The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 13, 1903, Image 3

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    3T.- x -' -"-. - 't---T ' '3sii,iW',v-s.-wTW
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4V v j 1 -
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Columbus JomntaL
?"".-'' !"-"srf
MA kkm
- !:
i '
M M Ml m
Seeds that will grow
and give satisfaction.
A very large assortment of pack
age and bulk garden seeds. Also
German Millet,
Bromis Inermis,
Alsyke Clover,
Bed Glover,
White Clover.
Cane Seed,
Bed Top Grass Seed
Timothy Seed,
xiape Seed,
And numerous other varieties.
You -will find our prices right
and the best qnalkv of eed.
11th Su, Columbus, Nebr.
Superior Points In Hemck Befllserators
Mineral Wool packed, strong circulation,
cold, dry, pure air, no taint, no trouble.
Economical in use of ice, lined with sani
tary spruce wood lining and not the pois
onous zinc so long used in refrigerators.
JC2 j
V-'L; I
Pan yoa aiord to do vithocs
one of :sist?
Please call and we will be pleased to snow von one
of these Refrigerators iced, and in actual operation.
Btti TetopMne 27.
Spring Summer Season
Is of the best and we carry a
larger stock than ever be
fore. We guarantee
lowest prices.
Are acknowledged the best in town. "We cany only solid goods;
no. Dacer. shoddv or shelf-worn goods is here to be found in our shoe
stock." We have oar shoes made especially for us in the foremost fac
tories of the country. We sell them at prices lower than ever.
Call and be convinced.
Frischholz Bros.
411 Seventh Street
To orier til TT vg mrlr b i ?
too late so crier asa from. wtbimH.
todL. 1 Ml . . . . -
hff Pa ItckSf
Wkite Wyuirttes m4
Cnisk I. Games.
Ue't fir CYfttTS KIMTII.
fCocnaca, -
riswC- LINED
t -t-
J"Ci-t cr mcuCBCS J,
Cas job. aJcrd to sae
one of theee?
Here von will find the newest
and best the market af
fords the coming
Dr. YalBsr, Oat iiiae Is, Balsa Meet
Try Eaatoc'e talk eaffae. Seae
Dr. rn , aaata, Tail law tli
street, tf
-Brass; your baiter and aaas to
Maa TTalTiii fiaaa m vary sick with
Dr.Gietxan, daatiaVover Polkwk'a
John Eaadanaae baas reported oat
the sick bat.
Flmr at Grays'.
Dr. Haas
physician aad
Honee for rant northatGnadPadie
hotel. Inquire at Jovmxll
to the hosae the pact traak by
"WImiti inntkrr rirnia rmr thfaaJig hia
band ia gwaarally in osx poekata "Ex.
A good boggy for aale. Inquke of
Vg- Wiae. second block east of court
C S. MaaB, fmtkar at Mis. F. W:
Farrand, baa retmrd to Gobmkoa for
Drs. Maztyu, EruGaar A His
ses, ofiee three dooa north of Fried
hofastore. tf
$2J5 to Lincoln and return Tie Bur
Iiajrton Boute. Ticketo on aale May 20
to 23 inclusive.
Mrs. Wm. Eagel want to Clarks
Monday, called there to act in tie
capacity of nurse.
Dr. McEean's method of making
aluminum plates places them on an
equality with gold.
Charles H. Dietriche has bees eeri
ously HI with dropsy, but this week, was
pronounced as improving.
Mrs. Gns Prieb isTtted gentlemen
friends Wednesday erening to help cele
brate Mr. Prieb's birthday.
Prof. Lake has not applied for his
position in the city schools and expects
to engage in the practice of law.
The State bank rflWa hare on "!
one of the Burroughs adding machines,
and will probably purchase one.
W. W. Stowell of David City was in
town last Friday on his return from
Elgin, 2ebr where he purchased land.
Dr. Seymour will again visit Colum
bus June 12. as many were unable to
meet him owing to bad weather or bad
F. Luchsinger and Jacob Schwank
each shipped two car loads of cattle to
Omaha last week and struck a good
Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
The base ball game which was
scheduled fortius place Sunday between
Silver Creek and Columbus was called
off on account of rain.
Fred. Stesgers workmen hare about
completed the large addition to his
already commodious dwelling in the
eastern part of the city.
Confirmation services were held in
the Episcopal church Sunday evening,
Bishop Williams presiding. There were
thirteen people in the class.
F. B. Ban kin of Shenandoah, Iowa,
a brother-in-law of Thomas Deck, is here
to help the Carr-Nichols brick com
pany start in their work this week.
John Sprecher of Schuyler was in
the city Thursday on business. He has
started his paper, the Free Lance.' the
first number being issued this week.
Earl C. Brink of Fremont, the piano
tuner, is in the dty. The last trip Mr.
Brink made to Columbus he was here for
three weeks and tuned eighty piaaos.
The "tea"' which was to hare been
given by the Presbyterian ladies today
(Wednesday) at the home of Mrs. Hans
Elliott, has been indefinitely postponed-
Charles Stxtzer, a former Columbus
boy in the "70s, now a prominent drug
gist of Central City, was in the city a
short tmw today renewing old acquaint
ances. A crowd of about thirty tendered
Mrs. Walter Scott a birthday surp:
Monday evening. The surpriae
genuine and the crowd spent an enjoya
ble evening.
Bev. Luce and Bev. CHeott are in St.
Edward attending the district confer
ence of the M. E. church, which meets
in ha town Monday, Tuesday and
Mr. and William Brown are
both confined to their home by airkneaH.
On this account Mr. Brown's beasneas
place on North street has been closed the
past few days.
The Wahoo Wasp is our asthority
for the statement that a man of that dty
ate a pint of his wife's bud Beads by
breakfast food.
Wm. Schreiher, northeast of Colum
bus, is having erected on hia farm place
a fine large two-story dweflimg bowse and
some other needed heHTdiagm. Frank A.
Gores is the contractor.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will serre a hot sapper ext week, Wed
nesday, t-ywif; as 530 in the Fitz-
parrifk beHdiatf cs
Tickets 25c All invited.
caa iip Wedeeday from Sdwyler aad Kas that otH. H. Fast aaas, who with
have aedtoh-a which Mr. -wnl " ""
Mill slljfi i a-iiri naiM.i to that aaetioa of the aaaatrv
Wm.Speiee,ocSmthateet. ahoatayearaan.
The bridce boad electacai in Saaee . t .. . .
.uk -m " --- Jadge Battaraaa dataaj the east weak
county last weak rsaaltod ia faver ef the n th p,,,,,, pij,, j9mtji,
tondebyavotolaSfteagaiaat. rf DavH OtTaad Xaam J).
As a two-thjrosvote was reeaired, the -Tm0 rf rnlsili lih -" "-
itTnai a-aaeaaM War asT aaaaaaBs AtavaasaflBjifc L aJaasBfJaVfaa ftssfasaBsa. AaTaawaaaraf
CarLtkexafaataaaaf Mr. aad Mat ceaaty; Jaaeak Micek ef Cobnfcaa aad
Joha Arbeggier; osad aat Saaaay af TeHa Toreea of Dneaa.
Hililiiwi nr thri nrafa aftsr aa iTTseai Tainifnialiiai ijfti Tesiariaali
Tuesday, BeT.TTisaahBi ssl isl'aft with 35i0 ceaital has haaa apuuied
-far aai-25 head ef isg nl by the GaaKatraUar af Caxzaaey. The
Shart Hera balav 8 to 17 aaasas eld. beak wfll he haewa aa the Oaaaa
Taeae are gesd aaas aawaiaaaetham Saaaaal beak with L. G. Stossa, C. K.
aAb4 aBaa aaaaaaa assaraaaaasaaaaT' aaaaVaa faaaaa ass safvaaVasL T A aaflSsBsssffaf asssaft saaaaaaawaa. a'aaaaaawaBB
" flV BHsK OSk BflEfeet CBttL 4aaU7 eBaaeBaBB" aaamm W4BTaTBBTsffWBJBsTam Seam VaVVAVafafavaBV BaVawam jy
UZ it-V XBfeBBTMyBaBaBwaV jmjW a g - .-a,. sBsBsksatf BrnvaamvaWv w? bmL-TIT ffs-
flaaSB IXXKASbbV ACsiV A T eaawseaffem ' BTJasBsaJaUam vi JTiia sw-a? IS rMtai rT t i S
f2l -aj fsWT fap- BBsfBBBBBV VBTfr WB Bjl BBWS KawV K BTA K K BIbbW A ( S
Bsmfly, goad wscaa. Iaqre af Mm. aA.aimwj. week, take bae aad sett as above, that M
Garrett HsisC wiU es-sHlk ad te each aeMtot ef ff
Been, to MM.L.F.giflliipB. Ma- J.g. Ilai, ibwii ef the David CSty wkitawaah rtf aiaid eaaeeef earbeiic
Dr. Martya was celled to Geksat Rasar. Mr.Aftaa eai aaaf theap- aagh to lew freely wham aaed. Ifaatt
bbbI i i bi i ifaaiii isT bbm aeas ti fall fpaw af the atoto, which a toothiekit wJUaakeog aMreorleas
-Jlany a aaas
on what isn't fomad oat aaeat
AttoraeyJ. G-
up the braach road one day
F. A. Band ia again
Olive street barber
yoar patronage. tf
For watches and docks aae C Free-
bm! the Eleveath street jeweler. Low
Goods guaraateed.
Lee Boilesn of
brought here last week sad ia at St.
Mary's hospital reeeiviag trwtaiMt.
I have a nice stock of gereazaeai
for hoaae or heddfag, Also faras aad
other ornamental plants at vary low
prices. Mrs. A. Smith.
Dr. ITisaaii want to Oaaaha Thaav
Jday, to cooault with Dr. Gifford ip.
to his eyes. The doctor has bee
ouely afflicted with rheixmatiem of the
From Satarday aoon to Taaadar
noon this section of country has been,
visited with 2-36 inches of rain and stQI
indications are for more. Farmers have
been unable to work in fields the
Holmes Thompson of Cadiz, Ohio, a
cousin of Mrs. M. E. Turner, arrived in
the dty Friday from Loup county where
he had been looking after buataesB affairs.
He remained over Sunday visiting with
Nellie Sullivan, who teaches in dis
trict 42 southeast of Lindsay, recently
raised $20 for a school library by giving
a basket social. Miss Sullivan has been
re-elected to teach the school the com
ing year.
The Schuyler and Columbus High
school base ball teams played an inter
esting game on the grounds in the
southeast part of the dty last Saturday.
The final score was 10 to 2 in favor of
Henry, the four-year-old son of
Lewis Behle who lives near Shell creek,
died Tuesday last of lung fever and was
buried Thursday in the Columbus cem
etery, services being held in the German
Lutheran church.
Mias Waythn. Powell who has made
her home with Bev. and Mrs. Luce the
past two years, left Saturday for Iowa.
After a visit there and in TTsnaaff, she
will go to Idaho where she will make
her home with a brother.
Samuel C 5mit.h, a former promi
nent business man of this dty, father of
IMfi J. G. Boeder and Elmer Smith, is
reported seriously sick at his home in
San Diego, California. Mr. Smith is in
the 78th year of his age.
George F. Eeefer of Tin coin, who
spent several months here two years ago
with the Nebraska Telephone people
was in the dty Saturday and Monday.
He is now traveling for a firm whieh
handles telephone supplies.
I have the agency far the Densmore
typewriter, one of the best writing ma
chines made. If you want to see up-to-date
machine with all the new improve
ments, H at my office. If you need
any typewriting 'phone 77. J. M. Curtis.
G. T. Everett. Will PostaL Earl
Weaver and Clarence HoUenbeck were
in Creston Friday to look after the tele
phone materials at that place. A ear
load of poles has arrived and work will
be pushed as rapidly as the weather will
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beiake left Wed
nesday Tpnming last for Hot Springs,
Arkansas, where they will remain daring
the summer. They go for the benefit of
Mr. Beinke's health and, his many friends
will be glad to see him return home
entirely cured. y
A. H. Hardy of Hyanms, Nebraska,
brother of C. C. Hardy of this dty, is
expected here about the 24th and will
give an exhibition of shooting. Mr.
Hardy is to be in Bockford, Illinois, May
30, where he is to shoot a match for the
There will be no services at the
German Ev. Protest, church next Sun
day. Bev. Neumarker is attendxag the
meeting of the central conference of this
synod at Madison this week. Next ser
vices on Ascension Day, Thursday, May
21, at 1030 a. m.
Misses Julia Fax, Essie Bossiterand
Goasie Gregorius gave a dance in the
Orpheus hall Wednesday evening last, to
a large crowd of invited guests. The
Orpheus orchestra furnished music for
the occasion. All present pasaed an
enjoyable erening.
"Coon" Dariiag came down from
county Friday and next day
went on to Schuyler. With the
tion of gray hairs, "Coon" looks jbj
young as when he used to be the
pitcher for the "Shoo Flyw ball
here in the early TOa.
Mias Enuaa Tenser, a nieee ef Mrs.
Fraak Bridel, aad Mr. Jesse Keller of
David City were married Wedaeaday
aoon at the home of the bride's samt in
thai dty, Bev. Neuawrker aaadatiDg.
Mias Fail Neumarker aad Mr. Peter
Duffy acted asbrideaaeid aad
George Heller has made a
af laad in Marylaad aad will aa
with his family to hia future
We an inataa 1 that h
Baeder had aasamwai aaaam ijBBtorwave vauora atCaima- W1U aBau ia. i airinia xae star S
is alase
tami u Ma mmt mmmr mwm uii.
-Oaaaaa ScasaaaHB: L. Westeott The aew iibi1iiij edacatioc law
weak. " nilaj laal T iinaa riikiiiiilii m?k- " At laaat Cosaty Attorney Caid- J
M t m wtT '' .. . x
I L. IXWm. 1 1 CK BBaKT. m ummi l mv IK tmw IKBCHI a
' .A. -M 3-n t.1 r rMMtlTMll f.iki atl IT ,.,
.tr kJ ite " ' "t w jw k. nHUMUK a. u, -...- i,iU
u. wf.aau saw Jbaaie Jtilier up wiv5,
bam CbIi has ea a eoanie of weeks atoaee the eerenta.
viBk with aaaae foIksL amaherof tfaias,
" - i. i the children
iiinTlniii lid ! i in have perautted
. ' 'I ebbb wk. an na ill !
Gaasa WM -t- . . Iaiv. Th nlr? law aki-h na' . t
mm Xt kM i g. mnBri BaTOCBe
are Phil aad Fraakie Echols, Horatio
iaaaa TTanj Tasliaaai sail V C Tnaia
Mr. Joass has bean eoeJaed to the bed,
aad his ease aaaaaad quite aerious for
a reap.
It is dnahtfal if the aasae efforts
haas ever been put tor an entertainment
in SioaxQtyas ia beiar doae for the
place from Ji
9th to Jaly4thmcla-
on all
the dty aad
day there will be new
Lizzie, wife of Fred flrhalararc, liv
iag abomt fourteen antes northeast of
town, died Sunday, Tea ling a husband
and several children the youngest of
whom is two days old. Mrs. Schalaeach
was 35 years old. Funeral services were
held today, Tuesday, in the Shell creek
church, Bev. Graaenhorst conducting
EBen, aged aearly twenty-eight years
daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Erb, died
Sunday in Beatrice, death caused from
pneumonia. The body was brought
hone Moaday and funeral services were
held this Tuesday afternoon at the home.
Bev. Nemmarker officiating. The mother
and family have sympathy of friends in
their bereavement.
Dr. Olie Britell of St. Edward was in
the dty Thursday, he having a patient
in the hospital here. Dr. Britell is
brother of Prof. Britell of this dty and
took his high school course in. Columbus,
since whieh he has graduated with hon
ors from the State university and later
at Bash Medical college of Chicago. He
has now a good practice in his home
The biennis! meeting of the A. O.TJ.
W. lodges of the state began this Tues
day morning in Grand Island. The
delegates from here are Ed. Bossiterand
Louis Held. G. W. Phillips also went
as a member of the lodge. Columbia
lodge of thiB dty will tender an invita
tion to hold the next grand lodge meet
ins; in Columbus, and in all probability
will capture the prize.
The Fremont Tribune says that
Otto Pool is the proud possessor of a
fine new gun which he claims to be a
little better than anythrag else in Fre
aunt. If the price were doubled or
trebled it would be nearly enough to
purchase an auto. The weapon was made
to order. It is of conventional pattern
but is very light to handle, and the
workmanship is of the beat.
Miss MoUie Kreye, rTghtw of Mr.
and Mrs. Arend Kreye, was married
Thursday morning at 1030 to August
Barjenbruch in the Loaeke church, Bev.
Prase nrnWating. A very large crowd of
invited guests were present to witness
the ceremony and later at the home of
the bride, where a splendid dinner was
served. The couple will reside on a farm
of the groom northeast of the dty. A
number of people from Columbus attend
ed the wedding.
Mary, wife of Gottlieb Summer, who
lives across the Loup river south of
Duncan, died Sunday at her home, leav
ing huebead and several children to
mourn the departure of a devoted wife
and mother. Mrs. Hummer was in Co
lumbus Saturday and her sadden death
is a shock to her acquaintances. The
deceased's name before marriage was
Mary Eggar. Funeraleervices were held
in the Braun school bouse this Tuesday
afternoon at 1 o'clock.
On account of a serious accident
that happened at Albion Friday evening
to Miss Cora E. Levy of the Levy Faust
coeapcoy, the company will play hi
Columbus Wedaeaday and Thursday
evauBgs instead of Moaday and Tues
day as advertised. Miss Levy is suffering-from
baviac sulphuric add spilt over
her arm while acting oae of the parts
requiring that deadly poison. She is in
Columbas receiving medics! aid and ex
pects to appear Wedaeaday evening:
Schuyler aever wantB Columbus to
of her, ao after Columbas
weat out on a strike of
esasaeSehayier had to follow up. This
at the way the Leigh World teDs about
the ffificalty: -Schuyler has begun to
put on airs to beat the band aad " v
are all 'awaited .' They have had a
striae. Not a wy asrioas one bat a
rcity saaaot he a dty without it has labor
troubles. To fcdac the town to the front
the Bta-setters at the bowling alley
at the state coatest.
of Norfolk
baptised by Bev.
as Presbyterian
The Saaday TTfaatntsri Bee eoa
tiiaad a paetare ef thoae aaceessfal in
the State hern aehoal deeteasatoryeca
tasthaUta South Omaha May 1. Maasa
Hikka. Caartna of Sooth Omaha aad
Mahal OiTbbjbb of FaQerton are aasoag
thegsaaaafaix. Thato two yoeag ladies
eoatoat head m this aity. MaaCoadrea
ehatreh,twe in the awning aad aae in
tae-eaaaa. Five want received rate
beaaleartoaa aasaesadaed to the church
rel.saaee aVator, threagh the effbrta of
n ITibjij Aft the baataeaal service
FlBBBSf asm sas aasd wheeh had basa
Cariat was aaatoed. The water was
hswagat to Sew. Heavy hy a friead who
by Truant
in thai particular ia-
althoagh notzfieda
have refuaed to
to arhaol. Iastead they
the Iittte oaea to raa. at
The old tew whieh sought to
the arreadasre of children at
thought to have been fatally
defective, aad ao effort was made to
enforce it. Now, however, there is new
tegwiatioB on the subject."
In the auay years of Mr. Galley's
in Cofanbas when he has been
continually connected with the
dty government both aa a councilman
and aa member of the eehool board, hia
hoaesty aad aadgatneas, his desire at
all hazard to serve the people, both
deuBoersts and repnhiirana alike who
have elected him has been his prominent
trait of character. The people of both
parties recognize this by re-electing him
year after year to these offices, Mr.
Galley will continue to have the entire
confidence of the public, notwithstand
ing all efforts of the Telegram to mis
lead the people.
The following is the assignment of
dvil cases for the May, 1903. term of
court, which ia now in session: Bobert
Wagner vs. The City of Columbus;
Albertina Eolm vs. J. C. Byrnes; First
National Bank vs. Dennis-Sullivan; Wil
liam Meyer vs. John Janiek; F"i C.
Wagner vs. Union Pacific E. R. Co.;
First National Bank vs. Frank J. Uridil;
O'Shea & McBride vs. D. C. Eavanaugh
et aL; Ernest Meays vs. James Fauble.
The criminal cases which are assigned
for this term of district court are: State
of Nebraska vs. James Barrows and
John Hale; State of Nebraska vs. Geo.
Dobson and State of Nebraska vs.
Michael Mostek.
The Columbus dramatic dub played
"Comrades" to a large and appreciative
audience in David City last Friday even
ing. There would have been a larger
crowd to witness the play but for some
G. A. B event the same evening. Be
sides the fourteen in the company Mrs.
L. W. Snow, Mrs. Carl Kramer and John
Hoffman went down Friday and returned
Saturday afternoon. All report a very
pleasant time. They were entertained
after the play by Mias Queen Snow to a
chafing spread and a lunch was served
by Mrs. Dr. Hewett Saturday just before
the train left. The play, as a whole,
went off better than it did here and
financially, was a success.
The Platte Center Signal records
the death of another old settler in the
county as follows: "The many friends
and acquaintances of William B. Jones,
in this vicinity will be shocked to learn
of his death Tuesday morning at the
home of hiB daughter, at Albion, where
he was visiting. Until a little more than
a year ago Mr. Jones and family were
residents of Jolist township, where they
had lived many years. He sold his farm
there and bought a large farm near
Wayne, NetL, where be has since lived.
Mrs. Jones, it will be remembered, died
a few months since. Mr. Jones was in
Platte Center three or four weeks atace
and apparently was in has usual health.
The remains were shipped to Wayne for
Mrs. Charles Whaley received word
Monday of the death of her mother, Mrs.
Mary Plant. Mr. Peter Plant, her hus
band, died about three years ago. Mrs.
Plant was in her seventieth year. For
many years in the pioneer days the fam
ily lived in the Looking Glass neighbor
hood and later moved to Columbus.
Eight years ago Mr. and Mrs. Plant
moved to the Soldiers' home in Grand
Island where they had since Irved. Mrs.
Plant leaves several children, Mrs. Wha
ley of this dty, Mrs. Julia Bood of Look
ing Glass and other children in New
Hampshire. Mra.Whaiey went to Grand
Island Monday evening to attend the
funeral services which were held today
We respectfully submit the follow
ing to the attention of Brother Howard,
aad also to the fact that the state is run
by republicans this year. After a
lengthy list telling who were successful
in securing different jobs from the state,
the Lincoln Star says : "The contracts for
the various small items were let, each to
the lowest bidder. These included more
than three hundred separate items, some
exceedingly small, such as three pencils,
a half dozen pens, etc The aggregate
amount of the estimated expense for
printing the house and senate journals,
the reports of the various state depart
ments and the session laws will exceed
9UfiO0, but is estimated to be fully S2,
000 lower than the same contracts were
let for in other years."
The Fremont Tribune remarks that
"the power canal situation has Iain dor
aunt for a long period. Is is high time
doing in that line and in
with this idea comes a rumor
to the effect that there is a new situa
tiaa whieh will aoon develop something.
A Fraaonter who visited Omaha this
weak was informed upon what aaaaed to
be high authority that a eanal project is
by a syndicate headed by
I: was said that the
project that Mr.Kouatxe is
iatannan rnriteainlatr it the aae
of the water of the Leap river, through
what is known aa theCoixnabas canaL
Thssrmaor mayor may sot prove true.
It at teaataerves to revive hope that the
satire aehaaee is not eceapletely dead."
Coaaty Scp't Leavyhas just been
Bodied ef a sew school law regulating;
the teagthef the term. It requires that
all djatiku mast hold school three
In order to get the
t districts ecutatsiae;
last bold aeaool
twenty aad aeveaty-
aranei. was
fama, aaaaaaaW -iMem afav bbbsBsbbT saaU? waaaaassr:
WTf sTaarwTsTan "amava SapaaW XaaaV aawaVK wasaaV QaTsaaV XXfaffam
Win do their
yoa whenever
in their line.
Groceries, Crockery,
Fresh Canned Fruits,
Best Farmers' Butter
Dont forget tbe Seeds,
they are the best.
These are the vogue for La
dies, Misses and Little Girls.
Our stock of STANDARD PAT
TERNS is rich in all the
latest and prettiest styles.
Beginning with, the Mav out-puall new issues of
Standard Patterns for Misses, Girls and Children will be
10 and 15 Cents. None hirher.
a a
a a
J. H. GALLEY, Agnrt.
Our store is thronged every day
with eager purchasers. The
favorable comments heard on all
sides is extremely gratifying to
us. It is proof that our styles and
prices are right and far below
that others ask for inferior quality-
in Platse county, compellinc them to
hold a longer tenn than heretofore. Mr.
Leavy has received from Mrs. llartba
Watts, teacher of district 4Sr as-a contri
bution to the Morton memorial fund
given on Arbor Day. 3L49- A number
of schools in the county contributed to
the fond by sending direct to the asso
ciation. Mrs. George W. Wertz aras taken to ,
the hospital at Columbas last Tuesday.
Mrs. Wertz has been very ill for some
two months past and is taken to the hos
pital in order to have more careful atten
tion and constant medical treatment
One day this week Ernest Schostag. a
cigar dealer of Columbas. came down
and attached the fixtures and saloon
property of James A. Fiala. to secure
payment of a bill of some sixty dollars
due him for cigars sold to Fiala. After
he hA the goods attached, is was found
that they did not belong to Fiala at all.
but belonged to the Jetter Brewing Co
so Schostag had to put them bock
CaotainBert Hardrcf fiTannis. former! v
of this county, goes to Eockford. Illinois, ' ? 19 the fiat preacher being
t. t . 0 .u- .t - . I E7- Hutchinson. The first church
the latter part of this month to snoot a I banding was bought in IK? and the
match with a man from Europe for 3300 parsonage in 1S6. The original mem
a side and gate receipts, and for thebership of the organization were: Mr.
chaamionahiD honors. A. E. Bowers will i aad r G. W. Brown. Mrs. A. L
accompany him. Schuyler Sun.
The school board met m adiouraed '
attnoc Mocdaj afterxooc aad e7enigg mmmmEE
Srrssr'SrcDT to please i
, .
rants outstanding' to the amount oft
$15S3L John Schmocker was elected
census enumerator. The salaries of the
teachers of the sixth and seventh grades
were established as $47.50 a month, of
the eighth grade at $3130. The princi
pals of the 1st. 2d and 3d wards are to
receive $7.59 additional for their semces.
The teachwri elected at the meeting
were: First ward Anna CogQ principal.
6th grade; Mas Ida Bonam. 5th grade;
Eauly Segelke. 3d and 4th grades; Clara
Jacobaon, primary. Second ward '
Helen Jerome. 3d and 4th grades; Alice .
Loth, primary. Third ward Sarah A.'
Brindley principal, primary; Alice Wat
kina. 5th grade; Ahrina Laers, 3d. and
4th grades. High school building
Elizabeth. Sheehan, primary; Baby Rich
ly, 3d and 4th grades; Nellie Lynch. 6th
grade. High school H. W. Graybill
teacher; Kathrine Graham Ian
teacher. West end primary
IdaThoatpaon. Subarban school Edna
The board adjbamed to
thai Taeerhy evening. MiasBoaaaal
beat to pleMe
Wow m the time lor
Services held last Friday evening,
installing Bev. Walter X. Haleey as pas
tor of the Presbyterian chorch were veil
attended. Be?. Boade af Oeeeoia, Mod
erator of the Presbytery, presided, and
asked the constitutional questions of the
f pastor and congregation.
The ministers
of other city churches assisted in the
service, Bev. Luce offering prayer, Bev.
Munro giving the address of welcome
from the Columbus ministerial union
and Bev. Basmussen pranouncinff the
benediction. The principal address of
the evening was given by Bev. Wilson.
D. !., of the Omaha Theological Semi
nary. Bev. McKee of Bock Brver, Illi
nois, father-in-law of Bev. Halsey, de
livered the charge to the pastor and Bev.
Weyer now of Fremont, who was pastor
cf this church in 1900. delivered the
charge to the people.
Bev. Haiser tfaec
) ordained George 6. Burns as an elder in
'he church. The service was interspers-
SJSIiTLE .'SffiuS!
obligato Tiolin accompaniment by Prof.
PooL It may be icterestittir to" know
that the Presbyterian ehureh was otvaa-
Aroold. Mrs. Joseobiae Coezstoe. M-
Joseph Gerrard, Miss Ym Gerrard.
Jars. Avis Zetgier.
That's what the proprietor and at
tendants at the PARK BABBEE
SHOP do study to please their pa
trons and that's the magnet so to
'apeak, that draws new cuetoaaers
and holds fast the old ones. If not
already among the latter yoa are in
vited to drop in and give as a
triaL One of oar famous Pompean
Massages will make yon present
able at any eoart in the world.
5fewoaar block, eocaar Uth xd OIr
. CoTTrnn. 5ecr.
af teeth.
. k
far two y
'Jtf" 1? "
- -Jr-..