The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 20, 1903, Image 2
2 JV 5 -" " tL "X . - M ESTABUSBXB MAT 11, UN. ' Columbus f ourttaL Colombus, Nebr." Emtarsd at the Poetofice. Colambes, Stake., i ssuuart rlasa mrfl - lMUVAaMU7tt7 1.iniUII TEsm or scasoaxFXioa: Oa year, by IX WMi... TkreXOBths WEDNESDAY. HAY'. 39. lttt. 8bKribra of tke Joax- -Pleaee look at tmo data oppo site year aaxae on tmo wrappor of yoar Journal or on tke margin of Ska Jommal. Up to tkla data, yoar aabscripUoa ia paid or accomntad for. Bewabdm going to have a new f 10,000 school building. Akbitsatiox is the moat sensible way to settle all labor questions. Arbitrate! Arbitrate! Sexatob Millabd bas word that the government will provide transportation from San Francisco to Manila, at cost, to Major Charles A. Vickere and wife of Madison, Nebr. Major Tickers goes to Manila as inspector of constabulary. At "cost" means everything free except food. Sexatob Dietrich of the public lands committee of the United States senate will leave shortly for a 15,000-mile tear of Alaska. He will be accompanied by his daughter, and, in addition to being the most extensive semi-official trip ever begun, it will be one of the longest ever undertaken by a woman. Telegraphic reports from Pierre, South Dakota, says: "The total filings at the three land offices which cover the part of the state lying west of the Missouri river for last month were 447, taking up 71,520 acres of homesteads. This is an indication of the settlement which is going on in the western part of the state." The farmers of York county are expe riencing the greatest boom in improve ments that has been known in that county for many years. During the past month one lumber company of York paid $9,000 freight on lumber im ported, and each of the other ten lumber companies of the county are enjoying similar prosperity. Govekkob Micket Saturday morning announced the appointment of R C .Burns of Scribner to be deputy oil in spector in place of Fred Sonnenschien .of West Point. Mr. Burns is an old soldier and is one of the leading repub licans of his district. The governor has also announced the appointment of George L. Garter of North Platte to be chief deputy game and fish warden to succeed Warden Simpkins. The Society for the Improvement of Discharged Criminals of Berlin has de clared its intention of aiding such of its charges who after a six months' trial have proved worthy to emigrate to North or South America. Before leaving each one will receive instructions in the lan guage of the country to which he is dee- tined, transportation to the sea coast I and S150. Herr ISallin, director general I of the Hamburg-American line, is a member of the society. Hastings and Aurora are each offering splendid inducements to secure the new state normal school. Senator Dietrich appeared for Hastings and Begent von ForreU for Aurora before Supt Fowler in the interest of their respective locali ties. Hastings offers to give the state a building formerly erected for a convent valued at $80,000 and some land. Aurora offers $25,000 in cash and twenty acres of land. Other towns working to secure the normal are Kearney, Central City, Holdrege, Alliance, Ord, Ainswortb, Fairfield and Broken Bow. An investigation into cancer by the registrar-general of Ireland, where in 1901 there were 2,893 deaths from this eeoarge,or G.5 in every 10,000 of the pop ulation, gives these results: Cancer re cars from generation to generation in many families, which often are afflicted also with tuberculosis, lunacy, idiocy or epilepsy. It frequently follows wounds or injuries, sometimes irritation of the lip from clay pipes, and it often accom panies unfavorable conditions of resi dence, food, etc. It appears to be highly contagious and somewhat infectious. Fetdav's Omaha World-Herald said: "Owing to the illness of E. H. Harriman with threatened appendicitis, and his extresae haste to get to his home in New .Sack the jatended conference today in with representatives of the of the Union Pacific and itaera Padfic with reference to a of the Union Pacific strike had to be postponed. Bat it was held briefly instead Thursday evening on the train from Columbus to Omaha. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Harriman telegraphed from the west asking that a committee of the boilermakers meet his train at Columbus. Grand President McNeil, who had just arrived from Kan sas City; District President Kennedy, Martin Douglas of the district executive committee, and Tom McGovern of the North Platte union went to Columbus. Mr. Harriman could not be seen, but President Bart explained the situation, and acontroversyof some warmth -ensued with the genial president who went on through to Chicago with Mr. Harri maa, and may accompany him to New York." THE PRESIDENT. Every state in which President Roose velt has spoken to the public during his trip across the continent he has left advice which shows him to be a man who knows what is the best interests of the people. The publicity which has been given every speech and the personality "of the president in delivering them mil be of great value to the nation. InOali foraia the" other day, reference to their large trees was. made, which ha widely commented upon by the The Chicago InterOeean says: -"President Booeevelt did well to aco- againet placing, signs apon i .which are the atoi saafal prodaets of California. And the of Santa Gnu did well to head and remove these disfigure- i from the grove of hage redwoods The 'sequoia gigaatea, or big tree' proper, and the sequoia owapsrvirens, or 'redwood,' are the sole survivors of a great tree family. They grow naturally in California, and nowhere eke on earth. Besides being toe oldest, they are the largest of liviag Uiiags, .though the eucalyptus of Aaatralia sometisMM rivals them in height , But the oncalyftas is a mach more rapid grower, and the age of a spocimon is arneh less than that of a sequoia or equal neigaw Although the precise age of the big trees of California mast remain unknown, the indications are that some of those till growing were first sprouting from the soil when Moses led the Israelites oat of bondage in Egypt. Whan Jons was bom at Bethlehem they were in all the vigor of lusty youth. When Colum bus pushed out into the unknown they wen somewhere near their present size. How long they will live, if man will bat protect them against himself, none can tell. They seem impregnable to the insect and animal foes of other trees. They have nothing to fear but tempests of sach extraordinary fury as rarely visit their homes, and man. With all the dignity of an again which solar years are but days and centuries are as years to the human race, they conjoin a splendid and impressive beau ty. For these reasons they should be preserved and kept unmarred. They are not only the oldest, but also among the most wonderful, of living things. Their character and their dignity de mand respect" THE CHEESE INDUSTRY. The fact that Platte and Pierce coun ties together produce one-third .the cheese made on farms in the state of Nebraska, puts this county well to the front in the cheese market statistics, as Nebraska is counted one of the foremost cheese states of the union. The farms of Nebraska produce 264,430 pounds, while the factories produce 313,600 pounds. New York is away ahead of all other states with a total of 130,010,584 pounds, while Wisconsin follows with 79,384,298 pounds. The fact that Platte county is largely settled by experienced German and Swiss farmers has probably been the cause of the development of that industry, and still merchants claim that farmers could find a ready market for more cheese than is now being sold. The following from a correspondent in Wallaces' Farmer may be of value to some farmer's wife who could start a bank account of her own in a few months if she so desired: "A cured whole milk cheese contains one-third fat and about one-third water, the remaining one-third being casein and albumen. I Keep the temperature of the curing room of as even temperature as possible too cold or too warm will retard or hasten fermentation which was begun by the rennet used in the coagulation of the milk. Where the amount of cheese man ufactured is not large the pantry maybe used for a curing room if it be 'well appointed.' The well appointed pantry is made to admit air and sunshine when needed, also to exclude these two influ ences when necessary to do so. Turn the cheese so that all parts may receive an equal share of outside temperature. It will also be well to keep a record of I the date each cheese is made, so as to prevent mistakes as to time of curing. Cheese is adulterated by substituting lard and cottolene oil for the real butter fat of milk, the milk having been previ ously robbed of its butter fat Filled cheese is made by combining oleo oil with skimmed milk. When it is desired to make small cheese, molds can be made of tin fruit cans, 'first removing both tops and bottoms. I do not advise the manufacture of skim-milk cheese. Where the amount of skim-milk is large and cannot be util ized otherwise, skim-milk cheese could be made, rather than allow waste, but there are generally other and better uses for such milk on most farms. Where one has been accustomed to cream or whole milk cheese the descent to that of skim-milk is far from satisfy ing to say the least I have confined my operations wholly to the manufacture of whole milk choose; not removing any cream. No difference how thick the cream might be which formed upon the milk drawn the night before, it is stirred in and added to the morning's milk. This is the mode practiced by the manu facturers of the famous Stilton cheese, which is among the richest cheese made. It requires about ten pounds of milk to make a pound of cheese, while twenty pounds are required to make one poand of butter. The Ayrshire is, I believe, the best cheese cow, producing as she does a larger amount of milk of .good quality for the food consumed than any other breed." A ADDITIONAL : : LOCAL : : The botanical class are working upon the identification of plants. The Seniors have completed their required course and are doing review work. Last Friday week Prof. Britetl's sec tion for rhetoricals gave a program in the High school. It was considered one of the beat of the aeries which has been given this year and was a good repre sentative of Mr. BriteUe energetic efforts. Vocal solos by N. Boss Bas mussen and Will Farrand were greatly appreciated as was also a piano solo by EloisaBoen. A recitation by Roy Cool idge, "Wiggins at the Bat" was amusing. It pictured the role of several members of the High school ball team when Wig gins fanned .oat The principal feature of the program was -the debate. The qaeetion was Besolved, "That parties ia labor disputes should be compelled to submit their differences to arbitration"; Roy Stires and Bertha Chapin taking taeaaumanve, Harry Jerome and Mamie Elliott the. negative. The speakers handled their subject inn manner that iadieatedtaoy had aiven it careful studv. A decision was rendered in favor of the negative. The visitors present were Zoo Schrook, Lala StUlman. Goo. A. Scott, C.E. and Rev. Munro. Far Sale. Few-room house containing pantry, closets, good cellar; large barn for four hand of horses, oakkea yard, coal shad, two fell-eised lots 132 ft square, located ta the southeast portion of city, xaqaire of - aaifccmxT. City Ctaaca The regular meeting of the city coun cil was held Friday evening. . A petition by Fred Urich and sixteen other of the city asked that all ob structions be removed from the alley running east and west in bleak 163. The request was granted bytaoosaaeU. Upon recomatendation of J. G. Boeder, president of the library board, Mav. G. A. Brindley, Mrs. F. H. Gear and Prof. L H. Britell, all of whose tern's members of the library board expires July 1, were re-appointed for the ensuing year by the city council. A contract was let to W. W. Whittaker for the sprinkling in the business por tion of the city. Nick Spetcher secured the contract, under bids, for the sprinkling of streets in the resident portion of the city. The council asked for and received bids from the lumber dealers of the city for a car load of lumber to be ased by the street overseer. Upon opening bids, that of J. E. Kauf mann was found to be the lowest and he reoeived the contract Garrett Hulst was allowed a druggists' permit The committee on streets and grades recommended that the clerk ask the property owners along Eighth street from H. Oehlrich's residence to the oity limits east to build their walks as ac cording to city survey. A petition previously presented to the council to remove the U. P. stock yards, the committee found no suScteat cause for complaint, but recommended that the company be notified to clean out the yards. The committee on finance submitted their report of probable amount neces sary to defray expenses of the city for the ensuing sear, total being $224)10. Water commissioner reported work extending water mains on Eighteenth street and other improvements favora bly. A. Dussell & Son reported their bill for said work in sum of $1,502.45 which was, upon motion, daly allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of same. The mayor announced the following appointments for the ensuing year: For chief of police, Charles Taylor; regular police, James Nelson and Patrick H. Meehan; water commissioner, George Fairchild; overseer of streets, Chris From. W. M. Cornelius was previously appointed attorney, and Dr. Dave Mar tyn, jr., was re-appointed city physician. Ceart PrteMdiifi. The May term of district court opened as mentioned in the last Journal, on Monday of last week, with a large num ber of canon on the docket Among those'disposed of during the past week we give the following: The case of the City of Columbus vs. Adams Express Co. was dismissed by the plaintiff, the coat being taxed to the plaintiff. The express company refused to pay occupation tax to the city under the old ordinance owing to the fact that it was illegal in form. Robert Wagner in his suit for damages against the city asked leave to amend his petition which was granted and the case passed to the foot of the docket The replevin suit Albertina Koln vs. John C Byrnes was lost by the plaintiff and a petition has been filed for a new trial In the case of William Meyer vs. John Janioek the plaintiff asked leave to with draw juror which was granted and the jury was discharged with the reservation of the right of court to pass upon objec tion to jurisdiction as made upon the evidence of the plaintiff hereafter. In a former trial the First National Bank was given judgment of about $230 against Frank J. Uridil by default In this term the case was reopened by the defendant who again lost the suit Judgment was given Thomas CShea et al on D. C. Kavanaugh et al in the tram of $12122. Ernest Meays was granted $37.30 in a suit against James Fauble. Wm. Hayden and Martin Mohr were granted citizenship papers. The only criminal case which has been tried is that of James Burrows for high way robbery. The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. Jack Hale, who was also bound to this term of court, has disappeared and the court has declared his bond of $800 forfeited. It is believed that Hale is the real criminal and drew Burrows, who was under the influence of liquor at the time, into accompanying him on the trip. Haftl's law lewlia Alley Some record breaking scores were made the past week the alley's record and state record broken by A. Drake making twelve straight strikes and scor ing 300. , Following are the high scores for the week: Ed. Hegemann 210; John Elliott 216, 220, 238, 270; Ed. Kanvan augh.202; Gus Plath 204; Harry Law rence 203, 202; Henry Getts 209; Wm. McEver 212; M. C Calto 203; Jap Nichols 206. 224, 227; W. J. Gregorian 244, 210, 214, 238. 204; J. W. Fauble 212; D. C. Kavanaugh 225, 204, 222, 205, 201, 247.221: A. Drake 213, 246, 249, 229,246, 216, 244, 300, 209; George Hagel 212, 233, 213,200,205. The ladies have been doing some good bowling the past week. Following are some of the high scores: Ethel Elliott 221. 193. 189, 223; Petite Martyn 200, 203; Mrs. G. B. Speice 227; Mrs. G. A. Schroe- der216. Garden Spat af tke lartk. The fertile soils of eastern Oregon or Washington yield, in overflowing abund ance and in the highest perfection, every grain, grass, vegetable and frnit of the temperate zone. To enable persons to reach these favored localities without unnecessary expenditure of time and money, the Union' Pacifio has put in effect Bound Trip Homeseeksrs' Excursion rates as follows from Missouri river, May 19, Jane 2 and 16: $3i00 to Ogdea and Salt Lake City. $3450 to Butte and Helena. $4450 to Spokane. , $52.00 to Portland. Tacoma and Seattle. Also One-Way Bates every day until June 15, to many potato in the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Mon tana, and Utah. W. H. Bekham. Barrei Plymtata Back Eggs for jSale ! Pen No. 1 is headed by a Hawkins cockerel; No. 2 by a Ringlet .cockerel mmA VnSlirkOiMar cockerel. Eexs from first two pent TfeO per setting of thirteen. Eggs from No. 3, $1.00 per setting of thirteen. Call on oraddresa, MR8.L.H. NORTH. 1 8apr$ai Moaroe,Nebr. MEMMML MY EXEKKES. .-. aa Wert Opera Hi . ' ' tHeri .MaiJo. raoa . 'r, .s ? - It - All eeauadM the G. A. R. sad aU'geUtan. akuon,8oM of Vetaruu. Vetenaa of tke late 8faia'AaMricaa war and ambers of Co. K Nebr.Nt'10BMdaadCoBfedefmde Boldjsw a iBvited to join the Baetebereof Baker Post at 130 p. m. shabp oa Meaorisl Day. The Ftae mb aad City Band will form oa Tkittwath street ia front of Fliemea'a hall at 1 M p. m. and march west oa Thirteenth street to Nebraska ATsaae, theses aoath to Twelfth street, themes east to Olive, theace soeth to EJerenth street to O. A. B. hall where wider eoanand of J. B. Meagher, marehal of the day. the line of autreb will be taken ap to the North opera booae by way of North aad Thirteenth streets. Exercises will commence promptly at 2 p. a. PROGRAM. ' '. 1. Call the assembly to order fay Commander A. W.Clark. 2. 3. 4. Masic by Colambos City Band. Salnte to the Dead by G. A. R. Prayer, Chaplain of Baker Post, W. A. Mc Allister. Blading of general orders, Adjatant of Post, E.O. Rector. Remarks. Son;. "Tenting on the Old Camp Gronnd." Chorus of Boys. Public schools. Declamation. "Decoration Day." N. Rose Rasmossen. Song. "Oar Fallen BraTe." St. Francis Academy. Declamation (a) Oar Dead Heroes. (b) The Veteran-Nellie Erase. Declamation. The Silent Army of Memo rial Day." Miss E. Bras. St. Francis Academy. Flag Drill, poblic schools. Song. "Singing in God's Acre." Miss Ethel Galley. Address. W. M. Kern. Song. "Oar Coantry'a Call." pablic schools. Address for Fire Department, by Aagnst Wagner. Music by Columbus City Band. 6. 7. 8. . 10. 11. At the close oftho program the line of march will be taken up to the city cemetery where the exercises will be completed according to the G. A. R. ritual, ending with "taps" by the High School Cadets. All offerings of flowers by citizens are re quested to be taken daring the morning hoars to the G. A. R. hall, where a comrade of Baker Post will be in readiness to receive them. THE SOLDIER DEAD. IN TBK COLUMBUS CEMKTEKT. J. B.Tsehndy, R. B. Mclntire, Wm. Msloy, J.W.Early. J. N. Lawson, Fred Matthews, Bart Hunt, P. J. Lawrence, Fred Schutte, George Drake, W.& Campbell, & Edwards. Thus. M. Wilson, R.H. Henry. O. H. Archer, Lewis White, H. L. Adams, John L. Sturgeon, E.O E. W.Arnold. Henry Woods. John Hammond, Frank North. LJ.Slattery, A. J. Whittaker, James Jones, M.Koenig, Jacob Ellis, W. IL Thomas. J. V. Stevenson, H. T. Spoerry, John Wise, T.W.McKinnie. Josiah McFarland. M. K. Turner, W.H.Schroeder, W. H. Thompson, .Wells. Confederate. IN THE CVTHOLIO OEMETEBY. E.D.Sbeehan. B. (bflrey. E. C. Kavanaugh, James Nolan. Fit Farmers1. The Union Pacific Railroad is issuing Agricultural Bulletins giving complete and accurate reports of experimental work carried on in the states of Ne braska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. Also special bulletin on alfalfa, wheat, corn, beet sugar, etc. Hailed free on application to W. H. Benham, Agent. fW-KK-K-XK I1 t Echols & DEALERS IN- WMMM Pattons Sun Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Glass, Var nishes and t PAINTERS AND mljulnlt.llli''Mlll Banking on Paint The practical painter saysy vou can "bank" on Patton'sSun-Proof Paint because it saves the coat of at least one painting every five years. The painter "banks onit because it gives him a reputation. Patten's Sun-Proof Pamt is made in exact proportions of the mcrt durable aiateriala, , perfectly mixed by improved machinery. It is the best spread ing, longest wearing paint, and has theinost brilliant and lastiag colors. Guaranteed to wear for five years: Send for book of Faint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., ' Lak St.. Mtlwaahaa. Wta. " maakeaat BaVLl'mVm Waa J ECHOLS 1 wm, Colmlis, It -Trip lotas via Unkm Prndma to asany poiats in, the states of California, CWorado. Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Montana, flnJt a Dshrer, Oefeeado Sprjngsaad Paeble and retaft, Jelv 1 no JO, k- f ' Of 2 It it t! i.J S17J0 a Dearer, Oaloradb Springs aad. Paable aad retarn, Jane 1 to Sept. 80, inolasiTO (Glenwood 8priege, $29.50.) $30160 to Ogden and Salt Lake City and return, Jane 1 to Sept. 80, iaolaeiTe. $MJS0toBatta and Helena and retarn. May 19, Jane 2 and 16V Jnly 7 and 21, Aar. 4 and 18. Sept. 1 aad 15. $4e0 to Spokane and return. May 19, Jane 2 and lov $52.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return, May 19, June 2 and 16. $45.00 to San Francisco and Los Angeles aad return,- May 12 to 18, inclasiTe, Aug. 1 to 14, inclusive. . $50.00 to 8aa Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego and return, July 1 to 10,' inclusive.; . The Tunison atlas we are offering JoukxaIj subscribers is larger than any other atlas yet published. It shows each heaiisphera sixty inches in circutn ferenee, the two combined forming a map of the world four feet by two .and n quarter feet These are only two out of many maps in the large volume. We will give any of our subscribers an oppor tunity to own one of these books. By paying up your subscription to date and $3.40 you may have) the book and one year's subscription in advanoe to Thk JouBXAi New subscribers may have the two for $140. We have a bargain to offer our farmer subscribers. We can give you Tot Columbus Jocbxal and Nebraska Farmer, the two papers one year for $1.75. Now is the time to subscribe. Don't wait, as this offer may not be of long duration. Thk Jouknai. will give yon the city and county news while the Farmer is valuable to every one who is interested in agriculture. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Platte county, as. In the county court, in and for said county. In the matter of the estate of Frank C. Turner de ceased, late of said county. .Ataewslon of the county court for said county. holden at the County Judge's office ia Columbus. ia aaid county oa the 18th day of May A. D. 190. nresent John Katterman. county Jadae. On reading aad fling the duly verified petition of J. A. Turner praying that letters of administration be issued to Jenkins on the estate of said decedent. Tbereu pon, it is ordered that the 19th day of Jane A. D. MM, at 9 o'clock a. m., be assigned for the bearing of aaid petition at the County Judge's office in aaid county. And it ta runner ornerea, inat aueiegai notice be given of the pendency and hearing of said petition by publication in The Coluxbus Joub hal for three consecutive weeks. (A true copy of the order.) la.Tl JOBS UATTKBMAK, skaij County Judge. Dated, Columbus. Neb May 18th, WW. PROBATE NOTICE.. State of Nebraska, Platte county, ss. In the county court, in and for said county. In the matter of the estate of Allen C. Turner de ceased, late of said county. At a session of the county court for said county, holden at the County Judge's office in Columbus, ia said county on the 18th day of May A. D. lWs, present John Katterman, county judge. On reed ing and filing the duly verified petition of J. A. Turner praying that letters of administration be ISSUea to xam. n. tesuiu oa un estate w. bbiu dMwdenr. Thereupon, it is ordered that the 13th day of June A. D. MM. at 9 o'clock a. m be assigned for the bearing of aaid petition at the County Jadge'a office in said county. ... And it is runner oraerea, max one legai notice be given of the pendency and hearing of raid petition by publication in Tax Coluxbus Joub mai. for three consecutive weeks. (A true copy of the order.) I seal. I County Judge. Dated. Columbus. Neb.. May 18th, 19M. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Nebraska, Platte county, es. In the county court, in and for said county. In the matter of the estate of Margaret T. Turner deceased, late of said county. m Ataseesionof the county court for said county, holden at the County Judge's office in Columbus, in said county on the 18th day of May A. D.Ufttt, present John Batterman, county judge. On reading and filing the duly verified petition of J. A. Turner praying that letters of administration be issued to Ed. H. Jeakins on the estate of said decedent. Thereupon, it la ordered that the 13th day of June A. D. 19M, at 9 o'clock a. m, be assigned for the hearing of aaid petition at the County Jadge'a office in aaid county. iiH it la tnrthnr arOemA. that doe legal notice be given of the pendency and hearing of aaid petition by publication in The Columbus Jocb- MAI. lor tnree consecutive wees, t a i cupy of the order.) ,. , Joan Rattkbman, County Judge. Dated. Columbus. Neb.. May 18th, MM. Dietrichs, ? T T X t ? 2 - Proof Paint ? Oils PAPER HANGERS. r ;Ka S&fe. x&k rmm t & &! ' FSQM MTBMOPM TtXn TCTITBJAM. W&&BS In Any Light MAKE PICTURES ON THE KODAK PUN Le.e ift daylight, ul.e In daylight, JeTelep- ed in daylight. No Dark Rtm Nttartf. Thk is OaJy Possible With the KODAK Not with any other camera. Oars is the only place that KODAKS are for sale in Columbus, Nebraska. Brownie Kodaks $ 1.00 Brownie Kodaks 2.00 Other Kodaks op to 25.00 A full line of supplies, all at fac tory prioes. Here you Bare express or freight. -otttft ROSY MADE AjDiOBJECr USSOri It's a wise man who knows his own style. A style that looks splendid on some one else isn't necessarily becoming to yon. A style is styl ish only when: artistically adopted to ths wearer's figure and face. Only aa extra good cotter can successfully adopt a style. It's the individual fit, and individual atten tion and indiridual fashion that makes oar customers the best dressed men in Colambos. LINSTBUM, The Tailor. mmmmmwmmmmmm AMERICA'S 1 Ewttarlally Fearf a. CanefotMtly ReaaMtoaa. News from all of the worJd-Watt writtaa, orifiaal storiasAaswen to qaarka-Araeles oa Health, the Hoaas, New Books, aad oa Work Aboat the Van aad Garden. to WHf ttter Octal Is a member of the Assodatad Press, Mm only Wsstera Newspaper reoerrlac ta satire tslsgraphio news aarvk of the Haw York Baa aad special sable of the Haw lark World-daily reports from ant fjMt special sasnssjoadaaai taraaaaoat the ooaatry. YEAR QNE DOLLAR S BetkmnmarafsriLSO. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache An diseases ef kldays.w T aTw. aH cae.afcartlMsease.flraTel.1 I m I . Dramsy.reauaeTreaalsa. VVItlW Dent aaceaaa aaeaaratwa. Taere la a care far yea. If necessary write Dr. Feaser. He has spent a life time curing last such as jours, aiicoasuiiauons rrea. "A sraTel lodged la my Jblaoer. Aftar aslaca, few bottles of Dr.Feaaer's KMaey aad Backache Cure I passed a gravel half as large as a marble. The medicine preTeatea farther formations I was cured. W.T.OAKES. Orrix,Ya.M Pramrlstg.50ctl. Ask for Cook Book-Free. aw innMmisaPQ.M(na OlHmlar IW Sl.fllUyiMRUCFeeVTFxedoaJaTHry For Sale by C. HENSCHING. last Offer Irtx Made. The Joubxai. has succeeded in getting; a special clnbbins; price from the pub lishers of the Nebraska Farmer, one of the best they have ever made, and during the past two months a good many have taken advantage of this offer and are weu pleased with it. We have had the time extended for this offer, believing that many more would like to take advantage of it before it is withdrawn. For $1.75 we can send you the Ne braska Farmer and Columbus Joubxai. both for one full year. The Nebraska Farmer is the leading general farm and lire stock journal of the west. It prints from 21 to 40 pages each week, ia well known and well liked, having been established since 1869. Its publishers are practical and experienced men, who are now and have been for thirty years extensively engaged in fanning and stock raising in, Nebraska and know from expe rience the needs and conditions applica ble to the west. It is a journal for the farmers by farmers. No other farm paper can fill its place or be so helpf al to the farmers of the west It is contrib uted to by all the leading agricultural writers and experimenters of the west and at our special club price should be taken by everyone. When you wish good, aeat, clean Bttooaift work doae ia the line of aciatinf , call at Tan Joubxai. oaftoa. El. J. IIEWHKI, St a sf the Big Watrh. P "sbJJbV IWwWf Hi 1 ef Bums 1H fins GROCERIES -AND- HARDWARE - a We have added to. our already large stock of Hardware, a complete line of GROCER IES, all fresh, ckaa, bright and new, which we expect to sell at qaick sales aad saudl profits, ami we extend to you a cordial invitatkm to call and look us over, as we can give you bargains of seasonable good for present and future use. BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange for both Groceries and Hardware and the highest market price paid. ' v Red Front Store ELEVENTH STREET. UNION TO MANY POINTS IN Color., MamtaBa, Utah, Orega, Califwr-ia aid Waskiigt. ROUND TRIP. 8S.0to Dearer, Colorado BeriaaaaadPaeblo Jaly I ! lOlar. 7 toDMrer.Cc0orado toriacsaad Pasblo) JHM, , tSetem- jei omwmnarar pM Osdsa aad Bak Lake City. JMJw Batte aad Hefcaa. jw Portland, Tacoma aad Seattle $13.08 Baa Fraaeiseo aad Los Aacele. ONC tMM tnRottA .T"r -i..: $OM to Spoke aad Weaatehse. Wash. tXM to Portland aad maay other Oregoa $25.00 to amiYnmcMSOwlLns Aaeylssaad a other California poiats. laformatloa eheerf alhr faraishsd oa aaptteatioa to W. . BENHflM, ItfCwlR. FsWS23fl OlCHrCrtfC SAUCYUJE kCtmlS bc tare vim French Periodical Drops Strictiy vegetable, perfectly hannlesa,are toaccoarplish DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female reaiedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. fifjmajl aswarsof eoaaurralm aad haMa WWIIfJM toswItafae-slsiUeslsaafra Bsadfer araalar to WlLUAIto COL.asle For Sale by POLLOCK Sc CO. SPREADING THE NEWS. WE KEEP THE- 20th Ciitim Mann Liu aid Firtilizir Distrilitir. The Del alee Plws; Biggies, Carriages, Wagaas aad all Kia of Iaif leaieats. BLACKSMITHING Done on Short Notice. LOUIS SCHREIBER. Mr Pcnuallf CurtcW Eicitwk CALIFORNIA Efery weak with choice of routes. These excur sions leave Oaoaaa via UNION PACIFIC T'ry Wednesday, Thunday, Friday and Saturday at 4:25 p. m. Aad can be joiaed at aay aoiat enroute Fall iaforaaatioa cheerfully oaapplicatioato W.H. BENHAM, Agaat. smwaamwaamwwawwVaamwl awaw aa bwbPbkbIbbbbAbb am Z TO PACIFIC - ' -.. ; Jaee . Hi. ay X IS. to 1M. ASR. 1 te 14. lac. WAV. Hslaaa,Osdeaaadl I Tickets a Sale y laily to Jaae 15. 1KI. Trochct's Colchicine SaBcylatc Capsuks. A staadard aad infallible care for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the feigbest sscdical aBtborities of Europe and America. Dispeased only ia spherical capsaks, which dis solve ia liquids of the saoatach witaout caasinc irritatioa or disagreeable jptwi. Price, SI per aomfe. Sold ay ana get negeaaiae. nslsalssaA oalrla aaste-board Car asaaaa, flsrslaait ttain a or kbs . ibmm: COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, 57 Cora, old shelled Vbashel 30 Oats, aew W bashel 27 Bya Vbaaael 35 Hofs y cwt. 5SOm zm Fat steers y cwt 4 00 4 25 Fatcows-v? cwt 2 25f :t (M) Stock steers cwt 3 OOg 4 1)1) Potatoes-? basaeL 25f Batter-V t. Vl($ 20 Eava-Vdoaea. llfi Markets corrected every Tuesday af ternoon. TIME TATETK, COLUMBUaNEB. Llacola, Beleaa, Batte, alt Lake City, Portlaad, Saa Fraaciaca aad all polata ITaat. Calcaco, City, CLowJa aad all poiats Sast aad TBAISS DEPAST. Hb. 22 Paaseacer. daily except (wmlay. No. 32 Aeeommodatioa, daily except Batarday 4J9p.a TBJU5S ABJUTK. No. 21 Paaseassr.dailr except Baaday. 80 p. m Mo. SI Aeeommodatioa. dally except i:W p. m s TIME TABLE U.P.K.R EAST SOC50, XAIX USE. 12, Chieasjo Special 1:20 a. i 4, Atlaatie Express 4:50 a. i 84 Oiaadlalaad Locally M a. i W, Past Mail KM p. i 10. North Patte Local 2.-05 p. i 8, Eastern Express. 25 p. i 2, Overlaad Limited ZiZlp. t No. No. No. No. No. No. No. WEST B0V50. HAMS USE. No. 5. Paci&e Express 2:16a. m. No. lLColo. Heeclal VSs. m. No. If. North Platte Local Iti-Mm.m. No.m.astBtoU UJSa. m. No. l.Qrerlaad Limited. 12:01 p. m. No. x. Calif oraia Express 7:00 p. j& No. 7.0raadlalaadIioeaL No.2S. Freieht ,.... 4:42 a. as. MoaroLK aaAKca. Dspart 4lvP B, sIw a saa, Arrive 12:4Sp. m. No. et, Paaseacer. No. 71. Mixed . No. St. Passsaaer. SJO. 4. AeIXSu ....... JUVp SB. AlBIOE AHA BPALPIHU SBA5CB. Depart No. Si, Paiiiaair 2:10 p. m. No. 7. Mixed SJOa. ra. Arrive Ho. . rasasassr...... ........ 1&U p. m. No. 74, Mixed 8:09p.m. Norfolk passeaxer traias raa daily, Notralaa ea Albioa aad Spalduuc braasa Bwadaya. Graad Iakad Loeal daily except Saaday. W. M. BaaaAa. Asaaa D. STIEKg. OUve Btfaarth. aertkef Fket COLCMBOg, i-'- ' f f , -. 4 ' V- -- i