The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 29, 1902, Image 1

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Chief Executive Greets the Members
Cordially and Impresses Upon Them
the Necessity of Expedition Judge
i Cray is Chosen Chairman.
WASHINGTON. The members of
Hie etriko arbitration commission ap
pointed by President Roosevelt met at
the White House Friday morning
-and went into conference with the
E. E. Clark, president of the Order
of Railway Conductors, was the first
membtir of the commission to arrive.
.Bishop Spalding, accompanied by Dr.
D. J. Stafford of this city, was the
next to put in an appearance. Gen
eral Wilson, who arrived a moment
later, was followed by Thomas H. Wat
kius and Colonei Wright, the recorder
of the commission. Then came E. W.
Parker, the mining expert. Judge
Gray of the United Stales circuit court
was the last member to reach the
White House.
The president greeted the members
of the commission cordially. The In
terview was brief, lasting scarcely
twenty minutes. The woru to be done
by the commission was informally dis
cussed. The president impresed upon
the commission the necessity of expe
dition and informed them that he had
decided to appoint two assistants to
the recorder to facilitate the work. He
then presented to them their instruc
tions, as follows:
To the Anthracite Coal Strike Commis
sion: Gentlemen At the request both
of the operators and of the miners I
appointed a committee to inquire into,
consider and pass upon the questions
in controversy in connection with the
strike in the anthracite region and
the causes out of which the contro
versy arose.
"By the action you recommend the
parties in interest have in advance
consented to abide. You will endeavor
to establish the relations between the
employers and the wage workers in
the anthracite fields on a just and per
manent basis and as far as possible ,
to do away with any causes for the j
recurrence of such difficulties as those
which you have been called in to set- j
tie. j
"I submit to you herewith the pub-
lishod statement of the operators, fol
lowing which I named you as the mem-
iters of the commission. Mr. Wright
being named as recorder, also the let
ter from Mr. Mitchell.
"I appoint Mr. Mogely and Mr. Neil
is assistants to the recorder.
The commission went into executive .
session at Colonel Wright's office at 11
o'clock. Judge Gray was chosen chair
man. The commission after a short
session adjourned till Monday. The.
commission has already adopted an of !
ficial name and has had its printing
prepared, designating it as the Anthra
cite Coal Strike Commission.
Trains Lower Population. t
WASHINGTON The number of
persons killed in train accidents dur-
Ing April, May and June, as shown
by the interstate commerce commis
sion, was 140 and the injured 1.S10. j
Accidents of other kinds, including
those of employes and passengers get
ting on or off cars, swells the total to
C1G killed and 0..520 injured, or 10.136
casualties altogether. There were
3.094 collisions and 91C derailments.
The casualties during the year ended
June 30 were 2,819 killed and 39.800
injured. The number of employes
killed above shows a diminution of
CS per cent since 1S93, when the safe
ty appliance act was passed.
Manila Adopts Land Act.
MANILA The United States Phil
ippine commission has decided to en
act a land registry bill drafted by
Commissioner Ide. The bill adapts
the Torrens registry system, with mod
ifications to fit the local conditions,
and creates a laud titles court. The
commission lias passed a bill defining
the terms tinder which the Manila
street railway franchise is to be
granted. This bill provides for the
xiward ol the franchise by competition.
Bids will be opened next March, after j
advertisement here and in the United
Union Pacific Gets Read.
NEW YORK Official announce
ment has been made, according to the
" World, that a controlling interest of
the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad
has Iven purchased by the Union Pa
cific and allied interests, to prevent
-the Rock Island from obtaining it.
The control was purchased in the open
market. 'The line, while not big. is
important strategically to trunk lines
aiul especially valuable to the Union
Pacific It runs from St. Joseph, Mo
to' Grand Island, Neb., 250 miles, and
has trackage from St. Joseph to Kan
sas City, sixtyone miles.
Are Like R?.ts in a Hole.
."- LONDON The English missionary,
. 'Mr; Cooper, who was murdered at Fez.
.-Morocco, recently, has a wife. and two J
" children, there, and there' is consider-
: .'able, apprehension as to their fate, as
. veil a$. that of four other women mis-
'siocaiies, for -It is known there "has
' been "a considerable' recrudescence of
anti-foreign feeling. Letters .from the
Kansas mission of Mecquins, composed
' of. f'elve Americans, describe the sit-
"tiatiea as critical. Those missionaries
. .saj they are shut 'tip "Like rats. In. a
hole.- - -
Not Because of Bad Health, but for
Lack of Room.
WASHINGTON -While President
Roosevelt is progressing satisfactorily
toward complete recovery, he is re
ceiving few callers except his cabinet
advisers and those having Important
official business to transact.
It is likely that on account of the
limited quarters in the temporary
White House formal meetings of the
cabinet will not be resumed until the
president shall have returned to the
remodeled White House. That will
not be probably before the middle of
Calls Porto Rico Foreign.
NEW YORK Action has been com
menced against George R. Bidwell, for
mer collector of the port, on behalf of
Levi Bloomensteil and company, to
bacco importers of this city. They
complain that defendant assessed duty
on tobacco and cigars from Porto Rico
and compelled them to pay 2,028.
They contended that the assessment
was a violation of the constitution,
which provides that all goods not com
ing from a foreign port should be ad
mitted duty free.
Plays Omaha Indian Music.
NEW YORK At Thursday's session
of the Americanists congress Arthur
Farwell of Newton, Mass., told of the
work of MIhs Alice Fletcher of the
Peabody museum at Harvard in col
lecting songs of the Omaha Indians.
As an illustration he played a simple
theme which tells of an old man going
up the hill each morning and singing
his greeting to the dawn and entitled
"The Old Man's Love Song."
Denmark to Keep Indies.
LONDON The Copenhagen corre
spondent of the London Times says
the chances are now against any sale
of the Danish West Indies. Of the
sixty-five members of the Landesthing
thirty are known to be against and
thirty-one in favor of the sale, the
remaining four are believed to be op
ponents. One member, M. Thygeson,
who is 97 years old, is coming from
Jutland to vote.
Mrs. Schley Seriously III.
AUSTIN, Tex. Admiral Schley's de
parture for San Antonio has been post
poned owing to the continued illneas
of Mrs. Schley, who went to a hotel
immediately upon the arrival of the
party. When she left the east Mrs.
Schley was threatened with pneumo
nia and she is still too weak to par
ticipate in any of the festivities at
tending upon her husband's welcome.
Son is Sentenced to Hang.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. William Coats
was on Tuesday sentenced to hang
for the murder of his mother on De
cember 8 next. The crime was com
mitted on June 2G last. Coats killed
his mother in order to obtain posses
sion of a large sum of money which
she had.
Rich Girl Weds an Indian.
CHEYENNE. Wyo. Tiev. Sherman
Coolidge, a full-blooded Arapahoe In
dian, and Miss Grace D. Weatherbee
of Seventy-second street. New York,
were married at Fort Washakie by
Rev. F. J. Roberts. The couple met
at the agency three years ago. when
Miss Weatherbee was visiting the
west with Bishop Talbott and family
of Pennsylvania.
Missing Consul is Found.
LAREDO, Tex. The wife of Consul
Garrett received a telegram from her
husband Thursday, dated Guaracevi.
state of Durango. stating that he was
enroute home. The consul and party
had been detained by high water in
the Sierra Madra range and were un
able to reach a telegraph station.
Rice Famine Faces Manila.
MANILA It is believed the Phil
ippines will experience a rice famine.
The islands crop is small, the 'Ori
ental supply seems limited and the
price is advancing rapidly. It is pos
sible the government will be forced to
provide supplies for the poorer na
tives. Street Railway for Manila.
WASHINGTON The bureau of in
sular affairs has received a dispatch
from Governor Taft slating that the
Philippine commission has invited bids
for street railroad and electric light
franchises in Manila, to be opened
March 5, 1903. The bids will be ad
vertised in this country.
Must Read Instead of Drink.
WASHINGTON Secretary Root has
approved a preliminary plan for the
expenditure of the 1500.000 intended
to provide substitutes at military posts
for the canteen. The intention is to
provide reading rooms, gymnasiums
and other amusements for the soldiers.
Unpaid Bills Bring Trouble.
WASHINGTON The court-martial
which tried Captain James A. Lynch
Twenty-eighth infantry, at Plattsburg,
on charges of incurring indebtedness
which he failed to pay, has sentenced
him to be reduced in his grade ten
Want Bible in Schools..
Home Missionary society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church have started a
movement to have the bible placed in
the public schools.
General Hood to Retire.
WASHINGTON Erigadier General
Charles C. Hood, recently promoted,
has been ordered home to await retirement.-
The Department is Held to Have No
Discretion in the Matter, but Must
Enforce the Law Site for Yankton's
Federal Building.
WASHINGTON Colonel John S.
Mosby, special agent of the interior
department, on Thursday called upon
Secretary Hitchcock and laid before
him the results of his investigations
of the illegal occupany of public lands
in Nebraska and other states by stock
ralBers. Secretary Hitchcock will take
up Colonel Mosby's report at an early
date. It is said at the land office that
it has been estimated that millions
of acres of public land that ought
rightfully to be open to homestead set
tlerB is now occupied by cattlemen.
Land Commissioner Hermann is most
emphatic in his statement that he will
make every effort to enforce the law
and remove the fencing and give every
assistance to the homesteader to enter
peacefully upon the lands now fonced
and rightfully a part of the public do
main. Mr. Hermann maintains that if
cattlemen are unlawfully occupying
public lands they should and will be
ousted. If the law is obnoxious to
them, the only appeal is to congress.
The law is clear and it will be most
rigidly enforced against such cattle
men as are found to be illegally upon
public domain. Colonel Mosby will re
main in Washington to be at hand to
aid the secretary of the interior in
solving the present contention between
the fenced-in cattle raisers, small cat
tlemen and homesteaders.
James P. Lowe of the supervising
architect's office, who was sent to
Yankton, S. D., to look over the vari
ous sites offered for the proposed new
government building, has submitted
his report. Under recent orders of
Secretary Shaw thirty days will be
allowed before announcing the prop
erty the government will purchase.
During this period Secretary Shaw in
vites all information from citizens gen
erally regarding location of the new
building and will consider all such
communications and announce his de
cision November 22.
Iowa Man Kills Himself.
MANITOU, Colo. E. C. Ingledue, a
wealthy druggist of Zearing. la., while
temporarily insane, jumped from a
third-story window of the Pittsburg
hotel, sustaining injuries from which
he died in a few minutes. Ingledue
was in Manitou for his health.
Miners Formally Accept Arbitration
WILKESBARRE, Pa. By a unani
mous viva voce vote the convention of
"nited Mine Workers on Tuesday,
after much discussion, vigorcus at
times, accepted President Roosevelt's
arbitration plan. The resolution as
adopted carries with it a declaration
that the strike is off and provides for
an immediate resumption of work in
the ccai mines throughout the an
thracite region.
President Mitchell told the conven
tion that President Roosevelt had in
formed him that he would call a
meeting of the arbitration commission
immediately after the convention's ac
ceptance of his proposal and gave it
as his opinion that the findings of the
arbitrators would be announced with
in a month.
The end of the convention and of the
great strike which had lasted five
months suddenly appeared close at
hand. President Mitchell, after the
convention had given iself over to
heated debate for an hour and a half,
arose and calmly told the delegates
that it must be apparent to all of them
that there was no doubt whatever that
the president's proposal would be
There had been a renewal of the
serious opposition of the steam men
and heated words had passed between
delegates. Explanations of the presi
dent's proposal had been made in four
languages. There seemed to be more
opposition that ever to settlement,
when suddenly there was a hreilr in
the clouds when a motion was put by
a delegate down in front, near the
presiding officer. In a clear voice the
strike leader called for a vote on the
all-important question and instantly
there was a roar of ayes.
The next instant messengers were
flying in all directions from the con
vention to give the news to the world
through the newspapers.
The resolution to resume at ence
means that the pumpmen will go to
work Wednesday and that the mining
of coal will be started at 7 a. m.
After It was all over and President
Roosevelt had been notified, the fol
lowing directions to the strikers were
"You are hereby officially notified
that it was unanimously decided today
by the delegates attending the special
convention that all mine workers
should report for work Thursday
morning, October 23, and that the
issues which culminated in the strike
should be referred for readjustment
to the commission apopinted by the
president of the United tSates.
"We are authorized by the execu- i
Uve officers of districts 1. 7 and 9 to
caution all these who resume work, f
to resume core than usual care in i
order that accidents to life and limb
may be averted. Owing to the condi
tion of the mines after an idleness of
five months there will be great danger
when work is resumed. We are
prompted to offer this advice by the
fact at the close of the strike two
years ago many more accidents and
deaths occurred than take place when
the mines are operating regularly.
President U. M. W. of A.
Secretary Treasurer.
Jamese Younger Takes His Life Be
cause Unable to Marry.
ST. PAUL, Minn. James Younger,
formerly a member of the notorious
band of outlaws, which infested the
country a quarter of a century &EO,
committed suicide Sunday by shoot
ing. He left a letter to the press in
which he gives as a reason for his act
despondency over continued ill-health
and separation from his friends.
Younger occupied a room in a down
town block and when he did not make
his appearance as usual search was
made for him. About 5 o'clock in the
afternoon his door was broken in and
his dead body found on the floor be
side the bed, with a revolver clutched
tightly in the right hand. He had
shot himself through the head and
had evidently been dead for several
Younger, since his parole from the
state penitentiary in July of last year,
had led an exemplar- life, but he was
recently quite seriously hurt by a fall
from a wagon. Other wounds he had
received earlier in his life gave him
trouble, and although he soon obtained
light employment, his health was pre
carious and this caused him much
worry. He was 54 years old.
On a bureau in the room was found
a long manila envelope, on one side
of which was written:
"To all that is good and true I love
and bid farewell. "JIM YOUNGER.
On the other side was written these
"Oh, lassie, goodbye. All relatives
just stay away from me. No crocodile
tears wanted.
"Reporters: Be my friends. Burn
me up. JIM YOUNGER."
The envelope contained a package of
letters that had passed between
Younger and a ladj- with whom he
is said to have been in love. The lady,
who is prominently connected, is said
to have reciprocated his affection and
it was reported at one time that they
were to be married. The lady's rela
tives raised objections to the wedding
and a further obstacle was the fact
that a paroled prisoner cannot legal
ly contract a marriage. The couple
determined to disregard the objec
tions of relatives and an effort was
made to overcome the other obstacles
by securing from the state board of
pardons a full pardon and restoration
to citizenship. This effort failed, and
it is thought this had much to do with
Youngers' determination to end his
life. The lady is now said to be in
Boise, Idaho, for her health.
It is also said that relations between
Jim and Cole Younger were very much
strained; in fact, that the brothers
had not been on speaking terms for
six months.
Complaint of Kentucky Commission
Made Public.
WASHINGTON. The interstate
commerce commission of Kentucky on
Tuesday made public the complaint of
the railroad commission of Kentucky
against the Atlantic Coast Line Rail
road company, the Louisville & Nash
ville railroad, the Southern Railway,
the Southern Railway in Kentucky,
the Southern Railway in Indiana, the
Cincinnati. New Orleans & Texas Pa
cific Railway company, the Cincinnati
Southern Railroad company and the
Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville
Railroad company.
The complaint asks for an inquiry as
to whether the contracts between these
roads constitute an unlawful combina
tion. The complaint says the roads rover
all important railroad points and all
railroad lines in a territory aggregat
ing 25.000 miles, with an operating
income of over 30,000,C00 annually,
and charges that J. P. Morgan & Co.
have secured practical control and
management of the affairs.
The capitalization of the defendant
road is stated to amount to at least
It is alleged the defendant companies
have not filed with the interstate com
merce commission, as required by
law, copies of the contracts and agree
ments. It is charged that arrange
ments exist amounting to an agree
ment by which all freights of all the
roads shall be pooled so as to prevent
competition. As a result it is feared
rates will be advanced, communities
discriminated against and freight will
be routed over one or another line so
as to maintain increased earnings
and create fictitious earnings to give
fictitious values.
The combination, the commission
chaTge3, is in violation of both the
letter and spirit of the laws of the
United States and of the several states
The interstate commerce commis
sion will immediately notify all con
cerned of the complaint and will prob
ably arrange for a hearing not earlier
than December.
King of Sweden and Norway Decides
Samcan Island Dispute.
WASHINGTON King Oscar of Swe.
den and Norway has decided the Sa
moan controversy in favor of Germany.
What Is Set Forth in
Royce's Report.
Secretary Royse of the state bank
ing board has just completed his quar
terly report of the condition of Ne
braska banks. It shows that th num
ber of banks increased during the
three months from 45S to 466, and
comparisons made with the condition
as shown three months since must
take into consideration the increase in
the number of banks.
"It must be gratifying to Nebras
kans," said Secretary Royse, in dis
cussing his report, "to know that at a
period when there are rumors of a se
vere financial stringency in eastern
money centers and eastern banking
institutions are finding it extremely
difficult to maitain a legal reserve the
banks of this state were never in a
more prosperous and healthy condi
tion. Never in the history of this
state has its banking facilities and
equipments been in so good a position
to meet any seemingly possible emer
"On September 15, 1902, Nebraska
banks under state supervision held a
reserve of C6 2-3 per cent of their to
tal deposits. The amount required by
law is 15 per cent, except in cities
of 25,000 population, where over 20
per cent reserve is required."
Winter Wreat Acreage in York Coun
ty Shows Falling Off.
YORK York county farmers are
through sowing winter wheat The
acreage this year will not be as large
as that of last year, because hundreds
of acres have been seeded to timothy,
clover, blue grass and alfalfa, and
many farmers are stocking their farms
with more cattle and hogs. Winter
wheat is one of the most profitable
crops raised and the yield this year
is York county was thirty-five to fifty
five bushels per acre. About 45 per
oent of the cultivated acreage was last
year sown to wheat and tt is estimat
ed that this year there will not be
over 35 ier cent. More farmers are
increasing the corn acreage.
The Wettest Ever Known.
G. A. Loveland, station director for
the climate and crop service division
of the weather bureau, in charge of
Nebraska records, says that the pres
ent fall has been the wettest in
twenty-seven years. He says:
"The month was characterized by
low temperature and excessive rain
fall. The highest temerature of the
month occurred very generally on the
7th. On the 9th a killing frost occur
red in the northwestern portion of the
state; on the 12th and ISth killing
frosts occurred generally in the state.
The minimum temperature was below
freezing at most stations, and at the
remaining stations it was only a few
degrees above freezing.
"Nearly the whole rainfall of the
month occurred in the last ten days.
The rainfall of the 20th, 21st and 22d
was especially heavy and with few
exceptions from two to four inches
fell during the three days."
Book Showing Nebraska's Industries
and Resources.
Labor Commissioner C. E. Watson,
assisted by Chief Clerk R. A. Hodge,
has issued a large book entitled "Ne
braska's Industries and Resources."
Ten thousand copies have been print
ed. A chapter is devoted to each coun
ty in the state, and a minute descrip
tion of the soil of each township is
given. The leading industries of the
various counties, the cities of Omaha,
Lincoln and South Omaha, are given
must space and fine illustrations set
forth facts better than words could
possibly do. The farm and the fac
tory both come in for elaborate de
scriptions, and pictures are used to
portray the growth of the state and to
present its present advanced position
in the agricultural and industrial
world. The educational institutions of
the state are also described.
Election of Officers at the Session Held
in Lincoln.
LINCOLN The grand lodges of Odd
Fellows selected officers for the ensu
ing season as follows:
Grand Master W. J. Wolf of Fair
bury. Deputy Grand Master C. H. Ellis of
Grand Warden Walter Lecse of
Grand Secretary I. P. Page of Fre
mont. Grand Treasurer F. B. Bryant of
Representative to Supreme Grand
Lodge C. A. Randall of Newman
Grove, past grand master.
Member of the board of trustees to
fill the vacancy caused by death of
Arthur Gibson, George A. Loomis of
Hogs Dying in Colfax.
ICBTJYLER Reports come in from
portions of the county, of serious
lasses of hogs from what is called
cholera. Some who have investigated
claim that the results of autopsies
held in numerous cases indicate that
the difficulty seems more in the a
nre of Indigestion.
St. Mary's hospital at Columbus was
dedicated by Bishop ScannelL
The dead body of Andy Svec was
found on the railroad near MilUgan.
Milkmen at Lincoln have organised
to raise the price of their product.
The postoffice ai Wood River was
robbed of 200, the safe having been
blown with dynamite.
A stranger placed in the jail at
Friend set fire to the same and was
nearly suffocated when rescued.
William Rutledge's barn in Burt
county was burned. The total loss is
1500. A fine span of horses perished.
The Knox county bank of Verdigre
has filed articles of incorporation plac
ing its authorized capital stock at $30,
Mrs. Henry Hartman of Syracuse
who was seriously burned by the ex
plosion of a lamp at the family home
stead, died from her injuries.
The fund for the Young Men's Chris
tian association building at York has
now passed the $15,000 mark and tho
erection of the building is thereby as
sured. Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the National Investment com
pany of Omaha, the declared purpose
of which is dealing in real estate. Its
capital stock is placed at $600,000.
Five of Spalding's substantial men
have applied for a charter to conduct
a banking business under the name of
the Spalding City bank. The bank
will be ready to operate December 1.
Jacob Newman, a pioneer farmer of
York county, having lived on his
homestead near Bradshaw for thirty
years, was tried "by. the insanity com
mission and will be sent to the asylum
at Lincoln.
Frank Meister and Patrick O'Brien,
who were found guilty of stealing hogs
from Adam Molu, in Sarpy county,
were sentenced by Judge Read. Meis
ter got three years and O'Brien two
years and six months.
Fourteen war widows got off the
train at Ainsworth the other day and
the real estate men took them to the
country and they all located land. They
were from towns in Iowa and were a
fine looking set of ladies.
Mrs. P. F. Venner was brought to
Eagle from Lincoln, where was at the
hospital the past ten days. She stepped
on a rusty nail, causing blood poison.
It was feared for a time she would lose
her foot. She is gradually getting bet
ter. The Small Hopes Mining company is
the name of an Omaha concern that
has filed articles of incorporation. Its
incorporators are Samuel Rees, C. D.
Hutchinson, John A. Wakefield, and
George E. Gibson and it authorized
capital stock is $500,000.
James Morris, a young man residing
in Beatrice, was seriously injured by
being thrown from his horse while
chasing jack rabbits. He was uncon
scious for five hours after the acci
dent happened, and for a while his life
was hanging in the balance.
A. L. Garrison, while hunting along
the bluffs south, of Nebraska City,
discovered a cache containing a silver
watch, five revolvers and forty-two
pennies. There is nothing to indicate
where they came from, but it is sup
posed they were buried by. thieves.
A well attended meeting was held
in York to hear addresses on the coal
strike situation and to raise money
for the benefit of the strikers. In a
short time $50 was contributed and a
committee was appointed to see all
sympathizers of the strikers and col
lect from them for the strikers' ben
efit. A good many loads of wood are be
ing hauled to Fremont and from all
indications more of it will be burned
than during any season for some time.
Four-foot hardwood, oak and maple, is
selling for $7.50 per cord. A farmer
in Elkhorn township has 4,000 cords,
which he expects to find a market for
before spring.
Frank lams arrived in St. Paul with
a special express train carrying his
latest and largest importation of
French and Belgian horses. There
were four cars of beauties all black
except five boys. They consist of 2
to 4-year-olds and weigh from 1,700
to 2,400 pounds. Mr. lams spent four
months in France making tnis selec
tion. Edward D. Brodboll, a banker of
Lindsay, Platte county, secured the
appointment by Judge Holmes of the
local district court of a commission to
examine into the sanity of Mrs. Henri
etta Zessin, who is a large land owner
near his town and who has a deposit
oi between $15,000 and $20,000 in his
As the result of a runaway through
the main streets of Aurora, Frank Fen
ster, a well known farmer, lies at the
point of death with a concussion of
the brain and Fred Jeffers, clerk of
the district court; is confined to his l
room with a couple of broken ribs
and many bruises, thankful that he is
While handling some trunks on the
Elkhorn platform at Fremont the
baggage man noticed a trail of whisky
and a small stream of that liquor run
ning from a trunk. It was a large
sfzed one and was opened without
much difficulty and found packed with j
mugs of whisky, most of which were
broken. As it wasn't tight enough to ,
hold liquids several gallons of "booze" ,
went to waste.
The convention of the National Irish
League was opened at Boston by two
great mass meetings.
Five hundred coremakers struek In
Cincinnati on account of a misunder
stnding about apprentices.
The body of Jim Younger, who sui
cided at St. Paul, Minn., was cremated,
this having been his request.
Minister Bowen reports that Vene
zuelan rebels have retreated from near
Victoria and that the battle ended
without decisive results.
Pliny Nickerson, well known in va
rious parts of the country as a leading
member of the Methodist denomina
tion, died at Newfon. Mass.
The epidemic of cholera is spreading
rapWty In Palestine. The city which
has suffered the most thus far is Gaza,
where there have been thirty to forty
deaths daily.
W. D. Miller, an American professor
of dentistry at the University of Ber
lin, won the golf championship of Ger
many and Austria by 2 up on the Ber
lin club's links.
E. Marlon Crawford, the novelist,
has sailed for New York. He purposes
to arange for the dramatization of one
of his novels, but he has not yet de
cided which one.
The amount of bonds purchased by
Secretary Shaw under his recent offer
and received at the treasury depart
ment up to noon Monday was approxi
mately $11,000,000.
The navaV board on construction to
day finally decided on the features of
the armored cruisers authorized by last
congress. Speed has been sacrificed in
a measure to power.
The Austrian government is prepar
ing a bill for the purpose of combating
drunkenness. The measure provides
for the imposition of severe penalties
upon dipsonmaniacs.
The condition of Congress Charles
Addison Russell, who has been ill at
his home in Killing!-, Conn., for some
weeks, has become critical and his re
covery is not expected.
It was stated at Ottawa, Ont., that
unless the resignation of Hon. .7. I.
Tarte. the minister of public works,
was handed in, Sir Wilfred Laurier,
the premier, would ask for it.
The treasury denartment has decided
to anticipate the interest on govern
ment bonds due November 1. and on
Monday checks for the payment of this
interest, amounting to $2,233,000, were
mailed to bondholders.
Major Montgomery M. Macomb, of
the artillery corps, has been appointed
by the secretary of war a member of
the board of ordnance and fortifica
tions, to fill the vacancy caused by the
retirement of John I. Rodgers. Major
Macomb recently returned from Ma
nila. The treasury department has detect
ed a new $10 United States note of the
series of 1901. This counterfeit is a
lithographic production of two pieces
of paper between which silk cords have
been distributed. The portraits of
Clarke and Iewis and the picture of
the buffalo are blurred and scratched.
AH the lathe work is very bad.
Simon Yandes, who, within the last
half year, has given SCo.ODO to the
Presbyterian church board of foreign
missions and S10.000 to the Presbyter
ian board of home missions to be used
in India, has just forwarded a sub
scription of $12,000 to the Presbyterian
national home mission board at New
York. This makes a total of $S7.000
which he has given to Presbyterian
missions during the summer and fall.
Chicago is said to have a restaurant
trust, capitalized at $3,000,000. if the
plans of certain promoters are carried
out. All the large restaurants of the
city, it is contemplated, are to bo
drawn tinder one central management.
A special dispatch from Amsterdam
says that Queen Wilhelmina's confine
ment is expected the end of November.
It is considered certain at the Vat
ican that Mgr. Laleski, apostolic dele
gate in India, but who for the past
year has been living in Rome, will be
appointed apostolic delegate in Canada
in succession to the Most Rev. Dio
mede Falconio, who is the new papal
delegate in the T'nited States.
A Tangier. Morocco, dispatch say all
Europeans have been expelled from
Colonel Cobb, commanding British
troops operating against Mad Mullah,
reports heavy casualties in an engage
ment and asks for reinforcements.
Quiet has been restored at Gonoives,
Hayti ; many refuges still at consulates
but foreign guards are withdrawn.
Miss Eva Martin of Ashland. Ohio,
formerly of Chicago, is supposed to be
beneficiary for $50,000 in will of former
patient who was grateful.
The railroads of St. Paul and Minne
apolis have been given forty-eight
hours within which to consider the de
mands of the switchmen for additional
pay and shorter hours and it is prom
ised that unless concessions are m&de a
strike will be ordered.
The new viceroy of Sze-Chuen prov
ince, Tsen-Chun-Suan, reports that the
Boxers have not been suppressed at
Cheng-Tu and two other centers, and
he asks the ministers and missionaries
to refrain from traveling in Central
Sze-Chuen at present.
Bishop McCabe. of the Methodist
church, has returned to New York after
being absent from the United States
for eleven months, during Wiilcb he has
visited the missions of his church in ,
South America, Germany, Switzerland
and Denmark.
The Supply left New York, for Guam,
where she w;II remain as a station
ship. Commander William E. Sewell is
a pasenger on the Supply. He has
been asigned to duty as naval govern
or of Guam, relieving Commander Sea
ton Schroeder.
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