The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 20, 1903, Image 1

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"JM -45 . IL PU- i gjasBMSBBBstaKsaBsT
The Aerial Sailboat and Track.
Terror of the water need no '.onger
deter any one from enjoying the de
lights of a tnp in a sailboat. One of
the latest forms of amusement is a
device which has been recently p,it
entd. by whirh all the fun and exhil
aration of ridin-s on the surface of the
foamy billows may be indulged in
without th dangers of a s'-nilar trip
on the water The new sensation re
ferred to s an structure fitted
with three tracks, aions which it is de
signed that a rerruiaticn sailboat shall
pass, driven by the tore of the wind
The General Lrtuds Refusal to Carry
Our Erutal Oraers and Requests Are
-Mailed Home for Action tnat Would j
Sfn Cr-rel:. i
NEW YORK The Armv and Navy
Journal will print a letter from Gen
eral Mil"-: in which be sa;.s he went
to - Thr Philippines in an official ca
pacity and that his instructions came
from the president, who directed him
to cive special attention to the in
struction, discipline and supplies of
the army
Cominz to the subject of cmelties in
the Philippines. General Miles' letter
"It is idle tn assume that campaign
fnz in tne Philippines has conditions
that warrant resort to medieval
cruelty and a departure from an hon
orable methed of conducting warfare,
and that such depredations should be
overlooked and condoned.
"It is most ratifying that the seri
ous offenses have nor been committed
by the soldiers unless under the direct
orders of certain officers who were re
sponsible. Soldiers have withheld
lire when ordered to shoot prisoners,
protested against acts of cruelty and
written to relatives at home urging
them to tafce acuon to put a stop to
these crimes. It will ever be one of
the glories of the army that such
deeds, committed by whatever author
ity, are abhorrent to the American sol
dier. "The officers who are responsible do
not by any means constitute the Amer
ican army and there must be an un
mistakable line drawn between the
great body of soldiers, whose records
have been commendable, and those of
whatever station, whose acts have re
ceived and should receive the stern
est condemnation of -all honorable
Land Graabcr Sentencsd.
- ST. LOUIS Frederick W Fout Ir
an attorney, was on Friday sentenced
to tear years in the penitentiary by
Judgo Amidcn of South Dakota, sitting
fcr Judze Adams in the United States
district court for violation of the
homestead laws. Fout filed motions
for a new trial and arrest of judgment,
but they were overruled, and he de
cided to appeaL
Divcrcc Law Uneenstrtutjcnal.
SAN JOSE. Cai. Superior Judge
Rhodes Friday declared the new state
divorce law unconstitutional. The
new law m his opinion, is special leg
islation and in direct confiict with tne
general law which provides that the
divorce decre must be prepared and
judgment entered immediately. The
new jaw provides tnat final judgment
shall not be enterec until on:? year
after the court decision is rendered.
One of Ames Appointees Convicted.
MINNEAPOLIS. Slinn. William
H. Johnson, superintendent rf the poor
farm during the Ames administration,
was found guilty by a jury of the '
misappropriation of SI5n of city funds. I
Sentence will be passed Wednesday
and the case will then be appealed.
The maximum sentence is five years j
in the penitentiary. Johnson had re
ceived his appointment from Slayor
Ames and later went on the bond of
the former mayor.
Departmental Friction.
WASHINGTON. Friction between
the war and navy departments may
result irom the general board of
which Admiral Dewey a president in
preparing plans for the defense of
fTi?la the new naval station- ar Bahia
Honda and Guastanaino and other a
tianal property. According to the law
the "secretary of wax is charged with
all matters relating to national da
f ense t also sea. coast furriflra-tiens."
in the acme maimer as the boat la
propelled on the surface of the water.
The craft as she mores along will be.
ziven a motion identical with that
imparted by the waves of the ocean,
and the beat will travel alone; its
course, sometimes with its sail spread
out full to catch the breeze and mak
ing a straightaway dash under full
speed, and then returning by making
Tacks." in just the same manner aa
the sailboats on the water do. with
sail pulled in and the boat leaning
and dipping, ever and anon, as the
wind strikes the close-hauled sheet.
That Is What the Contractor May
NEW YORK A national federation
of employers, it is expected, will be
one of the consequences of the move
ment begun by employers of labor in
the building trades to organize for
protection and aggressive purposes
against the labor unions.
Telegrams and letters received from
Chicago. Philadelphia and Boston and
other cities state that the movement
in this city is being watched with the
keenest interest, and that if it is
shown that unity or action by em
ployers can be made perfect, organiza
tions similar to that in this city will
be formed in every large center of
Was a Leader of Guerrillas. Dunns
PANAMA Victoriano Lorenzo, the
Indian chief who was a leader of guer
rillas during the recent revolution and
who was sentenced to death by a court
martial Friday on various charges of
having committed serious crimes while
in the field, was executed by shooting
here. Governor Mutis and the consu
lar representatives petitioned General
Bnceno. the military commander of
the isthmus to postpone the execution
until the government at Bogota had
time to answer a cablegram sent it
asking that the Indian's sentence be
changed to life imprisonment. Gen
eral 3riceno refused this petition, say
ing an exemplary punishment was nec
essary. The shooting of Lorenzo has
created a profound impression here,
as it is the first execution for a polit
ical crime in Panama.
Lorenzo died bravely. Before he
was shot he said he had only been an
accomplice and not the principal m
the crimes of which he was accused.
General Miles Not Invited.
WASHINGTON. D. C Secretary
Hoot gave a dintirr at the Country
club in honor of the members of the
newly organized members of the gen
eral staff of the army. Those invited
included Assistant Secretary Sanger.
Lieutenant General John M. Schofield
i retired Major General S. B. M.
ioiug. Major General Henry C. Cor
bin and a large number of army offi
cers now in the city. General Miles
was not present.
Mad Driver Wrecks Train.
BERLIN. Investigation of railroad
disasters, which have occurred quite
frequently of late, on a suburban line,
has shown that an engineer concerned
was insane. He has been confined in
an asylum.
I?sen is Again in Uanger.
COPENHAGEN. Henrik Ibsen, the
Norwegian dramatist, is again serious
ly iiL His friends are very anxieus
resarding the outcome of his illness.
Royalty Visits Edinburgh.
EDINBURGH The city of Edin
burgh was in holiday attire Tuesday
and immense crowds of people warm
ly greeted Sing Edward and Queen
Alexandra as they proceeded from
Dalkeith castle to Holyrood palace,
where they held a court and a levee.
the first of snch functions to be held
in the historic palace for eighty years.
On their arrival at the palace the
king ar". queen received a number ot
public addresses.
Armenian Rebel Bands Pcur In.
revolutionary basda have entered the
districts of Bayazid and Sasun, Ar
menia, from Russia.
Bonds Arc Siatves.
" SHANGHAI The viceroy of Nan
king; and the taotai of Shanghai- have
; signed the United States indemnity
J bonds and have returned to the assur
ers commission thirteen: bonds pre
seated sy the other powers.
A CwwXtten in Which CslomMa Fines)
WASHINGTON. A gloomy; picture
of the terrible pMght in which Colom
bia finds itself as the result of the ex
hausting four years of rebellion is con
tained in a communication which has
reached thin city from a source of un
reached this city from a source of un
questioned reliability.
These advices state that on March
1 last the government gave notice that
it had stopped the issue of paper
money that was flooding the country
and had turned to lithogimph plates,
from which at was made over to a com
mittee composed of prominent mem
bers of different political parties. Sub
sequently the government early in
April was almost, entirely without
funds. It had not enoogh to pay run
ning expenses, to say nothing or for
eign claims and demands. Not a cent
of interest has been paid on the na
tional debt since the war began.
The claims growing out of the revo
lution were assuming tremendous
proportions and as there was no other
means of relief it was apparent that
the government again must have re
course to the lfthograoli stones and
start the presses running again. More
over it was the general opinion that
even the small measure of relief which
might follow the receipt of the $10.
000,000 from the United States for
the Panama canal could not be obtain
ed, as it was not expected that con
gress would ratify the treaty.
At one time the exchange on New
York last year was S22.000, that is to
say. J22.000 Colombian dollars were
required to purchase $1 worth of goods
In the United States, it is expected
the rate will "be higher this summer,
for there is over $1,000,000,000 of this
paper money; afloat and it is expected
$500,000 wilL be soon issued to pay the
war expenses. The foreign debt in
1896 amounned to 2.500,000, on which
the interest rate was first 2 and then
3 per cent, but this interest has not
been paid for several years. It was
the general opinion, according to re
port, that the Colombian government
could not pay its debts and appre
hension was expxressed as to what
might happen in case the foreign cred
itors pushed for a final settlement of
their claims. The correspondent said
the conditions in Colombia at the
beginning of April were comparative
to those existing in France in 1796.
Ruasia Explains the Movements of
Her Trosps-
PEKLN The Russian charge. M.
Planccn. has given reassurances re
garding Manchuria. He has issued
an official notice that all Manchuria
is open to foreign travel and adds
that passports are no longer neces
sary. There were 500 Russian soldiers ar ;
New Chwang. who were removed
about the date fixed for the evacua
tion, and the same number returred
to New Chwang. It appears that the
Russian force which returned to the
Lia forts merely used the forts as
temporary resting places while jour
neying southward to their station on
the peninsula.
Statement to that Effect is Made by
William J. Vilas.
MILWAUKEE. Wis. A special n
the Sentinel from a staff correspond
ent from Madison. Wis., says:
Grover Cleveland will not be a can
didate for president an the demo
cratic ticket. This is the statement
of "Sllliam J. Vilas, secretary Gf the
interior in Cleveland 3 cabinet, ard i-
beyand question one of the closest
political and personal friends the e.v
president has in the country.
Senator Vilas has recently visited
the Cleveland home in PrinccJun and
passed several days in tha company
of the ex-president. He has also re
cently corresponded with Mr. Cleve
Cholera Catches Former Filipino Sec
retary of Foreign Affairs.
MANILA Mabini. the former minis
ter of foreign affairs of the Filipino
government, died of cholera at mid
night Thursday. He was attached
with the disease on Tuesday last.
Since his return from Guam. Ma
binia had lived in seclusion. Captur
ed correspondence of the Riral prov
ince insurgents showed that he had
been in communication with them, but
the letters were not of a seditious
Hay Makes Acknowledgment.
WASHINGTON Secretary Hay has
made a graceful acknowledgment of
Russia's statement of its purposes rel
ative to Manchuria. The secretary's
note, addressed to Count Cassini. ex
presses regret that there should have
been even a temporary misconception
of doubt as to Russia's position in the
matter and seizes the opportunity to
return the thanks of this government
for the frank and satisfactory declar
ation of Russian principles.
Jealousy Is cases of Crime.
ST. LOUTS Leon Saunders. bil
liard IiaH employe, shot aad fatally
wounded Mary Burke, with whom he
had been living, and then blew out his
own braiss.
Ice Cashier's Funds Melt Away.
MANILA Albert. Robert?, cashier
cf the government ice piaar here, has
beees, arrested an the charge cf es
bezzlement. His acccants- have been
found to be f40Q sanrL.
skJLJs? Bttk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBsl
navzxzr Tzsszktsr rezwEa&sr
uwnnerJ72iKr GazjE&JocMLJxszaESS woztcago
icvt?3mezz alcossd arJKszj
Rapid Fire Guns of British Do Fearful
Execution Conquest Nets Great I
Britain a Vast Amount of Terri-,
LONDON Colonial Secretary Cham
berlain announced in the house C
commons Tuesday that as a result of
the British military operations in the
C.Tn -2 rr S2 ; a-
cuaulu mu tvaaao oiaincia. enuxng. Thg commi5Bion m crdering the in
with the capture of the emir of Kaho, vestigatioa 3avs it appear3 e
100.000 square miles of territory had . peavey companr is phasing grain
been added to Northern Nigeria and , at westera af origin saip
would be administered by the govern- in? OTer xhe Union ci&c w Councn.
ment of that territory. jBlafla and Kassas citv and
Interesting details have been re-jti:cge points to easteni destinations;
ceived here of the capture of Sokoto, (hat the Uaion Paciflc e ele
March 14, by the British column com-.Tators Q. Peavey & Ca for handlhxg
marded by Colonel Morland. The en- aad transferring grain, for which fa
gagement lasted two and a half hours. cilities itpays cerain stipttIatad rates.
The British numbered about 500 men, generaIlv amounting to l cents per
with four quick-firing grns and four . 10fl potmdsL These rates, it is charged,
-.laxims. The enemy's horse and foot Ia ja paVments or allowances
soIaie-3 were estimated to number br -aion Pacific to Peavejr & Co.
fc.GOO men, their riflemen being armed aad apssrentlv are excessivesand great
with modern rifles and using smoke- er tnan -5 genaraiiv imposed or
Ie-s powder. The British camped dur- allawcd a KaBm CoQnciI Bluffs
ins the night of March 13 one and a csJxer elevator points,
hah miles from Sokoto. after a hard Tlie commission says it appears that
march of 100 miles from Kaura. with t2e Tebat25 aot cnIv OQ the
but litle water and having passed of PaTer & q,., bllt on 5 of alI
through a difficult country. ctner shippers passing through the
At daybreak March 14, the British Peavev elevators, and that the allow
moveu out m which Sokoto lies. Im- aacs may subject other grain shippers
mediately after the British appeared to uajust discrimination and unjust
over a ridge the Fulahs charged with transportation charges, and that thev
a fanatical brav-ry, undeterred by a j eQabIe PeaVey & Co. to obtain net rates
withering Maxim and rifie fire TheyJles3 an the regular drafts,
had no proper leadership but the iso-j The International & Great Northern
latel banas continued-to advanr-- over and tne St Louis Southwestern rail
heaps of dead and dyi,-,,?. often only ways have filed with the Interstate
individuals reaching within a yard of CommeTCe commission answern to the
the square, where, refusing quarter. ordr for iaformation regard
they were shot down while shouting g cIaES and commodity rates from
. ".cam.
iae mam Doa2r Gt me Mtl7es s.Both lines admit making certain ad
finally routed. leaving a remnant of vaaces but deny,that the advances
about thirty chiefs around -the emir's , were material or that thev were mad
great white flag. These chiefs were t- earn uni-asonable revenue. The In
defiant to the last and their corpses temational & Great Northern says that
were found hedging the standard when ( its cost of. operation has been in
tae British entered the city. Ud lcwased; taat to rmmsmict the brida
consisted mostly of thatched houses, equipment will cost upwards of $100.
its semi-ruined walls extending seven 000 averj ta Mt earaiass for
miles around the place and. were tte mmths emUn5
pierced by eiglit 5ates. 13fl3 wereIargeIv decreased. The other
Strict Measures Will Se Adapted to
Prevent the Mange.
DENVER. Cclo. What will be the
most extensive quarantine of cattle in
the west for years will be in effect
within a few days as the result of the
general prevalence of the mange.
Governor Peabody on Tuesday issued
his proclamation. Other states and
territories to the number cf six or
eight will come under the same rule
before the end of the week.
Cholera Gains in Luzstt.
MANILA The quarantining or
transports bound for San Francisco
has been resumed oii accoust of tne
cholera. The epidemic is mnipn
slight gains in Luzon. ;
Forty-One Years on Same Farm..
Wheeler. a pioneer settler cf Charles
Mix county, has made a remarkable
record, residing an the same farm for
forty-one years.
Perfect Cure of Club Feet.
the plaster casts were removed frexu
the'limbs of l-year-old Charles Wii
lett, who was operated upon last fall
by Dr. Adoiph Lotsrz. the Austrian
specialist, far an extraordinary case
of club feet. The result is announc
ed .by the boy's attending sugeon. to
be a. perfect cure. The boy wallis
easily and naturally- The case wiU
be presented to the medical congress
sees, to meet hare-
mnrrjarsr azEzorjum
Called to Account Regarding Grain
WASHINGTON. The Interstate
Commerce commission has begun an
investigation to determine whether the
payment or allowances made by the
Union Pacific to Peavey & Co. of Kan
sas City and Council Bluffs for grain
elevator facilities and the grain rates
, made to that concern are in violation
of the interstate commerce law.
The Union Pacific is made respond
ent in the proceedings and has been
ordered to file a full answer to the
charges by Slay. 25 and to satisfactorily
explain the alleged rebates at a hear-
lc Qga hereafter.
L0nIS to Texas common points.
road makes similar allegation.
Will Sell the Seized Lumber.
ARDMORE. L T. Secretar- of the
Interior Hitchcock has ordered tha
sale of the .2.000,000 feet of lumber
which was. seized b officials in the
Choctaw nation recently, when sev
eral large lumber mills, running in
violation of the law. were ordered
closed by the interior department.
The seized lumber will be sold Im
mediately and the proceeds expended
in behalf of the Chcctaw tribe of In
dians; Shuts Out Autamcbilistr.
BUFFALO. N. T. As a result of an
order just issued by the Canadian cus
toms oflieialsno more American auto-
; mobilists will be permitted' to go into
Canada, with, their automobiles without
paying-all duties. The duty is 25 per
cent. of. the assessed valuation of the
I machine and the duty will be collect
led each time a machine is taken
into Canada The duty is plac-
ed not an machines of Americas.
Court Mnrtial for Lorenzs.
PANAMA Victorian Lorenzo, the
insurgent guerilla leader, was court
martialed Thursday an the charge of
having-committed serious crimes whils
in the Held- It is believed he will be
sentenced- to be 3hot. In liberal cir
des there is much indignation against
the ftiijjer revolutionary leader. Gen
eral Herrersv who delivered" Lorenzo
to- tie government generaL. SaLizar,
alter tne peaces treaty bed been
Chief Executive Participates in. Dedi
cation of a Magnificent Monument
Escorted by Marines from the Bat
tleships. SAN FRANCISCO Under a balmy
sky and on the green sward of Union
Square President Roosevelt Thursday
morning participated in the dedication
of the magnificent monument erected
in commemoration of the victory of
the American navy at Manila. The
monument consists of a high shaft of
white California granite,, surmounted
by a bronze .figure at Victory, holding
in one outstretched hand a wreath and
in another a trident
The president was escorted irom the
hotel to the square by all the marines
of the warships in the harbor. On
the stand from which he addressed
the assembled multitude were the of
ficers of the warships in San Fran
cisco bay and vicinity, and the offi
cers of the cruiser Grafton, the flag
ship of the British Pacific squadron.
Chairman James G. Phelan present
ed the monument to the city and it.
was accepted by Mayor Schmitz on be
half of the municipality.
President Roosevelt said San Fran
cisco should glory in commemorating
the navy's victory at Manila, as it had.
opened the Pacific ocean to Ameri
can commerce and more than any eth
er event had contributed to give the
United States a high place among
the naval powers, ne dwelt on the ne
cessity of preparing ships, armament I
and men for the navy. Naval battles., i
he said, are fought in advance and.
the Americans won at Manila because
they had made ready for the strike.
The necessity of improving the navy
was first made apparent in 1S82 and
all the warships we now have were
built since that time. Since the last
war the naval strength of the United
States has been rapidly increasing and
under the wise provisions of the last
congress has particularly advanced.
He urged practical work at sea. par
ticularly in marksmanship, saring:
"Remember that the shots that count
in war are the ones that hit"
Movement That Is Being Inaugurated
by Chicago Roads.
CHICAGO. A movement has begun
by the management of Chicago rail
roads to compel labor organizations to- t
agree to submit differences to arbitra
tion whenever negotiations between,
roads and employes faiL The leading;
movement is apparently being taken
by the Rock Island, the Burlington and
one or two other strong western Hires.
Thus far, however, the proposition
regarding ultimate arbitration has
been either refused or dodged br the
labor organizations.
The arbitration clause is beinrg pro
posed with a view of insuring results
and increasing the probability of both
sides beginning negotiations rwith a
case which they ara not afraid, to sub
mit to the oublic
Senator Tells of Boodle Oeafts.
ST. LOUTS, Mo. Former Sate Sen
ator Charles Scnweickardt of St.
Louis, who made a complete confes
sion to Circuit Attorney Folic of his
connection with boodle deals in the
Fortieth general assembly, was before
the grand jury. While in the jury
room he was confronted by ex-Senator
Fred Busche of St Louis. After be
ing examined at length Schweickardt
emerged with flushed face.
Spotted Fever on the Ships.
PHILADELPHIA. Pa. Deaaly cc--ebro
spinal meningitis, popularly
known as "spotted feer." and oce
of the hardest contagicws diseases to
combat, has broken out. in the ra'Jta
of the 1.200 men aboard the receiving
ships Minneapolis and Puritan at
League Island nary yard. Already k
has killed three young recruits. wnia
five more victims are hovering be
tween life and death.
To Adopt Gold Standard.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Nicaragua is
contemplating a change from the sil
ver to the gold standard. It is ex
pected the change win have to be
gradual. Mr. Corea. the Nicaragua
minister at Washington, has submit
ted to his government a report on
the financial system of the United
States with a view or its introduc
tion in Nicaragua. He will soon go
to Europe to continue his studies of
financial matters.
Deny Reports cf War.
TOKIO A telegram has been re
ceived irom the Japanese consul at
New Chwang denying all the rumors
of Russian military activity in that
Gored to Death by a Bull.
WELLINGTON. Kan. Samuel Fox.
a wealthy farmer, was gored to death
in his pasture near this city by a buIL
His body was crushed and badly man
gled. Misinformed About Russia.
WASHINGTON The state depart
ment has satisfied itself that it was
unintentionally misinformed regarding
Russian recccuparicn of New Chwang.
The United States consul at that
point had it on what he regarded as
trustworthy authority that Russian
troops were fortifying and reoccupy
ing the place, and. as was his duty
in sucn a case, he transmitted the re
port to the state department through
Mr. Conger.
purlin in m
Bourse Cochran of New York was
received in private audience by the
Captain Frank Pennell. chief cf po
lice of Quebec. Canada, died on. a Wa
bash, train between Toledo and St.
A high official of the United States
Steel corporation said there was nc
truth in the reported cut in the price
of stctel billets
Former Postmaster W. D. Ellsworth
of Eveleth, Minn., pleaded guilty to
the charge of embezzling the sum of
S2.CQ0 of government funds.
The Morten "Trust company of New
York has made formal announcement
of its withdrawal from clearing house
privileges on and after May 20.
- "Uncle" Jong-Tanf?, oneofthgmost
famous characters in the West, is dead
at his home in Pleasant Valley. Yel
lowstone Park, where he had lived for
thirty yeears.
It was announced that an extraor
dinary session of the Colombian Con
gress had been called for June 20 for
the consideration ot the Panama Canal
treaty with the United States.
Acute distress prevails in the Nan
niag and Tsun-Fa district of Kwangsi
province. It is estimated that 73.000
persons are starving. The people of
Hong Kong are sending relief
Circuit Court Attorney Folk of SL
Louis has received information to the
effect that Senator Frank Harris of
Steeleville. who is under a bribery in
dictment, has gone to Mexico.
Compressed powder will be substi
tuted for black powder in the ignition
charges of the guns of the vessels of
the North Atlantic squadron which are
now repairing at the New York yard.
According to a private cablegram re
ceived at Panama from Callao, Peru,
there were five cases of bubonic plague
there an Saturday, seven new cases on and six new cases on Monday.
"Bela Justh, an aristocratic Hungar
Van gambler, who is known far hi3
remarkable luck at Monte Carlo and
elsewhere, won 4SO,000 playing bac
carat at the National Casino at Buda
pest At Chicago, the Master Bakers as
sociation decided on an advance of 23
per cent to the wholesale trade and 20
per cent to the retail dealers in the
price of buns, rolls, cakes, cookies and
Fifty Baptist ministerial students
Ief- William Jewell college at Liberty.
Mo., for their home because the fac
ulty refused to grant their request that
the fraternities of the college be dis
solved. Agnen Samoa, who has been regard
ed as the greatetst actress on the Ger
man staze has entered an institution
near Berlin suffering from a nervous
malady, after having canceled all her
John G. Powell, postmaster cf Ne
vada. Ind., has been arrested in Cali
fornia on telegraphic instructions from
Indianapolis. Powell is charged with
having embezzled government funds.
This he denies.
The navy department expects that
the protected Cruisers, Cincinnati. Al
bany and Raleigh of the European
fleet, which destined for the Asi
atic station, will get under way in a
very few days.
Great excitement has been caused
In Havana and vicinity by the discov
ery of oil deposits within the land un
der the jurisdiction of the municipal
ity cf Consolacion Del Norte aad in
the suburbs of Havana.
Overcrowding of naval training sta
tions along the Atlantic coast is caus
ing much concern to the navy depart
ment There has been, considerable
sickness among the men recently, due. t
it is feared, to this cause.
The army board, which has been for
months past considering the merits of
the new service rifie or musket has
finally declared in favor of a weapon
with a barrel only twenty-four inches
in. h2agh. using a .HO ball.
Maurice Grau. accompanied by his
wife and Miss Louise Grau. sailed for
1 Europe on the French line steamer La
Savoie. He did not know when he
would r3turn to New York. He was
through with opera, he said.
Mayor Campbell of Tacoma. Wash..
has notitfied the navy department that
he has selected Miss Julia Naoma Har
ris of Tacoma to christen the protected
cruiser Tacoma, now building at the
Union Iron works. San Francisco.
5y direction of the president. Col
onel Charles A. Woodruff, the senior
eoloneL of the commissary department,
is to fce appointed a brigadier general
and retired in July, when vacancies
will accur as the result of the retire
ment of 3Iajor General Davis.
Fostmaster General Payne an
nounced that there would be no more
establishment of rural free delivery
postafflces until July 1. the beginning
of the next flzcal year- This is one
result of the investigation of postoffice
The Irish secretary. Mr. Windham,
announced in the House of Commons
that negotiations were in progress
with the view to the Department of
Agriculture of Ireland making a spe
cial exhibit of Irish, industries at the
St Louis exposition.
The Russian minister of the interior
has circulated an official account of
the recent acti s?raitic outbreak at
KischeaefP. capital af Bessarabia. He
says forty-five persons "were killed and
424 were injured aad that 400 houses
and 500 shops were looted.
The Berlin Taggeblatt states thar.-
thirteen of the men charged with com
pUc'ty in. the dynamite explosions at
Sclonica. have teen summarily sbot-
At the annual meeting cf tite New
Ycrs: Chamber of Commerce. Morris
S Jessnp was elected, presdenz.
State fink
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