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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1903)
2 -2! - 4 - ; - V - .-. - - 3FIx" v-"-" l- " .. i"3 " r... HkBrT j't5? jj: ?7 !-- n jrariral. 3 , jw- . YOLUME XXXJV.-JSTTMBER 10. COLUMBUS NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10.1903. WHOLE NUMBER 1.726. iifc8? a UKin - -- I. - I . r - t:. STRIKE IS OYER UNION PACIFIC AND WORKMEN REACH AGREEMENT. THE 1EM TO KTU1I TI All Old Emcloyes to Be Rci Wrtheut Discrimination Work Will Not Re Enforced May Gc on Piece Schedule or Not. STRIKE DECLARED OFF Jane 3 aad all old men return to work June 8. ALL OLD MEN REINSTATED, with out discrimination. AVERAGE INCREASE in wages of about 7 per cent. ilATTER OF PIECEWORK left to discretion, of employes. 03IAHA. The Union Pacific ma chinists, after being on strike for over eleven months, on Wednesday reach ed an agreement with the company, the enscsMal points of which are thoe stated above. The boiler mak ers having previously adjusted mat- tera with President Burt and Presi dent Harriman in New York, only the blacksmiths now remain without the fold and they began negotiations for peace with President Burt immedi ately upon the conclusion ot the ma chinists' affairs. They will continue their conferences until an. end Is .reached. Every indication, points to a settlement with them The anal settlement of the ma chinists was effected and ratified Tuesday afternoon. For three days the five members of the machinists' international executive board had been in conference with President Burt and Superintendent McKeen at headquarters here. The local and dis trict committees took no active part in the deliberations until the terms of the agreement had been reached and then the local and district men were invited to participate in the ratifica - tion. This procedure was mutually agreed on at the outset. From the first of this " conference the utmost secrecy as to the deliberations has been observed. The only statement made came at the conclusion of the conference Hugh Doran. chairman of the ma chinists' executive board, officially an nounced for the workmen that the strike had been settled along the lines indicated above and thai the terms were entirely satisfactory to the men. Late in the day this statement was made officially at Union Pacific head quarters, as comprising the cardinal features of the settlement: L The settlement was made on the same basis substantially as that of the. boiler makers, which, was in ac cordance with the recent telegram of 3lr. Harriman to Mr McNeiL 2. All old men are to be reinstated, without discrimination, if they desire to be and make application within sixty days. 2. Strike is declared off June C and men return to work June S. 4. The matter of piecework is to be 4eft to the men themselves. 5. All men are to return to work in the spirit of friendliness, cherish no animosity and old discipline is to ob tain. No new men are to be employed. I durinz the sixty days within which old men are siven to return to work. The machinists say their wage schedule has been raised on a grad- -uated scale, averagmg about T per cent. The question of what to do with the non-union men who took strikers' places and those who were employed m the shops when the strike began and remained there was not dealt with in the terms of peace, but was left to adjust itself. GOVERNMENT PROMPT TO ACT. Will Supply Subsistence and Tents Wher Needed. WASHINGTON. D C The war de partment is exerting its full powers and goinz to the extreme warrant of the law in aiding the flood sufferers in -the west. Putting aside all tech nical questions as to the power of the department to move in the mat ter without violating the law prohib iting the expenditure of government supplies without direct order of con gress. Acting Secretary Sanger h assumed full responsibility for the ex tension of relief where it is necessary to save human life, and if necessary congress will be asked later to ap prove this exercise of authority. By direction of the department the military officials in the distressed re gion will not only provide tents to shelter tne homeless, but will be al lowed to exercise their judgment as to the issue of such military supplies and rations as can be spared from the military nosts. Vraoman's Resignation Accepted. CHICAGO I1L The board of ad minisrratioc of Rnskin university has accepted the resignation of Walter tt -... . ..- -i,-,,. -- h w if f '- -f -- u iA3uKrei wiiaiuuu iciiCliLC l to his personal or business affairs. The beard emphatically declares against the propaganda of political socialism, though one of its depart ments is sociology, with courses in economic and industrial history" and economics from the union labor stand point. CfFcrc Government Aid. KEARNEY, Neb. President Roose velt on being informed of the flood situation in Kansas, telegraphed Gov ernor Bailey offering government aid to the sufferers. He received the fol lowing message from the governor: "Our people deeply appreciate tne solicitude EhowB. by your dispatcn. Topeka. Is herowaHy meeting- the sitaa tion thus fan Later- development will show- extent of need." SAVED BY y'BMr P H amV-BmBm amem MRBk H 'amaammi anac aBBaBBaamammalPrT?LBmemcSm5--'SJ ' Car Filled With tie Boat ear kjus. wjwekis. the history of railroad disasters oc curred some time ago- in Arixone. The Maricopa and Phoenix train was rush ing across the Tcmpe bridge, eight miles from Phoenix, whe a span of the bridge gave way, hurling the en gine and three ears to the dry, sandy aed betow. It was a mixed train, the arst three cars being freight csts aad the rest passenger carriages. The Tourth car. filled with passengers. APPEAL FOR HELP. Sufferers Frrsm the Flood Need As- sistance- TOPEKA. Kan. The flood situation in Topeka Tuesday night can be briefly summarized thus: Known dead, forty-eight. River fallen three feet and now re- i ceding at the rate of two inches an uigs and destroying the Gainesville nour. 1 cotton mills. The greatest loss of life Distress will be great among the is reported in the destruction of the refugees. . cotton mills, where about eighty per- Governor Bailey issued a proclama-' sons are reported killed and" scores in tion calling for help for flood suaTerers jured. of the state. Eighteen persons were killed in the Fifty deputy sheriffs armed, with city between the center of the town Winchesters go to North Topeka to and the railroad station, where four protect property, with orders to shoot footers whenever they are caught stealing. Governor Bailey's proclamation call- standing, but badly wrecked. The see ing for outside aid was decided upon ond and third floors were completely at a mass meeting, when the governor demolished and the employes caugnt was requested to issue the calL It under the wreckage and mangled. was decided to make this a general appeal for- the people all along the flooded districts of the state, as well as those in Topeka. The plan is to make Topeka the headquarters and to distribute the aid ed. The roof of the electric car bam from here to the other parts of the was lifted and the building badly dam state. There will be this general ap- aged. The 'ailroad depot suffered peal made, an appeal through the fra- also. Nearly every employe in the ternal organizations and other appeals Gainesville cotton mills was killed, in through various societies. eluding a large number of children. A meeting of the representative peo- The Southern depot was blown down, pie of North Topeka. who arc now on The Gainesville iron worKs were de the south side, was held to arrange molished and several people perished for systematic protection of their prop- in the wreck. The Gainesville cotton erty in North Topeka. Immediately oil mills were blown down. The old after tie meeting a large number of Piedmont hotel, now used as a school armed men left in boat3 for the north and apartment house, was razed and side, where they will guard property, half a dozen or more people were ; t killed in ir. The Richmond hotel was GOVERNMENT LENDS AID. 1 Ij. . Commander at Fort Leavenworth sues Ratiena. WASHINGTON. D. C Adjutant ' General Corbin received the following dispatch from Colonel Miner. manding at Fort Leavenworth: lssue 10.000 rations to Kansas City, Kan., las'- night. Need was impera tive. Ask to have action aaoroved. Rations .for this command up to 20th adon. 'mis is one hQ r&ia,- h w , ... tae largest cotton mills in the the country to the west of us it will be destitute ot food. Advise shipping raaons here as central point to meet this demand, x wo companies of en gineers and pontoon train are in read iness to be sent west Believe they might be of use at Lawrence." The department has taken no action yet upon Colonel Miner's recommenda tion for concentration of supplies at Fort .Leavenworth. No Habeas Corpus for Wright. WASHINGTON. D. C The United States supreme court has refused to grant a writ of habeas corpus in the case of Whittaker Wright, the finan cial operator who is in custody in New York awaiting extradition on charges made in England. The opin ions affirms the decision of the United States circuit court for tne southern' district of New York. Secretary Moody Will Quit. WASH1SGTON. D. C It is an- ? nounced authoritatively that Secre-J tary Moody of the navy will not re-' main- in. the cabinet longer than the i present term of President Roosevelt.' Mr. Moody expects then to resume the practice of law. Smallpox at Salt Uke. SALT t.attr, Utah. Over fifty cases of smallpox nave been discov-1 ered in the southeastern part of this ' eirv The disease, on arrniinr nf ir . " mild form was at first taken for csdeken pox and children attended ! seaooi aad tfceir parents attended ' church and" dances while suffering j or O'Farrill and the other arrested from the disease. The health officers-! innicipal efficers from the amnesty, believe nearly every family living in bnt a amendment offered by- the na ftir section of the city has been ex-' tionalist senators' was adopted, tor posed and a (juaranrine will result. cin.dig all offenders. Acoroves Chamberlain's Plana. LONDON--Among the latest to ex- SAN FRANCISCO. The United press fall approval of. Colonial Setr-' States transport Logan sailed for Ma tary Chamberlain's zoUrerein pfan is na '& stop at Gaum on the sot Premier Sedden" of New Zealand, who ! "i voyage to unload 190 tons ot declares that Germany's attitude to-'military supplies. On board were ward Canada is a blessing- in rffg. eighty-eight of the Fourth infantry, guiae- Sir Henry CampbelT-Banner-! 2s5 Thirteenth cavalry and 15 man. the liberal leader, has decided to cabin passengers. In. the- treasure drop his amendment on the subject, as thfl; second reading stage of the.1 tnarrce bill win afcrd opportunity for! I discussion of the matter. A MIRACLE. Nicely Rafaatf and Swayed en the Verse ef hangpoiseiL oven J apparently in a skiver of Had it fallen it most have dragged the next car with it, and the occupants of both have been crushed in the debris. It amis;, however, half an and half of! tho bridge, aa if ready to jump into space, tipped down at quite an angle toward the ground. The passengers all got out safely. The only fatality in this accident was that of a Pima Indian who was stealing a ride and got caught in the debris. A. TORNADO SOUTH. Report That One Hundred Wers Killed. GAINES VTLr.K Ga. Just after the roan hour Monday the ciy was strucic uy a terrific tornado, killing nhafcly 100 persons, injuring 130, unroofing the Ciry hotel aad other large buiW- large stores were blown down. The cotton mill was a three-story building. The first story was left It is estimated that there are at least seventy-five bodies under tha wreckage of the third floor, and it i3 nor known how many persons on the second floor of the building were kill- wrecked and several perished along with It. One hundred and twenty- five cottages, a school house and a church were blown away in the negro section of e town. Five brick stores on the main street of Gainesville were com-Vwept ay. In an 20'J aulldmgs ara i demolished here. The furious- wind next struck the plant of the Pacolet cotton mills at New Holland, two miles from.- the south, employing more than 600 hands. The storm spared the Pacolet factory, hat entirely demolished 100 of its cot tages, standing nearby and tenanted by its operatives. Here the fatalities were greatest, upwards of thirty-flve persons being- buried in the ruins of the cottages. Bodies were blown hun dreds of yards and many of them when picked upbore no semblance to humanity. The trunK of. one young boy was found with the head decapi tated as if by the guillotine. From New Holland the tornado swept onward to the east in the di rection at White Sulphur, a town of about leo persons. The extent of its destruction there cannot be definitely ascertained, but reports so far re ceived indicate considerable lass of life. Princess Goes -za Trance. YTENNA According to a dispatch from Salzburg, the grand duke of Tns- cany will go to Lindau on June 12 to meet his daughter, the former crown princess of saxony, for the first time since her flight with the French tutor, M. Giron. The princess win then go to France to take up her pe manent residence at Castle Ronnan. Pasaes an Amnesty RilT HAVANA The senate, by a vote. of eight to three, passed a bill grant- ' ajanesty to everybody arrested in connection wita. aisuurnances wnicn arose cut ot e strike ot the cigar leakers lst November. The bill as originally drawn up excluded ex-May- meIU "eney andTSuppi t2 is stored 2.000,000 pesos of the new" Philippine coinage, and 1600,000 ia. gold for payment of the army in tne Philippin , i AT THECAPITALl PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT REACHES U WASHINGTON. L FflHAL VBjGHbE HK Friende at the Seat ef jetce ta Have Him Back in After the Lang Trip, Ceveriitf, Miles. WASHINGTON President Roose velt returned to Washington, at T o'clock. Friday night from his memor able trip of aver two months throagh aat the west. He was given a hearty reception by the people of the capi tal, who lined the sidewalks as bis carriage, escorted by the battalion of high school cadets, was driven to the White House. The president cordially responded to the greetings given, kirn aad repeatedly- stood sp in Ms.og riage and waved his hat and bowed his acknowledgments. He looked toe picture of health. There was a large gathering of offi cials at the railroad station when the president arrived. They included Secretary Root. Secretary Hitchcoclr and Secretary Cortelyou and Postmas ter General Payne. Drawn up in line were Commander-in-Chief Kimball of the Department of the Potomac of the Grand Army of the Republic and a de tachment of Spanish war veterans un der command of Colonel Hodgson. The president spent a very few min utes in exchanging greetings with the assembled officials. He talked long er with Postmaster General Payne than with any of the others, the later throwing his arms about the president and apparently whispering to him. The president, accompanied by his brother-in-law. Captain W. S. Cowles. in full uniform, then entered a car riage and with his party, which, includ ed Attorney General Knox Secretary Wilson and Senator Fairbanks of In diana, was escorted by a battalion of high school cadets along Pennsylvania avenue to the White House grounds. At the entrance to the grounds the cadets halted and the president and his party passed them in review. The avenue was lined with people and the applause which the president received on every hand was outspoken and cor dial. The fire engines of the city were stationed at the intersecting streets an the avenue and the tolling of the bells added to the welcome of the presi dent. While the review of the cadets was taking place a large crowd of people repaired to the rearaf the White House, where the Marine band gave a concert in honor of the arrival home; of the chief executive. The people ex pected that the president would ap pear for a moment to acknowledge ue greeting home that would be giv en him, and in this they were not dis appointed. The band played the "Star Spangled Banner." aad then, as the president appeared on the portico, struck up "Hail to the Chief." The president made a brief speech. ONE MILLION PEOPLE STARVING. Women and Children Are Freely Offer ed far Sale. HONG KONG The estimate of Gov ernor Wong of Kwang Si province that over one million natives are starv ing in that province is pronounced here to be approximately correct. The dis tress in certain districts Is more acute. Cnildren and women are freely offer ed for sale. The rice harvest promises well, but it will not be available for from four to six weeks. Extensive re lief operations will be diflJcalt without foreign supervision, which will be hard to obtain in Kwang SL Assistance has been sent to that province from Hong Kong and Canton, but the funds available are becoming exhausted. TEST THE WIRELESS SYSTEM. Messages Exchanged Between Mayors ef Chicago and Milwaukee. MILWAUKEE. - The flrst official test of handling wireless messages be tween Chicago and Milwaukee under the Marconi system was successfully carried out Tuesday evening. "Mes sages were exchanged between the mayors of the two cities, also between, the business men who were at either end to witness the demonstration. The electrical conditions in the atmosphere at times interfered somewhat with the test At the stations at either end signal poles 240 feet high have been erected. The instruments are sheltered in a small building in close proximity to the 3ignal poles. The system will be used to conduct experiments with lake marine. In Government's Faver. WASHINGTON D. C The court of appeals in the District of Columbia decided the second class man matter case in favor of the government, re versing the decision of the lower court f The case was that or the postmaster general against Houghton inflTm & I Ou and invoivi&- tne arrni isafi m to the mails as second class 1T matter of certain puoiications. Shake Haneto While Dyjnay EL PASO. Tex. Two men. are dead and ee is dying as tae result at an other Texas duel at Eagle Lake, when Marshal Emard and TTITTbbi McDow saot each other ta death, aad Pierce Hammond, a bystander, received a mortal wound. McOow sent JQsard and as he fell ShsarC shot XcDow. tb& latter aaying- as he feH; "We are i both lose for, let aa be frfeaifcr Tftey then shook smai ami died. FACTORY GIRLS GIVEN CHEAP LODGING. kmemmemW WLm amfll 'ejVRr afaaPI i eta aafeBBBml WatlSmTmPemmsaP-' " CamTal . . R t & The of Irving in LowelL Is aaei t fee lees than in any other -v. J" American dry. JL man can get good board, aad room, for $2.30 a week, and a woman for $1.75. The corporation boarding-aoases have made the living so cheap. These boarding-houses were MAC HEN IS INDICTED. Grand Jury Returns True Rill Against Head of Rural Delivery. i WASHTNGTON-The grand jury on! Friday reported an Indictment against i August W. Machen. former superin-f ZT12L SaTrr arrested several days ago. charged I with sharing profits on government contracts for letter box fasteners. The indictment was brought for violation of section 5501 of the revised statutes. the penalty for violation of which Is a fine of not more han three times the f amount asked or accepted or received and imprisonment for not more than three years. The amount which the indictment states he received illegally is $18378.19 As an incidental ,!r nt rh. ;oi ligation. Thomas W. McGregor for-! meriy of Nebraska, in charge of the matter of rural delivery supplies for i the Pnsrnffw rfanan-mr ; txt,k; ton, and C. Ellsworth Upton, one of his assistants, today were arrested on warrants sworn out bv postoffice inspectors. The charge is conspiracv to defraud the government the gov - eminent in the purchase of pouches from C. E. Smith of Baltimore. Mr. Machen was in court with his attorneys when the grand jurv report- ed in his case and immediatelv gave honrf in tho. m nt n n. ,;.- .. .. uuu. . .u,uu-j mi iau ap pearance. NAMES OHIO TICKET. Myron T. Herrick Nominated for Gov ernor Without Oooositian. For fJivrr!ni fTPnv T tnrooTfr- . -"--'--, For Lieutenant Governor WARREN G. HARDING For Auditor.. WALTER. D. GLTLBERT or State Treasurer.. TV", s. iicKXNXON" ! For Attorney General . For-SuPr;n;eXHtinTON:.5XLIS ..ArGUSTL'S m. snoiSBS For School. Commissioner.. E. A. JONES For Member of Board oC Public Works GEORGE K. W.VTKLNS COLUMBUS. O. The republican state convention closed Thursday after nominating the state ticket, en dorsing Hanna for another term in the senate and- Roosevelt for another term as president. of acres of land. While Senator Foraker was presid- Sheriff McCuIloch wires from At ing. the delegates formulated the wood that he has Dewey and his men campaign cry of "Hanna. Herrick, under arrest. Harding and Harmony." It seemed to be the policy to have "harmony" on the ticket as well as in the declaration of principles. While-all conceded that it was "Hanna's year," yet he would not use his influence except that for the head, of the ticket he named his neighbor.. Myron T. Herrick. for gov ernor. The senator's great friend, George B Cox. of Cincinnati, certainly named Warren G. Harding for lieuten- ant governor and Wade Hampton Ellis for attorney general, as well as being the most potential factor in nominat ing Judge Summers. More Land for Settlement. SALT LAKE. Major James Mc rAiigfalin. representing the govern ment,, has closed a treaty with the Uintah Indians, as a result of which L250.00Q acres of reservation land win be thrown open far settlement in Oc tober, 1904. Counterfeit Twenty-Dollar Bill. WASHINGTON. D. C The treas- ury department announces the ap- pearance of a newcounterfeit. a pfao- tographic reproduction of the $20 is- p8"6 at the National bank of Minneap- clis. A" Anawer Filed. Cuban Treaty 1 Bead. PHUJLDELPHLA, Pa. The Penn- HAVANA. The permanent treaty syivaaia Railroad company filed in the ' between Cuba and the United States. United States court of. appeals an an- accompanied by a message of trans swer to the suit recently instituted by mion -ram President Palma.. was the Western Union Telegraph com- panywwhich asked the court to modify ft decree, which held that the Penn- syivaaia Railroad company had a legal naht to remove the poles and wires Lomicn has been instructed to ascer of -the telegraph company from along j g attitude of the London finao the rigfct of way ot the railroad, com- cjerg regarding the prospective Cuban J33?" loan for 10.000,000. " rifteen Hundred Need Help. ASHTNGTON General Chaffee sent to General Corbin a copy of the following dispatch from Lienten- at Gaisesvine, Ga.r "Fifteen"; people dependent upon char-t ity; 2W- serionslr injured." ! Artinery Oatrict ef ManHa. f 'AaCrru- An order was is- sued sere creatra; the arrinery. dm-j trie ef Manila toinctede all the coast ..add" artillery aboot MasHa: T on eardiirg-Hsueea. established years ago to shelter girla rales wereobserved,-and-even-nowia-L curfew sounds at 9 o'clock and the doors of the corporation boarding houses are locked at 10 o'clock. Girla who are out after that hour must ex plain. DESPERATE FIGHT lN WH,CH COWBOYS KILL THREE MEN. lik rare cause of trouble ( The Father and Three Sons are Killed Outright and another Son so Badiy Hurt That It Is Thought He Cannot Live. ST. FRANCIS. Kan. Authentic re ports received here from the scene of Wednesda2- night's tragedy in the f auuL" ""' UL CUUfll-T """cate ma; the Dewey cattle men wen1- to the nerry cattie rancn ana Kiuea r.. Jl- Berr owner of ranch; A. J. Berry, G. A. Berry; fatally wounded EL F. ! Berry, and seriously wounded Sam Berry. l ot taese were sons ot s. 31. Her- j Tae Eerry verston oC mter . 1S taat three oC them were workin ' m the Ueld and two of them at tfae house' nnarmeiL when a gang of the Dewey men- with Chaancey Dewey at their faead' rode up and deliberately attemPteri IO 11 them all. Dewey al- ' Iesea thaC they wenc av-r to ?et a Water tank thac beion?ed the land; . rhe BenT3 Penefi n ' hat they did the killing in self- ! defense. There has been bitter feeling be tween the Berrys and Deweys ever since the Deweys commenced ta ac quire title to all rhe land tney could in the southeastern part of this county and the adjoining corner of r ti -. . n-iwimu. snennan ana mamas coun- ,. . , UeS Be,TrS 3re e feW wfao bave stayed with their homes. and have been in continual litigation. Ir js saM that cfaanncev Dewev and - f - ". di(i tlle sfacoting. The coroner's jury finds that Channcey Dewey, from be- hind a sod wall killed one of the Berrys and mortally wounde.. another, and that the Berrys were unarmed. The tragedy resulted from the ever present flght between cattle and ranch men in this section of the coun try. Tfae Deweys belonging to a rich Chicago- concern. They cvn thousands HARRI MAN-GOULD INTERESTS- Said to Have Purchased the Erie Railroad. NEW YORK The Evening Tele- gram printed the following: "According to stories current in im portant financial circles Wednesday the control of the Erie railroad has been acquired by a combination of GouI,i' Harrinian and Rockefeller in terests. ana the road will be made the eastrn connection of the Burling ton, Union Pacific. St. Paul and Gould systems. Tne Pennsylvania has been crowded out. although Pennsylvania interests, have been heavy buyers of Erie shares." Favors Chamberlain's Plan. LONDON A telegram was receiv ed from Albert BracT:in. the attorney general of the Australian common wealth, saying that the Australian commonwealth and all the govern ments at the separate Australian states approve Colonial Secretarr chamberlain's proposal. Only an ex, trsme seiluan of free traders oppose .. .,. -., ;..., t ;. . sureti for the new policy when it is kxidax .fcu ai mtuicujr; ixxtii'Ji 14. us tmi submitted. g senate and referred to the r committee on foreign relations. The government organ. La Discuscioa. aa- nonnces that the Cuban minister at Make Less Money Than Before. BUFFALO. N. T. Joim Mitchell an,? the fcur vice presidents of the miners union in the anthracite re-1 icn held a conference Sunday rela- f tive to the various disputes between ! their miners and their employers growing out of the recent strike , awards. President HitcheU says that the miners make less money than be-' fore rhe strike A conference will be called in "Wllkesbaree scon, to consid- er the- situation furthers i frMiHl 8 Bttnane TTirflaf amu , a Yi i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i n a i it It is officially announced that Presi dent Louhet will proceed to London oetween July IS and 20 to return the visit of King Edward. Present indications are that the Yukon's output of uld this season will exceed that of last year by from Jl.000.000 to I3.00O.Q00. The directors of the United States Leather company met at New York! and declared the usual quarterly div idend on the preferred stock. A ferryman aad eleven chiliren were drowned as the result of the capsizing of a ferryboat on the river Warthe, near Dembro. Poland Lady Henry Somerset has- resigned from the presidency of the National British Women's Temperance associa tion on account of her health. iteP-raaent Commander Smtih of , the Kansas G. A. R. has fixed Sep tember IS-20 as the date for holding the state reunion at Lawrence. 3Irs. Richard J. Oglesby. widow of the farmer governor of Illinois, was taken in a special train from Chicago to Elkhart, owing to her critical ill ness. Savings deposits in Chicago banks have passed the SIOO.000,000 mark. In the past year they have increased upwards of 122.000,000,. or more than 2 per cent. Three men were killed by a caving bank in a mine near Cecilville. CaL The victims were Will Luddy. a news paper man, and two miners, named Booth and Cady. The Southern Presbyterian general assembly decided against consolidat ing the office of the general superin tendent of Sunday school and young people's societies. W. J. Bryan announces that he is perfectly willing to give up the lead ership of his party, but he will not consent to a surrender of the silver plank, in the platform. Emperor William has presented the New York Yacht club with a gold sup. two feet high, to be known as. tne emperors cup to be competed cor the first time next falL The navy department has decided to send the battleship Kearsaze to Kiel is flagship of the European squad on instead of the Alabama, which could not be prepared in time. It is stated that out of 2t)O.OQO.flt)0 people in Africa, only 2.000.000 have ever heard the gospeL In the Soudan region alone there are 30,000.000 who re without religious instruction. Considerable anxiety has been aroused by a recrudescence of the activity of 3Ionc Pelee. The general zouncil urges the immediate evacna ion to the entire northern part of the island. An active movement has been set 3n foot in southwest Louisiana to se cure the commutation of the death 3entence of A. E. Batsan of 3Iissouri. convicted of the murder of seven nembers of the Earl family Head camo ilodern Woodmen of Vmerica has been officially notified hat concessions would be made by he various railroad lines in connec ion with the coming head camp, to be held in Indianapolis June 1.7-20. The program far the international concert to be given at Berlin under 'he Wagner commemoration society .n October, has been arranged by rhe musical committee. Profl Stillman Kelly of Yale will conduct the over ture to his opera. "Aladdin." as the American selection. The Wabash railroad will take 500 Nebraska school teachers from Chi--azo to Boston for the annnal meet ing of the National Encampment as sociation. July 2. The party will travel in two special trains and will make a stop at Niagara Falls and other points of interest. The secretary of the interior has received a telegram from F C. Hub bard, world's fair commissioner for the Indian territory, announcing that 325.000 had been subscribed by the citizens of the territory to secure the I23.Q0U appropriated by congress for the territory's exhibit at St. Louis. The excess in the treasury receipts over its expenditures for the first eleven months of the fiscal year amounts to $:JS.34i.in5. and treasury experts estimate that for the year the surplus will be about 344.000,000. The toral receipts for the year to date are 151053.471. and the total expendi tures S471.5S4.S55. The surplus for the present month is $5,528,210. S. E. Pette. inventor of the ma chine for making paper bags, died at Cleveland. O.. aged 81 years. He was a native of Foxboro, Mass. Over fifty cases of smallnox have kea discovered in the southeastern part of Salt Lake City. The armored cruiser King Alfred has been selected to take the Prince and Princess of Wales to India in the autumn Far want of sufficient evidence I2S policy shop cases were dismissed at Chicago. Should present indications hold j good, it is 3aid that the wheat crop j of 1313 in this country may break ail records. It is estimated that Kansas alone win harvest 1Q0.0Q0.IM0 . . . . . . . i nu3neis, UKianama w,uw.ui.mj and e- braska G0.0004H)0. The Italian population of New , York, which must now be toward 250.000. in increasing, by immlgra- tion. at so ranid a rate that it is likely" to be somewhere about 300,0) in 1910.. for its natural increase is also ' large. The council of Trinity college at I Dublin has recommended rfrr the ' . , M .. , . , Trcxen- w tixt istitutiott and the ccIfti3n of the compulsory study of Greek. inntiii:iii I ti lllllll atataaaat Cobarfms State at ! Sift BoodSOwt c a o i mma QiMcromi , a VIC- a. eauseew. cmmm. - . c mmr l. mmmmr. IHM I MULST. 0 cco)C4)oaiC'Goaa.c-c GCC'00'C'a0a'yO'000 . A eckty Repifeiicmm Devateitotht of X X -j Columbus, THE County Platte, Tbe State of -Nebraska- THE United States, odt&e M If Mfltmt n Unit of Measure vith US M $1.50 Year, If Paid in Adraooev Sample Copies Sent Tree to any Address. HENRY CASS. J. UNDBTAKEB Coffxas and Metallic aiaUlaaaeat LI Columbua M. 11 Wee Columbus Journal. Anyv tof Refwrm. af m CLUBS aTTH THE J- COUNTRY. O M9l2eS9KMTOBlAIf9a fememeV Ou NEW lwfaV o Sdfc Sltmo) Ticket, I I a q eweeee MM 15he Columbus JournaJ, rUamt at Uacfsloea la awt Ottmaaacrmem ay DaMara IlinnnmtY 111 ! ' Kkiniimi Ti iiuiiiiiw k i OffldX 1 w I i "'If, S - tKri z ."MT . V .? J -i.rrrart .