The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 05, 1903, Image 3

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    ---v T -s-
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The kind that cuts
Sour ice bill down
elow the luxury
point. When buy
ing a Refrigerator,
get a good one, that's
the kind we handle,
they cost no more
than the inferior
Ice Cream Freezers
all sizes at very
low prices.
The kind that
makes it a pleasure
to mow your lawn
at prices that will
interest you.
Bring us your Butter and Eggs, we
guarantee you the highest market price.
We have what you want and you don't
have to bother with coin or orders.
1 1th Street.
Spring Summer Season
Is-of the best and we carry a
larger stock than ever be-
fore. "We guarantee
lowest prices.
Are acknowledged the best in town. We carry only solid goods;
no paper, shoddy or shelf-worn goods is here to be found in our shoe
stock. We have our shoes made especially for us in the foremost fac
tories of the country. We sell them at prices lower than ever.
Call and be convinced.
Mschholz Bros.
411 Eleventh Street
That's what the proprietor and at
tendants at the PARK BARBER
SHOP do study to please their pa
trons and that's the magnet, so to
speak, that draws new customers
and holds fast the old ones. It not
already among; the latter you are in
vited to drop in and give us a
trial One of our famous Pompean
Ifsmscwi will make you present
able at any court in the world.
Dry Goods.
We are offering a
very large assort
ment of summer
Dress Goods at prices
that will interest
you. Call and see
An exceptionally
well made,neat look
ing boys9 shoe one
that will wear well
at a price very low.
We are headquarters for
dishes. The best quality for the
least money. We have a. few
sets. Handsomely decorated
semi-porcelain at a price that
will surprise you. Call and
see them.
Telephone 26. i
Here you will find the newest
and' best the market af
fords the coming
Niewohner block, corner ISth and Olive
streets, Colombo, Nebr.
Gat adirnnU
feres' far pain
less extractien
r ef teeth.
BeaideBce Telephone L SI.
Ofira Telephone A 4.
Columbus f 0rual.
Dr. Paul, dentist '
Mielenz for best photos.
Ed. Hoare was in tows Saturday.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber Mock.
Dr. Gietsen, death, over Pollock's
drag store.
Famous gold medal coffee. EL B.
London k Bra.
Dr. Chas. H. Plate, physician and
surgeon, postomce building.
Mrs. Bev. Millard has been very sick
for several weeks with neuralgia.
E. D. Fitzpatrick and A. W. Clark
were in Genoa Wednesday and Thursday.
Headquarters for fine coffee. E. B.
London k Bro. sell the celebrated gold
Mark McMahon returned to Chicago
on Monday to resume his studies as a
Easton k Co. have the agency for
the Champion binder, mowers and
They tell us they have the best goods
at the Thurston Annex. Any doubts?
Ask Kelly. tf
Piano for sale at reasonable rate.
Gene Condon, corner Twelfth and Lin
coln street.
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Gear k Han
sen, office three doors north of Fried
hoffl store, tf
John McOill has moved his family
to Creeton where he will engage in the
draying business.
C. J. Garlow is in Chicago on legal
business, where he is interested in
before the courts of that city.
Easton k Co. are headquarters for
choice groceries and hardware. We
take country produce at highest market
Wm. Schils makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
The burnt pea coffee faddist argues
health and talks fake. Drink the best
of the original, the celebrated gold medal
coffee. E. B. London k Bro.
Buy the Best The Trybsr Plan
leads them all in construction, finish,
durability and price. Sold on monthly
payments. Auditorium Music Co.
The "Lone Tree" tailor shop, S. E.
Baker proprietor, has been moved to the
front rooms, up stairs, in the Niewohner
August Wagner was up town Mon
day for the first time, after having under
gone an operation at the hospital for
Sheriff Byrnes went toTarnov Mon
day evening with a warrant for the arrest
of Mike Skorupa for selling liquors with
out a license.
Mrs. Leander Garrard and Mrs. A.
M. Poet entertain a large number of
friends this Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Gerrard.
Ole Olson, a former employe of J. C.
Echols, visited friends here last week.
Mr. Olson is now traveling for the Mid
land Glass k Paint Co. of Omaha.
Saturday afternoon next is the time
to attend the republican primaries to
elect delegates to the county and other
conventions. See call on second page.
Miss Lida McMahon returns to
Geneva today after a ten days' visit at
home. Miss McMahon is matron at the
state institution there, and is well pleas
ed with her work.
Frank Sohram moved his office Sat
urday from the North opera housebuild
ing into the Henry building just south
of Fillman's. Mr. Schram is agent for
sewing machines and typewriters.
Lost, at or near the Union Pacific
depot, a lady's pocket book containing
gold locket with "Eva" engraved on
back. Finder please leave at this office
and receive reward.
Word has been received at Genoa of
the accidental drowning of Earl Tabor
aged 14, grandson of Mrs. E. V. Clark.
Earl resided at Bell Grove, Idaho, with
his grandfather, A. J. Tabor.
The committee having in charge the
firemen's tournament at Norfolk has
settled up all bills and still have a nice
big roll left to turn into the department
treasury, so says the Norfolk Press.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Beeher of Colum
bus, Miss Emma Wake of Omaha and
Miss Weed of New York, were in Seward
last week to attend the funeral services
of the late Mrs. Harriet Jones. Seward
E. H. Chambers returned Wednes
day from Sherman county where he went
on business. He reports that county
having received a rain of over three
inches Tuesday night, and the crops are
in fine condition.
The Methodist church has, during
the pastor's absence from home, been
fitted with a handsome new carpet and
pulpit chairs. Regular services were
held Sunday in the church for the first
time in four weeks.
Lawrence Hohl waa in town last
Tuesday for a few boars visiting with
friends on his return from Yellowstone
Park where he has been camping with
friends. He is practicing law with his
uncle in Leavenworth, Kansas.
A home talent company at Seward
will give an open air performance of
Shakespeare'a "As You Like It," in the
city park at Seward, August 6. The oast
will include about twenty people, and
the costumes will be very elaborate.
The David City Banner says: "Ben
Perkins loaded his steam launch into a
wagon last Sunday evening and drove to
Columbus where they put the boat on
the Loup river and started up the river
to Genoa. Boss Betzer and Charles
McCracken accompanied Ben and bis
Miss Fannie Gear returned Satur
day from Marshall, MwIl, where she
went to visit her sisters. Six wssks of
her summer vacation was spent in Iowa
City, Ia, at the summer library school
where she studied the bast methods
used in classifying and conducting pub
lic libraries.
In Albion, one day last week, some
of the local statesmen amused themselves
while laboring to keep cool, the News
says, by asking every man who came
along "who would succeed to the presi
dency in .case Boossvelt should die?"
There were few who eouei.sji the smv
tleman's name off-hand. Can you?
Dr. Neumann, dentist.
-Victor Schober was in Madison last
Investigate Osteopathy; its cures are,
Mrs. Rothleitaeris confined to her
bed by sickness.
Dr. L. C. Voss, HomeopathiQ physi-
eian. Columbus. Neb.
Thomas Duck was in Cedar Rapids
Saturday looking after his farms.
For watches and; docks see the
Eleventh street jeweler, Columbus.
A drink that always plsasss gold
medal coffee. E. B. Loudon k Bra
Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan
ised steel mill for 832.00. ADusseUA
800. tf
Dr. McKean'a method of making
aluminum plates places them on an
equality with gold.
The coffee that sells. Why? Because
it pleases. The celebrated gold medal.
E. B. London k Bro. -'
A shelf in theBagats store fell Mon
day night causing considerable damage
by breaking valuable chinaware.
Mark Burke is at work again for the
Union Pacific, having had to take a
week's vacation on account of sicknsss,
All bowlsrs will have free lemonade
these hot days at Hagel's alleys. The
coolest place in town fans of all kinds
running day and night.
Carpenters Union No. 1501. Regu
lar meetings every Saturday night. Vis
iting brothers invited. E. J. Scott
president; Chas. Wurdeman, financial
Your breakfast is not complete with
out a cup of the celebrated gold medal
coffee. We sell it E.B. London k Bro.
Mesdames M. Brugger and Dr. Gear
have issued invitations to a gathering
for Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Brugger.
A "pick up" nine from Columbus
played the Benton nine a game of base
ball Sunday at Benton, the score being
11 to 8 in favor of Benton.
Mrs. R. S. Dickinson had her left
hand and arm severely burned last Sat
urday by a dish of hot rice. The pain is
very painful but not serious.
Presiding Elder Millard and daugh
ter Hazel, Misses Louise Davis and Emily
Bagatz are among the number who will
camp at the Fnllerton assembly this
F. T. Walker returned Saturday
from a' trip to Harlan and Fnrnas coun
ties in company with a number of David
City gentlemen. Mr. Walker purchased
Last Friday Charles Beadle, who waa
charged with stealing a horse, plead
guilty before Judge Hollenbeck and was
sentenced to fifteen months in the peni
tentiary. ,,
.Old settlers at Lincoln will have a
picnic at Lincoln park August 27. W.
J. Bryan will be the orator of the day,
and A. L Bixby one of the principal
The First National Bank has filed a
suit in the district court against Frank
J. Uridil and John M. Dineen to secure
payment of a note for $1,800 given last
Aleck Reid, Frank Bowman and
Walter Galley started Tuesday morning
for Langdon, North Dakota, where they
will work with a thrashing crew during
We have removed our office from
North opera house to the second door
south of Niewohner's jewelry store.
Just received a new line of machines
and invite you to call and inspect them.
Frank Schram. 2t
Mrs. A. Heintz entertained a nun
berof lady and gentlemen friends Mon
day evening in honor of Dr. Heintz'
sixty-first birthday anniversary. A 7
o'clock dinner was served and the guests
passed a very pleasant evening.
Mrs. Maggie Murphy and two eons
leave this Wednesday for Lincoln and
Palmyra, Nebraska, to visit relatives and
friends. Mrs. Murphy, when she returns
will be engaged as one of the bead clerks
in the new Gray dry goods store.
There will be no church services in
the Presbyterian church for the next
three Sundays, the pastor, Bev. Halsey,
will then take his annual vacation. Mr.
and Mrs. Halsey have not yet decided
where they will spend their intermission.
The Central Nebraska assemby opens
in Fnllerton Thursday and will continue
to the 16th. The program committee
have selected an especially good pro
gram for this season and all indications
are that a large crowd will camp on the
Both the Loup and Platte rivera
have been very high the past week. On
Sunday both rivers were up to their
banks. The Loup on Sunday registered
6.6 and on Monday 5.6 feet The roads
south of the Platte are said to be in bad
Coffee that is coffee. The celebrated
gold medal. E. B. London k Bro.
Mrs. James Brimblecom was in the
city Thursday, coming in from Brimble
com's camp at Havens. Mrs. B. is one
of the women that stands bravely by her
husband in his life work at their railroad
camps and does most of the business in
a business-like manner.
Arthur Pohl and wife are in the city
visiting Mrs. E.Pohl and family. Arthur
has been engaged with H. Murdock in
his grocery store at Springfield, but has
resigned his position and after a vacation
spent here will engage in business with
his father-in-law at Springfield.
We understand that a rural mail
route from Columbus west and south of
the Loup river has been allowed by the
government This is the route laid out
by Paul Duffy last winter, which if
established will run past Lisoo's, wsst
and north, then south to Julius Ernst's
and back to Columbus.
We hear considerable complaint con
cerning the approaches to bridges on the
roads leading into the city from the
north. In some places there are gutters
on each aide of bridges from a foot ton
foot and a half deep. It would be well
for road overseers to look into the matter
before any accidents occur.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hocksnberger, their
son and daughter, Willie and Elena, E.
von Bergen and Mrs. Katharine von Ber
gen are all at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin,
enjoying n vacation at the Y. M.C. A
camp there. Iba Hockenberger left on
the party sset her there Monday.
G. Byrnes wsskiaked on the left
Sunday morning by n eolt, while
feeding it The eolt wan fighting the
horse it wan standing with and apparent
ly did not sen Mrr Byrnes. The injury
The O.A.R encampmentwhiohwan
held in Genoa last week was not the
in the past, owm to the ns
sMnt of the cnmmittM in allowing n
number of stliantiias of the midway
character on the grouade. Old soldiers
from here were mnchihesppointed in tbe
It has bseosas quite popular over the
state among repulJirnan to hold but one
county convention instead of two, elect
ing dslsgstss to the state and judicial
conventions and for pwoiag in
tion county officials, all at the
meeting. With everyone busy the one
convention would probably be better
Bev. and Mrs. Luee returned home
Thursday from their four weeks' visit to
Massachusetts and Maine. They enjoy
ed n pleasant trip throughout theirvaca
tion but are glad tobehosss again. Mr.
Luce says that manufaeturing institu
tione with the exception of leather goods
seem to boon the increass and the coun
try is prosperous.
Father De Voss of Spalding is in the
hospital here for treatment, having been
bitten by n dog. He waa thought at
first to be seriously sick with blood
poisoning, but he is now improving rap
idly. Father De Voss is very popular in
his section and is given the credit of
having secured the extension of the
Union Pacific to Spalding.
All the botchers of the city have
ordered their Nebraska telephones taken
out of their shops, to be discontinued
from the 1st of August A representa
tive of the butchers was sent to Omaha
to confer with Mr. Yost, the manager ia
Omaha, but no reduction of price could
be secured from the regular rates
charged, hence the order.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hookenberger and
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cornelius entertain
ed Thursday evening at the Hooken
berger residence for Mies Florence Cor
nelius of Pennsylvania and Miss Myrtle
Parker of Genoa. Euohre and flinch
were the games of amusement Mrs.
Herman Oehlrich and Mr. Fred Roberts
won the favors in the euchre games.
J. Boeencrantz, a aupervisor of
Nance county, waa in town last week to
inspect the steel bridge over the Loup
river. He will be gone a week inspect
ing bridges over the Platte and Loup
rivers. Nance county has bridges to
build at Genoa and Fnllerton as a result
of last spring's flood and have concluded
to make them to resist the ice, if possible.
Ed. Fitzpatrick, Ed. Kavanaugh,
Lonis Peterson, Sam Friedbof, Henry
Murphy, Theodore Friedbof, Leonard
Wagner, Harold Kramer and Jerome
Fitzpatrick returned home Monday from
a ten days camping out at MoPheraon'e
lake. Another party composed of the
families of W. N. Hensley and C. A
Speice also returned Mondsy from the
same place.
The poetoffioe at Bochon south of
Columbus haa been discontinued by the
government "A rural delivery from
Bellwood supplies the needs in the
neighborhood. The Bochon postomce
has been established about five years
and was conducted at the store of
Charles Olcott about eight miles south
west of town. The office was discontin
ued Friday.
Bixby saya: M We have been invited
to attend the democratic state powwow
to be held in Columbus August 25. The
invitation is accepted, and C H. Sheldon
ia hereby requested to keep the light
burning on the night of the 24th, until
twenty minutes after train time. Two
pieces of pumpkin pie, like mother need
to make, will sustain our unprofitable
life until breakfast time.''
A former Columbus boy wss recently
married, the following mention of which
we clip from the Fremont Tribune:
"The marriage of Roy Lucas, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Lucas of this city, to Miss
Clyde Addington took place at Water
Valley, Mies., last week. The couple
expect to visit Fremont this fall The
groom ia working in some railroad car
shops at Water Valley, where they will
Mrs. George A Scott and son of
Columbus and Henry C. MoGath of
Prairie Creek visited last Sunday with
their sister Mrs. Henry M. Smith and
family John Dierswas in Columbus
Tuesday where the Diers Bros, met their
cloak salesmen and selected garments for
the winter trade. Miss Emma Palmer
accompanied him and spent the day with
her sister, Mrs. Robert Saley. Fnllerton
Bixby paya Judge Sullivan a com
pliment in the following words: "A two-for-a-oent
politician writes to-find out
why we don't jump onto Judge J. J. Sul
livan and give him h 1?' The answer is
easy, for two reasons: First, we have no
occasion to abuse the judge and, second,
no disposition. He ia a clean man and a
just interpreter of the law. The color of
his polities is not to our liking but that
ia no reason for treating him with
Trie school board held a regular
meeting Monday afternoon. Bilk for
the month were allowed. Miss Zaam
braehsr, who had been selected science
and manual training teacher, haa seat
notice to the board that she will be
unable to accept There are other appli
cants for the position but no election has
yet been made. . Miss Jessie Maw, a
young lady who haa. for several years
been a prominent toucher in the county,
waa unanimously elected substitute
teacher in the city schools. Miss Maw
had previously decided to make her
home in the city during the year.
Inspector of Internal Revenue Pain
ter of Omaha waa in Fremont last week'
looking after sales of "unfermeeted"
grape juice by grocers, and an n result of
his investigations nearly all the grocers
ef the city find that they have, without
their knowledge, been selling liquor
without n license and are therefore liable
to a fine. The grape juice sold by them,
it ia said, contains much more alcohol
than beer, though advertised and pur-
by them an unfsrmented.' As
no intentional violation of the
law, no prosecutions will follow and the
sstisfaetorUy settled and
of it wfll be sold by
Columbus grocers may find the
with the
of Indian schools, haa returned to
Washington after inspscriee; Genoa and
other schools. He will nenmmsnrt n
new power hones for Genoa costing
approximately 910,000 to pump water
and. heat the school buildings. It
to sink n well twenty fast in
forty-five feet and this, it ia
expected, will give n water supply store
than asanlefer the needs of the sfihool
-Hugh Hill and Mrs. J. ATBaker re
turned Tuesday and Mr. and Mr. J. E.
Dank returned Wedaeaday from their
trip to Ireland and report n pleasant
time on the other side of the Atlantic.
They landed in this country about July
10 and have been visiting at Boston and
points in Illieois. Mr. and hnV Deck
arrived atGalva, HL, in time to attend
the funeral of their brother in-law, Mr.
Hayes, who had been sick for eosse time.
Miss Brown of Ireland returned with her
uncle, Hugh HUL Monroe Republican.
James B. Kyle and his daughter
Miss Marie are enjoying n visit from
relatives who came recently from Ireland.
One niece of Mr. Kyle, Kathalesu A.
Bowman, two nephews, James B. Caen
and M. J. Goon and Catherine, the eight
year old daughter of James B. Coen.
After visiting the Kyles at their home
south of Monroe for n short time, the
last named gentleman went to the capi
tal city where he has accepted a position
under Dr. Green at the Lincoln asylum.
The other relatives will remain for some
The past week has been quite rainy,
causing considerable anxiety to farmers
who have not finished harvesting their
grain, and delaying threshing. The low
temperatare Thursday and Friday makes
the prospects for corn, which is all
quite late in this section of the country,
look a little discouraging. The precipi
tation for the past week waa ae follows:
July 29, .85; July 31, .10; August 1, 1.78;
August 2, .11; August 3, .31; total 3.15.
The lowest temperature reached waa 53
on Friday. Slight frosts were reported
in Minnesota and Dakota on that date.
Prof. Waiters, of the new business
and normal college, has received mnch
encouragement in his canvassing, and
saya he believes the college will be
opened this fall with about seventy
pupils. This is beyond the expectations
of the citizens,' many of whom were
doubtful of the success of the school
The Lincoln business college which is
classed ss one of the best in the state,
enrolled between three and four hun
dred etndsnts lsat year, and it the Co
lumbus school should start with seven
ty the first year, they will certainly be
making a splendid beginning. Prof.
Wattera waa offered good induoemsnts
from citizens of Stromsburg recently to
remove his college from Columbus to
that city, but the offer waa not accepted.
The Columbus Fire Department are
contemplating the purchase of an auto
matic fire escape invented by Henry
Nuregy of Grand Island, and manufac
tured at that place. The apparatus is
very simple consisting of a pulley with
a governor brake and an endless rope.
The pulley is hooked to the top of a
ladder and those wishing to descend take
hold of the rope which slowly lets them
down. The boys are preparing to have
a large celebration on "Firemen's Day"
which comes on Labor Day, Sept 7th,
and will then give a public exhibition of
the fire escape. There will also be, on
that day, races and athletic contests,
something similar to those at a Fourth
of July celebration.
Elmer Miller, Lisa Young and George
Suddarth rode over to Columbus Sunday
afternoon mat on a railroad bicycle to
witness a ball game. On their return in
the evening, while crossing the Platte
river railroad bridge their vehicle swayed
to one side and in the twinkling of an
eye LisB and Elmer were in the bottom
of the river, falling a distance of about
18 or 20 feet George waa more fortu
nate, as he Isnded on the ties, but an
soon as possible went to the rescue of
hie companions. He found Elmer in a
weak condition and was compelled to
secure a team and buggy to bring him to
Bellwood. Elmer, although consider
ably shaken up internally, it is believed
nothing serious will occur. Bellwood
The annual meeting of the board of
directors of the Columbus State Bank
was held Monday evening and
several important changes were
made in the management M.
Brugger waa elected president to suc
ceed Leander Gerrard, who resigns.
Wss. Booker waa elected vies president
and H. A Clark cashier. Together with
the above named gentlemen the board
of directors will be L. Gerrard and A.
M. Clark. The latter is father of H. A.
Clark and a resident of Omaha. Mr.
Gerrard haa for some time wished to re
tire from the presidency of the bank,
but upon urgent request of other mem
bers of the institution has remained.
Mr. Clark, the new cashier, is son-in-law
of Judge A. M. Post, and has already a
large circle of acquaintances.
The Postal Telegraph company haa
at last entered into a contract with the
Union Pacific Railway company for the
construction of its proposed new line
from Omaha to San Francisco along the
right-of-way 'of the railway company. It
began the work of erecting poles one
mile wsst of Columbus, this Tuesday
morning. There are five men in the
gang. Negotiations for the use of the
Union Pacific's right-of-way aavejbssn
pending for several months, and it look
ed at one time aa if they might not be
concluded; but the contract waa finally
signed and active preparations were at
once made to begin operations and push
the work to completion with the utmost
vigor. Under the terms of the contract
it haa just entered into with the Union
Pacific, the Postal will build a line from
Omaha to San Francisco parallel with
that of the Western Union. When the
work of construction is completed, the
Postal will have direct through service
from New York to the Philippines, the
new line connecting at San Francieco
with the new Pacific cable.
Prof. Fool haa organized a Juvenile
orchestra com posed of sixteen young
mnsJcisBS of the city who are in age
from eight to twelve years old. The first
rehearsal waa held Thursday afternoon at
the home of W. A McAllister. The
Juveniles will meet each Thursday; the
nest rehearsal will be at the home of J.
H. GnBey. The instruments in the
oichsstia are violins, msadetiaa, guitars
and piano, and an the orchestra pro-
1 " I
Ganntd Golds off
& Descriptions,
in their season, and the many
other necessary articles which
make a first-class grocery
store, will be found : : at
NEW STORE nnCilawJIlS, RttfiSlUUnn 13tm Strict.
nmmmnmmfmmmmmimMMi9MaMMMM99 inatngtwwneimiatnsinAaie
Your Summer Coat
Yes linen, crash or pongee,
will be found just right for
the purpose. AUGUST
of Coats will give you the
style required.
Our Pattern Department
is stocked with suggestions
for Accordion Plaited, Shir
red and Smocked Garments.
When you come in, buy the
The Designer f tr August
10 cents a copy, 80 cents year.
J. H. GALLEY, Agent.
Millinery Clearance
than forty head of young horses, all broke
and ready to work as farm horses, roadsters,
saddlers, and single drivers, weighing from
1,000 to 1,500 pounds.
Cm and See Oar Stock Before Buying.
I Ornate Onkcts Oiera Hone.
ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
new instruments will be added.
Columbus haa a great amount of musical
talent, especially among onr young peo
ple, and a few years will help to develop
a number or talented musicians or wnicn
the city may well be proud. The Juven
ile orchestra under Prof. PooI'b able
instruction will be an inspiration to the
little people. The following named chil
dren are now members of the orchestra:
Maude and Clifford Galley, Janet and
Helen McAllister. Arthur Wilson. Lloyd
Casein, Carrol Evans. Louise Echols,
Herman Zinnecker. Howard Wbaley,
Milt Rothleitner, Christy Abts. Kath
arine Ruscbe, Willie Hockenberger.Theo.
Friedbof, Marion Reeder and Geraldine
The St. Louie Globe-Democrat gives
a column space in regard to the power
canal which is written by a man who
says the entire scheme of which be wrote
waa disclosed to him during a social con
Yersation by a man who holds a position
in close touch with the entire affair and
makes his words authoritative. The
substance of the article is ss follows:
That the Armours are interested in
securing n great power either at Fremont
or Columbus. The Armours are at pres
ent owners of the controlling interest in
the street railway of Kansas City, they
are said also to have purchased great
interests in the Omaha and bridge motor
lines and it ia significant that a company
has been formed to build sn electric line
from Sioux City to Homer, Nebraska,
another company contemplate a line
south from Omaha. With a system of
electric lines running from Sioux City
south to Omaha and thence on to St.
Joseph and Kansas City all under the
control of the Armour Packing company
and witn tne same people owning a
power plant big enough to run this rail
way systsm with plenty of power to spare,
it is easy to see where those four cities
which are dsstined to be the great pack
ing centers for the next fifty years will
look in the hands of the Armour
No wonder there i talk about our Hats; Wliy
shouldn't there be a stampede after such bargains :is
we are ottering? No such values were ever heard
of before. Everything in our store is included in
this sale, such as
Hats, Cass, Mkrwear, lesiery.
trssts, MaatJktfclMfs, efc.
We are now ready
to supply the market
with good Horses for
general purposes. More
1 1 1 1 1
AsissnnssBSis Ismlup
VVfnwurSfJ9i ftwun
-Do yon appreciate a good cap of
coffee? Drink gold medal. E. I. Lou
don & Bro.
inn FHimcu
On ilonr w".t of
Hoist A Ailams.
Having purchn-swl tho (. K. IIoo
hen fttock of Drain. Wall ltiiivr.
Paint. Oils, etc.. at a itnit riuc
tion veare makinKMjii.ewry low
prices. Call and n nt.
X At 30 to 40 per cent, discount.
Tht Itst let
Crta Stria m Tswi
All prescriptions carefully
cuiijm)i:ik1c(1 by an exper
ienced registered pharmacist
Z ulsss Pharmacy,
Manager. I
At reasonable rates at Grand
Pacific Hotel, Tenth Street.
SCf- vv
V v