The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 08, 1902, Image 1

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Reck Upon which the Conference Split
was Reccgnitisn of the Miners'
Union What President Roosevelt
Will Cc Next Unknown.
. "WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. The great
coal conference between the president
and representtaives of the operators
aid the miners came to an end at the
temporary white heese at 4:5S o'clock
resterday afternoon with a failure to
' reach an asreerenr
Apparently the rock cpon which
the conference split was recognition
eT"th'e miners SnTon. Ine'yf'esTlenE'j
urged -he contending parties to cease
strife in the interests of the public
welfare, the miners through the pres
ident of their union expressed a wfll
lajraess to submit differences to arbi
tration of a tribunal to be named by
President Roosevelt and to enter into
an agreement to abide by terms fixed
by the arbitration board for a period
.of from one to five years, and the
employers, through the presidents of
the railroad and ccal companies and
a leading independent mine owner,
squarely refused arbitration, denounc
ed the miners labor organization as
a .lawless and anarchistic body with
which they could and would have no
-ceslinss. demanded federal troops to
insure complete protection to work
ers and their families in the mining
" recfon and court proceedings against
' the miners union, and offered. If the
men returned to work, to submit
grievances at individual colleries to
the decision of the judges of the court
of common pleas for the district of
Pennsylvania in which the colliery
was located. There the matter closed.
3oth the miners and the operators
are still in the city, but today they
win return to their several localities;
each saynnj at a late hour that the
struggle will continue.
The immediate parties to the strike
say they wil continue as heretofore.
"What course the administration will
tajfe next no one is prepared to say.
One of the operators, as he left the
white house with closely set jaw. was
asked regarding this and replied -
"If any one Irnows what the pres
ident will do next, that is mere than
I know.
Fourteen men. including the pres
ident, .were in the second story front
room at the temporary white house
during the momentuous conference.
President Mitchell and three of bis
district leaders represented the miners
and five railroad men and one inde
pendent mine operator the employers.
"With the president was Attorney Gen
eral Knox. Commissioner of Labor
"Wright, and Scretary Cartelyou.
"What took place at the meeting is
set out in ample statements made by
each side and given out to the press
by themselves and also officially at
th white house. Burin? the confer
ence the president listened to both
sides with the greatest eagerness.
Chicago Judge Vainly Searches for
Precedent to Naturalize Japanese.
CHICAGO, Oct. 4. After vainly
searching for some legal precedent
that would justify a different decision
Judge Carter has refused to grant
naturalisation papers to Lee Guy
Dean, a Japanese who made applica.
tion with a view to becoming a citizen
of the United States.
"The statute on naturalization."
said Judge Carter, "reads that any
free white man. or any native of Af
rica, or any alien of African descent,
may be naturalized, but that does not
apply to Mongolians, and a Japanese
is surely a Mongolian.
The only decision bearing directly
on the case which Judge Carter could
find was cue mace bv a Massachusetts
court, and that was to the effect that
an application from such a course
could not be granted.
Tcmato Crap
BEATRICE, Nelx, Oct. 5. The to
mato crop has been badly damaged
in this county by the frost and toma
toes are a scarce article at any price.
Severe Storms, with Snowfall in Ger
many. Italy and Denmark.
LONDON, Oct. 4. Erope is experi
encing an approach of winter and in
England the weather is cold and
stomy. Snow fell in Germany and Italy.
Violent storms are raging in the
Naples district. At sea tha waves run
high and there have been several
deaths from crowning and lightning.
The sea has carried away the sema
phore station in the cound of Caprio.
The mountain districts of Galicia are
covered with snow.
In. Denmark, and Scandaaevia the
weather is very cold. The harvests
are late and the spring crops are
threatened. Heavy falls of snow are
reported from cental aad northern
Friars Titiles are Twisted.
Three years is thejpericrd e time, now
fixed in the minds cf the cfliciais of
the ear departawnt as twrsisite for a
complete settlcateA of the Phflippiae
friars land qeestios. if it is to be ad
justed on the present basis. This ap
pears to he as extraordinary waste of
turce. but it is accounted for by the
statement that so many and compli
cated are the laad titles to fee ex-
Father Carres to Rescue in Time ta
Save the Little One's Life.
NEBRASKA. CITY, Oct- 6. Edna,
the 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ludwig Brunt. Irving about two
miles south of the dry. had a terrible
experience with a. buU The lit
tle girl had been sent to the pasture
for the cows and had tkri the dog
along for company. Upon coming vcy
with th herd the dog started after a
calf That was somewhat removed from
the rest. This enraged the buIL who,
instead of attacking the dog. turned
and charged upon the dhild. She
screamed but could do nothing to avoid
the infuriated ?. -who caught her
up an his horns and tossed her into
the air. This was repeared a dozen
or more times and the child's cloth
ing Tw literally torn from her body.
nei ueaMTf
tention of her father, who rushed to
the rescue and carried the fainting
girl to the house. Upon examination
it was foun'd that there were over
twenty marks on the little one's body
where the animal's hors had scraped
.the skin, but fortunately they had net
penetrated The flesh. The right shoul
der blade was broken, but it is be
lieved Thar no other serious injuries
have resulted.
Necessity of Revising Work in the
Elementary Courses of the School.
PERU, Neb.. Oct. 6. The board of
trustees of the State normal met in
joint session with the faculty and. un
der the leadership of State Superin
tendent Fowlar, discussed various
lines of work, and especially the need
of extending the influence of the school
Through the elementary course. The
matter was left with the faculty to
devise a proper revision of the work
leading to the elementary certificate.
Following this the board met in regu
lar session with the following mem
bers presenr: State Superintendent
Fowler, Dr. Ludden of Lincoln. State
Treasurer Stuefer, R A. Tawney of
Pierce, and T. J. Mayor of Pern, ab
sent Superintendent Stevens of Bea
trice and George Rogers of Omaha.
Principal "W. A. Clark read his report.
giving in detal the work of improve
ments made since the last meeting.
with recommendations for important
changes still needed to meet the grow
ing demands of the school. The re
port was enthusiastically received and
adopted, the various lines of improve
ment already made were inspected and
approved and plans for the future hear
tily commended.
Niegenfind Tells His Story.
PIERCE. Neb.. Oct. S. Niegenfind
was arraigned here. Attorney George
F. Kelley of Plainview appeared for
Niegenfind and County Attorney Bam
hart for the state. It was agreed by
counsel for both state and defense that
the preliminary before County Judge
Williams be held today. In conversa
tion with a visitor Niegenfind said he
shot Breyer when Breyer had drove
him into a corner aad had struck him
with a pitchfork three or four times.
Robbers Loot a Bank.
MLNDEN. Neb., Oct. 6. The safe in
( the bank at Norman, eight miles from
here, was blown open by robbers. The
robbers, four in number, secured about
$1,000 in cash and terrorized the town.
Many persons saw Them at work, but ,
the robbers were well armed and
threatened to kill anyone who inter
fered. The robbers escaped.
Charged with Gambling.
FALRBURT, Neb.. Oct. 6. Five
prominent young men of Diiler, this
county, were bound over to appear at
the next term cf district court to an
swer to the charge of gambling. They
gave their personal recognizances to
Gage County Mortgage Record.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 6. Following
is the mortgage record for Gage coun
ty far the month of September: Farm
mortgages filed. 21; amount, J3S.SS0;
farm mortgages released. 23; amount
$40.53; city mortgages filed. 13;
amount. 17.S2S; city mortgages re
leased, 13; amount. $5,742.
Farmer Injured by FsH-
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. 4. Thomas
Zimmerman, one of Gage county's
most prominent farmers, fell from "the
depot platform at Eaigler, Neb., and
sustained two broken ribs and inter
nal injuries.
Feed fcr Many Cattle.
YORK. Neb.. Oct. 5. Owners of
stock cattle and cattle feeders can
make money feeding cattle in York
county this winter as There are thou
sands cf acres cf roughness in the way
of corn, fodder and miTlTCT5 cf bushels
of corn. There never has been in the
history of the county such a hay crop J
as this year. There are thousands of
toss of alfalfa", timothy and clover and
praaie hay, all of which can te bought
at a very reasonable "price.
OJd Mza Oisanpears.
FREMONT. Nab, Oct. . Henry
Quick, a Butler county, man. who Tg t lapse of several days troops were
resided, for some time in the family of . again sent through, the Panther Creek
Jkig Zellers of Morse Bluffs. been i valley Today. This action, was taken
wnrn for several days his j because the turbulent Tnrr has
friends are somewhat alarmed- Quick j been acting in a boisterous ""
is 65 years && and n resident of Ne j i"1 their effort to r-timitfat- non-asion-acaakn
for many years, ke has a &ts on their way to work. The pres
w2e and family with whom he has cce of the soldiers had a qirpling ef
not Eved fcr seme tir ami cf late has feet, and althongfr strikers and pick
seen, in poor hirfr n? very despen- were out in force there wns ne
There Was a Sad Combination in High
Places Swede Sailing Master Did
Not Want to P'ay Second Fiddle tc
the Norwegian ice Pilot.
NEW YORK, Oct. 5. Evelyn. B.
Baldwin, the Arctic explorer, arrived
yesterday on the steamship Germanic
of the Whit- Star line.
Mr. Baldwin at first refused to talk
about the alleged controversies which
had taken place between him and
Cantata Johannsen of America, hot
tsc-TnenarnrrTi-rzTzrrn: zrrzzi.-zz
Mirt m-aj i;n "' ! 1BQ uccil tcihjtl-
ed that the expedition had been short
of food and supplies made the follow
ing statement:
"There is not a wsrd cf truth in
the report of our not having sufficient
supplies. It is not easy to explain the
trouble between myself and Captain
Johannsen. He wanted to be the
whole thing. That's alL The trouble
first started between the captain, or
to give his proper title, sailing mas
ter, and the ice pilct, whose name is
Amsen. The ice pilot took up his
place in the crew's nest on the ship
wken we were in the ice fields and
should have had and eventually did
have complete charge cf directing the
"The sailing master objected to the
ice pilot holding absolute sway ever
the movements at any time, and that
is how the row began. L of course.
took the side of the pilot and saw
that he was kept in command while
we were in the ice. The pilot had had
twenty-nine years' experience on the
Ice fiefilds. while the sailing master
had had practically none.
"The expedition went away with
forty-two persons on board and we
brought back the same number. Fram
drifted around in the ice for four
years, while in one year we did al
most as much and established an out
post. Why, we ought to be congrat
ulated instead cf. as you say in
America, jumped upon. I have learn
ed ens good lesson though never
take a Swede and a Norwegian to
gether along with you if you want to
avoid trouble. The ice pilot was a
Norwegian and the sailing master a
Swede. There's the whole thing; in.
a nut shelL
"Every one was treated fairly and
no one say say truthfully that he was"
not. If I go again next year, no mat
ter who I take with me, whether they
be Zulus. Hottentots or whits men.
r?pr n-m ?rra ?n f-ui nno Vfflror it '
.-. ... --. , - ... .,.-..-., i
the crowd. The members of this ex
pedition were mostly young men
and very few of them had ever un
dertaken such a trip before. This
might explain some of the things said
about me, but I am being done a great
"We were sending balloons and
buoys adrift, containing messages,
continually. Altogether we sent over
300 messages. Fifteen balloons were
sent rrp. but they never reached their
destinations. The metecrlog'cal ob
servations and the dredging will be cf
great interest to science. We manu-
f,-rTp, n.. v-ro- -
j the balloons without accident, which
is another thing we deserve credit for.
The knowledge gained of air currents
will also be cf great value to science.
I still believe that when the pole is
reached it will be found to be sur
rounded by ice. As to the fate of
Andre. I think he went down into the
Receipts for Drfsns-? Fund.
INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 3. The col
lection of the biar defense fund for
the anthracite strikers created a rec
ord breaking business for the money
order department of the Indianapolis
pcstoSice for the quarter ending yes
terday. Receipts for the l3st three
months this year were $S5.4al. an in
crease over the corresponding period
last year of $25257. As h'gh as 125.
000 a day has been cashed for Mr. W.
3. Wilson, national secretary and
Porto Rice Schcs's-
SAN JUAN. P. R Oct. a3. Twelve
hundred public schools were opened
over the entire island this morning
The attendance totalled over 50,000
Stay Fcr Jessie Morrisnn.
TOPEKA. Kas., Oct. 3. The Kansas
supreme court yestsriay granred a
stay of execution in the case of Jes
sie Morrison, now in the penitentiary
for the murder of Clara Wily Castle.
The case will be heard by the supreme
court some time in January. Miss
Marrisoi's appeal bond was fixed at
J10.000. As soon as this is given she
will be released until the time of her
TriaL She was sentenced to fifteen
years in the Kansas penitentiary.
Trseos Are Acain
TAMAQUA. Pn Oct. 3. After n
n Pershing's
wish Only Slight
MANILA, Oct. 2. The Maexa
am Mindanao have offered but slight
resistance to the column, under Cns
tain Pershing of the Fifteenth cavalry.
After a series of skirmishes est Mai
day and Tuesday of this week toe
Moros retreated into six forts on. the
shores of the lake. When a courier
left Maria yesterday for Camp Vicars
Captain Pershing was preparing ta
The American column reached the
former camp at Macin Sunday 'gr
On Monday the Moros opened fire on
them with a brass cannon and rifles
from a series of new fort3 which, had
been erected since Captain Pershing's
first visit to the place. The battery
under Captain William. S- McNair
scaled a ridge commanding the posi
tion of the Morpaand shelled .them
our. The engineers under Captain Jay
J. Morrow had constructed a trail over
the swamp by the trail and captured
and destroyed three of the Moro forts.
Tb Moros stood but a short while
and ran as soon as the artillery opened
on them.
Captain Pershing has been ordered
to destroy the forts unless the Moros
make peace.
Twenty Moros were killed and many
were wounded. There were no casual
ties among the Americans.
The letter of General Sumner, in
command on Mindanao, to the Mn
TiuTans ha3 been delivered.
Packing Houses Likely to Have Trou
ble if They Pool.
DENVER, Colo., Oct. 3. The Na
tional Live Stock association, several
of the largest western railways and
individual stockmen throughout the
west have decided to fight the pro
posed merger now in process of formar
tion of the great packing industries
cf the country.
Announcement was made by Presi
dent John W. Springer of the Nation
al Live Stock association today, after
i conference with C F. Morse of Kan
sas City, who is president of both the
Kansas City and Denver Stock Yards
Morse said that his yards
will stand by the stockmen, and if
aecessary he will build an indepen
dent plant in Kansas City.
It Is Doing Something to Swell Mc
Kinley Memorial Fund.
CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 3. Myron
Herrick. secretary of the McKinley
Memorial association, is receiving
many hundreds of letters daily con
taining small contributions to the me
morial fund.
Some time ago unknown persons
started a 10-cent. "fcent and 2-cent
n i2 t 2 i
eiiniess cna:a acieise m cooaecuua
with the monument fund. Up to date
fully 50.000 of These letters have been
received by Judge Day. president of
the association, at Canton, and for
warded to the treasurer's office. Many
letters are from European countries.
Now a Bishop-Cadjutor.
UTICA. N. Y- Oct. 3. Charles Ty
ler Olmsted, until recently the vicar
of St. Agnes chapel. New York, was
consecrated bishop-coadjutor of the
Episcopal church in the diocese of
Control New York, in Grace church.
this city, today. The consecration
service was a most imposing one.
Bishop B. H. Huntington of Syracuse
presided and the sermon was preached
by Bishop Potter of New York. A
number of other bishops were pres
ent. Attends to Public Busim
WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. President
Rocscvelt yesterday had a comforta
ble day. and last nigh the report from
the temporary white house was that
his condition is satisfactory. He
spends most of the time in his wheel
chair and is able to devote consider
able attention to public business.
Visits the Death Chamber.
PARIS, Oct. 3, Mme. Zoln was al
lowed ro see the body of her husband
today. A Jarge. crowd assembled in
front of the house saluted her re
spectfully as the widow alighted from
a carriage, assisted by two doctors.
She was attired in deep mourning and
was evidently very weak.
London's New Mayor.
LONDON. Oct. 3. Sir Marcus
Sampel was Today elected lord mayor
of London for the ensuing year, suc
ceeding Sir Joseph C. Dimsdnle.
Roosevelt's Sister te Vote.
HARTFORD. Comx,JOct- 3. Mrs.
Anna Rosevelt Cowles. wife of Com
mander W. S. Cowles, U. S. N.. and
sister of President Roosevelt, has been
admitted as an elector by the board
of selectmen of Farmington. Mrs.
Cowles can notr vote en. school mat
ters in Farmington. where she lives
when net in Washington. Local wo
man suffragists believe ttiat the ac
tion of the president's sister wiH
greatly aid their enuse.
VIENNA. Oct. 3. The soinian
vails among well informed yexsamTf that
conference between Adrian sad
Hungarian ministers Tsas Ted to nc
agreement as tn the renewal ef the
ansgieichv or act of an', with m-
gard to the costs of
and that the documents wsfte
shortly. It is announced"
will be withheld until ta
has been ssrtsgftfedta tne
far rariirarinn.
WASHINGTON,, Oct. 2. Presideai
Koaaevett will make an eCort to bring
the anthracite coal mine owners and
thesr strUfdag employes together in. the
lxtsrcst of the public good.
coaclusioe was reached after
of eoeJei caeca with his cab-
met advisers covering two days.The
decision was arrived at whea the law
yers of the cabinet informed the pres
ident that there was no way under
the constltBtioa and the form of gov
ernment of the United States for fed
eral intervention to end the strike.
Every phase was canvassed and the
determination to have the mine oper
ators and President Mitchell confer
was reached when it was found that
bo other methods were open. At the
conclusion of the conference, which
was attended by Secretaries Rooti
Shaw and Moody, Attorney General
Knox Postmaster General White, at
the temporary white house, the fol
lowing statement was issued;
"WHITE HOUSE, Washington, Oc
tober 1. 1902. George E. Baer, pres
ident Reading railway, Philadelphia:1
W. E. Truesdale,. president Delaware
Lackawanna r Western railroad. Ex
change Place, New York; E. B
Thomas, chairman of the board. Erie
company, 21 Cortland street. New
York; Thomas P. Fowler, president
New York, Ontario : Western rail
road. 6 Beaver street. Philadelphia-;
H. H. Olyphant, president Delaware
ft Hudson, New York; John Markle.
52 -West Thirty-fourth street New
York; I should like to see you en
Friday next. October 3, at 11 a. m'
here in Washington, in regard to the'
failure of the coal supply, which has
become a matter of vital concern to
the whole nation. I have sent a sim
ilar dispatch to Mr. John Mitchell,
president of the United Mine Work
ers of America.
"John Mitchell, president United
Mine Workers of America, Wilkes-s
barre: I should greatly like to see
yen on Friday next, October J, at 11.
o'clock a. m.. here is Washington,
in regard to the failure of the coal
supply, which has become a matter
of vital concern to the whole nation.
I have sent a dispatch to the presi
dents of the anthracite coal com
At the meeting tomorrow the line
of approach toward the settl ment cf
the strike will be an appeal by Presi
dent Roosevelt to both sides to come
together as men and not to allow
false pride or feeling of obstinacy to
stand in the way of the termination
of the great strike, which is fraught
with threat cf misery to thousands
of people. It is stated by one of the
president's advisers that beynd this
the president cannot go. He has no
power of compulsion which can be
brought into play against either side
and he must rely on his persuasive
appeals to their sense of humanity if
anything tangible Is to be accom
plished. The president intends to lay before
his hearers the situation as it ap
pears to him with all the prospective
horrors that win follow a fuel famine,
and will urge them, in the interests
of humanity, to open the mines and
supply the demand for coaL
English Corporation fa to Make
Defendant in Big Suit.
LONDON. Oct. 2. The Venture cor
poration, promoters of the Independ
ence mine at Cripple Creek. Colo.,
confirms the reports from Colorado
Springs that it is preparing to bring
suit for 15,000.000 damages against the
estate cf W. S. Stratton. M. S.
Baker, managing director of the cor
poration, is now with John Kays Hah
hond. the engineer, in the United
States, preparing the necessary evi
dence, which, it is said has been ac
cumulating for the last two years
It is said that sensational details
win be adduced by the plaintiffs in
volving several of Stratton's
elates who are now living.
Ccal fsr the Poor.
NEW TORS, Oct. 2. A plan is
said to hare seen put into operation
at the meeting of ami road presidents,
just held in this ciry. for the supply
ing of coal, first to the dwellers in
the tenement, districts; second to the
hospitals and third to the Transpert
tion companies. The conl win be sold
by the pnil or the basket or bushel
at a rate ptweerticnate to the whole
tale price, to which the cost of freight
age wffl be added.
in Yi
FEHTJ. Neb- Oct. 2. The apple
croB of NesBsha connty wfll be one of
the heat invents Tin i.ssiiii llj, mil quality-Pstatses
nr sreany and very chenp-
rst cholera is
the herds, encs-
Werk ass begun.
on the new scmssl nense an what is
known as IsdmnEni .in the wrest part
cf the town. K win cost when com-
Chief Executive Hes Ne rower but
that ef Pcrsuaeien, Yet Heeea tc
SticcaeaT A CsnWeential Cnat in
vivase Bitwsw Ostium Op-
-r-. -..
Hsgs sre a ssmd price.
nnhtsg its way bbbbbs
Agriculture Department
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Ocr. 4. Con.
Frank Benton of Washington. D. C
who for the past twenty-five years has
been connected with the department
of agriculture, has been spending n
week in this city in the capacity ef
special investigator for the depart
ment of the methods and theories of
Dr. J. L. Gaudy of this city on the
subject of bee culture. The latter
gentleman has been most successful
in raising bees from a financial point
of view and his articles in some of
the bee joemals nave attracted wide
spread attention, for the reason that
his, theories coacemiac the cultivation
of honey-producing plants is consider
ably at variance with the old estab
lished ideas cf bee keepers in this and
adjoining counQes'and'oa a greatmany'
of the farms he main rains apiaries
and claims the product from these
enables him to purchase an auditional
farm each year. Professor Benton
expressed himself as well pleased
with Nebraska in general and Rich
ardson county in particular and finds
this section particularly suited to bee
culture. He is a man of wide research
having spent eleven years in varions
foreign countries investigating this
and kindred subjects, and talks most
intelligently of the subject in hand.
Charged With Sending Ob
scene Literature.
BLAIR. Neb.. Oct. 4. J. H. Biel, a
German farmer who has resided near
Calhoun for a number of years, and
J who was arrested about six weeks ago
on a. charge cf sending letters con
taining obscene writing and pictures
through the mails to Miss Overman,
the 18-year-old daughter of John Over
man of this city, was taken to Omaha
by United States Deputy Marshal
James Walling and Sheriff Mencke.
Biel, who is a bachelor about 44 years
of age, had tried to induce Miss Over
man to marry him. but was refused
a number of times, and 3ongnt his re
venge in the above manner, several
times coming from Calhoun and de
livering his letters at the house him
self. Mr. Overman is absent from
home, and the letters became so
abusive and threatening that the girl's
mother caused Biel's arrest, and he
was turned over to the United States
Cracksmen Blow Safe at Holbrook.
'HOLBROOK. NebOct. 4. Burg
lars entered the large store of Miller
& Cooper during Sunday night by
forcing open the front doer. They
blew open the safe, but only obtained
a small amount of money, probably
$30. The principal damage was to
the safe and .uilding. An attempt
was made about six months ago to
rob the store, but the thieves were
frightened away after having the safe
door all soaped ready to light the
Farm Laborers Are Scarce.
YORK, Neb.. Oct. 4. Farmers of
York county are becoming alarmed
for fear they will be unable to secure
help this winter. Nothing less than
3 cents per bushel and board is offered
to corn huskers. and farmers say that
even at this price they cannot secure;
help. If these conditions remain some'
farmers will be unable to get their,
corn husked, as the crop is enormous
and will yield sixty to ninery bushels
of corn to the acre.
Poisoned by Eating Sausage.
FREMONT. Neb.. Oct. 4. Mr. and;
Mrs. Dan Buck of this city were poi
soned as the result of eating scmel
liver sausage for dinner, riuck's case,
assumed an alarming aspect, tie vomit-1
ed profusely and was in severe pain
His wife was also in a bad way. It
took four hours of hard work with
Buck to bring him back to a normal
Becomes Violently Insane.
WAHOO, Neb.. Ocr, 4. John J.
ViskocH, a Bohemian farmer in New
man precinct, was adjudged insane
by the examining board. He is 42
years old. married and has four chil
dren. His insanity has developed into
The most violent type since his incar
ceration in the county jafl. Sheriff
Webster took the patient to Lincoln.
Will Vote on Bridge Bonds.
ST. PAUL. Neb., Oct. 4. A propo
sition for the issuance of 135,000 worth
of bridge bonds by Howard county
jail wfll be submitted at rhe November
election. It is proposed to build four
Rural Carriers Appolntsd.
Postmaster Smith has been notified of
the appointment of George R. Sayles
and John R- Kelley, as carriers for
the new rural mail route to be estab
lished from this city on October 13.
In aR twenty-two routes wQI be es
tablished in Cass county on that date,
and the farmers generally are well
.I...l .M...W 1m. mm k k. .JYT I
yx-TO w. ic- -. ia-. uic; wm j
soon. ut ul-tt tttti ueuvereu io
thee every day.
SARGENT, Nesw Oct. 4. Ben Grie-
feL a prominent German farmer who
lives sear West Union, committed sui
cide by jumptny into n cistern which
near his house. He ami been t
rending; n pnper and vent ont. As
he did. not return socn, ssnreh was
madefor him. A few- boards over the
CiSt"rm Wer? aotife .to -WlBced
and txbcs investigatios Grfsftl was
the cistern crownesL f
ti 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it
Terkes may write n book an his
jao4em. experiences in dealing with the
immobility of British business men.
Pietro "Tg; the famous oper
atic composer anils for America, where
he will conduct an extensive operatic
"The BTentest depths of ocean yet
discovered have been off the .New Zeal
and const, and go down for about six
The memoirs of rhe late queen of
the Belgians will be published in Leip
sic next December in both French and
The Final democratic and pops
list state committees have nominated
William H. Stryker for superintendent
of public inetructkm.
i A Busnoe Aires daily publishes a I
violent attack on the United States for
its alleged imperialistic policy in
South American affairs.
President Roosevelt has accepted an
invitation to be present at the inau
guration of President Woodrow Wil
son of Princeton universityi.
The large extract plan of the Unit
ed States Leather company at Big
Stone Gap was destroyed by fire last
night. The loss will reach $130,000.
President Palma will soon call a
meeting of the officers of the Cuban
army to consider the immediate in
crease of rhe artillery corps to 500
Two of the largest schools in Paw
tacket, R. L. have been closed on ac
count of the scarcity of coaL It is
said That a majority of the schools
will have to be shut up.
Major General R. P. Hughes has re
quested The war department to make
an appropriation for three post ex
change canteen buildings at the Presi-
dio. to be used by enlisted men.
The new packing house at Urampam,
Mexico, will be completed and in op
eration within one year. Already the
farmers of the country are preparing
to raise cattle for the market.
Indian Agent Haslett of the Port
Defiance agency. Arizona, has made a
report to Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs Jones, denying the reports that
S.000 Navajoe Indians in San Juan
county are starving.
Colonel Charles Smart, assistant
surgeon general, has been designated
r.s chief surgeon of the division of
the Philippines and will leave soon
for Manila for orders of the war de
partment. The secretary of The navy has di
rected that the naval yacht, Mayflow
er shell be at Washington on October
7 for the use of the president in case
he should desire to make a trip down
the Potomac
A patent has been secured in Lon
don covering a novel engine for ma
rine propulsion, which John Wills, the
inventor, asserts will reduce the cross
ing of the Atlantic to at least three
days journey.
At St. Louis two pork dealers.
Charles P. Hell and Louis Cruenfel
der. testified in the beef trust' inquiry
proceedings that a combine existed in
St. Louis prior to last spring to con
trol the price of meat.
Miss Alice Hay. second daughter of
Secretary of State John Hay. and
James W. Wadsworth of Geheseo. N.
Y.. were married at the Fells Lake
Sunapee. N. H, the summer home of
the bride's father, Tuesday.
At Havana a policeman in the Ai
hambra theater became suddenly in
sane and began firing his revolver at
the actors. A panic followed, but with
the exception of a man falling into
the pit from the gallery no one was
for the regular free de
livery postal service which is sep
arate from the rural delivery, aad
which constitutes the free delivery
services in the cities and large towns
of the United States, aggregate 121 -328.300.
an increase of rL.882J50.
The postoffice department has noti-
aea au postmasters tnat curing tn
'3fT""T'ar rvitvTlvrre Tv ?a TWt r-Lacr?TiTi3. Tn r ng
mit mail matter in the form of par
cels to the following named postoffices
in Alaska: Nome, St. Michael. Circle.
Eagle. Fort Yukon. Rampart, Tanana.
Teller and Unolokleet.
The interstate commerce commis
sion na3 acjournec its sessions a:
Wichita. Kas. it heard evideuce and
arguments in the seven cases sched
uled for hearing, in two cases the
railroads have granted concessions. De
cisions of the court are reserved.
At a meeting cf the wire wat man
ufacturers in Vienna it developed that
SO per cent of the members favored
the formation of a combine. It is an
ticipated therefore, that a combine
win be shortly formed in 3pite of the
opposition of the minority.
John W. Springer, president of the
National Live Stock Association, has
consented to address the National Ir
rigation congress at Colorado apnngs
2B. October 7 on The Relation of the
Live Stock Interests to National L--rigation.r
A cablegram received bj the 31
iniese minister at Washington in
dicates that The crown prince of Slam ,
again has advanced the date of his
,-jgj. Amrfca.
The dispatch states
i"hat he win sail from Southampton
October t on the Fnerst Bismarck.
Advices from Hermcsillo state rfrt
the Yaqtzi " wQI not accept the
I decree of the Mexican government
I which confcentes their lands and
throws them open to settlement, bnt r
that They win resist the enforcement
by every means possible.
Wer2rn nf rlu tvivni... r
3- the appropriaribns retroired for all
m postmasters in the United States
'inriar the next tscal yenr aggregate
43S2a. an increase of S3.614.7W
Tver the aaoranrimtion Tnui f. ..
, iiti i -w wfc uw fcwl ii i &tsrai
ggrrug war-
lie m
! State Itaatt
Ssys Good Koto,
A eUr RcpMUics.
Best Iuluuts of X: t
County f Platte,
The Stole of
United States,
Rest Hiiti
n Unit
of Measure with
Us a
Year, if Paid ta Advaoce.
Sample Copies Sent Free to
any Address.
Coffins and Metallic
of att siatfa of UphQ-srsrw
Columbus) i
M. avlWaisn
to FutTjsBm Any
foQ RssjBsvd of
o Deposits - t
MmV CMcisV New rffft.
amljB temwAsmssn
O mmr mmrrrm. wtca-MMs.
a suurr c- iisnw.
rr MUkST.
I mmm
v nniHiiiir
!. Jffld,:!
31 Hi
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