The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 19, 1902, Image 2
-m JL''frm&& wiwm -s".--. - -rafvj . - " V ' jps?&jrr-t-vJ Ttf!k - . W- - K- .- b 1 . ? 1 - : Bctasubied Hat IMS?. Columbus 0ttrnal Katered at the Poetomca. Colaawae, Near., M ail matter. 7. .V.I.T9MUAW. rsaaa or acsecatrnos: Oaerear, by atall, postage prepaid fLM KflMtttaM W aBGaaWsaaaa ewJ WCDHKHDAY. NOVKMBER . 1B. BaTTo arabacribera of the Jomr-aal-Plesse look at the data oppo site yomr nam on the wrappar of yoar Joaraal or oa tat aaargia of Tho Joaraal. Up to thla date, yoar aabacrlpUoa la paid or acooaated Aftateaait. Lincoln, Nkhk., Nov. 11, UW2. The Omaha World-Herald and Lincoln Daily Star have charged that the "Thompson pans cartoon" which appear ed in the Lincoln Journal and was after ward circulated by the republican state committee waa a forgery. I desire to aay to the republican ot Nebraska that I positively know that Mr.Thotnpaon, the late f union candidate for governor, carried and used annual pisses for the year 1002, on the Union Faciflo and Fremont, Rlkhorn & Mieaoari Valley railroads, and aeed free transpor tation over the Burlington railroad the exact form of which T do not know. Mr. Thvmpmm has not denied thin gfatenirnl. II. C. Linhhay, Chairman. Two distinct shocks of earthquake ware felt in Salt Lake City, Monday. At a sale of Abordoon-Angus cattle at Stuart, Iowa, on the 10th, forty-three bead brought y,,000. H11.VKH is still on the decline in the Philippine islands. A gold dollar is now worth fAM) in Moiican monoy. Sixtrrn groeory firms ot Beatrice have agreed among thomsolves to no longer offer premiums with purchases. The republicans carried every county ia South Dakota at the recent election for governor, Herried's plurality over Martin being '2i;t2H. A kaihr of 10 per cent has been grant ed W,000 employes of tho Pennsylvania railroad, which means an outlay of S42flO,OUO annually for the company. Last Sunday near lied Cloud, this state, two loys took two shots into the midst of an immense Hock of duoks on a email pond and nre said to have killed forty of thorn. Tiir Albion News expresses the opin ion that of all the re-eleeled members of the legislatare, Mr. Jouvenet is tho most availablo for epoakor and suggests that his election lie made unanimous. Wkst Viihiinia still remains in the republican column. The returns in the recent election showing that party to have been successful in elocting all five congressmen, also stato ticket and leg islatare. J. Townru Smith, one of the pioneers of Fremont, died at his homo last Wed nesday. Mr. Smith had a groat many Jtaancial interests in Fremont, lieing connected with several institutions, and his estate is said to be worth not fsr from $200,0(10. "From researches made by Herr Wenck of Mansfield, Germany, it is found that at the lieginning of this year there were 210 Irving descendants of Martin Luther, not one of whom, how ever, bears his nanio, Iwing all his de scendant on the oilier side." Tiir corn yield in this stato this year ia snore than twice as large as last year. the average yield for 1!W2 being $! bush els to the acre as compared with 14.1 in 1901, 2f. in 11KI0 and SI bushels the aver age for the past ten years. Nebraska raaks fifth in production of the corn growing states this season. You never get to tho end of Christ's words. There is something in them always lieyoml. They pass into proverbs; they pass into laws; they pass into doc trines; they pass into consolations, but they never pass away, and after all the was that is made of them, they are still not exhausted. Dean Stanley. The Ceylon Observer says: "The forthcoming great exposition at SLLouis, U. 8. A is to be tho destination of eight Ceylon elephants, which Mr. John Ilagen back will export next month in the inter ests of his brother, Mr. Carl llagenbeck, of wild animal fame. Six elephants are expected from Anuradbapnra and one from Pelmadulla and ono from Ratna para, amongst them being a tiny baby said to be about 32 inches high." A CAM.KURAM from Brnssels Nov. 15 aaya that three shots were fired at the king of the Belgians that morning as he waa proceeding to the cathedral to attend to deum in memory of the late Queen Marie Henrietta, but the ballet missed Ha mark. The would-be assassin is an Italian anarchist named llobini and is a He was born at Bonardo, Naples, in 1859, and has lately lived ia Brnssels. Ho waa immediately put wader arrest. Tan bonds of the Beatrice and Vir ginia railway, which is really an exten sion of the Missouri Pacific from Virginia to Beatrice, a distance of about twelve miles, have been floated in the east. Csnetraction work on the new road, it is aaaoaaeed by local officials, will begin ia a abort time. The road is expected to be in operation by Jane 1, 1903. The nuna object of the new road which was projected by the Beatrice Commercial Club is to give an outlet toward Kansas City and St Joseph. Tan Fremont Tribune sums up the accoants of McCarthy aad 1, which has been seat to their political committees, aa fol- For stamped envelopes Mr. Mo Oarthy paid 121.30. For writing letters Law Potter received f5 and that com plated tka expense, of Mr. McCarthy in on of tka hardest fought campaigns in John 8. Kobiasonexpeaded I through his committee, fSO for cam- ml M0 for nnntiaa? and I af.7tfsUatpiaatele4oatoUa. j SOLID FOR ROOSEVELT. The more carefully the returns of the late election are analyzed the mora significant appears the ratalt Thie ia particularly true of tha congressional battle, which waa fought on national issues. In every state the voters for congressmen went to the polls with Roosevelt's policy and administration in mind. Nineteen western and northwestern states which in 1900 elected 101 republi can congressmen, elected 115 this year. In 1900 Colorado sent two silver men to congress. This year it sends two repub licans and one democrat, Idaho and Montana each was represented in the fifty seventh congress by a silver or independent congressman. In the fifty eighth oongresa each state will be rep resented by a republican. Nebraska elected in 1900 two repub lican and four fusion congressmen. In 1902 the congressional delegation stands five republicans and one democrat. Illi nois in 1900 elected eleven republican and eleven democratic congressmen. This year the delegation stands seven teen republicans and eight democrats. In every state except California there was a straight issue between republicans and democrats, and there is a gain in the nineteen states of fourteen congress men for the republicans. In Nebraska there was an issue be tween republicanism and Bryanism. The republicans gained three congress men. In Utah the strugglo was for the control of the legislature. No man in the senate was moro conspicuous for slander of our soldiors and for opposi tion to tho Philippine policy of the ad ministration than Senator Rawlins. In expressing his extreme views and in attacking the administration Mr. Rawlins claimed to represent the people of his state. In answer to this claim the people of Utah havo given the repub licans a majority in tho legislature of thirty-nine on joint ballot. This moans that a republican is to succeed Mr. Rawlins in the senate. Mr. Patterson, representing the dem ocrats of Colorado, made himself almost as conspicuous as Mr. Rawlins in abuse of the soldiers and the government. The state which gave Bryan a plurality of 29,fiTl in 1900 this year gives a repub lican plurality on the state ticket and probably elects a republican majority in the legislature. In the states of the middle west, in cluding Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michi gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, no ground has been lost, and in several of them majorities havo been increased. What ia true of the great states of the middle west is also true of Pennsylvania and most of the New England states. The republican states of WOO are solid behind Roosevelt in 1902, and they have been re-enforced by Colorado, Idaho, and Montana. Chicago Inter Ocean. J. II. Mickky, governor-elect, and G. M. Hitchcock, congressman-elect, were the guests of the Real Estate exchange in Omaha last Wednesday. In introduc ing the former President Harrison said that Mr. Mickey is the right man in the right place, as the office of governor requires a business man. Mr. Mickey said he was glad to 1m present, as he felt it necessary to come into contact with business men, to bettor fill the offioe. He said that having been elected, there is no bitterness in his heart, and asked co-operation in a business administration of the state's affairs; that, having been elected, it is his purpose to lay aside liertisan feeling and to follow business methods in state affairs. "Two rules should be followed," he said. "One, always spend less than your income; always sell for more than you buy. In this state we have spent more than our income. The assessed valuation of the stato is now $5,000,000 less than it was twelve years ago. We all know it should lie three times as much. Our expenses hnvo increased, necessarily, as the state has grown. We are limited to a 5-mill levy for state purposes, and with our decreased assessment we are compelled to spend more than our income, and it could not be prevented, so that our debt is now $2,000,000. Our coming legis latare should grapple with this question. It can only bo solved by assessing our property as the constitution provides and let no property escape. I ask co operation along these lines." A fresh dispatch, date ot November IA from Sioux City, says that "during the progress of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin which was being presented at the Onawa opera house, a scene took place which was not on the program. When Simon Legree was getting in eome of his fiercest work. Black Bird, a large Omaha Indian from the reservation in Nebraska, who had come to Onawa, got drunk and attended the performance, thought he would have an inning with Legree. The Indian rose up in his seat, drew a revol ver, gave a warwhoop and got ready for action. Pandemonium reigned. Many persons started for the door of the theatre. The performers stopped their work and 'Topey' is said to have turned pale. The marshal and others seized the red man and disarmed him, after which the play proceeded." The York Times says that "spectacular methods and doctrines do not take well with the people in such times aa these. The solid, common sense advice of Sena tor Hanna to let well enough alone finds ready response in the minds of intelligent people. Fantastio theories of raising watertnellone on water and picking gooseberries off from geese do not meet with much encouragement at the polls. Witness the one hundred thousand majority piled np against Tom Johnson in Ohio, and the collapse of Bryanism in all the western states." Gov. Savage has gone to Cody, Wyo., as the special guest of Buffalo Bill to be present this Tuesday evening: at the for mal opening of the noted plainsman's big hotel. The hotel is one of the finest in the west, the owner having spared neither time nor expense to make it a marvelous koatlery. A $30,000 painting hangs in one of the pablio rooms and everything else is on n magnificent scale. Gneata from all over the coantry will attend the opening. A woielbbb massage from the Island Hawaii to Honolulu dated the 17th, states that the volcano Kilanea has broken out in the moat violent emotion for the last twenty years. Telegraphic reports Rom London also report a fresh eraption of tha volcano Stromboli on Sunday, which waa accompanied by a great uploakm aad flow ot lava. IN POLITICS TO STAY. WmttUtr of nana I atatteao la tfce Waatele ef u Cesasmlssi , It la Impossible by any known device to take the tariff out of politics with- oat changing our government from re pnbUc to absolute monarchy. The tar iff and all other business matters with which congress deals were put into politics when the foundations of the republic were laid, and they will stay there. The fact that the tariff affecta all the people In their business aad do mentlc affairs Instead of being a rea son why It should be token out of poli tics Is the very reason why It cannot be taken out It Is as natural and Inevitable that there should be varying and conllct Ing views aa to tariff taxation aa that different eecte of Christians should dis agree on creeds, and It would be no more Impracticable to bring all tha churches, sects and denomlnatlona to gether on a common creed by appoint ing a commission for that purpose than to get up tariff schedules satisfactory to all schools of political economists by the commission process. In the first place, a nonpartisan com mission that could agree upon a bill Is manifestly absurd. A commission to amount to anything would have to be bipartisan. A Democratic tariff commission one appointed by a Dem ocratic president would have an anti protection or tariff for revenue only majority. A Republican president would see to It that a protection ma jority were appointed. But even If that Impossibility were nonexistent and a strictly nonpartisan commission of tariff experts could agree upon a scheme, that agreement .would not take It out or politics. "All bills for raising revenue must originate In the kouse of representatives." Both houses of congress muBt pass upon every Item of a revenue bill. The report of a commission could not be anything more than suggestive to congress. The power to levy taxes cannot be dele gated by congress to any board, body or commission which It could create. Supposing the report of a" comtnls alon to be presented to congress In the shape of a tariff bill. It la at once In politics, and In the most strenuous kind of politics. Not only the radical differences between parties have to be fought to a finish, but conflicting In terests of Industries and localities In tensify the struggle. There Is no en couragement In the precedent of the tariff commission that preceded the enactment of the tariff of 1883 to re peat that experiment The senate framed that measure, cunningly dodg ing arouud a constitutional provision, and a marvelous ruling by Speaker Kelfer sent it to a conference commit tee without giving the houso a chance to consider it And that tariff did not follow the lines laid down by the com mission. The country has had too many com mlaslona of various klnda and too much money has been wasted In that way. It were far better for both the legis lative and executive departments to do the work assigned to them by the constitution than to attempt to farm It out And as our government Is, and In Its very nature must continue to be, a government by party. It must always be Impossible to get national taxation out of politics. Washington Post The big packing plant of Armour & Co. in Sioux City, la., was completely destroyed by fire Sunday morning. The loss is $870,000, about 80 per cent of which is covered by insurance. Six hundred mon will be thrown out of em ployment The fire started in the ferti lizing room of the plant Its origin is assigned either to an imperfect dryer or to spontaneous combustion. The alarm was quickly given, but the flames swept through the building with the force of a tornado. The entire Sioux City fire de partment responded, but wlten the first stream of water was turned on the build ing it was a mass of names. The big ammonia vats exploded one after an other and the firemen were compelled to flee for their lives to escape suffocation. Five hundred carcasses of dressed lmef, .'1,500 dressed hogs and 2jOO,000 pounds of pork product were destroyed. The insurance amounts to $721,500 and is distributed among the principal com panies in America. Armour A Company announce they will rebuild at once on a more extensive scale. The Central City Nonpareil says: "During the past week W. T. Thompson has received many letters and dispatch es from house members, assuring him of the favor with which they view his candidacy for speaker. Since the an nouncement last week that he would be a candidate his name has taken first place in the list of speakership proba bilities. The following significant arti cle appeared in the Lincoln Evening News: 'W. T. Thompson of Merrick county,' said a politician whose past achievements entitled him to a place among the knowing ones, 'will be the next speaker of the house. " Herman Kaufman, 3-year-old son of a tobacco dealer living in the Bronx, New York City, according to press dis patches, has died from the effects ot a fly bite suffered last Wednesday. A few hours after the child was bitten a small spot made by the bite developed to a swelling which extended over the entire cheek. This swelling continued to spread until the whole upper, portion ot the child's body waa distended. Tha doctors were powerless to give relief. The boy's playmates say the fly waa an ordinary "blue bottle." The physicians believe the insect waa infected with erysipelas germs. Astonishing revelations of great loss of life and property caused by the erup tion of the Santa Maria volcano are being made daily, aaya a cablegram from Guatemala City under date of November 9, transmitted by way ot San Salvador. The eruptions continue. Hundreds of persons perished and the destruction of property ia considered greater than that in the island ot Martinique by the erup tion ot Mount Pelee, All of the estates in the neighborhood ot the volcano are burned under volcanic ashes, which reach to the tops ot bouses. Grit la useful hint waa riven taa atker day by a physician who removed a piece of grit from a pattenfa eye. Tka accident had occurred at tka beglaalag of a railway Journey lasting seats hours. -Another time when yon are troubled with grit In the eye," said the doctor, -dent attempt to get it oat, but Juat cover the eye wltk yoar hand to keep It doted and blink away aa hard as you can with the other tin tee grit Mdlelodged, This alat was glycate me by a romawrcUl traveler and new It acta la more than I can teU yea, but It does, and that la all that taesaCsrer.'? mm personal MENTION Judge J. M. Cartis left Thursday night for the waat Mies Cora Graves ia visiting friends in Silver Creek. RoUie Hall spent Sunday and Monday in David City. Harry Erb of Alliance, visited relatives here last week. Chris. Bauer visited his people in Omaha Suaday. Mrs. Charles Eaaton waa at Silver Creak last week. Miss Clara Hohl spent Saturday with her parents in Albion. Mrs. Paul Kranee of Albion visited Miss Bertha Krauee last week. Mies Maggie MoTaggert went to Sil ver Creek Mondsy to visit friends. Mrs. C. D. Evane and Mrs. Homer Robinson were in Omaha last week. Miss Martha Bean returned Wednes day from a visit to Bellwood and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. George Lehman are ex pected home from their eastern trip this week. Mrs. Garrett Hukt and Mies Bessie Mitchell were visitors in Omaha last week. Miss Grace Haya of Platte Center vis ited her sister, Mrs. J. F. Carrig, laat week. I Miss Tena Zinnecker, who ia teaching school near Creeton, spent 'Sunday at home. Anna Berger returned from Fairbury last week. She will visit for a few weeks at home. Mrs. C. E. Pollock, Mrs. A. M. Gray and Mrs. O. G. Gray were Lincoln visi tors last week. Miss Myrtle Hewitt of Ohiowa, for merly of this city, visited with friends here last week. Mrs. H. J. Hendryx of Monroe came down last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. T. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien ot Grand Island were guests of Mr. and Mia, Thomas Wade over Sunday. Mrs. Rev. Weed left Saturday for her home in Joplin, Mo., after a two weeks' visit with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Pennington were in the city Wednesday on their way to Silver Creek from Stanton. Miss Martha Powell returned laat week from Red Oak, Iowa, where she spent several weeks visiting relatives. Cenjt Preceedimfs. The November term ot district court opened Mondsy of last week and ad journed Friday nntil December 9. Sev eral cases on the docket were not yet ready for trial. John Teten, of Oconee, who has been held here since last august charged with forging a promissory note of $113.40 was sentenced to 14 months' imprisonment in the state penitentiary and the costs. Teten bsa a wife and several children left without support He is 33 years old and claims that a prolonged dissipa tion was the cause of the crime. Edward Weberg was arraigned on the charge of forging the name of A. Dassell to a check for $25 on the Commercial National bank, a few weeks ago. The check was presented to several mer chants of the city who would not cash it, but Weberg was arrested for the offense and Judge Hollenbeek sentenced him to two years in the penitentiary together with the costs in the case. He, too, claimed that drunkenness had been the cause of his trouble. In the case of Agnes Mostek against Alexander Koclowski, the jury reached an agreement Friday morning after one hour's deliberation, finding Kozlowski guilty of bastardy. The county attorney asked for a con tinuance of the rape case against Daniel Corcoran. Tho complaining witness, Matilda Handke, has disappeared from her home near Creeton and it ia inti mated that ahe baa been taken to Cana da. The judge instructed the county attorney to prosecute any person found guilty of conspiring to defeat the ends of justice. The two cases of the Dussell and Henry families were postponed to the adjourned session in December, as was also the C. C. Jones case against Forest Merrill. The latter ia a suit of $5,000 damages for injuries, doctor bills, eta Merrill's attorney states that bis whereabouts ia not known. Sekeel Vetta. The Botany class will commence work next week Monday. Miss Clara Segelke, clasa ot IB, visited the High school Friday. There will be no school on the Friday following Thanksgiving. The boys are practicing daily for the game with Norfolk on Thanksgiving. Ruth Butler, one of Miss Luers' pupils, has shown considerable talent, in draw ing. , Missss Evans and Aokerman, teeohera of David City, visited the public schools Monday. The Fremont foot ball team canceled their engagement with the High school team and there was no game Saturday. The pupils of Miss Green's class in advanced rhetoric handed in a very inter eating lot of essays upon the subject, "Strikes." Two specimens ot the giant corkscrew or daemonilx collected by Sup't Kern in northwestern Nebraska are being mount ed for the museum. A new book, "Dost and ita Dangers," has been ordered for the Physiology class. It will take up the srieaoe of bacteria and will be read in connection with experimeata in bacteriology. The next number ot the High school lecture course will be a reading on "The Sky Pilot" by Adrian Newana, Mr. Newana gave a reading laat year upon The Singular Life" and ia very favor ably remembered. Ditrict44aBilTicimity. airs. Caroline Herring ia having a large barn built on her farm six miles north east of the city. George Drinnin and Patsy Haney killed tea large gates and aaite a num ber ot dacka one day last weak. Monday moraiag of laat weak William Ernst with n force of men commenced the road between saetioaa two and three, which has been im; all summer. Mrs. Caroline Herring ia kaviag a large eommodioas barn built on bar farm in Bismark township. The build ing kt being arranged so aa to bouse twenty bead of horses. J. 0. Griffin ia employed to do the mechanical work. Paul Duffy, eon of Judge Duffy ot Columbus, is now carrying the mail on R F. D. No. 2 since Friday laat The former carrier, Pat Msehan, waa having some trouble with one of hia limbs which be bad injured in a railroad acci dent some years ago at Kansas City while in the employ of Missouri Pacile R. R. and last Thursday evening ten dered hie resignation to Postmaster Kramer and recommended Paul Daffy aa hia successor. . " Tate Oriataal WeaaUsM Our wedding cake la the remalna of a custom whereby a Roman bride held In her. left hand three wheat ears, and many centuries later an English bride wore on her head a chaplet of wheat The attendant girls threw corn, either In grains cr In small bits of biscuit or cake, upon the beads of the newly mar ried couple, and the guests picked up the pieces and ate them. Such waa the beginning of the wedding cake, which did not come lntQ.general use until the eighteenth century and waa then com posed of solid blocks laid together and Iced all over with sugar, so that when the outer crust waa broken over the brideTa head the cakes Inside fell on the floor, and they were then distrib uted among the company. Vasawallsleal Oeaeresltr. (. Town Councilor Have you heard, Mr. Skinflint that our generous towns man, Mr. Muller, la defraying the coat of a new promenade all round the town? We think a wealthy man like yourself might also do something for Skinflint Well, what do you say to my giving you a park of oak trees? Town Councilor Ob, you noble heart ed philanthropist! Why, do you really mean to Skinflint-Yes, yes; I'll make the town a present of an oak forest You nave only to find the land, and I will supply you with aa many acorna aa you may want for seed. Chronlk der Zett '"Tfia Wrth. Naggsby You aay Trlghfler la more trouble than he's worth. I haven't found him much trouble. Waggsby Neither have L Loa geles Herald. I AMUSEMENTS I NORTH OPtaRfl HOUSE One Night Only. Wed. Nov. 19th. Elmdale Farm A BEAUTIFUL 4 ACT DRAMA. New Scenery, Electrical Effects, Superb Band and Orchestra, Mystic (.colored) Quartette PRICES: Lower Floor, 50c First 2 Kows in Balcony 50c AfMlVvsaj ae eeeeea .)' JWleVtJBVjTa e-atet ' Seats On Sale at Usual Place. NORTH OPERA H0US& Thurs., Nov. 20. Tin Play Tfeat Mail Hia Fstms. THE OKIGINAL AND ONLY ONE Mill Oof Ken (OR Tftav ftOTKL) AS FBGSK5TEn SSe TME8 IX 3KW TvXK CITf Tht Effervescent and Sparkling Farcical Gemedy. ENTIRE NEW LlSf OF Catchii Songs, Dances and Fascinating Novelties EVERYTHING BIGHT UP-TO-DATE o o o DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY Backache IU atiaatas of KldasTS. gM ifjv ari arariiuh soas.MssrtPlgsatt.Oravsl, MTSBSy, , fanuue Troeaiee. Dent ilaesaragai. There la a ears far yea. If accessary write Dr. Feaaer. ue aas spent a lire ume curing Juat Free. sack as yours. AH consoltatloas "I had severe case of kidney disease aad raeamatism. discharging bloody matter. SasTered Intense pain. My wife was aerloasly affected with female troubles. Dr. Fenners KMaey and Backache Cure cured us both. F. M. WHEELER. Randolph. Ia." Ask for Cook Book-VM. ST.YITUS'DANOEIea.o.ilf For 8ale by C. HENSCHING. HEALTH The great restedy for aervoas organs of aa a boxes for a.1 JOTTS PENNYROYAL or ettaer sex, auca as nervous rnsinuus, cmuu wMn u potency. Ntgauy Emissions, xoaianu trrvrs. amui worry. wEouva wmm Tobacco or Onion, which land to Coasuaiptloa aad Iasanuy. With every aflBKaH. order we guarantee ta cure or refaad the money. Sold at ai.wOaer bos. of menatruation." They are "LIFE SAVBBS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harar lifs becomes a pleasure fl.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. 8oM tj elrwssts. DR. MOirrS CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland. Ohio- For Sale by POLLOCK tic GO. ARTICLES or IKCORPOBATION OF THE PLATTE COUXTY IBDEPEMDEST TELEPHONE COMPANY. all BMabr these That wa, O. T. Evtratt, T. J. CorHnshaM. C. J. Gerlov, . G. Beader. A. Anderson. Hoiar A. aaaaasriGamttHslat,doBTtasiiLiaati aaioriati ooraalw tosstaarfor tha sarsoasof Snritaa a corporatioa aadar tka laws of the atatoof Habraaka, aad wa do adopt the foUow iac artielea ot iaeorpotatioa: L He name of thia conxmtion hall ha kian aa the nans ixnatr uosipasy. II. The sffiseipal place for traaaactioc ita as aaaa atoll be tka city ot Cotaaboa, Natoraaka. III. Tka aasaral aatara of the hniinaia to be traaaactad by tkia corporatioa U to aract aad aiataia pola. wiraa aad liaaa, ia tka city ot Colaabaa, Nabraaka. aad ia Platte coaaty. Nahraalra. sad aack other eoaatiaa, ia.tuia atate, aa it awy daelre aad coaaect the eaaa witk Colbaa, Nebraska, for the parpoaa of traaaauaaioa of neeaaaee by tekpboaea. wine or other eleetrio aicaale. IV. Tka capital atock of thie corporatioa hall be ifteaa tboaaaad (I5.W) dollar, witk aa aa tboriaad capital of forty tkoaaaad (M.Q0Q) dol lar, divided iato eharee of fifty (30 dollar, fire per cent of which shall I e payable wbea aabecribed aad the balnaoe subject to the call of the board of directors. V. The highest amoaat of indebtedness to which thia corporatioa at aay time, can snbjoct itself, ehill not exceed oae-half ot the capital atock subscribed. VL -- M VX ---.. L11 I .Haimii j iu curuuratma snsii COB- neace on the 1st day of Aastmt. 11M most continue for a period of aiaety-aiae ytara. VII. The afairs or tkia corporatioa shall be coa dacted by a board of fire directors, who shall be elected from the atockkolden at aa aaaaal stockholders meeties. three of whoa shall eoaatitate qooraai for the traaaactioa of boaiaeaa. VIII. of a president, vice president, treaearer aad aecratary. who shall be elected aaaaally by the uuu w uunuun, iiuh we neawera 01 eaiu directon and nntil the first electioa, O. T. Everett, T. J. CoUiBchaiB.A. Anderson, C. J. Qarlow and J. U. -Header, shall eoaatitate the board of directon aad shall organise said board aad elect I he officen thereof. IX. The anaaal stockholders' meeting shall be held oa the last Monday of December of each year, except the first meeting, which shall be called by the iBcorporaton aad each share of the stock shall be entitled to one rote to be east by the holder or hia duly authorised ageat. X. Thie corporation shall have authority to com mence business when ten per cent of the capital stock shall haw been subscribed. XI. The board of directon shall have full power to adopt by-laws anJ change them at pleasure. In witaesH whereof we hare hereunto sub scribed our names this 1st day of August, 1882. O.T.ltfERCTT. T. J. COTTINUHAM, C. J. OAKLOW. J.M KKKUKK. . HOMKR A. HANSEN. ttocMt UAKKETT HVIHT. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF He. 2807. Washixotok, October fflh, 1802. XffHEREAS. By satisfactory evidence pre 5F eented to the undersigned it has been made to appear that "The First Natioaal Bank of Columbus," in the city of Columbue, ia the coaaty of Platte, and atate of Nebraska, has complied with all the provisions of the "act of oongresa to enable Natioaal Banking Associa tions to extend their corporate existence aad for other purposes," approved July 12th, 1882. Now therefore I. William B. Kidgely. comp troller of the currency, do hereby certify that "The Vint National Bank of Columbus." i tk city of (olumboa, in th county of Platte, aad state of Nebraska, is uathotixed to have succes sion for the period specified in ita amended ar ticles 01 association, namely until close oT busi ness oa October sixth. IKS. in testimony wiiereor witness my HEAL I hand and seal of office thia sixth Iu. M2. day of October. Wi. Wm. B. Uiooklv. , lSoctAt Comptroller of the Currency. Fiir Pmoi-llj Cniictei Eichwis go' TO CALIFORNIA Every week with choice of routes. These excur sions leave Omaha via UNION PACIPICev'ry Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 4:25 p. m. And can be joined at any point enroute Full information cheerfully furnished on application to W. II. BENHAM, Agent. WHEN IN NEED OF Briefs, Dodgers, Sale bills, Envelopes, Catalogues, Hand bills, Statements, Note heads. Letterheads, Meal tickets, Lecral blanks. Visiting cards, Milch checks. Business cards, Dance invitations, Society invitations, Wedding invitations, Or, in short, any kind of JOB PRINTING, Call on or address, Journal, Columbus. Nabraaka. The Tunison atlas we are offering Jockxai. subscribers is larger than any other atlas yet published. It shows each hemisphere sixty inches in circum ference, the two combined forming a map of the world four feet by two and n quarter feet. These are only two out of many maps in the large volume. We will give any of our subscribers an oppor tunity to own one of these books. By paying up your subscription to date aad $3.40 you may have the book and one year's subscription in advance to Tm JotTRXAik New subscribers may have the two for $3.40. M prostration aad all diseases of the gcaerattve the money, soft Clev PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity aad omissions, increase vig-' or aad banish "osine fl BasaSanaX I na S. I 1BassTsv lB THETR'ESEEE! THEY'RE here now, so you will sot have to wait. Bright, new and handsome, each one perfectly finished and the prettiest line ever shown in Columbus. No useless trap pings on these buggies the price is put into materia, workman ship and finish. Each one is ready to hitch your horse to, and the price won't make a heavy load to carry. They're here, but they're going. Can't I send one your wny? Inquiry and inspec tion desired. ::::::: Ticni mil IEEII BEXMY FINE BUGGIES. Eut13lh Street, COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, spring 50 Corn, shelled-ft bnabsl ... 310 Oata, new V bnahal 23 Barley ybusaet 90 Bye-Vbaaael 35 Hogs V owt. 5 500 5 75 Fatateera-Vewt 2 50 4 00 FatcowaHpcwt 2 25 3 00 Stock steers-Vcwt 3 000 4 00 PoUtoes-V bnaaeL 200 Butter V t. 180 20 Egga-Vdoaen. 200 Marketa corrected every Tasaday af ternoon. 9BBBBBBBBBBBSBBBSaaBBBBWBBHBBUBnBWimWaWim SHABBY CLOTHES Eat np a maa'a confidence. The poorly dressed man is afraid to peso ahead it briasjs hia clothes iato prominence, and thai makes hint un comfortable. He usually geta ready-to-wear clothing. Sometisaea it file him and sometimes it dossal. It gets worn and shabby, aad still he ia compelled to wear it. For about the price of ready-made clothes we could have made him an elegant aait, per fect fit, style and finish. A full line of fall goods. UNSTBUMa Tko Tailor. . C. CASS IN, raoraiaTOB or Oaala Meat Marbl Vaaaraamaw smavavVJal anssasai araraf w Fresh, and Salt MeatsawV (hnaandFi&m JagTHigheat market prioee paid fat Hide and Tallow. THMTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA TIME TATtTfTC COLUMBUS, NEB. Lincoln, Chicago, St. Joseph, TaaaasClty, aK.LoniaaaWI all Batte, alt Lake city, Portias, polnta nil TBAina Ko.22 ur 70S a. at tawawm 14ft . a Ho. SZ natarday. TBaiss aaaivB. Ho.a .dally sxeaatl daily Sell B TIME TABLE D.P.RR. bast aotnrn. sum use. No. Re. l&kk Special 84 Oraad Istaad Local to. IdS a. at. m a. at. Ho. Ht.Fi Mali. Ho. a. Kaatara Kspraaa.. Ho. 2.0vartaadLteiad Ho. 4, AUaatic aSptaw7.. .....V..".:. sas a. . ftsuas ... aqeaa, auia uaa. Ho. 1.0vsrlaadLgitad. its a no.m.raatwau MM a. at. IS a . S3gat. as. . ferna. -. rita.m. so. z.retac Ho. ?.Oraad TTn II Tnln flmrlil MO avaaj anfMaPK aoBiou Ho! 71. . 1-Mp. m. . 7:11a.m. Arriva No. at. Ho. 72, .1230. a. IMp.m. aikos Asa caaaa uim Ho. SB, He. 7. e.i easa.m. Be. 78. ! .Antra He. 74. Mixed Harfelki Be traiae aaaasar ttalaa raa detly. avawaawnsai saw JawaTanhl asal Ttv. mAfttoaadCsaavsSLvBsaa, I - " " 1 - H STYLES sums Lwkeb COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. A VACATION WITHOUT A KODAK IS A VACATION WASTED. $1.00 to $25. Ei. J. Man fUtMt Walca. BLACZSlflTH -AMD- " "a WACOM WORK. ETerjthi.,; i. eir liie aad eerj thing gMaraateew. Best ferscvsheei-.c; la tha city. A lae liae T Baggies, Carriages, etc. agent for the nl.l Colnmbaa Baggy Company, of Colum- one, unio, which ia a sufficient guaran tee of strictly first-cuss goods. LOUIS SCHREIBEIL aecttf IFCOINC EAST or soath of Chicago ask your local ticket ageat to ronteyou between Omaha ad Chicago via the iMltWAUKEEi JrSrMil the shortest liae between the two citiea Traiae via thia popular road depart front the Union depot, Omaha, daily, eoaaectiair with train from tho west. Magaileently equipped traiae, palace slsepsrs aad free reclining chair can. Ib? care aad buffet, library aad entokieg oars. All trains lighted by trieity. For fall information about rate, etc, address F. A. Nam, O"! Western Agent, 1504 Faraaa. St., Omaha. H. W. Howczx, Trar. Freight and Pass. Agt. EevterielN Fearless. CesMitwaafr BeeaeKcae. free all of the world-Wall S wwm. erigiaal etoriee-AaamM. .. S -Aruelea aa HeaUa, the Home. S -?. r About the tiarrtaa. S Mailr lift (too " Associated Press, the Wmmm Newspaper receiving tho awrafi news service of the "w xern aa aad saecial cable of tk 7 i"erk World-daily reports from csv the RONEIOLgi! I AMERICA'S i BEST a a awa aaajai mar a m am nw - 1. i& , r :. - Y: Ifc I $ s I issBsasann . pWy M I rrtj M n -zrKts 3T-. 179W '- j,Lt v