The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 01, 1902, Image 3

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-ir3 --"sr- -swir--' (js-anw-'- j-WiJ
". -, -
jc IMpVcWfc Under 14 years
2 We furnish all the materials. Invite jour mothers and j
z- friends in to see the fun. 2
a j saGirls wishing to take part must come in at once and
jj j register. SE
?j . -5 f i -" " '.ism
Mr! Zy WW
Brtakfast time-wftan a chlllM hyr
can be made warn and fenial fen
Barter's Ideal Oil Heater
It is instantaneous, cheaper than coal, can be moved any
where, near the table or as far away as necessary, and never
smokes or smells.
The only objection to oil heaters in general has been odor
and smoke. " Barter's Ideal is the only oil heater that has stood
the test of eleven years for a perfect combustion, giving health
ful heat, and nothing but heat.
We have them in all stvles, sizes and prices.
From S3.50 to 810.
I Mi& 1H
'We have the
best line of
The City
Mschholz Bros.
THEY'RE here now, so you
will not have to wait.
MI1MWI Bright, new and handsome, llWltf
alalia! each one perfectly finished HUH
and tke prettiest line ever shown
ffn in Columbus. No useless trap- (I1IIYC
" pings on these buggies the price Mlli
is pat into material, workman
ff If ship and finish. Each one is MfffR
llMl ready to hitch your korse to, and lUIUl
the price won't make a heavy load
Mil to nT Thej'n! here' bat llllnilTS
UU they're going. Can't I send one IlilWlII
.vour way? Inquiry and inspec-
amuii d limine
East 13tk Street, - - COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA.
I We have made the most careful preparations
to be able to offer the very best- goods for
tne lowest prices, we Duy ior casn anu
give our customers the benefit.
Another Advantage we have over those
dealers that sell "everything" (all kinds of
merchandise and no assortment of "any
thing') we buy in big quantities and it
stands to reason at a lower price than being
bought in small lots.
It would please us to show what we can do
for you. For instance, with a Ten Dol
lar" Bill of yours. Bring your boy along
and let us dress him from head to foot for
little money. Would you buy the best
Shoe in town for the least money? Shoe
repairing neatly and promptly done. Well,
get our prices and be convinced.
Shake's Coffee at Grays'.
net. tf
Boca, to Mr. sad MblCL C J
Grand oyster aaaa for
Daiya feed store, tf
goiag on. Oaly 95e a grab.
Ernest DmnU was a b
tor in St Edward Tanadar.
TW " Thf mk'
ir. jiih rnKiH, aa,
earreoa,aeace Olive street tf
The Geefliaa dab Mi witk
Lyda McMahoa Moaday sveaia.
Dra, Kartya, raaa k Gear,
three doors aocth of FrJedhofs
Do aot fail to aw oar 8-foat gatvaav
iaed steel mill for $3340. A-Dassella:
Bar. Oioott attasdad tba Methodist
conference watch met im Graad Taliad
We sail the augia-row and two-row
Bad cultivator, the beet in tha market.
Lome Schraiber. tf
Attorney! McAllister k Corneliue
.were in Omaha laet week looking after
aa.important case.
r Dr. Mclean's aietbod of making
aluminum plates places
equality with gold.
No article with aralaation leas than
25c at Niewohner's grab-bag sale, and
some are worth $25.
Hariie Doeaall and Chria
went to Oaiaha last week for a coaple of
days at the carnival.
A good many potatoes are being dog
and the reports are that the yield ia good
and quality excellent.
A new line of shoes as well sa under
wear at the Bazaar store. Thirteenth
street, Eimera' old stand.
Pat Ducey took an early train Sat
urday morning for Omaha and will look
at the Ak-Sar-Ben eights.
L. G. Zinnecker was ia Holt county
several days last week looking after a
bunch of cattle he has there.
Jacob Glur has three men at work
on a job of cement pavement around the
Gunther opera house at Albion.
Dinner and sapper will be served by
the Methodist ladies next Wednesday in
the City band hall for 25c each nL
If yon are lucky yon might grab the
bag containing a $25 article at Niewoh
ner's grab-bag sale now going on. Why
not try?
The large tree that stood in froat of
the Argus office, one of the old land
marks of the city, was cut down last
Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and aaaa only the very
beet stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
John L. Flackos broaght sait in
Judge Hudson's court Saturday for
assault, against John Mostick, Mike
Mostick and Kaytek Cbtek.
Mrs. H. J. Hudson was serioaaly ill
last Wednesday caused from the removal
of a small tumorooe growth on the lower
lip. She ia now mach better.
Fred Gottschalk was in Fullerton
last week making preliminary sarveys
for a sewerage system for that town
which will be put in next spring.
Walt Henry was over from Bellwood
Saturday. With 100 acres of land aad
several hundred head of stock to look
after he is kept pretty busy these days.
Charles Booholtz, living south of
the Platte, brought in a pie pumpkin to
Asche's store Thursday which weighed
65 pounds. He has others that are still
Helen Both Terry has invitations
out for a birthday party this afternoon
(Tuesday) from 3 to 530, at the home of
Dr. Martyn. She is celebrating her
second anniversary.
W. B. Jones, an old settler of Platte
county but now of Wayne, was in the
city several days last week, He reports
the corn crop of his section sa consider
ably damaged by frost.
A. Dusaell sad EL H. Hewitt were
visitors to the Warren sheep ranch of
Duncaa Sunday. CL C Gleasoo, who has
charge of the feeding, has between 5J00Q
and 6,000 sheep to care for this winter.
Among the appointments by the
Bishop of the Methodist miaistefs whom
Columbus people maybe iaterested in
are: AIvo, W. H. Shoaf ; Ithica, W. M.
Worley; Lincoln, Trinity, N. A. Martin.
Go away from home for the news.
Friday's Bellwood Gaastte says: "A
little twelve pound barber arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Beard of Co
lumbus st an early hoar yesterday
Martin Schilz want to St Edward
last week and assistsd the
' there in famishing maaae for the
county fair which was held ia
He reports the fair a saecess aad a large
crowd ia attendance.
Telephone No. 108 calls a Bagel's
new bowtiag allay. When yoa feel
drowsy or tired from bastaeas cares aae
yomr 'phoae, secure am alley aad take re
TsTatioa by bowling a lew games. A
sure care for that tired feeling
Grading, for the aew switch at
Cayuga, three quartets of a mile lomg,
waa iniehed last week aad the gaag left
for Cedar Bapida, ThegisiMag mew the
north side of auia track
stand wfll be aaed later for dombla
dissppojated hi the esasiioemest of
Presideat Booserelfs wasters trip. Co
lumbus woald hava aaatalarge rtslsgs
tion to Omaha last Satarday to asa ssd
him. He finiems to vaat the
in early spriag:
Mr. sad Mm. Beajamia Davie of
Liacola csaaeaa) Satarday to visit a sw
days with the Davis family. Bea is em
ployed ia the ihinhriag reemaof Use
B. k Moaaeaa m Liacola. They wfll
leave Wedaeaaay for Caaaago aad wfll
i Iowa oa. their
vaat sa Iowa oa. taaar resata,
Among those wfca wasrt to Omaha
-MmB.Z. Jeasa asm sua isij
-Dmfy has gmamd ejator sheet far,
-Ffllssmije Beat XZZX Flear, the
aestia the world, stGray. tf
ia the world, a Grays'.
D. M Sullivan started
Friday to take ia the
tor trade, ay C.S.
eboiee farm far
j jamaaan wotbw
For flae watch repakiag, sail am
Carl Fioamal. 11th St. Colambae, Sab,
Oa aceomatof the lreim of Mra.
Maea there wfll be ao school ia bar
thai weak.
Ladies' and msaa shoes at the
Baaaar store, Thirteenth
Sea Forburger k Speidell formarhia
and granite work, 233 N. Eleveath street,
Lincoln, Nebraska. 8
Lea Beaty, of near Moaroe, eaa
down Saturday and visited with Gonm-
bua friaada over Saaday-
Mm. Floreace Hambart will give a
face massage with every jar of akia food
ac4d,forjuattwoweeka. 2t
Carl Kramer started Monday after
aoon for "Chicago, called by the death of
his brother. Ferdinand Kramer.
The Baptist church ia reeeiviag
fresh eoat of paint which gives it a mora
eheerfal and invitiag appearance.
A fine 80-acre farm north of Colum
bus for sale at a bargain. Enquire of
Becher, Hockenberger k Chambsra.
A traveling band ponsesfiag of
pieces were in the city Satarday aad
treated oar dtizena to some good mi
The State bank building is having a
new hot air furnace put in which will
certainly prove a valuable improvement.
C. B. Tomlin has treated his
dance to new paint and made other im
nrovementa that enhances the value of
his property.
Columbus streets Saturday last pre
sented a very lively appearance, many
neonle beins in from the country. Mer
chants report good sales.
Dr. Condon of Humphrey waa in
town Saturday on his way east, sa ha
said, to see the president. We wonder
if he wants a post office?
The ladiee aid of the Presbyterian
church will give a tea at the home of
Mrs. W. H. Van Alatine on next Friday,
Oct. 3d, from 3 to 6 o'clock.
Attorney J. P. Weatherby of Nor
folk waa in the city Saturday between
trains en route to Omaha where he joins
his family for a few days' visit.
Capt. Bond expects to start for the
east oa Thursday. He will attend the
G. A. B. reunion at Washington and
visit a brother who lives in the capital
Deputy Grand Master Miller of the
A. O. U. W, one of the best fraternal
anrietifla in existence, was in the city
Saturday. He waa on his way to hm
home at Norfolk.
Word waa received here Monday
that Adolph Luers was lying seriously
sick with typhoid fever in a hospital in
Oklahoma. Mrs. Henry Luers has gone
to be with her son.
Today being the first of the open
season for prairie chickens, Will Ernst
and Fritz Flueckeger are bagging a few
ap in Wheeler county. We may be able
to give results next week.
The Edict came out Monday, and we
understand with this issue the paper will
be discontinued, L. A. Ewiag, the editor
and proprietor, having accepted a posi
tion to travel for a firm ia Lincoln.
L S. Leavitt, representing the Child
Saving Institate of Omaha, spoke for
about ten minutes in the Congregational
church Sunday morning. Thirty-eevea
dollars was raised as a doaation for the
Martin Schilz started on an early
train Tuesday for Omaha where he wfll
help the Broken Bow band make music
daring the Ak-Sar-Ben parades. Ha
will play the baritone and will stay tfll
Paul Both and Mias Bertha Hetbal
will be married this (Tuesday) afternoon
at the home of the bride's father, Cebert
Heibel, northeast of town. Alargedrde
of friends have been invited to witness
the ceremony.
A. B. Allen, secretary of the repub
lican state committee has written that
Hon. John T. Kelley, of Wisconsin, who
ranks with the best talent of republican
orators in the country, wfll speak in Co
lumbus Friday, October 10.
Good teachers are very hard to get
in Nebraska. Three weeks ago Prof.
Kern had a request from the editor of
the Nebraska Teacher to send aa instruc
tor. Mr. Kern says he does not know of
a teacher out of employment.
The old settlers of Colfax county
held their first annual celebration in
Sehayler Thursday. A very large crowd
enjoyed a picnic dinner and a program.
of speeches aad aingiag-aa
on the lawn of the court
More than fifty tickets ware sold at
the Uaioa Pacific station Satarday for
Omaha. Had "Teddy" been eMe to have
risked hie western trip, Colambws
would no doubt have ssat many
that Bumber to the earnival last
The bowliag alley oa Twelfth
owaed by George Heller waa opened to
the public Saturday aad waa well pat
ronized by local bowlers who
the tracks all right Ed.
wfll have the maaagemeatof the haD.
-J The sessions of the F
Taeaday, Wednesday aad Thursday wfll
be free to all, aad aoadammkm flea
targed. The art eahibitiom ia the
sou thsaat room of the North op ma house
wfll also be free sad all vaataca wfll be
-ObeBritell ea
st. Edward where he has hei
the sammer, aad left ia the
g- SL
Chisago. Hehes six snathe yet ia the
Tata Mrfril t-wt1 nfirm awmhmg hat
where ia the west.
Fred, fltoagwhaa pat m. 1Q seres' ef
yards far feeding Mi head ef steers.
Mi mangm sejs Ihsl esieiel jiasga
taa mfamamsl. aasama aaaa) to basaaaa f a leflBmmi wm kH
amasrasm net vea aaasast aBaaamtrr aare
Ti ileal, ad. Laaeh wfll be served to all vaatora.
Gravaa aad Jea Fryam left Oaf day
etaed the eeaeaaa aspect toaaaah the
Hattie Brodfaahrer gave a party miwmmsr mmameaau.
Friday afternoon to about forty of her Among the intonating
yosjngfnsBMm The aaasaaaaaat for the
saoaa aad Mama Cbmard a asag pong
w. areas maa
to the foBawiag
Paul Bath aad Mam Bertha Bethel; John
Soplaaaf Cettex eeaaty ; Jeam J. Bode-
of St. Baraacd; A
both of St.
-W.O.Marler retaraed Friday from
the west where he has beea the
months, spaa fling moat of. the time ia
Idaho sad Oregoa. He likes Idaho
much aad euneeta to return there with
his family in the sariag. Coming home
he helped with a large shipment of
horses, thirty-six cars, which were taken
to Omaha.
Jadge Heaetsy of Columbus ia get
ting his iaveatioa patented ia sectioas,
When the job is completed sad the new
car coupler coatee late market it woat
be a year until when the jadge
swat at the plutocrats he will be biffing
himself, The aewspapsr boys would all
be glad to see him harvest a half a mil
lion. Bizby.
At the Methodist district confer
ence held in Grand Islaad the following
appointments of interest to Columbus
people have beea made: Columbus,
Bev. Luce; Trinity, Omaha, D. K. Tyn
dall; North Omaha, J. Q. A. Fteharty;
South Tenth Street, Omaha, A. L. Mick
el; H. L. Powers, D. W. McGregor, and
F.W. Brass,
Peter Phillips, living aear Bellwood,
brought suit last Tharaday in the dis
trict court sgaiastloaia Haha, as oee of
the directors of the Bellwood bank which
was wrecked by the cashier, Gould, sev
eral months ago. The suit is for about
$0000. Mr.Haan isooeof the old set
tlers of the state aad has a bakery on
Thirteenth street, this city.
Millinery Opening
Wednesday and Thurs
day, Oct 1-2, at Mrs. M.
Some saeak thief several nights ago
stole from D. McDafy's chicken house
ia the esstera part of the city twenty
valuable fhiekeaa, badly leeviag him
the remsiniag half dozen. Mac ia a
generous hearted man and ilumriw oa to
say that if the person or persona who
took them wfll call again they are wel
come to the remainder or something
P.B.Darringtoa,who has been the
t foreman ia the Schostsg
cigar factory for several years, is now
the Gray Mercantile store,
hie work there Monday morn-
C. A. Newman who has had the
position for the past year, is now book-
in Bagata' grocery, aad W. H.
Towaa takes Mr. Darrington's former
position at Schostag's.
M A. Carletoa, cerealiet of the de
partment of agricaltare at Washington,
has written J. M Maher requesting a
sample of his beardless winter
wheat. He says: "I have always con
sidered taia to be a very good variety
but I never woald have expected it would
stead the winter that. far north.' It
stood the winter here forty bushels to
the acre this year. Fremont Tribune.
Dr. Evaaa has had the building
south of the office of Martyn, Evaaa,
Gear k TTeasna on Nebraska aveaue
torn down. This leaves all the Iota
south of the office vacant. Dr. Evaaa
has aot yet' decided about bedding on
this place. Tarn location was the one
oa which Daniel Faueette's harness shop
stood ia which he did aa im amuse bum-
in the early We, giviag employ-
t the year round to several mea.
J. Armstrong, day switchman in the
TJhioa Pacific yards caaght hie right foot
Htwaat m Known as tae tares throw
aoath of the round house this
Tuesday moraiag about aa hour after he
to work. He was thrown under
train, aad dragged quite a
Ha aaaanatiy escaped with
ia not positively known yet, ho
how badly ha has beam injured, bat it ia
ived ao iateraal tajuriea.
ia town Friday
aad a weleame eallsr at In Jocnaui.
He told about atteadaig the old
aad daace at Schuyler
Tharaday aad such a tiese he never
enjoyed before. Old tisasra who had
walking with the aid of caaea for
for the time heiag threw them
away aad joined ia the dances and other
aa they had done ia their
younger aeys. -usom" oad tae atiteg"
for the daaee which mini like old
aw, bat am vernal aowers did
the atrma as they did thirty
-,.-r.. tnetr
-Mm Aaaa Borowiak, agad W years,
Mm. Joaaah n Is mil hi the eoathera
pest ef the city. Mra, Berowiak waa
.' She mavaa five aaOaraa, Mra,
JoeeamGwtemer, Mra. Jama Kryxki, Mra.
wish. Oaeamter, MmFetaakaf lads-
aaBsWaT JVBsVassT VgrvV
at St. Mary's
ABiifi i win be
the entire avfldag whieh
tiel and eaeeUeat up-te-elato style, equal
to aay hosactel in the
eat to about
of whom wills
We aaa that Pater P. Dafy of this
eitymsdvertmmgmeaager of the Daily
of the State university
half advertaaaavwe
know that Pater has sseared employ
meat whieh wfll he of good flwaacisl
to him through his years of
daring the Fadsratioa of Womaa's dabs
wfll be the large display of
and haad-painted china ia the
of the North opera house.
of the com
mittee oa credeatisls, has received a
y lattera from delegates over
the state notifying the committee of
Fremont's basiaeaa maa do aot like
the raise of twenty-five per cent on ia-
aaraace rates aad are corresponding
with partiee ia thia aad other cities ia
the state aa to what ought to be done
about it. The likelihood is that the
raise wfll give to the matual coaipaaias
a boost the like of which they have never
had before. It would eeem that here ia
a field for some idle Nebraska money and
a way in which to keep more Nebraska
moaey at home. Grand Island Inde
pendent. Editor Howard has filed a complaint
with the inter-state commerce commis
sion against the Union Paafic Bailroed
company charging them with asking
exorbitant freight rates for hauling coal
from Bock Springs, Wyoming, to Colum
bua. Mr. Howard says he will demand
a heariag sooa. Thx JocBJUKhas advo
cated for years cheaper coal from Wyo
auag and Mr. Howard would have the
thanks of numberless people in central
Nebraska should he succeed in reducing
exorbitant rates. Some day the inex
haustible supply of Wyoming coal will
be laid down in Columbus at $5 or less
per ton we verily believe.
Alphsus M. Briggs, a former resident
of thia city, and well known to elder
readers of Tax Jocxxak died Wednes
day of last week at the home of his
daughter, Mra. George Bieder, in Coun
cil Blufa, from cancer, aged 69 years.
Three eoaa,B. J. Briggs of Idaho Falls,
Idaho, Heary C Briggs of Victor, Mon-
taaa, aad Cliflbrd G. Briggs of Warm
Springs, Montana, and two daughters,
Mra. George Bieder and Mrs. F. M
Comptoa of Council Bluffs, survive him.
The funeral waa held Friday afternoon
from the resideace of his daughter, Mra.
Bieder, interment in Walnut Hill cem
etery. The deceased will be kindly
remembered by all old-time friends here.
The Saaior class of the Columbus
High school are at work listing the town
for the coming lecture course. Among
other attractiona an attempt ia being
made to secure A. L. Bixby and the
quartette of siagere that travel with
him for the opening number. All per-
ma should secure their aaaoon tickets
at once. Although the expense of the
course will be somewhat greater than
heretofore, the price has been kept down
to the $1 mark. "Bob Burdette' wfll
no doubt be one of the lecturers. As
the price for single admission to any of
numbers will amount to 50 cents, there
wfll be n great saving in buying season
tickets. Admission to the five enter-
tainmeata, $L
Friday's Omaha Bee contained the
following in regard to a former Colum
bus boy, aow of Fremont, whose friends
here will hope for hie speedy recovery:
"Otto Pohl, a Sixth street druggist, met
with a serious accident this noon, burn
ing his face badly. He was unpacking
and marking some metallic sodium, when
from noma cause or other it exploded.
Hie face and neck were burned, his col
lar being completely burned off. His
eye lids were injured considerably, but
it is not thought that his eye sight ia in
any way impaired. M is not known
what csneed the explosion, but it is sup
posed that the sodiam in some way came
in contact with some water. He will
probably be confined to a dark room for
A souvenir of the Stanford Universi
ty of Pak Alto, Calif., sent by Mra. Mary
Williams, has beea received by friends
here. The book is a collection of really
artistic pictures. The Stanford Univer
sity haviag beea built by Mr. and Mra.
Lelaad Stanford, millionaires, has not
Buffered for want of money in construc
tion or decoratioaa aa most of the public
sehoola have. The buddings, both in
terior aad exterior, are works of art and
look more like private palaces than the
usual stiff, formal public echooL Some
idea amy be obteiaedin regard to the
library advantsgws when it ia known that
aa aaaaal fund of $10000 is set aside
for the purchase of new books. All
courses ia the school are entirely elec
tive aad tuition in all departments is
free. .
A weak ago last Thuraday, Lester
Jsakinaoa, a pupil of Mra. U. S. Mace in
the Second ward school, waa punished
for dieobedieaee by Prof. Lake at the
request of Lester's teacher. ThefoUow
iag Monday, complaiat waa filed with the
county jadge by the boy's father, B. Jea
kxaaoa, for aauaalt, against Prof. Lake,
aad the r ass waa broaght up for hnsring
Pel nnm j afternoon, coatinuiag uatil 12
o'eloafc Satarday eight aad Moaday
, whan at aooa the complaint
withdrawn before the case was left
to the dsrimom of the jury. It ia de
plorable that each aa affair should be
brought mto court. Lester had received
hia aaamhmsBf after aehaol oa Thursday
aad the asaae sveaisg did hm regular
work of driviag the town herd of cowa.
Ha has aot beea absent from sehool aay
day and although the complaiat stated
it had beea very
or bruises were! visible
bady a few days after. As a result
train for several deya and of being
aw the wiaaeas stead for over two hours,
21 aad wfll be aaable to
Mrs. Mesa
will tea ha
Her father aad emter were
far arriviag Monday, and
Magnify and increases you spend it, spend
it here. We wilLgiveyou the full valae of
your money in the best goods we cam buy.
You only need to try us once to prove what
we say is true. We are handling some ne
fresh Fruits these days and will pay strict
attention to all orders for canning. : : : :
Glass Jars in the standard sizes and makra
can be found here at reasonable prices. : :
When you think of anything a first-class
grocery should have, call up 'phone 2d, and
we'll have it in your kitchen in a hurry.
MM Ml ami ill ill nEBi nil
received show Slot-Seamed effects in Costumes,
Jackets, Waists and Skirts. STANDARD
PATTERNS can be relied upon ia making your An
tumn and Winter clothes. Be sure to visit our Paper
Pattern Department and inspect our stock. Patterns
are issued for every need in wearing apparel. When
next you visit our store get a copy of
10 6ENT
It is the favorite Woman's Magazine, edited
bv women for women.
Qvafr T iT
tiittiitfnnftttxttatftaf t:txtt
H Sail See Oir New
Don t wait until every thine has been
picked over. We carry a roll line of
Wall Paper, Paints, Plattl, Varalsfcts,
Braslie, Wlndtw Shade, Saife Reds,
Fleer Wax and every thing pertaining
to the needs of a good housekeeper.
Painters and
LeflflRuOyFiliiieiy Store
: : : DEALERS IN" ; : t
All Kirfs of Buildi
Park Barber Shop
Ii enliding new patrons
every week but many more
can be accommodated.
iy Drop is and try a Shave, Shampoo,
Hair Cat or Bath. Everything first
class sad np-to date. :::::::
Cigars of tae very best make on sale.
b. Q. ZMME6ftftft. Prsm'r.
Omcx Barber BaHdinav formerly
ni 1 Blaialapi
i hi , .a&grerLt.
Lin if Wall PaptrJ
Paper fiaMtrs.
L crowded every day with satisfied
customers. On all sides we hear
words of praise on the style and prices
of our New York and Chicago
patterns and tailor made hate.
It is the excellence of materials and
work as well as the correctness of
styles which make our hats so much
- .? Material aad Coal.
Niewohner block, eonar Uth ae
wtnuta, Coismbw, 5ehr.
tered Hr aaia
less extracttee)
ef teetk.
OmIiImbco Telephone L 31.
OOob Telthoa A 4.
D. 3X183.
ef fbeC.
sV-H f VTV f
9 to 12 a.m.
2 to 5 a.m.
I to be aamaaai by taw steak.
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