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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
's?' j$se;isi- "y-r wrjsr -rjv-kiR. '- "s' ..,- " . VOLUME XXXIV.-NUMBER 13. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA.TEDNESDAY. JULY 1. 1903. WHOLE XUMBER 1.729. V -"r $mtrtrcl. (Mnmmts p ---... y-:.i : v. .-J X REGICIDES FREE PETER'S APPOINTMENTS AN EN DORSEMENT Or ASSASSINS. CHIEF MURDERER AT THE HEAD ! Cclcnel Michm Hign in New King's Counsels After Leading the Das tardly Plot King Issues a General Oroer. BELGRADE The German emperor has sent Kmg Peter a telegram couch ed in cordial terras. The Austrian, minister has resnmed official relations with the Servian government. Kin? Peter had a reception. Only two foreign diplomats, the Russian and Austrma ministers attended. The ether countries apparently were will inz to recognize Kins Peter, but not the Servian cabinet in which Colonel 3Iichhn. one of the chief conspirators, holds a portfolio. The king's reappointment of the ministry is regarded as equivalent to a notification that 20 punishment will be meted out to the assassins of King Alexander and Queen Draga. Foreign Minister Kalievics has sent a circular to the Servian representa tives abroad explaining that the tone appointed the cabinet because he con sidered that he could not do better than entrust the zovemment to the men in. whom parliament had a few days am expressed its full confidence. King Peter has issued the following general oraer. "To My Dear Army On setting foor on the soil of our dear fatherland, m? cradle and the cradle of my ancestors. my heart gives greeting first to you. the hope of Servia, my dear, heroic army. "On ascending the throne of my glo rious ancestors I also take supreme command of tne whole Servian, army which, under the leadership of my im mortal grandfather, by its virtues and miMtary successes, astounded the warfci and m the later war Tor the liberation cf Servia afforded many proofs of its military merits. I feel happy that the supreme command has been entrusted to me "Omcers. non-commissioned officers asd mes, at rlus solemn moment 1 greet you with the words. 'God be with yoe. yoc falcons of the Servian ptropie.' 1 am happy to see you all suited aroana my tnrone. imbued with ndeiicv and loyalty to m1 and to the ideals of our ratneriand. I will en rfeaver to maintain this spirit by judg ihz and estimating each and all of vo solely en your military merit. You are all equally dearto me. I merely ask that you will devote yourselves heartily to the calling you have chos en and that you will assist me to guide you m the path 01 honor and jlory. "I therefore cry: 'Long live the tope of the Servian people, the army:'" LIFTCN AT THE WHITE HOUSE Sir Thcmas Lunches With President Rccsev-lt. WASHINGTON Sir Thomas Fip tou. the challenger for the America's cup. lunched with President Roose velt at the White House Friday The members composinz the Iunch can party and the president discussed the coming yacht races and the pres ident exhibited much interest in the event. , In addition to Sir Thomas the other guests were the former ambassador tn Germany. Andrew D White: Wil- j Ham Fife, the designer of Shamrock III: R. A. C. Smith, vice commodore 1 of tae New York Yacht club: Assist- , ant Secretary of War Sanzer. Adju- , tant General Corbin. Gorse W. Per- 1 kics ef New York. Senator Hanna and ! iecreary Mcody. Servian Assassins Frs:r:cced. 3ELGRADE The promotions are announced of various members of the military deputation to King Peter at Geneva. Colonel Popoivtcs cf th late ' King Alexander's palaco guard is cre ated a general and first aide-de-camp to Krng Peter; Captain Kosucs. who ', opened the palare gate for the assas sins of the late kinz anc queen, is pro- ' moced to be a ma:or. ' Jews Need Not Fear in Odessa. I 5i . ?ET ERSBTRG General Arsfi- erL the new prefect of police of Odes sa, in receiving a deputation cf rabbis recently, assured them that the Jews of Odessa could pursue their avoca tiaes without fearing anti-Semite out breaks. Kansas Refuses Flood Aid. TOFEKA, Kan. The extra session of the Kansas legislature adjourned Friday aftemoou after passing fifty MSs. cf which twenty wre of a gen eral nature. 7cst of them gave Kan sas counties the right to restore the bridges that had been washed away by the Soou County commissioners are authorized to aid fiood sufferers. To the last an effort was made to appropriate money for the relief of the sufferers, but it was defeated. Case Growing Out cf Flocd KANSAS CITY. 3Io The m junc tion suit ot the Mcffet Commission company to restrain the directors of the board of trade from suspending cr expelling them, for refusing to pay fcr flooded grain, concerning which the- question of ownership is involved. was called in the circuit court Wed nesday, bur by agreement of ail par ties interested, the hearing was post pcaed until Saturday. June 27. IOWA DEMOCRATS NOMINATE. Ticket Placed Before Public in State Convention. DES MOINES. The democrats in state convention here placed the fol lowing ticket in the field: For Governor J B. Sullivan, Union, county. For Lieutenant Governor John D Butler, Iowa county For Judge of Supreme Court John R. Caldwell, Tama county. For State Superintendent A. R. McCook. Howard county. For Railroad Commissioner W. S. Porter, Hardin county. The platform condemns imperial ism, the Aldrich bill and the finan cial policy; opposes trust3 and gov ernment by injunction, and favors tariff revision. His advocacy of gov ernment ownership of railroads elim inates Van Wegnen. There were no tSJntests" for the" places aha"the""en tire ticket was nominated by accla mation after adoption of the plat form. PETER TAKES THRONE. Servia Dens Holiday Garb ts Welcome New Ruler ts Belgrade. BELGRADE King Peter arrived here at 10 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. He was received with great en thusiasm. The ministers, government officials, judges, municipal and military author ities and leading citizens were assem bled an the platform of the railroad station, which was profusely deco rated. After the celebration of mass, which was attended by all the splen dor of the eastern churcc. King Pe tfr drove in state to the new palace. The officials were in unuorm and wore all their decorations. Work men were engaged all night long in finishing the erection of Venetian masts and triumphal arches and some of the latter were only completed as the firing of guns announced King Pe ter's entry into his realm when the train traversed the bridge connecting Servm with Austria. TO ATTACK THE STRONGHOLD. Castro Sends Force cf 4.000 to Fight General Rclandc. CARACAS. Venezuela. The gov emmenT has decided to attack by land and from the river Orinoco the town of Cuidad Bolivar, which is still in the hands of the revolutionary general. Rolando, the only lieutenant of Gen eral Matos, who has fied to the island of Curacao and who possesses an army of about 2,000 with guns and ammunition. Twelve hundred government troops have left Maturin for San Felipe, where they will join a sea force of 3.400 men. After the junction of the two forces has been effected, they will march on Ciudad 3olivar. which. it is expected, will be attacked next Saturday. A heavy resistance is probable. THAT IOWA TARIFF PLANK. Denied That President Is Taking a Hand in It. WASHINGTON. D. C Published reports that President Roosevelt was taking parr in the framing of the tariff plank to be adopted by the re publicans of Iowa, at their coming convention are denied here and it can be stated authoritatively that the president has made no suggestions with reference to the Iowa, platform and has taken no part whatever in the work of outlining it. Will Be Signed and Ratified. WASHINGTON. D. . Senor Que sada. the Cuban minister has re ceived advices from Havana through official sources that the treaties con cerning coaling stations and the Isle of Pines may be sisned at any mo ment, and that the probabilities are that they will be ratified by the Cuban senate. He apprised Secretary Hay of tnis matter Funster. Inscects Alaska Posts. WASHINGTON. D. C. General Funston. rommandmg the department cf Columbia, has informed the war department tuar he has left tor Alas ka tor an inspection of the posts in that territory He will visit Forts Liscum. Skagwa. Egbert, Gibbon. St. 3IichaeI and Davis. Funeral cf Major Pond. NSW YORK. The funeral services for Major James Burton Pond were held Tuesday evening at the family residence in Jersey City. The funeral rites of the Grand Army of the Re public were performed by the officers of Lafayette post. Ba"k Orders for Currency. WASHINGTON. D. C The finan cial situation in Tien Tsin for the last six months has been in a state of panic, owing to the dearth of ready money and the lack of confidence on the part of these accustomed to pre serve the equilibrium of this port. says Consul General J. W. Ragsdale at Tien Tsin in a report to the state department. He says an era of com mercial prosperity and expansion awaits Tien Tsm. Frauds in Timber Entries. PORTLAND. Ore The examination of Miss Mane Ware, former United States land commissioner at Eugene, and Horace G. SIcKmley. a timber land operator, en a charge cf con spiracy to defraud the United States out of public lands, was commenced Friday before a Unitsd States court. A warrant has been issued fcr the arrest cf S. A. D. Puter, who is nsw reported to be hx St PauL "who is also rmplicated. IS NOW THE KING PETER CAINS A FIRMER GRASP ON AFFAIRS. TO BE A RULER II FACT With Loud Applause the People Greet Him as He Kisses the Holy Soak Is Now the Ruler of All the Ser vians. BELGRADE It was remarked on all sides Thursday that King Peter seemed hourly to assume a more com manding attitude, and that he gains a firmer grasp on affairs. His de meanor when he took the oath and the expression on his face showed masterfulness and his intention to be a""kmg in" fact, "as well as in name, ruling unflinchingly as well as justly. The demonstrations Wednesday even ing apparently convinced him that he is not merely the elect of the military or a civilian faction, but that he had the people at his back. The proceed ings Thursday were marked by solem nity The old parliament building, s. bare, bam-like strucrure, with fiimsy decorations, was crowded with repre sentatives, official, clergy and civilian spectators, who loudly cried. "Long live the King," as he appeared. The king glanced sharply almost sternly, at the deputies, some of whom were in peasant garb, while others were dress ed in the height of western fashion. Taking a seat in front of the throne. over which his own portrait hung, the king watched with calm assurance for the ceremony to begin. Lighted candles had been placed on a table in rront of the king, on which also rested a nchly-bound 3ible, the text of the oath on engrossed parch ment, and the jeweled cross. King Peter stood erect while the metropolitan proceeded with the reli gious ceremony, the responses to which were chanted by the presby ters. When the prayers were ended, the king kissed the Bible, and then took the oath. When he had finished, his majesty advanced amid profound silence cf the assemblage and signed his name to the document. A frenzy of cheers followed. The king again kissed the Bible and the cross proffer ed by the metropolitan and without the slightest relaxation of the stern lines of his face, turned quickly en his heel and walked out to his carriage, amid salvos of cheers, which also greeted him as he passed through the streets to the parade grounds, where the troops were awaiting. ! HANNA IS NOT A CANDIDATE. Reiterates His Declaration that He Is Not After Vice Presidency. CLEVELAND in an interview Senatcr M. A. Hanna reiterated his recent statement that he was not and would not be a candidate for the vice presidency and if his nomination was made that he would decline to accept. He said further that his ambitions did not lie in that direction of the White House and nothing could induce him to alter his decision in the matte Colonel Myroii T. Herrick. whose name also has been mentioned in con nection with the vice presidency, said that his sole political ambition was to be elected governor of Ohio. Colonel Hemck thinks that the present dis cussion relative to a vice presidential nomination is inopportune. CASLE IS READY FOR ALASKA First Long Submarine Wire Ever Manufactured in America. WASHINGTON General Greeley has been informed that 530 miles of the submarine cable to be laid be tween Pugsr sound and Alaska have been shipped rrcm New York to Se attle. The remaining 750 miles will be shipped from New York m August. This is the first lonz cable ever made in -be United States. It is of tne seamless rubber type. Captain Edgar R.u.sU. signal corps, has started for Seattle to make preliminary arrange ments for laying the cable and will be tcllowed in August by Colonel James Allen, who has general chargp Charged With Crookedness. SCRANTON. Pa. A special com mittee was appointed by the select council to investigate an allegation that eight members of the body d banded together to hold up the Dalton Street Railway company for S-iO apiece. At the last meeting of the council the franchise was to ccme up for passage, but rhe cucram tras broken by opponents cf rhe measure. Roads Want More Time WA5HTNGTON. D. d Petitions have been tied with the interstate commerce commission by the Boston Maine and the Denver & Rio Grand railroad companies for addi tional time within which to comply with the previsions of the safety ap pliance act. The former company asks for additional ume to equip its passenger cars and locomotives with power driving wheel brakes, which will require further time. Unoie Samuel's Cash. WASHINGTON. D C Today's statemenr of treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive cf the $150. 000j3flt gold reserve in the excision, of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, S23Q,57a.32S. First Steamer from Nome. SEATTLE, Wash. The steamship Oreass. tie first vessel to reach, the city from Nome sfcace close cf naviga tion last season, has arrived. BRIGHTEST OF YALE STUDENTS Connecttcat Yrttt and Wins High H Frederick. E. Pierce, who is eaUe by professors at Yale tie aThteat: man the university ever aaa for m student, entered that college tare years ago. He had taen jast cosrt from bis father's farm, sear Soatav Britain, Coan. ToOtea; beast ta plow and in the fields had cot devel oped grace of carriage. He was sua burned and his clothes were fltfittia; The students regarded him with good natured amusement. He hau just $20 tied up in a hand kerchief when he arrived on the cam pus. He did odd jobs to support him seif and studied all the time he was not working. In his freshman year he captured three prizes and the Wcolsey scholar ship, the income from $1,000, for the best examination in Tuin composi tion. The highest honors the univer sity accords are believed by the fac ulty to be his by right. FRAUD IN INDIAN AFFAIRS. Investigation cf Allotments in the Oklahoma Reservation. WASHINGTON. D. C The presi dent has ordered a thorough investi gation or the affairs ot the Kiowa and Comanche Indian reservation in Okla homa, and has appointed Francis E. Leupp of this city to make the in vestigation. The inquiry is based on charges made by certain Kiowa In dians, including Delis K. Lonewolf. a Kiowa. living at Hobart, that of the 2.75S allotments made to persons pur- J porting to belong to th1 Kiowa, Co manche and Apache tribes, under the act approved June 6. 1900. a number were illegal and more allotments were made than there were Indians PAINTING OF MAIL SOXES NEXT. Grand Jury Put on Scent of a "Job" in Connection with That. WASHINGTON. D. C Having re turned indictments against the parties cencemea m the transactions of the Graff brothers, involving street letter ! box fasteners, the grand jury has be- I zun the investigation cf other con- ' tracts with the general delivery serv ice. It is said the postoffice department, through its inspectors who have been working on the case for some time, has made some discoveries which mane it imperative that the grand jury take the matter up. The contracts re ferred to pertain to the use of alum inum paint on street letter boxes throughout the country. LOOKS BAD FOR KING PETER. British. French. Dutch and Turkish Representatives Leave Belgrade. BELGRADE. The British minister to Servia left here Tuesday for Lon don. It is understood the first bill to be submitted to King Peter will be one prepared by the minister cf jus tice, granting amnesty for all political offenses. In accordance with instructions from their governments, the ministers of France, Holland and Turkey left Belgrade. King Peters train, which left Gene va, passed through Innsbruck. Austria. The kinr was enthusiastically wel comed there bv the Servian and Croa tian students. NEW GOLD FIELD :3 FOUND. Discovery is Made on Lower River, Near Valder. Alaska. SEATTLE, Wash. The first de tails of the new gold finds near Val dez were brought from the north by the steamer Excelsior, which has just arrived here. The discovery is on Lower river. twenty-three miles frcm Taldez, and already SG0 acres cf ground have been staked out. During the last few days, before the Excelsior sailed, there was quito a stampede to the new find. President of Santo Domingo. PARIS. A dispatch from Santo Do mingo City announces that General A. Wos y GiL who recently became provisional president through the over throw of General Horatio Vazquez, has been ele ted president cf the Domini can republic Eugsnio De Champ, who was a can didate for the presidency, but with Jf I . drew in favor of General GiL hs been elected vice nresident. Union Pacific Man Present. SARATOGA The American Rail way Master Mechanics association on Thursday considered reports. A dis cussion of technical subjects was par ticipated in by W. R. McEeen of Om aha and others. Shaw-Will Net Go to Europe. WASHINGTON. Secretary" Shaw has returaen to the city frcm. he west ern trip, and owing to press of public business will not go to- Europe, wSsw tfHSlS. EI30E!! PI6THE FEEL r gT ''vSaWr ft. j mSUr 9awSJ J sVAwal -i iwP JBmSBB awla LvMJ AjjLF .MK W . .C1' -.1 a BwBawaE t aawX-y 4aaaaataaaaa1wEL w ""; awaaBwBT.BwaaV' aaaBwaaw r 'awawawaw BawxV Bw aVwiBBW9BwawamawlawawawaawawsBwawawawS,BwSBwawawawaw Bbv Sal ' -:5-fSaV"lMMwTXr I AvaaaamaCL HaEKvft aaaaaaaaaaKa"''9C --V-aHar TaaET t awBawSawPJ' V y -wT There she comes.' HURRY THE GASES NOTE TO ATTORNEY GENERAL THE PRESIDENT URGES POST OFFICE PROSECUTIONS. Chief Executive Suggests that if Necessary Special Lawyer Be Named to Probe Scandal and Secure Conviction of the Guilty. WASHINGTON. The president has sent the following letter to the at torney general: "WHITE HOUSE. June 22. 1303. Sir: As you know, the charges in connection with the postoffice depart ment are now being investigated by Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bnstow, who has placed at his dis posal by the postmaster general every resource of the department, including the services of Mr. Robb. whom you detailed from the department of jus- uce to the postoffice department im mediately after the removal of Mr. , Tyner. As a result of tnis investigation a number of indictments have already been found and it is probable that other indictments will be hereafter asked for. There can be no greater offense against the government than a breach or trust on the part of a public official or the dishonest man agement of his ofiice. and. of course, every effort must be exerved to bring offenders to punishment by the utmost rigor of the law. "The district attorney cf the Dis trict of Columbia has faithfully and zealously seconded the effo-ts of the postoffice department m this matter, but the amount of work in the office is such as to make it difficult, with out neglecting other important public duties, to devote all the time neces sary to the prosecution of these cases. "I suggest, therefore, that if you cannot detail some of your present staff, you appoint special assistants in these postoffice cases, not only to take up the cases in which indictments have been found or hereafter may be found, but to examine mcu all charges that have been made against officials in the postal service, with a view to the removal and prosecution of all guilty men in the service and the pros ecution of guilty men. whether m the service or not, where the cases are not barrea by the statute of limita tions. Sincerely yours, "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." Carrying out the president's sug gestion. Attorney General Knox has appointed Charles Bonaparte of Bain- mere a special attorney to assist in these prosecutions, and on his return here Mr. Holmes Conrad, former solic itor gsneraL "soil be tendered z like ap pointment. Postmaster Payne has taken official cognizance of Mr. Madden's letter re garding criticisms of the contract for supplying carbon paper to the service. Mr. Payne conferred with his assist ants on the subject. Subsequently he declined to say whether any reply had been seat to Mr Madden and a simi lar reticence was observed by those who were in accord with Mr. Payne. Six Skeletons Washed Up. TOPEKA Six human skeletons were found in a hole washed cut by the water just west cf North Tapeka. They are net the remains cf fiood vic tims, as the evidences wnlch they bear dearly show, and how they came to be there is a mystery to all who have seen them. They were evidently buried there by some one. and un earthed by the water, which washed out a huge hele, in which the bones were found. Unrfeed States Minister Leaves. 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. It is learn ed at the stare department that Uni ted. States Minister Jackscn has left Belgrade an has return to Athens, vn Constantinople- His course will be in line withx that, adopted by the dip lomatic representatives of Great Erin sin, Germany, France and the othe. cowatries which havs. up to date re faaed to recognize- the new Servian gsreraeBt. Do you see her? AS TO THE CROPS. Corn Reported in Mere Favorasls Conditio:. WASHINGTON The weather bu reau's weekly saanary of crop con ditions Is as follows. While still too ccol In the districts east of the Rocky mountains, the tern- perature conditions of the week end- ing June 22 were somewhat more fa- vorable in the central valleys and southern states but over portions of the lake region and middle Atlantic states and in New England it was f colder than in the preceding week. I Heavy rains in the two last named districts interrupted farm work, but in the Ohio and upper Mississippi val . leys and gulf states the conditions were very favorable far cultivatian Rain is now needed in the Dakctas, northern Minnesota and in portions of the central and east gulf state:. 000.000 was needed for the purchase. The conditions en the Pacific coast Record prices were paid at the Pa were generally favorable, but In the land China swine sale held at Mnn- coast sections of Oregon work was de layed by ram. while rams are needed in the eastern portions of both Oregon aiIiI Washington. A general improvement in the con dition of com in the central valleys i3 indicated, especially over the western portions. In the lake regions. New England and middle Atlantic states little or no improvement in this vrrop is noted. In all northern and central districts corn continues very late, but is in a good tate of cultivation, ex cept in the middle Atlantic smtes. In the southern states early com is 7- i-oJt Inff? h-a- rj-r ts -iPirrnrr Tra.rrrr- .UM.2..-.J .. w. w. ..- a ity in Texas. Winter wheat harvest has made fa- ed a resolution, which was adopted, vcrable progress and is now general declaring that to put Trinity on its in the central portions of the winter , proper plane among ether education wheat belt, with disappointing yields, t ai institutions not less than 55.000.000 especially in the southern portions of should be raised. Missouri. ECmais and Indiana. In the middle Atlantic states a general im provement is indicated. Harvest is general in California, with nearly av erage yields in most sections. In Oregon and Washington some im provement is noted, cnt the crop is In need of ram in the eastern portion of these states. Spring wheat is suffering far rain in North Dakota and portions cf South Dakota and is affected by rust quite generally in Nebraska. In these two Inst named states, however the crop. as a rule, is doing well, and bi Minne- seta. Wisconsin and Iowa continues in premising condition. In Washing ton the crop has improved, wherp moisture has been sufficient, but will be materially shortened in central counties and also in eastern Oregon corpse. unless rain ceres scon. j The New York state encampment cf The outlook for cats is less promis-! the G- A. R. adopted a resolution urg ing in the Dakotas. Nebraska, north- ( nig the nffa-mi department to have era Minnesota. Missouri and southern Illinois. In Wisconsin, Kansas, on up - Iandr in Iowa and m northern Illincis a good crop is promised. Russia Pr-sar-d fcr Trouble. LONDON It is b-Leved that tha fast cruisers of th Russian volunteer fieur, which are iymg idle at Febasto- pal and Odessa, are being held in the Black sea for military emrncies, says the Odessa correspondent cf the Times. He adds that it is reported that an intrmauen was given June 20 to the commanders of these vessels that there is a possibility of their be ing requisitioned to Sy the naval fiag Netrasfcin Aids Librarians. NLAGARA FALLS. N Y The twen-ry-Cith convention of the American Library association oncnet! Tuesday. The secretary. J J Wy?r. of Lin'-iin. Neb-, reported that the present mem bership of the association is IJ310, larger than ever before, while, ac cording to the treasurer's rupGrt, the assets of the association are mere than 5100," 00. 3L Herbert Putnam. librarian of congress, probably will be elected president. Peter Expresses GENEVA. King Satisfaction. Peter has ' pressed hih auuroval of the program i, ar,- -aj,a j,r win include a gz!a performance arl the theater. ! Dutefc Winirter Crcoren Home 1 h: HAGUE. Tho minister of the Netherlands at Ec'grade V" been in structed to leave that city before Emg Peter's arrival nt xh? Scvial capitaL :?: hi in :-rti!iit hkiihi ttft? TOfwtUIS. i n 1 1 1 i 1 1 ; I ; 1 : ; 1 1 r t : ! r 1 1 1 i The Philadelphia relief committee has voted another $2,040 to Kansas flood sufferers. John Morley has had bestowed upon him the honorary professorship of an cient history at the English Royal academy. General Charles Dick cf Akron was selected by the republican state cen tral committee to direct the campaign in Ohio this year. Admiral de Cotxrtheille of the French navy, who died aboard his flagship Masseoav ofts expressed a desire to die in action. According to the Novo Vremya of St. Petersburg, the Rnsso-Chinese bask ha? Seen authorized to open a branch at Stn Francisco. There isr?T jpJLondon of forw'Tg. I a Pepsy club in honor of Samuel Pep- sy. the two hundredth anniversary of whose death fell on May 26. Archbishop Katzer, wno far some time past has been receiving medical treatment in Fond du Lac. Wis., is now said tc be on the road to rapid re covery. The Mexican government proposes to compel all signs and advertise ments on walls to be in Spanish, with. if desired, translations into other lan guages. Ricts arising out of collisions be tween clericals and anti-cIeTricals are reported from several towns in the French provinces in connection with religious processions. A fire at Wetskawm. Alberta, caus ed damage amounting to $200,000. The fire started in a hall used for a theater over the general stcre of Peric J & Co and destroyed a dcten stores and other buildings, j Dr. G. Deut3ch, professor 0" Jewish 1 history and philosophy of rsligion in the Hebrew Union college h Cincin- t nati for the past twelve years, has He pro- t tendered his resignation. ( proses to devote his time to tditorial and literary work in New York ' Gott fried Krueger of New Yorit. Peter Hauck cf Harrison and idolph Huhfel of New York. who. with oth ers, sold their breweries to an Eng lish syndicate, have bought back their properties. It Is said that about 12,- cie. Ind. The agrgegate sales of two days were over S60.Q0O for ninety-six head offered. The highest price paid for any one hog was that paid for Ideal Sunrise, which approximated J1T.S37- " The Toronto and Niagara Power company called for bids en what tHI be the largest power wheel pit in the world. It is to be 4S0 feet long. ISO feet deep and 27 feet wide, cut The work through the sohu rode will cost $1,250,000 and will develop .000 horse power. At the annual meeting cf the Trin ity college alumni at Hartford. Conm. t Dr. J. E. Mears of Philadelphia offer- General Bates has notified the war department that he has found and arrested in Chicago Lieutenant Thom as T. Murtaugh. United States coase artillery, who deserted his troops at Cienfueos. Cuba, about three weeks ' ago. leaving the exchange accounts mixed up. He will be sent to Gover i I nor's ilsand for trial by court-mar- 1 tiaL 1 Archibald Morrison, a silk salesman . of Now York, committed suicide in a , novel way tram the Brooklyn bridge. He climbed the platform railing south J of the Brooklyn tower, jumped on top of a tram bound for Brooklyn, fell off the last car. struck the third raiL was uung across the track, fell through the ties, and landed on Front street, more than 100 feet below, a mangled ; the date of Decoration day changed ! to the last Sunday in May or the first Sunday in June, the idea being I that, by the change of date, the grow- ' ? tendency to make a noliday for ' spcrt. etc- of D-coration day would ' fce done a:sra?' wiTil anii iie onld j again assume its anginal import. j Advices from Guam announce the blnil tiier'e of Srst American cid on xhe island. It is a girL and j irs father is Paymaster Ryan. The christening was markec by a big cele- brarion. in which the entire commu nity joined. General Greeley bas been informed that 580 miles of the submarine cable to be laid between Puzet sound and 1 Alaska has been shipped from. New York to Seattle. The remaining 750 miles will be shipped from New York in August. ' Frank WUhert Stokes, the Ameri ' can artist, delivered with great suc cess a lecture in French on the col oration cf the Pclar regions under ' the auspices of the geographical sc j ciety in the hall of the Collegio Ro- mano. at Rome, Italy i At the meeting cf the alumni ot the ; University of Vermont a committee J was appointed fcr the purpose of rais ' ing SliW0,Q0Q to be presented to the ' sity m 120-i upon tne occasion ! of the celebration of the hundredth of its foundation. At a private meeting of the naticn- alist members of the Dublin corpora tion, it was decided bj tweuty-Sve tc three not to vcte an address cf wel- came and loyalty to King Edward on the occasion of his majesty ccming j visit to Irchmd di i KHIMIOMiaM mm t lIMUllKteim I o : GotaMkvs My Soot Hotes, I o o c c 6 0 c o SMaaTT nuiST. ofOOf04C0A0A0Q40C0C A ddr Republic DeToteitathe of X X Columbus, THE- County rf PUtte Tbe Smeaf ..Nebraska. THE United Statt, aodtbe M If Miltil s y n Unit cf Us $1.50 Year, If Pud in Adranctv sin. Sample Copies Sent Tree t ny Address. HENRY GASS UtNDCRTAKR- Coffa and Metallic afaSataaao! Upaaiawy Cotumbua, it ...The... Columbus Journal. A117- Requiredof CLUB WITH THE OPTFE 33 IStatejM.! lfecawte AID J t 1 W Wll DPT5wX MHwaV vawSwwV """ fwTI. o 3-'SErsSn2&n3ih': i q WMMM MO BIMCTOiWa UMMH NHANO. Mas. aav Mwrr. vica-pwaa. t B-aauaaax. oasmaa. O Mjrr l. mnmmr. w 15he Columbus JounraJ, LbT bsbbh aaaW !! jffKti - I . - ."r- OV - " - - f L .-1 . WAS? '-rfr -