The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 12, 1902, Image 4

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A Three Days' Jag
On Sulphuric Acid.
f !3 cot far to Yesterday
-" And" there we turn our eyes
-"To r.ficre the good, glad ocwrSes
-." . In" pleasing pictures ris.
v.ihb -faded roses of to-day
"- " Gtow red and rich with dew.
- And rchere- gray clouds are spreading
Y .see the slcics of blue;
Just down the ray is Yesterday
There sunshine always, beams;
o-d&y we close our eyes and see
. Our Yesterday Jn dreams;
- .o-day we hear " the long-dead sons.
And now we .understand
Its' cadence, and know why It made
OUr Yesrday all grand.
A little way to Yesterday-To-day
may have Its fears.
Yet Yesterday is filled with anile.
To-morrow has Its tears
To-day to-morrow What of them.
When we can find the way
That leads us to the golden land
The land of Yesterday?
It Is not far to Yesterday.
With glamour of the rose: !
With haunting echo of the sons
That thrilled us to the close.
To-morrow and To-day will lose
Tlieir darkness and their gloom.
And each will soon b Yesterday
With melody and bloom.
Rotable among the colored heroes
si the revolution was brave Austin
Dabney of Georgia. His owner cra
venly refused to shoulder a flintlock,
but the negro offered to enlist, and,
after some discussion, the officers en
rolled him. He was one of the heroic
hand who faced the charge of the
Seventy-first Highland regiment at
Blackstock's farm, and turned the
crack troops of Europe in open field
Mlth ri'le and musket against the
bayonet, and at Kettle Creek Dabney
was severely wounded. After the war
lie was pensioned by the United
States government and received
grants of land from Georgia. For gal
lant service in the field he was freed
by an act of the state legislature and
his value paid from the public funds.
Gratelul to the white family who
nursed him when wounded, he earned
money to educate their eldest son, and
wept with J03- when the youth was
admitted to the bar. Riding into
Savannah to draw his pension he
humbly fell to the rear of the white
men he liore company. Gov. James
Jackson, himself the owner of many
slaves, saw Dabney, rushed out, shook
his companion in arms by the hand,
and had him lodged in his "quarters,"
or row of houses where the servants
lived. Leslie's Monthly.
A Gettysburg Monument.
Ex-Representative Morgan of Mis-
ouri tells a good story about an old
toper in the state of the muddy water.
When he first settled down to practice
the town boasted of a drug store run
by one of his friends. The store had
a soda fountain and back of this, with
the bottles of liquids otherwise medi
cinal, was placed a bottle of whisky.
In the town was an octogenarian,
known as Uncle Billy. It was Uncle
Billy's habit to step into the drug
store every morning, pass behind the
counter, and help himself to a tum
bler of whisky.
"Good mornln'," he always said, and
"Good mornin', Uncle Billy," every
body said to him. That was about all
that passed in a conversational way as
he made his regular morning call.
One morning Uncle Billy had made
his regular visit to the habitat of the
whisky bottle, and was just disappear
ing through the door when the drug
gist discovered that Uncle Billy had
drunk out of the wrong bottle. He
had taken his potion from a bottle of
sulphuric acid. Well, the druggist was
almost panic-stricken. Uncle Billy
had gotten out of sight, meantime,
and the druggist closed the door of his
shop, and in fear and trembling sent
for his friend, the struggling young
lawyer who later represented the state
in congress. When told the situation
Alorgan advised that the only thing
to do was to open the doors just as if
nothing had happened and to await
Both momentarily expected word of
Uncle Billy's death. Three days
passed and no word came. Finally
they were about to conclude that he
had dropped dead from his dose ot
the poison in some obscure spot
where no one had yet come along to
discove. him, when Uncle Billy, look
ing a little the worse for wear, but
smiling all over, walked in rather ner
vously. The druggist was beside him
self for joy.
"Glad to see you, Uncle Billy," he
exclaimed, and repeated. "I am cer
tainly glad to see you this morning.
I've got a bottle of the finest brand
of whisky I want you to try."
"Sorry," answered Uncle Billy, "but
the fact 1b the last time I was here I
got some that Ju a leetle bit differ
ent from anything I ever had before.
But it was the finest I ever tasted,
and I think I will stick to that"
And the old man, who, instead of
being killed by the poison, had got
ten a three days' jag on it, insisted on
being allowed to sample the sulphuric
acid again.
A practical joke is a fool's cowardly
One of the monuments at Gettysburg
erected by the people of the great New
England state to commemorate the
valor of their volunteer soldiers.
'The world will little note nor long
remember what we say here, but It
ran never forget what they did here."
The above memorable words were
spoken by the immortal Lincoln at
the dedication of the battlefield of
Gettysburg, Nov. 19. 1863. Two great
armies met there and fought the
grandest battle in history a fair field
and about equal numbers on a side,
about 100,000 each. The army of the
South, named the army of northern
Virginia, fought under the leadership
of their favorite Gen. R. E. Lee, and
flushed with their victories at Fred
ricksburg and Chanceliorsville. The
Army of the Potomac battled under
the leadership of Gen. George G.
Meade, who had been in command
only three days, July 1, 2 and 3. 1SC3.
Both armies were in a death grap
ple. Forward and back, surged the
masses of the bravest of the brave
on both sides, says a writer in the
Detroit Free Press. The loyal people
of the north, and especially of the
Keystone state held their breath.
Loyal Pennsylvania's soil was drench
ed with blood from every state in the
north in her defense. Along "Willow
by Run" in the "Loup," in the "Wheat
field," at the "Peach Orchard." on
"Little Round Top" and the "Devii's
Den," "Culps Hill," "Cemetery Ridge,"
and away to our right at "Runnels
Farm," there was "Glorious fighting
along the whole line." Which side
won the battle? The Army of the
Potomac, that grand old army which
met so many defeats, drove back the
Army of the South, and demonstrated
to the world that the union was safe.
Life's Plans Seem
Sadly Out of Joint.
"They are going to build a monu
ment to Gen. William H. Gibson in
Ohio," said the major, "and it ought
to be a big one. 1 remember Gibson
before the war, when he ranked as
the most eloquent man in the new Re
publican party. My boy's heart went
out to him when he was dismissed
from the State Trcasuier's office be
cause of the defalcation of another
man. There were a lot of us young
sters who grieved over the enforced
silence of Gibson in the campaign of
SCO, and who rejoiced when the cloud
lifted from his personality in 1SG1.
"When Gibson announced that he
would raise a regiment for the Union
service over 400 men In his county
came to him. His fervid, picturesque
oratory was heard again in central
Ohio, and over 700 Ohio-born men
served in his regiment The Forty
ninth Ohio, under Gibson, was the
first fully organized Union regiment
to enter Kentucky, and the survivors
of the regiment remember with a
thrill the enthusiastic reception at
Louisville." Chicago Inter Ocean.
The Ninth Massachusetts.
If, Indeed, the Intention was that
jife should mean happiness, how sad
has been the blundering! For consid
er, for one thing, the pitiful ignorance
which has resulted in such tragic suf
fering to humanity. As a matter of
fact man has been cheated of his
birthright, supposing him entitled to
happiness, for has he net been com
pelled, unaided, to wrestle with the
problem of fitting himself to his en
vironment? Through long ages, by
sweat of brow, travail of spirit and
onerous physical toil, he has struggled
to adjust himself to conditions into
which he was thrust He found no
paradise of happiness free to all. Life
is a perpetual struggle, not elysium,
says Vogue. Not only have millions
been the victims of hideous slavery,
but the whole race, from all time, has
suffered cruelly because of ignorance,
the most pathetic phase of this suffer
ing being the unpremeditated cruelty
and injustice which results from ig
norant parentage. Can those who
claim happiness as a birthright explain
why sentient beings predestined for
happiness are not put in the way of
achieving it? For instance, is the fate
which is supposed to dispense happi
ness asleep, or gone on a journey,
that it permits northern capitalistic
unholy love of money to combine with
southern parental greed for the tor
ture of children, in the process of mill
money getting? If happiness be the de
signed portion for humanity, then are
life's plans sadly out of joint, for the
most cunning of malevolent spirits
could not possibly devise greater vari
ety or more lacerating kinds of misery
than those which human beings in all
grades of society are made to experi
ence. Apart from tne mevitauie per
sonal sorrows which affect all, how is
it possible for any but the very young
or the very selfish to be happy in a
world where the majority are miser
able because of disease, little health,
dire poverty, incapacity, onerous la
bor or cruel anxiety? Life as disci
pline for character-building is an in
spiring conception. Life as an abor
tive happy hunting ground is an appal
ling theory
Some of the Popular
Cures for Rheumatism.
Erected on the spot where the Third
Massachusetts battery held position
throughout the great battle.
Among the interesting figures at
(he recent naval maneuvers at New
London was a signal corps sergeant
named Ackers, who lays claim to one
of the most remarkable war records
in the army. At Manila, in China and
Jn the west he has seen service. At
the time of the Chinese campaign he
was chief telegraph operator of the
American forces. During the battle
before Tientsin Ackers was sent with
a message to Colonel Liscum of the
Ninth Infantry, " whose regiment was
under heavy fire. The orders were to
"I brought the word to Liscum,"
said Ackers, in telling the story.
"Liscum's fighting blood was up, and
he was mad at the idea of retreating.
Turning to me he gave me about the
worst wigging I ever received. There
we stood out in the open, with the bul
lets flying in all directions and the
colonel sailing into me for fair. Of
course, I had to stand up to attention,
and it wasn't the most comfortable
position in the world with about 50,000
Chinese shooting at us.
"Well. Liscum had just about finish
ed with one tack and was beginning
another when all of a sudden he
doubled up and went down In a heap
In front of me. I think that was the
end of a wigging. The sheer nerve
of the man to stand up there and call
me down as if we were in barracks
while bullets were whizzing on all
sides was wonderful, but it cost him
his life."
American men of science have re
turned to an old cure for rheumatism,
in the shape of bee stings. The scien
tific explanation is that a bee when
stinging injects formic acid which is a
cure for rheumatism. What probably
happens is that the patient, after hav
ing sat for some time on the beehive,
forgets all about the rheumatism.
It is probably the long continuance
of damp weather which has inspired
so many newspaper correspondents to
give the world just now their notions
on cures for rheumatism. We referred
briefly the other day to the American
revival of cure by bee stings a meas
ure heroic enough to please every Si
mon Stylites in the world; and now
we are told in the press of a cure by
means of a mole's foot worn next to
the skin, suspended from the neck by
a silken cord so that it hangs a little
below the chest In many jewelers'
shops one may see "rings for rheum
atism," it being a common faith
among even educated people that a
metal ring worn on the little finger of
the left hand is a cure infallible. But
of all these notions the most interest
ing and probably the most popular in
England is that known by the name of
the potato cure, as the London Globe
says. It is said that if a person suf
fering from rheumatism will carry a
potato about with him he will find
himself free from pain and distress.
It is asserted that a potato carried in
the pocket of a rheumatic person will
speedily become as hard as a rock,
while in the keeping of a person free
from the complaint it remains in its
ordinary condition. Therefore it would
appear as if the explanation of "faith"
in this case doss not apply as it
would perhaps in the matter of
charms. So far as we know, science
has no pronounced judgment on the
potato cure, but it would certainly be
interesting to obtain a scientific ex
planation of the hardening of the potato.
Some Points on Cattle Feeding.
Bulletin 76 of the Mississippi sta
tion says:
Abundant feed for cattle during
four or five months of late fall, win
ter and early spring is a most im
portant matter. Beef steers will mar
ket almost an unlimited amount of
feed, but not at a very high price.
The farmers of the corn and alfalfa
sections of the country depend on
beef steers and hogs to market much
of their crop. They will feed a steer
half a battel of corn a day and the
necessary roughage and are satisfied
with a gain of five pounds for each
bushel of corn fed. If they can mar
ket their alfalfa hay at $5.00 a ton by
feeding or otherwise they have made
good profit on their land.
The man who does not own some
land and who does not have some
thing or who does not wish to grow
something for cattle to eat has no use
for cattle. The function of livestock
on the farm is to convert grain and
grass and roughage, that are produced
on the farm, into meat or other live
stock products. As a people we are
accustomed to high priced feeds and
tn hnvlntr large amounts of grain. It
is equally true that our farmers de
pend on the oil mills to buy their cot
ton seed and they take whatever
these mills offer. There is a demand
for cattle on the farms to eat cotton
seed or the meal and hulls after the
oil is extracted. It is desirable to
grow more restorativo crops and with
these and manure to make the land
more productive. Oil mills do not
pay high prices for seed. Good cat
tle doubtless would give as good and
perhaps better returns for them and
leave the fertilizing elements on the
farm as an additional profit
In determining the relative values
of feeds the results obtained by this
station show that a ton of cotton seed
will produce about one-sixth more
beef than a ton of corn, and a ton of
cotton seed meal will produce twice
as much. Cowpea hay and Johnson
grass hay are about equal in value.
One and a half pounds of corn stover
are about equal in value to one pound
of cowpea hay. The cotton seed hulls
that we have been using this season
are nearly equal in value to good
Johnson-grass hay 12 pounds of the
hulls giving as good results as 10
pounds of hay.
I previous to being used, so that a suf
ficient amount of water could be ap
plied at one time to properly do the
work. It I recognized as a principle
that the "Mttle-and-often" method of
watering will not do.
2a the West this system has been
brought to some perfection, especially
in Western Kansas and Western Ne
braska. There a windmill will fill a
reservoir with enough water to irri
gate about 15 acres of land, which, of
course, is not used for grain growing,
but for the raising of vegetables. But
the cost of constructing a reservoir is
considerable, and the cost of erecting
a windmill tower is also considerable.
So if a method could be found that
would make it possible to supply water
to the land in a large enough stream to
irrigate it direct there would be a
considerable saving. This the Arizona
station has done. It has used an or
dinary engine for lifting the water,
but has employed a very large stream
of water for the purpose. From seven
to 42 acres of ground can thus be ir
rigated in a single day of 24 hours.
The use of a large stream of water
has a great advantage over the use of
a small stream. The experiments are
to be continued at the Arizona station
and will doubtless bring to light many
things, especially the economy of us
ing certain kinds of fuel. In all of
our states there are times in the year
when an application of water would
save valuable crops. There are those
that persistently stick to the idea that
we should not irrigate if we live in
the humid states. But if a drouth
comes just before a crop is ready to
harvest and ruins it. the result is the
same as If it had been present all the
Hitherto it has been thought that
only garden truck could be irrigated,
the expense being too great for field
crops. But at the station mentioned it
was found that irrigation could be car
ried on at about SI per acre and cover
the ground more than five inches deep
with water. At this rate any kind of a
crop could be irrigated to advantage.
There is evidently a great future for
this kind of enterprise. In some of
our hilly states there are no end of
water powers going to waste, which
will doubtless some day be used as
has been indicated.
A Conflict Over Swiss Cheese.
Henry H. Morgan, United State
Consul at Lucerne, Switzerland, re
ports to the government:
There is a conflict between the
producers and the dealers in Swiss
cheeso in Switzerland, causing a sus
pension of the usual business ot the
season, through which our own deal
ers In this article might profit The
conflict is caused by the dealers in
sisting that the producers should
comply with the old-fashioned cus
tom of giving as a bonus an addi
tional 6 per cent of the purchased
weight The same difficulty occurred
last year, and American buyers pur
chased direct from the producers, but
the latter soon gave in and their en
tire output was immediately bought
by tho Swiss dealer.!.
This year, the Dealers' Association
has agreed to impose a penalty ot
1,000 francs ($193) on any member
of the association who buys cheese
without the bonus ot 6 per cent and I
in retaliation 500 cheesemakers
have entered into an agreement cot
to give more than the weight actually
bought and paid for, in default ot
which they bind themselves to the
payment of a fine of from 1,000 to
3,000 francs ($193 to $579).
The situation offers an excellent
opportunity for foreign dealers to buy
the finest and most valuable Swiss
product at an exceptionally low price,
lipon reliable authority, I am in
formed that French dealers have al
ready availed themselves of the opening.
Revenge may be sweet if one could
by a
Originality is a new flavor given
to an old-fashioned cocktail.
I have more fear of a hypocritical
old cuss than I have of a hardened old
The acting mayor is In receipt of a
letter from S. B. Pearson of Stephen
ville. Tex., stating that he has a sword
which was worn by Gen. Andrew
Jackson during the war of 1812. After
the battle of New Orleans Gen. Jack
son presented it to Capt Robert Fen
ner for bravery displayed during the
battle. Capt Fenner. Mr. Person
wiites, had a brother, or first cousin,
who was a resident of New Orleans,
and whose name was Dr. Erasmus
Feaner. a practicing physician. Mr.
Person further writes that he has been
advised that there is at present a fam
ily bearing the name of Fenner In tab
city. If so, they might be interested,
he thinks, in obtaining possession of
this Interesting relic. The Dr. Eras
mus Fenner referred to in Mr. Per
son's letter was the father of Judge
Charles E. Fenner and grandfather of
Mr. Charles t. Fenner and Dr. E. D.
Fenner. The Capt Robert Fenner was
a relative of Dr. Fenner, and subse
quently settled in Texas, where he has
descendants. New Orleans Times-Democrat
Embarrassing Mistake Made
Visitor to Hayti.
That the character of the frequent
revolutions In Hayti tends decidedly
toward opera bouffe is attested by a
story which has gained currency in
the navy department during the last
week. It emanated from a man who
held, under one of the mushroom gov
ernments of Hayti, the post of admiral
of the Haytian navy, the same office
held by Admiral Killick, who is re
ported to have gone to the bottom
with his ship, the Crete-a-Pierrot,
when it was sunk by the German gun
boat Panther.
Tne admiral was standing in the
doorway of a hotel in Port au Prince
in company with another American,
who was familiar with Haytian cus
toms. Down the main street came a band
of negroes. They were ignorant look
ing and seemed little inclined to
march ahead, but were forced along
against their wills by the persuasive
powers of long black whips in the
hands of brilliantly uniformed per
sons, evidently officers of the Haytian
"Who are those convicts?" asked
the admiral, turning to his friend.
The friend appeared surprised, for
he had just finished talking of the rev
olution reported to be raging outside
Port au Prince. "Why, no indeed,
they're not convicts," he replied.
They are volunteers going to the
How Young Moody Came to Admire
Fortitude of Stephen.
Paul D. Moody, son of the evangel
ist, was a class deacon and a powei
of righteousness in his class at Yak
1901. To his strength of character
were added companionable qualities
that made him very popular with his
One day Paul was induced to get
Into the exhilarating game of "nigger
Through a conspiracy it
Losses of Sheep from Parasites.
The greatest menace to sheep hus
bandry. What is it? It is not the
menace from the presence of dogs or
wolves, although in these, in some
states, is found a most serious men
ace. It is not in the liability to a
change in tariffs, although this might
work great harm, according to the
nature of the change, writes Professor
Thomas Shaw in American Sheep
Breeder. Nor is it even in the flood
ing of the country with shoddy not
properly labeled. It is the increasing
losses in flocks in many sections from
the constantly increasing ravages of
parasites. These have multiplied un
til they are a source of losses which,
in certain areas, give cause to posi
tive alarm. If it could be known
how many sheep in the United States
are lost every year through the preva
lence of parasites the figures would be
It would probably be correct to say
that nine-tenths of the losses of sheep
in this country every year arise from
one or the other of the various kinds
of parasites which select sheep for
their especial prey. These losses run
all the way from no loss at all in some
flocks to very great loss in others.
The alarming feature of such loss
does not arise so much from the num
ber of the animals lost as from the
fact that those ailments are not well
understood; that is to say, they are
not well understood In so far as their
life history is concerned. This is true
particularly of tape worm in some of
its forms, and also of stomach worms.
It is not certainly known how those
parasites exist separate from the
sheep. As long as such is the fact
just so long will men work more or
less in the dark fighting these troubles.
Ways Swine Get Tuberculosis.
Occasionally a barrow is found with
tuberculosis of the scrotum, says Dr.
S. Stewart. It is not rare to find a sow.
with this disease in one or more of the
teats, usually one, sometimes two, and
in no other part of the body, showing
that the infection was from virus
getting into that particular part
There are other sources and ways of
infection, but those given are the
most common. When once the disease
is introduced into the herd, then it
is readily propagated from the dis
eased to the healthy, and thus the in
fected animal becomes a source of
further distribution of the disease.
There is much interest to be taken
in the channels of the body through
which these germs may find entrance
and the tissue in which they may
propagate. Close observation shows
that most cases are infected through
the structures of the throat You re
call what the tonsil is in your own
throat Swine have a similar struc
ture in their throat, and just beyond
these tonsils or in relation to them,
there are structures known as lymph
ganglia, or glands, or kernels. These
lymph ganglia are simply centers
along the course of little vessels which
lead from the tissues in all parts of
the body to the central blood stream,
and, next to the tonsilar disturbances,
the disease is found in these glands,
at the angle of the jaw, just inside. In
the government inspection these
glands are carefully examined, and it
is surprising to note the large num
ber that are found to be diseased.
Finding it there calls for investigation
all over the body.
The Question of Licensing.
In Canada they are discussing the
proposition of licensing cheese fac
tories. In Minnesota the licensing ot
buttermakers Is being discussed. It
is not improbable that the license
question will before long assume con
siderable proportion in dairy matters.
It Is certain that we have butter-makers,
cheese-makers, butter factories
and cheese factories that would be
hard hit by a license system. We
might include also the professional
users of the Babcock test Some of
the men that are now making butter
and cheese certainly could not obtain
a license it the rules were at all
strict And it would be a good thing
if they could not In some of our
factories tho owners make the plea
that if they had to have things In a
sanitary condition they would not be
able to run their establishments, as
they have no capital with which to
make extensive changes in their
buildings and machinery- Very well,
then, let them shut up and leave the
road clear for those that are ready
to do better. If a business of this
kind cannot be conducted properly it
should not be conducted at all. The
public has some rights in the matter.
It has a right to be protected against
dirt, which too often means disease.
Plants That Live In Insects.
To say that plants live upon and ft
Insects sounds like "putting the cart
before the horse" for usually . one
thinks of Insects as living and feed
ing upon plants. Almost everyone has
noticed during the latter part of sum-,
mer and in the autumn, the dead files
attached by their tongues to the walls
of the house and to the window-panes,
and also the dead grasshoppers cling
ing to the weeds and grass stems in
such a way that .they 'appear to have
died from fear of either falling off or
of being carried by a- strong wind to
a leu favorable feeding ground. Vari
ous other Insects .are also found dead
in considerable numbers. It some
times happens that an entire swarm of
bees Is destroyed within a Short time
and that silkworms that were eating
raveneously and apparently in perfect
health, become inactive and die wlthia
a few days.
An examination of some of these
dead insects shows that they are cov
ered with a white cottony substaaca
which breaks through their bodies at
the segments,, while others . have
changed color and finally rotted with
out any visible cause. A few insects.
such as the white grub which is the
young stage of the May beetle, are oc
casionally found with variously col
ored horn-like objects projecting out
of their dead bodies.
The loss to the silk industry and to
the bee raisers has brought about a
careful Investigation of tho diseases
of the silkworm and bee in order to
determine the cause of their wholesale
destruction and to find some means of
preventing it In the case of certain
other insects. the grasshoppers, cod
ling moth, chinch bug, and the omnt-.i
present house fly for example, means
for destroying them is of as much im
portance as for protecting the silk
worm and honey bee.
As a result these investigations have
shown that the death of many insects
is caused by plants which live Inside
of them and which feed upon them.
Plants living after this manner are
known as fungi. Instead of obtaining
their food from the soil and air like
the sunflower and the corn, they get
it either from living plants and ani
mals or from dead ones. Other famil
iar examples of the fungi are the
toadstools, the mildews, and the
moulds. Prof. John L. Sheldon.
Maine Tries Angora Goats.
The first problem we met was suit
able fencing. We soon found that
while they do not jump they are good
climbers and that they will go over
any fence the top of which they can
reach with the fore feet The horns
devolved on some of the ewes point backward
Memories of the dark days of the re
public, when deeds of valor and su
blime heroism were a part of the daily
life of every brave citizen-soldier,
wt.-e recalled and thrillingly recount
ed with choked voices, warm hand
clasps or merry laughter by the thou
sands of Union veterans assembled in
Washington. It was the day of annual
reunions of the many branches of the
Grand Army the day upon which the
veterans gather every year to tell
again and again the never-tiring
stones of friendships long and last
ing, of sacrifices noble and brave, of
privations stern and terrible, which
had their origin in the din of battle
or under the star-lit heavens in the
still watches of the night when men
were drawn together in the fellow
ship of suffering by their common
trials and dangers.
Col. William A. Banks is dead at
his home in Bryan, Tex., at the age
of 59 years. He was a native of Vir
ginia and a graduate of Wshington
and Lee University. His life was
speit in educational work, and he was
eminently successful in Virginia,
North Carolina, Arkansas and Texas.
Colonel Banks served through the
civil war, and is mentioned in history
as the colonel of the Virginia regi
ment participating in the raid on Har
per's Ferry, where John Brown was
Dark her eyes; yet darker ever
Is the darkness that they know,
3ray the dust upon them lying-
Where the tinted daisies grow.
2old and white; where friend or lover
May not seek her, never come.
Little hands so pale and listless.
Singing mouth forever dumb.
What though birds in leafy clover
Tune a merry roundelay.
Fast asleep beneath the clover
Heeds she not the break o day.
Dn her breast the lotus flowers
Linger yet in death's perfume.
like their mistress, stilled to sleeping
By the shadow of the tomb.
baby" a favorite campus pastime,
upon him to pay the rigorous penalty
of the game, which consisted in
crouching against Alumni hall while
the other participants, fifty feet away
took three shots each at him with a
tennis ball. Great was the hope of
the Philistines that a worldly, un
deaconlike cry would burst from the
target at some stinging hit, but none
"I guess you swore under your
breath once or twice, anyway; now,
didn't you, Paul?" a fellow player
asked, when the ordeal was over.
"No, I didn't," replied Moody frank
ly. "But, I tell you when 'Bob' Rob
ertson (the 'Varsity pitcher) was
throwing, I appreciated as never
before the magnificent fortitude o'
Stephen, the stoned martyr."
Ingenious Poachers.
Poachers in the Ardennes are in
genious. One had the heels of his
loots fixed under his toes, so that
lis tracks appeared to be going in an
ipposite direction. Hares and other
ame are sent to Brussels In firkins
)f butter, so that the scent shall not
letray them.
Horses Need Steady Work.
The horses that are best able to
fan it ftm1 riratna an thnaA whiMi
vork steadily every day In the week. J the coast line.
Italy Proposes Compensation for Men
Unjustly Condemned.
A new criminal bill Is about to be
discussed in Italy, and it is thought
in Rome that it will be passed. It
proposes to concede to those found
to have been unjustly condemned to
prison an indemnity, to be decided
upon by the courts.
If the person has been in prison
through a real judicial error the in
demnity will in some way correspond
to the financial loss which he and his
family have sustained, while if he has
been condemned through the bad faith
of a third person, through false tes
timony (for which, of course, the
court which condemned him is not re
sponsible), the indemnity will be less
but at least he will have the where
withal to begin life anew.
It has been proposed to indemnify
those living when the law passes who
have already been released from un
merited condemnations or the families
of those who have died while under
going unjust sentence.
Newfoundland Sparsely Settled.
The island of Newfoundland a ter
ritory as large as the state of New
York has only about 250,000 inhab
itants, and these are sprinkled along
in a V shape. In the caso of a woven
wire fence with squaro openings even
with four inch mesh they will push
their heads through the openings and
get hung by their horns. With this
kind of a fence it was necessary to
visit them two or three times a day to
release the prisoners. In 1901 wo
gave them too extensivo a range and
they did but little clearing up. In
May, 1902, six ewes, one buck and five
kids were put in an aero of young
woodland of a mixed growth, most
of the trees three to six inches in
diameter. There was a quite thick
growth of underbrush. Tho small
underbrush of birch, maple, hazel
bush, etc., have been cleaned up so
that where there are no alders or
evergreens the ground under the trees
is as clean as though it had been
burned over. Sweet fern they do not
like very well, but they have cleaned
all of the hardhack out of this piece
Ferns and brakes have been eaten to
some extent They have eaten the
leaves and young sprigs of bushes In
preference to grass. Birches two
inches or more in diameter they have
not injured but they have stripped
the bark from every maple. Even
maple trees six inches in diameter
have been thus killed. We have found
them to be fond of the bark of apple
trees, even eating the bark from old
To clean up birch or evergreen
wood land they have proven very ef
fective. There has been practically
no cost for the summer's keeping.
The twelve goats have been kept with
out other food on one acre of young
wood land. They have required no
care other than an occasional visit
to see that they are all right and
that they have water. Salt was given
occasionally. Chas. D. Woods, Di
rector Maine Experiment station.
Points in Swine Judging.
Prof. W. J. Kennedy gives the fol
lowing suggestions regarding some of
the points to be noted in judging
Head A short broad head especial
ly wide between the eyes and the ears
is usually associated with width and
compactness of body throughout and
is an Indication of an aptitude to fat
ten rapidly. A snout of medium length
is desirable.
Eyes Tho eyes should be clear,
large, wide apart, and free from
wrinkles or folds of fat, which often
causes blindness.
Ears A small, fine ear indicates re
finement throughout. This is desir
able. The carriage of the ear will de
pend upon the parentage of the hog,
being erect in tho Berkshires, half
drooping in the Poland-China, and al
most wholly drooping in the Duroc
Jersey and most of the large white
Jowl A broad, neat, smooth, firm
Jowl is desirable. Flabbiness of jowl
duo to excess of fat in this region is
very objectionable.
Neck The neck should be short,
thick and deep. It should blend
smoothly into the shoulder vein and
shoulder without any depression.
Shoulder and Shoulder Vein The
shoulder vein is that portion just in
front of tho shoulder where the neck
joins the shoulder. Fullness in this
part Is very desirable, as it usually
results in a smoothly covered wide
shoulder. Tho shoulder should be
broad, deep and compact on top. Prom
inent shoulder blades and a slackness
between the same are very objectionable.
Process Butter Makers Organize.
About forty manufacturers of proc
ess butter have organized themselves
into on association under the name of
the National Association of Process
Butter Manufacturers. They have
set forth their reason for combining
as "the desire to prevent the inju
rious effects of individual competi
tion." In other words they will be
in a position to fix the price that shall
be paid for the butter that goes into
their factories to be worked over. If
they are paying twelve cents for It
now they will doubtless find eleven
cents all it is worth and a little later
may conclude that ten is enough. The
butter makers of the country may as
well settle down to the conclusion
that the price fixed will always be In
favor of the factories and not of the
country butter maker or of the corner
grocery keeper that sells it to them.
At this time about the only way to
3scape from a condition where the
maker of the butter will have noth
ing to say about the making of the
price is to learn to make butter so
good that it will not have to be sold
to the manufacturers of process butter.
New Possibilities in Pump Irrigation.
Much has already been said in these
columns relative to irrigating small
areas on the farm by means of pumps.
Generally wind power has beea the
force used and advocated. It has been
taken for granted that any means of
supplying water by pumping meant
the supplying of it in sucn small quan
tities at the time of pumping that it
would have to be stored in reservoirs
The White Grub Fungus (Cordyceps).
Probably the most conspicuous fun
gus which lives In Insects and one
which attracts attention on account of
its size, peculiar shape and occasional
bright color, is Cordyceps. It attacks
all orders of six-legged Insects and
certain of the spiders, producing what
is termed "vegetable sprout" This
fungus, in one of its fruiting stages,
covers the insect with a white growth
or filaments similar to Sporotrichum,
in fact it has been mistaken for Spor
otrichum. This is the much more
common form and has been given the
name Isario. In the second fruiting
stage, the fungus grows inside the
grub of the May beetle or other Insect
until it is ready to fruit, when one or
more club-shaped bodies, often several
inches long, grow outside. Inside
these club-shaped bodies are numerous
small pockets containing sacs filled
with long, slender spores. At matur
ity the spores leave the sacs and es
cape to the ground through small
openings in the club-shaped bodies.
Just how the filaments from these
spores gain an entrance into some in
sect is probably not definitely known,
but possibly by becoming attached to
it as it crawls over the ground. Prof.
John L. Sheldon.
White Oleo at Illinois Fair.
Probably It will do little good to
remark that on tho state fair grounds
at Springfield last week white oleo
itargarino was being used freely by
the restaurants. The writer saw hun
dreds eating it, but heard no com
plaint. It was evidently looked upon
as quite the proper thing, when a
cheap meal was being set up to the
visitors. The people of course had
the right to refuse to eat the oleo.
or even to cat at the restaurants
handling the oleo, but in that case
they would simply have had to go
without their dinners, on some of the
days when the attendance was the
largest. The use of white oleo at the
time and place mentioned is but one
straw pointing to the probability that
white oleo is to become popular. The
futuro verdict is going to be in this
order of approval: Good butter,
oleo, poor butter. The white oleo is
going to outclass the poor butter. The
maker of poor butter is to find him
self at tho foot of the line as to rep
tation and profits. Farmers Review.
The Onior. Crop.
Chas. P. Guelf. reviewing the reports
on the onion crop all over the country.
says: New England fill produce a
crop approximately the same as last
year. In New York, the surplus in
Orange County will be required to
make up the shortage in the northern
part of the state, and give New York
the same crop as last season. Ohio's
surplus will be required to bring up
Indiana's deficit, and the shortage in
Michigan and the Chicago district,
will, in our opinion, require more than
the Indicated increase in Minnesota
and Wisconsin to give them the crop
of last year, and, published reports to
the contrary notwithstanding, we can
not figure on a crop to exceed that of
last season in number of bushels har
vested, and certainly not as good in
quality of stock. The crop generally;
Is very backward in maturing, bulbs
ripening unevenly, and a considerable
acreage is yet to be harvested. The
quality of tlfe onions is not so good ad
last year, though some fields show ex
cellent stock, as a rule, however, the
color is not up to the standard, yel
lows and whites being more or less
green in color, and in the districts
which suffered from excessive rains,
the keeping quality of the stock ia
quite inferior, and good storage onions
are at a premium; fancy storage red
globes for the southern trade being
exceptionally short
Biggest Milker Not Always Best
A cow produces 400 pounds butter
In one year and she consumes $50
worth of feed; estimating the butter
to bo worth 20 cents per pound, this
gives you a gross Income of $S0;
minus the $50 cost of feed, and we
have a net profit of $30. Supposing
another cow produces 300 pounds of
butter and only consumes $25 worth
of feed. We havo a gross Income of
$60 or a net profit of $35. which is
$5 more than the cow which produced
100 pounds more butter, which, with
a herd or 20 or 30 cows, would
amount to quite an item. These are
figures which aro duplicated every
year on a number of dairy farms. I
think that the stockmen throughout
the country aro realizing more fully
each year the importance of a yearly
record, and the insignificance of a
weekly record. J. A. Danks.
German utchers Not Envied.
The butcher's occupation is no
longer regarded In Germany as par
ticularly remunerative.
Monster Mushroom Is Found.
Weight three ponds four ounces, cir
cumference forty-five inches, is the de-
A Bad Summer for Birds.
After allowing for the damage which
a few towns have sustained from tor
nadoes, farmers have felt that they
were the chief and almost the only
sufferers by the uncertain, tempestu
ous weather which has marked tho
season we usually call summer, but
which this year has had few of the
characteristics of that torrid period.
It would seem, however, that the lowpr
orders of creation have suffered, too.
In certain localities. One of the cor
respondents of the Weather Bureau
writes: "This has been a very hard
season on our Iowa birds, and 1 think
most of them have been killed by tho
severe storms. After one storm in
August many hundred dead birds wero
picked up In this town. The blue bird
seems to have stood the weather tho
best of all the birds. Bluejays, black
birds, woodpeckers, and all the snipo
tribe are very scarce. Even the crow
is not near as plenty as usual. Last
season I could stand at my door and
see thousands of blackbirds, to-day
not one. The yellowhammers that gen
erally gather in the timber when the
first cold "north wind" comes in Sep
tember are not here. I have been out
this morning and counted the birds,
!-saw two yellowhammers, six blue
jays, ten bluebirds, six swallows and
one small sand-3nipe. Last vear I
scrintion of a monster mushroom gath
ered at Braconash, near Norwich, Eng- could see more than ten thousand
land. I Dlrds any morning in the month of
September. It may be that toe reason
they are not here is that there is no
feed for them, but my judgment la
that most of them have been killed
by the storms." Fanners' Review.
Many a good piece of ground has
been worked up into a condition in
which it was of no value for anything,
by constant use as pasturage during
rainy weather.
The man that has a productive cran
berry bog has a profitable investment
Milk clean teats with dry
Do not milk dirty teats at alL
Feed regularly and liberally; water
cowa with kindness; this is. the secret
of saccess.
A Co-operative Farm in Philadelphia,
Out of the vacant lot farming in.
Philadelphia has grown co-operativo
farming on a small scale. Last year
two of these farms were in existence
one ot three acres and one of five
acres. On tho farm of three acres tho
expenditures were $184, and the re
ceipts $363.90, a net of $179.90. That
is pretty good farming for amateurs.
The five-acre farm was farmed on
shores, the men that farmed It being.
given two-thirds of the receipts. Tho
association for Its third of the receipts ;
plowed the land and furnished seeds' I
and fertlllze.-s. The net returns to tho I .
association, after paying for the plow
ing, seeds and fertilizers, was $101.50,."
or $20.30 per acre. The farm on which
the effort was purely co-operative gave
the best results. The matter is of
interest as showing the trend of pulp
lie opinion as to the matter of bring
ing idle land and idle labor together.
Meadows should not be tramped by
stock when the ground Is wet
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