The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 22, 1902, Image 1

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Presider.i Mitchell Hrs No Dcubt of
Results "When Mining Begins Coal
Ccrr.panies Will Do All They Can ta
Meet Demands.
WILKESBARRE. Pa. In accordance
with the call issued Friday by the ex
ecutive boards of the anthracite dis
tricts all "locals" of the miners' union
throughout the coal fields on Saturday,
began electing delegates to the conven
tion which is to consider Tie accept
ance of the arbitration plans submit
ted by President Roosevelt.
Most of the local unions held their
meetings Friday night. It is prac
tically certain that a majority of the
delegates will come to the convention
instructing to vote in favor of accept
ing the arbitration scheme.
President Mitchell does not cars to
anticipate the action of the convention
but from his manner it is taken that i
he has not the slightest doubt as to i
the result. He will go into the conven- j
tion and make a strong speech for ac- i
The indications are that the conven- ,
tion will last two days and that there
will be much debate. The principal
question to he disposed of before the
plan is accepted by the miners will be J
that of taking care of workmen who ,
cannot bo given work immediately. It
i s understood the union will draw
funds from their relief fund, which is
said to be still growing, for this pur-
The coal companies will do all In
their power to meet the public demand '
for coal. Preparations for resuming as
soon as the miners call the strike off
are going on apace.
It is estimated that 25 per cent of
the collieries will be in operation on
the urst day after the suspension is
over. Tbe railroads are also making
every eCort to have enough oars on
hand to carry the freshly mined coal
to market and are sending thousands
of cars.
The state troops are having an easy
time of it and are expecting to hear of
the withdrawal of a portion of the di
vision at any day. Major General Mill
er and Brirdier General Gobin refuse
to predict when the homeward move
ment cf the soldiers will begin. Gen
eral Gobin said that reports of petty
acts of violence, such as the throwing
of stones at men going ro work are
still being reported to him.
The stationary firemen aGliated
with the Stationary Fremen's associ
ation of Pennsylvania, who went on
strike on June 2, with the dromon be
loasing to the Mine Workers' union,
met Friday night aad decided to abide
by the decision of the United Mine
Workers' convention. President Bar
rett and Secretary Mullaliy were au
thorized te go before the arbitration
commission and urge that the firemen
be granted an S-hour day.
Former Nctifies the Lat
:r cf His Ap-
WASHINGTON". Following is the
letter of President Roosevelt to John
D. Mitchell, president of the United ,
Mine Workers: ,
Mr. John ilitehel. President United '
Mine Workers of America. Wilkes- t
barre. Pa.: I have appointed as com- i
missioners Brigadier General John M. ,
Wilson. Mr. E. W. Parker. Judge
George Gray. Mr. E. E. Clark, Mr. i
Thomas H. Watkins and Bishop John '
L. Spaldin-. with Hon. Carroll D.
Wrizht as recorder.
"ThesA names are accented by the
operators and I now most earnestly ask
and urge that the miners likewise ac
cept the commission.
"It is a matter of vital concern to
all our people, and especially to these
in cur great cities who are least well
off, that the mining of coal should be
resumed without a day's unnecessary
Cia.-k Will Accept.
NEW YORK. EL E. Clark.
chief of the? Br-therhocJ of Railroad
Conductors, who was appointed by
President Rossevel: as a membpr of
the coal strike arbitration, is in this
city for the purpose of attending a
railroad employes' "I have
not been officially informed of my ap
pointment." he said. "I will arcspt.
with pleasure. I am a believer in ar
bitration, but not in compulsory arbi
tration T htirp n rTa-na-rvl ;AM .1.
duties of the commission. This strike ' .,
T,A. JVM.. V. .. . ? I
iia uiitr uui-iti uj tue peepie more
than any ether in the history of the
Zlcmpers' View cf the Selection cf the
Arbitration Committee.
President Gompers cf the American
Federation cf Labor, with whom Mr.
Mitchell has been in constant com
munication and consultation, tieclined
all requests cf newspapers for an ex
pression of opinion en the proposition
cf the ccal operators, but stated his
views to the Associated Press, among
other things saying:
"Tcu can readily understand that I
want to leave this whole matter in
the hands of Mr. Mitchell and his col
leagues. I am particularly anxious
not to say- anything that might ba
construed otherwise. I will say that,
in tj oplxios, the proposition made
by the operators, at least so far as
their designaticuy cf who should be In
vited to so oa the commission of ar-
bitration is concerned, is an insult to
j the president of the United StatPS.
I "I desire that the president should
j use his discretion in the seletcion of j
i osltion that the president has evil de-
. signs en the mine owners. No one be-
lleves this.
The President's Views Regarding the
Postmaster General Henry C. Payne,
in an interview at Milwaukee, W;s .
said the forthcoming annual message
of President Roosevelt to congress
would probably recommend that a per
manent tariff commission be appointed.
"The president's views in regard tu
the revision of the tariff, he said, are
substantially the same as those given
by Senator Spooner.
"He will probably favor a reduction
of import duties upon products which
no longer need protection. He is also
inclined to favor the creation of a per
manent tariff committee, which can at
! all times receive testimony, subject to
expert consideration and the carying
interests of production and trade, and
submit its reports and recommmenda
tions to congress.
"This will insure the thorough and
careful compilation cf all information
accessible, and will save to congres
sional committees a vast amount of
labor. This was the policy outlined
by the president in his speech at Lo
gansport, Ind., which he had prepared
for delivery at iilwaukee and which
it is safe to predict will be embodied
in his annual message to congress.
"He is thoroughly in earnest in the
matter and favors as strongly reci
procity as a feature of our commercial
intercourse with foreign nations.
"Since the adjournment of congress,
overwhelming manifestations that the
people favor reciprocity with Cuba in
dicate that the opposition to that
measure has faded away and that con
gress will at an early ady redeem the
pledge zzzde by President McKInley
for reciprocal trade relations with
Held to Be Fraud tc Deal in Return
Halves of Excursion Passes,
A decision of sweeping importance
to ticket ccalpers and the railroad pas
senger business generally was deliv
ered by Justice Hagner of the equity
court of the District of Columda. Lo
permanently enjoined thirty-tu ee of
the local ticket brokers from selling
the Grand Army special excursion tick
ets issued by the Pennsylvania. South
ern. Baltimore &. Ohio and Chesapeake
& Ohij railroads.
Tbe defense of the brokers was that
tcey were pursuing a legal, i leased
brokerage business and that the rail
roads in combining in the establish
ment of a joint ticket agency here dur
ing tbe encampment for the vising of
return tickets violated the Sherman
anti-trust lav.-.
The court held that the tic'ieti ?old
by the roads on account of th.e Grand
Army encampment bore contracts
signed by the purchasers in the pres
ence of a witness and were absolutely
void when used by any ether than the
original purchasers. The tickets dis
tinctly read that any one expt the
original purchasers attemutinj? to use
them would be subject to prosecution
for forgery.
Acting Postmaster General Presents
Seme Figures.
The annual report of the dead letter
office for the last fiscal year, sub-
mitted by Acting General Postmaster
General Wynne, shows total receipts
3.300,351 pieces of ma:l matter of a'.l
kinds, an increase of 9 per cent ever
last year.
The ordinary unclaimed letters
number .44j.60k ordinary unclaimed
reiuraeu irum countries,, o.u.-
0 t. J 1 1 -J J I
. x . : - - .n I
oo, lexers au u parue.s aeiu lor pu-i.-
age. 135.3S1; domestic letters undeliv
, ered at hotels, C0o.2C2: letters and par-
ceis with ficti'ious address, 150.C07;
I bearing no address, S1.0SS: originating
' in foreign countries. S3 $.305. The total
number cf pieces of mail matter open
i ed was SJ21j.407. Total number de
rand i livered unopened. I,S43,2C1. Of the
letters and parcels opened 30 S65 were
found to contain money to the
amount of I4S.43S. and 50.S74 commer
cial papers with an aggregate face
value of Sl.393.526.
Diplomats Prcpcse a Plan.
Acting on the initiative of United
States Minister Powell the diplomatic
corps at Port au Prince has proposed
cessation of hostilities in order to
arrange the preliminaries for peace be
tween the revolutionists and the forces
of the provisional government.
St. Foix Colin, the provisional min
ister cf the Interior, who recently
called the populace of Port au Prince
to arms and left the city with a force
of troops to attack Moutrcuis. where
! the government trccps sustained a se
vers defeat Saturday, has returned'
here without engaging the revolution
ists. Macedonian Troubles Grew.
A dispatch to the Londcn Daily
Mail from Volo. Greece, says twenty- j
two villages in Macedonia are in com
plete revolt and that half a battalion
of Turkish troops has been annihilat
ed b insurgents in the Krena defile.
This news, continues the dispatch,
emanates from sources which have
hitherto minimized the trouble. The
situation consequently appears sud-
j denjy to have grown worse.
They Say that Workingmen Will Suf
fer if the Bill Becomes Law, but
Government Refuses to Legislate
for One Class Alone.
BERLIN. The rcichstng, at its
session Thursday entered on the dis
cussion of the tariff bill, commencing
with the schedules relating to wheat
and rye. Chancellor von Buelow rec
ommended that the bill be passed, as
drawn up, saying that the house com
mittee proposals increasing the min
imum tariff wou'.d render the conclus
ion of new treaties impossible. The
tariff proposed by the government, he
added, was the extreme limit if Ger
many wished to obtain from other
countries greater concessions than it
now enjoyed.
The chancellor enumerated the con
siderations which guided them in
framing the bill.
The object in view was to afford
agriculture increased protection, and
at the same time not only to retain the
home market for Germany's industries,
but also to develop as much as pos
sible the sale of German products
It was desirable for trade, agricul
ture and industry that commercial
treaties extending ever long periods
should be concluded, but they should
be based on full reciprocity while rafe
guardinjj Germany's legitimate inter
ests. The chancellor pointed cut that the
new tariff specialized to a greater ex
tent than former tariffs, and said this
was intended to afford an effective
weapon in the negotiations for trea
ties. It also provided increased du
ties on articles considered important
from a politico-commercial viewpoint.
These increases offered sufficient scope
fcr negotiations. The federal govern
ment regarded most of the apprehen
sion regarding the minimum rates
provided by the bill as unfounded.
No lack cf solicimde for agriculture
was shown in the bill, and the fear
that the passage of the measure would
lead to increased cost of living for the
working people h considered baseless.
The government, the chancellor de
clared, would never consent to dis
criminate against others in favor cf
i working people. They must steer a
middle course between the interests of
I all. between the interests of the agri-
cultura'ists and industrialists, whese
respective success was necessary to
the welfare of each other. The pro
posed agrarian duties would not harm
the industrialists, but the increase in
the minimum rates would make it im
possible to conclud.? treaties.
Police Prevent Federals Registering
in Porto Rico.
SAN JUAN, P. R. The election
registrations have been a complete
farce. The federals were shut out
in a majority of the precincts of the
islands by an order of the executive
council placing a majority of reports
on each board.
At Viques eight insular policemen
guarded the booth, no federals were
admitted and none registered. In
many towns there have been no fed
I eral registrations and in consequence
in several places in addition to Cayey J
the federals formally retired from the
elections. In order to remedy this
j the supervisor of elections allowed an
extra registration day Thursday, but
with the same result.
Wherever federals did attempt to
register there was disorder. Shoot
ing affairs occurred at Agua Dilla.
Corozed. Vieques and Mayaguez.
Some persons were wounded, but
tfaere were nQ fatalitIes.
aes ot federals
were made and
thousands of protests and charges
have been filed.
Spokane Tribe Likely to Be Beaten
Out of The;r Reservation.
Agent Anderson of the Colville In
dian agency in Washington state has
reported to the commissioner of Indian
affairs that the Spokane Indians, who
are comparatively poor, seem to be in
danger of losing a part ot their res
ervation. The agent says this danaer
result of the congressional opening of
their lands to mineral location and en
try after the Indians receive allot
ments of land in severalty.
Owing to the way in which the va
rious provisions of the bill were
passed and approved the reservation
was actually open to mineral location
and entry for a short time last May,
during which vested rights in a large
group cf mineral claims w-re acquired
and a determined effort has been made
to wrest the land from the Indians.
Grin Takes an Appeal.
The United States supreme court '
has reassigned the case of Simeon L
Grin for hearing on October 27. Grin
s a Russian, who was arrested in San
Francisco on the charge of embezzling
about $12,000 in Russia. He has
sought to resist extradition by invok
ing habeas corpus proceedings, and he
brings the case to Washington on an
appeal from a decision frcm the cir
cuit court of the United Statss for
the district of California denying his
petition for a wriL
Pennsylvania Court Settles Dispute
Between Rival Factions.
HARRISBTJRG, Pa. The Dauphin
county court Wednesday declared in
valid the certificates of the state nom
inees of the Pattisoa and Pennypacker
factions of the union party. This ac
tion disposes of a bitter contest grow
ing out of an effort to secure the un
ion partv endorsement for the rival
candidates for governor on the demo
cratic and republican tickets.
The convention was originally called
together in the interest of Robert E.
Pattison, the democratic nominee, bur
was captured by friends of ex-Judge
Pennypacker. the republican candi
date, and the dispute was brought
to the ccurt in this city, for settle
Nebraskans Said to Contemplate
Changing to Maryland.
WASHINGTON. According to a
Baltimore paper a party of six Ne
braskans called at the state emigra
tion bureau in that city on Thursday
to discuss matters pertaining to farm
ing in Maryland and Nebraska with
the emigration authorities. This party,
comprising five men and one woman.
had taken advantage of the low pas
senger rates granted on account of
I the Grand Army of the Repubilc and
had come east for the purpose of Iook-
! ing over farm lands in Maryland.
Members of the patry looked over sev
eral farms and according to the paper
informed the emigration culcials that
they liked the climate and nearness cf
markets to t'ae farms; that they would
not go to Maryland this year owing to
leases now In existence, but hoped
to be able to move there next spring.
So Closely Pressed That He Takes
Refuge on a Vessel.
troops of the provisional government
are marching on Gcnaives. the head
quarters of the revolutionists, and it
is reported here that M. Firmin. the
revolutionary leader, has embarked on
board a vessel and is going into exile.
The French cruiser D'Assas has left
Port Au Prince for St. Marc, which was
recccupied by the government troops
Later it was announced that M. Fir
min, "with all the principal leaders of
the revolution, had embarked on board
the United States cruiser Cincinati. It
was added that they would probably be
taken to Jamaica or St. Thomas.
Bishcp Spalding Will Accept.
PEORIA. III. Bishop John Lancas
ter Spalding, one of the six commis
sioners stated by President Roosevelt
to arbitrate the anthracite coal differ
ences, was seen here, he said: "It is
impossible for me to say anything of
importance in this matter, as I have
not been officially notified that I have
been appointed. I am highly sensible
of the honor that such an appointment
would confer and I feel that it should
be my duty and pleasure to accept it
in the event that the president con
siders me worthy. It is certainly a
great honor and imposes a sacred duty
en any to whom it may come."
Appeals Land Grant Case.
TOPEKA, Kan. The United States
government filed notice in the federal
court here Thursday of an appeal of
the Missouri, Kansas & Texas land
grant case to the United States su
preme court. lhe case involves the
title to millions of acres of land along
the railroad right-of-way. The gov
ernment in its appeal maintains that
the road by means of fraud and mis- i
representations obtained land to which
it was not entitled. The case was de
cided in the United States circuit court
against the government.
Passes Military Academy Plans.
WASHINGTON. Secretary Root has !
approved the preliminary plans pre
pared by the board of officers at West
Point for the improvoement at the
military academy. These plans have
been submitted by Colonel Mills to the
supervising architect of the treasury
for suggestions and amendment. The
action cf Secretary Root, however, set
tles the general plan, the architects
having onlv details to work out.
Decides en Field Guns.
WASHINGTON The board of ord
nance and fortifications definitely de
cided on a recommendation regarding
a field day for the United States ar
tillery. If this recommendation is ap
proved the ordnance bureau will pro
ceed with the manufacture of guns,
using as a type the best features of
various guns which have been con
sidered by the board.
Lieutenant Peary's Condition.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. The follow
ing scatement in reference to Lieuten
ant Peary's operation and general con
dition was given out Thursday:
"The operation itself was simple and
successful. A speedy recovery is antic
ipated and it i3 thought that it will
net be long before he will be able to
resume his official duties in the navy."
Vengeance Overtakes Him at Last.
EVEREGREEN, W. Va. In the cir
cuit court here Albert Brown, colored,
has been found guilty ot killing Levi
Brown, ia this town, in 1871, and sen-
tenccd to prison for life. The accused j to say that I was unalterably opposed
is a gray-haired man 66 years old. Al-1 to the acceptance or acquiescence in
though it is now thirty-one years since the form of settlement proposed by the
the crime was committed there were . ccal operators, because it restricted the
three eye-witnesses to the killing in I president of the United States in mak
court. ing selection of the men involved who
A Commission of Six Persons with a
Seventh as Recorder Organized La
bor Has a Representative on the
WASHINGTON The great anthra
cite coal strike ia settled at last. A
commission of six persons, with a sev
enth, Mr. Carroll D. Wright, a re
corder, will adjust differences Between
operators and miners. President
Mitchell, of the minera' union, will
take the necessary measures to call the
strike off. The president will urge im
mediate resumption of mining and op
erations are expected to begin next
Announcement that the great strike
was off was made by Secretary Root
with exuberant good humor at the
White House on Wednesday.
Organized labor has a representative
on the commission in the person of
E. E. Clark, grand chief of the order
of Raiway Conductors, named as a so
cicogist. As named the commission is perfect
ly satisfactory to both minera and oper
tors. Assent of the miners was given
through President Mitchell and Mr.
Sargent commissioner of immigration.
and of the operators through Messrs.
Robert Baccn and George W. Perkins
of the banking firm of J. Plerpont
Morgan & Co.
The final outcome followed a series
of conferences, beginning with two
during the day with Mr. Mitchell and
two during the night with Messrs. Ba
con and Perkins.
Events moved quickly at the last,
the president being determined on a
speedy settlement.
The commission will assemble in a
few days and choose a chairman, prob
ably General Wilson. It then will ar
range for sessions and testimony.
The following official statement an
nouncing the close of the strike was
issued at the White House at 2:20 a.
m., Thursday.
"After a conference with Mr.
Mitchell and seme further conference
with representatives of the coal oper
ators, the president has appointed the
members of the commission to inquire
into, consider and pass upon all ques
tions at issue between the operators
and miners in the anthracite coal
"3rigadier General John M. Wiiscn,
U. S. A., retired. (late chief of engi- i iary of the residence of Joseph G. Po
neers. U. S. A.) Washington. D. C. as ,ey Parae came here frQm 0maha
an officer of the engineering corps of i ,.,... , ., ,., ,
either the military
litary or naval service of , .
tne Lnited States.
"E. W. Parker, Washington, D. C.
as an expert mining engineer. Mr.
Parker is chief statistician of the coal
division of the United States geological
survey and editor of the Engineering
and Mining Journal of New York.
"Hon. George Gray, Wilmington.
Del., as a judge of a United States
"E. E. Clark. Cedar Rapids, la.,
grand chief of the Order of Railway
Conductors, as a sociologist, the pres
ident assuming that for the purposes
of such a commission the term sociol
ogits means a man who has thought
and studied deeply on social questions
and has practically applied his knowl
edge. "Thomas H. Watkins, Scranton, Pa.,
as a man practically acquainted with
the mining and selling of coal.
"Bishop John L. Spalding of Peoria.
III. The president has added Bishop
Spalding's name to the commission.
"Hon. Carroll D. Wright has been ap-
pointed recorder of the commission."
im." .uuaiav.n;ii cii viui- ot me
Long Contest.
WILKESBARRE, Pa. Information
frcm Washington that both parties to
the controversy in the anthracite ccal
strike bad reached an agreement to
arbitrate and that the great conflict
is about to close was received
throughout the entire hard coal re
gion with the greatest satisfaction, i
The news created considerable excite
ment in the mining towns.
The strikers, as a rule, however,
following the example of their leader,
are not disposed to prematurely cele
brate the outcome of the Ibng strug
gle. Their reward for the fight they
made is vet to come in the findings
of the arbitration commission, as
suming that the miners officially en
dorse the agreement Mr. Mitchell
made. i
There seems to ac little doubt that I
tne joint meeting of the executive
boards of the three anthracite dis
tricts will call a convention of the
miners to consider the arbitration
proposition and have the men return
to work. There is a belief that a
general resumption of coal mining
will be had in a few cavs.
Issues a Bulletin r.r-.d Tells the Rea
son Why.
WILKESBARRE. Fa. President
Mitchell has issued the following state
ment. "Appreciating the anxiety aad Im
patience of the public aad mine work
ers for some authoritative statement
frcm this office, I issue this bulletin
were to determine the questions in
volved in the coal strike.
"These restrictions having been re
moved and representation given to or
ganized labor as well as organized cap
ital, I am now prepared to give my
personal approval to a settlement of
the issues involved In this strike by
the commission seelcted by the presi
dent, and shall recommend to the ex
ecutive officers cf districts 1, 7 and 9,
in their meeting today, that an Imme
diate call be issued for a convention,
whose authorization is necessary to
declare the strike at an end.
"In the meantime I trust the people
of our country will be as patient as
possible, as we are moving as rapidly
as the interests of our people will per
"President United Mine Workers of
Stockholders of Union Pacific Say No
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Union Pacific railway
was held in Salt Lke, Utah, on Tues
day. After transacting the usual rou
tine business, they proceeded with the
election of the beard of directors for
the coming year. All members of the
present board were re-elected.
Regarding the rumor printed in the
west that Edward Dickinson, the gen
eral manager cf the road, would suc
ceed President Eurr, a prominent
stockholders said that there is absolute
ly no truth in the report and that the
executive board, which will meet in
New York, will make no changes in
the present management.
Venezuela Rebels Gain Decided Vic
tory in a Battle.
WILLE3ISTAD, Islan: of Curacoa.
The troops of the Venezuelan govern
ment have been repulsed while reat
tempting to again cccupy Corru. cap
ital of the state of Falcon, and sus
stained heavy losses. A schooner with
sixty men on board was sunk.
An engagement was fought at Goy
abo, three hours from Caracas, Satur
day. The government was defeated,
losing 112 men. The revolutionists
have almcst completely encircled Car
acas. The British cruiser Indefatigable ar
rived at La Guayara Sunday. Other
British vessels are to follow.
Payne to Serve Three Years.
St. Joseph. Mo. In the criminal
court here Charles Payne, charged
with burglary and larceny, pleaded
guilty and was sentenced to three
years in the penitentiary on the in
dictment charging him with the burg-
his wife, to whom he had been mar
ried a little more than a year. She
was very much surprised to Ieam of
Payne's troubles and had supposed he
was a traveling man.
Discover Dynamite Plot.
Buda Pest. Hungary A workman
having informed the police that a plot
is on foot to blow up the president of
j the lower house of the Hungarian par
liament by placing a bomb beneath
his chair, the detective force on dut7
at the house has been increased.
Orders Reduction cf Army.
Washington Orders will be issued
by the war department at once order
ing the regular army reduced to the
I minimum size authorized by law, 59,
1 600 men. With the practical cessation
of outbreaks in the Philippines it is
j believed that this can be done safely.
The present size of the army is about
j 67,000 men. The cavalry and artillery
I regiments will be reduced to the min-
imum basis except around Fort Leav-
errxnrrh -xhprp rh cnmTrnr.ds will bo
j kept of full size for educational rea-
Canada Takes America's Trade.
WASHINGTON. The export duty on
lumber imposed by British Columbia
has resulted in driving a number of
American sawmills across the line. A
short report to the State department
from Consul Dudley at Vancouver says
the shingles produced in Canada go
into the United States notwithstanding
the duty. There is a demand for .3.000
! or 6,000 men to work in the mills and
logging camps, although the wages of
fered are lower than on the American
Wants Duty rrz Presents.
EL PASO. Tex. General Harrison
Gray Ctis of Los Angeles. CaL, who
has just arrived from Mexi:o. will
furnish the revenue officers with the
first test case o? the recent treasury
department all-wing an American
resident to bring presents for his
family into the United States without
paying duty. General Otis brought in
several articles and was compelled to
pay i4S duty. He his filed a protest.
Custer Brigade Organize.
About 200 veterans, or nearly all
that remains of the Custer brigade, as
sembled at the Grand Army of the Re
public headquarters at Detroit and or
ganized the ilichigan Cavalry associa
tion. General Custer's brigade was
composed cf the First. Fifth. Sixth and
Seventh regiments, ilichigan cavalry.
William O. Lee cf Detroit was chosen
president cf the new association.
Is Invited to Quit.
If is reported in Pekin that Kwei
Chun, the former viceroy of Sue Chu
en province, has been dismissed from
the imperial service for his failure to
extinguish the rebellion in that part
of the country.
It is Likely that Some One Will Be
Called Upon to Explain Citizen of
Schuyler Found Dead on the Street
Other State Matters.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct. 15. Deputy
Labor Commissioner Watson has re
turned from Omaha and South Oma
ha, where for seme time he had been
conducting an investigation of the
operations of the child labor law ia
the two cities. It is learned that both
in. Omaha and South Omaha he found
what appeared, from external evi
dences to be violations of the law
Children were found at work in sev
eral of the big institutions who were
palpably not 16 years old. but their
parents had supplied their employers
with affidavits tending to show that
they had reached the age limit. la
one of the South Omaha packing
houses it was found that there were
170 children employed, and one of
the big department stores in Omaha
has filed reports showing the em
ployment of eighty-eight of them.
These reports purport to set out the
age of the minors thus employed, and
probably do so as far as reports from
the parents are concerned Some of
these reports will probably be com
pared with the reports filed by those
who have taken the school census fo:
various years in Omaha and South
Omaha, and if cases are found where
in the ages given in the two reporu
do not agree some one will be called
upon to explain. If any parents be
thus found to have made false affidavit
as to the ages of their children so that
they may be kept at work and thus
deprived of their lawful amount ol
schooling, it is probable that some
one will be subjected to the procesa
cf making an example.
Robbers Made a Gccd Haul.
LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 13. Several
officers to whom the express company
officials confided detailed information
about the recent holdup here say
that the amount secured by the rob
bers was between 530.000 and $34,000.
The express officials themselves will
not talk, and conjecture Is about all
that is left. Local bankers think
that the amount of money secured was
of considerable proportions, as there
has been a great deal of money going
to the north.
Midshipman to Se Named.
OMAHA. Neb.. Oct. 15. Senator
Millard has decided to nominate a
candidate for midshipman within the
next week or ten days. Recently he
announced that he would not nomi
nate until March- A telegram from
th.? navy department caused the sen
ator to revise his plan to some ex
tent, and he will ask all the appli
cants to hurry forward their papers
to him.
Bad Smell in South Omaha.
OMAHA. Neb.. Oct. 15. Graplaints
bave been filed charziag four mem
bers of the South Cmaba board of ed
ucation with accepting bribes from
teachers in the schools for raising
their salaries and fron the Oliver
Typewriter company for installing its
machines. One of these complaint
the county attorney filed against the
president of the board. Alonzo V. Mil
ler. Nothing Like Nebraska Soil.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Oct. 15.
Chris Bell, a farmer, has a curiosit?
at his place in the form of a patch
cf blackberry which is producing the
second crop this year. He also has
some cherry trees which are budding
and the prospects are that they will
bloom asraia before cold weather seta
Net Up to Excectaticns.
RISING CITY, Neb.. Oct- 15. The
corn crop in this locality, does nor
come up to expectations of the hus
bandman. A good deal of it on ac
count of early frost and much rain (
did not mature.
Relatives Give Up Search.
FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. 15. The rel
atives of Ernest Hussman. the man
arho disappeared under suspicious cir
cumstances from Learitt, have ziven
up their search for him. being con
vinced that he has met "s-ith foul play
Found Cead en tte Street.
SCHUYLER. Neb., Oct. 15. Chns
Kroeser. aged 14, one of Schuyler's '
foremost citizens. as found dead in
a pool of rc-ater not far from his home
In the couth part of the city. Ke
as retumin? from an errand upto-am
and only a minute or tffo before his
de,td body wan discovered by faro
passers-by, had been conversing with
a friend a shoix distance away. He
had fallen from the sidewalk, proba
bly dying' from heart disease.
Shoct3 Himself Fatally.
GERING, Neb.. Oct. 15. Arthur B.
Matthison accidentally shot anc. killed
himself with, a carbine. A coroner's
jury returned a verdict in accordance
iLii uit; u.uoe ia:jj, uo ot M7. Jiat- j
uiLuii a i.i-m3 Liu present at tas
time. He was a well known Burling
ton route emigration agent and had.
done a great deal of work fcr this
valley. He was about thirty-three
years old and came here from Eogard.
I lie tu fclatfc.
iCotowNs !
State Dank; i
Client, New YirtL
Sells Steamship Tickets.
Ciys Good ttotes.
Mi kdpa to
MMaiK eanMNO. pms.
mmr mmttn. vtc-(a.
many L. Msnnr.
'?000C00OC.; 0-0-0
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