The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 03, 1902, Image 4

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! Novel Hallow 'een Frolic
lass i
of Fifty Years Ago
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Longing for a Loved Or.t.
Ib silent awe I view the western sky
The gathering; clouds, sold-rlmmed by
setting sun;
Sow from the hilltop comes the night
bird's cry:
All nature speaks: "Another day Is
"While soft the evening breezes bear
to me
The sifih of one I love and Ions to see.
Soft pillowed on my couch, sweet slum
ber holds.
In calm repose, my head upon her
With gentle touch my eyelids shs en
folds And soothes my wearied spirit Into
And in the happy dreams that come
to me
I clasp the one I love and Ions; to see.
The sun is up the lark is on the wing
The linnet carols forth her tuneful lav;
Tne bird choirs now in one grand choru
Their grateful praises to the new-born
And mingled with their music comes
to mo
The voice of one I love and long to
The flowers bow the rising sun to greet
Across the green sward lengthy shad
ows lie;
While blossoming nature breathes her
perfumo sweet
And wafts it on the brecxes to the sky;
Anon each sparkling dewdrop brings
to me
A tear of one I love and long to see.
Won by Sickles.
During the recent reunion of the
Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg
the following letter was read from
Gen. James Longstreet, which will
be read with Interest by every veter
an who served in the civil war, and
especially by those who fought at the
battle of Gettysburg:
"Washington, Sept 19, 1902.
"Gen. D. EL Sickles, Gettysburg, Pa.:
"My Dear General Sickles My plan
and desire was to meet you at Gettys
burg on the interesting ceremony at
tending the unveiling of the Slocum
monument, but to-day I find myself in
no condition to keep the promise made
you when last we were together. I
am quite disabled from a hurt in one
of my feet, so that I am unable to
stand more than s. minute or two at
a time. Please express my sincere
regrets to the noble army of the Poto
mac, and to accept them, especially
for yourself.
"On that field you made your mark
that will place you prominently before
the world as one of the leading figures
or the most Important battles of the
civil war. As a northern veteran once
remarked to me: 'General Sickles can
well afford to leave a leg on that field.'
"I believe that it Is now conceded
that the advanced position at the
Peach Orchard, taken by your corps
and under your orders saved that bat
tlefield to the union cause. It was the
sorest and saddest reflection of my
life for many years; but, to-day, I can
say. with sinccrcst emotion, that It
was and is the best that could have
come to us all, north and south; and
I hope that the nation, reunited, may
always enjoy the honor and glory
brought to it by that grand work.
"Please offer my kindest salutations
to your governor and your fellow com
rades of the army of the Potomac.
Always yours sincerely,
"(Signed) James Longstreet,
"Lieutenant General Confederate
Effect of Neat Uniforms.
Talking of the effect a neat and
clean uniform has on the soldier a
veteran writes: "As an illustration of
some of the things I have been saying,
let me tell an anecdote of the Civil
war, as related by a volunteer officer:
"'We seldom saw regular soldiers
curing the war. There were a few
regiments of them, always drilled, dis
ciplined and uniformed in a way that
no volunteers were. We used to laugh
at them. We didn't believe a soldier
could fight any better for having his
shoes blacked or that clockwork pre
cision on drill meant better fighting in
"I was In the tall end of a rout
The army had gone to pieces. A
broken, disorganized mob we were,
pouring along a road, every man for
himself in the falling dusk. All at
once the seething, dust colored crowd
s-head paused, swayed, broke and
washed to the sides of the road, and
out stepped a solid body of dark blue,
a regiment of the dandy regulars, the
only unbroken regiment In our di
vision, going to hold the enemy;
clothes brushed, every cap on at the
same ancle, every musket held at the
same angle, every set of fours the
KJne distance apart, every foot fall
ing at the same instant heads up and
to the front silent, quick a great,
smooth running machine. And they
had on white gloves, goinj out to die
In white gloves, for. man. they pretty
nearly all did die. but they held the
enemy held ten times their number
until help could come and saved the
"Yes. we like to dress for the great
occasions of life, for dinners, balls,
weddings and to die."
Couldn't Stop Sherman's Bummers.
"A good many stories." said the cap
tain, "are yet to be told of the army
foragers. On one occasion on the
march from Savannah to Goldsboro.
the longest by the way. ever made by
an army in modern times, the boys
who had pushed far to the front inter
cepted the correspondence between
Wade Hampton and General Beaure
card. Hampton had been ordered to
stop Sherman's army at all hazards,
and "he returned the order with the
Indorsement. 'All hell can't stop Sher
bu's bummers.'
"This showed such appreciation on
Hampton's part that the boys rather
liked Mm, but they gave him lots of
trouble and lived up to the reputation
he gare them. They pressed forward
every day into the enemy's country
and became resourceful in org&nizing
and resisting attack. If they came on
a company or regiment of rebel cav
alry the bummers did not fall back
ob the main force, or scatter before
the rebels, but acting on a system of
their own formed a line, and skir
mished until re-enforced. More often
than otherwise the foragers of one
division rallied to the support of those
of another and beat off the rebels be
fore the advance guard of the army
came up." Chicago Inter Ocean.
Unique Command,
- There was a little incident that
happened at Cumberland Gap that
attest interest some of the boys." said
one Of the members of an Ohio post
It was in the summer of 1862. A
BtMBber of the refugees would
into oar lines from East Teases-
aad they were being rapidly or-
gaalxed into regiments, both of la
faatry and cavalry, for service la the
Union army. One sultry afternoon in
August an infantry captain belonging
to one of the Tennessee regiments
was drilling his company. He had his
men in two ranks, and wished to
change them from that into four
ranks. Either not knowing or forget
ting the usual command, he called
cut: 'Form two strings to four
strings, gif "
Youngsters Should Down Drakes.
"The way some of the fellows get
tangled up," said a veteran from Mas
sachusetts as he managed to pull him
self together out of a crowd near the
treasury, during the recent encamp
ment, "reminds me of the conductor
who was elected to a captaincy of a
company. He was drilling a squad,
and while marching them by flanks he
turned to speak to a fellow officer for
a second. On looking around again
toward his squad he saw that they
were in the act of butting up into a
fence. In his hurry to halt them he
cried out: "Down brakes! Down
brakes! D it, down brakes!' Now
I think some of these young fellows
ought to down brakes when they see
us old chaps coming."
Countermanded by Curtin.
One of the Pennsylvania old-time
fighters says that when the state was
greatly excited over the thaeatened in
vasion of the rebels, everybody shoul
dered arms and was ready to rush in
to the battleaeld. When the enthu
siasm was at its height Gen. McCIellan
had driven the enemy off and Gov.
Curtin recalled the troops. A young
man. who was deeply imbued with the
spirit of patriotism and religion, was
describing his own feelings during
this period. He was slow in coming to
his decision, but said, "I cought the
direction of heaven, and I heard a
voice saying unto me, 'Go,' and I was
on the point of going when Gov. Cur
tin countermanded the order."
Anecdote of Bennington.
During the hard-fought battle of
Bennington two brothers fought side
by side, protected by the trunk of a
fallen tree. The older was a man of
prayer, but the other was not. Baum's
Indian allies were in ambush, picking
off the Americans, when the older
brother got sight of one of them, and.
taking a long aim, lifted up heart and
voice in prayer, saying, "Lord, have
mercy on that Indian's soul." and
buried his bullet in the redskin's
brain. The other brother got a shot
at another Indian at the same mo
ment, and, as his ball entered the head
he bit off the end of a cartridge to
load again and said, "There's another
Indian gone to hell."
Negro Confederate Sharpshooter.
One of the annoying sharpshooters
on the Confederate side at Yorktown
was a negro. He was very clever
with the rifle. Several mornings he
had climbed a tree and picked off the
Union sharpshooters as fast as he
could get a good aim at them. He
climbed into a tree one morning a
little in advance of the other Con
federate sharpshooters. One of the
Federal rifle pits was only about 20
rods away, but Sambo was not aware
of that A soldier secured good aim
and ordered the negro out, but he re
fused to come, and a moment later
fell dead with a bullet through his
head. Washington Pest
A Relic of the War.
Davis J. Hyndman, a grocer, in
opening a case of peaches recently
discovered a small package of Manila
paper enclosing a .50 calibre ball, with
a dent in its side showing service.
On the paper was written: "This
bullet was found In the orchard and
brought in. the packer would like to
hear from it, as I live on the old Ken
nesaw Mountain battlefield and would
like to know who gets this relic of the
war between the states. Walter R
Reynolds, Marietta, Cobb county, Ga."
The bullet will be placed with the
notes as its credentials in Washing
ton headquarters.
Memorial for Founder of G. A. R.
A committee of five has been ap
pointed in Washington by Gen. Tor
rance, commander-in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Republic, to ar
range for the erection of a memorial
to Gen. B. F. Stevenson, founder and
first provisional commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Gen. Logan held the office afterward
for threa years, and Gens. Burnside.
Devens, Hartranft and Robinson far
two jars each. Since 1S78 there has
been a new commander-in-chief each
Ohio in the Grand Parade.
Ohio was represented in the grand
parade at Washington by fully 3,000
veterans, and they were greeted with
cheers along the entire line of much.
The United States Naval Band of An
napolis. Md., beaded the division, with
Department Commander Weber and
his staff following. Tattered battle
flags, precious relics of the civil war.
were conspicuous features of the dis
play. Fuliy a dozen bands and a
number of drum corps accompanied
the division.
Tribute from an Old Foe.
At a reunion of civil vrar veterans
In Washington. Iowa, the old soldiers
had for one of their most welcome
guests CoL Josiah Patterson, who com
manded a regiment of Alabama caval
ry in the rebellion. Col. Patterson de
livered an address in which he said,
amid great cheering: "The greatest
tribute I can pay you is to bring you
the message that in all the South
there is not one man who would, if
he could, deny the flag and dissolve
the Union."
Reunion of New Hampshire Men.
Meredith, N. H.. was in gala dress
last week in honor of a visit of the
surviving members of the 12th New
Hampshire regiment who held their
37th annual reunion with Co. i. An
additional feature, which had been
looked forward to with a great deal of
interest in connection with the re
union, was the unveiling and presenta
tion of a beautiful soldiers' monument
a gift to the town by Major E. E.
A Remarkable Shot
A peculiar Incident happened at the
Yarran. Victoria, rifle ranges. A man
was taking aim at 400 yards, and Just
as he fired several magpies flew In
front of him, bout 200 yards distant
The bullet struck one of the macules
and brought it to the ground, and a
bullseye was registered by the market
for the shot A bullseye and "-magpie"
were thu3 scored for one shot
A well-known resident c the Falls
at Schuylkill interested several listen
crs at one of the uptown clubhcuse3
the other night by telling how he and
his boyhood companions used to cele
brate All Halloween some fifty years
"In those days," he said, "boys had
a great deal more liberty than have
the youngsters of the present time.
They might have had more work and
more chores to do, yet they managed
to get their full share of fun.
"When I was a boy, the only officer
of the law we had to look cut for was
the solitary and not over-watchful
constable. We never knew what a
policeman looked like till after the
county was consolidated with the city
in 1854. There were a number of ways
to celebrate All Halloween thump
ing doors with cabbage stalks, lean
ing fence posts against doors, then
knocking on the doors to watch the
posts tumble on whoever opened; ty
ing cats' tails together over a clothes
line, or chasing the codfish."
When asked to explain what he
meant by chasing the codfish, he re
plied: "What! Have you never heard of
chasing the codfish? Well. I'll tell
you. A party of us boys would get to
gether several days before Halloween
to choose our victim. He wa3 always
one of those particular individuals
who dislike nothing more in the world
than seeing boys amuse themselves.
The toys would watch their chance of
borrowing a dried codfish from the
sidewalk in front of any of the few
stores of which the place boasted.
Estimating Damage Done
by Recent Forest Fires
It is impossible to estimate with ex
actness the damage wrought by the
forest fires that have been raging in
Washington, Oregon, Wyoming and
Colorado already this fall. Net until
the burned territory has been thor
oughly gone over can any authorita
tive estimate be made. It is probable
that the severity of the forest fires in
the west this year will result in se
curing better protection through legis
lation, and also an extension of the J
national forest reserve system.
The greatest factor in the safety of
the forest reserve is the stringent set
of rules in force, acting as a preven
tive. As scon as a person enters a
government forest reserve he finds
signs staring him in the face and in
forming him that he must not kindle
an open fire in the reserve. Every
camper is required to have a stove of
some sort As folding - sheet-iron
stoves can be secured at small ex
pense, this is not a hardship, as many
imagine. Sometimes this law is brok
en in ridiculously costly fashion, as a
recent instance in the White River
forest reserve, in Colorado, proved. A
party of clergymen were hunting and
fishing in the reserve, near the place
where President Roosevelt hunted
mountain lions. They had a folding
camp stove, and intended to comply
with the law, but after using the stove
Descendants of
The majority of the members of the
older English aristocrats are'descend
ar.ts of great rulers, warriors or
statesmen. Every great family In
Britain includes in its records the
rcmc of some great man.
The present earl of Buckingham,
for example, is a direct descendant of
John Hampden, the patriot. The earl
tiaces bis pedigree through John
Hampden's fourth daughter, Mary, for
no descendant of the patriot by the
male line exists.
There is still living in America a
lady who possesses well-substantiated
claims to be the only living descend
ant of the great navigator and dis
coverer, Vespucci.
Great poets ere often poor men and
often leave little of the world's goods
to those who bear their names. The
only surviving grandson of Robert
Burns is James Glencairn Taompson.
His grandmother was niece to the
landlady of the Globe tavern in Dum
fries. Another relative oi Burns a
granddaughter is living in Dulwich,
a suburb of London.
In De Kalb county, Missouri, lives a
By Lynch Law a Young Woman Se
cures Seat She Is Entitled To.
There is one young man in New
York who will look around in the
future before he drops into a scat in
a crowded car on the Ninth avenue
express of the elevated read.
He was standing the other morning
when the train made a stop at Seventy-Second
street. Another man left
his seat at that station.
A young woman who had also been
standing and was nearest to the vacat
ed seat, started to occupy it. The
cuap who had been standing next to
her cut in ahead of her and dropped
into the place.
The act was audacious. Just as the
fellow got his newspaper unfolded a
passenger, who had nudged his way in
so as to have room to maneuver,
reached over and got a grip on the la
pel cf the chap's coat He gave it
one yank and the other passengers
opened up space.
The chap was lifted from his seat
which he bad grabbed and was slam
med against the floor of the car. The
man who had brought about the sud
den change In the situation lifted his
hat, and, bowing with the grace of a
courtier, beckoned to the young wom
an to occupy the vacated seat. Then
he assisted the chap to his feet and
said to him:
"Sorry to make it so sudden."
Another passenger remarked, "That's
about the neatest bit of hog killing I
ever saw on the elevated," New York
Are Found of Much Value in German
East Africa.
.The German East African colony
has been seriously handicapped by the
difficulty of finding animals fitted to re
place human labor in the transport of
heavy goods. As the result of careful
experiments it has now been found
that camels fulfill this object admir
ably. They have rendered excellent
service in dragging on rollers large
blocks of stone aad heavy iron plates
to be used in the construction of.vari-
This we kept hidden until All Hal
loween, when we poured scalding wat
er on It, and then dragged it over
roads, lane3 and lots in a zigzag route,
till we came to the victim's house.
There the fish, made 'more odorous by
the scalding, was carefully and quietly
rubbed on the doorstep, door and front
or the house; then it was carried
away, care being taken to hold It as
far from the ground as posible.
"Meanwhile some others of the boys
would collect all the hounds and oth
er hunting dogs they could get, keep
ing them together till 10 o'clock, by
which time tho victim and most other
people would be in bed. At that hour
we would put the dogs on the scent,
and the way in which .they would fol
low the trail was exciting. Off they
would go, yelping and barking for all
they were worth.
"We boys would leave the dogs to
their part cf the work, and take a
short cut to the vie 's house, so as
to be there in time lc- the best part
of the fun. You should have heard the
melody of those degs as they drew
near to the end of the trail. Once at
the house, you would have thought
pandemonium had indeed broken
loose. The victim, suddenly awakened
from his slumber, was in no humor tl
enjoy the racket, and wc had as much
as we could do to get the dogs away
before he get his gun ready for busi
ness. "Yes, sir; we boys of the long ago
had our fun, which equaled any that
is furnished at the present time, and
nothing would please me more now
than to join once again in a codfish
chase." Philadelphia Ledger.
they deliberately dumped the hot coals
on the ground and left them. The fire
scon spread to the dry timber, and
Many acres were burned before the
x angers got the flames under control.
Scientists claim that one of the
largest fires in Colorado this fall was
started by a meteor. The fall of one
of these heavenly bodies was noticed
in Platte canyon, 'not many miles
from Denver. Soon afterward -a for
est fire broke out, consuming, many
acres of timber before it could be con
trolled. There were no campers in
the vicinity, and was regarded as cer
tain that the meteor started the con
flagration. The government reserves are In
every sense a national institution.
This was shown recently in Colorado
when a wealthy corporation lawyer of
New York, who was hunting In the
White River forest reserve, accident
ally started a forest fire. He was
compelled to fight the fire for several
days and nights and when finally he
and- his party reached civilization
they were so exhausted they could
hardly stand. Neither wealth nor in
fluence stood the .lawyer in good
stead, and in all probability he will
have to answer to the government
authorities for the destruction of
nearly 500 acres of timber. New
York Tribune.
Are Little Known
rephew of John Keats. He is a pros
perous farmer. He bears the poet's
name in full, John Keats, and is the
last child of George Keats, the poet's
younger brother.
A great-great granddaughter of the
novelist. Fielding, recently re-edited
her famous ancestor's "Tom Jones"
tor a London publisher.
Alexander Carlyle of Edinburgh, is
a nephew of Thomas Carlyle, the
sage of Chelsea. But a still closer
connection of the historian of the
French revolution lives, or very re
cently lived, within twenty miles of
Toronto. This is Mrs. Janet Carlyle
Hanning, an old lady of eighty-one,
the only surviving daughter of James
Carlyle of Eccelfechen, Thomas'
Carlyle societies have besought
Mrs. Hanning to part with her broth
er's letters, which she carefully treas
ures, but she has long refused.
A descendant of William Words
vorth has made a name for himself
within the last few years. This is
Stephen Pailiips, the author of sev
eral poems and plays. Stray Stories.
ous public buildings and floating
docks. They have also been harnessed
to wacons and it has been found that
their -feet-do not in any way suffer by
constantly traversing paved roads
either in the dry or rainy season. The
extreme lead which they can 'draw
seems to be about three tons, though
two ton 8 is usual. Altogether it is
considered that the camel can do the
work cf a strong horse. Its. day's
work at the ccst of a rupee and a
quarter is equal to that of fifty negro
uearers at the cost of twelve and a
half rupees. As the'flrst cost of a
camel and wagon, with harness. Is
about 700 rupees, after allowing for
depreciation it Is calculated that a
camel repays the capital outlay in four
Cppose Short College Course.
Considerable criticism has greeted
a proposal made by President Butler
of Calumbia university that the course
for the degree of B. A. shall be short
ened from four to two years and that
the fcur-ycar course shall lead to a
master's degree. One critic expresses
himself thus: "It is a proposal which,
if adopted, would lead to far-reaching
snd perhaps dangerous changes in our
educational standards. It certainly
cannot be claimed that the change
would result in an elevation ot the
baccalaureate standard; it would, or
so it seems to one outside the domain
of pedagogy, almost surely result in
lowering a standard which is already
so low as to mean almost nothing."
A Tribute to America.
John C. Ward, the veteran Job
printer and soldier of Chicago, has a
curious relic In 1869 he wrote to
Cassius M. Clay, then American min
ister at gt Petersburg, suggesting
that he had a notion of "going to that
city for business. Gen, Qlay faswerei
his letter promptly as follows:
"St Petersburg. April 80, 1165 air i
Your letter of the 9th Inst Is received.
The prices of living and the climate
are so hard here I would not advise
anyone to come here. America Is the
best country in the world. You had
best stay there.
"C. M. Clay."
Trapped by Figures.
- It Is an old saying that "figures will
not lie." Many a person is caught by
this idea. T. Greiner tells how he
found out that the adage is a mis
take. He became interested in the
raising of poultry when he was a boy.
He says: Poultry papers and poul
try 'writers had told me of the lot of
money that might be made by raising
chicks and eggs for market Estimat
ing profits on paper, trom imaginary
figures. Is always an easy enough mat
ter. One hea gives $1 a year clear
profit; 1,000 hens must. give $1,000.
That was as clear as daylight and
needed no proof. Anyhow, if I had
no acquaintance with the real facts,
I had unlimited faith in these figures.
If I was without experience, never
theless I was convinced of my own
superior smartness. If others had
succeeded I could, and possibly in
a greater degree. I began operations
with about 150 laying hens, which
were kept for the purpose of getting
eses to sell in the ocen market. It
did not take me long to find out that
150 hens housed in one building, no
matter how large, will not lay ten
times as many eggs as fifteen hen3
kept by themselves and given a largo
range. The outcome was sc discour
aging that, instead of increasing my
stock of layers, as originally intended,
to 1,000 hens, I decreased my num
ber to 35 or 40, a number more near
ly in harmony with the conditions or
tha farm and market
Will Permanganate of Potash Keep
In 950 cubic centimeters (about one
quart) of distilled water (boiled
water will answer) there was dis
solved one gram (about one-twenty-eighth
of an ounce) of permanganate
of potash (crystals), says a report or
the Rhode Island Station. On May
18, 1899. twenty eggs similar to those
of the previous tests were washed with
water, and then allowed to remain
immersed for one boar in the dilute
solution of permanganate of potash.
This liquid has a beautiful light pur
plish tint and gives the surface of the
shells a coffee brown color. After
carefully drying the eggs were packed,
small ends down, and not in contact
in fine dry sand, and the jar stored
in the cellar closet Result: Good,
0 per cent; bad, 100 per cent This
lot examined April 4, 1900, showed
enlarged air sells, seme of which were
mouldy within. Six of these eggs
were rotten; fourteen were clearer
than the others, but had watery
whites, gummy yolks, and musty fla
vor. The brown color of the shell,
caused by the permanganate of pot
r.8h, is readily removed -by a bath of
sodium bisulphite (NaHS03). The
permanganate of potash preservative,
although it ha3 been highly recom
mended, proved, in this long period of
testing, a failure.
Does Poultry Pay?
The above is a very common ques
tion. We answer by saying it does
pay and it can pay, but it does not
always pay. On the farm it gener
ally does pay, though the farmer does
not keep account of what his fowl3
are bringing in. There are two rea
sons why poultry on farms generally
pay. One of them is that the fowls
are kept in relatively small numbers,
from 50 to 200 in a flock. Another
reason is that the food given the fowls
represents very largely gleanings from
the fields, orchards and barns. Mate
rial that would most certainly go to
waste, goes to make up the bulk of the
feed the fowls receive. The question
becomes one of importance when ap
plied to large operations independent
of the farm. Then the answer niuut
depend on a good many things. Th?
first of these is the experience of the
pouitryman. When novices with mon
ey go into poultry raising they do not
generally make it pay. It is not a
dead sure thing, and novices with
money can succeed only with dead
sure things. The novice with money
and no experience, if he goes into the
poultry business, generally comes out
of it with a good lot of experience and
no money. Farmers' Review.
The Buff Cochins.
From Fanners' Review: The Buff
Cochirs are good layers, as they com
mence laying in the fall and continue
till the end of the following summer.
Often I have trouble In getting my
show pullets in show condition on ac
count of their ccmbs twisting, which
is caused by their laying. They ore
good sitters. I set them on large sit
tings of eggs and have no trouble. I
frequently have two hens bring off
broods at the same time. I give one
hen the chicks and reset the other.
They are good mothers. The Buffs will
forage if given the opportunity to do
so. They grow very rapidly and are
hardy. They make good table fowls,
and the meat has a fine flavor. It is
a rich yellow in color. Homer H. Mc
Govney, Fayette County, Ohio.
Care cf Laying Stock. -Give
but little feed, and make them
take lots cf exercise. A very light
mash of clover chaff, bran and oat3
ground fine, mixed stiff, is good in
the morning, as it is readily assimi
lated by the fowl. Do not feed more
than a quart to a dozen hens. Feed
all grain in litter, and for noon give
vegetables and meat in some form.
Boil, odds and epd3 of butchering
rather than feed to Uos3, Keep them
well supplied with grit and clean
water. The secret of winter egg3 is
comfortable roosting quarters, meat
and exercise. Young hens lay better
t&an old ones, and some strains excel
in egg production. Myron A. Gee.
Keeping UpMarkings.
From the Farmers' Review: I keep
up the markings of my Silver Wyan
dottes, or, rather, try to do so, by care
ful sejectiop and mating. When pur
chasing any new stock of either sex I
ascertain )f possible, eyca It' it re
quires a personal visit, if the yard
from which I contemplate making a
purchase is of birds of uniformly good
markings, shape, size, and free from
disqualifying defects. As to culling. I
raise as many as I can give suitable at
tention to, and have room for, and
select the very best of them to the ex
tent of the number I wish to keep for
my breeding stock. W. L. Mills, Put
nam County. Illinois.
No wonder She
Mrs. Rubba How's
Mrs. "Chatter
this morning, doctor?
Doctor Suffering terribly.
Mrs. Rybba. What, with
slight throat affection?
only a
Doctor Yes, but she can't speak.
People who criticise the leisure
class are cften mors envious than virtuous.
Result of Good Care and Feeding.
Clinton D. Smith, before the Amer
ican Holstein-Friesian Breeders' As
sociation, at Syracuse, N. Y., said ia
A few years ago. at the Michigan
Agricultural college, I bad the pleas
ure of carrying on an experiment to
test this question. The grand per
formance of our three great Hoi
steins Rosa Bonheur 5th, Houwtje
D and Belle Sarcastic had attracted
the attention of the farmers of the
state. Their cry was that "while you
have done wonders with cows. It Is
all because you have had such mar
velous stock with which to deal." The
board was easily persuaded to grant
my petitioa and allow me to put in
a herd of some 30 grade cows, to see
what the influence of persistent good
care and persistent dry milking would
be upon the yields of these cows, and
incidently upon the form and capac
ity of the cows themselves. I re
gret that the experiment was not con
tinued longer, but I want to call your
attention to some of the results of the
feeding for a single year. To meet
the farmers on their own ground. I
went from station to station on the
railroad and drove into the country,
buying good average cows, mostly
grade Shorthorns, but occasionally one
with Holstein blood. The cows arrived
at the college between August and Oc
tober, and the feeding began. We gave
them a grain ration well balanced, but
composed of such materials as the
farmer has upon his farm except that
we supplemented the grain feed with
bran, cottonseed meal or linseed meal,
according to the dictates of the mar
ket The surprising thing to me was
that a Holstein grade costing us $35
responded to the feed so well that she
gave us 10,310 lbs. of milk, containing
344.14 lbs. of fat in 44 weeks, an aver
age of almost 8 lbs. of fat a week. In
fact, the average yearly yield for the
whole herd exceeded 7,000 lbs. of milk
and 304 lbs. of butter. Next to the
highest yield of milk came a cow with
9,135 lb3., and then five other cows
each with an amount of over 8,000
lbs. to her credit Four cows gave over
300 lbs. of fat, and but 11 cows gave an
amount of fat insufficient to produce
300 lbs. of butter. More than one of
the cows would have gone into the
advanced registry had they been pure
Canada to Seek African Butter Market
A writer in a Canadian paper says
that Canadian dairymen are looking to
South Africa for a possible butter mar
ket "It will be necessary," says the
writer, "to have on board the steam
ships a system of refrigeration for the
reception cf such articles as butter and
cheese, or else there is no possible
chance of such perishable goods mak
ing the trip through the tropics and
reaching far away Africa in anything
like a good state of preservation. The
head of one of the important Mon
treal wholesale butter and cheese
houses stated this morning that special
packages, as well as cold storage, was
necessary. The experiment of sending
such articles as butter and cheese into
tropical countries had never resulted
satisfactorily until special provision
was made for taking care of the ship
ments. In the case of butter and
cheese, special packages would have to
be constructed, and for butter, airtight
metal casings would have to be made.
Again, special machinery for the pack
ing of these cases with butter would
also have to be manufactured and in
stalled. Occasionally men come on to
Montreal from' the tropical countries
full of enthusiasm as to how much
money could be made by shipping Ca
nadian butter and cheese. Almost
without exception these shipments
when made turned out disastrously
just for the reason that due precau
tion was not .taken in packing the
goods for a tropical market The
packing which is necessary to insure
shipments reaching the South Africa
market in as good condition as Danish
butter, for instance, would mean the
expenditure of nearly 50 per cent on
the original cost of the butter. There
was no reason, however, why Canada
should not do this as well as any
other country, provided, of course, that
the government had the foresight to
place vessels on the route which bad
iirct-?Iass refrigeration."
Artificial Cream.
In an interview with the Courier
Journal, Dr. Allen, the anti-limburger-ist,
says anent milk and cream adul
terations: "Some of them are trying
a new scheme. This last one beats
them ail. It comes from Chicago, so
you know It's pretty fierce. Some of
the dairymen buy a cream preserver
that's made in the windy city. The
directions are printed on tho box.
All you have to do Is to take ordinary
milk, mix with water and add the pre
server. The result is a good imita
tion of pure cream. We've tried it
here in the office and it so closely
resembles the genuine article that a
test is necessary to show that it is a
substitute. Of course, there is no
nourishment in it, but the label says
that it will deceive the health officer,
and that's all that some of the dairy
men care about"
Rye Imports of the United Kingdom.
A Lnited States government report
gives the following regarding the im
ports of rye into the United Kingdom
(England, Scotland, Wales and Ire
lend), A bread grain that the United
Kingdom purchases in considerable
quantities is rye. During 1900 the
importation of thia cereal amounted
to 2,449,000 bushels and bad a value
of $1,751,000. The quantities fur
nished from year to year by the sev
eral countries contributing to the
supply have varied widely, and espe
cially the imports from Russia and the
Lnited States. The two countrle
mentioned have alternated as the lead
ing source of importation. In 1900
Russia furnished slightly larger ship
ments than the United States, the im
ports received from the former coun
try amounting to 827,000 bushels and
having a value of ?C13,000- or 35 pet
cent of the total, while the Unltel
States contributed 821,000 bushels, val
ued at 555,000, or 32 per cent After
Russia and the United States, the
only important sources were Canada
Germany and Roumania. In 1900 the
imports from Canada were recorded
at 510.000 bushels, with a value oi
$363,000, or 21 per cent Germany
supplied in that year 216,000 bushels,
the value amounting tp $165,000. or
9.4 per cent The quantity of rye re
ceived from Roumania during 1900
wa3 unusually small, amounting to
only 60,000 bushels, with a value of
$41,000, or 2.5 per cent"
People who never really say any
hisg always have the most to say.
Scours Destructive of Swine Life.
That more hogs die every year of
scours than from any other ailment to
vhich swine are subject, is a well es
;ablished fact, says Texas Stock Jour
nal. How best to curtail the ravages
if thia disease has always been a
problem, but Melssner Brothers, suc
cessful feeders near Reinbeck, la.,
oelieve they have solved it They
naintain that eternal vigilance from
:he time piggy is farrowed till he 's
.'ix months old is the only safeguard.
Don't overfeed the sow. Don't feed
our swill or sour food. Make bo
;udden changes of feed. Feed the sow
lothing for the first day after far
rowing, but a thin slop and, on the
:econd day a half ear of corn In the
norning and an ear in the evening
with swill a little thickened. Increase
it gradually so that on the sixth day
you will give four or five ears. Also
give the same kind of swill she baa
cad before the farrowing. With good
:will and good pasture you may safely
dispense with oats. In the absence cf
crass, oats may be fed with good re
cults. The above are not ironclad
rules but each sow must be fed by
aer3elf, and the condition of the sow
taken into account. If she is feverish
md has a small litter, she will have
.3 be fed lighter than a sow show
ing no signs of fever and having a
:arge litter.
The Supply of Swine.
No man can tell even approximate
y what the present supply of swine
.s. The hog is an animal that multi
plies with such rapidity that his pro
geny keeps way ahead of the census
taker and even of the statistic mak
ers. We can judge of the increase in
the number of swine largely by con
ditions being favorable or unfavorable
co an increase of the supply. The
short corn crop of last year and the
short supply of other feeds resulted
m decreasing the numbers of swine
an the farms, as it resulted in send
ng many of them into the markets.
But the conditions of this year ap
kear to be different The com crop
aids fair to be a good one and the
supply of other feed Is abundant It
ias been easy for swine raisers to
eep the pigs and push them forward
:o a good size before sending them to
market, which was not the case last
ear. Multitudes o'f farmers are hold
ing their pigs for a later date, when
ey shall have reached the size that
will give them the most money. This
results for the present in a scarcity
3f swine and a good price. Later we
may expect to see the market much
more fully supplied. Just now tho
outchers are declaring that pork is
:he most expensive meat on the mar
i;et This condition cannot last Two
.itters of pigs per year for each brood
sow makes it possible to enormously
increase the supply of pork whenever
aigh prices for pork prevail.
What Kind of a Horse to Raise.
We see the a'dvice is given to the
farmers to raise only draft horses.
That advice Is very good to the farm
er that has a mare suitable to breed
:o a heavy draft horse, but there are
multitudes of farmers that cannot af
ford to purchase suitable mares on
which to raise draft horses. The ad
vice Is also given to raise coach horses,
aut even -?500-coach horses cannot be
raised on the kind of foundation stock
available. A farmer must consider
what he has. If his mare is heavy
enough to become the mother of a
neavy draft horse, she should be bred
to the best draft stallion In reach, ir
respective of what the service fee may
oe. If he has a mare that will only
produce a horse heavy enough for a
roadster, then breed to the best blood
in that line that can be reached. Above
all, the man that wants to take advan
tage of the improving horse market
should not breed his mare to the cheap
nondescript stallion whose fee is so
low that it Is positive proof that he is
not worth buying up. The really valu
able stallion has a high market price
to-day and such horses do not have to
stand at an insignificant fee.
High-Grade Beeves Best
One has but to watch the market
from year to year to be satisfied that
it pays to raise beeves that are at least
partially "blooded." The advances In
price have been principally on blooded
animals, such as the Herefords, Short
horns, Angus and Galloways and their
grades. It has been a surprise to peo
ple in the large cities that during all
this time of high prices for beef there
have been markets in the cities where
the prices of meats were comparatively
low where the prices seldom exceed
ed 14 cents per pound for the best
cuts. The explanation of this is that
the low-priced meats come from low
priced animals, the low-priced animals
being those that have been sent to
market out of herds having no par
ticular breeding. Now much of this
cheap meat is really good, but it can
not get the price that the meat from
grade herds commands. The men that
are making money are those that are
raising the high-grade steers. The
low-grade steers and the nondescripts
are not money makers. Yet these low
selling animals consume about as
much feed as do the high-priced ones.
Selecting Judges of Swine.
W. G. Huey says: In the selectlea
of the judge, the exhibitors of each
breed of swine should have a voice
in selecting the judge or judges of
their rcspecivp breeds. No qne map
should push himself like an autocrat
and dictate who should be judge '
tne various Breeds, and do so over the
protest of the exhibitors. The ex
hibitors or breeders of each breed of
swine should be consulted in the se
lection or their judge. And after a
fair expression of opinion of he
breeders of the various breeds has
been secured as to their choice for
judge, the Judges' for the varlnna
I breeds should be selected and their
uowc iiuuuaucu su uays previous to
the opening of the fair The swine
show at the Illinois State Fair is the
royal of America, and the State Board
of Agriculture should make ample
provision for the comforts and con
venience of the exhibitor and 'the ex
hibit and to see to" It that 'judges
are selected that are competent to
rignuuuy place the awards, and will
do so with' clean hands.'
Old Noah was a great ball player.
He pitched the ark without and with
in and later In the game he put the
dove out op a fly.
Horticulture as a science is still in
Its infancy. Many or the greatest
problems are yet unsolved.
Though the man of push may be la
the rear you can't keep him there.
Pint Drainage Work In England.
While the theory of deep dralaac
of water meadows aad swamp by
open ditches waa advocated as early
as 1660 la a book published by a Cast.
Walter Bliga. there seeats to- aa
beea no general adoptkm of the afac
tice of drainage uatil more taaa a '
century later, says Drainage JoaraaL
In 1764 Joseph Elkingtoa. a poor.
Warwickshire farmer who had cobm '
into possession by inheritance of a
farm so extremely wet aa to be of lit
tle value, conceived the idea' of drain
ing It if possible. -His first experi
ment In this direction proving suc
cessful, he continued until his whole
farm was dry and furnished good pas
ture for his sheep, which had before
died from disease caased by the wet
ness of soiL
From this he waa employed more
and more widely by surrounding
farmers to drain their wet lands, and
for a period of over thirty years he
gave his time to this work, and many
thousands of acres of marsh and
boggy land were transformed by his
skill into land the equal of any In the
kingdom. He seems to have had a
peculiar faculty, not generally pos
sessed, for locating hidden springs
and underground currents of water.
which enabled him to lay out draiaa
with marvelous effect, although he
was a man without any education.
Towards the close of his life Par
liament, at the solicitation of the
Board of Agriculture, voted him 1,000
pounds sterling as 'a reward for his
discovery. The board also appointed
Mr. John Johnstone, . an educated
Englishman, to study Elkingtoa'a
methods and learn from him tho prin
ciples which governed his work, that
he might reduce them to writing for
the benefit of others, something Elk
ington was too illiterate to da.
This Johnstone did, but either Elk
ington did not choose to make pub
lic his knowledge, or Johnstone did
not succeed in grasping his ideas, for
when Elkingtoa died, shortly alter,
his system of drainage seems to have
died with him. asd no one has since
been able to apply his methods with. ,
his success.
Spreading Manure in the Fait
The hauling out and spreading of
manure In the fall has a distinct ad
vantage over spreading; of manure -la
the winter or in the spring the
manure will be enabled to get into
the ground before it freezes up. This
process will be assisted by the fall
rains. Then whea the ground freezes
the manure is locked up and will re
main In the ground till spring, but
will be worked on by the fro-ts. The
hauling out and spreading my con
tinue through the fall and till the
ground freezes up. There is a far
ther advantage of doing the work at
this time,' and that la that a consider
able part of the manure will be got
out of the way while the weather Is
yet mild, and will save just so muck
labor when the vreather is cold ia the
winter or when the ground is wet la
the spring. The one objection that
may be urged agaiast doing the work
at this time is that sometimes tho
fall rains make the ground soft and
the wagon wheels cut cp both sod
and plowed land. The natural and
only way to get around this Is to do
the work at a time when tho ground
hi sufficiently dry to prevent rutting.
Manure hauled on cow will by
spring be leached into the ground
to the depth of the plowing, and
when the ground is plowed or re
plowed in the spring this enriched soil
is turned up to become part of the
Seeds of Canada Thistles.
A bulletin of the Department of
Agriculture says: Tho Canada this
tle spreads over large areas or trav
els long distances by means of its
seeds. It spreads into patches by
means of its perennial running roots.
Both of these means, are effective ia
their way. Perfect seeds are not
often produced till after the plants
have- become well-established aad
hze spread to some extent by the
running roots. In some localities la
Wisconsin and Iowa close observa
tion of the plants for several yean
has failed to discover perfect seeds.
The plants appear to ba somewhat er
ratic In this respect In 1894 very
few perfect seeds were found at.
Washington, while in 1895, aearly
all of the plants bore perfect seeds,
though such were produced by less
than half of the flowers )n each head.
In 1896 the plants were again seed
less. AH three seasons were exceed
ingly dry for ths region. Jn 1899, aa
abnormally wet season in Washing
ton, they were seedless, and po seed
lings were found In the spring of 1900.
There were no apparent fungous or In
sect enemies to account for failure
to produce seeds.
Frequent enquiries are received re
garding the "bag-worm" whose pecu
liar sacs pr bags are frequently seen
during the winter attached to various
trees and other objects. If these sacs
are examined, some will be found to
contain a large number of eggs within
a mass of yellow -fluffy material. Tho
empty cases are the ones that were
occupied by the male during the past
growing season while the larger one3.
containing the mass "of eggs." were
the abode of the females. The females"
In fact never leave the cases nd after
fertilization by fhe smal male'inoths,
the eggs are formed as already de
scribed. From these eggs are hatched.
In the spring, the larvae that begia
feeding; oa the leaves of trees at once
and soon form about themselves the
bag that Is enlarged as the larvaa
mature until It becomes too large for
them to carry lhen it is attached tq
the limb while he larvae is eating
and is moved to another place when
the food 'supply Is" there exhausted.
Every one of these cases should be
removed from 'the trees during the
winter "and "burned as, otherwise the
larvae are certain to destroy' a good
number of shade trees in the "spring.
Oklahoma Experiment "Station bulle
tin. Before the use of drainage tile was
tnorougniy understopd two-inch ' and
three-inch tile were quite' "generally,
used. To-day four-inch "tile is consid-.
ered as small as should be used ia
any caso.
"Vulture hock" is applied fa stiff
projecting feathers at the hock-joint
The feathers mast be both stiff and
projecting to be thus truly called aad
Anger falls aside and withers oa the
breast of peaceful love. Teaaysoa.
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