The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 05, 1903, Image 2

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Katsrad at the Poetoffice, Colaxabas, Nebr., as
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I ;: - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1901.
terra Bamfaecribera of tli Jor
aal:-Please look at tae date oppo
atta yoar name on the wrapper of
yoar Joarmal or oa the amargia of
The loaraal. Up to tale date, yoar
aabacriptloa le paid or acooaated
aamalkam JwUeitl CeaTeatiea.
The delegated elected to the republican judi
cial convention. Sixth judicial district of Ne
braska, are hereby notified to meet ia Columbus,
Nebraska, oa the 3d day of September, 1M, at 2
o'clock ia the afternoon of said day, for the
parpoae of nominating two candidates for dis
trict judges of said district.
The several counties are entitled to represen
tation as follows, viz:
Dodge 21 Merrick 10
Colfax. Nance 10
Platte 12
Br order of the committee.
J. D.Stibxs, Chairman.
J. H. K-oi P. Secretary.
Dated Cokunbas, Nebr., July 24, IK.
Kepaelicaa Canity CeaTeatiea.
Kepnblican voters of Platte coanty, Nebraska,
are hereby notified to meet in their respective
precincts and -surds on Satardar, Angost 8th,
MM, from 2 p. m. to 4 . m for the purpose of
electing delegates to the county convention, to
be held at Platte Center, on Saturday. Angost
15th, 1903, at 1 o'clock, p. m., of that day, to
choose delegates to t lie republican state conven
tion, and delegates to the republican jadicial
convention, 6th jadicial district of Nebraska,
for the farther purpose of nominating candi
dates for county judge, county clerk, county
treasurer, sheriff, county superintendent of
schools, county assessor, clerk of the district
court, county coroner, county surveyor, and for
such other business as may come before the
The township meetings will also nominate
local officers.
The several precincts will be entitled to one
delegate for each 15 votes and fraction thereof
cast for F. M. Cookingham for county attorney
at the November, 1902, election and one delegate
at large and will have the following number of
Second ward..
Butler 4
Iioup S
Imst Creek 7
Granville. 10
Burrows 4
Monroe..... ........ .. t
Joliet. 4
St. Bernard. 6
Woodville, 6
Walker. &
Third ward ,
felaaibus township.
1 raSM4Va
tlraad Prairie
Humphrey ,
Edwin Hoibe, Chairman.
it. W. Hobabt, Secretary.
HAYlxa decided that the republicans
and the democrats are both equally bad,
the reorganized populists, to be consis
tent, will have to keep company only
with themselves. Omaha Bee.
Mabcuh R. Mayer of New York, now
managing "tour for tfme patti through
oat the United States, was in Omaha
last Saturday. lie says that the noted
stager will appear in that city during
aext January.
The Chicago Inter Ocean hits the nail
oa the head when it remarks that "Times
have changed. The conntry used to be
come hysterical when Wall street felt
panicky. Now the country waits until
it hears from the cereal belt before it
has a spasm."
O. F. Barnwell of St. Edward com
autted suicide by hanging himself in his
barn Wednesday. He left a note saying
his transactions with the Singer Machine
company would not bear inspection,
which he said was the cause of this act.
He leaves a wife and six children.
On account of the intense feeling
against the negro in southern Indiana
and Illinois many of the colored people
are waring south to seek homes. The
feeling against the negroes in the south
era Indiana towns has grown more in
tense since the trouble in Evansville.
The secretary of war gave a decision
Saturday to the effect that officers and
soldiers of the militia while serving at
encampments are entitled to the same
pay as the officers and men of the regu
lar army, and that they also are entitled
to transportation to and from encamp
ments as if they were regular troops.
It is given out from Chicago that
Charles W. Wilson, editor of the Durand
Clipper, has planned and was to start at
boob Sanday last to walk to Cape Lis
barae oa the Arctic ocean, 8,000 miles
away. He will go through Minnesota
aad Canada, following the coast from
Vancouver to Cape Nome, thence to his
destination, beyond the Arctic circle.
He expects to be gone fifteen months.
Pbofessob Blackxan, archeologiBt of
the State Historical society, while search
iajr the sapposed site of a once Aztec
village a few miles north of Bine Springs,
foaad a mosaic which was once, no doubt,
a part of a large paneL It is engraved
with igares which are very distinct, and
which represent various gods and god
eaaas of that ancient race of people. The
lad will make a valuable collection to
the hietorieal society.
The Review of Reviews publishes an
article showing the balance sheets of a
Kaasas wheat crop. Col. Scott of Paw
Bee ooaaty harvested four thousand
acres this year. His expense amounted
to $19,800 including seed, all work and
pleating had been let to contractors.
Hie reeeipts for the grain amounts to
feBvOOtL He also estimates the use of the
laid for grazing during the winter at
tzOO, leaving a profit of $30,700 for
Ah Italian workiagaian has submitted
to the French government an invention
of very great importance. He has in
vested a ballet and sword proof cloth,
which will not oaly make its wearer
iavnlBsrasls from ballets 'fired from a
BuUtary ride, bat he will not
ileal the alight est shock. The inven
tion has been tested by a aeries of very
: experiments in the military
A dead body was dressed in a
arte from the cloth and an
- tried with all hie aught to pierce
it with a very sharp stiletto, bat failed,
attar having made several attempts.
After this six shots from a military rifle
were find at the body, bat all the ballets
at aad stopped by the cloth,
saaallsst lark coald be
oa the body. Physicians are abso-
lately assihle to aaderstand or exphua
In fifty years from now the timber
question will be a ..burning question all
over the United States. We are wasting
our timber resources over the entire
conntry. The railroads, the cities, "the
paper mills, to say aothiag of the farm
requirements, are using up our timber at
a fearful rate. The timber of the future
must be growaand it ear not be grows
to advantage on land worth from $50 to
$100 per acre. When this is proposed,
the farmer will asy: I can not afford it;
and if I could, why should I? What has
posterity done for me? Let posterity
look after itself.
The fanners of the west will not grow
timber until they can see quite clearly
that it will pay them to grow it, and we
are now coming very near the time when
the question may well be raised: Will it
not pay on the cheap, rough lands to
allow a portion of them to remain in
timber where the natural timber is of
the right sort?
The forestry department of the depart
ment of agriculture is doing a noble
work in this direction. They are plant
ing out large areas in the sand hills of
Nebraska. They are making a study of
the best method of preventing forest
fires. Self-interest will bring the lum
ber companies by and by to realize the
necessity of harvesting only the ripe
timber and still preserving the forest
floor a cover in order that the young tim
ber may provide a subsequent harvest.
Wallaces' Fanner.
Everybody will be interested in the
views of that radical British Protestant,
Mr. W. T. Stead, on the character and
career of the late Pope. In an article on
Leo XIII, which he contributes to the
American Review of Reviews for August,
Mr. Stead says: "He made thinkable
once more the possibility of the realiza
tion of the great ideal of the early Popes,
and he compelled even the most embit
tered enemies of the Papacy to recognize
the immense possibilities for good that
lie latent in what might be the central
headquarters of the intelligence depart
ment of the moral sense of mankind. He
has disarmed the hostility of his ancient
foes, and round his bier Protestant,
Freethinker, and Catholic sorrowed as
brothers at the tomb of their common
Grasshoppers with voracious appe
tites ana making things lively near Haig
ler, Nebraska. Professor Bruner, of the
State university, has returned from a
campaign against the insects and admits
that they are far more numerous than he
would like to see them. Complaints
from farmers caused Mr. Bruner to make
the trip. He went to Haigler and there
met the enemy and started a conflict that
lasted five days. Poisoning the insects
was the method pursued and when Mr.
Bruner and his assistant, Mr. Swenk,
left it was not the stage in which to
notice results. Reports of the experi
ment will be sent to Lincoln by observers
at Haigler.
Three Mexican murderers serving a
life sentence have recently achieved their
liberty in a novel way. By an arrange
ment with President Bias they were
turned over, with their own consent, to
a commission of yellow fever experts
from the United States to be experi
mented on. They were fed yellow fever
germs and had the germs injected into
their veins. It was found to be impossi
ble to communicate the disease to them
save by the bite of a certain species of
mosquito. All recovered and were set
free according to promise.
The Lincoln Star compares two fusion
papers in their efforts to account for the
prosperity we are enjoying, in the fol
lowing item:
One fusion organ, the Cedar Rapids
Outlook, is afflicted with the hallucina
tion that "the increase of prices" the last
few years is dne to the increase of the
amount of money in the country. But
another fusion organ prints the statistics
showing the per capita amount of money
and concludes that the increase has been
trifling. Both fusion organs omit one
really important factor in good times,
viz: the defeat of the unsound money
forces seven and three years ago.
The severest rainstorm of the season
visited Norfolk at midnight Sunday.
The storm came after an excessively op
pressive evening, during which the bar
ometer dropped low. The west side of
the city was flooded. Streets and ave
nues were transformed into running
rivers several feet deep, which tore along
at a furious rate. Sidewalks were flood
ed and lawns were covered with a thick
carpet of black mud and debris from
farms which line Corporation gulch far
back in the hills. Many gardens were
left destitute.
: : LOCAL : :
Sadaea Death of H.X.
A telegram was received here Monday
tolling of the death that morning of H.
M. Window, father of Mm. C. J. Gar low.
All that is known at the hour of going
to press is that Mr. Winslow dropped
dead in his wagon at his farm twenty
miles northeast of Stuart, Holt county.
George Winslow, who has been down
from Stuart several weeks, and was in
Osceola at the time the message came,
went up this Tuesday morning and was
accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Garlow.
They expect to return to Columbus
Wednesday evening with the remains of
their father.
Mr. Winslow was a very large man,
weighing something over 250 pounds
and it is supposed heart trouble was the
cause of death.
Mr. Winslow was born in Vermont G6
yean ago. He lived ten years in Illinois
then came to Nebraska where he has
lived twenty years. Two years ago Mr.
Window moved to Holt county twenty
miles northeast of Stuart, where he has
succeeded in the cattle raising business.
Mr. Winslow leaves a wife, his son
George and daughter Mrs. Garlow, to
mourn the sudden Iobb of a most devoted
husband and father, a friend to the needy
and a loyal citizen. Few people lived a
better christian life than the deceased
and his death will be mourned by alL
Mr. Garlow arrived home this morning
from Chicago where he had been on legal
business, and was accompanied home by
Mm. Simmond of Kankakee, Hliaois,
oaly Mte of Mr. Wiaslow.
Written for Tax Jora al.
Oh! the burr-oak ridge I can'see it yet
Where we singing swung
" .harass '
Eatwiaed with Silvia's shaaV
While earn passed on With hsraoiaa aad fret.
We, ftseing the world and its' will alarms
Saw laaaacapessaserald aad violet
Down whan the oak trees
In the maple dells where we often played
Wen lady slippers with throats of brown.
Where the bine tags tamed their wigdown.
Aad purpling shadows oft delayed.
While the stars camped oat so half afraid
Over the meadows, near to the town.
Deep ia the maple dells.
Thro the walnut woods what a healing balm!
How we of the prairies loved their shades!
Warning as ia from the sedgy glades
The whippoorwiU sang her bountiful psalm;
Under summery cuttains cool and calm
Listened the brothers aad torn-boy maids.
Out in the walnet woods.
The broad-leafed lindens honey-blooms
Beck'ning the bees from high aad low
From banners of corn o'er many a row.
All chasing afar the changing glooms
Where columbines stood oa the banks below
Hanging their lanterns in forest rooms.
While brae-bell's skirts were fresh from the
Our hickory hills had satiny leaves
Wide as the sleeves of our grandma's gown
Trees ragged an gypsies roaming the town
Whose harps moaned sad as the wind that grieves
Each leaf swaying as a weaver weaves:
Riven with rents and stricken with seams
The trunks renewing their tatters o' brown.
Till patches were left by a legion streams
That wrought a camp-fire's garnered sheaves.
While tleepers dropped into occult dreams.
Lilies o' mora leaped the spaces there
Spotted as creatures bora in a lair,
While painting the screen o' th' prairie thrash
Waved the Indian-pink her Hams red brush,
Iligh on the hickory bills.
Peter Schmitt
in Omaha again
with two cars of flour.
Joe Barnes loaded a ear of fat hogs for
Omaha at the echute near Pat. Murray's
on the Albion branch.
May Reed went to Clarke Sunday,
where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. George
Engel for a week or more.
Finn Howard and Howard Clark were
snipe hunting on this route Saturday
afternoon. We know of two they got.
D. D. Bray took part in a shooting
match at Clarke station, Sunday. He
reports breaking 99 blue rocks out of 100.
Miss Mary Lange had an operation
performed on her eyes last week, whioh
improves the condition of her eye-sight.
Dr. Evans is building a Urge machine
shed and poultry house on his farm north
of town. Swine and poultry will be the
specialty of the farm.
George B. Miller, a railroad conductor,
recently of the Union Pacific, who gets
his mail with W. T. Allen this route, is
in Richmond, Indiana, this week.
Max Gottberg started up his steam
thresher last week. He says the yield so
far has been very poor, winter wheat
running from 12 to 20 bushels per acre,
rye averaging less than that. He has
threshed no oats yet, but those that have
report a splendid yield. By the time this
reaches the press there will be very little
grain standing to be cut. A great deal
of the winter grain has been stacked.
The corn is "getting there." By Sunday
roasting ears will be a common thing.
The carrieron thisronte reads an occa
sional item from carriers in different
sections of the country. They tell great
stories about how they receive sacks of
oats, sometimes as high as four sacks at
a box. One even writes that he was
held up recently and given a dish of
strawberries and cream. When We read
these items we wonder what he does to
win his patrons' good will. Why they
should open up their hearts and be so
generous; we think back over the past
year that we have been a rural letter
carrier, we have tried to do our part
faithfully and honestly and to be as
accommodating as the law would allow
us, and we want to say right here, if
there is any routes patrons get more
generous than No. 3's has been we would
like to have them trotted out There has
not been a wedding but what we were
remembered by the good things being
left in the boxes; we have received din
ners, lunches, pieces of lemmon pie, boxes
of strawberries, even money, boquets
from the fairer patrons, and Saturday on
Henry Bergman's box was a big peck of
apples. They were home-grown and
finer than silk.
From the Democrat.
C. J. Carrig, democratic candidate for
the nomination for sheriff of Platte
county, D. A. Becher democratic candi
date for the nomination for county treas
urer, and L. H. Leavy, democratic candi
date for the nomidation for county
school superintendent were in town this
week interviewing the voters in the inter
est of their candidacy.
In going over some old papers and
books the other day, Charles Schuetb,
srn ran across an old diary in which he
set down the dates on which corn was
tassled out each year. The dates run
from 1890 to 1896, and the earliest corn
in tassel during those yearn was July 23,
1894, and the latest was August 8,1892.
This year some corn in the vicinity of
Humphrey was in tassel as early as July
20, so even though corn had a miserably
poor start, it turns out better than usual,
and we miss our guess if we do not have
the largest crop of corn here this year
that we have had in a good many years.
Platte Cwttr.
From the Signal.
Joe Frevert has been at work this week
tapping the water main for the parpose
of conducting water into hie saloon.
This is the first tap of the main since it
was laid. Doubtless others will follow
the example as it is a great convenience
and not very expensive.
On Wednesday Mr. Ambros Bruner of
Columbus, purchased the interest of
Wm. Nay ia the blacksmith aad wagon
shop of Herrgath A Nay, including Nay's
tools, taking possession and pulling off
his coat and beginning work at once.
Mr. Bruner has been in the employ of
Louis Held of Columbus for the pact
five years, having learned his trade in
Germany. He has a family which will
move here at once.
Have you seea the Tanison atlas we
are offeriagoox subscribers? Aektosee
one and you will be eonviaced that you
nead it ia yoar home. Oaly 13.4U pays
for one of these large books aad a year's
BubecriptioB to Taa JorjajUL.
a a4rw I '" TaS I'
Aug. 11-15
FRAVIOLITA,IK)pinK-the-Loop twice daily, raia or shine. CLARK, Slack
Wire Walker and Juggler. STARTLO, High Dive. CALVERT, King of the
High Wire. FALCON, Air Ship. KID MANGLES, Water Diver, drops 90 feet
into 3 feet of water. Diving Dog. Contortionist and Trick Bicycle Rider.
Miss Ella Kersenbrock is visiting
friends in Shelby.
Mrs. Mark Burke and Rose Walker are
visiting in Norfolk.
Mrs. Henry Lubker visited friends in
Schuyler last week.
Gwendolyn Garlow visited last week
with friends in Albion.
Miss Vesta Slater went over to Osceola
last week to visit friends.
Misses Ida and Gusta Kaufman were
Genoa visitors Wednesday.
Dr. Platz went to Lincoln Saturday
to return Monday evening.
Mrs. Kroph of Schuyler was the guest
of Mrs. Paul Hagel last week.
Miss Dina Geffen of Sioux City is vis
iting her brother, D. E. Geffen.
Misses Florence Easton and Louise
Wagner are visiting near Silver Creek.
Mrs. Thompson is receiving a visit
from her aunt Mrs. Osterhout of David
Mrs. John Balson of Omaha was in the
city Thursday on her way to Cedar
Mrs. V. A. Macken and daughter Miss
Mamie went to Omaha Thursday to visit
Miss Emily Marck of Grand Island
visited over Sunday with Miss Emily
Mrs. J. L. Sturgeon and daughter
Mary go to Lincoln today to attend the
Arthur Curry of Cedar Rapids visited
the Sturgeon family between trains
Miss Bessie Townsend of Omaha is
visiting with her( friend, Miss Marjorie
Otto Gradoske and Will Hamburg of
Staplehurst visited the Kaufman family
over Sunday.
Frank MatthewB who has been in
Schuyler three weeks, spent Sunday with
his family here.
Mrs. Jessie Henry returned Wednes
day from a visit to the family of Con
Hewitt in Geneva.
Misses Edna Boyer and May Stevens
of David City are the guests for a few
days of Miss Lillie Ernst.
Mrs. Dr. Martyn is visiting in Omaha,
going down Saturday. Dr. Martyn also
spent Saturday in that city.
Esther, Sarah and Simon Richards, of
North Platte, are visiting their grand
father, A. London and family.
Louise Echols and Ettna Linstrum
returned Saturday from Platte Center
where they spent the week with Alice
E. R. McDill and his son Bruce of
Oxford, Ohio, are visiting relatives in
the city. Mr. McDill is a brother of
Mrs. C. H. Sheldon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner of Fre
mont visited the Turner families, return
ing Monday. Mrs. Wagner spent three
weeks here while her husband was in the
city over Sunday.
Mrs. H. Murdock is here from
Springfield, Nebraska, to spend a month
with friends. Mrs. J. S. Murdock is in
Springfield keeping house for her eon
while Mrs. Murdock is here.
Mrs. Tena Jackson of Humphrey vis
ited at her old home here Saturday and
Sunday. She was accompanied by Miss
Emma Zinneckerand Lottie Becher,
who had been visiting her for a week.
Mrs. J. T. Evans of Platte Center vis
ited her sister Miss Louise Davis last
week. She was accompanied by the
Misnon Hughes of Liverpool, England,
who are on their way to Seattle, Wash
ington, going from here to Kansas City
H. C. Preston of Monroe was in the
city today, returning home from a
visit to his daughter in Osceola, who re
cently gave birth to a boaacing boy.
Harry was feeling very jubilant over the
advent of the little one and is now enti
tled to be called grandpa.
Mrs. Schrack and daughter, Miss
Zoe have been visiting the family of L.
W. Weaver for several days on their re
turn home to Seattle, Week, from
Pennsylvania. They left this Tuesday
afternoon for their home in the west
MravSchrack is Mrs. Weaver's mother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kooa start this
Tuesday evening for a four weeks' trip
to western states. They will stop at
Colorado Springs, visit Mr. Koon's sister
at Salt Lake City and go on to Califor
nia, Portland, Oregon, and from there
return home. Their two caildrea will
star with Mrs. Koon's Dareata in David
City daring their absence.
- 3Sr I lam nana lawas-
K. F. D. sTo.2.
Requisitions, twenty-five miles and
horse feed.
Wallie Thompson was a Sanday caller,
at Basynskft. .
James Haneyihad a calf killed by
lightning Thursday night.
Will Ernst has resigned his position as
road "boss" to W. D. Eastman.
George Winslow and a Mr. Hamilton
of Stuart, Holt county, made a business
trip to the Dtinnin farm Wednesday.
Miss Freda Kipple gave a party at the
home of Mr. Ogden. The amusements
during the evening were in representing
animals out of chewing gum, and guess
ing seeds in apples. Prizes were award
ed Martha Bucher and Olga Raamussen.
law Sates West.
The Barlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows: Denver, Col., and return,
$16.00, June 1 to Sept; 30. Colorado
Springs, Col., and return, $17.35, June 1
to Sept 30. Pueblo, Col., and return,
$17.50, June 1 to Sept. 30. Glenwood
Springs, CoL, and return, $28.75, June 1
to Sept 30. Ogden, Utah, and return,
$30X0, June 1 to Sept 30. Salt Lake
City, Utah, and return, $30X0, June 1 to
Sept 30. Deadwood, 8. D., and return,
$1&20, June 1 to Sept 3a Lead, a D.,
and return, $18120, June 1 to Sept 30.
Hot Springs, S. D., and return, $15.30,
June 1 to Sept 30. Custer, S. D., and
return, $1030, June 1 to Sept 30. Ask
the ticket agent for particulars.
legal Votieej.
America is a tolerably free country
when you think right down to the foun
dation of things, and act accordingly.
Thk Joubxal has had thirty years' ex
perience in handling legal notices of all
descriptions, and takes this occasion to
say that it is thoroughly equipped for
this sort of work.
We desire that you remember us when
you have-work of this sort to be done.
When yon do the paying, you have the
right to place the work. Special atten
tion given to mail orders. Call on or
address, M. K. Turner k Co.,
Journal Office, Columbus, Nebr.
C StaAeata.
A hook by Captain Markham of the
British army tells of experiences in
Westminster school, London, some
thing over half a century ago. He de
scribes the "handings" of those days.
The back of the hand was extended,
while the master, standing behind,
smote it with a rod, which "curled over
a little" and left a cut, and the culprit,
facing the school, observed the eti
quette of the occasion by wearing an
expression of "scornful amusement."
Captain Markham also describes "tan
ning," which was administered with
the butt end of a rod upon the backs of
the boys' legs. He recalls the code of
honor, which was merciless to the boy
who broke bis word or allowed another
to suffer for his offense, but permitted
"any amount of humbugging of a mas
ter." WheaVdisincIined for school you
said, "I don't feel very well, sir," and
before the master inspected your
tongue you gave "the upper surface a
hard pressure with your upper teeth,
and out came a tongue white enough to
satisfy any doctor."
Ua4ersraal Waters.
The earth contains an abundance of
water, even in places like some of our
great western plateaus where the sur
face is comparatively arid. The great
est depth at which underground water
can exist is estimated to be about six
miles. Below that, it is believed, the
cavities and pores of the rock are com
pletely closed. The amount of water
in the earth's crust is reckoned at
nearly a third of that contained in the
oceans, so that it would cover the
whole surface of the globe to a depth
of from 3,000 to 3,500 feet. The waters
underground flow horizontally after
sinking below the unsaturated zone of
the rocks, but in the sands of the Da
kota formation, which supply remark
able artesian wells, the motion does
not exceed one or two miles a year.
The underflow toward the sea beneath
the great plains may sometimes take
the form of broad streams or moving
sheets of water, but the movement is
excessively slow. Youth's Companion.
IaialavM stave star Teeth.
I don't care for Indians as patients,"
a dentist the other day. "No: It
isn't that they are -objectionable per
sonally; it Is Just because there is no
money to be made out of them at regu
lar rates. The hardness of an Indian's
tooth is something to marvel at, and
If I had many of them to treat I should
be forced to have instruments of nn-.
usual strength made, to order. The
ordinary kind wont stand the pressure.
I ailed one cavity In a red man's tooth
the other day, and before I got through
I had turned the edges of no less than
twenty drills. There isn't much money
la that sort of work, is there? And
talk about the Indian's vaunted stoi
cism aad isapervlousness to pain! Why,
that fellow yelled every time I touched
bub! I've had six-year-old children be
have better In the chair."-PhlIadel
In Any Light
Lornae ia daylight, aaloaifed
ia daylight, develop
ed in daylight.
N Dark Room Necessary.
This is Only Possiblo With the
Not with any other camera.
Ours is the only place that
K O D A K S are for sale
in Columbus, Nebraska.
Brownie Kodaks $ 1.00
Brownie Kodaks 2.00
Other Kodaks up to 25.00
A full line of supplies, all at fac
tory prices. Here you save express
or freight.
All eiseases ef KMaeys, AT T sTV sT
sxae.BteartDlsease.OravsLl 1 1 I .
Oreasy.FeauUeTroBUeB. VVllU
Dsat lac e eJscearagse. There Is a
care for yea. If necessary write Dr. Fenner.
lie has spent a life time curing Just Buch
asyours. au consultations arse
"Your Kidney and Backache Care
cured two verr bad cases anions our
mers the past year whom the doctors had
gives up. J. L. STILL &CO, Woodland, Ia."
Druggists. SOctl. Ask for Cook Book-Free.
CT VITIIC'niMPC Sure Cure. Circular. Di
Olaf IIUO UAUuI. Fenner, Fredonia.N.Y
For Sale by C. HENSCHING.
Wheat, old CO
Wheat, new 50
Corn, old shelled bushel 37
Oats f? bushel 25
Rye bushel &r
Barley, 30
Hogs cwt 4 25 4 50
Pat steers cwt 4 00 4 50
Fat cows cwt 2 253 00
Stock steers $? cwt 3 00 4 80
Potatoes new $?buBhel... Q 65
Butter t. 13 20
Eggs V dozen 10
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. 0. A. S. lational Encampment, San
The 37th Annual Encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic will take
place at San Francisco, August 17th to
22d, inclusive.
Department Commander Estelle of
the Nebraska G. A. 11. invites all old
comrades and their friends to turn out
and accompany the Nebraska contin
gent on the outgoing trip, as he is
anxious to obtain as good a representa
tion for Nebraska as possible.
The official train will leave Omaha
August 14th. Sleepers and tickets
should be secured over the Union Pa
cific before that date.
The Union Pacific will spare no effort
to give the veterans and their friends
the beet of service and a most comfort
able trip across the continent. Unusu
ally liberal arrangements for side trips
and stopovers covering all points of in
terest enroute and in California. 2t
Are you milking cows and do you use
a hand cream separator? If so, we want
to buy your cream and will pay as much
or more for it delivered at our creamery
as you can realize by shipping else
where. You have the satisfaction of
seeing it weighed and the sample taken.
You take the same cans back that you
bring with you; no waiting on the trains
for cans to be returned. A shipper
knows what this means.
We not only want cream to churn but
want perfectly sweet cream and milk
that we can sell for family use. If you
do not have a separator let us sell you
one. We handle only one kind The
DeLaval Baby and back it in every
way. Call at our creamery, Fitz pat
rick's old hall near postoffice, and let us
talk with you.
Columbus Cream Co.
Frank X. Stevessox, Mg'r.
We have a bargain to offer our
farmer subscribers. We can give yon
The Columbus Journal, and Nebraska
Farmer, the two papers one year for
f 1.75. Now is the time to subscribe.
Don't wait, as this offer may not be of
long duration. The Joubxal will give
you the city and county news while the
Farmer is valuable to every one who is
interested in agriculture.
Sale bills,
Hand bills.
Note heads,
Meal tickets,
Legal blanks,
Visiting cards,
Milch checks.
Business cards,
Dance invitations,
Society invitations,
Wedding invitations.
Or, in short, any kind of
Call on or address, .Journal,
1 Columbus, Nebraska.
Sign sf the Big Watrh.
W e are putting the spurs into seasonable goods and we
mean just what we say and will make the prices that will give
you the goods for less money than any dealer in Columbus
can buy them. The following is a partial list of prices:
Two burner Gasoline Stoves..
Three " " " ..
" . " "
Three quart Ice Cream Freezer, only.....
Four " ' " "
Ball bearing Lawn Mowers,
Lawn Mowers, 1G inch, only
Lawn Mowers, 18 iuch, only. . 4.4$
Gas Ovens from 9. to 2.48
These are prices that will surely move them. First come,
first served.
Eleventh St.. Columbus. Xebr.
I wWwtsMI
Ticket on wife Any. Ut to Uth, inelimvr,
ti tta Pacific Ciast.
Full information cheerfully furnished on
apjtliciition to
W. H. BENHAM, Agent.
Peering Binders, Mei
ers and Twine.
The Defiaiiee Plows; Biggies,
Carriages, Wagons aMl all
Kind of Implements.
Done on Short Notice.
Condition of the Columbus Land. Loan
and Jtuilding Association of Colum
bus, Nebraska, on the 30th day
of June, 1903.
First mortgage loans $135.400 00
oior-K ionn. MJUUIHB
Kent rotate Noae
Furniture and stationery None
DtIininent interest, premiumtt and
fine ; :- "96 2S
fcxpentws and taxes paid 4,070 W
Other OHMetM None
Total W7,S2 40
Capital stock, paid np 1138,14100
Iteservo fnnd Noae
Undivided profit 31,433 30
Due shareholders on incomplete loans None
Other liabilities
Advance interest. & so
Total $167,682 40
iru Kjsviau juihk w, iws.
Balance on hand July 1, 190!
Interest, premium and fines...
t ,24
. 42.030 40
. 13.552 HO
7,300 00
tenant repaid...
ship ani
and transfer fee.
.$ fl,78 00
atcUlB . ,
aTaXpvStMjB v -,
Htork redeemed
Cash on hand
Premium retained
Interest returned
.$ ttl.100 00
2 00
1 25
.$ m.'M 80
State or Nebraska.
Platte County.
I. Henry Hockenherirer. secretary of the
above named association, do solemnly swear
that the forejroinff statement of the condition of
said association, is tree and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
SalMcribed and sworn to before me this 18th
itay of July, 1903.
(i. A. Hcott, )
CL.riEBRAED, Directors.
O.L.B4KEB, )
Besse B. Marks,
21 Jul 3t Notary Public.
Department of the Interior. )
Land Office at Lincoln, Nebr., July 1, 1903. $
TOTICE is hereby that tie foUowin.namMl
MM settler has filed notice of her intention to
make nnai proor in support or her claim, and
that said proof will be made before clerk of the
district court at Colambas, Nebr.. on Augnst 13.
l'jOl viz: Mary Droud. for the N. W. . 32-l?n-2w.
lirfi. 17432.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aaiil lanrl vis IW, Iaa Ink. Voakltw.
I Andrew Mostek, Katimiesz Boris, all of Daa-
1 can. nenr. w. A. ubeen.
1 mane
..$ 2.98
.. 8.00
... 15.00
.. 12.50
.. 1.50
... 2.00
... 5.98
... 3.98
with Ther-Lite and oveu.
with oven
18 iiieh, only.
ill at a
Tk fMllr UHr Octu
sf .aVa
alsmtwa aW laaTBsl a 1 The
St. Joseph.
t.Loala aad all
poiata Bast aad
alt lake City,
8a a Francisco
and all poiata
No. 22 Passenger, daily except Bandar. 7:25 a. m
No. 32 Accommodation, daily except
8tBrdaT 4:30 p. m
5& f "".' Bandar. 8 JM 9. m
No. 31 AceoaawdaUoa, daily except
8"1 10 p. a,
4. Atlantic Express.
10, North P atte Local....
.Eastern Express
I. Overland Limited
... 1:20 a.m.
... 420 a. m.
... 8:30 a.m.
...1220 p.m.
.. 25 p.m.
- 225 p. m.
... 5:27 p. m
No. 5, Pacific Express.
.... .:Mi. m.
.... 9:25a. m.
.... 10.54a. m.
...11:15 a. a.
....12.08 p.m.
.... 8:33 p. oa.
SJSa. as.
iio. ii.ixHo. special
No. . North Platte Local...
No. 101. Fast Mail
No. I. Overland Limited....
No. 3, California Express...
2--2'fiWi,,,Md eaL.
No. 23. freight
aoarouc aaAitca.
7:10 p.m.
7:15 a. m.
123Dp. .
7:10 o. as.
No. 72, Mixed.
No' ft FiS52rr 2:W-
ao.iM. BUxsd SJOa. m.
No 78. Psmmmmt Arrive
No:7 Mitsd ..." 225 m-
Norfolk passenger trains ran daily.
HO traiBM n Alkin. -.! a ,1
g.Bj, opawung Diaaca
Uraad wj i,,, j wwpt aaadmj
W. 8. ateiaAxt. Agent.
J "O.STlKEa.
of First
( ( LUMB08, NUaUHA.
laaaMaaasraf sto4aaodata Frssa. Iks
ejssaaT JaWasssssTt avTswfJNjniBjejBr wJI3wasaasjj )
v V
.- c
- ' I