&vri WFF' - Sp- 3s jt --- V ' " -" " - C '-f'y ' -JK?iV ?', j ",- v. -5" ?5-s? -" .. - j IV i5! ifl 5 i - t "" ' EsTABUSBBD MAT 11, 187. Columbus Journal Columbiu Nobr. tend at the PostoSoe. Colambaa, Near., aa Moad-elaga mail matter. lantfWataMUyity B.iT8im01. nuts or scbsobihiom: OMrwr.br ataU, poataga prepaid .fLM iai Tana M WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER S. IMC. Subscribers of taa Joar- nfc-Plsasa look at taa data oppo- aits Toar nam on tie wrappar of voar Journal or oa the margin Taa Joaraal. Up to tale data, your MfaacriDtloa la paid or accoaalad for. After a year's service Adam McMul len has resigned his position as private secretary to Senator Dietrich and will come back to Nebraska and engage in business in his own behalL The vote on the constitutional amend ment at the November election was 49147 for and 15.999 asainsL Not re- ceiving the requisite majority, the prop osition will be declared lost. The second session of the Fifty-seventh congress convened at noon Monday. Only purely formal business was done. Many bills designed to restrict trusts are.presented for consideration. The Norfolk laundry was badly dam aged by fire last Tuesday night. The building was insured for $2,700. The proprietor expects to have the building in shape for work in a short time. Ik a case of Wall vs. the City of Albion a jury gave the plaintiff a verdict of $4,000. The plaintiff drove off an unsafe bridge which is within the city limits, from which be received severe injuries. M. K. Baknum, master mechanic of the Nebraska division of the Union Pa cific, has resigned, effective December 10. He goes to take the better position of assistant superintendent of motive power and machinery with the Southern railroad. ,Oxe of the men who participated in the robbery of the Burlington train at Lincoln, this state, several weeks ago, when $8,000 was taken from the express car is under arrest in Oklahoma, having been placed in custody for some territo rial offense. Govebnor-elect Mickev has announc ed the following ns office assistants: A. B. Allen of Tecumseh, private secretary; E. S. Mickey of Keya Paha county, clerk; C. C. Husted of Syracuse, recorder and Miss Grace Walker of Plattsmouth, stenographer. Colfax county and the Union Pacific company have carried a dispute in re gard to the payment of taxes into the court. The sum is $91 which the amount of three mills more on the assessed valuation than the U. P. tax agent claimed was legal. The season for hunting deer in the northern woods closed on the 90th. Fatalities were frequent in the timber, fourteen men having been killed while hunting deer in the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and at least eleven others hare been shot and seri ously wounded. F. E. Mills, alias L. L. Winn, who was arrested early last summer in Norfolk for forging school warrants, and who iped from the county jail in October, i fonnd in Chicago and brought back to Madison last week. Pinkerton detec tives hare been hot on his trail ever since he escaped. The university of Nebraska foot ball team wound up the season by winning from the Northwestern of Chicago Thursday last at Lincoln by a score of 12 to 0, not having lost a game this season or even being scored against, which is quite a record and of course all Nebraska is jubilant. An immense crowd witnessed the game. Whex it comes time for the clipping of coupons from those gold bonds Ne braska has just bought of Massachusetts aad the remission of the money to pay the interest we would like to see the expression on the faces of the Bay State oScuus who do the business. The idea of poor old Massachusetts giving her aote to drouth-stricken and populist ridden Nebraska will certainly make the gorge rise in the blue-bellied Yankees till they get used to it. Fremont Tribune. The Baltimore American reasons that labor is entitled to share in the pros perity which has come to capital, and, failing to receive its fair share, there is bred discontent, disturbance and dis aster. The war to avert these evils is for capital to deal squarely and honestly with labor, granting it increases propor tionately with increases in its own profits. If this is done if labor is made to feel that capital has its interests at heart and that the recognition of inter dependence is complete labor troubles wfll quickly disappear, the condition of the American laboring man will be mate rially improved, and the nation will be is the end the principal beneficiary. Starr. Fowling Is now very little practiced la the Shetland islands, although many cgga are secured annually. Many thrill tag atories of fowling adventure are tafca by the Shetlanders. A man who had undertaken to climb a certain steep cliff was neither very expert nor very brave, although he of being both. He pushed ud- iwnrd, however, briskly without look lag behind until he had got up about ISO feet, when he stopped to breathe. The pause was fatal to his self posses Stan, and he called out in tones of ter ror. "Ilea, men, I am going I am go- ' sat ae soil held on for a little,' it waa not till he had'ahrieked tunes "I am going" that he did fall headlong. His comrades, having thus been jwaraed, iaoved the boat out of the way as that the poor fellow came sheer awwalato the deep water. Mighty was the plunge, but at length he rose to the aarface, when of course be was la ataatly caught bold of and dragged into After many gasps and such of sea water from hl i his only remark was: "Ehmen. Is a aad story. I have lost my "-"Sketches and Tales of thai saaaaautiaa'aBBBBL1 PERSONAL MtoNT.ON Dr. Paul and family were in Cairo last week. Mrs. Frazell was an Omaha visitor last week. -v Mrs. O. B. Speice went to Omaha Friday. Miss Buby Bickly visited in Omaha last week. Chris Bowers spent part of last week in Omaha. George Scott was in St. Edward Thursday. Miss Anna Cogil was in Central City Thursday. Mrs. C. W. Zeigler is visiting relatives in Monroe. Miss Lettitia Speice visited in Schuy ler Sunday. Mrs. W. S. Jay was a visitor in Omaha over Sunday. , Dr. and Mrs. Gietzen spent Thursday in Humphrey. Miss Thressia Stanley was a visitor in Omaha Sunday. Werner Schupbach was an Omaha vis itor Wednesday. Miss Elizabeth Sbeehan was in Hum phrey Thursday. , Will Hall spent last week in David City with relatives. L. Clifford was at Norfolk visiting sev eral days hut week. Stanley Maly spent part of last week at home in Schuyler. Will Terry of Chicago was in the city Saturday and Sunday. Sidney 8mith visited his father in Cedar Rapids last week. MisB Marie Puffy was in Bellwood, returning home Thursday. Mrs. Bathburn went to Seward Mon day to visit until the holidays. Lloyd Swain and Will Gregorius were passengers to Lincoln Thursday. Prof. B. M. Campbell of Humphrey spent his vacation here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schram of David City visited relatives here Sunday. W. W. Stillman of Galena, I1L, is here visiting cousins, the Stillman family. Mrs. Howard Clark of Gretna is visit ing her parents, Judge and Mrs. Post Miss Clara Hohl went to Albion Wed nesday to visit her parents a few daya Miss Bertha Chapin went home to Oconee Wednesday to visit a few daya Mrs. Phenie Cookingham of Humphrey visited Dr. and Mrs. Gietzen last week. Miooon Helen Jerome and Emily Segelke were among Omaha visitors last week. Miss Tena Zinnecker, who is teaching near Creston, passed part of last week at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson of Oconee spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott Miss Esther Johnson, who teaches school near Leigh, spent last week at home. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Walker and chil dren spent Thursday with relatives in Humphrey. Mrs. C. F. Gleason was in Wilber last week enjoying Thanksgiving with her daughter, Mrs. Davis. Miss Ida Kaufmann, who is teaching near St Edward, spent part of last week with her parents here. Miss Catharine Schoemaker of Coun cil Bluffs is visiting her uncle, Conductor Schoemaker and family. Mrs. Frank Parmalee of Omaha re turned home Monday after a visit to the family of G. A. Schroeder. Mrs. F. H. Busche and children went to Genoa Wednesday to visit a few days with the family of Arthur Anderson. Dr. and Mia, Neumann and their niece and nephew spent the day Thursday with Bev. and Mrs. Wier at Fremont Miss Helen Bennue of University Place, formerly of Columbus, was the guest of Miss Lillie Saffron last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Galley and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pollock spent Thanksgiving with the Winterbotham family in David City. C. W. PearsaU, E. W. North and WU1 Becher came up from Omaha Saturday evening for a short visit with friends here. Mrs. John Witt of Scribner was here last week to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Ludwig Plath. She re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. AL Butler of Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Lincoln spent Thanksgiving here with the Butler and Mentzer families. Mrs. Britell of St Edward and her niece Miss Flemming of Richmond, Va who is spending the winter in this state, were the guests of Prof. L H. Britell and family, over Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Janing and Mr. and Mrs. Timms of Osceola came over to spend Thanksgiving with the Zinnecker family. Mr. and Mrs. Janing left Monday for Michigan where they will visit relatives during the winter. A Trefical Heaa. The new evening paper at Lincoln, The Daily Star, is out with something entirely new in the way of a premium offer to agents who will secure sub scribers to that briftht newsv naner. Several tracts of valuable land in a most desirable location in the Republic of Mexico are offered as prizes to agents. It is the most valuable proposition ever made by a daily newspaper and our readers are asked to send for a free sample copy of The Star, which will con tain fall particulars. There am no mm. plicated conditions or strings to The Star's proposition, and competition is open to any one in Nebraska in the .a- nous classes. Address Star Pub. Co. Lincoln. Faux Psrssaally CJsaatetea Ixcir- mm frsai Osama to Califermia With Chalet af Isatsa. These excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at 4:25 p. ul, in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The cars are aceom panied all the way by conductors skilled in the service of excursion parties. The Union Pacific is the onlv lin . Omaha running four excursions to Cali fornia every week. These excursions can be joined at any point euroute. For full iaformatioa call on or address W.H.Botaic, Agent UNIVERSITY OF NEBRA5K SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE A few years since, much began to I said about the "New Education." 1' many, the phrase was a. meaning:' one; to others, a high-sounding cdu cational shibboleth. There was, he ever, .a thought of much importa expreased by the words, namely tea education mast direct its efforts t the improvement of conditions In t! great world about us; that labor ma become a shareholder In the output o. educational Institutions. Naturally mechanical, mining, elec trical and civil engineering absorbed for the moat part the attention of thosv who sought the advantages to be bad from the "New Education." The col leges of agriculture and mechanic arts established as a result of the pass age of the Morrill act of 1862 became colleges of engineering and of general science. Agricultural education seemed to have no place ia the new movement Some ten years ago. a fortunate change began to make itself felt Farmers awoke to the necessity of de manding for their children a training that would not only increase their earning capacity, but which would also cause them to look upon agricultural pursuits as worthy to be followed by by men of the highest ability and as requiring educational qualifications of a high order. The farmer had learned that his broad acres must receive in telligent treatment, that to risk all upon a single crop was poor -policy, that diversified farming was a neces sity, that stock raising, dairying, fruit growing, were of as much importance as the production of cereals. The farmer who attempts stock raising without a knowledge of the principles of breeding and feeding, the dairyman who is ignorant of the principles of economic milk production, the man who attempts fruit raising without an acquaintance with the science of horti culture, is doomed to dismal failure. Hence, diversified fanning brought about what legal enactments could uot do a pressing demand for agricultural education. As a result oi this demand, most of the states have within the last 'en years made liberal appropriations for scientific instruction in agriculture; men of the highest ability have been called to positions in agricultural fac ulties, everything has been and is be ing done to call the attention of farm ers to the fact that their sons may have a training which will not only fit them for farming, but which will also make them desire to devote themselves to agricultural pursuits. In some states ot the union, as Iowa, agricultural colleges exist as separate institutions. Nebraska, however, be lieves that instruction in agriculture may be safely Intrusted to her state university. It is also thought that a line should be drawn between ele mentary instruction in agriculture and that of college grade; that opportunity must be offered to all who desire train ing in agriculture regardless of their fitness to do work of college rank. But it is also necessary to provide oppor tunities for those who are prepared to enter college. Hence we have a school and a college of agriculture. The school of agriculture has for its chief purpose to educate boys for the farm, not away from it Between the ages of sixteen and nineteen, boys decide on their life work; in this formative period many farmer boys become dissatisfied and leave the farm for the maelstrom of city life. Hence the importance of such training as will cause farm boys to cast aside such notions for the thought that farming rightly pursued is not only a most noble calling, but also one in which men can have a Urge share of enjoyment and of happiness. This fact has caused Nebraska to ad mit to her school of agriculture boys who- have completed the work of the district schools. It is believed that our three-years' course will arouse in every boy who completes it an irresistible de sire to adopt farming as his life work. But inasmuch as special rather than general farming has come to charac terize our age. a necessity exists for the work of the school to be distributed among six departments: agriculture, animal husbandry, animal pathology, dairy husbandry, horticulture and agri cultural chemistry. AGRICULTURE. Pure agriculture, or the production of crops, must always demand an im portant place in schools and colleges ot agriculture. This fact has been given due recognition ia Nebraska, much time being spent in the study of toils, field crops, and farm management Any course in field crops to be of value to the student must deal with the pro duction of crops in general and also with the crops best adapted to our own state. Botany in so far as it treats of need structure and germination, plant anatomy and physiology, the influence of climatic conditions and soils on plant life, must be continually appealed to. A matter of special Importance in Ne braska is how to make certain crops more capable of resisting drouths aad our sometimes severe winters. The present position of Nebraska as a wheat j growing state is due in a large measure to the university department of agricul inre. Of recent years nothlag has done tore to increase the profits of farming In is tie Tum ti Bit a Bea- tifil Bearer ir Felt Dree Hat Be i CcL Very Latest Style it Street Hats, aULnaiiaaies at This Let Iacliies Hats Worth $3.50. Call at Oace ami. be Coaviaced. Mrc.NJ.RtfMi&Ci., Tbras Doom Eaat Cotaanbaa State Bwk.ColaBbM.Nebr. TRY $1.75 ft III than the careful selection of seed. Just as animals of a desired type may bt produced by a careful selection of.sin and dam. so plants may be Improved b careful selection of seed. Hence a course in judging corn, oats, wheat" and rye is offered la the school of agricul ture. The result can be easily foretold larger yields of each crop more boun tiful and larger ears of corn, greatei feeding value of corn and oats, more nutritious elements in wheat and rye. The soil belag the source of all. wealth will always be a subject of first im portance hi agricultural science. Nc course could be complete without a study of the origin and composition oi soils, the relation of each element tc crop production, together with a con sideration of the movements of watei through the soil sad the conservation of moisture. This Is but an outline oi the work done In the school but it is hoped that some notion ot the beneficial results from such a study has been giv en; that all who read this article may see how much depends on oui young farmers becoming acquainted with every detail of the great science of agriculture. ANIMAL PATHOLOGY The losses to which any stockman Is liable from the ravages of contagious or infectious diseases among his ani mals are a sufficient argument for the existence of a department of 'animal pathology. A knowledge on the part of all stockman of the causes of certain diseases and of the best methods" oi prerentiag' their "propagatkMr -Would save our state maay taousanefcpof dol lars every year. This knowledge can be had by every young farmer - who takes a course in the school of agricul ture, Begining with the study of anatomy and physiology of farm animals, the student devotes his attention' to ac quiring a knowledge of the structure and functions of. the various organs, studies the tissues, investigates the composition of blood and finds out by personal obseverations the changes in tissues and organs from the various diseases to which animals are liable. He also learns how to surround ani mals with such conditions as to make it difficult for disease to be estab lished among them. Sanitation, or the science of hygienic methods, re ceives careful attention. It is not ex pected that students will become vet erinarians, but the knowledge they ob tain will enable them to avoid heavy losses in live stock. A prominent stockman whose son took this course says, "My son saved me the first year after his attendance at school ' more than four times the amount expended in paying bis expenses." In addition to the training named above the student is also given a course in veterinary practice. He learns to judge a horse for soundness; to care for the mouth and feet and to do every thing which has a tendency to make the animal more useful. The student also learns to perform simple opera tions in surgery. To quote from Or. Peters: "The disease of roaring in horses is cured by an operation, r This disease was for a long time, supposed to be Incurable because until a few years ago the true and excitlngcause had not been .uefinitejy ascertained. Now that the cause has been ascertain ed, an operation can be performed' and an otherwise good animal can be made sound. Another illustration may -serve to illustrate the point For the last few years we have been able to perform operations for strlnghalt before the classes, showing that an animal having this objectionable habit can be cured by an operation. Many more illustra tions could be given, but it Is believed that the few already mentioned will suffice to show that the students here are taught not only the theoretical side of this great auxiliary of animal indus try; and when the student who attends the school is interested in animals, he cannot help but derive some practical benefits from the training he receives1 here, even if he has the misfortune of attending but one season." ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Important as Is the subject of animal pathology for the stockman, animal husbandry Is no less so. When- one compares the prize animals of twenty years ago with those of today he can not help feeling that great improve ment has been made. But to bring about this improvement someone had to put before his mind a type to be pro duced and then by careful selection of dam and sire to make an attempt to bring forth that type. Hence will be seen the Importance of a study of breeds. He who learns the origin, characteristics, and the steps In the evolution of present-day types of beef and dairy cattle will unconsciously lie led to form correct notions as to the best types of each. When this knowl edge of the history of the breeds of live stock is superinduced by a thorough course in judging, there can be but one result: Such a knowledge of ani mals as will make its possessor able to become a successful stockJaaa. - The course In the school of agricul ture la in accordance with the 'educa tional principles mentioned above. Not only does the student lean to judge the pure-bred animals on the universi ty farm, but frequent trips are made to South Omaha in order that the DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache laa Ma Yarn aTataaaasks Be has speat a life time earlag Jut each cases as youa. All coaaaltatloas Ikes. k-ii iiTmau'MaaaagnnMUSl itaiiael Sa Mwraano -aao S 3Ulf BlBlMI Aw eig-ooaYxoojJisv nrass'wsaia mour ipauoCsaoilvSia fvpa'P ami jo arawip Xaapn jo, ipuiJWJM mi 2iHoiaArrK8afaqAaoaRrcem rao euwpva 9apf.Baaj-Ja For Sale by C. HENSCHINO. JOB WORK. IglCIJRE - judgment ot the student may be pitted against that of veteran stockmen. Thus the young mind ia made self-reliant critical and correct ia deduction. It is scarcely necessary to add that the student also takes a course ia feed ing -live stock; that he gives a careful study to- foodstuffsTand hence is able to save himself 'from -those methods of feeding live stock which have involved in financial ruin so many men. The stockman must have a knowledge of how to compound a ration which will produce the result he aims at. or ruin awaits him. It is felt Indeed many Nebraska stockmen are glad to admit that the men now in charge of ani mal husbandry here In Nebraska will in a few years succeed in placing our state in the foremost rank as a pro ducer of animals of the best type and this will surely follow if the young stockmen of our commonwealth take advantage of the opportunities for in struction in animal husbandry which are offered by the university school of agriculture. DAIRY HUSBANDRY. A few ears ago dairy products were of little importance in Nebraska. Now. with three or four creamery companies in the state and with many farmers giving their entire attention to dairy ing, our commonwealth Is rapidly ad vancing to a prominent place among the great dairy states. Hence there is need of a department in the school of agriculture for the training of dairy men. Equipped as this department is, with a buildlngr furnished with the latest and best appliances for making butter aad cheese, with all of .the besj. cream separators, with a laboratory for the testing of milk, with an excellent dairy herd, exceptional advantages are of fered to young men desiring to fit themselves for dairy farmers or for superintendents of skimming stations. An especially commendable feature of the work is the fact that those who take the course in dairying learn not only the- theory but also every detail of dairy work. The making of butter requires a scientific knowledge of many processes separating the cream from the milk, ripening the cream, churning working the butter into the finished product, and proper care of dairy ma chinery. All these besides such a knowledge of the chemistry of dairying as will result in the production of healthful and palatable dairy products must be thoroughly studied by him who expects to become a master work man. Moreover, the feeding of dairy cattle. dalr stock judging, and a knowledge of dairy accounts must receive atten tion if the highest degree of success is attained. Nebraska's school of agriT culture is to be congratulated on the enviable reputation which the depart ment of dairy husbandry has made. That students who have been trained here are eagerly sought after by the creamery companies is a strong recom mendation, but the fart that the ac knowledged leaders among the dairy farmers of Douglas county received their training here is a much more elo quent testi'ionial of the thoroughness of the work done. The special course in dairying of fered for the first time this year should be accorded a most hearty support b the dairymen of the state and should be taken by hundreds of young men The future of Nebraska, as a dairy Etate. should be a brilliant one; forage crops can be produced in great abund ance and with very little cost; foi the fraction of a cent a pound our but ter can be carried to the Atlantic sea board; our only need is scientifically trained dairymen. Does it riot seem that many should heed the call and seek the instruction which will not only fit them for responsible positions, but which will also give Nebraska ma terial aid In the development of her lesources? HORTICULTURE. Instruction in agriculture, animal pathology, animal husbandry, and dairying appeals directly to the farm er because a knowledge of these sub jects increases his earning capacity. In certain parts oi the state, especially in eastern and southeastern Nebraska. fruit growing is also an industry of great commercial importance. - Along the rivers of western Nebraska where Irrigation is being practiced, fruit growing gives promise of becoming an Important industry. While horticulture is not generally regarded as being a part of the necessary equipment ot the farmer, yet it has a place of much importance in agricultural education. The establishment of homes is a mat ter of great importance in every state, and no man Is qualified to establish a home who has not some knowledge of the propagation, culture, and Im provement of fruits, vegetables, forest and shade trees, and hardly, ornamen tal plants. Especially is it true that his knowledge should be rational. He should be acquainted with the reason for each operation and great pains are taken in the school of agriculture to ImiiI the students to find out for them selves the reasons for doing things in certain ways. In no subject is there a greater opportunity for pleasant and profitable practice work than in the study of horticulture. On the univer sity farm the students are required to become familiar with grafting, the making of grafting wax. the prepara tion of sprays to be used against in sects and diseases, with seed testing and many other operations with which the general horticulturist should be perfectly familiar. It may be said that horticulture is that part of an agricultural education which has a a tendency to develop a love for the beautiful. Agriculture and stock raising are so closely related, to the production of material wealth that a farmer may easily forget that life should be something more than a strugKle for wealth. He may overlook the fact that It Is the duty of every man who lives upon a farm to make his surroundings more beautiful. Hor ticulture, by directing the attention to trees, to the ralsiug of strawberries, raspberries, and other kinds of small fruits, to the production of flowers and shrubs, has the result of causing hlro who pousetuieH thlH knowledge to de sire these things not merely an utili ties but for the Ix-auty which they give to the home and Its HiirrouudlnKS. Thus horticulture Is rrnlly a line art and every young farmer should pus WE SHOUT For the good things we have to selL If you come here you will shout for the good things you get You get the goods, we make right prices. HOEHEN atom attte Drat; Stores saaaaw " sVfuVaftaaaaaBBBaY Vsa mr Te! seas a knowledge of it The school ot agriculture keeps la mlad the princi ples which have been mentioned above, and while the course Ia of great value to hint who ezpectajto engage iu aay line of commercial .horticulture, the primary cud In view is to train the minds of the students ia such a. nua ner as to send them forth with a da sire to give to their homes such, beaa ty and such attractiveaess that ho lu vidloua comparisons may be made be tween tha country aad the city. Some things that seem most Impractical are the most practical. Horticulture Is one of these, and it may be said that as a result of -taking this-course the student goes forth better equipped to become a civilixiag force because of the power which be acquires to make his home surroundings more beautiful; because by paying more attention to the culture of trees, flowers, grass and shrubs the happiness of his Immediate family will be Increased. Within the last few weeks there has len established In the school of ag :l riculture a department of agricultural chemistry- Dr. Samuel Avery has been elected professor of agricultural chemistry and experiment station chemist Recently he stated In two paragraphs the purposes of the work in his department The writer feels that he can with profit to the reader quote Dr. Avery's words: "As one. of the fundamental sciences chemistry has an important place la nearly -all technical and Industrial 'courses. So important has chemistry become to agriculture that depart ments of agricultural chemistry have been established In all of the larger state universities The work la ag ricultural chemistry In our school of agriculture as now given comprises a course of one year. It Is hoped' that provision for two years'- instruction will soon be made. The work ,of the first semester Is of a general nature. 'In -the- following semesters-the' appli cation to agilculture of the facta al ready learned will receive special at tention. "The following tacts have been dem onstrated repeatealy: A farmer will do his work more intelligently provided he understands something of the chemis try of soils and fertilisers. The stock man who understands the composition of fodder can feed more rationally. The dairyman will be benefited by a knowl edge of the chemical composition of milk. The horticulturist must know something about the composition of In secticides. The aim of the department of agricultural chemistry is to aid the student in strengthening his mental equipment for practical work." The departments of the school of ag riculture which concern themselves more directly with the subjects of in struction the farmer is especially desi rous of, have been treated at some length. Mention, however, should he made of the fact that the school of agriculture. In addition to giving in struction In these practical subjects, offers to the student an opportunity to get a good general education. He studies mathematics, and English, civ ics and history, botany, chemistry and uhysics. In the third year of the course the student is brought to the consideration -of the problems of econ omics, not with the idea in view of giv ing him a thorough knowledge of the science, but with the thought In mind of directing his attention to economic problems for the purpose of giving him greater sobriety of judgment on all public questions. It may be safely as serted that no subject taught In the school has a greater influence in the in tellectual life of the student than the instruction given In economics. In addition to Its school of agricul ture, the university offers more ad vanced work In the college course. As time goes on and more money is ap propriated. It will no doubt be the pol icy of the university to give to such of her young men as have the advantages or the school an opportunity to have such training in the university as will it them for Investigators in some sub ject relating to farming. It is a well known fact that the department of ag riculture at Washington, D. C finds sreat difficulty in obtaining men who have had such training as will enable them to make Investigations which tho denartment is carrying on. no young man can find a better opportuni ty for engaging. in professional work than he who has had a thorough train ing in pure agriculture, in animal hus bandry, animal and plant pathology, horticulture, agricultural chemistry, or dairy husbandry. Nebraska, how ever, greatly desires that the young men who avail themselves of the oppor tunity which the university offers for an agricultural education shall go back to the farm and shall help to develop the resources of the state. Many prob lems In agriculture are yet undevel oiied. It Is one of the cherished pur poses of the univeislty to train young men in such a way as win enaoie wen to solve these problems and thus to place Nebraska In the foremost rank nf nurelv agricultural states. Hence it is to" the school of agriculture, rather than to advanced study In the college of agriculture, that the farmers or tne state should look with the greatest hope; and it would seem that as the rminuKt are now established, one of them bnginnlng on November 0. and the other on January 5. many fara toys can avail themselves of the oppor tunity thus offered for obtaining a practical agricultural education. V feel, therefore, that the farmers of Ne braska should acquaint themselves thoroughly with the methods of In struction In this department, and we urge that they permit their sons to take a little time from the usual routine of farm work each year and devote it to the acquisition of the knowledge to be gained by attending this department of the state university. Such a course of action on the part of the farmers can but result In a greater number ol young men resolving to devote them coves to farming as a profession. It v.iil cause our state to take giant strides in the development of her mate ilal resources. It will Increase not only the earning capacity of the coming generations, but will so fit them for the work or life that they will make the farm homes the most attractive places en earth, and the farmers of Nebraska will have not only saleatlflc knowledge In the various branches of the business In which they ar engaged but they will also have nuch noundnnw of Judgment on all quontlons that tho name "farm er" will iu lunger be tho mere tiller of the hoII. but will bn a badge of dis tinction and a mark of honor. ftor Persoially Cniictel Eicirtn. TO CALIFORNIA Every week with choice of routes. These excur sions leave Omaha via UNION PACIFIC ev'ry Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 4:25 p. m. And can be joined at any point enroute Full information cheerfully furnished on application to W.H.BENHAM, Ageat THEYO EEEIH THEY'RE here now, so you will not have to wait Bright, aew and handsome, each one perfectly finished and the prettiest Hue ever shows in Columbus. No useless trap pings oa these buggies the price is put into material, workman ship aad finish. Each one is ready to hitch your horse to, and the price woa't make a heavy load to carry. They're here, but they're going. Can't I send one your way? Inquiry and inspec tion desired. ::::::: ritrii mil Kill miTUii Wemmy Lwbkeb FINE BUGGIES. East 13th Street, - - COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. OOLTJMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, 50 Gon,oklsheUsd-Vbusaal 30 Oats, new V bushel 23 Barley-r bushel SO Bye Vbuahel 35 Hogs-lr owt 5 503 5 60 Flat steers-Vewt 0 4 00 Fatcows-tf cwt 2 256 3 00 Stock steers tfewt 3 00 4 00 Potatoas-y bushel. 200 Butter-V t. 180 20 Eggu-ydosea. 200 Markets corrected every Tuesday af teraooB. SHABBY CLOTHES Eat up a saaa's oonideaee, Tho poorly dressed man is afraid to push ahead it Image bis clothes iato protniaenee, sad this makes him ua comfortable. He usually gets ready-to-wear clothing. Sometiaies it fits him and sometimes it doesa't It gets worn and shabby, and still he is compelled to wear it For about the price of ready-made clothes we could have made him sa elegant suit, per fect fit, style sad finish. A full line of fall goods. Tksj Tailor. C. CASS IN, raoraiBToa or ran Oadia Md Markfit Fresh, and Salt Meats Game and Fish in Seam aaTHigheat market prices paid fet Hides aad Tallow. THMTECNTH ST., COLUMBUS. - - NEBRASKA Uasttf BLiCZSKITH -AND- WAGOV WORK. Evervthiag ia oar Mae aad OTerjtaiae; gaaraatetii. Wacrag aiiufo f aTaer. Seat aaTHe-NBaelat; la the city. A lae llae af Baggies, uarnages, ete. DTI am agsat for tho old reliable Columbus Buggy Compsay, of Colum bus, Ohio, whieh is a sufrisnt tee of strietly first clsss goods. LOUIS SCHREIBER. ZSoettf The Very Best ef California niaes. Riesling wine (white) at 60 ceata per gallon. Ziafaadel (red) at 0 ceata. Angelica (sweet) st SI per gallon. Port $1 par gallon. California las brandies sad Ksatueky whiskeys at reasonable prices. Coses sad see as before bayiag: Yours, WatBoeaaa. j STYLES sium wMpjtll rMiipBfiic utnii -INCLUDING- KODAK Developing Machine . FHa. Etfc. $5.00 Anybody can make pictures with thisoatfitamlall WitlMtit a Darfc-RMM. Ho. 2 Browaie Camera fur 2zSpicterra Filet Cert ride. expnMirv. Zili . . . Hrowaie Det vlopimc Machian Browaie Oevelopiac Mackia Outfit.. S2.W .20 .7S .to . .1.10 1 Dos. 2 z 3& Dokko 2 Dekko Developing Po ttlent. Geaaplete t&OO Nothing more appropriate for the youag folks for Christmas. There's lota of pare fun in photography aad there's education too. IFGOINGEAST or south of Chicago ask your local ucketagent to route you between Omaha sad Chicago via the fMlWAUKEEL J$rma the shortest liae between the two cities Trains via this popular road depart from the Union depot, Omaha, daily. eoaaectiag with trains from the west. Magnificently equipped trains, palace sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Dining cars and buffet, library aad smokjag cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For full information about rates, etc., address F. A. Nash, General Western Agent, 1504 Fanea St. Omaha. H. W. Howell, Trav. Freight and Pass. Agt AMERICA'S I EST EattartsHy Fearless. Caasfetently ResubJicsa. 1 Newe froea all of the world-Well S written, oriffiaal etoriee-Aaewent to 3 4"eri",-rtel oa Health, the Home.' S Nw Book, aad oa Work About the 1 Faraa aad (tardea. S Ttf WhUf lifer 06HI her of the AMx-iatl Preee, the oaljf Weotera Newapsper receiving the eatire taJecrapkie aewa eenriee of tha New York 8aa aad special cable of the New York World-dailj reports from OTar 2,099 special corrcspoadeata tkroawaoat the cooatrr. YEAR. ONE DOLLAR Joavsml Deaaat far ti.?. llsaal W. A. McaixiTna. W. M. Coaaxues ATTORNEYS AT LAW, X D.8TIEE8. ATTOUrBT AT LAW. fcfS.i! f Kmt ilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVN 4aa1aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV9 - --!aaBJBaBBBBBBBBBKPV- "- : --flaaBBBT-- Els Js KWNKIe 8iga T Ike Si Watrk. j t j 4 y K 4 ) i .4 k i 11 I V i , J J. it-,- a-'-fc - I 3BC