The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 03, 1902, Image 3
aw"fBSW."I lJBl q" "a r HS r - i; r i ': -"t( . I n - sV- A T !..".. i i-i 0 f r - t. . - kV ..- J LIPPING AK f VW CONTEST JJtK& Hjwk. ssBBraBTsnfcM Lbs naan sPHu bsiza3est a. The Contest Dates are NOV. 2, Until Came in and see the X-MAS To a queen's taste ami it will look very tempting if served on our dainty cliinawarc. You will find you need something in the line of kitchen supplies. If so, see us. I TJL ,11 Be If you I my here highest qualities at lowot prices always. WmBgggm PBS!Ca aw.'.u.. i! t THE MONARCH GOODS Are prepared and put up in the different localities wherein they attain the highest degree of excellence. For instance New York produces the hest apples and pears, Maine the hest com, Wisconsin the best peas, New Jersey the best toma toes. AH are put up fresh from the vines or trees instead of being hipped to some central iMiiut for canning or preserving. All we ask is a trial and you will detect the difference-between the Monarch and other packs. Iiememhcr the Lion's head is on every package : : : : : Telephone 27. GRAYS'. M$m wm wwmw temm Mmmmbm ii We have the best line of i 8EITS9 i! :1S i (' The City Msckholz Bros. J.C For Little Girls Under 14 years of age. Clip every one of our ads containing Buck's trade marks, and the little girl get ting the greatest num ber of our ads will get the prize. Its another LITTLE. BUCK'S JUNIOR RANGE Work hard girls to get it. Its a little beauty. D6C. 24, '02. little Rane at stare. CHINA DEPyENTl Its not what you get to eat so much as how it is prepared. A Buck's Range will roast the TURKEY TlaxiIrfuJ.- mm LET IS TO YOU Monarch Goods EXCEL Climate and soil have ev erything to do in the pro duction of fruits and vege tables of the highest qual ity. One state will pro; ducc the lest corn, anoth er the hest tomatoes, eas, or fruity etc., etc. We have made the most careful preparations to be able to offer the very lest goods for the lowest prices. We buy for cash and give our customers the benefit. Another Advantage we have over those dealers that sell "everything" (all kinds of merchandise and no assortment of "any thing") we buy in big quantities and it stands to reason at a lower price than being bought in small lots. It would please us to .shop what we can do for you. For instance, 'with a Ten Dol lar Bill of yours. Bring your boy along and let us dress him from head to foot for little money. Would you buy the lest Shoe in town for the least money? Shoe repairing neatly and promptly done. Well, get our prices and be convinced. The Fetching Winter Millinery A magnificent display of fashion's latest fancies for now that's of real interest to hundreds of ladies who look to us for the1 newest, the most up-to-date head wear at the same bis savings that char acterizes everything yon bay at our store, and you will not be disappointed either in the display or the low prices FlLLM.X. Columbus Journal. WKDNK8DA Y. DECEMBER S. IMC Toys at Snow's. Dr. Paal, dentist. Mielenz for best photos. Blanket Coffee at Grays. Immense Una of holiday goods at Snow's. Dr. Neumann, dentist. Thirteenth street, tf Dr. Gietzen, dentist, over Pollock's drag store. Dr. Martyn was in Albion Saturday on a professional visit. See "Alice in Wonderland" in von Bergen's show window. Mrs. A. Haight has been offering with catarrhal fever for several days. Jim Jones returned Monday from a few days visit with friends in Omaha. Fifty cents on the dollar china sale at Xiewohner'e. Sea our north windows. Dra. Martyn, Evaaa k Gear, three doors north of PriedhoTs store, tf Do not fail to see oar Moot galvan ized steel mill for $32.00. A.Daaeall Son. tf We sell the single-row nnd two-row Badger cultivator, the best in the market. Loois Schretber. tf Wanted, an experienced girl for house work. First-class wagea given. Mrs. L. W. Snow. - Dr. McKcan'e method of alaminam plates places them on aa equality with gold. Louis Gietzen of St Loois has taken a position with the Gray Mercantile Co. Mr. Gietxen'e parenta live in Humphrey. -Wm. Schils makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and oaea only the very best stock that can be procored in the market, tf Ella Otterpohl of Madison came Sunday to make her home with her aunt, Mrs, Ewing. She expects to attend school here. A large amount of freight was taken north on the branch to Norfolk Sunday, and an extra was sent np the Cedar Rapids line. Miss Hallie Post, well known in this city, and niece of Judge A. M. Post, was married at her home in York Wednesday last to Arthur Moore. The Bachelor Girls' club met with Miss Jess. Schram last Thursday even ing. They meet next Thursday with Miss Mary Borowiak. Sup't Leavy has been visiting many of the schools throughout the county the past few weeks, spending part of last week in the vicinity of Crestoa. The city council of Fremont will probably adopt an ordinance to prevent spitting in poblio places. Some each ordinance is needed badly in Colambus. The A. O. H. gave a dance in Orpheus hall Thursday evening. The Orpheus orchestra furnished the masie. A large crowd were present and a pleasant even ing passed. Miss Lena Spear of Central City, who until a few months ago was editress of the Democrat there, left Thursday for Chicago where she will take a course in a school of oratory. Frank Schram and wife have moved to Columbus from Tarnov where they have been for several months in charge of I. Gluck's store. Frank baa not de cided what work he will eagage in. J. N. Umland, Ernest and Harlan Dussell were in Schuyler Friday, work ing at plumbing. Fred Curtis and Wal ter Galley were in Bellwood the same day doing work for the Daasell firm. The lumber shed of Hugh Haghea along Eleventh street, is being braced and straightened. The building had begun to show its years in the weakened walls and repairing was found necessary. Peter Duffy, John Early, George Wilson and Miss Mattie Post, all State university students, came up last Wed nesday to visit at home. George Wilson is visiting his sister, Mrs. Carl Johnson. The first snow of the season came lost Tuesday afternoon when small flakes filled the air for a few hoars, bat not enough to tnrn the ground white. In Fremont one-fifth of an inch fell, equal to .02 inches of rainfall. Mr. and Mia. W. B. Kenney arrived here Saturday from Kansas where they had been on their wedding trip. They stopped over Sunday with Mis. Kenney's parents, Mr. and Mia, O. C. Shannon on their way to Canon City, Colorado. The aid society of the Presbyterian church will give a tea this Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 6 at the home of Mis. W. A. McAllister. A musical pro gram will be rendered from 4 to 5 o'clock by Prof. Cunningham and Prof. Pool, assisted by others. Admission 15c. The Metropolitan Stock Co. which was supposed to fill an engagement here this week struck disastrous business and disbanded in Follerton, leaving their leading man sick and abort of funds at one of the hotels, bat luckily lor him, he is a lodge' man and will receive proper care. An interesting jack rabbit hunt took place Thanksgiving day on and near Sheldon's farm soath of the Platte river. About twelve borsebackers and six rigs aided by ten hoands failed to catch the rabbit, but the hunters enjoyed the day nevertheless, as it was one of the fastest hunts of the Philip Grapbe, aged about 00 years, a German by birth, died last Tuesday at the hospital in this city, death beiag caused from paralysis. The deceased had been an invalid in the hospital aiace last May, coming here from Saiat Helens, Cedar coanty, Nebraska. The funeral occurred here Friday. Postal Clerk Oxnam is taking a two weeks' vacation speediag the time at his home in Norfolk. Y. 0. Bates is doing his work on the Norfolk aad Colambas run. Bay Eaton the postal clerk on the B. k M. is abo taking hie two weeks' vacation remaining at home ia Colam bus, and B. E. Hill is on his ran to Lincoln. Columbus is decidedly a ; town. We have foar good orchestras the Orpheus, Auditorium, High School and Maennerchor. Besides these the City band, the Cecal ian dab, the music department of the Womaa'a dab aad the several church choir orgaaitatieas give good enooaragemeat for the masie teach ers and Columbus has several exceUeat instructors at thepreseat time. Dolls! dolls! dolls! at Snow's. Go to Snow's for burnt wood novel- Closing out china at Niewohner's, 50c on the $. Snow's is the place to get the late copyright books. Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic physi cian. Colambas. Neb. Forrest Merrill arrived in thedty Monday from Omaha. Dr. Hans Petersen, physid and surgeon, oflce Olive street, tf Pillsboryls Best XXXX Flour, the best in the world, at Grays. tf Fresh Roll Butter at 18c. Fancy Roll at 20c Herman.P. H. Oehlrich. Small, choice farm for sale, under irrigation, joining town. H. E.-Baboook. For fine watch repairing, call on Carl Froemel, 11th St, Colambus, Neb. Miss Hattie Baker has been quite sick the past two weeks and is still con fined to the boose. Miss May RossUer has resumed teaching her school, south of Cornlea, after one month's vacation. Buy your Christmas presents now at von Bergen's. It will pay you to buy them before the holiday rush. Judge J. M. Curtis has returned from his western trip and is now visiting his sister, Mrs. Lee Beaty, near Monroe. George Brodfuehrer resigned his position with the Gray Mercantile Co. Monday, to work in the Heller bowling alley. Invitations are out for an afternoon party by Mrs. G. B. Speice and Mrs. D. C. Kavanaugh at the home of the former, Thursday. Rev. W. J. Thompson of Blairstowa Iowa, will occupy the pulpit at the Pres byterian church next Sunday, morning and evening. The Advent season began in the Catholio church last Sunday, which will be observed by fasting and prayer until the day before Christmas. Invitations are out for an afternoon party by Mrs. Dack, Mrs. Charles Dack and Mis. Hansen Thursday afternoon at the home of the Mesdames Dack. Jackets, furs and capes, at Omaha prices at E. D. Fitz Patrick's, tke white front dry goods store. Attorney W. A. McAllister was con fined to his home several days last week suffering from a severe "cold," but at this writing is again attending to busi ness duties. Rev. C. G. Lowe of Genoa and Rev. Monro of this dty will exchange pulpits next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Monro will also preach one sermon in a country charge. Walter Henry came over from Bell wood Monday and was taken quite sick with catarrhal fever. Mrs. Henry was sent for and came to attend her husband. He is now much better. We have a 200 acre farm in Sherman township for sale at a bargain. This is. one of the best improved farms in the county and is a snap for somebody. Beober, Hockenberger k Chambers. Have yon seen the Tunison atlas we are offering our subscribers? Ask to see one and you will be convinced that you need it in your home. Only $3.40 paya for one of these large books and a year's subscription to The Joubnal. The Poultry show opens up today (Tuesday) with prospects for a good ex hibit Much interest has been shown by those engaged in the poultry business. The exhibit is in the building third door north of the First National bank. Dr. R. A. Valuer, Osteopath, has lo cated in Columbus for the practice of his profession. Those who have failed to be cured by other methods will do well to try Osteopathy. It's cures are permanent. Office, Barber Building. Mm. Chas. Shields of Shdby, vis ited friends in Columbus Tuesday. She is on ner way to xx. uouins, uoio, to join her husband who has lately bought land and expects to locate there. Mrs. Shields is a daughter of R. W. Finecy. E. C Burr, night yardmaster for the Union Pacific, was taken before Justice Hudson last Tuesday charged with vio lating the dty ordinance in regard to the obstruction of the streets by trains. He plead guilty and was fined $5 and costs. Judge Hollenbeck held an adjourned session of district court Monday. In the case of Agnes Mostek vs. Alexander Koclowski, the judge imposed a fine of $700 to be paid to the plaintiff and abo thecostsintheease. The judge excused the jury until December 15. Marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Ratterman to John Brunken and Miss Mary Brunken both of Platte county, and to Wm. Choat and Miss Grace Earl both of Madison county. The last named couple were married by Judge Ratterman Monday. Grand Pacific hotel, boarding and rooming house. Rates, $1.00 per day; beds 25 cents; board and room $3.50 per week. Sixty rooms. Rooms single or in suites for housekeeping, 50c per week and up. Furnished or unfurnished. Open all night J. Byrne, proprietor, Columbus, Nebraska. A corporation has been formed for the handling of the Hensley car coupler, articles to that effect having been filed at the court house. The company con sists of W. N. Hensley, G. W. Phillips, Homer B. Robinson, Garrett Hoist and O. T. Roan. Shares in the company are? to be aold at $100 each. The Auditorium orchestra have pre pared a splendid program for their con cert which will be given Wednesday evening, December 10, in Orpheus opera house. Mr. Joseph Benesch ia leader. Some of the musicians who will assist on the program are Miss Galley, William Boattcher, Miss Hockeaberger, Prof. Fool and Miss Stauffer. A word to the wise. The great gala event of the season, the occasion beiag the annual appearance of the alwaya reliable Stetson's Big Double Uncle Tom's Cabin Company, this time pre senting a program that excels all pre vious efforts. The register of members engaged, indudea the best obtainable and highest-salaried American artists, all of whom have clear records with the best of organizations a word to the wise is soJaeient At North opera house Friday. Dee. 5. matinee after school. I prices 10c; adults 25c. Evening, 50c, 85c aad 25c Steteoa's Big Double Uaola Tom's Cabin Co. at the North opera house next Friday afternoon aad eveniag. Especial mention is deserved by the many pleas ant specialties. The two Topsies are the best ever seen, and are accomplished dancers. The Lone Star Quartette ren der some pleasant negro melodies in a fine manner. The contract for the new Gray Mer cantile Co. store building on North street was let to James Pearsell last Wednes- ' day. The structure will be 44x80 feet, two stories with cellar, light colored pressed brick front, one front entrance. The second story will be fitted up for offices. The building will be rushed to completion aa rapidly as possible. A smooth individual who claimed to represent a New York tea and coffee house has worked Schuyler and vicinity selling groceries which he claimed were very cheap but in the end purchasers in all cases faced misrepresentation and fraud in nearly every instance. The only safe plan is to patroaize your home dealers, men whom you know are all right The people connected with Buffalo BUl'a Wild West sail this Wednesday from New York for London, England, on the steamer 8t Louis. The horses and other property of the ahow sail by trans port next Saturday. They are booked to open at tbeCHympia, London, on Dec 26V for' the winter season. Col. Cody's hosts of western friends will wish him abundant success. The Humphrey Democrat says, it is worth one's .time to go out to D. L. Braen'e-place, near Oldeabusob, and take a look at his pigeons. Ha has about all the different varieties known, some of which are the most beautifal birds isaagiaable. Mr. Bruen has found the pigeon business quite profitable, having cleared a nice sum of money on them the past year. Congressman-elect J. J. McCarthy has announced that he has dedded to recommend or endorse D. McLeod for postmaster at Schuyler. The candidates were besides Mr. McLeod, F. L. Wertz editor of the Sun, E. H. Phelps and A. Luneburg. It will be remembered that H. C. Russell, the former postmaster, died last June and his widow was ap pointed temporary postmistress. The home of N.D. Wilson was the scene of a family reunion on Thanks giving day. The following named rela tives met with their kin here: Mrs. P. Smith, David City; Mrs. John Krucben, near Beatrice; Mm. Benningbart, Jules burg, Colorado; George aad Mike Horst, Osceola; G. E. Smith, Rockdale, Wyo ming; Irwin and HiUyard Wilson, St Edward, and Myron Wilson, Platte Center. -r-P. F. Sprecher, who for many years was publisher of the News and of late years has been postmaster in Norfolk, has launched again into newspaper work. He starts with adx-column quarto with four pages of home print Mr. Sprecher ia one of the pioneer newspaper men in this part of the state, and while he has been connected with the government for the past few years he has also kept him self posted in newspaper work. Henry Heaton, police judge of Cen tral City, was found on the Union Pacific tracks Wednesday night of last week in an unconscious condition with a wound over the right eye and bruises on the back of the head. He died the following afternoon. An inquest was held and the verdict was that death was caused by wounds received in a manner unknown to the jury. Some think be was struok by a passing train, while others believe be waa waylaid. The special commission appointed by the district court in regard to the ease of Mrs. Henrietta Zoooin of Lind say, this county, who has been detained in the Lincoln asylum for some time past have recommended that the patient be taken out of the hospital and given a private home, and that a guardian separ ate from the family be named to take charge of her property. Mrs. Zoosin is a wealthy German woman with property valued at $26,000. The case waa heard in Lincoln. Horace, one of the Rev. Morrill twins, dropped dead in Tekamah last Tuesday. Heart failure was the cause of death. He was 35 years old and apparently in perfect health. Neither one of the brothers were married. Sev eral weeks ago the Rev. Morrill held services three evenings in the Methodist church here, when they were greeted with large audiences to hear them in thdr gospel services. Their- home has been in Chicago where they own the Gospel Ship church. Thanksgiving Norfolk High school foot ball team came to Columbus to play a return game with our team. The score stood 18 to 0 in favor of Columbus. The game was won by fast and anappy play ing. The teams were evenly matched for weight although the fullback of the visiting team weighs over 200 pounds. This wss the last game of the season and the boys have a number of dollars in their treasury. The game was fall of sensational plays and a good aized. crowd were oat to see the game. Postmaster Hays at Norfolk has received from the office of the supervis ing architect at Washington, a drawing of the government building to be erected in Norfolk for postoffice and federal court purposes. The building shown is a handsome three story brick and stone structure and will cost the government $100,000. The first story will be used for the postoSce and the two upper stories for the federal court The next drawings sent out should be for a similar building to be erected in Columbus. Incubator people may be interested in a report that comes from Saxony of an efficient apparatus for telling to a day the age of an egg says the Indiana Farmer. The machine ia constructed upon the prindples that the air-space at the larger end of the egg increases in size with the sge of the egg. When the egg is placed in liquid it has consequent ly an increasing tendency to become vertical, with the blunt end uppermost The apparatus itself consists of a glass vessel, bearing at the back lines drawn at various angles, each liae marked with the age. The vessel is filled with some harmless liquid, in which the eggs to be tested are laid. Each egg will take up a certain position, and, according to its age, ita longer axis will be more or less inclined to the horizon. The direction of this axiaia compared with the lines at the back of the vessel, and the age of the egg read off at Unas to which ita is parallel The aew Carnegie library buildiag ! in Fremont will be heated by pipes con nected direct with the boiler in the dty water works pumping station. This reminds us that Perry, Iowa, a city about the size of Columbus on the Milwaukee road has aa admirable system of beating through the business portion of the city. A large plant supplies the hot water which is piped to store buildings, the merchants payiag according to the value received. It is a system of economy which seems to be satisfactory and is being adopted in many rities. The Knights of Pythias elected offi cers Monday evening, honoring the fol lowing gentlemen with the respective places of trust: D. M. Sullivan, C. C; L. E. Phillippa, V. C; C. A. Lindatrum, prelate; Will Zianeoker, M. of A.; P. J. McCaffrey, K. of R and S.; Y. H. Wea ver, M. of F.; George Fairchild, M. of E ; W. M. Brown, outer guard; H. Schaad, inner guard; FrecLGottschalk, M.of W.; L. H. Leavy, trustee. The lodge is going to make a canvass for the piano which will be given away by the merchants and ask their friends to help them. Prof. Garlioha, formerly of this dty, now of Broken Bow, this state, is report ed as having lost fully $1,000 by the fire in the two story brick building osed by the Business and Normal college of that dty daring the afternoon of Friday last His loss was caused by damage to pianos and on whioh there was no insurance. The business and normal departments of the college are in a separate buildiag, and will auffer no inconvenience. Prof. Gatiichs has secured quarters in another part of the dty where he will re-open the muaical department of the work. Even in the timber sections of Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois, really good fence poet timber is becoming scarce and farm ers are beginning to wonder where they are to get the fence posts of the future. In a very few years many of them will be on a par with the farmers in the ex clusively prairie sections and must bay thdr fence posts as best they can. Good timber for any purpose is becoming scarcer ovary year all over tho western atatee and before very many years farm ers will be forced to grow their own fence posts. They may just as well begin to think about it now. Wallace's Farmer. The Tunison atlas we are offering Journal subscribers is larger than any other atlas yet published. It shows each hemisphere sixty inches in circum ference, the two combined forming a map of the world four feet by two and a quarter feet These sre only two out of many maps in the large volume. We will give any of our subscribers an oppor tunity to own one of these hooka By paying up your subscription to date and $3.40 you may have the book and one year's subscription in advance to the Jouktal. New subscribers may have the two for $3.40. The greatest success achieved in the last decade by any "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company is that won by Leon W. Wash bum's which plays on Friday, Dec 5, at North opera house, afternoon and even ing. UC all tne dramatic successes known, there are none that equals this great play. It is established in popular favor here aa well as everywhere else, and needa no endorsement from other dties. Suffice it to say that it will be presented by an excellent company of fifty people and with new and elaborate scenery gotten up for this season's tour. A grand street parade will be given at noon. Victoria G. Witcbey wife of J. W. Witcbey of Duncan, died at her home last Tuesdsy evening from liver trouble, aged 65 years. Mrs. Witcbey wss born in New York state. She came to Colam bus and was married January 1, 1872, to Mr. Witcbey. She leaves her husband, three sons and one daughter to mourn the loss of a kind and indulgent wife and mother. Funeral services were held Thursday morning in the Duncan school building. Rev. Luce of this dty officiat ing, after which the body was brought here and interred in the Columbus cem etery. Mrs. Witcbey was a woman pos sessing very many friends and the family have the sincere sympathy of the com munity in their bereavement The meeting of the Inter-State Slid ing Handicap tournament which met in Columbus last Tuesday and Wednesday was attended by a good number of the enthusiastic sportsmen of the state. The weather waa bad for shooting and no extra good marksmanship was re corded. The traps were placed in Gotts chalk'a pasture north of town. Among the more prominent gentlemen present were: Linderman, Weeping Water; Illian and Roberts, Albion; Simpson and Maloney, St Edward; Bray, Syra cuse; Sievers, Grand Island; Douglass and Campbell, Clarke; Burk, Elgin; Red man, Genoa; Townsend, Omaha; Morill, South Omaha; Atkinson, Humphrey; Game Warden Carter, North Platte. G. A. Schroeder waa host to the guests while in the dty. Lndwig John Plsth died Tuesday of last weak at the home of his daughter,' Mrs. John Branken, ten miles northwest of this city after an illness of about three months. Mr. Plath wss born May 25, 1826; in Prussia, Germany. He came to America in 1869 and located in New Jorssy where be worked at his trade, that of finishing; carpenter. He came to Platte county about twenty-four years ago. His wife died in 1874. Mr. Plath leaves three sons and three daughters, Leopold, William and Qua Plath of this city, Mrs. John Brunken and Miss Matil da Plath west of Columbus and Mrs. C. Kaaant of New Jersey. Funeral services were held Friday from the Loseke Ger man Lutheran church, Bev. Free offi ciating, after which the remains were laid to rest in the near-by cemetery. The Epworth League of the Metho dist church will hold a fair in the League room all day Friday, when hand-made articles suitable for Christmas presents will be sold. In the evening Bev. Munro of the Congregational church will give bis lecture "The Canny Scot" in the church. Bev. Munro baa delivered this lecture before many audiences and those who have heard it are anxious to have it repeated. The Burlington, Iowa, Hawk' eye (formerly Bob Burdette's paper) had the following to aay in regard to the lec ture: "Bev. Munro's lecture was replete with charming stories of Scottish life and people, and he told them in a nat ural and pleastag manner, that charmed bis hearers. A short time ago, he said, few people read Scottish booka but now s (tar AsMrt- Mlt If . . I Staple and HASTKKFUTATWflBji Oir China and Glassware Dipartmt Is now ready for inspection. We have hunted the markets over 5 for novelties in this line. Decorated China N 1 $C Ml 2 pieces in all the new shapes from WW w Wllnl E Cut Glass at opuIar prices. Our assortment of Lamps in new s shapes and decorations will please you. 1 Household Furnishings E Woodenware,Willowware, Washing Machines and Clothes WriBg- E ers at prices that arc right. A share of your patronage solicited. ! HENRY RAGATZ ft CO.. CilMfcis, NEW STORE HIlUHtMtMHIIUrimiltWMIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWWIIH -r-aa3333-w3aanaaTi i bj YOUR NEW SKIRT AND HOW TO MAKE IT ((ff ((((?((((((( a4 &tr:Ztm1U m You would iind our Paper Pattern Department, which shows the well known Staiulard Patterns, very help ful in reaching a decision. December patterns jut received show "lfcitwing" and the "Grecian Tunic" skirt. Con sult your Pajer Pattern Department for any garment that you wish to make. Our clerks will take pleasure in displaying the stock to you. When you are in, buy The Designer : At lOCmUmCopy : m m m m m m . m m m m m m m m m m m J, EL GK T ,T a KttftttftftftfttfttCtttftCtC(s5 Gall and See Qui New Don't wait until every thing has been picked over. We carry a lull line of Wall Paper, PainU.PIastiM,Variilsies, Brushes, Window Shades, Sash Reds, Floor Wax and every thing pertaining to the needs of a good housekeeper. ECHOLS & DIETRICH'S, Painters and rapcr Hanicrs. miiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiMiiiniiHiiiuinuiiiiiniHitMiiiimfmiMinMMBnw ra w v "arm -ar-. ctaawfaiB'B -. -k. i rnii r. if. fii i ti : : : DEALERS IN : : : ILTJ' B EI IE3 All Kinds of BnihliH&r Estimates Cheerfally TTsT. GK SI I NHBiiititiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiimiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiwiiiiiiiiiHiiHtmimi THE. Park Barber Shop "Drop in and try a Shave, Shampoo, Hair Cut or Bath. Everything first class and up-to date. ::::::: Cigars of the very best make on sale. k. G. ZINNEGKfcR. Prep'r. Ik enlintiny new jvttroM S S every iceek but many more can be aecommoilntrd. & HEALTH 03iin as ai ananas nssaai as ssaa j i.;ttvi!Hrjri muui The great remedy lor nervous prostration and all diseases of the ceneratlr organs of cither box, such as Nervous Prostration. Failing or Lost Manhood. Impotency, Nightly Emissions. Youthful Errors. Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco or Opium, vhich lead to Consumption and Insanity- With every urn MHas order we guarantee to cure Mi l Ml boxes for 83.00. OILilOTTS CMKJSlCan. CS-, Wvel MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS or and banish pains of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. SM by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CUEMICAL CO., Cleveland. Ohio. OT For Sale by POLLOCK & CO. whoever confesses ignorance of these works show one self unappreciative of the best things in literature. Burns was cited as the best example of these poets; he sang of the hopes and joys and disap pointments of mankind; he told of the common things." When you wish good, neat, clean handsome work done in the line of printing, call at The Joubkal office. Fancy Grams Is complete. We handle on ly the reliable kind. If qual ity and weight w not up to standard we tell you so. We give nearlv our whole time to our grocery departmeat Seasonable goods are bow ar riving. New Nuts, dried aad canned Fruit, Sweet Oder, Maple Syrup, Mince Meat, New Orleans Molaeses, Sor ghum, etc. Try our Biefc eliea roasted Coffee ia bulk. 15c, 20e, 25c, 30c Per lb. Richelieu Teas and Coffees are the best that can be produced Ntfffttka 13vh Svacrr. at at ,TT3T, gerit, Line ef Wall Paper. J 3 i Material and t'eal. ETgT, avCgvPLSiger- DR. J. E. PAUL, DENTIST. - Nfcwoliner Mock, corner 13th and Olive BtroetB, Columbus, Nebr. Gas admiais tered far pain less extractiea f teeth. Residence Telephone LSI. Office Telephone A 4. .N uit vjiUtzni or refund the money, bold at Sl.wvner box. They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vig- Stoves! Staves! The factories have made another ad vance in stoves, owing to tho scarcity of material, bnt Eaaton's Red Front Hard ware is still selling at the same low price and will as long as his present large stock lasts. The scarcity of hard coal baa made such a demaBd for soft coal stoves that there ia already a faauae,ia heaters. Come early while my assort ment is complete. C S. Eastojv Eleventh St c :! r M &. 3- 'y-CW