The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 10, 1902, Image 3

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    m.-gti-T! 3?5fii?55Ef!
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Tht GsJitcst Dates are
NOV. 2, Until
! see the
" -
To a fueen's taste and it will look very tempting if served
m our dainty chinaware. You will find you need something
in the Hue of kitchen supplies. If so, see lis.
If you buy here highest qualities
at lowest prices always.
New 1902 Crip Nits.
KnitlUli Wuluutt
Kaur) rift nfiflt, pouhd
ljtrc Tnntgntiii, itouml
Large (xilUhitl, utiii
Brazil. DO r vnt kmmI
lew 1902 Dried Fruits.
Smjrona Fait.
1'miio. 4 Crown. iuui
Ktwrly 1'in,
Fancy, iioiibil
California Fjkn fimry,
1 HiUMl cartons
The finest iiackttl. jmhitk!
Stdtd ItaUinn.
Cnmn OltlOLE 1 11 lAs
(,'urrante. f an .
ThankKit iu. 1 lb i?ckiiKe
ll&isinn, 1don Muscatel.
4 Crown, large and bright
Fancy Klase. iounil
1einnn anil Orange, ihiuuiI
AiiricotB, 15c
Fanej and choice inuntl,
1'eachew. 12c
Fancy and choice
6rufl Fraits.
i'l'les. (
Ua&anaa, etc.
Fancy, large, qt.
Tout cli3a.2i.or -wil Tse complete
If Trcii colesrt it iaa. o-ax Crrscorr
leans aapwftiiwu
We have the
best line of
: : IS : :
The City
Mschholz Bros.
Tas Eleventh Hour" which comes
to the North opera house this Wednes
day ciTea iar is withoat doubt Lincoln J.
Carter's best play. It is a melo-drama
of the BMXt pronounced type, but with
oat say of the asasl attendant unpless
aat explosions aad ugann plays. In fact
there is only one life lost in the play,
though the audience continually hopes
that that fate will overtake several of
the Bartidnaats. bat ihe vfllaiaif
kiadly spared uatil the last act, when
.the "Law of the Arm" aataers them in
a tfcs Htost satisfactory aunaer. This
.ia tha third ssssoa of the prodaction.
For Little Girls
Under 14 years of
agel dip every one
of our ads containing
Buck's trade marks,
and the little girl get
ting the greatest num
ber of our ads will get
the prize. Its another
Work hard girls to get
it. Its a little beauty.
Dec. 24, '02.
little Raaaje at
Its. not what you get to eat so
much as how it is prepared.
A Buck's Range will roast the
- U-.v
Hell., and
Trees, Wreathing,
Helltt Wreaahlng.
oi..!t a.. n lia.illk 5a n Ttawmnttm f f Iiai.
Hot Staff
7 lbs for $1.
S lt for r.0c.
Good KnoORh.
Challenge Blend
Has no equal for
Genuine Mocha A.
Java, Slbs for 1
Our Teas and Spices
Are the best money will buy.
their worth.
We select them for
MONAKCH Plnm Pudding. Kennedy's Fruit
Cake, KennedyV Macaronies, Lady Finxers and 6
kinds of Nabioco Wafer in bulk. KENNEDY'S
SHELL OYSTEIt CllACKEKS and sweet goods are
euiierior to other lines, we handle them exclusively.
aaa-a. at soscees
18ci AtatgaSB
2C .HalBSBaaamuH
20c -EmplJ
15c' HSRwPin9l
We have made the most careful preparations
to be able to offer the very best goods for
the lowest prices. We buy foV cash and
give ourcustomers the benefit.
Another Aitantage'We fcave over'th'oie
dealers that sell "everything" (all kinds of
merchandise and no" assortment of "any
thing") we buy in big quantities and it
stands to reason at a lower price than being
bought in small lots.
It would please us to show what we can do
for vou. -For instance, with a Tem Dol
lar" Bill-of yours. Bring your boy along
and let us dress him from head to foot for
little money. Would you buy the best
Shoe in town for the least money? Shoe
repairing neatly and promptly done. Well,
get our prices and be convinced.
state teachers' association will
meet. in Lincoln from December 31 to
January 2. The program will include
numbers from some of the most promi
nent educators of today. We notice on
the program the following named teach
ers acquainted in this vicinity: "The
public library and the public school,"
discussed by R. M. Campbell, Humphrey;
"Science in the kindergarten," Clara
Weaver, Lincoln; "The child at school,"
discussed by Mrs. Sarah Brindley; "Re
ports of graded schools," W. M. Kern,
casinnan of committee. A number of
the teachers in and around Columbus are
arranging to attend the association.
Columbus JottniaL
Toys at 8aow'a,
Dr. Bud, dentist.
nGstenx for baft photos.
Blaake's Coffee at Grays.
Immmm Has of holiday pwda at
Dr. Haaauaa, death. Thirteeath
atrsst. tf
Dr. Gietsea, daatist over Pollock's
Bora, to Mrs. Joseph Haoey, Dae.
Bora, to Mm. Claraaof
Sanday, a dasf hter.
Ses "Alios in WoBderland" in
Bergen's show window.
Miss Aafis Early is again employed
in Mieleaz' photograph gallery.
Best estate transfers ia Platte coan
ty the past weak aaxmated to $47,746.
Alios Esston has base aaite aiek
with catarrhal fever forasveral days past.
OhristMas Presents. Fal
low tke crowd to Fitiaatrick's.
Fifty cants on the dollar china sale
at Xiewohner's. See onr north windows.
Drs. Martyn, Evaaa k aeer,a4Ve
three doors north of FriedhoTe store, tf
Mm. E. aOsborn has been very sick
with" catarrhal fsTerbut is bow improv
ing.; '
Do aot fail to ass oar 8-foot galvaa
issd steel mfll for t&OO. A.DsassU
Son. tf
We sell the single-row and two-row
Badger cultivator, the best ia the market.
Louie Schreiber. tf
Wanted, an experienced girl for
boose work. First-class wages given.
Mrs. L. W. Snow.
Dr. MeKeen'a method of
aluminum plates places them on aa
equality with gold.
James Horn, of Soath Omaha, a
member of the Flato Commission Co.,
was in the city Friday.
Win. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and mass only the very
beet stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
The musical event of the assson
Bond and hie famous artiste in concert
at the North opera bouse, one night only,
Thursday, Dee. 18, usual prices.
TfaUU thai plae for Olitw. We carry at
alltiaMMthobeatfliaeof ttebntOUvw.
Lara aad meaty, qt
Plain Bottled.
Finest bottled,
Celery etatW.
Salii Intsiat.
Yacht Clab.
Oyater Droeeing.
Cocktail Cberriee.
Moaarch, Faacy.
Preeerree aad Jams.
Peach, Plata. Kupbarry. Car
rant. Cherry. Strawberry, etc..
23c. 30c.
Faacy, whit. Moaarch
Peaa. Cora.
toea, etc ia lara
I Sato ftaaiMc far
Nlluri' XXXX
riwJBir, which aen
ciarkaTille para apple Jaica
Albion will probably be divided into
three instead of two wards, as tha popa
lation has increased to warrant this
August Wagner is tsacaiag in dis
trict 73 this weak as substitute for Miss
Reus Turner who is safferiag with eye
Charles StUlman started Friday
evening for a two weeks trip to Oregon,
where he goes on basineas aad pleasure
Miss Mazetta Wheeler, foraierly of
Columbaawfco .has for several years
been teaching, ja Creatoa, ia aow ia
Potomac, Montaaa.
Haaikerefciefs. 5,000
ChristaiasHaarikercklefs at E.
D. Fitifatrtek's, the White
Freat Dry Geeis Stare.
We failed to aaeatioa last week tha
marriage on Nor. 30th, of Mr. Lowell
Chatfield and Miss Estsu Gratter, both
ofthisdty. Taacaraasoay was parfonav
ed by Rev. Laos at tha Methodist par
sonage. I have received a aioe liaeof ahsU
boxes for Caristaass arassats. For
watches, clocks, nasiss sad jswalry.
gasrsateed. C
Colambua. S
The rural mail samara had a hard
trip after taesaowoaWedaesdsy. Mrs.
Ruth Keayoa, who earries tha atail oa
route So. 2 got her team stalled ia a
drift and was dag oat by Mr. Daaaala.
Monroe Lookiag Glass.
Mr. Bond is reaatag tha reward of
his well earaed raaatatioa. ThsS.B.O.
sign has been freqaaatly disaJsed oa
his preseat toar. Tha iadtvidaal aolo
artists carried this ssasoa sre said to be
among the bast ia this eoaatry.
The water maia wast of
store on Tautaaathi
early this (Tasaaay) aiaisia
street ia sadly flooded. Its
the high areas me awtoa at
for tha V. P. roaul hoaaa is tha
-Dolls! dolls! dells! at SaoVa.
Go to 8aowa for burnt wood novel-
Closing ottt china at Niewohaaru,
50c on thef.
Snow's is the place to get the late
copyright books.
Dr. L. C Toss, Homeopsthie physi
cian. Columbus. Neb.
Dr. Haas Petersen, phyaiciaa aad
aargeoa, omce (Hive street, tf
Pillebarya Beet XXXX Flour, the
best ia the world, at Grays'. tf
Bishop Williams of Omaha was in
the city Friday on his way to Norfolk.
Freeh Roll Batter at 18a Fancy
Boll at 20c, at Herman P. H. Oehlrioh'a.
Small, choice farm for sale, under
irrigation, joining town. H.E.Babeoek.
Bay your Christmas presents now at
voa Bergen's. It will pay you to buy
them before the holiday rush.
We have a 200 acre farm in Ohermen
township for sale at a bargain. This ia
one of the best improved farms jn the
county and is a snap for somebody.
Becker, Hockenberger k Chambers.
The Clerks Enterprise says that
Miss Mildred Davis of Silver Creek has
accepted a position as compositor in that
omce. Miss Mildred is daughter of D.
F. Davis formerly of Columbus.
Have you seen the Tuniaon atlas we
are offering our subscribers? Ask to see
one and you will be convinced that you
need it in your home. Only $3.40 pays
for one of these large books and a year's
subscription to Tax Joubxal.
All the members of the Fremont
young ladies bowling club wess present
at their meeting last week. The highest
eoore rolled was 114, by Miss Mary
Craickabank. Lady bowlers of this city
can beat that and not half try.
Dr. R. A, Vallier, Osteopath, has lo
cated in Columbus for the practice of
his profession. Those who have failed
to be cured by other methods will do
well to try Osteopathy. It's cares are
permanent. Office, Barber Building.
A large number of tickets bsve been
sold for the Auditorium orchestra con
cert for this Wedneedsy evening in
Orpheus opera house. If you have not
already purchased oae, do so. The eon
cert will be well worth the admission
Bond and his famous artists will be
at the North opera house, one night only,
Thursday, Dec. 18. These musical stars
are well known in this locality and those
wishing good seats will do well to secure
them early for standing room will be at
a premium.
Dolls, AlbMHS, Haaiker-
ehief Cases, Work Boxes, etc.,
Omaha arlees, at E. D. Fits
Patrick's White Freat Dry
Goois' Store.
Friend McCrsy, who has been in the
government hospital service since last
spring, is now located at San Francisco.
He returned last month from the Philip
pine Islands in the same ship with Gen.
Chaffee. The vessel came near sinking
on the return trip giving all on board a
good scare.
Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mm. W.J.
Irwin of Genoa, a former resident of this
county, was married on the 27th ult. to
Mr. Clyde Baird of Ord, Nebraska, which
place they will make their future home.
The young couple have the best wishes
of Tas Journal for a long life, happiness
and prosperity.
The crowded houses which invaria
bly greet Bond snd his artists are the
strongest proof of the confidence placed
in Mr. Bond by the music loving public.
Few organizations now before the public
equal this company of musical stars. At
the North opera house, one night only,
Thursday, Dec. 18.
The railroad has been rushing its
construction work to Spalding this week.
Fifty-five negroes landed herefrom Colo
rado last Saturday to reinforce the labor
supply, and by Saturdsy night the people
of Spalding will see the smoke and hear
the glad whistle of the long-hoped-for
locomotive. Cedar Bapids Outlook.
The travel from eastern points to
different localities on the Pacific coast
this winter is much heavier than usual
It is reported thst it is slmost impossible
to get accommodations in any of the
rooming houses or hotels in and around
San Diego, California, and some who
have contemplated going there will now
postpone the trip.
John J. Bickly,one of the Columbus
boys of long ago, but who for several
years has made his residence in Chicago,
passed through the city Wednesday
evening last on a six weeks' business
trip to California. On his return he
expects to atop over and visit a abort
time with relatives and friends. He was
looking in excellent health.
Paal Both has purchased the resi
dence building of L. Schreiber which
was a few months ago moved into the
street from his lot south of the Second
ward school to give room for the new
baildiag erected there. Mr. Both has
moved the 'bouse to his lots one block
souUT of the court bouse where it is
being repaired ready for occupancy.
The Auditorium" Music Co. is the
name of a aew business established ia
Golambas. L. T. Osborn and Boberi
Saley are the members of tha firm, tha
baaiaess to be conducted by Mr. Gabon.
The store room in the North opera house
has been rented and musical inetru
aaeatawill be placed on sale. The firm
will carry a line of piaaoa, orgaas, string
instruments, sheet music, etc.
Bar. Manro gave an excellent lecture
Friday evening in the Methodist ohureh
oa tha "Canny Scot" Although tha
assae lecture had been givea oaoe ia tha
Congregational church, there was a good
sized aadieaeeout to hear it repeated.
The Epworth League are iadebted to
Bev. Maaro for bis kindness in giving
the lectara for their benefit. Theealsot
faacy work held in the church ia the
afternoon realised a neat sum of saoaey
for the leagae also.
Mr. and Mm. H. a Bradley, who
have been viaiting Mrs. Bradley's par
eats, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Elstoa, left for
tha wast Moaday, iatoading to visit ia
Califoraia aad other weetera states. Mr.
aad Mrs. Bradley have bean visiting siaca
last spriag ia EagUad, Iralaad aad
Caaads, sad are oa their way to the west
they will reside. Mr. Bradley
with tha govsraaasat
soraa aad at his work
i about four years ia Porto Bieo
aad Cabs.
-Mrs. Base T.
this city sad who
assay of oar
located in Cola
For the
yearn Mm. Page
Hastings aad 8chuyler.
Dariag the aaow storm Tuesday
j night of last week quite a fall of the
beautiful was tha result, aad this was
followed Friday aight by a couple of
iaeaes which suds vary fair alaighiag,
aad tha merry jiaaie of tha bells were
heard oa the streets of the dty all day
Withoat aay asnareet causa, tha
moaay saarket ia this locality seems to
bestriagaat. While aaost of the farmers
thaa basy gatheriag com aad
up tha small grata crop they
areaaaUe'to coameace to move their
prodaaia,suii wm Jotmjux.eaa see no
reseoa why, ia tha near future, money
ahoald aot bscosas very pleatif uL
Mm. Ekleberry of BoacstceT. South
Dakota, fonaarly.of Colfax county, is
vautingMfa E. J.' Young north of the
city. Owing to the extension of tha F.,
E. k M.;V. railroad aad also tha contem
plated opening of, tha Bossbud agency
next yer the town of Boaesteel is ax
perieneamg a great booaa, msay famibas
at the present time living in tents.
- Thb Jocbjui. is in receipt of a letter
from'tfaa manager of the Metropolitan
Stock Go. which had been advertised to
appearhV this' city, in which be states
that the company closed their engage
aaeutat Faltertonoa account of sickness
of two of tha compaay, and that there is
ao trath to the nunor that the company
rauaa anaaaauy. 'am aaow ww be re
organaisd and expect to plsy Columbus
this season.
Efforts to discover a workable coal
mine in Nebraska having thus fsr failed,
attention is beiag diverted to deposits of
peat. There are said to be bogs in
Dakota,' Soward, Logan, Cedar, Dixon,
Thomas and Platte counties. In Logan
there is a deposit "six imilee long and
fifteen' feet thick. A company msy be
organized to work it but wa fear the
operators will not out much peat Fre
mont Tribune.
At the last' general meeting of the
Woman's dab it was decided to do aome
charitable work at Christmas time. Any
person- haviag knowledge of any one in
destitute cutramstaaces will please notify
the following committees: First ward,
Mrs. M. Bragger, Mrs. W. T. Richly and
Mies Emily Segelks; Second ward, Mrs.
a. P. H. Oehlrich, Mia. A. Heintx and
Miss Alios Luth; Third ward, Mrs. F. H.
Geer, Mrs. Sarah Brindley and Mrs. T.
C K. Dsvies returned Thursday
from Chicago where he spent nearly a
week's ime taking in the sights at the
Fat Stock Show. His young son acoom
paaiedhim on the trip. Many fine
specimens of stock were on exhibition,
and Shamrock, champion of the show,
was sold at suction for 56 cents a pound
on the hoof to a New York City party, 6
cents higher than last year. At Sham
rock's weight of 1305 pounds, his sailing
price was $1,010.80.
At the annual election of officers of
Baker Post, G. A. B., on tha 6th the fol
lowingwere named: Commander, A. W.
Clark; Senior Vice, B. W. Young; Jr.
Vice, B.'Z.rWeldon; Q. hL, J. H. Galley;
Chapjao. LLHahn; Surgeon, Ed. Clark;
O. of D R. L. Roaster; O. of O., J. My
ers; trustee, E.O. Rector; delegate to
the national encampment B. Z. Weldon;
alternate, L. Hahn. The installation of
officers will take piece the first Ssturdsy
in January.
The building occupied by Swift A
Co. on Thirteenth street was the scene
of quite a blaze Monday evening about
7:30, from the intense hest of a stove,
which was too near a partition, and be
fore the firemen coald reach the place
about $150 dsmsge was doee to the
building and sbont $250 to the property
of tha Swift company. The building is
owned by Wm. MeEver. As usual, the
fire department were soon on the ground
and did effective service.
The city librarian, Miss Fannie Geer,
reports that during the month of Novem
ber 312 books were read by 133 patrons.
This is the largest number of books
taken out in any one month since the
opening of the library. A new list of
books is being prepared which will cost
about. $100 and will consist mainly of
novels and juvenile reading matter. Tha
books are free for the public to read and
more people should take advantage of
the good literature in the library.
One of our exchanges ssys that a
young lady has a beau who is in the
habit of calliag at her home six nights
in the week and stays so late that he has
become a naissnee. The other evening
as the clock struck eleven she gave him
a pencil and paper and told him to make
eleton ciphers in a straight line and
draw a perpendicular line down from the
right side of the first and a line up on
the right side of the fourth, down on the
right side of tha sixth, ap on the right
side of the eighth, up on the right side
b tha tenth, the liaes to be shout an
inch ja length. Then she told him to
read what be had written. The hint
startling snd the fellow has not
seen ance.
' pavid Lawrence Mahood,tbs fourth
child of Mr. and Mrs. 8amael Mabood,
died Sunday atoning, after a few days'
illness, from inflammatory rheumatism,
which affected his heart a few hours be
fore be passed away. David was born
April 15, 1886, in the Nsboville neighbor
hood, this county, and had spent all his
Ufa ia1 the county, atost of the time in
Columbaa. He was taken ill one week
ago Satarday and up to that time was a
healthy lad who ea joyed life to the f sli
est exteat He was knows ia the eebook
as owe of the brightest atadeata ia tha
city aad was this year ia the Tenth
grade. Faaeral services were held this
(Tuesday) aftaraooa at 230 ia the Bap
tist church. Tha family have the siaosrs
sympathy of frieada ia their aflictioa.
Lincoln J. Carter, author of The
Fast' Mail," "Heart of Chicago" aad
other equally popular playe will present
bm greatest saeeess "The 11th Hoar" at
North opera hones this Wednesday even
iaa; la "The 11th Hour" Mr.' Carter
has saeeeeded ia dotag what few authors
do, vix, to bleed pathos aad comedy ia
a aaaaaer that pleases the entire au
diaaea, boUfang theiriaterast throughout
iaa play. Tha 11th Hour" will be pre-
seated by a most capshls compaay with
alsbonts'scsaio effects, aad tha aieety
of detail for which Mr. Carter is ao jaetly
famed for.
afcSrlNi Tshgts
nur tiice ui liiiin
Ed. Hoars was ia town over Sunday.
la rafsraace to the various nswspsper
accounts in regard to tha removal of Mr.
Hoars from tha ofitoa of internal revenue
ooUsctor ha says: "The aewspaper re
ports do not come from me. Knowingly
I have aot talked to a single nswspsper
man since receiving aotke of a discharge.
Siaca beiag in the revenue service I have
tried to do say whole duty as aa officer
aad so far as I know there never was a
siagle complaiat I have tried to do my
daty by my party aa a republican. I
have served as deputy for four years and
will turn the office over to my successor
Jsnuary 1, 1903." Mr. Hoare expects to
devote his time to his farm interests.
Frank N. Stevenson, of the lows
Nebraska Creamery Co., was out from
Omaha Tuesday night looking over their
plant with a view to rebuilding it Yes
terday Ellis Pike, their efficient manager
here, gave out the information that
Waterloo was to have a new creamery
instead of losing the old one we already
had, which fact will be spprecisted by us
all. We do not have definite figures to
give, but the assurance is made that the
new struoture will be modern and better
ia every way than the old. It will be
equipped in time with the modern
machinery that will take care of the
growing trade quickly and more easily
than heretofore. Work will begin as
soon as the old building can be disposed
of and moved out of the way. Waterloo
Budolph Plugge, who lives in Shell
creek precinct, Colfax county, leaves in
a rew weeks for Uoruova, Maryland,
where he has bought a 100 acre farm
which he takes possession of Jsnuary 1.
The family of H. Huntemann will also go
with Mr. Plugge and his family, and the
two families will reside nesr each other
and within two miles of Cordova. Land
in that community ranges in price from
$10 to $300, according to the state of
cultivation of the land and improve
ments. Mr. Plugge says they intend
farming the land with modern methods,
many of which have never been intro
duced in that section. On the Hunte
mann farm there is a fine 25 acre peach
orchard. Platte snd Colfax counties
will lose two of their good families but
their friends wish them prosperity snd
happiness in their new home.
At the regular meeting of Columbia
Lodge No. 268, A. O. U. W held Friday
evening, a large number of the brothers
were present and a very enjoyable time
was had by all members. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing
yesr: Master workman, O. W. Phillips;
foreman, Edward Boesiter; overseer,
Peter McCaffrey; recorder, John Wig
gins; financier, Louis Held; receiver,
Wm. H. Lewis; guide, Frederick Gerber;
inside watchman, Dennis Sullivan; out
side watchman, Louie Pstsch; trustee,
W. A. Way; examining physician, F. H.
Geer. The decks were cleared and an
extra good spread was furnished by
caterer C.C. Jones. A "smoker" was held
after all were served snd at a late hour
the brothers left for their several homes
with a feeling that it was good to have
been there.
The poultry show last week from
Wednesday to Saturday was largely
attended and the parties interested feel
welLrepaid for their trouble. The club
has decided to hold another show next
year, the first week in December, and
have engaged L. P. Harris to act as judge
along with two other experienced poultry
men. Mr. Harris stated here that the
Columbus show, although not having so
large an exhibit had the highest scoring
of birds in the state, not excepting the
state show. This is indeed encouraging.
The following named persons received
special prizes either in money or articles
ranging from a package of poultry food
to a sack of flour: L. O. Zmnecker, W.
T. Ernst J. J. Barnes, W. J. Kersen
brock, Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, Mrs. Dr. Voes,
Heim Babcock, Mattie Abts and Robert
Funk, all of Columbus. Also C. O. Moore
of Humphrey. W. J. Gow snd J. W. Gib
son of Norfolk, D. L. Bruen snd Mrs.
George Streeter of Oldenbuscn, W. Cam
eron of Schuyler and F. C. Hinman of
Friend. L.G.Zinnecker had the highest
scoring hen, 9r a white Plymouth
Bock. Will Kersenbrock bad tbe next
highest which was 93, a barred Plymouth
Bock hen. Space forbids giving a
list of the premiums awarded.
In the fire at the Lincoln hotel in
Chicago last Thursday, an account of
which is published on the first page of
today's Jotjbkal, George Graves, son of
Mr. snd Mrs. Wm. Graves of this city,
lost his life. The psrticulars of the acci
dent have not yet been sent to the rela
tives here aside from whst has been seen
in the dailies, snd communication with
his wife in regard to the burial. It had
been his request thst he should be buried
in Arlington cemetery, Washington, D.
C, and relstives have complied with his
wish. George Byron Graves was born
February 14, 1870. At an early age he
began learning the printer's trade in
Columbus, serving part of his spprentice
ahip in Thb JocbxaZi office. About ten
years ago he went to Chicago where he
worked at his trade snd seven years ago
he secured a position in the government
printing office at Washington through
the recommendation of George D. Mei
klejohn. During the Spanish-American
war Mr. Graves did gallant service in;
Cuba for which he has special medals ia
recognition of bravery. While in Cuba
be was taken very sick with fever snd
brought back to Washington where for
months be was seriously ill. Christmas,
1898, be was married to a lady from Ten
nessee, and by this union twin daughters
were born to them, one of which, to
gether with his wife, survive him.
For tha good thiags we have
to selL If you coma here
you will shout for the good
thiagayouget Yoa get tbe
goods, we make right prices.
rail Te!
mm Ye!
tl. Slate Drwc ater.
Off Attlrt-
Staple ani Fatty Grtctnts
Mt if . .
Oar China i Glassware Daaartnaat
Is now ready for inspection,
for novelties in this line.
pieces in all the new shapes
Cut Glass at popular prices.
snapes and decorations will please you.
I Household Furnishings
Woodenware,Willowware,Washing Machines aad Clothes Wriag
ers at prices that are right. A share of your patronage solicited.
You would fintl our Paper Pattern
Department, which shows the well
known Standard Patterns, very help
ful in reaching a decision. December
patterns just received show "Batwing"
and the "Grecian
suit your Paper
for any garment
make. Our clerks
in displaying the stock to you. When
you are in, buy
The Designer
- At lOCemtsaCopy :
0-.sT iT
Gall ani See Oar Ntw
Don't wait until every thing has been
Sicked over. We carry a full line of
fall Paper, Palnw, Plastic. VaraUht,
Brushes, Window Shades, Sash Reds,
Floor Wax and every thing pertaining
to the needs or a
Painter and
: : : DEALERS IX : : :
All KiHds of BiiildiNg Material aad Coal.
Estimates Ckeerfadly FmrmiskesL
TXT. (3-. STTRT .TT2",i:gbriaeer,
Park Barber Shop
Is enlisting new patrons
every week but many more
can be accommodated.
ty Drop in and try a Shave, Shampoo,
Hair Cnt or Bath. Everything first
class sad np-to date. :::::::
Cigars of the very best make on sale. (
I. C. ZINMEGKfcH. Praa'r.
Is complete. We handle oa
ly the reliable kind. If qual
ity and weight is aot up to
standard we tell yoa so. We
give nearly our whole rijse
to our grocery departaseat
Seasoaable goods are aow ar
riving. New Nuts, dried aad
canned Fruit, Sweet Cider,
Maple Syrup, Miace Mast,
New Orleans Molasses, Sor
ghum, etc. Try oar Bkh
ellea roasted Coffee ia balk.
Richelieu Teas and Coffees are
the best that can be produced
We have hunted the markets over
Decorated China Ea 1 SaaT fail
96 II I.UU
Our assortment of Lamps ia new
13tm Strcct.
SSJ M 999 HI 111 BIB a a aau
Tunic" skirt. Con
Pattern Department
that you wish to
will take pleasure
il-m, -g-errt.
liu if Wall Fain. J
good housekeeper.
Paper Manfcrs.
DR. J. . PAUL,
Niewohner block, corner 13th aad Olive
street. Colambua, Nebr.
Gas aaaiiais
tsrsa far aaia
Isss sxtractiaa
sf teeth.
Beaidence Telrphoa L CI.
OSce Telrphoae A 4.
The Fetching
Winter Millinery
A magnificent display of fashion's latest
fancies for now that's of real interest to
hundreds of ladies who look to us for
tbe newest, tbe moat up-to-date head
wear at the same big savings that char
acterizes .everything yon bay at oar
store, and you will not be disappointed
either in the display or the low prices
- .
&K-r' w-t ,.
Xt '"- ,