The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 29, 1902, Image 4

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-tfT5-irvf tv - f .je-. ,--w - aA
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i ,. fLJ TLC- - " -S,
'JMmMammsssc- i
flmmm smB H LLnsmmmmmm LbbbbsLbh asSasaBM limmeKff malmmD mmUmmwemm mmmLrmK
Hbbbbh LasS ammVmmm smmmlmmmmmemmrmmmw mmmmmmm 'mmmmv mTTmKmV-mmmmVmlmrmmmmv
lmVHBsHBMR96B'saBSB Sz54 l&irarfGKSSsF."
The Harvest of Life,
fhey are mowing the meadows now, and
the whispering, sighing
Bong of the scythe breathes sweet on
nine idle car
ones of old summers dead and of tnls
one dying
Roses on roses fallen, and year on year.
Softly as swathes that sint while the
long rcythe. swinging.
Passes and pauses and sweeps through
the daap green grass; -Strange
how this song of the scythe seta
the old day's singing
Echoes of seasons gone, and of these
that pass.
Fair ghost of youth from your sea-fragrant
orchard closes
Called by the voice of the scythe as It
sighs and swings
Tell me now as you toss me your phan
tom roses.
What waa the dream you dreamed
through those vagrant springs?
What that forgotten air when the heart
went maying?
What was the perfume blowing afaf
"Youth youth youth" the scythe keeps
sighing and saying
"The rose you saw not the tune that
you could not bear."
Harper's Magazine.
Unity and Brotherhood.
Since Gen. Eli Torrance, commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the
Republic, issued his appeal to the
members of that organization for con
tributions for the Confederate Veter
ans' Home at Mountain Creek. Ala., he
has received a large number of let
ters on the subject from men who
wore the gray. A few of these letters
Indicate more or less plainly the sur
vival in the south of prejudices and
misunderstandings like those that
caused such terrible disasters in the
60's. but by far the greater part of
them breathe the new spirit of unity
and brotherhood, and pay appreciative
tribute to the motives which Inspired
the action of Gen. Torrance. Among
a large number of thess letters, is one
from Robert Chisholm. of Birmingham.
Ala., which breathes the spirit of the
new south. "I am." he writes, "an old
Confederate who learned under Lee
what the life of a soldier Is. I am so
situated that I will never need help
from any one, but that does not pre
vent my full appreciation of your most
magnanimous conduct in behalf of a
lot of poor fellows less fortunate than
I have been. A few more men like yon
and the world would be better off. I
want to add my thanks, with those
who will profit by your kindness, to
you, and to all the Grand Army men
who feel like you. I went Into the
army as a mere lad, and while I did
the best I could as a soldier, and shed
bitter tears when the war ended, yet
I have lived long enough to see that
God was kinder to us than we were
to ourselves and that this Union ought
to stay. I am in It to stay, and no
power of man will ever draw me or
mine out of It again. And that ought
to be much for a South Carollan to
feel or say."'
Col. McCook's Welcome.
"Col. Dan McCook." said Sergt
Grimshaw, "was a little free in the use
of strong language, but wasn't a hard
swearer, as army swearers went On
the morning of Nov. 26, 186S, after the
capture of Missionary ridge, our divi
sion was pushed out after the retreat
ing rebels. We struck them about sun
down, but they cut out after we had
given them two or three volleys. We
camped for the night in line of battle,
bat were not disturbed.
"The next morning companies A
and B of the Fifty-second Ohio were
sent out as skirmishers under Capt
Bucke. Soon we were lost in the high
underbrush of the wooded country in
front. We kept our formation and
kept moving and picked up more pris
oners than we had men, but we could
not find brigade or regiment. Or
derlies and staff officers sent out from
brigade headquarters failed to find us
until we came into the open country
near Rocky Face ridge.
"We were then five or six miles
from our regiment and were escorted
to brigade headquarters by two staff
officers who had been hunting us all
day and who reported that Col. Dan
was in a state of mind over our disap
pearance. We expected a scoring, but
we marched up in good order with all
our prisoners in the line. We met
with a hearty reception, but I will al
ways remember Col. Dan's face, as he
said: God, boys, l hardly expected to
see you again. I thought the rebs
had gobbled you sure. God, boys, but
I am glad to see you come In all right
and with so many prisoners.'
wAs Colonel Jones Would Say."
"Hard swearers." said the major,
"abounded In the army. Col. Jones of
our brigade was an expert and was
held up as a frightful example to the
men. Col. Warrington of the Fif
teenth Kansas said a good deal about
Col. Jones and used him to enforce
the rule that neither officers nor men
in the Fifteenth should swear. For a
time the rule was rigidly enforced.
Col. Warrington standing as a shin
ing example of the American officer
who did not swear under any provo
cation. "Then the rule was broken, and by
Col. Warrington himself. We were in
line under heavy artillery fire when a
shell or cannon ball struck in a hog
wallow near which Col. Warrington
was standing. There wa3 a tremend
ous splash, and a mass of mud and
filth struck Col. Warrington squarely
In the face. - Gasping for breath and
digging with his hands at his mud
covered eyes and mouth and nose.
Col. Warrington raised his voice and
swore as no man in the brigade could
swear except Col. Jones.
"Hehlaakety-blanked the rebels who
fired the shot, the general who formed
his brigade in such a blankety-blanked
.place. He consigned the mudholc and
all mudholes to a hotter place, and
roared out the' most picturesque pro
fanity until his eyes were clear of
mud. and he saw the startled and
amused looks 'on the faces of his men.
'.Then he summed up the case by re
peating In order all the swear words
he had used and added, 'as CoL Jones
would say. were he in my place.' Af
ter that the boys would swear at will,
but after every oath or outburst would
add. 'as CoL Jones would say.' Chi
cago Inter Ocean.
Forty-Six Missing.
Private Cadotte. of the Third United
States Infantry, on service in the Phil
ippines, sends the following "yarn."
He says the notorious (Filipino) offi
cer. Gen. Llanera. told it to him:
"After the terrible fight between
Manila and Caloocan; while we were
yet gathering oar scattered forces In
order to mas the trenches of Palo and
Malakoa, we, gradually got over the
'effect, and caste to look upon the
Ajsfrtcaaps lying at Catoocaa so
quietly as not so dangerous, after all.
They were afraid to come out and
fight, so our men went in small par
ties and engaged them at times. One
day a corporal named Leon went
scouting, as he was anxious for pro
motion. Ill-fortune was his, so he
caught no Americanos unawares, but
on his way home found a great iron
ball of oblong shape and brought it
into camp at Meycuayan. The cap
tain ordered it taken before El Gen
eral, who said it was an infernal ma
chine of the Americanos los diablos!
He took it outside of the camp, under
a great mango tree, and unscrewed
the point of it for it was a six-Inch
shell. Seeing nothing dangerous about
It he put a lighted cigarette in the
hole, and then put bis ear down over
It to hear the result Well, we did
not recover from the 'result for some
time. When we did we looked for
Leon and some twenty or thirty other
men; we found them, or small pieces
of them, hanging in the mango tree
and scattered around the ground.
From the roll call that night there
were forty-six missing, with the
wounded." Collier's Weekly.
A Story of Kenesaw.
"A good many stories," said the
Colonel, "have been told of that truce
at Kenesaw, but here is another. My
point of view was that part of the
Union line nearest the rebel works
After the assault on the dead angle,
June 27, 1864, many dead and wound
ed were left on the ground between
the line we established and the rebel
fortifications. Some of the wounded
crept back to us during that afternoon
and others managed to roll out of the
zone of fire and creep back to us thai
night The more severely wounded
however, remained where they fell un
til death relieved their suffering. On
the 28th of June there were no living
left between the lines, and on the
29th a truce was arranged for the
burial of the dead.
"Some of the, bodies were carried
to our lines, but most of the dead
were buried where they fell, the rebei
details anu our own working to the
same purpose. During the truce there
was in front of our brigade a raing
ling of officers and men from both
sides In the not very wide space be
tween the lines. I saw General Jas.
D. Morgan of our division wearing a
soldier's blouse, without insignia of
rank, talking to General B. F. Cheat
am, commanding tne Confederates in
our front Cheatam wore a blue
drilling roundabout gathered at the
waist, and, like Morgan, was posing
as a private soldier. Both, however,
were recognized and identified, and
Cheatam during the truce threw of!
all pretense of disguise." Chicago In
ter Ocean.
Uniforms and Sentiment
"I would like to see this new army
uniform," said an old soldier. "They
say we old fellows will not like it as
a matter of sentiment but that prac
tical soldiers, putting aside sentiment,
favor it Great Scott! As if we were
not practical soldiers, who saw more
actual service in battle in four years
than all the civilized world has seen
since 1865. There is more than' senti
ment in this question of uniform, and
I believe this experiment will end, as
have others, in a return to the ser
vice uniform so thoroughly tested
under all circumstances of battle and
conditions of weather during the civil
"The blue uniform was no more c.
spicuous in maneuver, skirmish, ur
battle than the Confederate gray or
butternut At a distance the one
could not be distinguished from the
other. At Shilob, the rebels were
taken for our own men, and were al
most in our camps before the differ
ence in dress was noticed. At Stone
River, heavy masses of rebels came
out of cornfields or out of cedars and
we held our fire, believing them to
be our own men. In hundreds of
cases during the civil war mistakes
were made through failure to dis
tinguish uniforms, the butternut look
ing in the haze, or rain, or smoke, or
at a distance as dark as the blue."
Two Frank Confederate Generals.
The present writer once asked a
Confederate general, long after the
civil war (but now many years ago),
how he really felt about the failure of
himself and his associates to estab
lish a separate government He said:
"Do you want me to tell you the
truth?" The answer was, of course,
"Yes." "Well." said the honest old
veteran, "I am sorry we failed; I
think we should have done well as a
separate nation." We honored him
for his frankness and afterward told
the incident to another Confederate
general, who said: "Did General
say that? Well, he always was a fail
ure!" We find it difficult to believe that
the stubborn old Confederate, were he
living to-day, would still declare that
he was "sorry." But if he did do so,
he would be, as the years went on,
still more of an exception, still more
of a psychological curiosity. October
Confederates Are Divided.
The question of accepting the help
of the Grand Army in the construc
tion of the Confederate veterans'
home at Mountain Creek, Ala., is caus
ing a serious disruption in the Con
federate veterans' associations in vari
ous parts of the south. In Louisiana
resolutions were adopted thanking the
northern veterans for their offer, but
saying that "the south was able to pro
vide for its veterans and could not
cccept assistance from others." In
Alabama, however, the Confederates
are adopting resolutions of thanks to
the Grand Army and accepting the of
fers of help. Col. J. N. Falkner, a dis
tinguished Confederate soldier, says
that the offer of Gen. Torrence to aid
the Confederates was made at his sug
gestion. Running Out of Ammunition.
A belated reminiscence of the bat
tle of Gettysburg illustrates the strict
attention to business of the profes
sional soldier under the most distract
ing circumstances.
When Gen. Hancock was wounded
he was carried to the rear, where the
surgeons cut away his clothing and
found and extracted the missile. The
general became much interested on
seeing it and insisted upon sending
for an aid de camp, in spite of the
medical admonitions against exciting
.himself. When the aid appeared, the
general called out to him:
' "Go straight to Gen. Meade and tell
him the enemy Is running short' of am
munition. I have teen wounded with
Famous New York Men
Not Born in the City.
The following list of birthplaces of
persons in conspicuous places or re
sponsible posts in New York city is
chiefly notable for the extraordinary
lack of New Yorkers in it:
Richard Croker, Black Rock, Ireland.
Joseph H. Choate, Salem, Mass.
Chauncey M. Depew, Peekskill,
York state.
W. R. Grace, Queenstown, Ireland.
Randolph Guggenheimer, Lynch
burg, Va.
Abram S. Hewitt, Haverstraw, York
James R. Keene, London, England.
John A. McCall, Albany.
Levi P. Morton, Shoreham, Vt
J. Pierpont Morgan, Hartford, Conn.
Thomas C. Piatt, Oswego, York
Charles L. Tiffany, Danielsonville,
Nathan Straus, Otterberg, Bavaria.
Isador Straus, Rhenish, Bavaria.
H. H. Vreelana, Glen, N. Y.
William C. Whitney, Conway, Mass.
Frank S. Black, Livingston, Me.
Cornelius N. Bliss, Fall River, Mass.
James W. Alexander, Princeton,
Elihu Root, Clinton. N. Y.
Russell Sage, Oneida county, New
Joseph Pulitzer, Buda Pesth, Hungary.
Child Slavery in
Mills of the South
Boys and girls from the age of six
years and upward are employed. They
usually work from six o'clock in the
morning until seven at night At noon
I saw them squat on the floor and de
vour their food, which consisted
mostly of corn bread and bacon. These
weazened pigmies munched in silence
ad thee toppled over in sleep on the
floor in all the abandon of babyhood.
When it came time to go to work the
foreman marched through the groups
shaking the sleepers, shouting in
their ears, lifting them to their feet,
and, in a few instances, kicking the
delinquents into wakefulness. From
a quarter to one until seven o'clock
they worked without respite or rest
These toddlers, I saw for the most
part did but one thing they watched
the flying spindles on a frame twenty
feet long and tied the broken threads.
They could not sit at their tasks; back
and forth they paced, watching with
inanimate, dull look the flying
spindles. The noise of the machinery
and the constant looking at the fly
ing wheels reduce nervous sensation
in a few months to the minimum.
Memory is as dead as hope. He does
his work like an automaton; he is
part of the roaring machinery; mem
Hawthorne Had Little
Use For Politicians.
Correcting some inaccuracies In a
published statement, George Edwin
Jepson of the Boston Custom House,
writes to the Boston Herald saying:
"Hawthorne was not a weigher in
the Boston Custom House in 1839-41,
but a measurer, the two offices at that
period being essentially distinct Nor.
was he turned out of office by the
Whigs in 1841, as you state, and un
due odium is thereby cast upon that
party. In the Boston Custom House
archives is an official copy of a letter
from Collector Bancroft, which noti
t.nv b' Treasury Department at Wash-.n-'.
'-rt Nathaniel Hawthorne re
s.K . r 'Fition Jan. 1, 1841. The
r v assume power until the
folio v-'ui .llareh. and consequently
could exert no pressure to force out a
Democratic officeholder before that
"Hawthorne, in fact, had never been
contented in official harness from the
first He felt out of place amid the
associations of official life. When
scarcely a year in place he writes thus
in his private journal: 'I pray that in
one year more I may find some way of
escaping from this unblest custom
house, for it is a very grievous thrall-
What This Learned Term Means to
the Great Majority.
The medical profession has con
ferred no small boom on many suffer
ers by inventing a Greek, or pseudo
Greek, term for their otherwise demo
cratic complaints, says the London
Graphic. The last of these inventions
is recorded this weetc. The disease' is
fussiness, and the medical name is
mysophobia. The mysophobe is he
who, when seated by his table, lifts
his glass to see if it is fingered, and
if he detects a smudge uses his nap
Kin to dispose of it. In short, myso
phobia is the exaggeration of that re
spect for cleanliness which convinced
Svengali of the madness of English
men when he surprised the Laird in
bis matutinal tub. The lady in the
piay who seized on everyone's watch
chain and began rubbing it with cha
mois leather was a mysophobe,- and
the irritating man who begs your
pardon and picks some microscopic
piece of fluff from your sleeve is an
other. The servant who insists on
dusting papers is another, and the dis
ease is widely prevalent among all
housekeepers in the spring. It is nice
to know at last what to call it, but the
medical press is more inclined to sug
gest scientific names than remedies.
True Success in Life.
There are scores of living men who
might be mentioned who have at
tained to all that goes to make up
success as it is commonly estimated,
says the San Francisco Chronicle.
They have wealth, social and political
influence and -popularity; they have
everything that heart can wish, and
yet the man of the world of the aver
age sort would not for a moment ad
mit that his success is to be com
pared with that of the man who has
lost everything yet has served his
country as a patriot has made the
foundation of the state a little strong
er, the life of a common people a lit
tle sweeter and happier, has given to
his family and his friends an example
of unspotted rectitude, and in doing
these things has missed personal ad
vancement and pleasure.
Even Millionaires Turned Down.
'James Dobson, a multimillionaire
carpet-maker of Philadelphia, was
"among those present" at a coal of
fice there the other day to make ap
plication for fuel. He stood in line
with a number of others and pleaded
for a carload, saying he needed it bad
ly at his factory- That was his sec
ond appeal, but he was told to "call
again in the morning."
Whitelaw Reid, Xenia, O.
John D. Rockefeller, Richford, N. Y.
S. S. McClure, County Antrim, Ire
land. Andrew Carnegie, Dunfermline, Scot
land. James C. Carter, Lancaster, Mass.
Henry Clews, Staffordshire, Eng
land. Daniel S. Lamont, Cortlandville,
N. Y.
Henry M. Flagler, Canandaigua,
N. Y.
Charles R. Flint Thomaston, Me.
D. O. Mills, North Salem, N. Y.
Frank A. Munsey, Mercer, Me.
Adolph S. Ochs, Cincinnati, O.
W. R. Hearst, San Francisco.
Charles Dana Gibson, Roxbury,
George Harvey, Peacham, Vt
John Brisben Walker, western Penn
sylvania. Bishop Potter, Schenectady. N. Y.
George G. Williams, East Haddam,
Horace White, Colebrook, N. H.
Lewis Nixon, Leesburg, Va.
Nicholas Murray Butler, Elizabeth,
Henry M. Allen, ML Tabor, Vt
Maurice Grau, Brunn, Austria.
Morris K. Jesup, Westport, Conn.
Herman Oelrichs, Baltimore.
Samuel Sloan, Ireland.
ory is seared, physical vitality is at
such a low ebb that he ceases to suf
fer. At a certain night school where
several good women were putting
forth efforts to mitigate the condition
of these baby slaves, one of tho
teachers told me that they did not
try to teach the children to .read
they simply tried to arouse the spirit
through pictures and telling stories.
If the child workers of South Carolina
could be marshaled by bugle call,
headed by fife and drum, and marched
through Commonwealth Avenue, out
past the statue of William Lloyd Gar
rison, erected by sons of the men who
dragged him through the streets at a
rope's end, the sight would appal the
heart and drive conviction home. Im
agine an army of twenty thousand
pigmy bondsmen, half naked, half
starved, yellow, weazened, deformed
in body, with drawn faces that show
spirits 'too dead to weep, too hopeless
to laugh, too pained to feel! Would
not aristocratic Boston lock her doors,
bar the shutters, and turn in shame
from such a sight? Lucinda B. Chan
dler in Wilshire's Magazine.
A small boy's Ideal memorial win
dow is the front one in a candy store.
dom.' And what he adds exhibits that
he is laboring under a sense of suffo
cation from the vitiated official atmos
phere which he was then breathing.
'One thing I have gained by my cus
tom house experience to know a poli
tician. I want nothing to do with
them. Their hearts wither away and
die out. of their bodies. Their con
sciences are turned to India rubber or
to something as black as that and
which will stretch as much. When I
quit this earthly cavern where I am
now buried' (his office was in the
basement of the old Custom House in
Custom House street, still standing
there), 'men will not perceive, I trust,
by my look, or the tenor of my
thoughts and feelings, that I have
been a Custom House officer!' Else
where he refers to what he evidently
looks upon as if it were an involun
tary place of detention in these graph
ic words: 'My darksome dungeon . .
. into which dismal region never
comes any bird of paradise.' The of
ficial records cited are always avail
able for public inspection."
Watered stock is the kind you get
at most wet-goods emporiums.
May Be Molded Into Any Form and
Used as a Hammer.
Louis Kauffeld, a European glass
worker, make3 extraordinary claims
for a new kind of glass he has just dis
covered. It is a glass of such nature
that will not break, that can be mold
ed into any desired form, that can be
hammered without catastrophe In
short, a glass that will be as mallea
ble as lead or any other metal. With
an ordinary goblet made of his new
material he can hammer a nail into a
tough board. He can bore a hole in
a glass pane, and then patch it with
another piece of the same kind of
glass. Coffee pots and tea kettles can
be made of the new substance, and
will nd more crack, even under the
most intense heat than would steel.
While Kauffeld's process is un
known to anybody bxcept himself he
recently volunteered the information
that the lime and lead that are used
in the manufacture of ordinary glass
do not enter into the composition of
this. "The secret lies," he said, "in
the chemicals that are used in mak
ing this glass and the proportions in
which these chemicals are put into it"
The Man and His Guns.
Once upon a time a man made a
large collection of firearms of all
times and nations, and was very proud
of his curios. He showed them to his
friends, expatiated on their several
merits, and always assured his visit
ors that there was no danger in hand-'
ling them, for they could not go off,
because they were not loaded.
The fame of his collection reached
the ears of an enterprising burglar,
who made a daring entry of his prem
ises in the dead of night and despoiled
him of the entire collection.
Moral The fact of firearms being
unloaded is no guarantee that 'they
will not go off. New York Herald.
How He Saw It
Uncle Si (agriculturist) I've hearn
the New York zoo is 'great
Uncle Jo. (countryside joker) Wal,
I guess! They've got .the unmitigated
ass, and money sharks, and country
suckers, and Chicago lobsters, and
Wall street bulls, and stock exchange
bears, and peacocks o fashion, and
monkey-faced dudes, and society apes,
and old hen reformers, and gawkies,
and snipes, and snakes of vice, and
Tammany tigers, and- owl cars', and
Standard Oil hogs, and doves of peace,
and dogs of war, an
Uncle Silas Say. Jo, I want a gallon
of that same cider. Life.
The Grass Thrips.
Bulletin 83 of the Maine Station
insists of a scientific and technical
lescriptlon of the grass thrips (ana
?hothrips striata Osborn). As the
lulletln Is not of general interest only
i limited edition was printed and It
will be sent only on application.
Tho grass thrips Is a minute in
sect, from one twenty-fifth to one-six-:eenth
of an inch In length, usually
iving In some part of the grass plant,
from which it sucks the juice. In the
2arly summer its work is confined
Aiefly to June grass, but later in the
season timothy and other grasses are
ittacked also. The dead grass tops
seen along the highway and in the
sdges of the field are often due to
:his cause. If the top of a plant thus
iffected be gently pulled, the stalk
isuaily parts above the upper joint,
and the part which was covered by
the sheath is found withered and
As the thrips feeds by sucking the
Juices of the plants, contact poisons,
is kerosene emulsion or whale ell
soap are the only ones which arc of
use in combating it When only a
small area Is infested, one of the in
secticides just mentioned or even a
liberal application of water will prove
successful in controlling the pest
When a large area Is infested the
application of an insecticide is not
feasible on account of the expense of
materials and application. In such a
case the burning of the dead stalks af
ter the ground has frozen in the fall
so as to secure a close burn without
injuring the roots of the grass, may
prove successful. With badly run out
fields, which are the ones most likely
to be badly infested, the best remedy
is deep plowing in the fall or in the
early spring before the grass has
started. If this is followed by thor
ough cultivation none of the insects
will be able to make their way to the
surface of the ground.
Egyptian Clover.
Trifolium alexandrlnum. This is
an annual clover recently introduced
from Egypt. It is Relieved that it
will do well in the southern states, but
It will require more expert mentation
to show just what its value is and
just where it will grow to best ad
vantage. One Kind of Farming in Mississippi.
Bulletin 76, Mississippi station:
The present system of farming in
Mississippi fails to make profitable
use of all the land on the farm. It
permits the most excessive washing
of surface soils, and in consequence
the cultivated area becomes less pro
ductive each year, while the gullies
and washes get wider and deeper and
more numerous. Grass -is not wanted
and is either treated with indifference
or as an enemy. The money received
for the cotton crop is spent for sup
plies, for work stock and for feed, be
cause not enough of these things are
grown on the farm to supply the de
mand. The present system will not
permit of paying good wages for
labor, and labor that Is poorly paid
is generally unsatisfactory.
The growing of live stock on the
farm has an important bearing on
its productiveness and increases very
greatly the opportunities for using all
parts of it profitably. By furnishing
a means for disposing of the crops
grown, live stock encourages diversi
fication and makes it easy to practice
rotation without "losing the use of
the land when it is occupied by re
storative crops." Under the present
system one dollar per acre for the
entire area is very good rent for the
average farm. A few will rent for a
little more, while many will not rent
for so much. This condition, appa
rently, is largely due to the fact that
no returns whatever are gotten from
large areas, while the average pro
ductiveness of other large areas is
too small for any profit.
New Zealand Bacon Shipments.
For some years the New Zealanders
have been trying to ship bacon to Eng
land and get it there in good condi
tion. Until recently they have met
with little success so far as getting
their product to market in good shape
was concerned. The bacon generally
came onto the market either tainted
or discolored, due to the methods of
freezing. Now a method of chilling
and freezing has been invented that
is said to make it possible to put the
bacon onto the English market in as
fine condition as wb,en it came from
the New Zealand factories.
How to Improve a Hog.
"The only way to Improve the razor
back hog of Texa3 is to cross him with
a railroad train. He then becomes a
fine Berkshire or Poland-China, and if
the 'train is left on the track, the com
pany pays for him at the rate of $1
a pound and all the company gets is
the mournful pleasure of shoveling his
remains off the track." Coburn in
.Hoard's Dairyman.
World's Cereal Crops for 1902.
The Hungarian minister of agricul
ture Issued on September 4 his an
nual estimate of the grain crops of
the world. The figures are approxi
mately as follows:
tVheat 2,900.000.000
Oats 3,000,000,000
Corn 2,970.000,000
Rye 1,575.000,000
The food and drink 'of hogs should
he perrectly pure, if a pure product is
m .ymmsmmw jbf .FsVsmllf" irmav
mVlEmmmWlv JmmsmmaMr N.l
vsmmWWvC mmmrBmMsJ
Corn Fodder, Waste and Utility.
From Farmers' Review: Perhaps
the most stupendous waste occurring
on the American farm to-day Is that
of the corn fodder crop. Something
like 90,000.000 tons of corn fodder are
annually produced on the 80 to 90
million acres normally planted to
corn in the United States. In the
corn belt of the Middle West, where
about 75 per cent of all the corn of
the country is grown, there Is a pro
digious and profligate waste of this
foodstuff. In this same section valu
able land is annually used for the
production of roughness, such as
timothy, millet, sorghum, etc, while
acres of corn fodder are allowed to
go to waste. In Missouri it is safe to
estimate that something like 7,000,000
tons of corn fodder are grown in the
average year. Certainly three and a
half million tons, or one-half of all
that Is produced, is wasted. The av
erage hay crop of the state is scarcely
more than 3,000,000 tons, and is esti
mated to be worth on the farm over
120,000,000. Yet a large proportion
of this hay is timothy, a material that
supplies the same class of nutrients
for our stock that is found in corn
fodder. The question, therefore, as
to whether this fodder can be used as
a substitute for any considerable
amount of hay, is especially import
ant to every grain grower and stock
man in the Middle West, even in this
year of plenty.
The Feeding Value of Fodder. Care
ful experiments show that more than
one-third of all the digestible ma
terial contained in the entire corn
plant Is found in the fodder, and that
less than two-thirds is concentrated
in tho grain. Clearly no one is justi
fied in permitting the waste of one
third of the crop that ho has been at
the pains of growing.
It has been further shown that a
ton of corn fodder contains practically
the same number of pounds of digesti
ble material as does a ton of timothy
It does not follow, however, that as an
exclusive ration for stock it is as val
uable as timothy, ton for ton. since it
is not so palatable and not so com
pletely eaten, and that the stock will
not eat enough of it to make profitable
gains. The Missouri Experiment sta
tion has been studying this problem
during the last seven yirs with a
view to ascertaining the best method
of treating corn fodder and the beal
combinations with other foods in or
der to increase Its feeding value.
These experiments clearly show
that yearling steers may be wintered
on whole fodder from which all the
ears were carefully removed, without
grain or other food, and neither gain
nor lose in weight That similai
steers when fed all the bright timothy
hay they would eat and without
grain will make a slight gain. More
pounds of fodder than of timothy
were necessary to winter cattle of
this class. The coarser portions of
this stalk, amounting usually to be
tween thirty and forty per cent oJ
tho whole weight of the fodder, was
refused by the cattle. AH things con
sidered, it is safe to say that wher
fed alone, a ton of corn fodder has
something like half the feeding value
of timothy bay. That it is not gooc
business policy, however, to wintef
cattle in this way in the ordinarj
season will be accepted without argu
ment H. J. Waters, University '
Water for Hogs.
Owing to their fatty make-up, tht
hog suffers most of all the domesth
animals, when deprived of water, li
order that they may do their best
they must have pure water, not onc
or twice a day, but all the time. Tbi.
can best be provided, where there 1:
not running water, by having t
square trough, to which is fitted
float valve at one end. This trougl
should not be over ten inches high,
and should be protected by nailing
slats across, to keep the hogs from
getting in and soiling the water. This
trough should be fed by a pipe lead
ing from a reservoir or large tank
I have tried a great many of the
watering devices attached to a tank
or barrel and find that while the
will work for a time, sooner or latei
they gave trouble, and of late I have
discarded them and use a float valve,
which is always in order. It pays
best to have the float made of copper.
as it will not rust, while a tin one J
will, and soon leak. If you have
never had this or a similar device foi
watering your hogs, get one next sea
son and you will be convinced that II
pays for itself many times over dur
ing one season, besides saving a whole
lot of hard work. I would rather bs
looking over the fence watching their
eat, than lugging water, when a pipe
that costs but a few dollars can carrj
It easier and better, when once set tc
work; besides doing the work bettei
than I could possibly do it It give:
me time to attend to some of theii
other wants, that I could not possiblj
attend to had I to carry all the watei
that they require. Forest Henry.
Fat-Tailed Sheep in Siberia.
Vast tracts of natural pasture ir
Siberia are considered ideal for sheer
raising, says the Live Stock Journal
The fat-tailed Tartar sheep is the best
At present these sheep are reared foi
the fat on their tails. The fat grows
all through the summer and a year
ling will give 20 pounds of tallow. Ir
the winter months the fat graduallj
disappears; it is one of the provisions
of nature. When no more food is tc
be had because of the snow the shee;
derive sustenanco by absorbing the
tail fat If housed and fed in tht
winter, the fat remains. This fat
tailed sheop is not a great woo! pro
ducer, and an inferior breed is kep:
for that purpose.
Pump Irrigation.
In our western country and ever
in some localities in the central west
considerable irrigation has been don
by the means oi pumps. Some de
clare that irrigation by means o
pumps can never amount to much
But we know that this practice is a
old as civilization, and this mode o
irrigation has been employed in com
parts of the world successfully fo
centuries. There are many places i:
our western states, where from fi
to fifteen acre3 of land are irrigated
by pumps driven by wind
mills. Doubtless the future will se
the further utilization of the pump
whether driven by wind or by othe
Necessity is the apology that a poo
man offers his stomach.
Selling Cream.
E. C. Jacobs: When we commenced
to use the separator we found the
cream was of superior quality for
table use, and took. a few samples to
our butter customers, with the result
that It soon had a prominent place
'.n our weekly load, with a profit to
as and a satisfaction to the customers
that has resulted in our seldom being
able to supply the demand for It. It
sems strange that with so much dairy
product seeking a market, good, rich,
sweet cream Is often hard to obtain
!n the city at any price. From my
own observation I think that much
more cream Is being used than a few
years ago, and much more would be
used if a good article could always
be obtained.
I know of no more profitable way
of selling cream than in connection
with a butter trade, as then the de
livery can be done at the same time
and usually to the same people. Then,
it is a profitable way to dispose of a
surplus that Is quite liable to accu
mulate in May or June, as more cream
Is usually wanted In summer than in
winter, and it Is often difficult to ad
just the supply to the demand through
out the year, but by selling both I
think It is easier to manage. Cream
Is taken Immediately from the sepa
rator, set in ice water and stirred
until cold. Think it would usually
test about 32 per cent butter fat, al
though do not make a practice of
testing it, being guided by the amount
of butter yielded at the previous
churning and the appearance of the
cream, aiming always to have cream
rich enough to whip when in proper
condition. Farmers' Review.
When Milk Is Rejected.
A New Zealand milk inspector says:
Human nature is such that few sup
pliers can look pleasant whea their
milk is rejected, therefore there is all
the more reason why the man In
charge of the weigh stand should ex
ercise the greatest care in dealing
with a matter of this kind. The main
point for a manager to observe is to
keep cool be courteous, and never
act or use language which will wound
or annoy. I remember once seeing a
manager returning a can of Inferior
milk, and through some carelessness
on his part in handling the hoist, the
contents of a twenty-gallon can were
poured over the unfortunate supplier.
It is needless to say that this supplier
(in his half drowned condition) was
not in a proper frame of mind to re
ceive hints on the care of milk at
the farm. I mention this fact merely
to show that it is highly Important
on the part of the manager to avoid
giving the milk supplier any cause
for complaint, for if the confidence
of the supplier In the ability of the
manager is shaken, it matters not
whether it is in judging the milk or
any other branch of the work his
judgment will not be accepted as re
liable or his decisions as final. Every
manager should endeavor to prove to
the supplier who delivers tainted milk
that such milk Is inferior In quality.
This can be done by the application
of the curd or fermentation test If
the test is properly manipulated it will
strengthen the hands of the manager,
and if its results do not appeal to the
offending supplier, some more strin
gent measures should be taken.
Starved on Condensed Milk.
Dr. Raymond of the Brooklyn Board
of Health, has, according to the Eagle,
investigated the 663 deaths among
children under two years old due to
cholera infantum, diarrhea and other
similar diseases.
He ascertained that fully 80 per cent
of these children had been fed on con
densed milk, 10 per cent were nurs
ing infants and the remainder were
nourished by various prepared baby
Most of the condensed milk used
was of the canned variety, depending
on the large amount of sugar in it to
preserve it. The mothers were ac
customed to dilute this in ten parts
of water. In this form it was fed to
the child. Owing to the sweetness of
the mixture the children liked it, of
course, and seemed to thrive, as the
sugar fattened them. But there Is a
preponderance of casein in condensed
milk which is not digestible. There
is also an absence of fat Hence the
children, who had been fed with this
food presented broken down systems
to the summer heat and could not
stand the strain. Death followed.
Be this as it may, it emphasizes
the necessity of putting a stop to the
fraud of selling condensed skim milk
as condensed milk. New York Pro
duce Review.
Relation of Fat to Cheese Products.
A good many people are still ig
norant of the fact that tho richness
of milk largely regulates its value for
cheese-making. Yet this truth has
been known for a number of years.
At the Wisconsin state fair, Professor
Farrlngton showed six cheeses to il
lustrate this. His exhibit was as
11-lb cheese Made from 200 lbs.
skimmed milk, testing .10 per cent.
13.41b cheese Made from 200 lbs.
milk, testing 1 per cent fat.
lC-lb cheese Made from 200 lbs.
milk, testing 2 per cent fat
18.4-lb. cheese Made from 200 lbs.
milk, testing 3 per cent fat
21.8-lb. cheese Made from 200 lbs.
milk, testing 4 per cent fat.
24.8-lb. cheese Made from 200 lbs.
Milk, testing 5 per cent fat
It will be seen that the old rule of
one pound of cheese from ten of milk
seldom holds good, the best milk in
this case yielding about one pound of
cheese from eight of milk, while the
poorest gave one pound of cheese
from about 19 of milk. The casein
content of milk holds nearly a con
stant relation to its fat content
Montana Dairy Building.
A Montana item says: The dairy
building at the experiment station (at
Bozeman) is rapidly approaching com
pletion. Its dimensions are 23x44
feet two stories and of frame con
struction. The west side on the lower
floor will be devoted to the manufac
ture of butter, while on the east side
will be the cheese vats and other ma
chinery for turning out first-class
cheese. The upper story will be used
for class rooms. The dairy will have
a capacity of about 1.000 gallons of
milk every day, and the work will all
be done by the students of the agri
cultural course. The cost of the
building will be $2,500, the amount
appropriated by the last legislature.
The equipment is already on the
ground and will be installed just ss
soon as the building is completed.
Hw a Han Fa
Observe how the hea feeds whea eat
oa the range. It la first a Made of
grass or a leaf of clover, 'tsea a start
chase for a grasshopper or crlcheL
She aow discovers a soft spot la the
soil which she believes worts, laveetl
gatlng. and sets to work wit the
mining tools aatare has fives ser
with a view of finding oat If It is
"pay dirt" A fasxy weed head Is Is
her path and she stops to shatter
dowa a few of the ripened seeds. She
Is drawn away from this repast by
another grasshopper wales springs
down in front of her and Jamps away
agala just la time to save himself
from the dash which she has made at
him. In place of the grasshopper
which she didn't get she sips asother
clover leaf or blsde of grass. Thus
the hen feeds s little at a time sad
consumes hours in ebtaJalag a fall
meal. It seems that people who see
this every day might kaow that throw
ing down a measure of shelled core
on a bare spot Is not the way to feed
the hens. And those who do this re
ceive conclusive proof that there is
something wrong with their feedlaa
daring the time of year whea the hea
has no choice of food, but mast live
oa what Is given her by the owaer.
American Fancier.
Bad Policy to Mix Eggs for Sale.
It is a bad policy to mix eggs of
different degrees of freshness for the
purpose of making the fresh eggs sell
the poor ones. It quite uniformly
results In tho bad eggs pulling dowa
the value of the good eggs. Instead
of the buyer being fooled and paying
fresh-egg prices for stale eggs, the
seller gets fooled and receives for the
fresh eggs he has mixed la the lot
only stale-egg prices. The grocery
man that buys the eggs from the com
mission merchant is wise enough to
set his price on the valuo of the poor
est eggs and not on the valae of the
best. If any good eggs were seat to
market the consumption of eggs
would be enormously Increased, or
rather the demand for them would be.
This would mean the Increase of
value. Stale eggs should never be al
lowed to go from the farm. To such
as want to work off bad eggs oa the
public, wo would recommend the Dan
ish method of selling eggs, where
every shipper of bad eggs Is fined $1.00
for each bad egg and Is expelled from
the association when he has sent to
market three bad eggs.
Licensed Judges for Poultry.
It has been cuggested that for poul
try shows there should be judges
licensed by the American Poultry As
sociation. The scheme may be a good
one. but we would suggest that it
would bo better to have judges that
have passed good examinations and
been licensed by some of our agri
cultural colleges that make poultry
culture a branch of instruction. We
are strongly of the opinion that much
of the Judging at poultry shows Is of
a very unscientific character. Cer
tainly no one should be selected aa a
judge who is not fully qualified and
because a man has raised poultry all
his life is no reason why he should
be selected as a judge. He may have
been following erroneous methods all
his life. Of course, we recognize tkje
fact that after a Judge Is licensed
there will be no way of compelling the
managers of poultry shows to hire
him for the work of judging. The
moral effect, however, of having the
license will be good, and we think
the unlicensed judges would soon dis
appear. Cool Market Poultry.
When large quantities of dressed
poultry are to be shipped to distant
markets thorough cooling should take
place before packing. When a barrel
of still warm poultry is put Into a
car there Is danger that it will spoil
before being taken out, even though
ice is packed around it. The outside
of the package and for a few inches
inward are rendered cool, but not the
inside. Most shippers of chickens
think that if the consignment Is to
be iced all has been done that Is nec
essary for its keeping. Experience
has shown otherwise. It is little
trouble to get the meat thoroughly
cold before being packed. This is
especially the case in cold weather. .
Yet that "little" trouble will result In
having the stock come to the market
in good shape.
Fattening Fowls.
Exercise is not conducive to the
laying on of flesh. On the other hand
as birds do not thrive when confined.
In coops the process of fattening
should be a very quick one. Four
teen days is long enough to get a
fowl in condition. Mashed potatoes
one-half and corn meal one-half Is a
good combination. Feed all they can
eat in the morning. At noon give
ground oats, middlings and ground
corn equal parts. In evening give
plenty of wheat and corn. This may
be kept before them all the time. Give
plenty of water and grit and also a
little green food If convenient They
will then soon be ready for the mar
ket. J. R. Brabazon.
Dormant Bacteria.
Prof. John L. Sheldon says: "Like
some weeds, bacteria may remain dor
mant for long periods. When the con
ditions necessary for their growth re
turn they immediately become active.
Seeds of the cockle-burr, ragweed and
sunflower may lie In the ground for a
year or more without germinating, but
when he soil is stirred up and they
begin to feel the influence of the sun
shine and air, the seedlings burst
from their seed coats and push their
way up through the soil, appareatly
all the more vigorous on account of
their long rest.
Gay Young Frenchmen.
Two sportive young French aristo
crats at Mciun recently made a wagor
of 100 louis. Each took his silk hat
and nailed it to a tree. Guns were pro
cured and at a distance of twenty
seven yards they opened Are. The
shots were to be recorded in the bot
tom of the hat and once the brim was
touched the competitor was disquali
fied. The winner put In eighty-eight
shots and then the joyous pair return
ed to Paris and dined together.
France Is an enormous producer ef
table poultry and eggs. The climate of
the country is well adapted to the
raising of poultry, and a largj aum
ber of people make their living there
by. One trouble about obstacles la that
they are always In the way.
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