- mqp J- Ifc is " " s i H ? - A t LIPPING CONTEST anne ne y amnnr L nnnncav Fve. asnnnnnr LanCnc nnnnntnnniBBekb Lnnv. The Contest Dale are Nov. 2, Until Dec. 24, '02. Gone in and see the little Range at aw stare. MyCHlMAWPfLTOEKr anCra' "r .Pl -aaam -nay srnnnnnnvBnnV y firmSz X-MAS To a uueen" taste and it will !k verv tempting if served oa our dainty chinaware. Yu vail find vou need something in the line of kitchen u oolite. Ii o. ee us. 1 If you buy here hijrhest qualities at lowest prices ahvav-. Christmas New 1902 Crop Nuts. Frr.rli.h Wnjnnr- Faacy ft neiL poosil Almonib-. Larsv Tanuroca. poa-il P33f. Brsnib. iJ tht cent .nxxi New !902 Dried Fruits. 20c 20c 12 -c 10c 12c 10c 12-c 20c 25c 5c 12sc 10c i'ancj 4 nTn, rxiuna Et-riy Fa-. Fancy, pousil i alifanua Fun., faaer. 1 pocmi earttjnr- Fans Dat.. The Satt packt-ii. pooad 5 Crown ORIOLE 1 ib pit Climate, fasey. ThaaiiTinr. 1 lb pncJcat? 1-imiB. loo- MncaiL. Crowa. iarse aad bnar Cirroc. Faacy ziac-. ponad 'P--K Lman aail Orasjn. pound Prant, 15c. 10c Apneot, 15c Fancy aad cnoice poaad. Pwicat-. 15c Fancy aad choio 1 Green Fruits. Faacy Apples. Urapi. OraaEs, Boaaaas, etc. Craaibemes. 12c ;aacy. iarae. .;t. We iiave the best line of . 8EITS' LS The City - -rStsvte Sap's W. . Po-arler ess Sled ' bmwpatt of the apportionment of school .moons. Taere are o.iol4 cniiaren in , jjyi t3je amount apportioried Hatse counts has 6,606 ..jbJle the amount due n .. 1 I Msckkolz Bros. 4rl6BL56 f7e notice that Colfax county Great interest has been, centered in this aa2ja6eolsxs leas than Platte. wn3eieTecS ao doubt Hagei's alley -wiU be 'Polk fcss i5D8 lass and Xadfwon 499. erowdec to overriowing with an enthosi- -'jiaafla count does not come up to Platte astic crowd who desire to see these cham- -fey 3,782. JfcPhewKi county has the pjon rollers. The City band will be im. the sssts, HC. wkUe XtousisE county ,U3iJ. For tittle Girls Under 14 years of age. Clip every one of our ads containing Buck's trade marks, and the little girl get ting the greatest num ber of our ads will get the prize. Its another LITTLE, BUCK'S JUNIOR RANGE Work hard girls to get it. Its a little beauty. Its not what you get to eat so much as how it is prepared. A Buck's Range will roast the TURKEY Day CAX BE ilADE A GRAND SUCCESS. LOOK DiTO OUB WDTDOWS AND SEE THE GOOD THINGS, PRICES LOW TOO. OUR STOCK NEVER WAS SO COMPLETE- Christmas fiolly. and Tree, fiolly Wreathing, Wreathing. GOOD COFFEE. W pntii? ourwlTe? on oar ' oa aad tij Iarx juaantit?- hnaiii!' la a yinraatf af tneir anpenar aierita. Hot stan1 1 Zn T il for iV IjII Tjaileafff Blend Ea ao eijnai for Our oaibiaation jaaia Mocaa i Java. 2 lb for J 1 1 LB. AN". 73c 25c 30c 35c , 18C 2 lba for Ztic. Gooi Eaon:r?. FAUST BLEND. Our Teas and SpiGC Ar" th bt aioaey xill buy We select taem their -worth. i8c .t.LBBSBLaBL 20C nnHSpS-SSSBB 20c BsBfc 'vWsssB 150 annB!ssrBl9l c BB3sBaln BnnnBTnlnnnnnnnnnnaBJab.aaaBBBnl nsansssu aansssss MOSARTH Plaai Pcdciii. Heaaedy Frair "ak. Seaaedy - 3Iacaroaie-, Lady Fiaireraad 6 faaiii- of Nabi-co Wafer- la bulk. SENNFJ)rS SHELL OYsTEB 'SA EEKSaad sweet sooo- ar apencr to other liae. -xe hiadle taear exciuiTely. We hive nuule th most careful preparations to be able to oner the very best gixwls for the lowest prices. We bay for cash and give oar customers the benefit. Another Advantage we have over those dealers that sell "everything" f all kinds of merchandise and no assortment of "any thing we buv in bic quantities and it stands to reason at a lower price than being bought in small lots. It would please us to show what we can do Ibr you. For instance, with a Ten Dol lar" Bill of yours. Bring your boy along and let us dress him from head to foot for little money. Would you buy the best Shoe in town for the least money" Shoe repairing neatly and promptly done. AVell. set our prices and be convinced. Ehe All-American Bo wiles Trio, now TnigiT a tour ot tne Lmxeu states, are due in Colnmbus todaj (Wednesday) is -aiieri eanies -will be arranged for after- ' ,.oon fr evening, the most expert local ie.bowlers beimr nitted asainst them. present at the evening- performance and enliven the occasion with music. Columbus foitruaL VZDmtlL c Toys at Snow's. Dr. raal, dacta. VirfwTT far bast photos. Blaake's Celte at Grays. Tmmfnart line at holiday goods st Scow's. Dr. Nsmnsnn, dantatt, Tiirt atri atisat. tf Dr. Gietzau, dantist, over Pollock's drug store. H. J. Alexander mad s trip to South Omaha Friday. Xmas praams of every dascriptioc at Hoist Adams'. See "Alice in Wonderland" is tod. Bergen's show window. Just one week from Thursday and then the Merry Christmas time. Ckristmas Presents. Fel low the crowd t Fitzmatriek's. Fifty cents on the dollar china sale at Xiewohnar'a. See oar north windows. The. Bachelor girls' club enjoyed an evening with Miss Ssgelke last Thursday. Drs. Msrtyn, Evans k Gear, office three doors north of FriedhoFs store, tf Do not fail to see sac 84bst galvan ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Dussell k Son. tf ! A. Jaeggi, H. E. Babcock, Dr. Evans .and J. .Jiorth was all Oaaaha visitors last Thursday. j We sell the aaagis-row and two-row i Badger cultivator, the bast m the market. 1 Louis Schreiber. tf Wasted, an experienced girl for house work. First-class wages given. ' Mrs. L. W. Snow. Dr. McKean's method of making' aluminum plates places them on an j equality with gold. C. C Gray presented the Poultry Show with a check for s nest sum of money to help the cause of the club. Extra low prices on Xmas candy and nuts to Sunday school committees ( and school teachers. Hulst k Adama C. H. Sheldon is visiting relatives in 1 Evanston and other places in Illinois. He expects to be gone about ten days. The musical event of the season Bond and his famous artists in cancers ; at the North opera house, one night only, Thursday, Dec. 18, usual prices. Olim. Taia in xii place for OiiTaa. We carry at all oaten die best line of t&e baat OUtm. Sulk. Lara and amarj, qc Flaia Bottled. 50c, 55c. 2Tc. 20c, 12. PiCBd. Fiaast bctrled. Celery statfe.1. a graat seller 35c 10c 60c 40c Saia. DrisjiK . Yacat Clob, 30c 30c 25c 25c 50c and Oyster Trrmi-ic. Mashrooma, 3Uc aad Capers, Fiaast Cocktail Cherrieit. Monarch. Faacy, Preeexrea aad Jama. Peach. Plaai. Raapbarry. Car raat. Cherry. Strawbarry. etc, 25c. 20c. AipanaTiH, Fancy, vaita. Mo&areh Asparagas Tipn, 3fo&arcn 50c 10c 30c 25c Peas. Cora, Bwn. Lima Bmih, Tcnaa- toe, etc, in lara tariaty aad of the ftaeat prodncad. Sale ftaaatt far for PilUbMrv'w XXXX rieiir. which aaver fail. Cider. 30c ClarksTille para apple jnica i We. Schilz mskss boots and shoes in the best styles, and usas only the rery ' best stock that can be procured is the market, tf i Fremont bowlers defestsd Schuyler in a match game rolled in the first named I city one day last week by the score of 2307 to 2J69. i Hamdkerekiefs. 5,000 1 Christinas Handkerchiefs at . D. Fitxpatriek's, the White Front Dry Goods Store. The Fremont Tribune says that ' John 3L Kresder, the preaant aheriff of Dodge county, will probably succeed Ed. Hoare as deputy collector of inter nal revenue. In a letter from s little girl 7 years of age who Utss is Sioux City, but who I formerly lived in Coluaibas. she as?: I would love to see Sirs. Brisaley: sire her my love." ! Judge A. 3L Post asd W. M. Cotns ! Ilns made a trip to Humphrey last week looking up evidsjxce in the Borchsr mur der case, they having baas appointed the attorneys to defend the hoys. Truant ofieer John a---- by orcer of the atfaTo board, is aowlookiag up all the stay at hoaaa Cotandma boys and girls to cat thsm to go to school or pay a fine as the law arovidas fix. D. X. Miser received word of the death. Saturday, of his brother T. J. Mineraf Decniaos, lows. Taadaeaaaai had bees propriator of a hotel at that' place, was 35 years old aad nuaaaffriaiT I bare rsosivad a ska liae of shall boxes for fa i ! araaaats, For watches, clocks, ehatas aad jewalry, eoaas and see me. guaranteed. Columbus. 3 Hslf ratss to Liacola Daaaaahar 30 and 31. The Burhagtoa Boats will aaD. tickets from any pont ia 5isacaaka or South Dakota to Tiaaala, Sak, and retain at one fars for Tickets good 1903. Ask the renad trip. InnwWinnaaBPjaBaBi aaaeanam x U-T.- sextanpsai agent. 2 retained hsaae Friday. Defli! dolta! doik! l Go to Snows for baxnt wood noanW dosing oat ehiaa a SOeontheS. Saows is the place to get the late eapyng&t lwmka Mrs. A. J. Smith has bean sick for several days past. Dr. L. C Toss, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus. Sab. C J. Seoct was vary sick last weak but ia sow issprorsig: Born, to Mrs. Anton Salaos last Wednesday, a daughter. Garrett Hulst made a business trip to Schuyler Thursday last. Dr. Hans Peteraac, physician and surgeon, office Oiive street, tf Pfllabury-s Best XXXX Flour, the best is the world, st Grays'. tf Have you noticed oar extra low prices on dishes: Hoist k Adams. Fresh Boll Batter st 18c Fancy Boll at 20c, st Herman P. H. Oahlrichs. Two of the young children of Jobs Bacher are suffering with catarrhal fever. The Monroe Agricultural society held tria",p qn" ni seating last Saturday. Small choice farm for sale, under irrigation, joining town. H.E. Babcock Dr. C F. Glesson, who has been on the sick list for several days, is onthe mend. M. T. White, of the Nebraska Farmer, was in the city Friday doing business. Another snowfall Sunday makes the slitighing superb, and all who can are ralrT'g advantage of it. Ed. Gluck is expected home Friday from Culver, Indiana, where he is at tending military school. Buy your Christmas presents now at von Bergen's. It will pay you to buy them before the holiday rush. Joe Byan has returned from Arizona and believes he has been physically helped by his trip to that state. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Spear of Nor folk are hsppy over the arrival at their home last Thursday of a little daughter. Marriage licenses have been issued to Julius Engel and Miss Rose Jansen; Gustave Adolph Muller and Miss Mary Scfantt. Mrs. U. S. Mace was confined to the house last week by sickness, and Mias Fannie Geer taught her room in her absence. The county commissioners of Colfax county have decided to repair the Platte river wagon bridge at that place in the near future. Miss Louise Davis was called to Platte Center Friday by the serious ill ness of a niece who is suffering from sppendidtis. We notice by recent changes made in Burlington ststioa forces that Irvin Stanton comes to Columbus as dsy clerk and operator. Mrs. Lizzie Fitchner of Chicago, cousin of V" Zn. D. Wilson, who baa been visiting here and in Madison, was called home Sunday by the serious ill ness of a son. -The Gospel would soon reach all men if we were as anxious to tell the virtues of Christ as we are to publish the faults of others." Give your friends a Christmas pres ent of a years subscription to The Joxtb jrai. A weekly reminder of you and of home occurrences. A Good Way to Save Money Buy your fancy dishes and lamps at Hulst k Adams', where they have largest assort ment at the lowest prices. An eighty acre farm nine miles from any market in Midland precinct, Colfax county, belonging to Christian Hansen, was sold a few days ago for 975 an acre. Don't miss reading all the advertise ments in Thz Joub34X- The business men ot ittiumous are osenng special inducements to prospective buyers that you cannot afford to overlook. We have a 200 acre farm is Sherman township for sale st a bargain. This is one of the best improved farms in the county and is a snap for somebody. Becher, Hockenberger k Chambers. The Norfolk News says that George Meyers who had bees as engineer on the Union Pacific railroad for 31 years, died is Omaha one day last week. Mr. Meyers formerly had a run between Columbus and Norfolk. The five months old daughter of Peter Zinick living five miles west of Duncan died Friday of fever, after three days' niness. Funeral services were held Sunday in Duncan and the body interred in the Catholic cemetery. Have you. seen the Tunison atlas we are offering our subscribers? Ask to see oae asd you will be convinced that yon need it in your home. Only $3.40 pays for one of these large books and a year's subscription to Thz Joussax. Dr. E. A. Vsllier. Osteopath, has lo cated in Columbus for the practice of his profession. Those who have failed to be cured by other methods will do well to try Osteopathy. It's cures are permanent. Office. Barber Building. The city council at Central City has takes up the matter of better lighting at the railroad crossings. The mayor has directed a request to the Union Pacific cosopany to this effect. A recent tragedy at a crossing is the cause of the move ment. Bond and his famous artists will be at the North opera house, one night only, Thursday, Dec 18. These musical stars are well knows in this locality and those wishing good aoaa will do well to secure them early for standing room will be at aprssaium. David Schupbach has severed his coasection with the Geo. A. TTnagim lumber yard and G. W. Tiergutx is sow managm. Mr. Tiergutx has a wide aequaatance is asd areamd Coli and he will ao doabt eoadaet the h Dolls; Albmsns, handker chief Cases, Wrk Boxes, etc., Omaha prices, at . D. fitz Patrick's White Front Pry Gwds Stare. Mr. aad Mrs. C G. Hickok were is ant Tharaday to attend the of Mrs. Haauaond, a saner of Hickok, to Mr. Morse. The faaeralaf Mm. BaaHs la ii thai. WaannwT Tm tana, 41 for that's the wfll aall thai draw the that do the The Liacoln Jowraal aays that the lamajalofDeposyriT TTaaieby Csllec tor Jkepheaaoa is ia iwveaaje for the taramg of the Platte county vote to Miensy. xaataad of to the reward of ThaS.B.O. at fresaently displayed on t toar. The ndmduai solo artiata carried this asason are aeid to be among the baat is this country. J. J. Marphy of Sogers, aoa-in-law of E. D. Fitxpatrirk, has moved hia fam ily to Colnwibos where they will reside is the ftttare. Mr. Marphy has accepted a position as travaliag sslsssaan for a Coaacfl Bluffs saachineryhoaae, starting jn hia new work Monday. Ijjw ratss for the holidays via Bur lington Boats. To points within 200 miles round trip tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates on December 24. 25 asd 31 asd January 1. Good return ing until January 2, 1903. For further particulars ask the Burlington agent. At "The Eleventh Hour" entertain ment Wednesday night of last weak, there was shows some of the finest eceoery 'that has Fbeen viewed here this season. The compear was well balanced throughoat and the audience appeared more than pleaaod with the performance. The crowded houses which invaria bly greet Bond and his artats are the strongest proof of the confidence placed in Mr. Bond by the music loving public Few organizations before the public eqaal this company of musical stars. At the North opera house, one night only, Thursday, Dec 18. Miss Ada Graham of Lincoln who was language tnerhpr in the High school last year but was unable to continue her work this year on account of sickness, visited friends in the city last week. She will return to Columbus after the holidays to resume her work. Miss Green also of Lincoln has been the sub stitute teacher. A paper sent by Mrs. E. H. Andrews of Lesdville, Colorado, gives s sensa tional account of an accident in the Diamond mine in which Mr. Andrews is interested. One of the miners hung sus pended for ten minutes on s nsil, 500 feet from the bottom of the mine. Mrs. Andrews says that her mother, Mrs. John Elliott, is quite seriously sick. The contest over the Junior Buck range which will be given to some little girl on the 24th by Hulst k Adams, is causing a great deal of interest among the young girls. The advertisements printed in Thx Jocasux. each week are being saved by friends of the contestants and as the tim draws near there will be a lively scramble for the largest number. Mrs. Keller of Morris, Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilkenson of Blair, Nebr., visited the family of G. W. Phillips last week on then- way to California where they will spend several months st the winter home of Mrs. Keller. Mrs. Geo. D. Phillips, mother of G. W.. and sister to the two ladies accompanied them en their trip to enjoy the California winter. William Snyder received a painful wound one day last week while assisting in TTtnqrUwy a steam engine that Anton Nelson was placing in his Eleventh street meat market. The fingers of the right hand were badly mashed and blood poison has set in. Mr. Snyder has been unable to attend to his usual work since, but his friends hope that he will soon be all right again. George Bradahsw and John Dalton brought suit in Justice Hudson's court last Thursdsy for s small balance of account they claimed in settlement for work done for John Galley. The plain tiffs claimed they should be given board and lodging free while at work on the water tower they had built for Mr. Gal ley. The jury decided that there was so cause of action. There were two petitions sent to government headquarters for s request for rural free delivery about two months ago, which as yet have not been heard from. One route is west to Oconee snd the other south of the river snd west almost to Duncan. When these two routes have been estsbliahed the country district contiguous to Columbus will be well provided for. The opening of the Rosebud Indisn lands in Gregory county, South Dakota, early next, spring, has interested msny people in this vicinity. Circulars are being sent out by agents in Bonestsel to prospective home seekers telling of the location of the land, etc W. B. Backus. formerly of this city, a now in BouestseL the nearest town to the land. Mr. Backus is practicing law. Adjourned araninr. of district court is being held this week. Judge Hoilen beck presiding. Monday and today the C. C Jones vs. Forrest Merrill damage suit is being heard. The Dussell snd Henry case is next on the docket and following that the two Borchers boys, charged with the murder of their father, will have their hearing. It was thought that the latter case would be reached Wednesday but it will probably be a later date. Julias Engel Irving two miles north af Creston, and Miss Boas Jeoacc, were married at- Columbus Wednesday but their joy was turned to mourning Thurs day by the death of the bride's father, Carl Jecasn, who died from a tumor ... Bob Linaaberry ia taking a vacation from his dntias as brakemaa on the Norfolk ran on the TJaian Faei&c and ia vieiting his parents bare this weak. He to layoff until the first of the , Humphrey Daasocrat. r7TedrnnsiBrooaaytaeCaiitoraia poet, will be hate this (Wednesday) esen ing at North opera bona as one of the of the high school lecture Breaks is noted for hia humor. It ia seal that there ia nothing within of the haaaan vein he does not eqaal to. who eonld get the The New York Worid daljg-rti? alternately at the wit. hnasoc of the Mr. Bond is raaptasr Hawaii earned repots tioc. gn x "xiaaiageaias. u hiss The only asaa General Logan said of asys: "Fred EaseraoaBroi a large innnriitaai that aia"navwiai maa WeaaeaytaeSt.l-dward Son that D.N.Jessinaw has rented a had a sale of sis laahQlrt goods, etc After a hi TiJacnlB and Denver Mr. aad Jennings will ge to Washington and if they like the country may locate there. These good people are well known to auay rwadars of ThJocsxal who will regret to aee them leave Ne- Paal and Walter Jseggi, George Bloadora, Frank Badat, Will Satpp and Frank Bacher iaaaed a large number of invitations to their youag friends for a A,mTg aad g Pty Msenaerehor hall last Friday evening. A large num ber were preaant. Mast Testa Slater, Will and Wslter Bosttcher furnished for the dancing Befreshments served and a general good, time reported. Justice Hudson has been laying down the law to the tramp fraternity the past weak. Three crooks are serving a tan-day sentence is the county jail snd two are in the city bsstile for five days on a bread and water diet. Four other tramps were released Saturday morning after spending s few days in jaiL A suit of clothes had been stolen from Friedhofs store which were afterward found by Chief SchaeHr and suspicion pointed to the gang of tramps who have bees -rus is."' Colonel Robert Moras of Creston township, this county, died st his home Dec 6, aged nearly 80 years. Mr. Moras had lived in Nebraska since 1873 and served this county as commfaainner from his township several terms. In hia early days he had been active is military work and responded to the first call for troops in support of hia government, ex periencing the horrors of war until 1S62. when his health failed him. He was a member of the state legislature in West Virginia, asd was appointed by Presi dent Johnson collector of internal reve nue for that state. Mr. Moras leaves a wife, six sons and two daughters. We. the officers snd members of the Ep worth League of the Methodist Epis copal church of Columbus, Nebraska, desire to express our sincere thanks to the Bev. G. A. Monro for his kindness in giving us his very interesting snd highly instructive lecture "The Canny Scot" in siding us to procure chairs for our League room; and we order a copy of this action to be sent to the Rev. G. A. Munro, copies to the city papers for publication and the same to be placed on our records. By order of the Epworth League of Columbus, Nebraska. Mrs. E. Eiseman, president. Mias Martha Powell, secretary. Columbus, Nebraska. December 9th, 1902. A lengthy letter addressed to "The Public" in Tuesday's Omaha Bee, from Andrew Rosewster, the Omaha engineer who is working on the water power scheme, is of interest to Columbus peo ple. We clip the following from the article: "As s last aid to the company's opposition Mr. Nash has had Mr. Bab cock of Columbus here to appear before a committee picked to suit himself and to plead against my franchise. This gentleman presented papers and state ments to the effect that his company has absolutely financed its enterprise by the becking of the General Electric com pany,which controls your home company, and that he had a contract with the New Omaha Thomson-Houston company to sell power at $25 per horse power."' H. E. Babcock and A. Jaeggi are both in Omaha in the interest of the power canaL Herman Brodfuehrer and J. E. Bal lon of this city were married last Wed nesday morning in Platte Center to Miss Emms Scheidel and Mrs. Ida E. Held, respectively, at the home of the brides' father, Mr. George Scheidel, Rev. Arm bruster of the German Baptist church officiating. The Signal asys: "Only members of the several families were present, asd after a wedding dinner the brides snd grooou departed by carriage for Columbus, where new homes were waiting them. The young men and bachelors of Platte Center nave stood around and allowed fellows from neigh boring towns to take away our best girls. one at a time, many times before, but this is the first wholesale transaction that has bees attempted.' ThsJocsnjU. joins the many friends of the young people in wishing them long life and much joy. Thomas McTsggert, one of the night policemen of this city was found lying unconscious, a little before 8 o'clock Sat urday evening, between the tracks at the Union Pacific railroad crossing on L street. He was first discovered by Joe Baumgartner and s brakeman on the Union Pacific passenger train who reported immediately at the depot. It is thought he had been lying is that con dition for perhaps fifteen minutes before found. Bus head was cut badly in sev eral places, his eyes and neck swollen and he was bleeding freely. It was several hours after he was taken home before he gained ooneciousness, and he is still quite sick from the effects of the bruises and cuts. It is not known who made the assault but the guilty man will probably be apprehended as soon as Mr. McTaggert is able to talk to those about him. The concert given at Orpheus opera house Wednesday evening of last week by the Auditorium Orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. Beseech, attracted a fairly good-sized audience and one which was more thaa uanally attentive. The rendition of "Poet asd Peasant" by the orchestra was of a high-class order, as was also "The Mill ia the Forest," both of which were enthusiastically received by the auditors, and both encored. The vocal aolo by Mias Lottie Hockenberger took the house, bat she did not respond with a second number. After Mias Gal ley's solo she was called oat and aasg m her nasal pleasing maimer "She Kaspa TRm In." The two violin aolos by Prof. Pool and Willis Bosttcher were well received. After the concert the fioor was cleared for dsacfng which was much enjoyed for several boors by those par ticipating, the orchestra furnishing the Over fsD was realized from the of tickets to the concert which w; cceas finaaeially as well as from an view point. mb, eldest son of Mrs. Mary of thai eity, f grn-irrr on a paasen- of the Santa Fe road from to Tnpaln, Of JlSewft- iHrtif .. Staple ant1 r yjHASfhtaTJVn7TOIHPi E lK i""i"i?l Wasavn IB t 3SkDBbC nnnll as nTasBB t caiotsoAiw w bbbbbV 5 wannnt ?ya'"sTs,,a - gnTaV Oir Ckiia aii Glassware Dcpartiiit Is now readv for inspection. for novelties in this line. Decorated China Dieces in all the new shapes from Cut GIa at popular prices. shapes and decorations will please you. Household Furnishings I s Woodenvare.iVHIowware, Washing Machines and Clothes Wring- "S ers at prices that are right. A share of your patronage solicited, s I HENRY RAGATZ & CO.. foiiftnwS, NEW STORE 9 NEW YEAR STYLES The January Standard Pat tern just received ton us con tain the following novelties: Drop Shoulder Waists Strapped Shirt Waists Monte Carlo Shirt Waist Costume STANDARD PATTERNS are seam-allowing and absolutely reliable. Visit our PATTERN DEPARTMENT the next time you come to our store. j . -Z9&HS , C. Park Barber Shop Is enlisting neic p'ttron. every Keek but many more X can be accommodated. rfDrap in and try a Shave. Shampoo. Hair Cut or Bath. Evrythinc first class and up-to date. Cigars of the very best make on side. !. C. ZINNECKnMI. Prop'r. .annnnnnVSfcT nntntjaf" K&annnevSjQH! HEALTH W" Tie creas reaeiiy lor servocs prcsirac-oc asii all clu-eascs cf tae s-seraJiTa aruiscr eiiier 3x. succ as Xcrrcus Prosiraic. Fxjyror Lost v-l.i;xh fcsote2C7. Niiit.7 Km ssioss. YcctiJai Errors, ilertal 'Worry, excessiTe oaa of Toeacco or Opiun. wijrii ies.t so Consnrspcoc aaii lasaaiy Wli- -tstt 9i crier se irsarisitrs to enre cr reJusii tie sioneT SoUi as S1.4M oer box. IFT3ISK. . WVAA .W. V..W. W -. K-vac i. 2 1 IUI Bftf TWat'Q Morrs PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstma.ricn.'" Tbev are LIFE SAVERS to jriris at womanhood, aaiing' development of organs nr bodv. No known remedv far oat;n e:cals them. Cannot da harm life becomes a measure. .1.00fEK BOX BY HAIL. Sokl by druS5ts. DE. ilOTXS CHEHICAL CO.r Cleveland. Ohia aannnSm For Sale by POLLOCK & CO. ..,.,- -, , ..... r. was nnec in a raiiroaa acciaent Jicnaay of last week. The casualty occurred near Itfarcelihe and was a peculiar -xreck in. many ways. The heavy engine which weighed 124 tons was completely demol ished. The tracks of the enzme were thrown from the track which struck a switch and turned the engine end for end. The fireman was thro'vn a great i distance and died within a few hours. Mr. Wise when found was still holding . the throttle but the enzine was com-f pletely torn to pieces all around him. Something struck him on the temple which was the cause of his death. He lived until 7:30 Tuesday morning, but after the accident did not sum conscious ness. Mr. Wise was bom July. 1S37,. in Monmouth. Illinois, coming to Platte county with his parents in 1572- Par twenty years he has been in the railroad service and was classed as one of the best and most careful of engineers. The funeral was held Thursday from his- oome in Argentine. Jir. Wise leaves a wife and three sons. His manv friends here and of the Wise family extend sym pathy to the bereaved relatives in their deep affliction. Sale bills printed at this office. Fatty Crams Is complete. We handle on ly the reliable knwL If qual ity and weight is boc up to standard we tell you so. "We J give nearly our whole time S to our grocery department, jj Seasonable goods are now ar riving. New 2ae, dried and canned Fruit. Sweet Cider, Maple Syrup, Mince Ment, New Orleans Molasses, Sor ghum, etc Try our atith eliea reacted Coffee is balk. 15c? 20e, 25. 3te Per lb. Richelieu Teas and Coffees are the best that can be produced We have hunted the markets over 5c ti 5.00 Our assortment of Lamps in new RttasksW 1 3tm Stout. i i ! KS w The Fetching annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr Winter Millinery A magnificent display of fashion's latest fancies for now that's of reul interest to hundreds of ladies who look to us for the newest, the most up-to-date heud arear at the same big savings that char acterizes everything you buy at our store, and you Till not be disappointed either ic the display or the low prices FlLLMgJV. DR J K PAU1" UJiJNTlST. NIwohaer block, corner 12tfc aad OIit; sewta. Coinmbaa. or. Gas adminis tered far pain less extract ien of teeth. &siii-cc TtJphoQt L 51. Ojc TeI9hon? A i. . .7 .. ...TM ..! . W . . W 'M rfBXK1V A rf-A laa - - They overcome Weak ness, irregularity X2.C amissions, increase ti&- rrr ani rsiTrvjr? -TnTnis rs. Itst T. Pap, niii. f lis in liinn COLCH3CS. "EBEASKA- COAL! While there is a coal famine all over the country, -s-e are not ainz to let the people freeze. Read the fine list of the very best Colorado and Wyoming eoala we have. F2IC2S AX XaSDS: Canon City, Colorado Eouse. - Brcokside. - Robinson. - Trenton. Illinois.. Sheridan. Wyoming. . Walnut Block Excelsior Nut ... . .37.25 . 7.0O Nut ?L50 7.G0 Nut 6J"fl . 7.0O Nat GJ30 . 6.0) . 6.0O .. 50 .. 6J50 .. 5D0 -. iOO Maitland. Coku Pea. . Semmerer alack Our hard coal substitute is giving general satisfaction. Try it in your hard coal stove. Price i&OO at yaraa. We-give tickets on Piano Contest. WxAVzn k Nxwnus. T . ' i I J. r3