-Z ; F'-i-sri:-t. - -c-' j V v - --Mssij iif :v r "- k hhM Ear Columbus f ouruaL CiolHmbiu, 9Te1r. PestoSoe. Cohuaaa, Near., i t. iLinmtN. orscaeoBirno: .is WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. UK. hbMribm of tae Jear- -PImm look at tte slate oppo site year bum on Ue wrapper of jMr Joaraal or oa tht amargia of .Tee Joaraal. Up to tato data, joar aabaoriptioa la paid or Drama the year 1901 the Omaha stock yards received 818,003 bead of cattle and 2,414,052 hogs. - A sudden shifting of the main chan nel of the Missouri rirerto the Iowa aide Monday has left Nebraska City without a water sapply. Oscbol was in the midst of a coal famine laat week. The dealers were anable to supply the town and country and families barned corn for fuel. Tkk years ago alfalfa was almost an, unknown quantity in .this .state. It is now grown in nearly every county, the total acreage for the state being esti mated at about 225,000 acres, Platte county being credited with 2J5BH acres. The spread of the foot and month dis ease among cattle in Rhode Island is becoming alarming. Thirty-seven cattle on two farms in North Providence and Lincoln were found to be affected. Two men who have been tending these herds have the disease. Boss I. Hammojjd has sent his resig aation to the Postmaster General, wish ing to be relieved January 1st as post master of the Fremont office. There had been a previous understanding that Hammond should resign and that ex Representative Dan Swanson would be appointed in his place. Thomas Nast, United States consul general to Ecuador, died Sunday in Oaayaquil after three days illness from yellow fever. He was buried the same afternoon. Nast was appointed consul general this year, leaving New York July 1. He was born in Bavaria in 1810. He has been famous for many years as a caricaturist and cartoonist It is announced in an Associated Press dispatch that Mr. Hanbury, president of the board of agriculture, has decided that, owing to the existence of the foot and mouth disease in some of the New England states, be will be jinable to per mit the landing in England of a herd of lraffaloes -belonging- to- Baffalo Bill's Wild West show, which opens in London oa December 2C. WHO'LL GET THE CANALT The following taken from the Fremont Tribaae will be interesting to readers here, inasmuch as Columbus people be lieve they have just about as good a chance as any of securing a water power: Secretary Hanson of the Commercial elab spent the day and evening Monday in Omaha, looking after Fremont's' inter ests in connection with the power canal mooting held the same night in that city. Eagiaeer Andrew Rosewater has been following up. bie usual tactics of corral jog the situation' for his own individual beneft, by attempting to secure the pas sage of an ordinance giving him an indi vidual franchise in Omaha for putting ia power distributing wires and connec tions. Fremont was requested by the Omaha interests, which have been co operating with this city and putting up money, to be represented. The Fremont Commercial club's position has been that it doss not care especially what interests construct the canal, be it Rosewater or anyone else, but naturally, from common knowledge of and experience with the latter it cannot have confidence in his ability or disposition to do so. The meeting that night was a charac teristically Omaha session full of violent personalities, denunciations and inter ruptions and that bland confidence in the effectiveness of hot air only for canal construction purposes which Fremont has seen so much of in this connection in the metropolis. Fremont being loudly called for at the meeting, Secretary Han son responded and stated some canal facts. Among other things he compli mented the meeting on thelight-hearted-ness with which it contemplated canal construction. He said that ten years of continuous, persistent, diligent effort in that direction by Fremont had taught it that it was not such a "dead easy "thing, and he noticed that it was the interests connected with the Fremont enterprise, local and in New York, and not Omaha, that had paid the bills for demonstra tion up to date; that Fremont felt no antagonism to Mr. Rosewater, but simply knew that it was an enterprise financially of too great magnitude and difficulty for him to swing that it was out of his line, as he was an engineer, not a financier or financial broker. The meeting adjourned without en dorsement of Mr. Rosewater, the latter saying in the violent style of the gather ing, that he had been "sandbagged." N&avsaaakavvmiteaAMi!avvic(vavwtskavi raa sttEmBBttn hues Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Sale. --- - Extraordinary Offerings; r Agents for Butterick Patterns. Special Sale. Timely Suggestions. FRIEPHOLF & C9.. WILL PLACE ON SALE Thurs. and M., Dee. 11th and 12th Some special bargains in seasonable merchandise which cannot be duplicated Note the following: :. . - &2X PERSONAL MENTION AjnmnEB of Fremont business men formed a company last year for the pur pose of raising sugar beets, and last week a summing up of the business was made resulting in a net profit of $1,178 to the investors. .The company has leased 480 acres more for the coming year and expect to have still better re tarns at the close of the season. The Standard beet company of Ames are gratified with the results of the Fremont company and of their co-operation in interesting the public in the sugar beet industry. There seems to be no end to the Ex position fad. The latest is an announce ment by the board of directors of the Lewis aad Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon, to address a letter to the governor of every state west of the Mississippi, inviting them to ask the co-operation of their states and the trans fer of their exhibits from St. Louis in 1904 to the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Congress is to be asked for $2,000,000 and President Roosevelt is to be requested to recommend this sum in a special mes- i to congress. Ik the Beview of Reviews for Decem ber there is a comprehensive editorial summary of the political situation in all the states. The results of the Novem ber elections are carefully analyzed with reference to their bearings on na- polieies. The editor also die- i the proposition for the admission of aew states in the southwest the first abject of debate at this session of con grass and offers cogent reasons in sup pert of .the plan for the direct election of Uaited 8tates senators. Other im portant topics of the month in foreign as well as domestic polities are treated with the Review's accustomed thorough aass sad accuracy of judgment. E. E. Blackxax of the Nebraska state historical society has just returned from ToBska, Kan., where he read a paper before the Kansas state historical society oa early history in Kansas. While vis itiag the room of the Kansas historical society Mr. Blackman found a bound volume of "The Nebraska Palladium," the first paper published in Nebraska, datiagfrom July, 1854. This find adds a few more copies of this early paper to the BBmber bow known to exist Vol asaa L No. 1, is in the lot just found. At present there are nine numbers mias iag oat dfthe possible thirty-seven. Of a lew aambers there are three copies, aad of some others there are two copies ia existence. It is hoped to secure the missing numbers in time. Lincoln Joaraal. Thobab B. Reed, former speaker of the house of representatives, died Sun day morning from appendicitis, ia Wash iagtoavD. C, after less than a week's atthoagh he had beea a sufferer (right's disease for some time. Mr. Reed was bora in Portland, Hasan 18, 1839.' He joined the U. & as acting sasistant paymaster ia 18ML Kraut 1888 antil 1899, when he from eoagreavMr. Bead was a it maaia the political affairs of the state of Maine and of the Uaited By profession he was an attor- haviag beea admitted to the bar sat while teaching school in California. 1b the year 1896 he was prominently antiaaiifl as aoBuaee for preaideatof the' Uaited States by the republican Reed is speaarof by-repeb. of aay-maa ia public party. Mr. Louie Schroeder of Omaha visited friends here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Boeder left Friday for a few days' visit in Denver. H. E. Babcock returned home Monday night from his extended visit in New York. Attorney W. E. Beed of Madison was in the city Sundsy en route home from Denver. Mrs. Lottie Lewis of Lincoln came up last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoare. Walter Graves went to Silver Creek Sunday to visit his sister. Miss Cora is also visiting there. Mrs. L. Uohl of Albion passed through Columbus a few days ago on her way to Leavenworth, Kansas, to visit her son, Lawrence. Mr. C. Easton, father of C. & Easton, will leave in a few days for Leadville, Colorado, where he will visit his daugh ter, Mrs. Eckhart Mrs. Ed. Marmoy and children went to Council Bluffs Monday to join Mr. Marmoy who has a position there in a green house, and where they will reside in the future. Mrs. C. J. Oarlow returned a few days ago from Stuart, Nebr., where she visit ed several weeks. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Window, who expects to remain here until February. District 4ft ami Tidaity . Mrs. Catherine Herring of Bismark has been sick for a week past and Satur day and Sunday was confined to her bed. O. Herring met with an accident last week, a heavy ladder leaning against the barn fell, striking him on the head, which put him on the shelf for a few days. Ed. Ketchmark of Colfax county has rented his farm of 320 acres to Joe Smith of Bichland. The former purposes to move into Bichland and dispense booze. On Home Farm the last load of corn was taken from the field Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. In the neighborhood there is quite a bit of corn in the field yet. Eva Drinnin (who was recently report ed as not well,) with sister Plessie, took a sleighride Sunday in George's swell body sleigh, calling on relatives in Col fax county. Herman P. H. Oehlrich of your city has contracted with some of his custo mers for ear corn to be delivered at his ranch just south of Bichland, for which he pays 30 cents a bushel. There! We bear it whispered that a young well-to-do farmer of Bismark who has been making frequent visits across the township line, will soon lead one of Columbus township's fair ladies to the hym oniil alter, (be patient) Several wagon train loads of hogs named here last week from the east and northeast bound for Columbus market, among them we could recognize Messrs. Baaenger, Mueller, Dickey, Saafelt, Host ner, and several from further east that we did not know. It is getting to be admitted that new Columbus is a desira ble place to trade, after disposing of farm produce. The mail carrier on route No. 2 reaches Home Farm, (the place where we are engaged) about 130 p. m. daily, except Saadeya. Last weak, Wednesday, the driver encountered some snow drifts on the couaty line, which caused him some trouble aad delay, getting stalled in the drifts aad breaking harness. A path was broken through that day, since which time the tripe are made like clockwork. About 3 o'clock p. m. of the 2d inst enow began falling from northwest and eoatiaaed till some time in the eight, when the wind arose aad placed most all ia drifts when again Friday eight, the 5th, a enow storm from northeast placed three inches of the beautiful apoa the ground which still lies where it fell, aad bow every one who has a sleigh or pong of any kind is enjoying a aleighride. 50 pieces of best quality Dress Flannellette, while they' Bui al ' a a i . -am a - me low price oi oc a vara, wonn izsc a yara. ,, 25 pieces of Arnold silk Taffeta, 25 inches wide in .about 1,5. good shades, at 25c a yard, they are worth 50c yd. They are half, silk and they certainly won't last long at this price. Be sure and call early to secure this bargain. This is the best yet! 20 pieces of 42 in. wide Covert doth in 13 different colorings which we offer at 39c yd, they have never been sold less than 75c yd. Nothing better for tailor made suits' or children's wear. In addition you will find our Dress .Goods de partment brim full of economical interest with many underpriced specials. Table Linen! Table Linen! A splendid opportunity to buy Table Linen at a real saving. 66 in. wide bleached and half bleached Table Linen at 48c yd' 72 in wide grass bleached Table Linen at 69c yd. All our finer quality Linens at reduced price for this sale. .; Special in Towels! We offer 50 doz bleached Herch Towels, size 18x38 inches, as long as they last at 10c apiece. : - A large assortment of fancy Towels suitable for holiday pres ents at a great bargain. Jh Shakerand Outing Flannel 1 ,15 pieces of extra heavy Shaker Flannel i of an yard wide at 7c yd, worth 15c. Dark arid light Outing Flannels at 4c yd." " Blankets and Comforters! 50 pair of gray fleeced large size Blankets at 59c a pair. 50 pair 11-4 large size made gray fleeced Blankets at 89c pair. An all wool 10-4 gray Blankets for this sale at $2.98 pair. Large Comforters, silkoline covered, hand knotted, fillet with one sheet of snow flake cotton at SI .69 a piece, worth $2.00. Hosiery and Underwear! e Children's fleece lined Hose, size 5 to 9 at 13c pair worth 25c. Ladies' fleece lined Hose, extra heavy, at 15c' pair. Ladies' and children's Merino Vest and Drawers, choice for 19c a garment. Special bargains in ladies' and children's Coats and Jackets, Ladies' Fan and Muffs. In our Men's department we offer the same inducements, every thing at a special price for these 2 days. . . DO NOT FOMET THE DATE . . RESPECTFULLY, FRIEDHOLF&C2. NORTH OPERA HOUSE Wed., Dec. 10,02. LMMta J. Carter Presents the stnssttoaal sceBie surprise m i m V Tails m Woadetfal MdodrsJBs. bv the Kirer. ock Tower. nu Hill tt. R. Bloel hisautrk tiardeas. HUlfaNuire's Dmwiac Boom. Absolately the Most seasstinssl ef fect ever iatrodaoad ia aajr play. PRICES, 75, 50, 35, aid 35c. Holiday Goods! HOLIDAY GOODS I AT REPORT OF TUB COHOITIOW 0IBK Columbis Slate Bank, Charter No. W, (Incorporated) Columbus, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of busi ness, November 25, 1902. Loans aad discoeats $966,132 SI Orerdrafts, secared aad aaseeared.. . 5,415 72 Stocks, secaritiea, jadcawats, rlsiias. etc 1.900 58 Ranking house furniture and ixtares. 9.190 28 Other real estate 15,55 12 Carrant expenses aad taxes paid 5.05S99 Cash items............................. 1,594 OS Doe from National, State aad Private Banks and Bankers 92.497 48 (Currency and told $7,677 00 Cash Fractional and silver ( dollars 2,07 61 Total cash on band. 9.124 64 Total $289,499 94 UABIUTm. Capital stock paid ia '.-.$ 50,669 8 SarplaaCaad. :x a99 99 Undivided profits SajSH 54 IadvidaBldMtssabiMttocaeckL.. SCjMiei Demand certificates ofdeposit 2298 54 Time certificates of deposit 195,999 99 Dae to state aad private hanks aad bankers 99 70 Notes and bills re-diseonated 10.080 69 State or Nbbbaska, ) ... County of Platte f M I. H. Bmiajer. master of the above naaied bank, do soleamly swear that the above state aaent is cornet aad a trae copy off the report made to the State Baakiac Board. ILBboookb. Attest: Lxakdkb OxuumD. Director. Gabbbtt HrusT. Director. Saascribed and sworn to before aae this 4th day of December. 1999. H. F. J. HocaaaaaaoBB. Notary PnbUc DR. POWER'S KIDNEY Backache an mwm?9wXXmmT9 QoTaH oaWsmaaaatsam.V Tt. WHAT WE HAVE: ACCOBDEONS, ALBUMS. AUTOGRAPH ABBUMS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, AMERICAN TEBKACOITA WABE. ARCHABENA COMBINATION BOAI AUTHORS. BACKGAMMON BOARDS. BtGHATKLLKS, BANKS. BASKETS (Faacy), BEDS (DoU). BILL BOOKS, BLACKBOARDS, BLOCKS. BLOTTERS, BOOKS. BURNT .WOOD NOVELTIES. - BRUSHES. BOXES. COLLAR AND CUFF. BUSTS. BRUSHES AND COMB BETS. CANDLESTICKS. FANCY. CARDB.BIRTHDAY. CARD CASES. CELLULOID GOODS. CHAIRS. TOY. CHECKERS. CHINAWARE. CLOCKS. -. DESKS. CHILDREN'S. DOLL EASTON RED FRONT HARDWARE FOR -i HAMMOCKS. " BUGGIES. DOMINOES. DRAWrNOBOOKS, DRESSING SETS. ' EBONY GOODS, UNTA1M raneV .FURNITURE. TOY. GAnUQj, HARMONICAS. HIPBOOKST INITIAL SEALS. JAPANESE CHINAWARE. KNIVES. .. . LAWN TENNdTpARLOR. - . LEAVES FOR PAPER FLOWERS. LEATHER GOODS. BURNT. LIBRARY PASTE. MAGIC IUrTERNS. MAGNETS. M ft. MECHANICAL TOYS. METALLAPHONE8. MUSIC HOLDERS. NAIL BRUSHES. NAPKINS. NECKTIE BOXES. SHU MTkC OPAL WJ PAINT BOS PAPER MASCHE GOODS. PANE PARTANT BINDING, PLAQUES. POCKETBOOKB. . PURSES. PIANOS. ir 1" u tlsf ' i We have a larger and better stock than ever, and are giving tickets on the UPisbxa.0 Contest prices for every 25c cash purchase and our are cheaper than ever. We have the largest and most complete stock in the city to choose from, any thing and every thing to choose from. Something to make the old young' and the young happy. We are also headquarters for everything in the hardware line, Heating Stoves and Cook Stoves without number. : : : : REMEMBER THE PLACE, C. S. EASTON, ELEVENTH STREET. THETE'E REM! mm III1L THEY'RE here bow, so yoa will aot have to wait. Bright, aew aad kaadsoaie, each oae perfectly iaished aad the prettiest liae ever ahowa ia Coluatbtw. No sweless trap piags oa these buggies the price is put iato material, workman ship aad fawn. Each oae is ready to hitch your horse to, and the price won't make a heavy load to carry. They're here, bat they're goiBg. Can't I send one your way? Inquiry aad iaspec tioa desired. ::::::: STYLES SltllTS TINE BUGGIES. V East 13th Street, - - COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. OOLTJMBTJ8 9saBKETB. Wheat, Cora, oMshaied-Vbana4 Oats, new V baaael Barley-tfbashsl Bye-VlHMBel Hogs ewt. 5 Fatateers-Vewt Fat cows- y cwt 2 Stock steers V ewt 3 Potatoes? baeaeL Batter y tx 50 290 24 SO 35 500 5 0 0409 250300 000400 200 180 22 200 Markets corrected evarj Taaeday af- iPiHBJHaP SHABBY CLOTHES llail USB! Eat up a bmb's confidence. The poorly dressed aaaa ia afraid to paaa ahead it brings his clothes iato prosBiaenee, aad this makes aiaa aa comfortable. He usually seta ready-to-wear clothing. SoBMtiaaes it its him and sometiaMs it dooaa't. It gets worn aad shabby, aad still he is compelled to wear it. For about the price of ready-made clothes we could have made aim aa elsgaat suit, per fect fit. atyle aad iaiah. A full liae of fall goods. Tk Tailanr. Cetaajefta PtetaeTfaaVafe asawft WWaaWaWtW anjianyannnin) WW1HI -INCLUDING- KODAK Developing Machine $5.00 Aaybody caa make ptoturea with taiaoatataBdall Wltltwert a Dark -Rw4Hai. Ho. 2 Browais Camera for . 24zS!4pietarss TOSS CnrtriaW. S ezaosan. 2'4x9 . . MrevaisDsveloiMac Macbia:....:.. BfevaasOsTsloMnc Macaiae Outfit. VlsxePriatiacVraaas. 1 Dm. SU 1U Ikkk 2 DBsWbsTslopiae Ftowtiem"""' 9i .a i Jli .29 .15 JO S&.40 NothlB BBAHt Mnmnnala hw flut yoaajr folks for Carietaaae. There's lots of pare fun in photography aad there's edacation too. J. aalMfJ, Mffa las B(tr Watch 1 C. CASSIN, raoraiEToa or tbb OaaaaaJlft HCalt Mttflut Fresh, and Salt Meats IFGOINGEAST or eoata of Chicago ask yonr local ticketageat to ronteyou between Omaha aad Chicago Tia the WlIWAlKEft HSfm i Game and Fish in Season. Ja0THigaest anarkst prieea paid let Hides aad Tallow. THMTEEIITH ST., OOLUMBU8, - - NEBRASKA BLACmiTK -AND- WAOOV WORK. the shortest line betweea the two eitimm Traiaa via this popalar road depart O" the Uaioa depot, Omaha, dailr eoaaecUaa: with traina froaa the west! Magaifeeatly eeaipped traiaa. aLu hP" aad free reclining chair cars ! cars-sad buffet, libra d olrins: cars. AH traias lighted by hartricity. For fall inforaiatioB aboat rates, erA, address F. A. Nash, Oral Westera Agent, 1504 Faraaa. ""ivwaaa, H. W. Howkia, Trav. Freight aad Paaa. Agt. KOUNKIIJEl xmcnml Trochct's Coklikine SalKlale Capsules. A mtnAmrti rui Inf.tKhf mr fa DUPITUATICU aarf nTklVT 'endorsed by die nighest medical authorities of Earope and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve ia liquids of the stomach without causing irritauea er disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by aruggists. ut sure ana get ine genuine WlliHIWl lyon's French Periodical Drops atreUT Tegetable, perfectly harmlesa, anre to accompiiaai VBSUQED mjZ3JimU9 Greatest known female remedy. of soaamrslu aaS hatfaUosw. tern wlta ftM-slaiUe alaaatara oa sMo of tbs aotUo. (has: wiMiiaaisaMm.CTi.BMe Price, $1.50 per bottle. lalaatsnatas only la paatijsara Car w. : qwataae.oaio SStl'l ILPIh ariaajtsaaaae.9nmfei.l 1 im W. aasaay.sMaasaiszzanisias. 'ar Hehaasoea Uaecassary write All coaaaltatloae tas la ted, heavy it a life tlase cartas Jaet 1 "Beat oreaeaa across Ktmmmj,muovmcm Other lesacdtes failed. Dr. Fea- aersKtdaey and atachacae Care cared bm completely. H. WATERS, Haadet.lt. Y. AsklorCoek 9T tflTHtfBiMIC fare Care. CItealar.Dr laWIISw BWiBHrkFenaer. reaoaia.H-r For 8ale by C HENSCHJQf O. BUBBKB DOLLS, aaULLaV bad noaa. TOY. rJCfeUPBOOU. BOAP BOXEB7FANCY. TABLB8.TO?. TKA8KTB. Tors. TSaYA TBUNK8. TOOLCUK8TB. VASES. VIOLIN 8TBINO8, WABTB BASM1B. wuuii vvaxmma. &9"We also aaadlo OKNTB FOBHJI GOODS. UNDKBWKAa, GliOVBB. B CAPS. STATIONKBT, T1NWAIB. WAKK AND NOTIONS. EMIL V4M BfcRGfcN, Eleventh Street, For Sale by POLLOCK to CO. . Beriew of the weather near Genoa the aaonth of November, 1902. for CWardafi tioai St, eftKsawatfa.... aaWSmsw JaBaW3r09atTa lafsosilat VmB aaav mUL, 1 of days: 38.43' 9B.46' SS B 10 8 14 3 9 &32 L99 1.(9 0.09 Few Feraeaallj raajsjataal iaaj firaa OaMaa, to With Ckeiet ef lettes. faUdartasnortioas m at rata fall or aaaH DesaawaMBtlilssi LnaVaa of snowfall. ' PreTailiBwiadaaW.toN.W.bjR "Frost aad slight ice through most of themoath. Fog oa the 9th: sleet on the 10th; laaarhalooaUth. yoa with good, neat, clean work doae ia the line of Bruatiaf.ceilatTanJouaaixoanoe, These excursions leave Oamaha every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at 425 p. ax, ia Palbaan Tourist Sleeping Cars.- The cars are aoeom, psnisd all the way by coadactors skilled in the service of ezcaiaioa partita. The Union Pacific is the only liae from Omaha masing foar ezcanions to Cali fornia every week. Three excursions caa be joiaed at say poiat earoate. For full iafonaatioa call oa or addtess W.lXBaaauiAgeat. , Ererytkiic; ia r liae amsl erery thiatj giar aateedj. Wacaag ajatie t rier. Best lierse-.shaiatj ia tkt city. A iif) liae ef Mmggltn, Jarriatrefl, etc. I lafI am ageat for the old raliabls Colambas Baggy Oomaaay, of CS0I1 baa, Ohio, which is a saaVisat tee of strictly rst-clase goods. atoettf LOINS SCHREIBER. AMERICA'S ESJ3"J?1 EeWerieMyFesrlete. "ytltaaWleaa. JZZl l-" -Well wrktam, oritfaal ories-Aaso. to "- " HH. tfce Horns. " Books, aad nm V7A.W . .. aad Careen. Tit f HtlT imr Ocni I mS5Z?lmoci'ttd I ?T ". ,"SnMij aswo servieo of too 8 Jm World-daili rsfmrts froai w special the ronaUx Tfce Very Best ef Callferaia Wiaes. Biealiag wise (white) at 00 ceata per gallon. Ziafaadel (red) at 00 ceata. Aagelica (aweet) at tl per gallon. Port $1 per galloa. GalalofBia aae Waacnea aad Keataeky whialrajB at reaeoaable prices. aad ass aa before bay utg. Yoars, War. Bucasa. i y ONE pouSrI va.Ceajrauns fcooftunuijB. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J. D. OMve &- aerth tf Pbot - K&z- ... ,--' e3 . - r &r. J. -viij.'?S(; iiriaani ijiuw""i-iti' ;j.mii- mn.tLVnfi -x l"l-",M.'lJ'WWKA.jga i M vs :..- m i h J s 1 it - I. XT $ -if"