Railway company. This mortgage is
ia favor of the Central Trast com
y ot New York and covers fifty-three
1 ot theleoords. A recording fee ot
1 received.
Tnadjataat general of Nebraska has
issasd an order calliag for the eleotioa
ot two majors, one for the First and one
tor the Second regiment, These are two
sweats created by the reorgaaiaation ot
thagaard. Of the First regiment, Cap
taia Phelps of 8chayler is a possible
candidate for the
" Mas, Joaw Whjbos ot this state who,
with her hasbaad, receaUy retaraed
from a trap to Dawson City, Alaska, is
to bear the record ot beiag the
ever visited the
She is 82 years old
79. Tbetrip
ia search of aaoa, from whom they had
for tweaty-eight years.
Tax state departmeat of labor aad
re issaed circulars
taw erep report for 190ft. Platte
' ii accredited with hmriag 27,768
sa wiater wheat; 9,479 acres ia
wheat; 122,468 oora; 67,782 oats;
2M alfalfa and &V228 millet We have
aJatheadof cattle, aad SBU hogs.
OathiwseoamtiassnrpasBedas in the
aamber ot hogs rsised, Richardson,
Cajsaiawaod Caster, the latter reportiag
aJJtna head. Holt coaaty ataads way
ahead with the cattle record, having
aW head, while Coster county leads ia
the greatest aamber ot acres and best
Wonzoa thebaildiagof the Norfolk
Cor which the last legialatare
apioar iatioa, will begin ia the no
fatare. State Arehiteet Tyler,
Oaasral Proat aad Dr. Keras
at the Hastings asylam have left for a
trip east. to jasnert modern asyli
-a growmg asatiment
ot the board ia favor of the
plaa, which has been foand to be
ia a aamber ot iaatita-
the old system of one
thapsctyretaraa the architect wiUbegia
aaoaceapoa plsas for the aewbealdiag.
sad it is hoeed that work oa it
that there wfll be
iatorarbaa rsflwsy ia
aTloadike region.
'- ana
. atisa hetaesa Omaha. 8eathOmahsaad
' LiaaaawasCare another year rolls by. Al0
V --- - o urf 1 alaavminiHim
. w
' aawawAa is aracaicslly eomatste. as it is
said tana there ara bow hot seven farm- mmA-
ess ia the satire district who have aot Tmm'
aimmml m mmmtwmmt. 6mm m riafct mf ml BBMBWa
mrm Bill R
aavsogh their bbTBjb. The work ot par-
u ;. ohaamg the right-of.way ia aaid to ba awawai
7T- mw iM , mmmU. m m. fi ory araaseasi
.y ..,.-.. aad was caaarBaaa
awaaat ananaaaaaaaaawaathaj aaaat aaaWaHasai aTaaWaaai bfkaamaakaaiaat afaawaBBWawaAaBBawai IsaWaWa
aa awaaBBBBBBBBBBBffA mwawafOam flaaaaWMaHoP
wJaa lawgaWjawawaaaB wasaWs aamw waTOWafaVvwawl UaV awwewavwa bsmb'w "
"afp awawaF eavam
The first
plaak ot
the 'reorganised
ia favor af
ped oa gold, ajtvsr or paper, to bo
eoiaed aad named eidasivaly by the
mw tea-
der for all debts, both pnblic and pri
vate. H money ia a purely arbitrary
of valae aad mediam ot ca
ny the stamp ot the
joverameat, the atamptag, or rather the
wags, of gold or suvar aaooey m a
stapid waste of sabstaacs aad eaergy.
If staBdwper wiU perform all the
ot money why coia silver
qaarters, and dollars sad gold
aad doable eagles, when it is
easy to stamp haadred dollar
bills, thnassarl dnllsr bills snri trie tana
sand, or haadred thoasssd aotesT Why
labor ia miaiag aad coining the
ahaB.tbe government
caa be set ia motion
aad stamp nullioaa, billions aad tril
lioas at the aomiaal outlay ot muscle,
iak aad paper?
It the fist of the goverameat creates
valae. why cant the government make
as all riohand put an end to the ever-
jangle aad tarmoil bstwees
labor aad capital? Why caa't
and child be
bloated capitalist by the stamp of the
it, aad why should aot the
government pronae every ciuxea wiib
all the laxariea that can be boaght with
y? What ia the use ot aaviag it
and earning bread by the sweat of one's
brow when the stamp ot the govera-
it can tranamato a piece ot blank
paper at its pleasare iato a legal tender
that will exchange in the markets ot
the world for all the prodacta of the
farm and factory aad all the commodi
ties aosamulatod by ages ot toil?
Ii Uncle Sam caa really bay ns all a
farm and transform at will the cottage
ot the mechanic iato a palace, is it not
really criauaal for him to keep so many
ot his nieces and nephews, coasins and
aaate, striving with might and main
for paltry day wages? Why not usher
the millennium in at once instead of
keeping millions ot people waiting and
prayiag for the time when the plow-
shall be changed iato praning
hooks, lambs will sleep with lions aad
hamaaity will be able to gratify every
Mb. Bbtah bow declares that the
democrats in 1802 played a confidence
game on the people and pat a banco
steerer at the head of the party. Mr.
Bryaa was one ot the democrats who
helped eoafideace the people in 1892, but
he ie apparently ready to admit that ho
as himself confideaeed as wall. Is it
any wonder the people object to beiag
eoafideneed again? Omaha Bee.
TheSchayler papers tell a loag story
about Mrs. Martha Yineent holding the
fort at her residence on the inland in the
Platte river, against county officers. A
warrant for her arrest was sworn oat by
her former husband, whose life she had
threatened, but in trying to capture her
the ofitoers met with such opposition
that they were convinced the woman is
insane. She is armed and the ofitoers
were kept at good distance by an up
lifted gun. Mrs. Yineent has a young
daughter with her, and friends fear for
The Fremont Tribune in the follow
ing item calls attention to the valae
derived by that city from the normal
school: "It doeent take cloee figuring
to tell how Fremont's normal school
benefits the town. It is worth n great
deal more than many people sappose.
It will average a thousand pupils n year,
epending say $50 each. That makes
$54000 a year of business. In addition
it supports a faculty ot twenty teachers.
Many boardiag houses also are depend
ent upon it and these mean a family for
each. And many families come to Fre
mont for the education ot the children.
It all makes a demand for hoases and
ia cresses rents and the valaeof property.
Take the aoraaal school out of Fremont
aad it would leave a visible hole in the
town." Platte county and CoUmbas
have cent n number of atadeate each
year to Fremont who will now have ad
vantage of a school at home.
Miss Fanny Geer, city librarian,
returns from attending n library school
ia Iowa City,' Iowa, with many plsas of
improvement which ahe hopes to carry
oat here. One ot the first which she
wishes to introduce ie the Newark system
ot loaning books to the pstroaa, Each
book has a daplicate card upon which
the book iedeeeribed. Each borroweria
given a separate namber. Ia keeping
record of books the adults aad chil
dren's cards are kept separate, and in
asiag theoard system the librarian saves
a great amount of time in writing oat
oards. The Newark system is classed aa
the moat successful bow in uaav Miss
Geer says that librarians at the school
wereeathaaisstie ia praiasot the success
of oar library, aot only ia the progress
of patronage, bat of the exoelleat choice
of books and the aeat finding list. Dax
iag the summer months there are aot so
many books taken oat, bat one month
last spring, 900 oat of the 1100 books on
read by citiaens, which
percentage. Mies Geer
thaaisstic for a Carnegie
library, aad hopes to create aa iaterest
amoag oar oitiaeas to work for a good
a Beveridge, the well
ersnee worker ot Fremont,
who has freannatly bam in Columbus
sad well araasinted with many of oar
cttiaaen, died Sunday ia
Bpriags, Mo. Hewn
nUialfibv. He came to
ity. For the amt thirteen
Mr.Beveridgn sad hie wife havo
devoted their entire time to tea
the direction of the
Now England, the take states
Last wiater, while
Mr. Beveridge eoatraett
aad wan obliged to give aphis
Bjb death is thought to havo
by heart fattem He was
af the atato central
tall he was the
for coagrsssfrom the
He was wall
those iatereetod ia target ahoot-
iag aa "Tbe Doeuaie" aad had shot ia
y state and national
He was a member ot
secretary of
mittee, end one 2ou, Fatertrkfvaridge,
survive hiai. J ' '
Miaa Eote Joaes, daaghtar of Mr.
aad Men. Lewie Joaes, was married
Thursday at 12 o'clock at the home ot
her parnate four miles southwest ot
towa, to Mr. Milton H Powers of
by Rev. Kacek of
of the bride, saag the baaatifal
Pleetinr Daya." Miea Fraakia
BaadaU of Gibboa, Nebraska, played the
ManieUanhawad(hagasreh as ths bride
and groom, aocompaaied by Miea Hattie
Baker aad Wsraar Sohuaoaeh, SMrcbed
to the parlors. The eeresaoay waa per
forsaed in frost of a bower of grsaa aad
white folisge, aad the aamseolor decora-
tioaa wars aaad elaborately ia all the
deooratioaa about the boaaa. The bride
was beaatifally attired ia white, aad
oarried bride roam. The bridesmaid
aleo wore white aad carried carn2tions.
After the eeresaoay aa excellent dinner
waa servsd by the bridea mother, aad
the oouple hat on aa aftemooa traia tor
Beatrioe, Nabrsska, to visit ths groom's
paraata. Mr. and Mm. Powers wiU be at
home ia Cheyenne after' September 1,
busiaess. The bride aajoya a wide
acquaintance here, aaviag for several
years been n prominent t eschar ia the
coaaty. Mr. Powers waa formerly man
ager of the Dmacaa craamsry. The beet
wishes of their friends go with them to
their BewhosM.
Wo had tho pleasare oae day last
week of visiting John Dawson on his
farm oae sails west of Oconee. Mr.
Dawson is a progressive farmer and the
improvements on his plaoa ara up-to-date
ia aaviag saodera conveniences. In front
ot the house, which is attractively paint
ed, is a Mae-grass laws with a few flower
beds watered by a eystom of waterworks
of homo eonetraetioa. Aa iee-hoaee
whioh ta filled with ice from n large pond
oaths place, ie the sourcs ot great com
fort during the hot summer months. A
loag distance telephone makes communi
eationwith the cities a metier of but a
few Buaates. The Bwaagement ot the
poultry department of the farm belonga
to Mrs. DawaoB who undoubtedly has
one of the largest flocks in this part of
the country. In the flock are Plyaooath
Rock aad Partridge Cooaia chickens,
Toaloaas gaoaa, asveral Maecovy, besides
a aamber ot the common ducks, tarkeys
aad white gaiwoas. The hatching is
doae by means of aa iacubator which
proved vary aatauaetory this year. Mr.
Dawson takes a great deal ot pride in his
hogs, having n large namber of well bred
Poland-Chiaaa. Another feature of the
farm ia a herd of one handled aad fifty
Hereford cattle. The epidemic pink-eye
baa broken oat among the cattle in that
neighborhood and about ninety ot the
herd are afJictod with the disoaso. Mr.
Dawson is milking n namber ot cows and
aees a separator to do the akimming
with. The bail storm which visited that
vicinity in Jane totally destroyed the
wheat aad rye crop. Some ot the oats
grew ap again from the roots and will
yield part ot a crop. The corn which
was cat down to the ground looks in
splendid condition now. All kinds ot
fruit nnd berries sre n total failure
this year.
Tarn JOCBXAI.W2S aaable to secure
the particalars in regard to the death of
H. M. Wiaalow last week before going to
press, owing to the tact that the relatives
here had aot yet learned particalars.
Mr. Wiaalow had left his home in the
northern psrtof Holt county, a week ago
last Monday morning, to haul a wagon
load ot machinery ton neighbor. About
three hours lster he was found lying
dead in the road, the horses steading
quietly aear by. The fact that the
wagon had passed over the body has
ceased relatives to believe that be bad
fallen from the wagon aader the horses
feet, throws out by a jolt in crossisg a
deep rat ia the road. Contrary to ruaeor
last week, it ia aot thought that heart
faflare or apoplexy was the cause ot
death. The FwmiBB were brought to
Columbus Wednesday evening and the
faaeral waa conducted at the residence
ot aJ.GertowThundnyaHXBingatlO
o'clock by Bar. Hslssy of the Presbyte
rian church. The pall bearers were M.
Whitmoyer, C. H. Saeldoa, George Scott,
W. T. Bickly, H. Hughea and A. M. Poet
Heary M. Wiaalow waa bora December
21, 18S7, at Pataey, Vermont After
growing to manhood he became aa ex
tensive dealer in fine cattle. He was
married August 28, 1882, to Miaa Abbie
J. Keadrick of Heath, Maamchaaatts,
who together with hie bob George ot
Holt oouaty, and daughter Mm. G J.
Garlowof this city, survive Mai. In 1876
he moved to Illinois aad later came to
Platte county, paTctuawngaranchBortb
west of towa, liviag there about oae
year, after which he aaoved to the city.
Two years ago be saovad to Holt county
where he waa liviag at the time of his
death. Mr. Wiaalow waa beloved by all
who knew him aad hie sadden taking
away ia mourned by alL
The city couacil aaat ia regular aes-
Frideyereaiag. A petition to have
Nineteenth street between Olive and
Kuausar graded waa referred to the
committee oa streets and grades. Aa
other petition requestisg that a pile of
lumbar oa tho lot receaUy occupied by
the Phabppa building beeoademaed aad
ceased to be removed, waa referred to
the committee on olsime. George H.
Grab presented aclatai for $5 for poll
tax which ha paid last year aad which
be claims was aot due owiag to tbe fact
that he wm s member of Co. K, N.N, a
grades reported oa the petition to have
the ditch on the north aide of Tenth
blooks east, filled; sad
the graattag of the petition aad tho
making of another ditoh jast aoath of
A rasala-
adopted to have W. W. Whit-
iseeore urn 02102200
street gutter. The report was adopted.
fVimmitles no palina iwpmtad that the
reports of thecanaf af psaiee end police
judge were seaawi to ha eorrset, aad ware
ptoparty taoo2S22aam tho rajsotiaa ot the
pnieusjtisa ftesealail by A. Heiata to
reaJaee the eld arc atreet lights by new
tion was
taker rariaali, in 2iHitiiTB to what
Aug. 11-15 Inclusive
FRAYIOLrrA.Loopiag-the'Looptwiesd CLARK, Slack
Wire Walker aad Juggler. 8TARTLO, High Diva. CALVERT, King of the
High Wire. FALCON. Air Ship. FJD MANGLES. Water Diver, drops 90 test
iato 3 feet ot water. Diving Dog. Ooatortioaist aad Trick Bicycle Rider.
Banking on Paint
The practical painter saysy
you can "bank" on
Patton'sSun-Proof Paint
because it saves the co. t
of at least one painting
every five years. The
painter "rxinkj on it
because it rives him a
Patton's '
is made in exact projiortions of the most durable nuterials, ,
perfectly mixed ly impruved machinery. It is the best spread
ing, longest wearing paint, and has the most brilliant and lasting
colors. Guaranteed to wear for five years. Send for book of
Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to
PATTON PAINT CO.. Lake St.. Milwaukee. Wlo.
streets be now sprinkles, oertain other
etreeta as directed by tbe overseer ot
streets. Peter J. McCaffrey appeared
before tbe council desiring to rent the
quarter block south of the water works.
He slso suggested the covering of tbe
old wells on tbe water works site. Tbe
Butter was referred to tbe committee on
public property and water works with
power to aot Bills were allowed to the
aaoount ot $l,57a95.
G.-W. Lehman waa an Omaha visitor
WU1 Hensley visited in Grand Wand
last week.
J. F. Belford was in Oconee last week
on baainoes.
Miss Inez Nash of Monroe is visiting
Mra. A. E. Mataon.
Mrs. Ernest Daesell went to Omaha
Friday to visit a few days.
Miss Nellie Flyan of Norfolk is the
guest of her aant Mm. Mark Burke.
Mrs. Lulu Geiteen returned Thnrsdsy
from a six weeks' visit at TUden, Neb.
0. W. Jens, a prominent bnsinosa man
of Hampbrey, waa in the city Friday.
Nets Johnson of Omaha waa visiting
his brother Carl n few hoars Mondsy.
Miss Lacy Haywood ot Lincoln ia the
guest ot her coaain, Mia.-J. G. Reader.
Mrs. A. J. Smith went to Omaha Fri
day, called by the sickness ot her sister
Mra. G. W. Halst and aoa George ot
Omaha are visiting Garrett Hulst aad
Mrs. F. K. Strother and Miaa Lena
Haass were in Moaroe last week vieitiag
Miss Nell Sumner of Fallertoa waa the
gaestof friends here Fridsy on her way
to Lincoln.
Mrs. & E. Baker returned last Friday
from a two weeks visit with parents ia
David City.
Miss Bessie Townasnd retained Mon
dsy to .Omaha after a viatt to
Marjory Steveaeoa.
Mrs. Bertha Weltmsa of Sohayler
retaraed home Tharsday, after a abort
visit with Mrs. Wfll HageL
E. W. North came ap from Omaha
Satarday afteraooa for a short visit with
relatives, ret'aming Saaday. .
Miea Aaaa Gees retaraa home this
weak from Fremont where aha has bean
attending commercial college.
Margaerite, Stella aad Kath-
Bsehor retaraed Tharaday from
they viaited relatives.
Frank Morgan, nephew of F. T. Walker,
mvmitiagia Colambas. Mr.M.isaUw
student ot the aaiversityof Wiscoaain.
Mma Ollie Mbagrove of Valpaatisova
former Oolumbaa vowaar lady, is tho
gaestof Ehae Brugger aad other friends.
Miaa Anna Lamb ot Platte Caster was
the gnest ef Miss Lsoiss Davis Mosdsy
oa her retara homefrem Tmramie, Wye.
Mr. aad Mrs. George Wiaalow, who
cease to attend the faaeral of
father H. M. Wiaalow, wfll retara
to Holt coaaty today.
Mam HedwigSehspbsch went to David
City Friday to virit a tew daya witt
' Y?
friend Miss Hattie Ren. W.Schapbsch
accompanied her there.
Mrs. Waetricb- and Mrs. John
Sohmocker passed part of last week
with tbe Hoist fsmily at Madison and
with other relatives at Norfolk.
Mr. and Mm. D. H. Bailey and two
sons of Chicago arrived here Fridsy and
are the guests ot John Graf and family.
Mrs. Bailey is a sister ot Mr. Graf.
Mra. C A. WooeJey and daughters
Miasm Maud, Violet and Martha, return
ed home Satarday from an extended
visit to relatives ia Eureka, Illinois.
Mrs. Bahlman and two daughters
Misses Kate aad Celia, who have been
vioiting the fsmily ot Albert Steoger,
left Monday for 8an Diego, California.
Editor Howard returned last Wednes
day from Hot Springs, South Dakota.
He was obliged to return sooner than
had been planned, on account of sickness.
Miaa Anna Brodfuehrer returned Sat
arday from Cornlea where ahe viaited
her brother George aad family. Miaa
Lulu went ap Monday to remain a few
Mrs. L. Hohl and daughter Miea Clara
retaraed Friday from Chicago and were
the guests of Mrs. L Glack until Satar
day when they went to their home in
Mrs. Qua Kradss and two sons, Homer
and CUade, started today, Taeeday, for
their home in Dell Rapids, South Dakota,
after a visit ot several weeks with rels
tiveebere. Mrs. Mary Hsrmer of Chicago viaited
her mother, Mrs; Tschady, two weeks,
leaving for her home last Tharaday.
This is the fret trip home Mrs. Harmer
has Biade for nine years.
Jess Becher arrived Sunday from
Minnnspolai for a week's visit at home.
He ia chief clerk ia tbe auditor's oBce
ofthePeveyGrsiaCo. Gee Becher, jr.,
is also with the aame company.
Mrs. J. B. Gietsea west to Sioaz City
Wedaeedey to be the guest of Mrs. Hsle,
From there she wfll go to Colfax Springs,
Iowa, whore Mr. Gietsen ia taking a
coarse of treatment for rheumatism.
Mia. Bart Parsing and children of
Albion ware ia towa Friday on their way
to Seattle, Washington, to make their
fatare horns. They vmit n few days in
Central City before going farther west.
E.F.D. aTa.f.
Fall ptowiag well aader way.
"Meed Mailer" helps stack grain.
Smith HUliard went to Oconee Sun
day. John Toessk gave a party Saaday
Driaaia waa visiting near
Miaa Sarah Fkspstrick viaited the
Qaiaa family Tharsday.
Miss NhvaaCraaop ot Biehlaad m the
of amisses neaam aad JSreiyn
am recovered from aa
attack of typaoid-paeaaioaia, after a
Cafi of Tkftaks.
We sanire to sxprsss oar eincere
to friaaao who ia many waya
as st the time of
Ma. aai Mas. C. J. Oasxaw.
. Gaoass Wxmavow,
In Any Light
Loawew im daylight,
U daylight weveldP-
rw in daylight.
N Dark RMsM Ntlaairi.
Taia ia Oafcr Poasible With the
Not with any other camera.
Ours is tbe only place that
KODAKS are for sale
in Columbus, Nebraska.
Brownie Kodaks
Brownie Kodaks....
Other Kodaks up to.
. 2.00
. 25.00
A full line of supplies, all at fac
tory prices. Here yon save express
or freight.
8la af taa BI Watea.
, I TO,
Via Look Out and
the Big Reservoir,
Aug. 18th.
This will be the last trip by this !
route this year. You can't af- ;
ford to miss it. Wheatland has
the largest storage reservoir in ',
the United States. We will ;
show it to you on this trip. We ',
mil also give you a riae of 70 '
miles across the Laramie plains
and through the Laramie moun- ',
tains free of cost. For inforiua-
tion about land we have for sale !
call on
sf nensys,
awsasy. ssmais Trenaiee.
aarsssryea. iraeceasary write W.reaaer.
He haa apeat a life time caring Jest each
casssasjoais. All coasaltatioaa lies.
"I bad severe cam of kldacy disease aai
taeaaaaUsBi. dlscbargins bloody matter.
Saffered Intense pain. My wife was sertoaaly
affected with female troubles. Dr. Feaaeri
Kidaey and Backache Cure cared as both.
F. M. WHEELEK. Baadolpb. Ia.
Pragglst.50c..fl. Ask forCook Book Free.
nVITlK'niMPE puro Care. Circular. Dr
-f IIUO IMIIllCFeaBer. Fradoala.N.Y
For Sale by C. I1EN8CHING.
Poland China Pigs, both sexes SiaOO;
A few not related to last year's stock
$12.00 and $15.00 Ahw my herd Boar,
sired by Expansion.
Four and a half miles northwest of
Columbus, Nebr. RF.D.N0.&
From the Republican.
Robert Neumeieter of Columbus waa
renewing acquaintances in Monroe Isst
George Msbood was down from Pales
tine but Saturdsy. He reports consid
erable damage in hie locality from tbe
recent hail storm, but says the full
force of the etorm did not strike that
During tbe heavy storm Thnrsdsy
evening lightning struck tbe school
house and tore several boards off the
roof and damaged the plastering. Sat
urday evening a bolt of lightning burned
out the telephone in the bank. The
flash was very heavy and quite a number
ot people thought some of the buildings
on the north side of the street bad been
Lars Ibgnuason, father of Oliver Msg
nnsson, died at bis home, three miles
west of town, Monday, August 3. Mr.
Magnusson was one of the early settlers
ia this locality, having moved here in tbe
early seventies. He leaves a wife, two
sons and one daughter to mourn his loss.
The funeral was held Wednesday at tbe
Frienda church and the interment was in
the Friends cemetery.
Platte Ceater.
From the Sigaal.
Charley Bloedorn departed hut Saa
day noon for Louisiana to look after the
harvesting of a crop on a plantation
which he owns about one hundred milee
est of New Orleans. Three hundred
acres ot rice is tbe principal cropbeing
rmimmA nn hi land this season. He will
bs absent from six weeks to two months.
About eleven o'clock hart Sunday
morning smoke was noticed pouring
from one of Mrs. Kehoe'e coal bins. An
alarm was passed from mouth to mouth,
and a rush wss made for the power
house where the hose ie kept. Consid
eriag the fact that we have no hose cart
aad that the hose had to be carried by
hand aad coupled after it arrived, a
stream was gotten on the fire from the
hydrant in front ot Van Allen's flee ia
remarkably quick time. The fire was
confined to the floor of a bin filled with
slack coal, and waa doubtless caused by
spontaneous combustion. A well direct
ed stream soon stopped tbe smoke, and
IBC oauuage none waa auguu j.umm mu
wss the one aesrest the elevator, aad had I
tvamacartMlia the niwht it is hard to I
estimate where it woald have stopped. I
We are pattiag the spars iato asaaoaahk gooos aJd we
meaa jast what we any and will aaake the acices that will give
v the goods for leas asoaey than aay eVakr hi Cotaaahaw
can bay them. Tibllowutf mafautial liat of atieaa:
Two baraerGasolaaeStovas. t 2M
Three " " "
" with Ther-Lite aad oven..... 15.00
Four " v " " " " u I5-0
Three with oveol 15
Three quart Ice Cream Freeaer, only. 1-50
Four 2.00
Ball bearing Lawn Mowers. 18 inch, only. 5-98
Lawn Mowers, 16 inch, only 36
Lawn Mowers, 18 inch, only. 4.48
Gas Oveas front. 98c to 2.48
These are prices that will surely aaove theaa. First come,
first served.
Eleventh St.,
Tickets on safe Aug. 1st to Uth, inebaive,
ti wM rciic CMSt
Full information ehterfuOu furnished on
application to
W. H. BENE AM, Agent.
Wheat, new 60
Corn, old shelled V bushel 37
Osts- bushel 25
Bye V bushel 35
M9wmmmJ9jf s aaV
Hogs V owt. 4 50 4 75
Fat steers V ewt 4 000 4 60
Fatcowa 7 cwt 2 25 3 00
Stock steers y ewt 3 00fj 4 80
Potatoes V baehel 60
Batter-V W 130 20
Eggs V doaea. 10
Bran, bulk 65
Shorts, " 75
Chop feed. balk. 80fj90
Markets corrected every Taeeday af
ternoon. SPREADING
Duriie Biilirs, Miw
rs ill Twin.
The Del uiee Plows; Biggies,
Carriages, Wagras aad all
Kiad af Iaipleaieats.
Done oa Short Notice.
DcsartaMat of taa Iatartar.
laid osue at uaeoia. aasr., Jaiy 1.
JOJ MtUeraaa
that arid aroof will ba
i2f aa aniaal m fn ! iai
1S2L via: Mary Oraad. for taa H.W.
n. a. nas.
Haa aaaiia taa feUowtaa wa to
bar coatiaaoaa raaidaaaa aaea aad eaaitatiea
of mmiA laad. aai: fhtor laa. Ji
Aadnw Hnltk. aarfailri Sana. aU ef
Nabr. W.a.OBJUDL
Sale bills,
Head bills,
Note heads,
Meal tickets,
Legal buaka,
Vhattng cards.
Milch checks,
Baaiaeas cards,
Society iavitatioaa,
Or, m short, say kiad ef
Call ob or addrsaa, Joaraal,
Colambas, Nebraska.
a",'Majw afPav. aaa aaHasaM SSvaa aw)
"SaaawWN su a - rf?
AaVJVJVJVJHVJVA 2r aj2 M"""1ja, lSMlg, ana
2naE Bl " o awafMaaal ,., fljaayl. sat
Columbus. JCebr.
Hi Iwtly ttr Oou
alt Lake aty,
bast seen, sum uaa.
IXCUeaaaHeaeJal Id2a.i
f flllaatTrgnf ijg. ,
24 eraadhlaad Local tr 2J2a.i
, 'awaC JMil ..U3V Pw I
la. MorMtP.atto Local MSTi
.Jmalamtoataaa- Zttp.i
S.Ottilaail Lfaattaa SZlu.x
waar sonra. vau uaa.
;?Jfafifciiafaai 2J2a. 1
m awaSuT- 2M2a. 1
ygJv; ',' m t lllaa fa. 1
Ji? ajftwamfai. .. .lZafl ffe,
jB"yyy AwapafjWi, , aSawa gP
yr. Laaal. 2J2p. 1
aTlTjw4T'2Baaaaa SOW (a 1
B29JaWsTsWw2awafB' W wPaawswewswaW
22 aanananwa am ssaanv.
araaaaaClty, FOttlaaal,
aH. Lewie anal all San rraacfece)
petats IJaat smA aaat all psaats
oath. Was.
Ma" 2211 era Sfr jSnfmnlSi 1Jim'm
aatartar. Mp.m
Tauaa abbivb.
afo! U SSoltEfcteafSIw BM "
aaaiaw J2 a. at
P IS jfJ2f 7:1V p. aai
arJaw. mh awalawarsa 7Caw ha aaa
Sa'n aS2fir" f" "
awjaPa n awBHawawS dZaWaa fBj
"Of. aasa aTaawasvaBBBBBBf as w mm.mmmm mm,mmt - . Zmw aa aVL
BmW Cliasi filial I nut mHj mill Oiaaii.
j D.aruaa.
- .
. .
( -
c-r. -Tr "'" I?"!!1'1 ""Ti"