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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1903)
r ;rY - : ! v ' -- 'rT&Majptirzrz,' : -. -wjri" a" t ' V - - -fc- -' r " i'L' - - 51 FTE J w " --" - $A . "TV & Citato n lourm -"? Vk :v A T v VOLUME XXXJV.-NUMBER 8. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1903. WHOLE NUMBER 1.724. s -:, i SIGN THE TREATY CUBA AND UNCLE SAM CON CLUDE COMPACT. THEIR SIGNATURES ARE PLACED All Provisions of Piatt Amendment Are Incorporated Objections Made Are All Overcome An Urgent Mes sage from President Palma. HAVANA The permanent treaty between the United States and Cuba, in which is incorporated all the provi sions of the Piatt amendment, was signed Friday afternoon. The signing of the treaty took place at 4:30 at the office of the secretary of state. The signers were Secretary of State Zaldo and United States Min ister Squiers, who constituted special plenipotentiaries for that purpose. Se nor Zaldo and Mr. Squiers simply met, accompanied by their secretaries, and the signing was accomplished and cop ies of the treaty exchanged within a few minutes. The permanent treaty contains no provision for its abrogation and no extraneous conditions of any kind. It simply incorporates the entire Piatt amendment into the form of a treaty. The length of time consumed by the negotiations was principally due to the fact that the Cuban government desired to include in the treaty vari ous extraneous conditions, especially one to the effect that there should be no intervention into Cuban affairs by the United States, except through the intervention of the United States. All these conditions were rejected. The Associated Press' correspondent saw a number of senators with re spect to the ratification of the naval stations treaties during this session of congress, but they were not in clined to be communicative. It re mains evident that there is a tendency to allow the treaties to go over this session. An urgent message from President Palma, which will accompany the sending of the treaty, to the senate, will have a strong effect. Senor Sanguilly. the most active op ponent of the treaties with the Uni ted States, said he would oppose the permanent treaty, because under it the United States, being the stronger power, could itself decide when inter vention was desirable, regardless of the wishes of Cuba. Other senators say that the paragraph relating to the Isle of Pines should have been eliminated. It is now expected that an agree ment covering the details of the Uni ted States naval stations will be reach ed by President Palma and Unitea States Minister Squiers within three weeks. Albanians Are Humbled. CONSTANTINOPLE. The Turkish fficials observed much reserve re garding the details of the fighting which occurred during the advance of the Turkish troops in Ipek, Albania, which was occupied May 15. Several hundred Albanians are reported to have been killed or wounded. The Al banians, it is declared, have telegraph ed to the sultan announcing fidelity and readiness to accept the measures necessary for the pacification of their submission and expressing their Al bania. Death to Be the Penalty. SAN JUAN. P. R. In the Humacao district court of first degree Pedro Diaz was convicted of murder during a political riot at Humacao last Au gust in killing a boy named Octavio Reyes. Diaz will be sentenced Satur day to be hanged sixty days later. This is the first conviction under the new code and the hanging will be the first to occur in Porto Rico. It is certain the governor will not interfere. Kansas Swept by Cyclones. CLAY CENTER. Kan. A severe cy clone passed over Clay county Friday afternoon, striking the southeast part of the county, going just east of Broughton and west of Gatesville. Kan. As far as known no one was killed in Clay county but at Bala, a little town in Riley county, two little girls named Daub were killed and a number of persons injured. Five houses were blown away at Bala and many cattle killed. Disturbances in Russia. BERLIN The Lokal Anzeiger's cor respondent at St. Petersburg tele graphs that serious disturbances and rioting have broken out in the prov ince of Saratoff and that the peas ants are buring and sacking the resi dences of the land holders in many places. Government Accepts Bids. WASHINGTON. D. C Colonel Pat ton, acting quartermaster general of the army, decided to accept two bids for carrying freight from the Pacific coast to the Philippines. The bids were the same oa miscellaneous freight and passengers. The contract will be made with the Pacific Mail Steamship company for San Fran cisco freight and with the Bos ton Steamship company for freight from Seattle. Shamrock Sails May 28. GLASGOW. Sir Thomas Lipton's squadron of four vessels will sail for the United States May 28. two days aheard of time. Sir Thomas himself will sail for New York between June 15 and June 20. Gold for South America. NEW YORK. The London and River Platte bank, lioited. -will ship 91.000.000 gold on Monday to Buenos Ayres. WHAT THE TREATY CONTAINS. Some of the Features of the Cuban Agreement. WASHINGTON. These provisions, among others, are succinctly stated in the Cuban contract: "Cuba is never to enter into any treaty or other compact with any for eign power which will impair or tend to impair its independence. The gov ernment is not to assume nor contract any public debt to pay the interest upon which and to make reasonable sinking fund provision for the ulti mate payment of which the revenue of the island, after paying the gov ernment expenses, shall be inade quate. "Cuba consents that the United States may intervene for the preserva tion of the Cuban independence. Cuba ratifies all acts of the United States in Cuba during the military, occupa tion. Cuba will make provision for the sanitation of the cities of the island to the end that a recurrence of epidemic and infectious diseases may be pievented." MEET DEATH IN THE FLOOD. Three Persons Are Drowned at Sterling. TECUMSEH. Neb. Four Inches of rain in two hours Friday night has thrown the Nemaha river out of it3 banks and the ruins of spring-planted crops are now rushing down the cur rent. At Sterling, a few miles above here. a family of three, consisting of a mother, brother and child, were drowned while attempting to ford a torrent trom the hillsides. Two of the bodies have been recovered. The bot tom lands are all under water, while the hill land3 are washed bare and a large per cent of the corn will have to be replanted. The Burlington re ports several small washouts, but not so serious as to impede traffic. The river is now falling, but another se vere rain threatens to do more dam age. SOME MORE BOODLE EVIDENCE Ten Thousand Dollars Used to Defeat One Bill. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Testimony before the grand jury Monday was to the ef fect that $10,000 was paid to defeat tne bill to reduce the fees of the ex cise commissioner of St. Louis. This money, it was testified, was distributed In blocks of $500. W. T. Carrington. state superintend ent of schools, and R. P. Thompson, chief deputy excise commissioner, were witnesses before the grand jury. Despite the money used to influence members of the legistature against the bill, a compromise -was finally adopt ed which gave to the excise commis sioner only 40 per cent of the income of the office. Just who paid the boodle money has not yet been divulged. Treaty Negotiations With China. WASHINGTON. D. C Treaty ne gotiations between the United States and China commissioners are again moving forward and the prospect is bright for a successful issue. Prac tically only two points of importance remain to be agreed on and one of these is the provision for the opening of the new ports in Manchuria. This has been the most serious ob stacle to the consummation of the treaty. Lieutenant Walker Killed. MANILA Lieutenant Waltcer of the constabulary, who was reported miss ing after the recent fighting in the island of Cebu, was, it became known later, killed by a superior band of fa natics which surrounded the lieuten ant's party. Two privates of the con stabulary were also killed and three were captured. Two of these prison ers were murdertd One of them es caped. Itch Grows on Kansas Stock. TOPEKA. Kan. The State Live Stock Sanitary commission is in ses sion here to consider the best method cf combating the Texas itch. As a result Governor Bailey will impose a still more rigid .quarantine and an or der will likely be made to dip all cat tle coming into the state American Does Homage at Tomb. ROME: General Jacob Smith visit ed the tombs of King Victor Emman uel and King Humbert in the panthe on Tuesday. He was received by a group of Italian veterans, to whom he said he wished to pay his tribute of respect to the two late kings, who were soldiers, like himself. Sprinter Lowers World's Record. LONDON. Alfred Shrubb on the London Athletic club grounds ran three miles in fourteen minutes, seven teen and three-fifths seconds, beating the world's record by nearly two sec onds. Sweden's Sum for St. Louis. STOCKHOLM. Sweden. The Rists dag passed the bill granting $32,000 for the expenses of participation in the St. Louis expasilion. Roadmaster Ahern Killed. CRESCO. la. While attempting to beard a northbound train at this point T. Ahern. roadmaster of the Iowa and Minnesota division of the Milwaukee road, fell under the wheels and was killed. Children Killed by Sunstroke. NEW YORK Two children a boy and a girl died on the street ia Brooklyn- Wednesday from the excessive heat. CANCEL OF RISES THREE THOUSAND PROMOTIONS WITHDRAWN BY PAYNE. LEGAL MAXIMUM IS REACHED The Postal Probe Continues, Mr. Heath Being Notified of the Tulloch Charges on Which Reports Were Ex pected and Came Forth. WASHINGTON The promotions of over 3,000 postoffice clerks throughout the country, recently authorized, were cancelled by Mr. Payne. First Assistant Postmaster General Wynne reported to Mr. Payne that the tabulation of clerks in each grade in postoffices of the first class had been completed. This work was undertaken in acocrdance with the order to rear range the salaries of clerks already classified, so that the number in the several grades should not exceed the number specifically prescribed by con gress. The former classification was made by George W. Beavers, just prior to his sudden resignation as chief of the division of salaries and allowances. The new schedule approved by the postmaster general, after transferring 5 per csut from grades where there are vacancies, as authorized by a re cent decision of the comptroller of the curency. makes it necessary to cancel 3,046 promotions in the several grades in which there is an excess above the legal number and in which 7,042 pro motions have been authorized. The report says: It will not be necessary in anv case to reduce any clerk, but simply to can cel 3,046 out of 7.402 promotions here tofore authorized to take effect on July 1. 1903. We will p'roceed at once to ascertain exactly the number of promo tions in each grade that it will be nec essary to cancel at each postoffice and will then inform the postmasters and allow them to secure the increases which must be cancelled. Most of the excesses in the number in the respective grades of clerks scat tered throughout the United States at first class presidential offices are in the $900 and $1,000 per annum classes. The excesses in grades are d'vided among those grades as follows: Two hundred and fifty-eight excess in the $700 grade. 852 in the $900 grade. 936 in the $1,000 grade. 451 in the $1,100 grade. 243 in the $1,200 grade. 220 in the $1,300 grade. 82 in the $1,400 grade and 18 in the $1,500 grade. The postmaster general to-day sent to Mr. Heath a copy of the charges filed by Mr. Tulloch, together with a letter requesting any suggestion he may submit on the subject It is the first official communication with Mr. Heath during the investigation. None of the supplemental answers to the postmaster general giving Mr. Tul loch's definite charges have been re ceived. G. A. R. SPURNS LEE'5 STATUE. Veterans Declare Capitol Should Ad mit No Monuments. M'PHERSON, Kan. The Grand Ar my of the Republic, Department of Kansas, the twenty-second encamp ment of which is in session here, pass ed a resolution protesting against Vir ginia's proposal to place a statue of Robert E. Lee in the rotunda of the capitol at Washington. The resolution protests against the "placing in said rotunda the statue of Robert E. Lee or any other person who has been disloyal to the government of the United States and has volun tarily borne arms against it.' Same Terms as United States. WASHINGTON. Great Britain has decided to accord China the same terms in the settlement in the Boxer indemnity as those accepted by the United States. The state department has been informed that the English charge at Peking has signified the willingness of his government to ac cept payment on a silver basis for a term of years, serving of under bond the right to receive payment of any deficiency that might exist should it hereafter be decided that the pay ments should have been made on a gold basis. This very much strength ens the attitude of the United States. High Water Hurts Santa Fe. TOPEKA, Kan. The Santa Fe is having trouble with high water on the Southern Kansas division. Rain began falling Thursday and continued all night and is still falling. The rivers began to leave their banks and are now so high that the trains cannot run. William Burke was drowned at night while fording Sycamon creek, near Independence. Kan., in a wagon. Uncle Sa-n's Cash. WASHINGTON, D. C Today's statement of the treasury balances in the general fund shows: Available cash balance, $222,000,166; gold, $103, 748,115. Race Leads to Duel Challenge. PARIS. M. Charron, a prominent sportsman, has challenged M. Marghil- man to fight a duel, as the result of a controversy over a race at Chantiliy. Modocs to Go Home. WASHINGTON. D. C The com missioner of Indian affairs has been informed by the Indian agent at the Quapaw agency in Indian territory that most of the forty-seven Modoc Indians who constitute the remnant of the tribe which in 1876 perpetrated the massacre at- the lava beds, are preparing to leave for their old home on the Klamath reservation in Oregon. The Indians give as a reason their preference for the Pacific coast. ST. GAUDENS' STATUE - - IBawV YaiSBr J J VBBBBSBjBjbBBv Yjt A y" eaaBr eaBBB BBBF .BBBBBBBBaBBBBBEf BbBbV BbBbL. BBBJ'BBBBBBBbVbbIbBBbV mf eW BBBBHaVaBBT - ""Vi." " ' ""t'BLBTB?BaBBT;:""" ' " On Memorial day the Chamber cf Commerce will present to the city of New York Augustus St. Gaudens he roic statue of Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, a work that has been called the finest piece of sculpture created in 400 years. When the statue was exhibited in the Salon of the Champs de Mars, in 1899. the place of honor was given to it, that being the first time such a mark of artistic appre ciation was ever shown to an Ameri can sculpture. The statue, which is of bronze. Is to stand at the entrance to Central Park, at Fifth avenue and Fifty-ninth NEW RULES FOR INSPECTION. Special Fitness of Men Will Ce Con sidered. WASHINGTON, D. C General Bur ton, inspector general cf the army, with the authorization and approval of Secretary Root, has prepared an order designed to bring the inspector general's department into closer rela tions with the army. Hereafter all of ficers assigned to the different depart ments as inspectors general will be exclusively under the control of thu department commander, who will con trol their assignments. Reports will be transmitted through the adjutant general's department to the inspector general. All inspectors of armories, arsenals, depots, etc.. and of important posts and commands, including West Point. Leavenworth, Fort Riley. Fort Mon roe and Fort Totten. will be directed by the secretary of vrar and made by officers recommended by the inspector general with a view to their special fitness for the work enjoined. REPORT TEN FEET OF SNOW. Figured that 90,000 Head of Stock Perished. BUTTE. Mont. Ten feet of snow is reported from Coutts. Mont., near the boundary, and the thermometer is ranging from 4 to 6 degrees below j zero. Traffic on the Great Northern is seriously interfered with by the drifting snow and the trains are be ing operated only under the greatest difficulty. Conservative estimates place the j loss of stock at about $2,000,000 and the number of heac of stock lost is figured at about 90,000. This loss will be swelled by the ruin of the fruit crop throughout northern Montana, which, it is understood, is a total fail ure. Indignant at Count Cassini. LONDON. The Jews of London are very indignant at the assertion of Count Cassini, the Russian ambassa dor at Washington, that the troubles at Kishineff were the outcome of the usury of the money lenders. The ed itor of the Jewish World offers to give $250 to any American charitable institution named by Count Cassini if J the latter can substantiate his asser- tion to the satisfaction of three Americans. TOO MUCH MONT PELEE MONEY. Committee Has $84,000 Which Mayj Go to Filipinos. WASHINGTON The committee appointed by the president and the other committees ,formed to raise funds for the relief of tha sufferers by the Mont Pelee eruptions have completed their worn. They report that of the $157,000 collected only $73, 000 has been expended and it is not considered expedient to disburse the remainder. President Roosevelt has suggested that the funds still on hand" be sent to Governor Taft in the Philippines for relief work there and the commit tee announces that this suggestion may be followed, or contributors may have the remainder of their subscrip tions returned to them. Up in a Balloon. PARIS. Santos-Dumont made a successful ascent in his steerable bal loon at Neuilly Thursday afternoon in the presence of 3.000 spectators, in cluding the minister of finance', M. Bouvier. At the Bois de Boulogne a number of evolutions were gone through amid the applause of the spectators. After maneuvering for half an hour at a height of 600 feet above the polo grounds Santos-Dumont returned to Neuilly. Hay Receives Resolutions. WASHINGTON. D. C Some of the resolutions adopted last Sunday by various mass meetings and conven tions respecting the Kishineff mas sacre reachad Secretary Hay Tuesday. They will receive carefu considera tion, and it may be some way will be found by which the substance of these resolutions can be" communicated to the Russian government as an evi dence of the feeling aroused in the United States. OF GEN. SHERMAN. street. Mr. St. Gaudens' work repre sents the hero of the "March to the Sea" seated on his charger, in full uniform of a general in the field, his head bared as if in response to the acclaiming voices of his soldiers, his campaign hat in his right hand held in the fine free motion of a salute. Immediately in front of the charger is a woman's figure symbolizing Vic tory, her robes fluttering backward in the breeze created by the forward movement, and in her upraised hand the palm branch of peace. Artisti cally the work is unquestionably tho finest in America. New York Press. LOSS VERY HEAVY. One Thousand Killed and Three Hun dred Weu-ded. WASHINGTON, r. C Advices of a thoroughly reliable character received in Washington, under date of May 1, show that the Venezuelan revolution ists are not only holding their own, but are making considerable headway. The advices say: The districts of Coro. Barisquisimo, Torquas, on the west side. Ciudad Bol ivar, on the Orinoco, and its surround ing country are still In the power of the revolutionists. Within sixty miles of La Guayra. in the Rio Chico dis trict, the revolutionists are holding forth, and although the government a few weeks ago sent an expedition there to drive them out. they succeed ed only in making them retreat, and within a few days they were again back there. A 'atle took place in which the government lost over a thousand men and about 300 wounded were brought back to La Guayra after a two day3 fight. "Ob tho other band, the revolution ists have not succeeded in ousting the government or in winning any partic ular fight, but they, are decimating the government troops and the govern ment now has no more than 3,00u men under arms. An expedition went from La Guayra about 1 500 men to Tucacas, there to meet the forces of the revolution ists, but the result is very doubtful. Two days ago the news came that General Matos has left Curacao and landed in Venezuela at a point called Chirivirichi) which is a few miles west of Puerto Cabellc. It is said that an aggressive campaign on his part ia again to be undertaken. AFTER A POSTAL CLERK'S SCALP. May Be Removed for Promoting Suits Against Government. WASHINGTON, D. C Second As sistant Postmaster General Shallen barger has directed Svend Schibsby, a railway postal clerk at Kansas City. to show cause why he should not b dismissed for promoting suits against the government for traveling expenses of postal employes. There are 9.000 railway postal clerks m the country and the purpose is to prevent a wide spread movement having in view the prosecution of a claim which the de partment regards as preposterous. The position of the postoffice de partment is that the -designated head quarters of these clerks is the route on which their runs are made, and not the city or town where they may hap pen to live. A case is now pending in the court of claims in this city in volving this question ot their travel ing expenses. Letters Received at Washington. WASHINGTON-Another large batch of letters came to the state department all relating to the Jewish massacre at Kishenev. The department is acknowl edging the receipt of all these with promises of consideration. The Rus sian government appears to have dene what it could to restore order in the disturbed section and seems to be punishing the perpetrators of the out rages. " Chinese Treaty a a Standstill. WASHINGTON, D. C No progress is reported from the United States treaty commissioners in China. Tb9 exact nature of the obstacle to the consummation of the trade treaty is not known. The Chinese commis sioners make one statement i the matter; the Russian govern ment makes another and conflict ing statement, and the commis sioners do not know which cf them to believe. President Hcnors Hanna. CLEVELAND. O. President Roose velt accepted an invitation to attend the wedding of Miss Ruth Hanna and Joseph Medill McCormick of Chicago on June 10. The president and Mrs. Roosevelt will arrive at Cleveland on the morning of June 9. probably re turning home on the following after noon. The ceremony will be perform ed in St. Paul's Episcopal church, on Euclid: avenue, by Bishop Leonard. A POSTAL DEFICIT THE . O. DEPARTMENT IS $227,300 BEHIND. MACHEN IS MUCH TO BLAME Peetmaater General' Payne Decides to Ask Congress for Special Appropria tion in December, but Meanwhile Rural Delivery ia Badly Crippled. WASHINGTON Congress will be asked at the opening of its next ses sion to make an appropriation to cov er deficiencies in both the regular de livery service and the rural free de livery service of the postoffice depart ment. Postmaster General Payne cm Thursday announced that this deficien cy now aggregates exactly $227,300, of which $105,700 is in the free delivery branch. The postmaster general said that he much regretted the existence of the deficit and for the first time publicly criticised the administration of A. W. Machea, the general superintendent of the free delivery system, who is on in definite leave of absence. "This Is not the first time that a de ficiency has occurred in the free de livery service," said Mr. Payne, "but I regret its existence. At the opening of the last congress Mr. Machen point ed out that without additional appro priations no more routes could be es tablished beyond those ready to be in stalled January 1. He said, however, if congress appropriated $500,000 for the purpose the work could be contin ued during the rest of the fiscal year. This appropriation was promptly made, but it was exhausted. "Despite this fact the office (the free delivery office) was going on increas ing the deficiency, and if we had not taken steps to curtail the expenditures and suspend the establishment of routes until the beginning of the next fiscal year, the deficit would have been much larger. It was not good admin is tration." Continuing, the postmaster general said that part of the deficiency wa3 discovered before Mr. Machen was gi en his leave. "He reported a part of it himself." Mr. Payne added. "First Assistant Postmaster General Wynee recently reported to me that $20,000 deficiency existed in the rural service, and Mr. Wynne and myself agreed that by eco nomical measures the department might eliminate that. A bureau offi cer should .not incur a deficit without consulting his superior officer, the postmaster general. I cannot stand for that kind of administration. An official must be held to a more strict accounting. I do not say that thervi was anything criminal or anything wrong in Mr. Machen's action, but it was certainly loose administration, and he should have had his business more in hand. I believe, however, that congress will quickly vote the money to cover the deficiency." To Test Anti-Trust Law. WASHINGTON. D. C Two cases intended to test the validity of the Texas anti-trust law were docketed in the United States supreme court. The cases are those of the state of Texas vs. the National Cottonseed Oil com pany and the Southern Cottonseed Ooil company, both New Jersey companies. The two companies were consolidated and the consolidation acquired other oil factories, the combination result ing in the formation of a trust, as al leged by the state asd not denied by the companies. It is stated that one result of the combination was the fix ing of the price of cottonseed at $17 a ton. The combination was pronounc ed illegal by the Texas courts and the oil companies bring the cases to the supreme court on writ of error, alleg ing that the Texas anti-trust laws are in contravention of both the federal and the stata constitutions. FENCES MUST COME DOWN. Hitchcock Denies the Reoort That Time Has Been Extended. WASHINGTON. Secretary Hitch cock said Thursday that the report that there had been extension of time to July 1 for the removal of fences around public lands used for grazing purposes was incorrect. An inquiry of this character came to the interior department from Ne braska. Shortly after the adjourn ment of congress the department issued orders to its agents directing the removal of the fences, and the law, the secretary said, would be car ried out. "In some of the other states the removal of the fences has been in progress for a year or more. Eight Thousand Homeless. MANILA 'a wo thousand native houses have been destroyed by fire in Tondo district of Manila. About 8,000 persons are homeless and are being red and sheltered by the munici pality. The damage is estimated ut 2,000,000 pesos. Divorce Law unconstitutional. SAN JOSE. Cal. Superior Judge Rhodes Friday declared the new state divorce law unconstitutional. Lord Milner Talks of Africans. JOHAUUESBURG. Lord Milner, high commissioner of South Africa, addressed a meeting on tne native question, contended that natives who raised themselves to a civilized level with the whites were xentitled to equal privilege. He sympathized, he said, with the feeling in jSouth Africa against an influx of the Asiatics, but' that influx should be resisted on econ omic grounds and not on the score of colcr. LmiitimniiMiminit t UK? TOKIAMS. iinniiiMiinitmum The village of Kent, near Creston. has decided to incorporate. The quarterly pensions awarded to :he veterans in the Soldiers' home at Marshalltowa Just received amounts to fl7.15.63. An attempt to hold up Thomas Mc Carthy's restaurant at West Liberty resulted in the death of Arthur Meade, who attempted to assist the proprietor. War on the dandelions was begun at Marshalltown under the leadership ot the Woman's club. Public school children have been enlisted for the work of extermination. Justice Bouner of Webster City re fused to hold Dr. Ida Louise Lyons, physic and magnetic healer, charged with practicing withoufa license. The ground for release Is that the Iowa law refers only to drug doctors. D. Yeomans, interstate commerce commissioner: George R. Peck, gen eral counsel of the Milwaukee rail road. Chicago, and Colonel Ainsworth, chief of the pension bureau at Wash ington, arrived in Onawa to look at the stock at the Park farm of Mr. Yeo mans. Wilkesbarre (Pa.) dispatch: At an impressive ceremony at the Ma linckrodt convent fifteen girls took the white veil and twenty sisters the black veil. Bishop Hoban presided. Among those who took the holy vows was Sister Cuedila Stein Koeng of Sfoux City. In the last few months the state has been enriched about $150 a month on account of issuance by the state audi tor of the certificates which insurance companies send out to agents and cus tomers showing that they have secur ities on deposit to cover the value of the policies. The $10,000 breach of promise suit of Miss Leona Mackison against Dr. J. W."Frazier of Honey Creek, which has been assigned for trial at Potta wattamie county in the district court, was settled out of court, a compromise having been reached by the parties interested. Miss Mackison concluded to accept $1,050 in settlement. Nearly all the farmers around Afton and Creston are now engaged in tack ing up signs at the entrance of their farms notifying all hunters and others not to trespass on their premises and threatening them with prosecution in case they disregard the notices. This action has become necessary from the frequent loss of stock by careless peo ple with guns and the frequent tres pass of parties with, doas who have made the stock so wild that it is im possible to properly care for it. John Foss a well known cigarmaker of Creston, was taken to the inebriate ward of the state hospital at Mount Pleasant by Sheriff Marshall, under sentence of three years, as pronounc ed by Judge Macy after a hearing in the district court. Foss is the first Atlantic man to be brought up under the new dipsomaniac law, but Mayor McWaid has notified several others that the next time they come before him for drunkenness he will file In formation against them and have them i sent to the hospital with Foss. A determined effort is to be made by the state officials to put an end to the sale of uncolored oleomargarine in Iowa. Some time ago the state dairy commissioner caused a test suit to be brought by the indictment of agents selling so-called uncolored oleo margarine. On the first trial the jury disagreed, but a conviction was se cured on the second trial. The oleo margarine sold was not pure white, but rather of an ivory color, like poor butter, but it was that which passes under the United States classification as uncolored. and is in fact not artifi cially colored. The receipts in the general funds at the Christian Home, Council Bluffs, last week amounted to $178.53, being $21.42 below the needs of the week and increasing the deficiency to $1. S60.43 in this fund to date. In the manager's fund the receipts were $22.25, being $12.75 below the needs of the week and increasing the de ficiency in this fund to date to $76.55. Onawa was visited by a perfect deluge of rain. 3.30 inches falling in a short time. According to the weather observer this makes the total for the month of May to date 9.62 inches, which is the greatest rainfall since 18S8. when the rainfall for the entire month of May was 0.82 inches. At Ames the board of trustees of. the State college let the contract for the central building at the college fo $266,000 toH. W. Shlueter & Co. of Chicago. The plans were modified from tho original draft ro as to admit of bcildirg. The special election for the purpose of submitting to the electors of Coun cil Bluffs the question of granting a franchise to the Western Iowa Inde pendent Telephone company to operate in this city cannot now be held "before June 15. Leading members of the Church of Latter Day Saints at Lamoni. Ia., have organized a co-operative mercantile company under the name of the La ment Supply company, the articles of j incorporation for which were filed with the secretary of state. Congressman Hull held a conference in De3 Moines with persons interested in the headquarters of ;he rural free ! mail delivery and agreed to give his assistance to the movement to make Des Moines the headquarters for the district instead of Denver. Miss Eva Hattery, a teacher in the Collins school, was probably fatally burned while trying to light a Are with gasoline. John Alexander Dcwie has paid $100 to F. L. Eickelburg of Cedar Falls ia payment of a suit for hall rent. m State HMul Fay ImenBt oa Tim ? AND Rl ' JlJi BftSUeSSKMtTDtUFTSUN $ bbbbbbV vbigbbb, new imm. I As AB Ffsxw Ci trlsa, j tiy ttood Hofcf, I I mi bcJm m t l MmO B)NOTOli IMUM. MISS. VIOI m. uniuiii. cASNiaa. MANY I. NIMHr. ANMTT MUIST. Columbus JournaJ, A ekiy RccufalkB Newspaper Devoted to lb Beat lolercBliof X X ' 1 ' Columbus, THE County ot Platte, The State of Nebraska.- THE States m iT mm mjtjt I"be Unit of Measure vHth Us la $1.50 per Year, if Paid in Advance : i .m Lraett ff Urn to ac Sample Copies Sent Tree to any Address. HENRY GASS. 1 ...UNDERTAKER... Coffin and Metallic tsaafcaat el all Maea of Uyhnly Columbua, Nob. a M llWee Columbus Journal. CLUBS WITH THE OF TUB COUNTRY. e aaiiMHBiMExsMiw t wmihX I o o LSM sev MAirrvM o 6 oaoo4oooiofotooAoaco ooo$o$a4ooSoo.$oo4oo s prepared Rjrnjsh Any ting Refiskad el a lil DDiHTINr. it I Arrr 'l. w WIIIL y! Ill II! 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