The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 17, 1903, Image 2

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MAT 11, UN.
Columbus Journal.
ibust Sfebr
Ltgal Vttieti.
Aaaerics is a tolerably free country
waeujoa think right down to the foun
dation of things, and act accordingly.
Tax Joubsal baa had thirty years ex
aarianoa in handling legal notice of all
osuoriptions, and takea thia occaeion to
aay that it ia thoroughly equipped for
thia aort of work.
We desire that you remember us when
yon have work of this aort to be done.
When you do the paying, you have the
right to place the work. Special atten
tion given to mail orders. Call on or
address, 1L K. Tuhxkb k Co,
Journal OSoe, Columbus, Nebr.
Fsks delivery service of the mail was
forsaally inaugurated in Norfolk last
weak. Three men attend to the delivery
ia the city.
Gov. Baott, of Kinase, was united in
marriage Tuesday of last week to Mrs.
Ida Weeks. The lady was a former
ident of Fairbury, this state.
Nkbbaska will receive S1L593 aa her
share of the $2,000,000 appropriated by
the government act for arming and sup
plying the militia to correspond with the
regular army. Iowa gets $22,000 and
8PKECHKB of the Schuyler Free Lance
in Ma last issue remarks that "the dem
ocratic party would be better off without
fusion and if the populist party ia to
aver regain consciousness it must be
given air and left alone."
Alkxaxdbk WiUiTAUsox, one of the
three persons who were present at the
deathbed of President Lincoln, died at
his home in Brooklyn last Wednesday.
Ha was the tutor of Abraham Lincoln's
younger children. He was 89 years old.
The town of BZeppner, Oregon, was
reported Monday to have been destroyed
by a great flood of water which rushed
down Willow creek that evening. Re
aorta from lone state that from 350 to
600 people are believed to have been
Tax supreme court in a recent decision
holds that Sunday ball playing ia a vio
lation of the state statute, which pro
hibits aorting" on the Sabbath day.
The decision means that four players,
arrested last summer at Nebraska City,
must servo ten days in jail.
A hovel way of saving a bridge from
being washed away by the roaring flood
waters of the Kaw river at Kansas City
recently, Superintendent of Missouri
Pacific terminals W. S. Carson, took the
chance of weighting the bridge down
with seven mogul locomotives, represent
ing a value of $125,000. Had the bridge
and engines gone, his job would have
gone, and with it a large share of his
reputation as a man of sound judgment.
But the plan was a winner, and now his
stock is away above par. He is in line
for almost anything the company has to
give. Seventeen other bridges across
the Kaw had already been swept away
when the thought of weighting struck
Mr. Carson.
The board of regents of the State uni
veraity Wednesday elected Dr. Bosooe
Pound, son-in-law of L. Gerrard of this
city, to be dean of the college of law to
111 the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Daan M. B. Reese. The election
of Dean Pound, the Lincoln Star says, is
to take effect October L The election
of Mr. Pound to the deanship will neces
sitate his resignation from the supreme
court. Dr. Pound is a graduate of the
university of Nebraska. He took the
degree of A. B. in 1888, receiving the
master's degree in 1899 and the degree
of doctor of philosophy in 1897 from the
university of Nebraska. He ia a doctor
of lava, receiving his degree from Tale
university. In addition Dr. Pound has
attained a degree of expertness in the
natural science of botany and ia author
ef numerous pamphleta relative to topics
in this line which show him an invest
gator of recognized standing in America
and Europe. He ia also a recognized
scholar in thee
Iua recent issue Editor Howard stated
in the Telegram that "The democrats
made Governor Poynter, and he shows
has ingratitude at every opportunity.
Governor Boynter's meanest vice ia his
leek of gratitude." The Albion Argue,
edited by D. J. Poynter, a brother of
the ex-governor, answers the charge aa
"Whan Editor Howard accuses er
Goveraor Poynter with ingratitude we
reseat the mean charge for two reasons:
1st. We know the charge is fake.
ran only brother there ia naturally
feeling between us aad
aa intimacy which enables us to deny
3d. The democrata did not make Gov-
Poynter. He has done far more
them than they ever did for him.
he and a few co-laborers began the
agitation of populist principles in Ne
braska the deaaocrat party was not knee
high in this state. It eouldnt even get
on deck much less to first base. There
was absolutely no hope for a democrat
with a republican majority of 90,000 to
staring him in the face. Demo
crats had no use for his populist princi
ples, but Governor Poynter aad others
kept plugging uway tfll at length the
i formed. Its strength
diaoovered. There was hope of
the republicans if co-operation
: could be secured. The great
from repub-
in their desire
tease their principles enacted into law
veted for fusion candidates hence the
who wars fortunate enough
to ha aw the fusion ticket were elected
by populist republicans Had it not
been for the populist movement headed
by Oavamor Poynter at al the
patty would still be where it
Poynter made it what it is.
OMMrMa.ltNl infill SLM
Columbus and Fremont are at present
two of the mostlalked about towna in
the state. The ..contention over the
water power planta at these two points
has brought the attention of the public
to the fact that we have something
worth more than, passing notice. The
Omaha Worii-Harald aays:
"Prospects for the early construction
of the Platte river power canal are so
promising that one of the heaviest pow
er concerns ia the city has decided to
hold ap the authorized expenditure of
about $100,000 on ita power plant, in an
ticipation that it may not be necessary.
This company ia the New Omaha Thom-aon-Houaton
Electric Light Company.
President Nash said Friday afternoon:
"I am eonvincsd that the caaal will be
built, and that eitfcer the Fremont or
the Columbus project will be carried
Further on in the same article the
writer states:
"A wall informed man said yesterday:
The recant setback to the flood will
have a tendency to prevent the heavy
investment of new money there, for
while such floods might not occur again
in thirty years they might come in a
year. Now then, with the construction
of the canal and ita cheap power, South
Omaha will be the recipient of close at
tention and I look to aee several thou
sand more men employed there within
the next five years than there are now."
Last week renewed attention was
drawn to the Columbus project by the
filing of another application with the
state board of irrigation for water from
the Loup river, by H. E. Baboock, The
Lincoln Journal says that "if the project
is carried out the company will have
more power for sale than ia now used
in the state."
The amended water filing reports a
fall of 110 feet from a aeries of three
reservoirs. Stations are to be erected at
Columbus, Schuyler and Ames for the
developments water power to be trans
mitted by electricsl appliances wherever
needed. The proposed canal ia fifty-nine
miles long. At Columbus the plant is
to supply 46J000 horse power, at Schuy
ler 36,000 and. at Ames 40,000 horse
power. It is proposed to complete the
Columbus plant in two years from date,
the Schuyler plant in six years and the
Ames plant ten years. Work is to begin
in nix months after the application is
The ditch carrying water from the
Loup near Monroe would be 135 feet in
width at top and carry nine feet depth
of water sixteen miles to the three reser
voirs having 1,400 acres, 970 acres and
2,900 acres respectively.
The reservoir or lakes will extend from
the public road north of W. T. Ernst,
wast and north about ton miles.
Mr. Baboock is now away from home
working in the interest of the scheme.
The question now seems to be, which of
the two, Columbus or Fremont will
secure the capital first to make the
project a certainty.
: : LOCAL : :
Caru ef Thanks.
Columbus, Neb., June 6, 1903. At a
regular meeting of Baker Post No. 9,
department of Nebraska G. A. R, it was
moved by Comrades Roasiter and Galley
and unanimously carried, that Baker
Post tender their most sincere thanks
to Professor W. M. Kern for the splen
did oration delivered by him on Memo
rial day. Also that a vote'of thanks be
extended to Henry Gass for furnishing
chairs, to the City Band, the Fire De
partment, theNebrsskaNational Guards,
the Spanish Veterans, to G. W. Webb of
Madison, ex-confederate, and to St.
Francic Academy and the public schools,
both teachers and pupils, for their kind
and very able assistance on Memorial
day. And a special vote of thanks to
Charles B. Hanford for his very fine
recitation of "The Star Spangled Ban
A. W. Clark, Commander.
E.O. Rector.
Buainuaj Cellar.
Columbus is to have a business col
lege. H. H. Hayman of Grand Island, a
man who has devoted his life to business
college work, has leased the rooms over
the poetoffiee of Echols k Elliott and
will take possession August 15. The
rooms were leaeod for one year. Prof.
Hayman was in the city Saturday to
make arrangements. He expects to be
in position to open the college for work
by September 1.
The school here will probably be con
ducted by Prof. Haymsn's son who has
been a successful teacher in business
colleges for the past eight years.
Columbus has been in need of an insti
tution of this kind for many years and
the public will probably show their
appreciation by giving it their hearty
The railroad facilities and the fact that
there ia no business oollege nearer than
Fremont ought to help to supply the
school with pupils from a large territory
to adjacent Platte county.
Ceuniy Institute.
The institute closed the week's work
Friday aad avaminstiona ware held Sat
urday and three days of thia week.
Thursday morning the teachers raised
fund of money for the purchase of
flowers which were sunt to two teachers
who are ia the hospital, Miasm Jessie
M. Maw and Clara F. Cooper.
Since the last issue of The Jovbnal
in which we published the names of
teachers, the following have enrolled:
ELCHicka, Aaaa Webster.
fetfaBma AMaeLaan.
noMaceHar. J.F.Weber.
Among the visitors who have been
present during the week are Prof. Dal-
sell of the Nebraska Teacher; Prof.
O'Connor of Norfolk; Prof. Will Heitz-
; State Sup't Fowler and others.
Thursday evening Prof, a T. Giilan
delivered u lecture on "Where Are We
At" before the teachers and many vis
itors, in the High achool building. The
lecture was ia reference to the position
of the public achool teacher, their ad
vancement over psst years and their
possibilities for the future. The present
school stage he classed aa the book age,
aa there ia now published more books
for children than at aay time in the past.
Taadiag publishing houses make special
fort to procure the' best writers aad
the greatest artiste for the juvenile
literature. Prof. Giilan ia an exceed
ingly interesting lecturer and held the
audience for over an hour.
After the lecture Thursday eveaiag
the teachers and their friends weat to
the home of Supt Leavy when
Leavy had invited them to an ioe
feast. The guests remained until al
most midnight staging 'and passing an
enjoyable evening socially.
E.F.D. Vt,3.
D. Behlen ia harvesting his large crop
of strawberries.
Miss Lizzie Baekenhus is visiting Mrs.
Louis Phillipps of your city.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Behlen spent a few
hoars in Columbus last Thursday.
Mr. Slims, our incubator man on thia
route, reports a satisfactory busiasss
thia year.
Miss Emma Bstts has been visiting
her sister Mrs. Connerly on the Whit
moyer farm.
Mr. J. W. Siasle is in poor health thia
spring. He thinks a change of climate
might help him.
Mrs. Banz, mother of Mrs. Feed See
f eld, has returned to her home on rural
route 2 out from Fremont
Peter Sehmitt, the genial proprietor
of the Shell areek flouring mills, has re
turned from a business trip to Omaha.
John Randall, overseer of public high-
waya in district 25, has dona aome very
much needed work on route 3 near J. W.
This item is of course not on our beat,
but when a person like Rudolph Miller
acta peculiar, inquiries are to be ex
cnasd, but Rudolph aaya it's a girl and
came last Tuesday all safe and aound
and rosy as a peach.
t r
The farmers are pushing their corn
plowing. Some are still re-planting.
Winter wheat ia rusted considerably,
enough we think, to effect the yield some.
Barley and.oats are coming along nicely
but a light, ahower would help them.
Most of the alfalfa is being cut this week.
One of C. H. Sheldon k Son's teams
ran away in the field last Saturday
morning. Had it not been that an ex
press wagon stood in or near the road
which they ran into throwing it com
pletely overtangleing the noreee in such
u manner as to stop them, they would
have ran into the mail wagon as they
were but a few yards behind and the
driver did not eee them till they collided
with the express wagon.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bailey lost their
three weeks old baby Thursday. It was
buried Saturday in the Columbus ceme
tery. This is tk second child that Mr.
and Mrs. Bailey have lost this spring.
Their friends and neighbors sympathize
with them in their sad affliction. It
seems strange, aa thia ia the fourth
child in the immediate neighborhood
that has died thia spring, all within a
radius of three quarters of a mile. The
whooping cough ia very bad in this
neighborhood at present.
Last Friday as the mail wagon was
returning from its trip, when near Mr.
Mahaffey's, two little children aged
about 6 and 7 stopped us; they were
crying and were very much frightened,
and told us to come quick that a man
was trying to break in their house and
mamma was alone. We took them in
the wagon and drove as rapidly as pos
sible to their home, it being Ed. Butler's
just north of town. When we arrived
the man had gone, taking a cut through
the rye field to the railroad track. Mrs.
John Randall, who lives near, said he
had come to her house and asked for a
drink, acting very strangely. He visited
all the houses in the neighborhood and
we have learned of no further mischief
than the frightening of the women and
children. He was quite well dressed in
a brown suit, smooth face and heavy est,
this being the description Mrs. Butler
gave us.
The oommitteeon resolutions present
ed the following which was unanimously
We, the teachers of Platte county in
institute assembled, do extend our heart
felt thanks to the honorable members of
the achool board of Columbus, Nebraska,
for the use of their well equipped High
school building, to the instructors in
general for their emcient services, to the
Columbus City Band, the Auditorium
orchestra, to the organist, and all parties
that assisted in the reception and con
tributed to our entertainment during
institute, and we feel under obligation
to Mrs. Leavy for her kindness in giving
the teachers and their invited friends an
icecream social, which was highly appre
ciated. We eepecislly thank our county
superintendent for his untiring efforts
in providing excellent instructors, and
in every way assisting in making our
institute one of the beat ever held in the
Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty
God to call from our midst one of our
faithful teachers, Miss Mary Glsason,
therefore be it
Resolved, That it ia the sense of the
teachers of -Platte county in institute
assembled, that in the death of Miss
Glsason we have lost a faithful and
lovable oompanioa and associate, a
dearly beloved friend, whose conscien
tiousness, interest, and faithfulness
leaves a vacancy loag to be remembered.
Be it further
Resolved, That we extend to the be
reaved family our aincsre sympathy and
command to them that consolation
which can only be derived from the
recognition of that power whose wisdom,
love and mercy are often mysteriously
bidden beneath trouble and aMtction,
Beit farther
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be furnished the bereaved family,
to the local press, aad to the county
Beth Beauk,
Maby Caoirar,
Gbouob Evess,
The Burlington offers round trip
tickets as follows: Boston, Man and
return $9&20, June 90 to July 4; Sarato
ga, N. Y aad return fStao, July 4 aad
5; Atlanta, Ga and return $94on, July
5 to 7; Baltimore, MA, and return $34.70,
July 17 and 18; Detroit, Mica., and re
turn $23.45. July 14 aad 15; St. Paul,
Mian and return $1465, July 19 to 21.1
Ask the ticket egeat for particulars. 2t
i"ll 1 1 M"M' 1 1 1' I I 111 1 14 I l-'K-i'H
Echols &
? t)
Patten's Son
Window Shades, Room
Mouldings, Glass, Var
nishes and Oils . . . .
ii mi i : i m i : i : iM..H":"t - 'i'':''i"i -
Paint Values
IlM Sun-Proof
represents the only true principle of scientific paint making, com
bining the highest degree of beauty with the greatest covering
capacity and durability. It is a dependable paint. It does not
lose its lustre. It does not peel, crack or chalk off. Guaranteed
to wear five years. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and
Advice (free) to
For Sale Toy
8. J. Ryan was in Omaha last week.
Ernest Dussell wss u Fremont visitor
Charles Segelke was in St. Edward
last week.
Mrs. L. J. Lee is visiting her mother at
Sibley, Iowa.
Editor BurrnsB was in Omaha Friday
and Saturday.
Mark McMahon came up from Lincoln
Monday evening.
Mrs. AL Butler was here over Sunday
from Hnmphrey.
Miss Etta Edwards of Chadron ia visit
ing Mrs. Charles Jones.
Misses Emma and Mary Zinnecker are
visiting relatives near Osceola.
Miss Myrtle Bratt of Genoa visited last
week with Miss Clara Beecroft
James Dowers of David City is visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. 8. E. Baker.
Miss Lois Love of Lincoln is the
guest of Mrs. N. H. Parks and family.
Mrs. Sacrider and daughter Miss Car
rie of Monroe were city visitors Fridsy.
Mrs. A. Drake spent Saturday and
Sunday in the north part of the county.
Miss Kittie Gentleman of Platte Gen
ter visited Miss Dene Kavanaugh Mast
Mrs. L. A. Ewing came down from
Madison to attend the teachers' institute
and visit friends.
Mrs. C. B. Stillman and daughter Miss
Lela started Monday evening for Los
Angeles, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Timm of Osceola
returned home Monday after a visit to
the Zinnecker family.
Mrs. W. T. Riokly and daughter Miss
Ruby left Monday for St. Louis to be
gone during the summer.
Mrs. Barney will start soon for her old
home at Louisville, Kentucky, where she
will visit for the summer.
Mrs. George MeKelvey has returaed
from the south part of the state to make
her home in Columbus again.
Rudolph and Hedwig Schupbach re
turned Wednesday s from Omaha where
they have been attending school.
Mrs. C. A. Wooaley and daughters
started Thursday for Eureka, Illinois,
where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kenney of Cannon
City,.CoIa, left Sunday for their home
after a visit with O. a Shanuon and
Will Heneley returned home Sunday
from the West Point Military Academy
and wilT spend his two months' vacation
at home.
Bey Martyn is down from Colorado for
a visit. Mrs. Martyn has been visitisg
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry,
for several weeks.
Mrs. O. H. Archer was in Omaha last
week, returning home Sunday. She was
called by the sfekaess of her sister, Mrs.
F. G. Becker, motherof MayocBecher.
Mrs. Cox, of Omaha, returaed home
Monday after a visit to her friend, Mrs.
aJ.Garlow. Mrs. Cox will be remem
bered here as Miss Lillie Gore, formerly
of Columbus.
Orville Fee, one of the graduates of
the State university, was in town Fridsy
on bis way home to FuUerton for a few
days' visit. He was accompanied by bis
mother and Miss Porterfield.
Miss Katharine Speiea returaed Sat
urday from Bedford, Iowa, where aha has
been engaged in Mr. Fillmaa's mflliaery
store for several moatha. She visited
in Omaha on her return home.
Mrs. M. A. Nichols and daughter Miss
Ella of Cadis, Ohio, ware ia the city a
few hours last Tuesday on their way to
Deaver aad later to California. Mm.
Nichols is a cousin of Mm M. K.Turaar.
hire. Caroline Spaica aad
H 1 1 1 1 S II "I-X
- Proof Paint
'H"i"!"i":";":"i":"K - - H - xtHxH - H4
practical painter says.
Patton's Sun-rProofPaint
is cheap paint for a good
house because it lasts
twice as long. Its good
paint for a cheap house
because it beautifies and
preserves it
Lab St., Milwaukee. Wte.
Burns left this Tuesday morning for
Harlan, Iowa. Miss Burns will visit her
aunt Mrs. Jessie Hansen and Mrs. Speice
will visit relatives whom she has not
seen for many years.
Miss Eleanor Post of Kingfisher, Okla
homa, arrived here Saturday on a visit
to her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Speice. She was two weeks coining from
Kingfisher, having been delayed during
the flood at Kansas City.
Frank McCaffrey, a former Columbus
boy, now of Cripple Creek, Colorado,
arrived here Thursday and visited with
his brother Peter and other relatives
until Saturday when he went to Omaha
for a short visit before returning to his
western home.
Mrs. John Scbram and daughter Miss
Eo of Seattle, Washington, arrived here
Friday on a visit to relatives. After a
ten days visit they go to New York where
they will be joined by Miss Rnth Schram,
who has been attending school there, and
the three will then go to Europe to pass
the summer in Italy, Switzerland and
other countries.
Mrs. John Stauffer and daughter, Miss
Rosa, left Monday for Ellensburg, Wash
ington, where they will visit Mrs. Staf
fer's daughter, Mrs. K. O. Kohler. Mrs.
Stauffer expects to remain about one
month and her eon John who has been
there since last winter will probably
return with her. Miss Rosa will remain
for the summer and attend the State
normal school which is located in
Ellensburg. -
Far Sale.
The show canon, counters, bakery and
fixtures in our shop on Thirteenth street.
Will be sold separately or collectively.
Hahn Bros.
Mare Low lat.
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets as follows:
San Francisco and return, $50.00,
July 1 to 10.
Los Angeles and return, $50.00, July
San Diego and return, $50.00, July
Ask the ticket agent for particulars.
farm far Salt.
202J acres, about 13 miles due west of
Bellwood, situated in Polk county, well
improved, 35 acres prairie meadow, 35
acres pasture and balance under good
cultivation. Price $33 per acre, easy
terms, possession now, if wanted; all
crops included. For full particulars
write, 'phone or come to King k Bittner,
agents for Andrew Dubas, owner, at
Oaoeols, Nebraska.
Notice ia hereby given that the Audi
torium Music Company, u firm composed
of B, W. Saley aad L. T. Osborn, is
hereby dissolved and the business will
hereafter be continued by said R. W.
8sley under the name of Auditorium
Music Company by said R. W. Saley,
who will pay all outstanding claims and
collect all bills due the firm.
R. W. Saley.
4t js L. T. Osborx.
Da Tarn Wamt a Caman?
Boys aad girls, here is a chance to
secure a good camera absolutely free.
We will give you a Brownie Camera,
made by the Eastman Kodak Co. This
camera ia aot a toy, but ia a reliable and
accurate instrument making pictures
24t24 inches, which are as sharp and
dear aa pictures msde by most $10 and
$15 cameras. Sand us three new sub
scriptions to the Weekly World-Herald,
prepaid for oaa year, and wa will at once
mail you, postage paid, a Brownie Cam
era. The subscription prion of the
Weekly World-Herald ia $1.00 per year.
Address, Weekly World-Herald, Omaha,
M. Abta ass just received a car
load of wiae form California, and it's the
beat. It
In Any light
Loaded in daylight, unloaded
ill daylight, develop
ed in daylight.
No Dark Room Necessary.
This is: Only l'omible Willi I ho
Not with any other camera.
Ours is the only place that
K O D A K S are for sale
in Columbus, Nebraska.
Brownie Kodaks $ 1.00
Brownie Kodaks 2.00
Other Kodaks up to 25.00
A full line of supplies, all nt fac
tory prices. Here you save express
or freight.
ft Man Who HasHU
Clothes Made Hero
Never permanently forsakes us. He
may go once to a ready-made cloth
ier, but lie gets dissatisfied and
comes back to us. We want the
man who wears ready-made cloth
ing to come here lor one suit. We
promise him clothing perfection at
moderate prices.
The Tailor.
All diseases of Kidneys,
aiaoaer. unurrnrnu.
Also KkeuBatura. Back
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Dent become discouraged. There Is a
cure fer you. If necessary write Dr. Fenner.
He has spent a life time curing Just sucb
as yours, an consultations free
"Your Kidney and Backache Cure ass
cared two very bad cases anion;: our custo
mers the past year whom the doctors bad
given up. J. L. STILL & CO., Woodland. Ia."
Druggists. 50c II. Ask for Cook Book Free.
CT UlTilCniHPC Sure Core. Circular. Dt
wlf IIUO UrMuC Fenner. Fredoaia.M.Y
For Sale by C. IIENSCHING.
Sale bills.
Hand bills,
Note heads,
Letter heads,
Meal tickets,
Ijeiral blanks.
Visiting cards,
Much checks,
Business cards,
Dance invitations,
Society invitations,
Wedding invitations,
Or, in short, any kind of
Call on or address, Journal,
Columbus. Nebraska.
Sound-Trip Sates via TJnian Pacific
to many points in the states of California,
Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Utah,
and Montana,
$15.00 to Denver, Colorado Springs and
Pueblo and return, July 1 to 10, in
clusive. 817.50 to Denver, Colorado Springs and
Foeblo and return, Jane 1 to Sept. 90,
(Glenwood Springs, $29.50.)
$30.50 to Ogden and Salt Lake City and
return, June 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive.
$34.50 to Butte and Helena and return.
May 19, June 2 and 10, July 7 and 21,
Ang. 4 and 18, Sept. 1 and 15.
$4450 to Spokane and return, May 19,
June 2 and 16.
$52.00- to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle
and return, May 19, June 2 and 16.
$45.00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
and return. May 12 to 18, inclusive,
Aug. 1 to 14, inclusive.
$50.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
snd San Diego and return, July 1 to
10, inclusive.
Garden Spot of the Earth.
The fertile soils of eastern Oregon or
Washington yield, in overflowing abund
ance and in the highest perfection, every
grain, grass, vegetable and fruit of the
temperate zone.
To enable persons to reach these
favored localities without unnecessary
expenditure of time and money, the
Union Paoino has put in effect Bound
Trip Homeeeekere' Excursion rates as
follows from Missouri river. Mav 19.
June 2 and 16: I
Siga of the Sic Watrfc.
iff tt.ryyra j
$32.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City.
$3150 to Butte and Helena.
$44.50 to Spokane.
$52.00 to Portland. Tacoma and Seattle.
Also One-Way Bates every day until
June 15, to many points in the states of
California, Oregon, Washington, Mon
tana, and Utah. W. H. Benham.
.. m
r. .
1 1 EASTON k CO.. I
We have added to our already
large stock of Hardware, a complete line of GROCER
IES, all fresh, clean, brjght and new, which we expect to
sell at quick sales and small profits, anil we extend to you
a cordial invitation to call and look us over, as we can
give you bargains of seasonable goods for present and.
future use.
BUTTER and EGGS takcu in exchange for both
Groceries and Hardware and the highest market price
Red Front Store
Colorado possesses some of the finest fishing and
hunting grounds on earth, the dense forests be
ing the natural covert for elk, deer and
other game. Its myriads of streams
teem with mountain trout; its
lakes, while also full of at
tractions for the angler
are also the haunt
of millions of
geese, ducks
and other
Saleadid Traia Service to Colorado
Accommodations jmtvidetl for
all classes of passengers.
Verji low rate.
during the summer
Fall iaforwatioB may be obtaiaed bj atldniaic
W. A. BENilAM, HlMt.
LYm French Periodical Drops
StrictlT vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED
RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, 1.50 per bottle.
Beware of cwBterfclM ud laUtaUoas. Tbeceaalae Is pat only la oute-boant
J wll5,,".!,,,r0" ' ' boule. thus: - -
ilar to WllXIAMS M VU. CO, Sol iiwti, C'lmluKS. oniu. sYiJgSg
For Sale by POLLOCK & CO.
20th Ceitiry Mmre
Lime and Fertilizer
The Delaace Plows; Baggies,
Carriages, WagoMs ami all
Kiad of I m pi em eats.
Done on Short Notice.
KaunBauruBfanjy ar auuuuaaaaBBj
all of
-Aftieks oa BaaNS,
a4 oa Week
la Mh Mr on
j hl
Barred Plyataath lack Ens
for Sale ! M
Paii Vn 1 ttmmAt U WW -?
cockerel; No. 2 by a Ringlet cockerel
and Xo.3 by a Coagor cockereL Ens
from first two peas f L50 per setting; of
thirteen. Egaa from No. 3, fl.00 per
setting of thirteen. Call on or address.
8spr3m Monroe, Nebr.
Isa8MsareCuAjeDdatoiFMss(ks I
aly Wsstem WHmia maftlaa tea I
eattsa UajiMilli saws aanisa at ta I
KewMk to aad ieJal !( I
Be Tk Wetls-Ur asserts treat
ever M ajtaial eatrntwaaaatB
TrocJvtt's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules.
A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT,
endorsed by the highest nedical authorities of, Europe and
America. Dispeased only in spherical capsules, which dis
solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or
disagreeable sjrmptosts. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by
druggists. Be sure and get the genuine.
Wheat, r8
Corn, old shelled bushel .'11
Oats bushel :)
Bye V bushel :ir,
Hogs V ewt. S t!5 f )
Fat steers cwt 4 U0& 4 2T,
Fat cows cwt 2 258 :i M
Stock steers cwt .'! 00 4 (X)
Potatoes t bushel 2T6
Butter V . 13 20
Eggs doaen 11
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. TIME T-AKCE,
Bait Lake City,
Ban Francisco
aad all poiata
St. Joseph.
ansae City,
8t. Louis aad all
points Bast and
No. 22 FMWBger, daily except Haadtiy. 75 a. ai
No. 32 Accommudatioa, daily except
Saturday. :Slp.
No. 21 PMeeaer. daily except Handay. 8:50 p. m
No. 31 AocomaodatioD. daily except
Haaday 130 p.m
12. Chicago 8Mcial
. 1:20 a. m.
. 430 a. m.
. 6:30 a. m.
.1250 p. m.
. 2.-05 p. m.
. '1-SCt p m.
: 5:27 p. m.
. AUaatio Expreaa.
ft-t flnai) IbIbb.1 I.rv.l
108. Fart Mail YZ'.
10. North Palte Local
o. uMtn upreae
S.Orerlaad Limited
3 htiVTnniu
tt Nnvttt Piatt.. Iwl
. 2JSa. m.
. SiSa. m.
.1105 a. m.
-12.-M p. m.
. 7.08 p. m.
. 8:35 p. m.
5- l,ft,dIsautol-
ho. zb, r reign t..
soarou SBASCH.
No. S3. Paaaeaaer.
No. 71. Mixed .
:10p. ib.
....... 7:13 r, m.
---............12:50 p. m
a. etlQllw fitt.
No. Si.
No. 72,
No. St.
No. 73.
......... 2zl0 p. cb.
............... 8 :39 a. 9.
No. 79.
HO.i. aixed 8:08p. b.
Norfolk Biinayrtaaiaa raa daily.
gNotoalB. Altaoa aad Spaldias braack
Grand bland Loeal dally except Saaday.
W. H. Bbxhaw. Ajaat.
i; "V-. ......................... l.w D. n.
D. 8TMI8.
"w "Sfffiffijgg aetta Fir
h.-r ..
1 f-
. v..- -.