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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1902)
X:c. - - i &iTZrf,r.- it:?? ' -Si -t- -a. -vi --- 5i -. ( aj; h- - i ; 1 11 f - &? 'fe-Sf "-"v . --. t-Jik, 2b 'r siwe tlUtorical'akBtfci f : (tMiimlras 1il- - !'- VOLUME XXXJII.-NUMBER 36. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1902. WHOLE NUMBER 1.700, A bt lournsl a w 1 -- t 'JP ."T T . . .. . r RESTRAiNTRUSTS HOUSE COMMITTEE SUPPORTS PUBLICITY PROPOSAL. UITLEFIELD'S BILL REPOTTED Measure Will Now Be Considered with Others Affecting Combines Infbr- matien in Which Particulars Are Required to Se Given. "WASHINGTON. Tie subcommittee of tie hcuse judiciary committee, to which was referred anti-trust bills, oa Friday reported favorably to the full committee on Mr. Littlefield's bill pro Tiding for giving publicity to the af fairs of commercial combinations. The acting chairman of the judiciary committee appointed a subcommittee consisting of "Representatives Littie fleld (Me.), Overstreet (lad.). Powers (Mass.). De Armond (Mo.), and Clay ton (Ala.), to which all anti-trust cms. including the publicity bill, have been referred. A meteing of the committee ia cauea ror tomorrow. The publicity bin. as amended, pro- Tiaes that evtrr earnorannii icin v ,4.. stock company or similar organization engaged ia interstate or foreign com merce, and every such p-irrsrvrarioTi which shall hereafter be organized, shall file with the interstate commerce commission en or before September i. each year, a return stating its name, date of organization, where and when organized, the statutes under which organized, and, if consolidated, the name of the constituent companies and the same information concerning them. If the concerns have been reorgan ized the original corporation is to te stated, with information concerning it. The following particulars must also be given: (1) Amount of authorized capital stock, shares into which divided, their par value, whether common or pre ferred and distinction between each. (2) Amount issued and outstanding, Meant nairf in. how much, if anv in property, and if paid in prcperty a de- scription and cash value of the prop- erty at the time it was received. (3) Indebtedness, its nature azd for what purpose incurred. (4) A statement of the assets at their present cash market value, giv ing the elements upon which the mar ket value is based. (a) The total earnings and income, operating expenses, interest, tares, permanent improvements, net earn ings, dividends declared. w:th rate and date, during the period preceding the first preceding July, salaries of omc'aTs . and wages of employes. It is further provided that the treas urer or other officer of concerns af fected shall answer en oath all inquir ies that may be made in writing, under the direction of the interstate com merce commission, relative to its financial condition and its cap.tal stock. Such answer is not to be used as evidence again?t the person mak ns it, except in prosecutions under the proposed act. A tax cf 1 per cent per annum is im posed on so- much cf the capital sto:k outstanding which is not fully pa.d in cash or property at its full cash mar ket value, and provision is made fcr cpllecting the tax. ' Any concern failing to make the re turn as required, and any concern fail ing to pay the tax impescd. is to be restrained, en the suit of the United States from engaging in interstate cr -foreign commerce. Honduras Facrs Resolution. J PANAMA A revolutionary move- . ment is threatened in Honduras. Gen- eral Sierra has been induced to refuse -to turn over the presidential power to Senor Monilla. who was elected president in October. It is believed thai the Honduras congress will try to declare the last elections illegal, and Senor Eonilla's numerous partisans f threaten to protect their leader's ( rights b- force. Juan Angelarias. the , defeated candidate, has been, appoint ed minister of state- j CHAFFEE SEES PRESIDENT. Goes to Washington and Receives Rcssevelts Congratulations. "WASHINGTON Major General GhaSee reported to Secretary Root on Monday. He appeared in uniform ' and upon his arrival held an impromp- tu reception in the secretaary's office, j Later, accompanied by Adjutant . General Corbin, he made official calls i ' nn jr.mM7-r Wv riri 5wrrfarr Moo- ' ". , . . . " ,. j cy-- Subsequently he had a long tals srith. Secretary Root upon conditions ia the Philippines, with, especial ref erence to the plans of the department for the reduction of the army. As a .result of his recommendations a gen- "eral order relative to the methods of reducing the army win be issued. Later in the day Secretary Root pre- ' scnted- him to the president, who cor dially congratulated General Chaffee on his work in China and the Philip pines. Nominated by President. WASHINGTON The president sent the following nominations to the sen ate on Tkaxsdayr Robert M. M. Wade, Pennsylvania (now consul), to be consul general at Castas, Ckism. Martin A- Ksapn. New York; inter-' aspointssent). at Monrorhj, Lfteria. ; CABINET DELIBERATIONS. Foreign Affairs Come in for Considera tion. WASHINGTON, D. C Foreign af fairs were discussed briefly at the cab- Linet meeting Tuesday. Secretary Hay has had encouraging reports from Havana, where Minister Squiers and General Bliss are working in harmony with a special commission designated by President Palma, to draw up a sat is factory reciprocity treaty. Venezuelan conditions also were touched upon, especially with refer ence to the plan of some New York financiers to relieve Venezuela's em barrassment by Seating a loan. The government would be glad to see this done if it could be accomplished with out involving the United States in any liability for the repayment of any debt or place the government under the obligation to ccerce Venezuela. It has a.ixady been, made perfectly clear to theDromoters of this plan that the state department wculd not bind itself by any promises in this matter and , this attitude of the department was thoroughly approved by the members i of the cabinet. j The case of Lieutenant Owens of the navy, who was recently tried by ccurt-martial for financial irregulari ties and absence from his ship with out leave, was also considered. The verdict of the court was that he ..... . . . . i saoua oe aismissea. rrom tne service, j appeal was by UeMat Owens to the president, as it was urg ed that while he was absent from his ship he was suffering from a tempor ary aberration of mind. It was de cided at the meeting that a ccurt t auuiuu ue uuuuLUieu lu miiLUic iuuj ( aenl:il cccditioa. That court will be appointed by Secretary Moody as scon as possible. DIE IN A FIRE TRAP. Fourteen Guests .Perish in Another Chicago Holocaust. CHICAGO. Fourteen persons among the scores crowded into the "Lhrcoln. hotel, at 176 Madison street, , met death shortly before 6 o'clock Thursday morning in a fire. Death , came suddenly to a few, but with ) aul slowness to others, who were penned in the death trap and suffocat ed or burned to death. Some died in their rooms, some chanced all in jumping and Jest, while others were found in the hallways, where they had expired with their fingers dug into the cracks cf the floor. All the bodies were recovered, as the hotel was not destroyed. The building was a fire trap of the worst kind, according fc experts. There were but two exits, a narrow stairway leading down- the four floors of the building and an incomplete fire e-cape ia the rear. The fire started on the second floor, i prsumaily from a lighted cigar dropped, on the carpet. Guests occupy ing rooms in the front pan. of the hcsielry. aroused by the screams of a weman. were able to escape down the stairway, and about thirty popie reached safety by means of the fire escape. To add to the horror, how ever, this gave way while others were attempting to escape and three men were dashed to death on the pavement of the alley below. MEET AND TALK ON TREATY. General Bliss Says Things Are Moving Along. HAVANA. General Tasker H. Bliss, who is here to arrange a basis for a reciprocity treaty between the Unit ed States and Cuba had another con ference Tuesday with Secretary of State Zalco and Secretary of Finances Manos. General Bliss afterward said: 'We expect to conclude the conference by next Saturday. Everything is pro gressing satisfactorily." It is generally understood that the Cuban commissions have accepted all propositions which General Bliss has advanced thus far on behalf of the United States. ENGLAND TAKES FIRM STAND. i She will Net Permit Cattle in Bond to j Pass. I OTTAWA. Ont. Sydney Fisher, j minister cf agriculture, received a ca ' blegram Tuesday afternoon from Lord stratchona. in London, stating that the , imperial government would not ap-1 prove of cattle being shipped in bond through the state of Maine to SL Johns for HnlifaT Neither will the imperial government allow cattle to be transported in ships that have touched at any New Engiand port until twenty-one days after they have- cleared from that port. Rate en Ccal Is Increasing. DULL'TH. Minn. The Pittsburg j Steamship company has just dosed a contract to bring to the head of Lake "Superior this fall 100.000 tons of ccal. mostly anthracite, the freight rate be ing $1 a ton. Coal has been carried up all the year at 30 cents a ton, but tne western shortage and the urgency of western shippers led to this price. AH the twenty to twenty-five ships .that bring up this coal will remain here for the winter, and all the coal will he delivered in the next fifteen days. Stmts Out Wild West Shew. LONDON Mr. Hanbttry, president of the board of agriculture, has de-l cided Oat owing to the existence of the foot and month disease in soste of tile New England states he wflT be anable to permit the landing- in Eag snd of a herd of bwffaJoes belonging so the Wild West show, which opens in Tjm om December 26. WAGES OF MINERS WORKMEN APPEAR BEFORE THE STRIKE COMMISSION. STOHESOFPOVEBTYAKCnia The Commission Decides ts Invite . Mine Inspectors ts Appear Before It Rumors of Negotiations Looking to Settlement Continue. SCRANTON. At Thursday's ses sions of the strike commission prac tical miners told their story of condi tions in the Hazleton coal fields. The miners tried to show that the Coxe and other companies violated the agreement, that the strikers should re turn to work and given their old p.aces where they had not really teen filled. The commission decided to invite j the mine inspectors to appear bifore it, because the miners claim that work men fear to mention dangtrous or unhealthy places in the mines because the inspectors are usually accompan ied by some representative of the com pany. Burners cf possible negotiations looking to a settlement continue. Whatever is dene will first be decided upon in New York, where those in , authority are located. -The opinion s -m .,;t., i ... -u ,,i,, orators and the miners' will agree on most points before the commission concludes its hearings. Andrew Mattey, a Slavonian, who was employed at Coxe Bros. company, was the first witness. He was the president of his local union and was told by thet company, he said, that if he quit the union he would be given a boss job. He refused, and later was given such bad work that he gave up his job. He said he was the means of bringing fourteen Slav onians to this country at the instance of a breaker boss at the Coxe mines. They were promised JL10 a day, but received only 63 or SO cents. When the witness was asked by Mr. Darrow how many times he had seen the mine inspector in the nines, Ccm imissioner Watkins asked the purpose of the question. Mr. Darroy said as a rule the mine inspector was accom panied by a company official and. therefore, a miner was afraid to make a complaint in the presence of his boss. He maintained inspectors should be unaccompanied and their attention not diverted from bad places in the In consequence of this allegation all mine inspectors will be invited to tes tify regarding the point raised. John G. Strenix. an Englishman, followed Mattey. He said he aver aged about. $300 a year and had work ed in the mines for thirty years. John Farari. an Austrian, formerly employed by the Coxe company, said he was able to save only 60 in seven years. IOWA IS AGAIN SUCCESSFUL. Takes Many Leading Prizes at Live Stock Exhibition. CHICAGO. Despite the inclement weather Tuesday proved one of the biggest in. point of attendance in the history of the international live stock exposition. 40,000 people passing the gates. The Iowa Agricultural college came off with flying colors, capturing the principal prizes in cattle and hogs. Shamrock, the grand champion of the show, entered by the Iowa college in the fat Angus grades, won everything and aggregated over $500 in cash prizes. The Iowa college also won the prize for the best general exhibit of cattle, sheep and swine. Alderman Fowler of Chicago sold his Percheron stallion. Perquo-Pas. to McLaughlin Bros, of Columbus. Ohio. after having won the championship over all stallions in the show SEEK TO SAVE PUBLIC LANDS. Bills to Repeal All Laws Except Homestead Law. WASHINGTON Senator Quarles (Wis.) on Wednesday introduced a bill to repeal the desert land law and the law authorizing the entry to tim ber and stone lands under the placer mining laws, and also a provision for homestead law permitting the commutation of homestead entries. The intention of the bill is to pre serve the public lands for actual set tlers and to that end he desired to have all laws for the opening of pub lic lands, except the homestead law,. repealed. Mr. Powers (Mass.) introduced a similar bin in the house. Want Into the British Market. BCENOS AYRES, The senate has reported sanitary laws relative to the admission of foreign cattle which I were presented by the Argentine gov ernment in order to facilitate the open ing of British ports to Argentine cattle Senate Ready for Reciprocity. WASHINGTON President Roose velt is assured that if the negotiations with. Cuba, for a reciprocity treaty are eoncladed satisfactorily by the state department tire treaty win he ratiled fay the senate dnrisnr the sion. WASHINGTON Ofiver Wendell Holmes war oa Tknrssy fumtxmt-H by tike senate to succeed the late Jns-j tice Gray as a member of the bench of the United States THE SICK CATTLE, UnsriflcisJd Dealer -aid s Hm Sold Them BOSTON. Dr. Salmom ton frost Washimstom first actios was to hold a vita Dr. Samuel E. Bennett, tkc Bos ton agent of the bureau. Dr. Asstin Peters, chief of the Massachusetts An imal Bureau, and Dr. John E. Mok irn. chief of the pathological dirMoa at "Washington, James Law of Cornell university and Dr. Leonard Pearson of the University of Pennsylvania. . Dr. Salmon said: "The situation is very disquieting, principally because cattle dealers save been selling diseased, animals and scattering the contagion and because there has been no adequate conception of the danger of carrying the disease r by persons who have visited diseased herds." Dr. Salmon will take offices so as to be in the closest touch with the cattle bureau. Dr. Peters on Tuesday issued a no tice calling attention to the statutes which direct local board of health to report all cases cf contagion among cattle as soon as their presence is known. WASHINGTON. Official notice of the action of the British government prohibiting; the landing of stock from New England was received Tnesday. Mr. Moore on Tuesday ordered about twenty veterinary surgeons in various western cities to proceed to New Eng land to augment the force of experts already fighting the epidemic This force also will be added to by the in spectors relieved from duty owing to the cessation of exportation to Great Britain. PORTLAND, Me. The steamship officials have stopped loading cattle at this port until word Is received from England that cattle shipped from Canada via Maine will be allowed to land. CUBAN TREATY IS READY. President Palma Will Sign Document at Havana Next Wednesday. HAVANA After a conference with Secretaries Zaldo and Montes Friday night President Palma said: "My commissioners, Senores Zaldo and Montes, will sign the reciprocity agreement with General Bliss Taes day or Wednesday next. It will be then sent to Washington, where the treaty rrill be signed by Secretary Hay and Minister Quesada. "After confirmation by the United States senate I will send the treaty to the Cuban senate for approval. I shall not send it to the house of rep resentatives because that house- has, with the approval of the senate, the right, according to the constitution, to make a treaty which does not affect th tariff. "This agreement provides for cer tain, reductions in the duties on im ports from the United States, but the tariff on those articles is not changed. A 4-as -V a Afinfwifral j-i - a wnaw T ? . 1 -j,Hi .. ev i tend to send a message to the senate and the house asking for a revision of the tariff in order to keep up- the revenues which will be necessarily lessened by the treaty." A senator who represents the ad ministration gives his opinion that the reciprocity agreement must be ap proved by the house o- representa tives. The matter of issuing a loan for $35,000,000 is again being taken up in the senate. TRUST BILLS-.CONSIDERED. Discussion of Measure Entailing Pub licity on Combines. WASHINGTON The subcommittee of the house judiciary committee, consisting of Representatives Little field (Me.). Thomas (la.) and Clayton (Ala.), to which was referred the anti trust bills, met on Wednesday. One of the bills before the committee pro poses an amendment to the Sherman anti-trust law and another provides for publicity. Considerable attention was devoted to consideration of the latter, which requires all corporations engaged in interstate commerce to file returns disclosing their true financial condi tion and their capital stock and im poses a tax upon such as have out standing capital stock unpaid in whole or in part. While no conclusions were reach ed, good progress was made and the committee hopes to be able to report before the holiday recess. Finds Women Mail Carriers. WASHINGTON It has recently been brought to the attention of the postmaster general that about twenty-five women are holding "positions as carriers in the rnral free delivery service and a-call has been, made for information about thvn jm inves tigation win be made to learn whether they are performing their duties in a satisfactory manner. It appears the appointments were- made without the department knowing the sex. of the Mm m liitereatin and OrieanaL PARIS Most of the morning papers here give considerable space to Pres ident Roosevelt's message. The-few journals that comment oa the mes sage pronounce it an original aM highly interesting doenssent, inspired by ardent patriotism- and maiUml! ij great courage on -part of its qtfrqr These approve his ensndatkns re garding the foreign policy of the United States and the trine. Happiness is the wst of of dyspeptics. BOARD GETS CASK BILL TO PAY PRESIDENTS ARBI TRATION COMMISSION. b pitssa n hie eit Through Without DivisisR, After Attempt to Include JtJrn Mitchell is Voted Down. WASHEIGTON. The house on Wednesday passed the bill appropri ating $50,000 to defray the expenses of the strike commission and then ad josrned until Friday, when the Lon don, dock "charge bill win be consid ered. There were two hoars discussion on the commission bilL in which the president's action was highly com mended, except by Mr. Burton (Mo.) who contended that the commission was created without authority of law and constitution. There was some criticism of the clause allowing double salaries to members of the commission now in government employ, and also cf that leaving the amount of compensation of members to the president. But all amendments were voted down. The bill was passed without division. The speaker announced the ap pointment of the following commit teesr To -Visit the Naval Academy Messrs. Watson, (Ind.),A dams, (Pa), and Clark. (Mo.). To Visit the Military Academy Messrs. Hull. (Ia.), Steele, (Pa.), and DeArmond (Mo.). The house then went into commit tee of the whole. Mr. Grcsevnor (0.), in the chair, and took up the coal strike commission bilL Before the discussion began Mr. Gaines (Tenn.) stated that he decided to offer an amendment. The chair having ruled that amendments were not in order at this time: Mr. Can- nan, in charge of the bill, agjeed that the amendment should be read for information. It proposed to place an thracite on the free list. Mr. Burton (Mo.), a member cf the appropriations committee, to whom Mr Cannon yielded, declared that he could not support the bilL The pres ident, he said, .had, no legal authority to create the commission and the bill besides placed 150,000 in the presi dent' shands without any limitation. 'Mr. Livingston (Ga.) and Under wood (Ala.) supported the bill, al though they agreed that the presi dent's action was irregular. Mr. Bailey (Ga.) said the president had acted patriotically. Mr. Cochran (Mo.). Mr. Feeley, (EL). Mr. Gaines, (Tenn.) and Mr. Maddox. Ga.). endorsed- the act of the president. Mr. H'Timrav fTrrrl .1 and Ar Uf- ., v j . . ey (la.) warmly defended the couxse i of the president, the latter character izing it as one of the "boldest" acts in the- history of the executive. i Mr. Jicuermott f j. nointed out that the strike commission had no power behind it. He thought it should he given power- to make an investi gation and report its findings to con gress. Mr. Cannon (HL) argued that the bill should pass in the form in which it was presented. If the president's action had been without authority of law or constitution, it had been taker in response to an overwhelming pub lic sentiment. The bill passed without division. MUST STAY AT THEIR POSTS. Leaves or Absence Will Be Hard to Get in the Philippines. WASHINGTON. Owing to the nu merous applications from officers serv ing in the Philippines for leaves of absence and transfers to the United states. Major General Davis, com manding the division, has established a series of rules to govern such cases. Permission to visit the United States win not be granted except under very extraordinary circumstances, unless the applicant has been in the Philip pines three years, of which time the two years immediately preceding the application shall have been contin uous, and in such cases only when the officers services-can be spared and conditions warrant. After two years' continuous service an officer whose services can ie spared may be granted two months' leave to travel in the Orient, the leave to begin and end in Manila. Officers in poor health mav be sent to San. Francisco for treat ment, provided the medical board re ports that such change of climate is necessary. Choctaw Indians Moving. ARDMORE, L T. The emigration of hundreds of Choctaw Tndfsng resid ing in. Mississippi to Indian Territory has commenced. Many families reached this city Friday to appear be fore the Dawes commission for en rollment. Under the law these In dians must reside in the Indian coun try for a certain period and prove they are Choctaw Indians before they are entitled to allotment. It is ex pected that several thousand will reach the territory before February r. the sate of ther beginning: of the allot ments. icanst Applaud the WASHINGTON. The house was in an hour and forty !mT -. One hoar of the h-ti was In reading- the president's The reading-was listened to with Utis Hi in by members without regard ta party, hut without: demon-! stiaUeu except at -the conclucion of the issiFifc. when the republicans ap-j COMMITTEE FAVORS OKLAHOMA, .15 New Mexico and Arizona Are ts B: Left Out of the Bill. WASHINGTON The committeo on territories has agreed to report a bill for the- admission of Oklahoma and Indian territories as one state under the name of Oklahoma. New Mexico axd Arizona are not in the bilL. The bill authorizes the inhabitants of the two territories to adopt a state constitution defining the- status of the Indians as follows: "Nothing contained in the said con stitution shall be construed to limit or impair the- rights of person or prop erty pertaining to the Indians of said territories so long as such rights shall remain unextinguished, or to limit or affect the authority of the govern ment of the United States to make any law or regulation respecting such Indians, their lands, property or other rights which it would have been com petent to make if this act never pass ed." Indians are made eligible to become delegates to the constitutional con vention. The statehood, convention ia to be held at the seat of government in Oklahoma territory. Among the declarations prescribed for the pro posed state is one "forever prohibiting polygamous or plural marriages." The new state is to be allowed four representatives in congress until the next census and also is to have two United States senators. The state is to be divided into two judicial dis tricts. REVENUE HAS GOOO BALANCE. Receipts Exceed Expenses by Nearly Thirty-Three Millions. WASHINGTON The monthly com parative statement of the government receipts and expenditures shows that for November. 1902, the total receipts were $43,009,001 and the disburse ments $43,040,257, leaving a surplus of $553,744. Last year the surplus was $5,513,860. The November receipts are given as follows: Customs, $22.4S3.2Sj, an in crease as compared with November. 190L of $3,000,000. Internal revenue, $13,347,580, increase $4,202,145. Mis cellaneous, $2,262,134. decrease $877, 500. The statement shows an increase of $1,800,000 in the expenditure on ac count of the war department and an increase of $159,000 on account of the navy. Pensions show a falling off of $325, 000. For the five months of the present fiscal year the receipts are $32,873,920 in excess of the expenditures. Says Swift Buys Railways. KANSAS CITY. George H. Ross of Chicago, fcr several years traflic man- ager of the Indiana. Illinois i Icwa railway, has succeeded Theodore C. Bates of Boston as president of the Uniou Depot, Bridge fc Terminal Rail way company. Mr. Bates says he re signed so that the company's interests might be in the hands of a practical railroad man. A dispatch from Bos ton however, positively asserts that Mr. Bates sold his interests, and the Winner bridge piers in the Missouri river, and the valuable river land and terminals owned by it. have been pur chased by Swift & Company, who con template building an independent stock yards and a new plant. Another rumor i3 to the effect that the Rock Island system has purchased but no reply had been received. Fix Next Year's Fair Dates. CHICAGO. The National Associa tion of Fairs and Exhibitions met on Tuesday and decided dates far state fairs in 1903 as follows: Missouri. August 17 to 22; Iowa. August 24 to 29: New York. August 24 to 29; Minnesota. August 31 to September 5; Ohio. August 31 to Sep- j tember 5; Wisconsin. September 7 to September 12; Nebraska. September 7 to 12; Indiana. September 14 to 19; Kansas. September 14 to 19; Ken tacky, September 21 to 26; Illinois September 28 to October 3; St. Louis. October 5 to 10. Three Thousand Are Dead. SAN FRANCISCO From the Guate malan coast the Pacific Mail steamer City of Sydney brings the news that the deaths resulting from the recent eruption cf Santa Maria volcano num ber about 3,000. This estimate is bas ed upon the latest information that had been received at San Jose, Guate mala, previous to the steamer's depart ure for this port, but it is accompa nied by the statement of Guatemalans that reliable reports were uneb'.ainabTe. Verdict Is SlGOOCO. NEW YORK. A verdict for $100,000 damage was brought in Tuesday by the jury in the suit of Mrs. Jennie M. Leys against the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad company. Mrs. Leys sued fcr $230,000 for the death of her husband, who was kflled ia a collision in the company's tan ner in this city in January hist. Mr. Lets was manager cf a dnamnnf i store and his eaminzs wen M f ' he $23,003 a year. May Renounce Sugar Treaty. LONDON Ia the house of com mons an Wednesday the under secre tary of state fcr foreign affairs said the opposition to countervailing du ties and the refusal to allow the im portation of bounties sugar were not I inconsistent with, the most favored na tion clause of the Anglo-Russian com- j mercial treaty of 1SS3. Russia, he added, had been informed at tikis Ttew i ui!dui emsiderably damaged th 4 -r, m.,. w.r ,, . . robfcers only seznred H71 They nude w . w wn 4nsHt; uw a. GAUiiAkt5 the treaty if Bnsnin did- not agree, . f HllHIUmill Wim:il MET TOfytAMS. 1 1 1 ! K 1 1 1 1 1 II HH 1 1 1 II 1 1 rtuxug over uxe Uraur sugar cunlar ecce. Negroes and white children in the schcoj of Oklahoma are to be separ ated. It is said that Germany and Eng land win unite to bring Venezuela to time. No redistricting bUl win be passed at the coming session of the Kinsaa legislature. The win of Herr Krupp bequeaths the big gun factory at Essen to his e.dcst daughter. Nearly 100.000 inhabitants in the ncrthern districts of Sweden face starvation on account of heavy rain fails. John L. Suffivan, former pugilist. ha3 filed a petition in bankruptcy in New York to prevent his arrest for debt in Bostcn. Cangres3man-elect Wm. R. Hearst of New York and party are In the City of Mexico. Mr. Hearst is the recipient Oi! many courtesies. Rev. W. H. Miliburn. the blind chap lain cf the senate who is now in Cal ifornia, has forwarded his resignation to President Fro Tern Frye. It is stated in diplomatic circles that Venezuela has yielded in part to the demands cf Germany and England far claims put in by tha citizens of those countries. Secretary Moody, in his annual re port. Iay3 particular stress upon the imperative need of more officera and men to man the battleships now build ing and authorized. The Rock Island management has authorized contracts for the construc tion cf an extension of that system from. Dallas to Galveston. Texas, a distance of 270 miles. The government case against the so called "beef trust' has been set for heraing in the United States circuit ccurt on December 16. before Judge Grosscup at Chicago. To properly provide for the United States government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1904. it is estimated by various departments that $589,1S9. 112.30 will be required. The Southern Pacific has bought the Shrevepcrt Red River VaHey rail way, a valuable railroad between Shreveport and Alexandria, with a branch line to Mancura. The Union Pacific Railroad company has formally announced the installa tion cf its pension system, effective January 1, by a notice posted on the bulletin boards at headquarters ia Omaha. Smarting under a rebuke adminis tered by his employer. Albert Eth ridge. a bey IS years old. shot and in stantly killed John Kesner. proprietor of the Western hotel at Pocahont23. Illinois. William E. Curtis says the adminis tration will make no further move to purchase the West Indies from Den mark, but will welcome any negotia tions looking to the acquisition of 5r Thomas. Of the $20,117 claimed bv the state cf New York for expenses incurred in aiding the United States to raise a i volunteer army in the war with Spain. the comptroller of the treasury only allowed 55.37o. William H. Murray, alias Howard, was arrested at Dunlap. Tenn.. Satur day by an Illinois officer on a warrant charging him with the murder of a man named Wocdrone at Williams burg. El., twenty-eight years ago. The anniversary of Clem Studebak er's burial was made memorable at South Bend. Ind., by his family pre senting to the Epworth hospital direc tors over $5O.C00 ia addition to other contributions to pay in full for a $73, C00 hospital building recently com pleted. J. We:s. one cf the wealthiest cot ton merchants cf New Orleans, was fined $23 for violating the Wilson separate car law. He sat in the sec tion reserved for negroes and declined, under the conductors' request, to get up because there was no empty seats in the white section. Despite the negative action of the Transcontinental Passenger associa tion in St. Louis last month the Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line and Oregon Railroad and Navigation com pany have- announced their intention cf instituting the one way colonist rate to point3 in the northwest. The British mail steamer reports an other eruption of Mcnt Pelee on the island of Martinique. Macedonian peasants, who were in revolt last month, are subjected to horrible cruelties by the Turkish au thorities. Dr. Joseph Parker, the noted pastor of the London City Temple, is dead after a protracted illness. western Lmon messengers struck. at Des Moines for a guarantee of $20 a month. It was granted in thirty minutes. J. M. Johnson, general manager of the Mexican International, hs resign ed after nineteen years of service. J The French chamber cf deputies has adopted a rule forbidding members rroxn holding municipal offices in Paris. Colombian invaders of Venezuela were farced to retreat across the bor ders, leaving many prisoners behind. Solomon H. Bethen has been reap pointed United States district attor ney fcr the northern district of Illi nois. The First National bank of Wick liffe. Ky.. wae dynamited Friday night uy iuur roooera. -vnue tae vault, was completely destroyed and the hank i scod o3? ooocoo i0 lIltMMbftfc iCotarims o I 9 State IBank M9IJES5IQHTDAFT50K CUcap, New HrtL o o 0) o w o o o i ggy good Hoto, I o o o o 6 o o 4tt 6 imo pjwcra1 VICB- M. Muses. CASWiSM. ANT L. MeMT. eMftSTT MULST- udKl O000v0 oo4c4ooc9a! A wkfy Ncmysyear DcTolcd to the Best latere of X X ' s Columbus, THE County of Platte, The State oi -(Nebraska- THE United States, and the Rest l! MM. s rbt Unit of Measure with U is $1.50 per Year, if Paid ia Adraace. Usefslsm to set yDetUrs Sample Copies Sent Free to any Address. HENRY OASS. .-UNDERTAKEN.. Coffin aod Metallic Ca ffifiiiiu if iMMifi rTrii v ij - -Columbua, Koto. R IlCat Columbus Journal. ta Furnish Any- tfafRatjuarcaofa CLUBS wTTH THE OP THE COUlNTRYe X 9 X 9 PsTjH latere oa Time I Deposits : AP Ha LottM on Rem o d estate wto iter i kdC Columbus JournaJ, a - si t JUKL-f .. i - i . f . . . . . . - ". i-. - -. rz-L ' & s Sfe. ,--- ..-".- r- . .r... - .- fc-.-rLTWTS-3f - - - - - c -t. Jv .-t-r- TrAJ ' - a?T 5w-ao,