The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 11, 1903, Image 3

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    -JSSJfBfS V t'- "3Ri4jg??''4:i
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LA FB'T"s'r -.- - t. '
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i.-. :
Are you going to build
a House, Barn or Fence
in your field? If so do
not buy your
Hardware i Wire
Until you get our prices. Buying in,
large quantities, we get the low price
and you get the benefit. . . . Our
stock of Ranges and Cook Stoves are
complete. We have a few Heating
Stoves we will close out at cost.
Highest Market Price Paid
for BUTTER and EGOS.
Inlst I Haas,
llth St., Columbus, Nebr.
Do Not Forget
We shall be better prepared
this season than ever to ac
commodate the trade with
all varieties of
Off the Highest duality.
Look over our stock ami compare prices and quality
lefore rending your money out of town. A e will
duplicate any price, quality considered, of any seed
house that have any reputable showing.
Bath Telephone 27.
iQtae& Appends I
We have the !
We have the
"ive our
best line of
I dealers
::1N : :
The City
Mschholz Bros.
If it ever occurs to our customers that we
are the price-makers on .
lie? anil Ladies'
We establish the low prices and others follow
with a cheaper grade of goods. We carry all
the best makes in everything and show the
largest assortments. -
. c.
the Big Store
Field Seeds
We have made the most careful preparations
to be able to offer the very best goods for
the lowest prices. We buy for cash and
customers the benefit
Advantage we have over those
that sell "everything" (all kinds of
merchandise and no assortment ot any
thing") we buy in big quantities and it
stands to reason at a lower price than leing
in small lots.
It would please us to show what we can do
for you. For instance, with a Ten Dol
lar Bill of yours. Bring your boy along
and let us dress him from head to foot for
little money. Would you buy the best
Shoe in town for the least money? Shoe
repairing neatly and promptly done. Well,
get our prices and be convinced.
U AST 11.
Dr. Panl, dents.
Mialenz for bwt photoa,
Blaake's Coffee at Greys'.
Febmary cl nig sals, L. 8chwarz.
Dr. Nmmu, dentist, Thirteenth
strsst. tf
Dr. Gistxsn, dentist, over bUocka
Elkry a Royal Italian band wfflbs
at Xortk opera hones Psb. 12.
-E. a Newfin took J. E. Erauna'a
place aa traveling: nnlaeenan laat week.
A pair of mittens left at Joubxai.
oases. Owner can hare suns by calling.
The family of B. G Boyd hare been
snfering with the epidemic of catarrhal
Do ik fail to see oar &46ot galvan
ised eteel mill for $800. A.DnsssU
Son. tf
Mr. Jacob Zianarkar haa
suffering severely the peat weak with a
aore foot.
Dra. Martyn, Erane, Oeer k Haa
een, oases three doora north of Fried
hofs store, tf
J. CL Coley, a prof oaaional tailor from
Lincoln haa aooepted a poaitkm at Ian
strums emporium.
Dr. McKeaa'a method of making
aluminum platea places them on an
equality with gold.
The aUte Y. M. C. A. will hold their
annual meeting in Beatrice from Feb
ruary 27 to March 1.
What are yoa going to wear at the
Hookies' mask ball on the 21st? is a
question being asked by many these days.
H. J. Hudson while in Omaha last
week was taken quite ill with la grip, bat
has been able to be at his offioe every day.
Ten "dead" engines are said to have
arrived at the Union Pacific shops in
Omaha covering a period of two days
last week.
Win. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
Recital Monday evening, Feb. 16, at
the Presbyterian chnrch by Alvin E.
Pool and D. Boss Cunningham, present
ing a group of pnpila, Admission 15c.
We have heard of no loosen of stock
in the storm which raged for twelve
honra in this state Tuesday last. It was
very near to an old-time Nebraska
The city of Schny ler has outstanding
over $30,000 worth of electric light and
water bonds. The water mains in use
are wood and at best can not hut many
years more.
"The Royal Italian 'Band probably
has no equal in this country. If it ex
ists, it has never appeared here.' Mem
phis Commercial -Appeal. At North
opera house Thursday evening.
The ladies' aid society of the M. E.
church are requested to meet in the
church Wednesday afternoon. They are
in receipt ot a new set of dishes which
will be unpacked at this meeting.
A money-making farm to rent to the
right person; 160 acres good pasture;
100 fine grass land, and 240 under plow,
all joining. Will give good party a fair
deal. Inquire for E. H. Jenkins at Joub
nal office.
Don't forget the clearing sale at
Schwarz' during thia month when under
wear, hosiery, gents' fall and winter
clothing, furs, gloves and mittens and
other useful articles will be sold regard
less of cost.
H. J. Alexander is going to have a
big sale of horses, cattle, hogs, fsrm
machinery, eta, on the White farm one
half mile north of Columbus on Satur
day, February 21. See bille for farther
Base ball enthusiasts of Fullerton
held a meeting last week and elected a
board of managers for the coming sssson.
Another meeting will be called soon
when the players and a captain will be
decided upon.
A. W. Clark is slowly improving from
his recent serious illness. The absence
of Mr. Clark and H. E. Babcock from
the council meetings haa delayed the
committees in some departments in tak
ing decisive action.
P. S. Griffin, who met with an acci
dent last week in which he suffered a
broken leg, a mention of which waa made
in these columns last week, waa brought
to the city and ia now at St Mary's hos
pital receiving treatment
On account of the stormy weather
last week the Thomas sale was postponed
to Monday, February 16. Stock, farm
machinery, etc, will be disposed of on
that date. Their place is six miles south
west of Columbus, on the Island.
Dr. R. A. Vallier, Osteopath, has lo
cated in Columbus for the practice of
his profession. Those who have failed
to be cured by other methods will do
well to try Osteopathy. It's cares are
permanent Office, Barber Building.
"No band has ever created the en
thusiasm here that Ellery'a Boyal Ital
ian organization hss by its remarkable
interpretation of both high class and
popular music.'' Philadelphia Ledger.
North opera house, Thursday evening.
Editors Howard and Johannes of
this city attended the third annual meet
ing ot the State Dessocratie Editorial
association in Grand Island laat Wednes
day, where sixteen wieldera of the pen
discussed important subjeeta in regard
to party interests.
Lee Beaty, of near Monroe, waa in
the city a oonple of days last week viait
ing relatives and friends. His recently
purchased a farm near Cedar Bapideaad
will soon move thereto with hie family.
Many will regret to ass these good peo
ple leave Platte county.
Invitationa have bean issued for the
marriage Wednesday evening of next
week, of Mias Abigail Frances Keating,
daughter of Mr. and Mia. Thomaa Keat
ing to Dr. George Alexander Young.
The ceremony will be-performed at the
home of the bride'e sister, Mm, Hart
Adjataat General Colby haa ordered
fifty-nine officers of the Nebraska nation
al guard before a board to take an ex
amination aa to their qnalificationa for
commissions as offioara of the guard.
We notion the asm as of J. Bex Henry,
rat lieutenant,
corps, and George F.
Dr. L. 0. Tons, Hnmingat Ms physi
isn.Columbua.Neb. Wanted, a eat of books to post morn
ings. Inquire at this office.
Frank, son of CL CL Johnson, ia
threatened with appendicitis.
Dr. Hans Petersen, physician and
surgeon, office Olive street tf
-Mrs. Page is to make her boss with
Mr. and Mrs. Hickok I or a time.
Great concert Thursday, of. next
weak, Ellery'a Boyal Italian bead.
Pillabury'a Best XXXX Flour, the
bast in the world, at Graya. tf
Dr. J.E. SnydsrMtaopathphyaiciaa,
hss located in Chadron, this state.
Valentines! Valentines! Valeatinea
ot all descriptions at von Bergen's.
B. W. Salsy haa bean eonlned to
the hoaae aeveral daya by sickness.
Fresh Roil Butter at 15c Fancy
Roll at 17c, at Herman P. H. Oealrich'e.
The greatest social event of the
season will be the Hookies' mask ball on
the 21st
All fall and winter dry goods will be
closed out at the February clearing aale
ot Louie Schwarz. 2
The Young Ladies' Sodality eociety
give a sapper Tuesday, the 17th, at
Maennerchor halL
MiaaBena Turner is at home, being
compelled to take a vacation from teach
ing on account of tonailitia.
The case of Mayes vs. Fanble which
was tried in the county court recently
has been appealed to 'the district court
Herbert Rodman has moved his fam
ily here from Schuyler and haa accepted
a position in the Snow stationery store.
John McGill was taken sick with
smallpox. Mrs. McGill, who hss been
akk for aeveral weeks with the disease,
is improving.
Ladies' and children's jacket, cloaks,
capes and skirts will be sold at the Feb
ruary clearing sale regardless of cost
Louis Schwarz.
Rolls Hall went to his home in
David City today for a visit Next Mon
day he will start on his trip ss traveling
salesman in southern Nebraska.
Second-hand Store, Eleventh street
Columbus, OLD STAND, has juat
opened again for purchase and sale of
household goods. All calls promptly
attended to. 2t
A store for rent on Thirteenth street
near postoffice now occupied as meat
market. Good location. Enquire ot
E. D. Fitzpatrick, at White Front Dry
Goods Store.
An immense crowd attended "Shore
Acres" at the North opera house Satur
day night We heard it remarked more
than once that it was the best play and
company that has ever visited this city.
The stock on the Kummer ranch
south of town of which we had mention
laat week, are all on the mend. The dis
ease, which affects the feet so that the
hoots fall off, seems to be in no way
Frank Schreiber plead guilty to petty
larceny in Justice Wsgner's court Mon
day and waa sentenced to six daya in
jail. Schreiber took clothing to the
amount ot $225 from L. Conn's store
last Friday.
The Christian Endeavor of the Pres
byterian church will give a social this
(Tneedsy) evening at the home of W. A.
McAllister. A musical program will be
given and refreshments served. Every
body invited.
Frank Woods, who a few years ago
waa employed in the Snow book store
here, and who is now n successful young
business man of Seward, was married
Tuesday of last week to Miss Mansfield
also of Seward.
In the equity session ot court held
Saturday the case ot James vs. the
county supervisors waa derided in
favor of the plaintiff. The auperviaora
contended that they had disposed of
Jsmes' claim finally which James denied.
Miss Ida Meagher of this city,
daughter of Mr. and Mm. J. B. Meagher,
and Charles Mason, who waa for some
time employed in the Stillman drug
store, were married in Council Bluffs
the 29th nit The couple have the best
wishes of many friends for their future
Miss Bertha Stauffer got stuck in n
snow bank while going to her school
east of town Wednesdsy and was com
pelled to have a neighbor assist the
horse she waa driving out ot the drifts.
Miaa Rosa Stauffer, who teaches across
the river, also experienced the same
Dan Shank and wife ot Polk county
were visiting relatives in Columbus this
week. Mr. Shank is on his way to
Sickles, Oklahoma, where he expects to
locate and in the near future go into
business. He haa been in that country
before and thinks it n good place for a
young man.
Laura, the fifteen-year-old dsughter
of Mr. and Mm. C W. McCune of David
City, died at her home Monday of last
week. The McCune family have friends
in Columbus who will sympathize with
them in their loss. Mr. McCune waa
formerly employed in newspaper work
in this city.
The second annual meeting of the
Platte County Medical society will meet
at the Meridian hotel, thia city, Than
day of thia week. Dr. H. J. Arnold is
president of the sssoriation. The pro
gram will be devoted to the interests of
the physicians, with papers by Doctors
McKinley,Haneen, Gear, Arnold, TJanfag
and Martyn, jr.
Peter P. Daffy ia now business man
agar of the Daily Nebraakan, the paper
of the State university. At a reeeat
meeting of the board of directoraof the
Hesperian Publishing Cow, several
gee 'were made and Peter now
the paper aa advertising atsn has been no
successful that be has demonstrated
that he ia competent to fill n batter
Daring the past week Judge Batter
man issued marriage licenses to the fol
lowing persona: Knud Plaanei
Annie Peterson, both of Lindsay;
Kaiacek of Fullerton and Aaaa Lis of
Duncan; Michael FJodaiej of South
Omaha and Veronika Maslonka of Co
lumbus; John Jaworaki of Tamov and
Katariaa Pubanekof Daaeaa; Wflhasa
Hosasr Wilker of Sidney and Cathrina
Marie MeGuchey of Cedar Rapids;
ry D. 8smle and Gretta S.
both of Oolembws; James B. Hodges af
York and Mabel Barker at Columbus.
work on
Tfcs trucks on n freight ear that
taken mp the Albion braao
day sfliinuau attaohsd ttr thaaenwaager
traia, got eaT the .trunk hat ween Genoa
and St Edward and ceased 'a delay of
the tram of aerend hours before it was
sent on. A crew wss sent up from bars
to clear up the meek.
-Misses Hattie 8slsor, Louies Matth
ews and Katharine Speioe left Monday
for Chicago tostady the styles in mil
Unary. Misafleleor will be head milliner
in thaFflhnaa store, aad Mass Matthews
will retain her position in Schuyler.
Mias Bpsica has not yet decided where
she will go this aeaeon
-Judge sad Mm. A. M. Post are in
Chisago where they wars called by the
aioknssa of their daughter, Georgia
Sosss time ago Miaa Post had a fall from
which she had not folly recovered,. sad
today (Tuesday) pbyaiciana will perform
aa operation from which it ia hoped ahe
will receive permanent relief.
"Shore Acres,'' which wss. presented
hers Saturday evening, wss perhape the
highest class play Columbus audiences
have ever listened to. The naturalness
ot the players of the story aad the
scenery appealed to every body. The
aadieoce ahowed their appreciation by
giving the management a big house.
Miss Laura Miner, who has been
employed in the hat factory departaMot
of. the Boston store in Omaha, is now
viaiting her brother Charles, in St Jo
seph. Charles is now eagaged ia the
shops of the Big Four B. B. Co., where
he ihas finishing work to da He is
getting good wages and is well pleased
with his work.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Snow will enter
tain a number of friends to n "house'
party Saturday and Sunday. Saturday
evening n heart party will be enjoyed.
The guests will be Mr. and Mm. Frank
Snow and daughter Miaa Queen, and Mr.
and Mrs. Dr. Hewitt all of David City,
and Dr. and Mia. Schedler and daughter
Bertha of York.
Albert Kummer from the Kummer
Bros, ranch six- miles south of the river,
called Tax Joubxai. office up over the
Independent telephone line to inform ne
that they had been conneotedjrith town
service on Saturday. The workmen will
connect others on the line as rapidly as
possible. Mr. Kummer is well pleased
with the connection.
At a meeting of the Commercial
club, held last Ssturdsy evening an
appropriation of $20 wss voted to help
defray the expenses of the Farmers' In
stitute to be held here February 24 and
25. Two Omaha business men, who con
template the manufacture of brick at
Columbus, will meet the Commercial
club' this Wednesday evening.
"The musical aenaation of the hour
in St Louis ia Ellery'a Boyal Italian
Band. Two thinga noticeable at their
concerts are enough to put the bead in
a class by itself the sbsoluto unity ot
attack and the amazing climaxes, the
latter being powerful almost beyond be
lief." St Look Olooe-Democrst. North
opera house, Thursday evening.
The next large gathering in Colum
bus ot importance will be the annual
meeting of the North Nebraska Teach
ers' association which will be held here
April 1,2 and a This will bring several
aandred teachers of the state iato the
city, and 8up't Leavy haa advised all the
teachers in the county to dismiss their
schools in order to attend thia gathering.
There ia to be a match game at bowl
ing at the Bagel alleye thia Wednesday
evening. The Fremont boys will be
here in their endeavor to wrest another
game from the Columbus experts. Hon
ors just now are even with the two teams,
each having won n series of games. A
small admission fse of ten cents will be
charged to help defray the expenses of
the visitors.
We have a bargain to offer bur
farmer subscribers. We can give you
Thk Coluhbub Joubnal and Nebraska
Farmer, the two papers one year for
$1.75. Now is the time to subscribe.
Don't wait as this offer may not be of
long duration. Thk Joubxai. will give
you the city and county news while the
Farmer ia valaable to every one who ia
interested in agriculture.
Sup't Leavy announces that the
annual county teachers' institute will be
held in this city during the week begin
ning Jnne 8, and the examinations will
be taken the following week. The in
fractors thia year will be Sup't Fullmer
of the Pawnee City schools, who was
recently elected president'of the State
Teachers' association, Sup't Atkinson of
York, and & Y. Gillan of Milwaukee, who
is a man ot exceptional ability as lec
turer and instructor.
A social entertainment wss given by
the Catholic Knights of America laat
Sunday evening at the residence of Mr.
8. J.' Ryan. The Knights and their
ladies have again shown, as they always
do, their testimony of esteem toward the
members of their branch by a full attend such gatherings. The evening
waa spent in socisl games, after which
refreshments were served. There were
about aixty present All well pleased
and retired at a late hour.
We were in hopes that Co)ambua
would take the initiative ia formatting a
reading aad resting room for the accom
modation of country women when they
come to town, but Central City ia likely
to get ahead of as as the last issue of the
Deaoocrat aaid that each a place would
noon be opened there by the Indies of
that city. The editor thought the move
on the part of the ladies a worthy and
commendable one and ought to prove
popular with the ladies who come to
town to trade sad have no place to go
and rest whan the ahoppisgia through.
Beading matter will be furnished aad
everything done for the comfort ot those
who cell.
The two trumpet soloists of the
Boyal Italian Band are amoag the great
sst Italy has ever produced. It is well
known amoag musirisas that trampeta
difficult to sassier than
and that for playing the leads of
nbnud they are much superior, havingn
purer tone and greater earryiag
The two solo trumpets ot this
in the hands of two great
Domenico Palma and
DsMitria. Signer Palma
cease to thia country ss second trumpet
player in the original Bands Bosss. He
but twenty years of age, but sines
aeh strides ia hie art
recognised ss n trumpet
aoloiatwithentaa equal u America. At
North epsra hones Thursday
to the marriage of
Irma. daughter of Colonel aad Mrs. W.
F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) to Lieutenant
Clarence Armstrong 8tott, U. & A have
been issued, and will be of interest to
friends of the family in thia city, the
young lady having visited here on aeveral
different oocaaiona. The marriage occurs
at high noon on the 24th of February at
the home of the bride's parents in North
PUtte, Nebraska. They will make their
at Fort Clark, Texas.
The committee haviag the matter in
charge announce that there will be n
circle hunt on Wsdaasday, February 18.
Bell wood will form on east line from B.
Smith's north to Mike Eibeln farm, with
CL Harris aad F. Freidsy, captains.
David City and Rising will line from B.
Smith's west to J. Beret's, B. Hsgerty
aad J. Jerdon, captaias. Shelby and
Osceola will line from J. Bernt'e north to
south channel, Jack Branigan aad H.
Otoott, captains. Columbus will line
from west channel bridge enst to Clear
Creek mill, H. Cockaon and A. Jaaicek,
captaiaa, Liaes to form at 11 a. m. and
center on section north of Jim Thomp
sona farm at 2p.m. H stormy the hunt
will be next day.
There will be a number of aocial
eventa during the weak. Monday after
noon Mrs. CL E. Pollock at a card party
for her friend Mrs. Brown of Papillion.
Today (Tuesday) Mrs. Chambers and
Mrs. Robinson entertain at the home of
the former in honor ot Mrs. Brown.
Wednesdsy evening occurs the wedding
ot Miss Abigail Keating of thia city to
Dr. Young of Lincoln at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hart Thursday Mra.
a C. Gray. Mra. A. M. Gray and Mm
8nllivan give a 5 o'clock tea at the home
of Mra. CL C. Gray, and Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Elliott entertain
friends at their home. Saturday evening
Mr. and Mra. Snow, assisted by Mrs.
Sullivan, will receive guests in honor of
out of town visitors. Friday afternoon
Mrs. A. Anderson will give n Valentine
party in honor of Gilbert's birtbdsy, to
which about forty persons have received
Mr. Fritz Jaeggi of Berne, Switzer
land, nephew of Adolph and Leopold
Jseggi, arrived here laat week from New
York where be haa been with Mr. H. E.
Babcock working in the interact of the
Columbua Power canal. Mr. Jaeggi is
accompanied by Dr. Kaiser also of Berne,
who is here to look up the possibilities
of establishing a factory for the manu
facture of condensed milk. Dr. Kaiser is
a chemist by profession, and should the
power canal be successfully established,
and he finds conditions favorable in this
locality for the manufacture ot this
product he will become one ot the bus
iness promoters ot this city. The manu
facture of condensed milk would mean a
great deal to the community not only in
the way of factory work but to farmers
in the dairy business. Mr. Jseggi is well
pleased with the progress made in regard
to the power canal, and will probably
remain until March in the United States.
The city council met in regular ses
sion Friday evening. The fire depart
ment submitted their report of the
election of officers for the department
L. F. Gottechalk ss chief and Harry
Lohr sssistsnt The election waa con
finned by unanimous vote of the council.
Ex-Chief Sam Gsss presented his report,
which waa placed on file. The following
resolution wss offered by a committee
composed of Phillipps, Stillman and
Galley, who bad been appointed to in
vestigate tho street lighting problem:
"Whereas, the streets of the city of Co
lumbus are very poorly and inadequately
lighted, and whereas, the city hss an
engineer employed with ample power to
furnish good lights and plenty of them
for all our streets, therefore be it re
solved, by the city council that a com
mittee be appointed to get estimates of
the probable cost of the necessary ma
chinery to furnish light and cost of
running the same.' Monday morning
the council met again and ordered a
number of sidewalks repaired.
Dietrict court waa in session from
Monday to Friday of last week. Judge
Grimison presiding. August Borchers,
the young lad who wss charged as being
accomplice with his brother Herman in
the killing of their father, wss arraigned
before the jury. The state waived ex
amination and n verdict for acquittal
wss rendered. County Attorney Latham
then filed an information before County
Judge Battermao, who ordered the boy
sent to the reform school. The case in
which Robert Wagner sues the city for
$2,000 for personal injuries caused from
a defective sidewslk on request of de
fense has been continued. A judgment
amounting to $520 for. attorneys fees
waa given McKillip St McAllister against
C. T. Peterson et al constituting the vil
lsge board of Creston. The Hughes vs.
Sipple suit waa settled and dismissed.
The First Nstionsl bank won a judg
ment by default against Frank Uridel
and John Dineen on a note for $223.66.
Eugene Bacon received a judgment of
$17.50 sgainst George Streeter for repair
ing n welL a S. McAllister, who has
asked for a divorce from his wife, Emma
McAllister, wss ordered to pay into the
court $50 for expense for the defense.
Colonel Wilson, n machinist's helper
and strike breaker who was working at
the Union Pacific round house in this
eity, and who waa seriously hurt Isst
September, haa brought suit against
Daniel Linahan at that time superin
tendent of the repair work here. Mr.
Linahan moved about a month ago to
Beatrice. The following, from the Lin
coln Star, will be of interest in regard to
the matter: "Daniel Linahan of Colum
bus, Nebr, is keenly opposed to paying
any part ot a $25,000 judgment for dam
ages that may be decreed against the
Union Pacific railroad. 'To avoid such n
contingency he denies the jarisdiction of
the court of Lancaster county and in
objections filed Thursday morning sake
that service upon him be quashed.
Colonel' Wilson is the plaintiff. Attor
ney Doyle, representing the plaintiff,
pleaded for aa early hesrisg st the ses
sion of the court Thursday morning, be
oaase he feared that hie client might die
any thus from injaries received. Wilson
employed at the Union Pacific round
in Columbua aad waa prying up an
ne day, to facilitate repair work
in progress. Something slipped and
Wilson fall iato the turntable pit Hie
spinal coluatn waa broken on jutting
looks. Other iajariss were austsiaed
andhiscassiessidtobeiBcarable. For
the sake of hie family the euit for dam-
Staple ani
st asssj sinassji
mt if
aw ananananaT Ctar?PTfroE51 H&
Inananana! ffiBBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnannlMMffiff ffiffiffiffiffiffi! I
nananaananl tSWanannBn'""BBBr anananananW
i Oir Clin
Ml Glasswin DtHrtMit
Is now ready for inspection.
for novelties in this line. Decorated Chin C Ia f)C Mm
pieces in all the new shapes from. WV IV WlwW
Cut Glass at popular prices. Our assortment of Lamps in new
shapes and decorations will please you.
Household Furnishings
Woodenware,Willowware, Washing Machines and Clothes Wring
ers at prices that are right. A share of your patronage solicited.
Every woman likes to look well-dressed, yet every
woman cannot afford the constant ezpeaae of
dressmaking. Bny Standard Patterna aad be
jonr own dressmaker. They will give you style.
They are seam allowing; they are well-fitting;
they are scientific; they are cheap.
In the
just received, we have Bayadere Jacket and Skirts,
Monte Carlo Shirt Waists, Tea Gowns sad Box
Plaited Skirts, simple and complex.
J. H. GALLEY, Agmt.
mM i
Hill aid See Oar New
Don't wait until every thinr has been
picked over. We carry a rail line of
Wall Paper, Paint. Plastke, VaraUfeea,
Brushes, Window Shades, Sash Reds,
Fleer Wax and every thing pertaining
to the needs of a good housekeeper.
Painters and
lalwmaw SmtSminsT
: : : DEALERS IN : : :
All Kinds of Building Material aid Cl.
Estimate Clieerfmlly Fwaitanwai.
re. lese T. Page,
riUI TIICE All Inllll Y
Claac sls.5. G3a.sxixa.
ages waa begun and Mr. Linahan was
impleaded because he wss superintend
ent of the repair work at the time. Lin
ahan nays that the court of Lancaster
conaty has no jurisdiction over him, that
the service upon him was illegal because
of thia aad the added fact that it was
left at hia house instead of being deliv
ered in person. He declares that he waa
made n party defendant simply to keep
the railroad from taking action into the
federal coarL Attorney Doyle was will
ing that Jadge Frost should act upon
thia special appearance without further
delay in argument and he in turn waa
sssured that the case would be brought
to trial aa quickly as possible."
lOWCkieksne Wanted
Every week for cash f oar blocks sontk of
cold storage. Jons Scntocxnw.
Faicy Grams
I complete. We handle on
ly the reliable kind. If qual
ity and weight is not aa te
standard we tell jou so. We
givenenrlj our whole tisae
to oar grocery desmrtssent
Seasonable goods are now ar
riving. New Nuts, dried asm
canned Fruit. Street CSsW.
Maple Syrup, Mince Msnt, I
hum. etc. Trv OUT Bfem- ix
eliea roasted Co in hulk. I;
lse, ae, se, rer .
Richelieu TenasndConWa are I
the best that caaba produced I
We have hunted the markets over
13tm Sracrr.
-1, i , m mjm pnjk
Lin if Wall Pint, j
Papsr ifaniers.
AajsmL-mmf-m BBjmLBaKBenm mmm) BnanananamsnaP
wnnif S Inwiltlwi sM aWMweft
Wm. J. Kerssanrsek, leant.
Now is the time to hand me yoar or
der for an Incubator or Brooder to in
sure delivery on short notice. They can
be seen in operation at my establish
ment. I have also a liae of 1 rat-premium
stock, from which yon can obtaia
eggs in season. Call and aee my yards.
Wa i. KEISEUMtt, ;
Columbus, - Nebraska
Nkrwohaer block, eoraar 13th aad Olive
tracts. CotaBbaa, Nebr.
vas snsatMS
tared far pain
less extractisri
f teeth.
Reatdeace Telepboa LSI.
Office Telephoa A 4.
Park Barber Shop
Is entitling new patrons
every week but many More
ean be accommodated.
"Dropin and try a Stave, Shampoo,
Hair Oat or Bath. Everything irst-
cisas aaa np-io date.
Cigars of the vary
'Vt . r