The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 05, 1903, Image 1

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Contractors Said to Receive Straps
from Government and Charge Them
Up Machen, McGregor and Two
Lorenzes in the Deal.
WASHINGTON Seven Indictments
were returned Friday against nine per
sons in connection with thee postoffice
scandals. Of these several had been
previously indicted on other charges.
Those indicted:
August W. Machen. formerly general
superintendent of free delivery.
John. T. Cuppen. mayor of Lock
Haven. Pa.
"William C. Long of this city.
William Gordon Crawford of this
George E. Lorenz of Toledo. O.
Martha J. Lorenz. wife of above.
Maurice Runkel of New York city.
Thomas W. McGregor, formerly
chief of the supply division of the
mral free delivery service.
jopold J. Stern of Baltimore.
With the exception of Crawford all
the above are indicted for conspiracy.
The indictment against Crawford is
tor presenting a false claim against
the government
Crawford came into court voluntar
ily in the afternoon and was released
on $1 0,000. Long was brought in on a
bench warrant. Arrangements for his
bail are now being made.
Machen. Cupper and Long are
named jointly in one indictment for
violation of the conspiracy section of
the revised statutes. The indictment
declares that between July 1. 1897. and
July I 1901. Cupper induced Machen
to give him the contract for painting
letter boxes, package boxes and posts,
and that Cupper painted these boxes
in Reading. Albany. Scranton and
many other cities, and in addition
Tainted 17.711 boxes at the box factory
at Reading. Pa., and 2.048 package
boxes at the box factory in Cleveland.
0.. Cupper paying Machen a commis
sion of 10 a box. Long acting as an
Another indictment against Stern.
Long and Machen, based on alleged vi
olation of the same statute, alleges
that Stern entered into a contract with
the government to furnish letter car
riers and collectors satchels for the
free delivery service, the satchels to
be supplied in each case with a leather
shoulder strap. The cost of each of
these straps to Stern would amount to
25 'ents. The indictment says Machen.
in his official capacity, was to procure
shoulder straps at the expense of the
United States and deliver the same to
Stem to be used by him in the per
formance of his contract, thus en
abling him to save 25 cents on each
satchel delivered to the government.
It is further alleged that notwith
standing this Stern was to charge the
full contract price for each satchel and
that a portion of his saving was to be
retained by him and the residue paid
to Long to be dvided with Machen.
New Placer Strike in Alaaka.
VICTORIA. B. C. The steamer Alur
arrived from Skagway bringing fur
ther advices regarding the new placer
strike in the Tagama river district,
to which throngs are hurrying. The
strike is ISO miles from White Horse.
Campers who were returning from
White Horse for food supplies on Mon
day state that gold in paying quanti
ties was being found on the surface,
the full length of Ruby and Fourth of
July creeks. Both were well staked.
No one has reached bedrock.
Rains Damage Craps in Austria.
VIENNA. Continuous heavy rains
in many pans of Austria arc damaging
crops. Already most serious Hoods
have caused great havoc in the Jaeg
erndorf districts of Silesia. Buildings
have colalpsed. crops are ruined and
the loss is estimated at several mil
lions of kronen. At Naschkautz and
Bucovina the rivers have overflowed
and have submerged eighty houses
and destroyed the crops, inflicting im
mense loss on the poorest classes of
the population.
Pope's Doctors Get $10,000.
ROME The sacred college Friday
approved the payment of $10,000 to
the doctors and others who attended
the late pontiff during his illness.
Robbers Kill Soldier.
ROCKPORT. Ky. John Galloway, a
soldier recently returned from the
Philippines, was killed and Robert Car
roll, a companion, probably fatally
injured.-Friday night, in a camp near
Two men approached the camp
while Carroll was alone and beat him
until unconscious. While they were
searching for money Galloway appear
ed and they shot him. The men se
cured $200 and escaped.
Take Out Four More Bodies.
HANNA, Wyo. The bodies of four
more miners, all Finlanders, hare been
recovered from the Union Pacific
mine. They were found in entry No.
16, which, with entry No. 18. is now
occupying the attention of the search
ers. Pumping will soon be commenc
ed at the twentieth entry, where wa
ter has been encountered, so work may
be commenced there aa soon as all the
bodies have been taken out.
Commission Company Attached on a
Claim of $40,000.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. An attachment is
sued by the United States circuit court
was served on the Merchants' Brok
erage and Commission company by
United States Marshal Dorsey, who
immediately took possession of the
commodious offices. The company oc
cupied the office suites formerly occu
pied by the John J. Ryan Turf Invest
ment company, which failed early this
year during the expose of the get-rich-quick
The suit on which the attachment
was issued was filed in the United
States court Friday by attorneys rep
reseating William Wilmorton of Pre
emption. Rock Island county, Illinois.
SCtkWJMjB SLxsaxs.
of age, to recover $40,000 alleged to
have been invested. It is asserted
that the operations of the commission
company were similar to those pur
sued by the turf invesment companies,
which recently failed here, and that
the company had customers all over
the country.
requisition FOR TAYLOR.
If Not Honored Governor Taylor Will
Be Mandamuaed.
NEW YORK Colonel T. C. Camp
bell, who has had charge of the pros
ecution of Goebel's alleged assassins,
and who for three years had lived
in the Kentucky mountains preparing
the evidence against the conspirators,
left here Friday for Frankfort to ob
tain from Governor Beckham a re
quest to Governor Durbin to deliver
Taylor to the Kentucky authorities.
In case this demand is refused a man
damus will be sought before the su
preme court of the United States.
Should one be granted and disobeyed,
contempt proceedings will be begun.
Mr. Campbell will also direct the pros
ecution of Caleb Powers, ex-secretary
of state, whose trial will be commenc
ed Monday.
Liteanuer's Attorneys to Be Heard by
WASHINGTON. D. C Secretary
Root on Saturday will heard Edward
L. Lauterbach of New York, an at
torney who represents Luis N. Lit
eauer. and who has asked to be heard
before the secretary of war submits
or makes a memorandum or order re
garding the recent investigation by
Colonel Garlington into the contract
for furnishing gloves to the war de
partment. John G. Millburn. by re
quest, also will be heard before any
conclusion is reached. The findings
of Colonel Barlington were reviewed
by General Davis, judge advocate gen
eral, and he will submit his opinion
to the secretary of war at once.
Plans for American Tour.
NEW YORK. The plans for the
American tour of Richard Strauss, un
der direction of Henry Wolfsohn. have
been completed. Mr. Strauss' first ap
pearance in America will be in an or
chestral concert in this city, which
will immediately be followed by a
Strauss recital in conjunction with
Mme. Strauss de Athne of Beyreuth
fame, as vocalist. Richard Strauss
presidiflg at the piano on this occasion
only. He will then conduct a number
of orchestral concerts throughout the
United States for the leading orches
tral managers, who have extended in
vitations to the performer. Mr.
Strauss will also appear in a limited
number of recitals, together with
Mme. Strauss de Athne. in the larger
Hanna Get3 Into Campaign.
CLEVELAND. O Senator Hanna
returned to Cleveland from Newport,
unexpectedly, to be present at an im
portant meeting of the Consolidated
Street railway directors. It is under
stood Mr. Hanna will devote much of
his time during the coming month to
preliminary work in the state cam
jaign. It is probable that the senator
and Colonel Myron T. Herrick will
stump the state together.
Man Who Starts Riot Dead.
Lee. the negro who shot Policeman
Louis Massey at Evansville July :;
and started the riot that resulted in
the death and injury of many citizens,
died here in prison from the effects of
a wound in the lungs, caused by a bul
let fired by Massey. Lee's wife was
killed by a train a few days after the
Officers Prevent a Lynching.
ST. LOUIS A special to the Re
public from Greenville. 111., says three
itinerant perrlers, charged with as
saulting Mrs. Frank Nance near Rip
ley, were on Friday captured ten
miles from here by a posse of farm
ers, who prepared to lynch them. The
timely arrival of the officers prevent
ed the lynching. The prisoners were
taken to Sorento, where two were re
leased, but the third was held to the
grand jury.
All Quiet on the Isthmus.
WASHINGTON. D. C The tempo
rary ebullition on the isthmus has sub
sided, according to a cablegram from
United States Consul General Gudger,
dated at Panama Tuesday. He says
that everything is quiet and he anti
cipates no more trouble. Mr. Gudger
would like to come home on leave of
absence, but Secretary Hay was oblig
ed to deny the request, until condi
tions on the isthmus have become
, more settled.
Fores of Explosion Wracks Windsws
for Miles Around Sams ef the Vic
tims Blown Into Fragments and Not
Wholly Found.
LOWELL, Mass. Two small sun
powder magazines situated in the
midst of the humble residences of fifty
mill operatives, exploded Wednesday
with a frightful concussion and the re
sultant wave of death cut off the lives
and injured nearly fifty others.
Half a dozen men who were loading
kegs of powder from one of the mag
azines were blown to pieces; four
boys. 200 yards away, were killed by
the force of the exp!osion: and four
teen frame houses within a radius of
200 yards went down as if they had
been built of cards. Seven of these
houses immediately caught fire, prob
ably from the kitchen stoves, and
were completely consumed. At least
three persons were caught In the ruins
and burned to death while seven or
eight others who were rescued died
subsequently of their injuries.
It is estimated that seventy sep
arate pieces of property were de
stroyed while the force of the explo
sion wrecked windows for twenty
miles around and its thunder could
be heerd distinctly more than forty
miles away.
The magazines were the property
of the United States Cartridge com
pany of this city, but fortunately were
situated more than a mile away from
the factory itself. There were built
of brick, ten feet high, with a round
ed roof of corrugated iron.
During the last decade small wood
en houses have sprung up in the vi
cinity, crowding nearer and nearer to
the two innocent looking little build
ings until they almost completely sur
rounded them, except on the river
side, the nearest houses being scarce
ly fifty feet away.
One of the magazines was just
within the roadside fence, while the
other was 100 feet behind it on the
banks of the river. Both magazines
ordinarily contained two or three tons
of gunpowder in tin kegs, each keg
being about eighteen inches high and
a foot in diameter. The company for
some time has been desirious of
strengthening the floor of the maga
zine nearest the street, and this morn
ing eight men, three of them employe?
of the company, three expressmen
and two carpenters, were sent there
with three large express teams to take
out the powder and mend the floor
Two of the teams had been loaded
and the other was almost full when
the explosion occurred.
Treaty Looking to Opening of Man
churian Ports Preparing.
WASHINGTON While there has
been a lull in the Manchurian nego
tiations during the last week, it is
stated that up to this point satisfac
tory progress has been made and
there is every reason to believe that
before the first of September next a
treaty will be ready for signature
which wil Idefine the trade opportuni
ties of the United States in Manchu
ria. An authorized statement on the
situation is as follows:
The question of opening new locali
ties to trade in Manchuria had been
in substance satisfactorily arranged
with the Chinese government and
nothing remains to be settled except
the date when said localities can be
opened. This will be subject to the
ratification of the treaty In which the
opening is agreed upon.
Tobacco Trust Gets It.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. A deal was clos
ed in New York Tuesday whereby the
Continental Tobacco company secures
the rehandling plant of N. F. Dortsch
& Co. of this city. The financial con
sideration is not known. It is under
stood that the acquisition of the
Dortsch plant means the transfer to
Louisville of the New Orleans plant of
the Continental company.
Every Wheel Stops During Funeral.
ROANOKE. Va. Every wheel on
the Norfolk & Western system was
stopped for ten minutes Thursday dur
ing the tuneral at Philadelphia of F.
J. Kimball, late president of the road
Warrant for Wright's Extradition.
NEW YORK United States Marshal
Henkell received from Acting Secre
tary of State Adee the original war
rant for extradition of Whitaker
Wright, the London promoter who has
been confined in Ludlow street jail
since April on charges preferred
against him by the shareholders of the
London and Globe Finance association.
Inspectors Wallis and Phillips of the
London City police will be on board
the steamer Oceanic to receive Wright
To Construct Trans-Continental.
OTTAWA. Can. The Grand Trunk
Pacific agreement with the Canadian
government for the construction ot the !
Trans-Continental railway was com
pleted Monday.' C. M. Hays, vice
president of the Grand Trunk railway,
is expected here Tuesday to sign the
document If he does so then the res
olutions will be introduced on Thurs
day and the premier will exnlain the
policy to be pursued by the govern-
THE ClSUNfrrY is all jtNNfr;
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New York Herald.
Sixty Armed and Mounted Men Appear
In the Canto River District Proclaim
Revolution Rural Guard is Hastily
Called Out.
HAVANA. In spite of the assertion
made Thursday by Senor Yero, secre
tary of the interior, that the killing of
Jthree men and the capture of a fourth
man, their leader, who had attempted
to cause an uprising in the vicinity of
Bayamo, province of Santiago, ef
fectually ended the only semblance of
an uprising in Cuba, the rumors of
uprisings in eastern Cuba were fully
confirmed in the government reports
received from the governor and other
officials of Santiago province.
These are to the effect that since
the fight Sunday last sixty armed and
mounted men have appeared outside
villages in the Cauto river district
proclaiming a revolution and demand
ing the payment ot the former mem
bers of- the revolutionary army. No
acts of violence have been reported,
but the Inhabitants of the Cauto re
gion are excited.
. The leader of the revolutionary
party is named Pupo. He is a brother
of one of the bandits killed by the
rural guard on Monday.
General Rodriguez, commander-in-chief
of the rural guard, has ordered
the mobilization of ail the rural
guards in eastern Cuba and the gov
ernor of Santiago province has been
instructed to enlist as many volun
teers as may be deemed necessary to
co-operate with the mounted troops.
Secretary of the Interior Yero says
there is no doubt that the authorities
will be able to cope successfully with
the situation, as ail reports, he adds.
agree that popular sentiment is with
the government of President Palma,
and that those- who have risen in re
bellion mostly belong to the wanton,
lazy class of Porto Principe.
Up to Thursday, afternoon no fur
ther information had been received
here regarding the uprising in eastern
Cuba. The rural guards have begun
to patrol both sides of the Cauto river
in the search of rebels.
The military and civil officials have
not yet reported the numbers, location
and doings of the rebels with any de
gree of exactness.
Farmers who have arrived from Vic
toria de Las Tunas, the center of dis
turbance, report that they have not
seen any armed men.
Convention Approves Proposal to Peti
tion American Congress.
HONOLULU At Tuesday's session
of the home rule convention ex-Delegate
Wilcox urged that congress be
memorialized to grant Hawaiian inde
pendence. He also strongly favored
the establishment of a government for
the islands similar to that of Cuba. His
remarks were received vifi much ap
plause. It is probable a petition will be pre
pared for presentation to congress.
Such an appeal would doubtless re
ceive the signatures of many natives.
Rain in Kansas Corn Belt
KANSAS CITY, Mo. Heavy rain
fell in all the counties of the nansas
corn belt Thursday and still more
rain is expected. The hot weather
has not damaged the corn, but the
rain was urgently needed.
Peruvian Congress Opens.
LIMA. Peru President Romana on
Tuesday opened the Peruvian congress.
The congression building, the adja
cent square and the adjacent streets
were crowded and there were loud ac
clamations on the arrival and depart
ure of the dignitaries. Perfect order
was maintained. All business was sus
pended. In connection with the open
ing of congress the anniversary of the
independence of the republic was cele
brated. In the Nation's Strong Box.
statement of the treasury balance in
the general fund, exclusive of the
$150,000,000 gold reserve in the divis
ion of redemption, shows: Available
cash balance, $227,359,527; gold, $99,
440.75L An Iowa Boy Enters Navy.
ANNAPOLIS. Md. B. G. Thomas
of Iowa passed his physical examina
tion for the navy and was admitted
as midshipman.
THE only trouble is in wall-
In Charge of Men Who Waged War
Against Him.
WASHINGTON W. A. Miller, the
assistant foreman of the bookbinding
department of the government print
ing office, resumed his duties Mon
day. Miller was assigned to his work
in charge of the men who have been
waging a vigorous campaign against
him. but these men. acting under the
decision of the union, continued at
work technically "under protest."
Secretary Dougherty of the Interna
tiona Brotherhood of Bookbinders has
arrived here and has consulted with
the local union, President Tatum of
the brotherhood being detained by ill
ness. No radical action of any sort is
now contemplated.
Public Printer Palmer and Presi
dent Barrett of the local Bookbinders'
union differ in their statements aa to
the consideration of the charges. Mr.
Palmer said Monday that the charges
are not being investigated and would
not be except under certain circum
stances, which he declined to specify.
Fewer Recipients of Government Pay
Receive Mere Cash.
TOPEKA. Kan. Wilder S. Metcalf,
United States pension agent for Kan
sas, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma.
Indian Territory and Colorado district,
has compiled his annual report Tho
number of pensioners decreased by
226 during the fiscal year. There are
now on the list 113,629 pensioners.
During the year the Topeka office paid
out in pensions $15,851,710. This is
554,000 more than during the previous
fiscal year.
Missouri leads the district in the
number of pensioners and has 11,000
more persons on the roll than Kansa3.
During the year the number of Mis
souri pension claims paid was 50,114,
and the amount of money distributed
in that state was $6,835,230. Kansas
has 39,074 pensioners and during the
year they received $5,445,430. The
7,802 pensioners in Oklahoma received
Executive Committee of the People's
Party Holds Meeting.
DENVER. Colo. The national exec
utive committee of the united people's
party met Wednesday and indorsed all
the proceedings of the conference of
the reform parties which has been in
session in this city for the past two
days. The proclamation issued Tues
day was also Indorsed.
A resolution wa3 adopted calling a
meeting of the national executive com
mittee of the united people's party
to be held at St. Louis, February 22.
1904. It was also resolved that it was
the sense of the committee that the
nominating convention should be held
early in 1904 before the convention
of either the republicans or democrats.
A permanent organization was effect
ed, of which J. A. Edgerton is chair
man, to organize the reform parties in
every state in the union.
Government is Sustained.
WASHINGTON United States Con
sul General Gudger at Panama has
made the following report by cable,
under Wednesday's date, of the termi
nation of the disturbance on the
isthmus, caused by the erratic action
of General Cobos: "General Castro
arrived this afternoon and took com
mand of the troops, fully sustaining
the government. Commander in chief
is to leave the department."
They Issue an Ultimatum.
NEW YORK Another important
move was in the labor situa
tion Tuesday, when the Iron league.
employers of the iron workers, follow
ing the action of the employers' asso
ciation, sent formal notice to the
housesmiths' and bridgemen's union
that unless their men return to work
by next Monday their places will be
Oiled by any men who are willing to
work Individually under the joint ar
bitration agreement
Government Will Pay Damages.
WASHINGTON. The naval board
which Investigated the recent collision
in Newport harbor betw3n the tor
pedo boat WInslow and the yacht
Clyth reported to the navy department
that the accident was caused by the
crowded condition of the harbor and
that the commander of the torpedo
boat was obliged to choose between
grounding his vessel or striking the
Clytch. The government will pay
Ex-Senaftsr Allen Makes the Principal
DENVER About fifty leaders of
the people's party and other political
bodies were present at the St James
hotel late Monday when the confer
ence of political reform leaders was
called to order.
J. A. Edgerton, secretary of the pop
ulist national committee, spoke brief
ly, outlining the work it is hoped tc
accomplish by the conference in the
amalgamation of the various reform
forces into one party.
Mr. Edgerton was made the perma
nent chairman of the conference with
Milton Park of Texas as vice chair
man and J. H. Calderhead of Montana
The day was taken up by the work
ai-orgasiisH sad- short addressee
The principal speech was made by
former United States Senator W. V.
Allen of Nebraska. Mr. Allen favor
ed a reorganization of the reform
forces which should embrace the var
ious factions now holding practically
the same political doctrines and dif
fering mainly in regard to methods.
At the evening session a commit
tee was named to draft resolutions
and an address to the people and re
port to the conference Tuesday after
noon. The committee is as follows: Ex
Senator W. V. Alien, chairman: J. S.
f Fetter of Illinois, J. M. Mallett of
Texas, Judge Frank W. Owers of Col
orado, Dr. R. H. Reemelin of Ohio. H.
B. Hewitt of Kansas, W. A. Poynter
of Nebraska.
Falls from Steps of House and Frac
tures His Skull.
LONDON John J. Long. United
States consul general at Cairo, Egypt,
died Tuesday morning at Dunbar. Scot
land, where he had been visiting
friends. His death was the result of
an accidental fall. Mr. Long, whose
home was in St Augustine, Fla., was
appointed consul general at Cairo in
October, 1900. He was 57 years old.
The accident occurred Monday even
ing. In the dark Mr. Long missed bis
footing and fell from the steps of the
house where he was stopping, fractur
ing his skuil. He succumbed during
the night
Mr. Long was touring Scotland, pre
paratory to returning to the United
Chamber of Commerce Congratulated
from Washington.
WASHINGTON Secretary of War
Root has acknowledged a cablegram
to the president of the Filipino cham
ber of commence, conveying respect
ful greeting to President Roosevelt
and Secretary Root in the following
cablegram to the president of the Fil
ipino chamber of commerce, Francisco
"The president joins me In sending
to the Filipino chamber of commerce
acknowledgement of courteous dis
patches and congratulates you on the
important step in advance which they
have taken for tae interest of their
country. We look for the most benefi
cent results from the intelligent treat
ment of questions affecting the pros
perity of the arc'aipelago by this rep
resentative body." ,
Man Fails to Fulfill His Contract for
Carrying Mails.
ernment will institute proceedings
agitinst W. H. Weighel. a postal con
tractor, and the Fidelity Trust and
Deposit company of Baltimore, for
approximately $200,000, which the
postoffice department has been com
pelled to expend above the amount of
a contract for carrying the mails In
wagons in New York city.
To Abolish Duty on Molasses.
LONDON In the course of a state
ment in commons on the remaining
business of the session. Premier Bal
four informed the house that a cus
toms bill would be introduced abolish
ing, among other things, the duty on
raw molasses.
Honor First War Secretary.
THOMASTON, Me. A handsome
bronze table in memory of General
Henry Knox, the first secretary of war
under President Washington, was un
filed Saturday evening. The tablet
was purchased by General Knox chap
:er. Daughters of the American Rev-
Last -Cardinals Reach Rome.
ROME With the arrival here of
Cardinal Prisco, archbishop of Naples,
the number of cardinals who will par
ticipate In the conclave is complets
and totals sixty-two. Of the two re
maining,, Cardinal Celesia, archbishop
of Palmero, cannot leave Palmero be
cause of his health and Cardinal Mo
ran, archbishop of Sydney, N. S. W.,
although he has left Sidney, cannot"
it is believed, arrive here before
August 20.
Lightning Kills Six Persons. -ALPENA.
Mich. A severe rain and
thunder storm, accompanied by hail,
passed over Alpena and Presque Isle
counties Thursday night, doing much
damage to fruit and crops. Six per
sons were killed and four seriously
injured by lightning. The dead:
James Eingleton. in Wilson township;
James D'Forest and wife, at Paris
ville; Dell Crothers. a farmer near
Onaway; Andrew Hansen and a cou
sin, at Long Rapids.
um t iiiKtt nniiinn
The Colombia congress is discuss
ing the creation of mints and the
question of the adoption of the gold
Postmaster General Payne has writ
ten from Portland. Me. saying that
he will resume his official duties on
Monday. August 2.
The sham battle of Missouri militia
men at St. Joseph proved to be the
real thing, a dozen or more mea be
ing injured, some seriously.
Documents are reported to have
been discovered in the pope's apart
ments since his death which prove
that his private fortune amounted to
Mrs fcekMtti glaafaca-4s said..
carry a larger amount of insurance
any other woman In the world. Her
policies amount to more than a mil
lion dollars.
The experiment in imported Chi
nese labor by the German colony in
German Samoa is not proving sat
isfactory. The planters are having
considerable trouble with the coolies.
An area of coal estimated to con
tain 250,000,000 tons has been located
In the Peace river country. Some of
the seams are said to be nine feet
thick. The coal is reported to he of
goorl quality.
FSnley Burke, a prominent Iowa
lawyer, died at Mercy hospital. Coun
cil Bluffs, following an operation for
appendicitis. Mr. Burke was one of
the foremost members of his profes
sion in Iowa.
At Pottsville, Pa., Carrie Nation
scored President Roosevelt for bring
ing to Kansas last May. his "saloon on
wheels." She said that had she not
been laid up she would have smashed
it to flinders.
Baron Stephen Burian. who has
been Austrian minister at Athens, has
been apopinted finance minister and
administrator of Bosnia and Herze
govina, succeeding the late Dr. Ben
jamin Kallay.
Archbishop Alarcon has appointed
the first board of directors of the new
Catholic bank in the City of Mexico.
The board includes several capitalists
of the clerical party. The bank has
an Arizona charter.
Admiral Dewey has been invited by
the G. A. R. department to attend
the state reunion at Lawrence. Kan..
this fall and deliver an address on
the navy. The admiral has not yet
responded to the letter.
A report by the chief industrial in
spector of Austria shows that the la
bor situation in that country Is great
ly depressed, many factories running
on short time and the families of the
industrial classes suffering.
The state department has issued a
warrant for the surrender to the
Danish authorities of J. A. Jorgensen.
charged with the embezzlement of
35,240 kroners from a firm which em
ployed him as a bookkeeper.
Thomas H. Breen, who has for
some years been superintendent of
the Indian school at Fort Lewis, Col.,
has been dismissed from the service.
William H. Peterson, assistant super
intendent of the Chilocco school in
Oklahoma, has been appointed his
M. Pavioff. the Russian minister to
Korea, having objected to the Japan
ese telegraph line from Seoul to Fu
san. which was constructed prior to
the Russian line, the Korean govern
ment asked Japanese Minister May
ashi to the line. The latter has de
clined to do so.
Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen
eral Bristow returned from Oyster
Bay. where he conferred with the
president regarding postal investiga
tion generally. Mr. Bristow had noth
ing to say regarding the conference.
The federal grand jury was not ready
to report the expected indictment
Tuesday, but may make a report Wed
nesday. Announcement is made by the exec
utive council of the Modern Wood
men of America that Lieutenant Gov
ernor W. A. Northcott of Greenville.
III., has been appointed past head
consul at a salary of $4,000 a year.
He has been engaged to write a his
tory of the order, to revise the ritual
and to deliver addresses in behalf of
the organization.
The St Petersburg Novoe Vremya
has printed a cartoon representing
Uncle Sam driving an automobile
over two negroes, his right hand
wielding a whip and his left support
ing the stars and stripes, with the
mottoes "Freedom" and "Slavery."
The former president of the stone
cutters' union testified in the Murphy
case at New York that the "secret"
committee of the union demanded
$50,000 from Brooklyn stone dealers
to settle the strike of last year and
compromised on $10,000.
The eniptines3 of the Turkish treas
ury is shown by the fact that the fin-'
acce minister has for several weeks
been unsuccessfully endeavoring to
pay a month's salary to the state offi
cials, who have only received one
month's pay since March.
Orders have been given to fit up
the triple screw cruiser Minneapolis,
now used as a receiving ship at the
League Island navy yard, for service
as the flagship of Rear Admiral Wise,
commanding the training squadron of
the North Atlantic fleet
Dr. Charles W. Littlefleld of Alex
andria, Ind.. is said to have created
life in the form of animate atoms
from simple chemicals.
Two youths were hanged at Lexing
ton. Ky., for the murder of A. B.
Chinn, a wealthy merchant
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