The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 12, 1902, Image 1

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The House, However, Appears to Be
Republicsn. Though Democrats Do
Not Concede It Where Gains and
Lasses Have Mostly Occurred.
NETv YORK. Elections were hld
xuesday in. forty-two states and up to
this time the returns indicate that the
control cf the national ongress re
mains with the republican party.
Thile oScial returns may make the
working majcritj in the house a clcse
one there is no doubt that it will as
Vnffirlpirr for nT! nartv tJirrnosts. Fro:
a national standpoint the control cf
"th-2 lower branch of congress was the
real jcntesi. Many of the states elect-
.. t:d leglatarcs which will chncse
United Suites senators, but the result
o these ejections .has in no way im-
."periledthe republican majority in the
upper bony.
In -those -States whtch elected g?v
Criiors tnere was no state in which
the r-art power was rot continued in
tba: position. In some of the states,
.however, there was a de-Jded change
from the vote cist two years ago.
Ir. the -east, the main interest center
ed in th two sreat statis of New York
.and Pennsylvania, in the latter be-
'cause of the conditions brought oboat the recent ccnl strike and in New
-York because of its bearing an the fu
ture of tse party of the candidate for
New York re-elected Governor Odell
and the entire state ticket, though the
fi'ihnz o in tbe republican plural
ity as compared to 1S0O was
:s enormous.- At a late hour last night
' -O'Dell's- plurality was placed at about
10.0-J0. The democrats made a very
slight cam in the legislature, but not
ennugh to injure the election of a re-
;. paylican successor to Senator Flatt.
The dsraccrats also made slight sains
"in the rongress'ianal elections, the un
cQnal figures placing the delegation
nt twemy republican and seventeen
In Pennsylvania Samuel "W. Penny
backer irep.) was elected governor by
a plurality estimated at more than
-.lj.O0O. while the legislature is over
whelmingly republican. The demo
crats elected two and possibly three
of the thirty-two congressmen.
The indications in New Hampshire
are that Nahem S. 3ache!dcr, re
publican, was elected over Henry F.
HoU-s. democrat, by a plurahty of at
leas: 10.000. There was a heavy
shrinkage from the vote of two years
ago. The legislature is republican in
both branches by large majorities, en
suring a republican successor to Sen
ator Galiinger, who will probably suc
ceed himself.
In Maryland the election was only
for congressmen, the republicans elect
ins four of the sii members.
Virginia's election was connnod to
congressmen, and the returns indicate
that the democrats have elected nine
cf the ten. with one district doubtful.
The democratic majority in North
Carolina is estimated to be about 63.
&60. with a solid democratic delega
tion in congress and a democratic
Tennessee rolled up a democratic
majority for governor and the entire
state ticket, estimated at about 37.000.
The legislature is also democratic. In
Michigan the republicans elected Gov
ernor Bliss and the entire state ticket,
besides securing -leven cf the twelve
congressmen. The legislature is
strongly republican, thus assuring the
election of General Alger to the
United States senate.
In New Jersey there was no change
in the present situation. The demo
crats may have gained, but the con
trol of the state and legislature re
mains with the republican party.
In Rhcde Island the demcrats
have elected L. F. Carvin for gov
ernor, but wiih this exception, the re
publican state ticket will go through.
The legislature is republican.
Indications in Kansas are that the
republican state ticket has been con
ceded with eight congressmen. The
legislature will be safelr republican.
possibly with a reduced m2jority.
Returns from Nevada point to a
fusion victory in the state.
In Iowa it seems as if the republi
cans have elected their state ticket by
75J00 majority. Reports from con
gressional districts are meager.
The results from the legislature in
Delaware seem to be in doubt and a
deadlock as was the case two years
ago is a possibility.
Ohio is claimed by the republicans
by a plurality of more than 100.000.
and psssibly eighteen of the twenty
cue congressmen, although the demo
crats decline to concede three of the
congressional districts.
In Minnesota a plurality of 30.000
is claimed for Van Sant. republican,
for governor. The democrat, while
giving no figures, say that the returns
are not nattering.
NEW YORK. Congressman Over
street of Indiana, secretary of the re
publican congressional committee, said
at noon that the republicans would
have in the next house of representa
tives at least 205 members, probably
20S, and possibly several more. Re
publican gains, he said, were reported
today from Colorado and republicans
In the Eighth Tennesse, Ninth Vir
ginia and Seventh Alabama were
claiming victory. With 206 members,
the republicans will have a majority
of 26; with 208, a majority of 30. .
WASHINGTON. Chairman Griggs
this morning still claims the election
1 of a democratic house by twelve ma
jority. He claims the election at two
democrats in Rhode Island.
ALBANY. Since Russell P. Flower,
in a democratic landslide, defeated J.
Sloat Fasse:t for governor, in the face
of republican claims for an easy vic
tory, there has not been such an over
turning of votes from the republican
to the democratic party in this state
as that which occurred Tuesday.
With the exception of Erie. Albany
and Rensselaer counties, every demo
cratic prediction of sweeping major
ities was carried out and amplified.
Especially was this true below the
3rom. The claims o 112.000 for the
Greater New York dis;rict were more
than verified, but the claims fcr Erie,
Albany and Rensselaer were not re
sponded to and the failure to realize
democratic hopes in these counties re
moved all chances of CoIer"s election.
DES MOINES. Fuller returns place
the republican plurality of the state
ticket a little above 70.G00. The plu
rality of P. 3. Birdsall. who will suc
ceed Speaker Henderson from the
Third district, is 5J255. and that of
M. J. Wade, in the second district, the
only democratic congressman elected,
is 1.140.
FORT D3DGE. Reports which
come in indicate that the republican
victory in this county is fully as
sweeping as was estimated on Tues
day night. Republicans have carried
every ottice in the county Election
was absolutely without feature and
despite favorable weather a light rote
was cast. The vote is not more than
wo-thirds cf tnat cas
Lack of competition for republican
candidates is accounted the cause.
The Iowa congressional delegates
will be: First. Thomas Hedge (rep.i;
Second. M. J. Wade dem.; Third,
B. P. Birdsall frep.i: Fcurth. G. N.
Kaugen (rep.); Fifth, R. G. Consins
rp.: Sixth. John F. La"ey (rp.);
Seventh. J. A. T. Hull rep.; Eizhth,
W. P. Hepburn (rep.); Ninth, W. L
Smith (rep.); Tenth, J. P. Conner
irep.); Eleventh. Lot Thomas (rep.)
CHICAGO Meager returns prevent
ed anything like an accurate statement
of the result in Illinois, although
there is every indication that the re
publican ticket has been elected by a
good majority. The next legislature
will be republican without a doubt
and the successor to United States
Senator Mason is certain to be a re
publican. In Chicago the election
was full of surprises. The republi
cans jtriumphed in. democratic strong
holds and the democrats returned the
compliment in the fullest measure.
CHICAGO. Practically complete re
turns from Cock county give the re
publicans the entire county ticket.
with the exception of sheriff and four
county commissioners. Healy, the re
publican candidate for sheriff, was de
feated by Barrett, democrat, by over
7.500 plurality. In the congressional
district Lorimer and 3outeII were
J elected, while Madden was defeated
I bv Marion Emerich.
ST. PAUL. The entire republican
ticket has been elected in Minnesota
by a plurality of certainly over 20.000,
and possibly by over 30.000. Full re
turns have not been received, but
enough has come m to indicate that
the claim that Governor Van Sant
has been re-elected by over 30,000 plu
ralitv is well founded.
ST. PAUL- With the receipt of
more nearly complete returns, the ma
jority of Governor Van Sant assumes
tremendous proportions. It is at least
50,000 and may go as high as 75.000.
a record breaking majority in Minne
sota for a gubernatorial candidate.
ihe governor has. apparently.
considerably ahead of the balance of
the state tickets
TOPEKA. Kansas has gone repub
lican by at least 40,000 plurality. The
entire state -ticket and congress are
elected. The republicans will have
loo members of the legislature.
The democrats did not expect to
elect their state ticket, but were sur
prised that W. H. Craddock. their
candidate for governor, did not run
better tban he did. W. J. Baily. the
republican candidate for governor,
runs ahead of his ticket.
TOPEKA. Returns have been re
ceived from every part of the state
and they indicate the election of W.
J. 3ailey and the entire republican
ticket by about 35.000 plurality. The
republicans have elected every mem
ber of congress and over ninety mem
bers of the legislature.
COLUMBUS. O. The republicans
carried Ohio by next to their highest
plurality on record. Nothing above
70.000 had been predicted, but partial
returns indicate that it will greatly ex
ceed these figures. At the same time
the republicans, on returns up to mid-
night, made no gain in Ohio congress- '
men and are likely to lose one. The
present Ohio delegation In congress
consists of seventeen republicans and
four democrats, and the returns show
sixteen republicans and four democrats
elected, with the Twelfth district in
doubt. At midnight Chairman Dicic
said: 'Returns to this hour do not
change our estimate of 100,000 repub
lican plarality. We have carried all
districts now represented in eongress
by republicans, with the possible ex?
ception. of the Twelfth, and in its place
we have probably carried the Thir
teenth district.
COLUMBUS. O. Chairman Dick at
republican headquarters had complete
returns from eighty-six of the eighty
eight Ohio counties, showing a repub
lican plurality for state candidates of
S0.0S7. The two counties not heard
from are Putnam and Noble. The
former have a democratic plurality of
1.451 and the latter a republican plur
ality of l,45l and the latter a repub
lican? lurality of 751 last year.
MILWAUKEE. Latest returns in
dicate that LaFolIette has carried the
state by at least 40,000 plurality and
some estimates give him 45,000. The
congressional delegation complete is
made up of ten republicans and one
democrat. The returns from legisla
tive districts indicate an overwhelm
ing majority for the republicans.
which means that probable re-election
of United States Senator John C.
MILWAUKEE. Belated returns in
crease La Follette's plurality, the lat
est estimate being 50,000.
As near as can be figured out. the
next legisl?ture will be made up about
as follows: Assembly, 75 republicans
and 25 democrats: senate, CI repub
licans and 20 democrats.
turns from San Francisco and partial
returns from all over the state indi
cate that George C. Pardee, the repub
lican nominea for governor, is elected
by 2.000 or 3.000. The legislature,
which will choose a United States
senator, is largely republican en joint
SAN FRANCISCO The latest elec
tion returns indicate the success of
Dr. Pardee, the republican candidate
for governor, by a plurality of about
3.500. His opponent. F. K. Lane, has
stated that he will contest the an
nounced result.
The count of the vote for congres
sional nominees, so far as completed,
indicates that five republicans, two
labor union democrats and one
straight democrat will represent Cal
ifornia in the lower house of congress.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D. Reports from
thirty-seven out of fifty-three counties
in the state give the republican con
gressional ticket a plurality of 19.666.
The remaining counties will increase
this b;- 2.0"'O. The republican have
elected alll but six or eight members
of the state legislature.
DENVER, Colo. Returns from the
state indicate that Colorado has elect
ed a full republican ticket by small
majorities. This is conceded by lead
ing democrats though not by Chair
man Smith. The demccratis congres
sional candidates are claimed to have
run ahead of their ticket and one or
more of them may be elected. The
legislature will undoubtedly be dem
ocratic on joint ballot, as ther are
seventeen democratic hold-ever sena
tors. DENVER Although the returns
from Tuesday's election in Colorado
are very far from complete enough
have been received to shew the repub
licans will have a majority in the
lower house, while the democrats,
with seventeen hoidever, will have a
majority in the senate.
From the best reports obtainable
the legislature seems to stand on joint
ballot: Democrats, 53; republicans.
47. Of the democratic representa
tives, fourteen are from Arapahoe
county and their seats will be con
tested by the republicans en the
ground of frauds in registration and
at the election.
FARGO, N. D. North Dakota has
gone republican by about the usual
majority, although Governor WHite
(rep.), who was a candidate to suc
ceed himself, ran behind the balance
of the state ticket. The republican
state committee, however, estimates
that his majority will be from 7 to S,
000. North Dakota elects two con
gressman at large, this year, and both
of these are republicans.
DETROIT. The republicans of
Michigan have elected Governor A. T.
31iss and their entire state ticket, elev
en of the twelve congressmen and an
overwhelming majority of the mem
bers of the legislature. The vote was
light throughout and the republican
majority is estimated at between 30.000
and 40.000, although Republican State
Chairman G. J. Diekman insists that
it will be nearer 75,000, basing his
statement en advices received from the
various county chairmen.
SEATTLE. Wash. The democrats
concede the election of the three con
gressmen at large by an average ma
jority of 9,000. The republicans will
have a majority of thirty en Joint
ballot in the legislature.
tional returns received up to 9 o'clock
this morning indicate a republican
majority on joint ballot in the legis
lature of at least thirty-one. This in
sures the election of Apostle Reed
Smoot being made to the United Statea
REXO. Nev. The entire fhsiott state
ticket has been elected with the excep
tion of Bray, superintendent of
schools, who was defeated by Ring:
Sparks' majority for governor will be
fully 1,700. Van Onsen for congress
carried the state by 1,000.
30ISE, Idaho Returns from the
state confirm figures sent out last
night showing the election of the en
tire republican state and congression
al tickets. A republican majority on
joint ballot seems assured and W. E.
Borhag probably will succceed Sena
tor Heitfelt in the United States senate.
INDIANAPOLIS. Estimated plu
ralities by counties received at state
headquarters today indicate the elec-
i tion of the republican state ticket by
25,000. The republicans in the legis
lature will have a plurality of 64 and
possibly C5.
BOSTON. Lieut. Guv. John L. Bates
of Boston was elected governor by the
republicans in the state election today,
defeating William A. Gaston, the dem
ocratic candidate, by 37.439 plurality,
the vote being: 3ates (rep.), 195,951:
Gaston (dec), 15S.4S2. The state leg
islature remains unchanged, the sen
ate standing, according to the late re
turns. 3 republicans and 9 democrats,
and the house 155 republicans, S2 dem
ocrats and 3 socialists.
WILMINGTON. Del. Returns for
members cf the legislature in Delaware
show that the state senate will stand
ten republicans and seven democrats.
The house will stand eighteen repub
licans and sixteen democrats, with
one district undecided by reason of a
tie vote. On joint ballot the vote will
be twenty-eight republicans, twenty
three democrats, one tie.
TRENTON. N. J. The returns from
New Jersey show democratic gains,
oat the republicans elected seven of
the ten congressmen and retain con
trol of both branches of the legis
lature, although by reduced majori
ties. In the new congressional dele
gation each party shows a gain of
one member.
PROVIDENCE Almost complete
returns on the vote for the state tick
et given Garvin (dem.) for governor
about 7,000 plurality and Archambault
(dem.) for lieutenant governor about
5,000. The remainder of the state
ticket is republican.
NEW HAVEN, Conn. Connecticut
elected the full republican ticket for
state offices, and all the five republican
candidate for congress. Returns re
ceived from 150 of the 15S towns in
the state, not including the important
t cities of New Haven,
j Bridgeport and Waterbur:
that the plurality of Chamberlain, re
publican candidate for governor, would
be at least 15.000. an increase of 1.CJ3
over two years ago.
Anna Gould's Husband No Longer
Member of French Chamber.
PARIS After an exciting debate
the Chamber of Deputies on Friday,
by 277 to 235 votes, invalidated the
election of Count 3oni de Castellane
as a member of the house.
The question came up when the
committee on contested elections pre
sented its report without recommen
dation, leaving the chamber to pass
on the question.
Emile Chauvin made a bitter at
tack on Count de Castellane, declar
ing he had been guilty of irregular
ities and saying that the count had
accused his opponent of being of Ger
man descent and a Dreyftisard.
In order to warm the enthusiasm of
his partisans the count, he said, had
abandoned all reserve and through his
agent gave unlimited credit in hotels,
inns and drinking places until the dis
trict was gay with fetes and merri
ment during the campaign.
The count replied in vehement
tones and indignantly repudiated the
accusations of M. Chauvin, which he
declared were an attack upon the in
tegrity and honesty of his constitu
Twenty Envelopes Taken from Oma
ha to Chicago Are Found. j
WABASH Twenty envelopes '
which had apparently been used by
an express company to ship $15,000
from Omaha to Chicago over the 3ur- '
Iington were found on a saw mill car- ,
rier at Treats Friday. The seals
had been recently broken.
They bore date of August 19, and :
it is supposed by the Wabash agent, j
to wfacm they were turned over, that I
they had been rifled of their contents '
by men who robbed the train.
It is thought the criminal entered t
the mill during the night, as the en
velopes were not on the carrier the
day before.
Beard Decides Any Alteration Shall Bt
Paid from November 1.
SCRANTON, Pa, The anthracite ;
i strike commission officially decided
s that if any change is made in the rate '
of wages of the men it shall date from !
November L This announcement was I
made by the commission through Re-
corded Wright in the fallowing nrM '
"Voted unanimously that if the com
mission at the conclusion of its hear
ings and deliberations makes any
award affecting existing rates of wages,
such award shall take effect from No
Tetnber 1, X90J."
The pride that goetfa before a fall
is of a stiff-necked variety.
BE ABOUT 8,000
Five Republican Congressmen Are
Elected and Both Branches cf the
Legislature Will Be in the Hands
of the Same Party.
OMAHA Additional returns serve
to increase the estimate of Mickey's
plurality for governor. Forty-nine
counties complete, including Douglas,
give him a plurality of 2.174. These
same counties two years ago gave
Dietrich a plurality of 369. This year
Dietrich's plurality in Douglas is con
verted into a plurality of 2,400 for
Thompson. From this it can be seen
that the up country is giving Mickey
a plurality largely in excess of that
given Dietrich two years ago, and the
estimate of his plurality made by the
state committee, 5,000 to 7,000, is not
incomplete returns from many dis
tricts make an absolutely accurate es
timate on the legislature difficult. The
most reliable figures indicate the two
houses will stand about as follows:
Rep. Fus.
Senate 29 5
House SO 20
Total 109 25
OMAHA Seventy-four counties
complete. including Douglas, but
without Lancaster, give Mickey, re
publican, for governor, a plurality of
6,065. These same counties in 1900
gave Dietrich a plurality of 1.44S.
Complete returns will probably place
his plurality above the S.'jOO mark.
The majority of the missing counties
are in the sandhill or cattle country
and generally are republican. The
majority for the remainder of the
state ticket will be in excess of this
Practically complete returns have
been received on the legislature and
the estimated counties are not likely
to change the following estimate, ex
cept perhaps to add a couple to the
republican membership in the lower
house. The legislature, according to
these figures, will stand as follows:
Senate Republicans, 20; fusion, 4;
house republicans, SI; fusion. 19;
total republicans, 110; fusion. 23.
Thompson sent the following tele
gram to Hon. J. H. Mickey:
"Accept congratulations and my
best wishes. W. H. THOMPSON."
OSCEOLA Governor-elect John H.
Mickey replied to Hon. W. H. Thomp
son's telegram as follows:
"Your congratulations received and
I thank you for your warm expres
sion of kindness, and sincerely hope
our cordial relations may continue."
Exact figures are not obtainable
from all the counties in the First dis
trict, but Burkett. republican, is elec
ted by a greater majority than two
yeaars ago.
In the Second district. Hitchcock,
democrat, has 1,500 plurality.
In the Third, McCarthy, republican,
has between 600 and 70 plurality over
Robinson, fusion, who was up for re
election. The Fourth district shows the
greatest reversal, Hinshaw defeating
the sitting member, Stark, fusion, by
over 3,000.
The Fifth also sends Norris. repub
lican, in place of Shallenberger, fu
sion, by a majority of over 500.
On his third trial Kinkaid, repub
lican, is elected In the Sixth district
by a plurality which requires four
figures to express.
LINCOLN. Governor-elect Mickey
was in Lincoln Friday and put in some
time visiting the state officers. He
called on Governor Savage and talked
some time with him concerning the
duties of the office, intimating that he
would be thankful for any pointers or
suggestions mad a to him.
"I haven't much to say concerning
the result." said Mr. Mickey. "Of
course I feel gratified at it and am
deeply thankful to the people for their
expression of confidence. It is a little
early to ask me to outline a policy,
for the truth is that I have been so
busy in the campaign that I have had
no time to give any thought to a pol
icy. As to the likelihood of sweeping
changes in state institutions, I am not
prepared to indicate what may occur,
but I will say that I know cf some
places in which there will be nc
changes effected by me."
Individual Operators Agree to Accept
Finding of Commission.
WASHINGTON Colonel Carroll D.
Wright and General John M. Wilson.
members of the anthracite coal strike
commission, had a brief interview
with the president Friday.
They reported that the individual
operators in the anthracite region had
agreed by abide by the findings of the
commission and had so notified Judge
Gray, the chairman.
President Rsosevelt was particu
larly pleased at this information, as
it tended materially to simplify the
problem which the commission fca to
The commissioners explained in
some detail their work up to this time.
The president expressed his gratifica
tion that the work had been satisfac
tory to these engaged in it.
A sua never realises how short he
is until he gets baldheaded and has
to measure in his bare feet.
a$5-?-- see-ss t'ev?- o
Propose to Build a Ditch One Hun
dred and Fifty Miles Lc.-g.
LINCOLN One of the largest irri
gation projects conceived in Nebraska
is involved in a hearing begun be
fore State Engineer Adna Dobson, be
ing the matter of a protest filed by
the Farmers' Canal company and the
Farmers" Irrigation District against
the application of William Frank. Mr.
i rank's application for water from the
North Platte river in Scotts Bluff
county was filed last April and the
irrigation district filed one subsequent
to that date, but the real contest dates
back five or ten years. Bonds to the
amount of 5400,000 were once voted
by the irrigation district, but they
have never been disposed of. The
Farmers' Canal company built twenty
one miles of what was intended to
be an extensive line of ditches and
then stopped work. Now two contend
ing companies desire to complete the
original plan. Mr. Frank proposes to
build a ditch 150 miles long, at an
estimated cost of S5S0.000. The dis
trict expected to build ighty miles
with the $400,000 bonds voted. Rob
ert Walker succeeded to the rights of
the Farmers' Bond company. He has
sold his rights to William Frank, who
has associated with him H. G. Leav
itt of the Ames Sugar company. They
are admitted to have a prior claim,
dating from 1SS7, but the other side
alleges that these rights have been
Pioneer Nebraskan Succumbs at His
Home in Tecumseh.
Hon. Joseph E. Lamaster died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A.
Apperson, in Tecumsen. He had been
sick for several years, and Bright's
disease, with a complication of other
ailments, caused his death.
Mr. Lamaster was born in Canton.
I1L. June 1. 1S30. The days of his
youth were spent there and in Fulton
county and it was there that he ac
quired his education. In 1S5S he mov
ed from Lewiston to Nebraska City
and in the latter place embarked in
the newspaper business for several
years, publishing the Nebraska City
Press. He was appointed internal
revenue collector for Nebraska in
IS 67. which position he held for five
years. During these years Mr. La
master was a republican and in the
early '70s he was elected state sena
tor from his home district: also about
this time he was chosen contingent
congressman of the state of Nebraska,
but owing to a falling short or popu
lation was not called upon to serve.
Gottlieb Niegenfind is Guilty of Mur
der in the First Degree.
PIERCE. Neb. After being out
nearly twenty hours the jury in the
case of the state of Nebraska against
Gottlieb Niegenfind brought in a ver
dict of guilty in the first degree, as
follows :
"We. the jury in the case, being
duly impaneled and sworn, do find
and say that the defendant, Gottlieb
Niegenfind. is guilty of murder in the
first degree, as charged in the infor
mation, and fix the penalty at death."
Niegenfind received the verdict with
bowed head and did not display the
least sign of fear. Attorney Kelley
filed the customary motion for a new
trial and the judge will probably hear
the motion in about ten days.
It is understood that after retiring
the jury took a ballot, standing ten
for hanging and two for life impris
onment. After that it was eleven for
hanging to one for life imprisonment.
Will Pay Fifteen Hundred.
Care line Huber, wnose husband.
William R. Huber. a freight conductor
on the Burlington, was killed on Sep
tember 19 at Curtis. Neb. filed suit
in the district court of Lancaster coun
ty against the railroad company, ask
ing $1,500 damages. The company
filed a confession of judgment, that
sum being fixed upon by the parties
by agreement. Huber lived in Phil
lips county, Colorado. He was caught
between two cars while trying to un
ravel a snarl in the coupling appar
atus and so badly crush-id that he
lived only, a few hours.
Mayor Dunham or Seward Dead.
SEWARD This community was
shocked upon the receipt of a message
from Davenport. la., to the effect that
Mayor James P. Dunham of this city
was very seriously iil at a hospital in
that city. Mrs. Duniam left at once
for Davenport. Scoa after she left
another message was received by tel
ephone stating that Mr. Dunham wa3
on his way to the hall to attend a lec
ture on "Woodcraft," and was stricken
down in the street with apoplexy.
Fight Tobacco Trust.
LINCOLN Local tobacco dealers
are earnestly agitating an organization
for the purpose of fighting the exac
tions of the trust. None of them.
however, will talk openly for publica
tion for fear that hv trust will exe
cute reprisals upon them, bat If all
of the jobbers can be Induced to Join
in the movement the trust is going to
have hard tTmes ahead in Lincoln.
The homsick man isn't always the
one who is away from home.
The high school of Edgar has pro
vided for a series of lectures.
Winter wheat in Richardson county
is said to be in good condition.
The new town of Coonha has been
incorporated in Platte county.
C. B. Colling, from Idaho, fell be
tween the cars at Kearney and had his
foot badly crushed.
J. 3. Norcutt of Nebraska City was
badly injured by the axe with which
he was cutting wood catching on a
clothes line.
Sixty fat ducks were stolen from
the farm yard of August Stark, five
miles west of West Point, during the
absence of the family, who were at
tending a political meeting in the
A diagnosis of the financial condi
tion of the city of Fremont at the
present time shows that by next April
practically all of the available funds
will have been exhausted m meeting
current obligations.
The Norfolk passenger train from
Sioux City struck a carriage contain
ing Mamie and Alice Elliott, daughters
of John Elliott of Winside, killing Ma
mie. Alice is probably fafaTIy injur
ed. The team escaped.
it is reported that a party of eight
surveyors is working la the Niobrara
valley, running a line from Niobrara
up the valley to Butte. It is said they
may be working for either the St. Poul
or Great Northern roads.
Corn husking is about one-third com
pleted in Cuming county. The yield
is fully up to the average, but the
quality is mostly poor. Some fields
are turning out hard, good com. bat
the majority is soft and loose on the
George E. Cook, a pioneer resiuent
of York county, who has been in the
employ of the Nebraska Telephone
company, attempted to commit suicide
by taking strychnine, and if he had
not received medical attention as soon
as he did he would have died.
Johnson Bros of 3eaver Crossing,
who have been in the general mer
chandise business, made an assign
ment of their stock to Sheiff Smiley
for the benefit of their creditors. It
is said that the firm owes about $15.
000 and have stock valued at $S.0OO.
The horse, buggy and harness sto
len from Harry Fisher in Falls City
was found a few days later in Ster
ling. Deputy Sheriff Kansell and Mr.
Fisher went after the stolen proper
ty. It had been left at a farm house.
nine miles northwest of Sterling. The
thief was not apprehended.
The 3urlington Railroad company
paid $2,500 into court at Lincoln to
square the claim of the family of Wil
liam Pitts for damages. Pitts was one
of the victims of the collision at Hy
annis last May between a freight and
passenger, and the sum named was in
full settlement of all claims.
Two men, giving the names of
Frank Hiison and James Howard, are
in jail in Columbus and have been
identified as parties who passed coun
terfeit money there. They were ar
raigned in police court, charged with
disturbing the peace by being drunk
on the streets. Each pleaded guilty
and was given a jail sentence.
James Crist, an employe of the
York roller mills, had a thrilling ex
perience and miraculous escape froni
instant death while at his work in the
milL He was climbing a ladder to"
adjust the machinery and a shafting
caught his clothing. He held onto
the ladder, but before the machinery
was stopped nearly every stitch of
clothing was torn from his body, most
ly into small strips.
The mortgage report of Gaze coun
ty for the month of October is as
follows: Number of farm morrgages
filed, IS; amount, $29,341; number of
farm mortgages released, 2a: amount,
$39,436. Number of city and town
mortgages Sled. 26; amount $16,641,
number of city and town mortgages
released. 22: amount. $1215.
August Bartells, a prominent Ger
man farmer near Newman Grove,
wftjie helping his neighbor at thresh-
ing. met with an accident that result
ed in his death. Mr. Bartells wa
pitching bundles Into the feeder when
his pitchfork was caught by the driv
ing belt and wrested from his hands.
the ezii of the fork handle, which was
thrown with terrific force, striking him
in the abdominal region. He bled to
death from internal hemorrhage. He
leaves a wife and four children.
The bank saf at Smithfield was
blown ope.a, with a loss of about $1,
000. The safe and inside of the
building were demolished. Two stran
gers about town are suspected of be
ing the burglars. One cf them was
in the bank several times during the
day. He was abcut 26 years old.
black evs and mustache, rather short,
well dressed In dark suit of cIoths,
was about five fet eight or nine
inches tall and weight was about 150
pounds; had red face and hollow
Rain has quite considerably damag
ed a good deal of hay in York county.
"Fishing is. every manner, shape and
form is absolutely forbidden from No
vember 1 until April I," declared
Chl-f Dputy Game Warden George B.
Simpkins, This means that with the
passing of October 31. 1932 it became
illegal to catch any kind of fish, of
any description, in any manner what
soever, m tne waters ot the state of ;
Nebraska. This is in accordance with J
the game law passed by the legislature !
of 190L
t lie tMMahte. I
ColMwbus :
State gawk I
Oataat Saak to thm StAt
raw inmm oa lime o
Makes Lomam oa Real
j j 6
CMca New Ytrk. o
t Selb Stotmhip Tickea.
I Bus Oood Hotes, I
o .
they seed kelpJC
6 mmr mmrr. vtct -.
eannrrr hucst. c
O .'i
A Veekiy Republican
Dcrotcd to the
of A X
County of Platte,
The State oi
United States,
and the
Rest of Maikiol
Hn Unit of Measure with
Us is
ptr Year, if Paid in Adrance.
f Ujcfalness Ls cot
by Dollars
Sample Copies Sent free to
any Address.
fVfRrc god Metallic Cases.
at ail ktsds of Upholstery Gccia.
Columbutt Neb.
s prtpsrsd to Furnish Any
thinf Required of a
Bet Papers
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