fc S IF -P - T " . . 4- &.o. r ;?- jf ,v vJB. ;s"M -r.v-" 'n - , is5r l r"- . v- -' ;,& -j.- ; V3,3f'irsh" .-a:-r-3(t3--3SC-4Br5ij'-w ?v w- " - - . j. . - f j- ' . 7s- e . j xrr- zr c --t - -i. t. - i-zr-1"- .. 'lar.. " 2 " 1 r-zmy UL $ r 59r --.a -s?' -,: jy-V "-J - & Csa-vevnA- V(i- -. T sji-- & ?"- rp r 1 ft?,? 0urnal. & a '.ft r VOUJME XXXJ1L NUMBER 36. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1. 192. WHOLE NUMBER 1.69. jt.41 V m TBV. bbh .bbY r. bbS bbS QiMttmras . -. --it !i. j . : . r Vs - -1 . CANTEEN IN ARMY FUNSTON SAYS ITS ABOLITION IS OEMORAJ.IZ1NC BEMEFITS KILY THE UW WYES Gafflblcrs and Dwaotut Wamen Pack ' ct m Fay af SoWiera Army Trials Twice as Numerous Incraaae m Deacrtions Tarticulariy Noticsaalt .WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Brigadier .General Frederick Fusstoa, in his an nual report for the Department of Colorado, points oat that the percent age of trials by court martial of en listed men has nearly doubled during the past year. He saysz ' "It is therefore plain that tkere ass .a. dsplosahle increase jplapcaas in general and of desertion in particu lar. In my opinion, there are two principal causes for this state of af fairs first, resentment of accustomed limitations and restrictions felt by men coming from field service to the monotony and routine work of the gamscni second, the abolition of the canteen feature of the post exchange. Sin?e this action was taken saloons ci the lowest type haTe been estab lished just outside the boundaries of the various reservations, their pro prietors in almost every case unprin cipled scoundrels who leave nothing undone to debauch the soldiers and obtain their money. Being in all cases outside the limits of any city the proprietors of these resorts are subject to no municipal police regula tions and sell liquors regardless of hours and whether the buyer is al ready intoxicated or net. Gambling is universal in thse 'dives' and they are frecjuented by dissolute women. The "soldier whose desire for a drink would ordinarily be snnsfled by a few glasses of beer in the canteen of the post exchange goes to one of these resorts and does well if he escapes be fore he hns spent or gambled away arl his money, overstayed his leave or engaged in an altercation. SHAW TO PREVENT A PANIC Secretary cf Treasury Offers ta Buy Outright ISO Bonds. .T.-ASHINGTON. Sept. 2lL The sec retary of- the treasury has made pub lic announcement that he will buy 5 per cent bonds of IS04 at 105 fiat. There are J19.4OO.0t3O of these tends outstanding. Secretary Shaw also issued the fol lowing circular, carrying out his an nouncement of yesterday regarding the pre-paymeat of the interest on. bosds of the United States "In pursuance of authority contain ed in section 3639 of the revised stat utes of the United States, public no tice is hereby given that the interest maturing on the several interest dates between and including November 1. 1302, and July 1, 1303. en the regis tered and coupon bonds of the United States will be prepaid with a rebate of two-tenths of 1 per cent per month on the amount prepaid under the fol lowing conditions "Owners cf registered bonds desir ing prepayment must present their bonds to the treasury or some assist ant treasurer of the United States, who will stamp upon the face cf the bonds the fact of such prepayment and return them to the owners, with the interest for the periods above men tioned, less the rebate. "National banks owning bonds de posited with the treasurer of the United States to secure circulation or deposits may obtain prepayment upon application to the treasurer of the United States. The bonds so held, cpon which interest is prepaid, will be stamped, as above indicated. "Coupons maturing upon the dates included in this circular may be pre sented for payment at the office of the treasurer of the United States, or any assistant treasurer "In circulating the amount of re bate to be allowed any fractional part of a month will be reckoned as a full month and the rebate for such frac tional part of a month calculated as a full month will be retained by the United States. Veteran of Two Wars. WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. General Francis J. Lippitt. a lawer and vet eran of the Mexican aad civil wars. died here today aged 90 years. Ee was borne in Providence. B L - Getting Out of China. WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 27. The state department has a cablegram from United States Minister Conger at Pekin. stating that the evacuation, of Manchuria has been begun by the Keinze Starts New Party. BCTTE. Monu Sepc 27. The fol lowers of F. Augustus Heiaae. who were denied seats in the democratic state convention at Baseman, where they appeared as a contesting dele 'gallon, held a mass meeting here. It was announced that there would be launched an independent party con sisting of Heinze democrats who are opposed to the party leadership of Senator Clark, tai fusion with the populist and labor parties: To Buy the Clark Rail CHICAGO, Sept. 27. It" was an nounced on gocd authority tar a S25.0ee.0C0 increase is to be made in the capital stock of the Chicago. Mil waukee c St. Paul railrsad. This ad ditional stock will be issued to stock holders at par. It is supposed that the increase is for the purpose o2 acqutrtBc Seaator Clark's rights im a road which, is planned for ccaatrac- Salt Lake City aad Los MAN KILLS HIMSELF ST Nsrttt His Hassl Off. NOfiTH BEND, Neh. Sept. 25. Cltiseaa cf this place were horrified to learn of tie death of Fred Hoff man, aged sixty-two years, by his own hand. Hoffman blew off .the top of his head with a shotgun and his body was found lying in a room of the shack which he occupied alone in the southern edge of the town. A saotgu lying Bear by told the story of self destruction. The sight which met the eyes of the party as they entered the room was a most sickening one. The brains of the dead man had fallen into a pan and looked as though they had been taken out and laid there. Blood aad par ticles of Hash aad brain were scat tered oa a. soft aad the walla aad t ta raoaa. A stream of Mood aad flowed the entire length of the room, leaving pools here and there. The dead man had carefully fasten ed all the doors of the house before killing himself He left a letter ad dressed to his children which read as follows: "NORTH BEND. Neb., Sept. 24. Dear children: Don't let the county bury me. Bury me as cheap as you can. I have worked hard all my life and can't work any more. God will help you remember me when this you see, so goodbye. "P. HOFFMAN." Hoffman had a wife and nine chil dren, five of whom are married, but he had become estranged from them some years ago. He lived the life of a bachelor, cooking his own meals and doing his own. housework. CHOP HARVEST FOR THE YEAR Deputy Labor Commissioner Watson Completes Compilation. LINCOLN. Sept. 29. Deputy Tabor Commissioner Watson and his office force completed the compilation of the acreage for the crop season of 1902 in all the counties of the state. as follows: Winter wheat, 1.304,939 acres; spring wheat, 645.S2S acres; com, 5,51fi,S01 acres; oats, 1.538.647 acres; bariey, 7S,414 acres; rye, 4iC, 554 acres. The labor commissioner's figures are based upon official returns from the assessors in all bui a few coun ties. The missing ones were esti mated, but are believed to be fairly accurate. Figures for the yield have been esti mated by the Nebraska Grain Deal ers' association on all but corn which. armot be compiled accurately before the end of October, or perhaps later. The other cereals, however, show a very satisfactory increase over the year of 190L The estimate of the vields of the various crops, with the lverage per acre are: Winter wheat. 44.735.963 bushels. 3 per acre; spring wheat. 645.S2S aushels, 12 per acre; oats, 32.144.119 bushels, 35 per acre: rye, S, 573,520 bushels, 19 per acre. Represented in Displays. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. Secretary 3ay has sent urgent instructions to dl of the United diplomatic officers ibroad to do everything within their rower to insure displays at the world's xposition at St. Louis from the coun Ties at which they are accredited. The purpose was not only to secure cnsiderable individual displays by rreat manufacturers and merchants. aut also to have the various govern ments themselves make national es libits. as these features of interra Jonal fairs have usually been the sore interesting- Fear Damage to Range. Neb., Sept. 29. This part of Nebraska has been visited by the heaviest rain known at this time cf year. Three inches of water fell and stockmen fear the grass win again get green if the weather turns warm and be injured by the frost. which win greatly damage the winter range. No Replies to Hay's Nate. LONDON. Sept. 27. Thus far the British government has received no elies from the signatories of the Ber lin treaty to its note supporting Sec--etary Hay's initiative in the treat ment of Roumanian Jews. Balloon Bursts in Midair. ALM. Neb.. Sept. 29. At the street fair Thomas Andrews, an aeronaut of Omaha, was making an ascension in a ballocon when it burst when about seventy-dve feet from the ground- He fell, sustaining severe injuries. Organize a Gas Company. ORD. Sept. 29. The Ord Gas and Electric Lighting company has been organised with a capital stock of $12. 300 and a Colby system of cold stor isje gas plant will be installed by De cember 1. at the latest. Jury Fails to Agree. TECUMSEH. Neb Sept. 29. The damage case of Otto Hoffman versus John Boatsman et aL. was given, to the jury in the district court here. Butterneid Much FATRBURY,. Neb.. SeptL 2S, Con stable Tom Butterfield, who was shot by William Spraggins at Daykin, is stSl alive and exhibiting very prosa ising symptoms. County Attprnay c. BL Demaey'aad County Judga C C Boyle went to Daykfrr to seeme the injured seam's signature to a complaint rgainst Spraggins, and found the con stable in. excellent spirits- tth phy- "i" JV. barring nufnrowp com. sOcatioBs, he win recover. REBELS ARE GONE ISTHMUS TRAFFIC FREE AND REV OLUnONISTS RETIRED. ACTrH BY J1MBKAI LUIIKS Attempt sf Rebels to Board Train is Prexentad by Fares Governer Sala zara Pulsate What He Says Con cerning LanaHng of Marinas, WASHINGTOX, Sept. 26. The navy department has received the follow ing cablegram from Commander Mc Lean of Cincinnati: "COLON. Sept. 25. Wednesday afternoon 300 insurgents attempted to board train about leaviag Empire sta rioa tmsksjajsasaK-CnlHwliisi,. officer., passenger Colon to Panama. Marine knocked insurgent officer with butt of musket. Guards trained Colt gun. an them, but did not fire, as they fled." The second dispatch was as follows: COLON, Sept. 25. Russell and three companies mannes railway sta tion and wharves Panama, one com pany marines Colon, Marines sharing duty with sailors who had been doing all guard duty. Placed Mason com mand forces doing duty ashore." Commander N. F. Nash was sent down to Colon to relieve Commander McLean cf the command of Cincin nati, but, as indicated in the above dispatch, he is to co-operate with him there for a time. WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. Secretary Mocdy was more fully advised of the situation en the isthmus by another and a longer cablegram from Com mander McLean at Colon. It was said at the department that the command er's report was to the effect that con ditions on the isthmus, while not seri ously disturbed now, are snch that the United States forces at present there can not be withdrawn or diminished. A squadron of the North Atlantic fleet is to rendezvous in the Caribbean sea a good while before the appointed time for the assembly cf the vessels for the North and South Atlantic and European stations. It is said at the navy department that the big cruiser Olympia, flagship of Rear Admiral Ccghlan, will b ready and at that oflicer's disposal by October 20. The cruiser San Francisco is now on its way to the West Indies, and there ars already in these waters Cincinnati. Montgomery, Marietta and Panther. Besides these vessels, the navy depart ment intends to attach to Admiral Coghlan's squadron the protected cruiser Ealeigh. the unprotected cruis er Detroit and the gunboat Machias. The navy department has two objects in view in this early dispatch of war vessels to the Caribbean, namely, pre liminary work in regard to the man euvers and the disturbed situation. It is argued that as the vessels are to go down to the .West Indies anyway, it is just as well, in view of the state of affairs in Central and South America, to have them go earlier. PANAMA. Colombia. Sept. 23. Trade across the isthmus is free, and part of the revolutionary army having retreated to Agua Dulce, the danger of a battle on the isthmus is believed to be removed. McLean Says Keeo Forces. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2C. Secretary Hoody was more fully advised of the situation on the isthmus by another and a longer cablegram from Com mander McLean sr Colon. It was said ct the department that the command er's report was to the effect that con ditions on the isthmus, while not se riously disturbed, are such that the United States forces at present there carrot be withdrawn or diminished- Cures a Chinese Leper. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Sept. 26. Dong Gang, the Chinese leper patient at the St. Louis quarantine hospital, is rec ommended for discharge as cured by Dr. M. O. Woodruff, superintendent of the hospital. Rooeeveit; British Colonel. LONDON. Sept. 26. The Daily Chronicle this morning gives currency to a rumor that a moveiaent is on foot to make President Roosevelt a colonel in a British line regiment. Indorse Alger for Senator. GRAND R A PE)S. Mich Sept. 26. The candidacy of former Secretary of War R. A. Alger for United States sen ator to succeed the late James McMil lan was endorsed. Makes Facoo at Uncle Sam. TTENNA, Sepc 26. The Roumanian conservative organ. La Roumania, pro tests energetically against the unjust proceedings of the United tSates and contends that neither mrna nor any other of the powers is any more en titled to interfere in the affairs of the Jews Than is Roumania to demand explanations in regard to the FDifnno'j, Boers. Finns or others. The. paper ac cuses the United States of a desire to meddle in other states' affairs. State Eentry Into Dublin. DUBLIN, Sept. 26. The earl Dudley; th new lord lieutenant cf of Ireland, made his state entry into Dub lin yesterday an horseback, accom panied by the duke cf Concanght, com mander cf the farces in Ireland. Countess Dudley and a. sumcienxiy im posing proceserni, which traversed the troop-lined bLreau to the castle. Thers were few decoratiaes. The sight3eerv were not nasseross. and there wa very little cheering. REPUBLICANS OF NEW YORK. Ths) Ticket SARATOGA, N. Y., Seat. 25. sepBbli aaortly after 10 o and sckl tel business. Edward of Sew York City presented the which was promptly adopted. following nominations were For Governor B. B. OdeH, jc. Orange. For Lieutenant Goveraor I. Higgfna of Cattaragus. For Secretary of O'Brien of Clinton. For Treasurer John G. Wieksor oil Erie. For Attorney General Heaxy & Co- BSBBof Madiaoa. For Comptroller N. B. Mifler a Cortland. For Engineer E, A. Bond af Jeffer son. For Judge of the Court of Appeado W. E. Werner of Monroe. TO BE NO PACKING COMBINE. Decision to Abandon Scheme Influenc ed by National Administration. CHICAGO, Sept. 2a. The combin- tion of. the great packing houses of the country which, has been under coa sideration and in process of actual formation for the last six months has been abandoned, at least for the pres ent, says the Tribune. The decision not to complete the combination is due in a large degree to the attitude of the national admin istration toward trusts as outlined by President Roosevelt in his recent speeches and to the possibility that in the event of a consolidation con gress might remove the tariff o cat tle. It was learned last night that a final meeting of the heads of the firms known as the four big packing houses in Chicago bad been held, at which is was agreed to end all negotiations at once. SOLDIERS FOR THE PARADE. Secretary of War Assigns Men 1 March with Grand Army. WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. At the re quest of the local committee having in charge the armm! encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, the sec retary of war has instructed the com manding general, department of the east to direct the following named troops of the army to participate in the military parade of Tuesday, Octo ber 7: The Fourth artillery corps band and four companies of coast artillery from Fort Monroe; three companies coast artillery from Fort Washingtonr one company coast artillery from Fort Hunt; three companies coast artillery from Fort Henry; one company coast artillery from Fort Howard; the engi neer band and Third battalion of engi neers from Washington barracksr the Second cavalry band and Second squadron. Second cavalry, and Fourth battery, field artillery, from Fort Myer: SOLDIERS AGAIN IN FIELD. Governor Stone Orders Ninth Regi ment to Mobilize. WTLKESBARRE, Pa.. Sept. 7 In compliance with the request of Sheriff Jacobs and numerous other citizens of Luzerne county. Governor Some today ordered the Ninth regiment to mobilize at Wilkesbarre. The regiment had it3 headquarters here and three hours af ter the order was received. Colonel Dougherty, the commanding officer, had the regiment, with the exception of the Hazleton companies, ready for the field. The regiment consists of twelve companies and has a member ship of about 750. There are quite a number of mine workers in the regi ment, but all responded to the calL The soldiers will remain in the ar mory ready to respond to any raTf Would Abandon Fort Yates. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Brigadier General W. A. Kobb, commanding the department of Dakota, in bis annual report says that the discipline and in structions of his conmand are good. because, as a rule, tne omcers are capable and painstaking. He quotes from Major Alfred Reynolds, inspector general of the department, to the ef- ect that he is "inclined to the opinion hat the abolition of the beer feature n post exchanges has not materially ncreased the number of trials by court nor called for other extra disciplinary measures." Moras Are Hard to WASHINGTON,. Sept 25. That the task of reducing the Moros to terms is proving difficult is indicated by the following cablegram received today by the war department from General Chaff eer -MANILA. Sept. 22 1902.-Adjutant General, 'rashingtcst Captain John J. Pershing returned to Vienrsr unable to reach Marin form;, water and swamps prevented. CHAFFEE.' Ear! Roberts Calls a Halt. LONDON, Sept. 25. As cf the recent Gregson incident, Earl Roberts, commander-in-chief of the farces, has notiled all Trauma ndfrrr'Trf ucers of the necessity of with a strong haadV any as "ragging," which be declares to be a disgrace to the army end. most per nicious and prejadicml ta iMoi ij,ill u Earl Roberts threatens to severely punish in: the fwtiire to the Gregson 'Wt the FWoL JPRESIDENT HOME ITHE TRAIN BEARING HIM AR. RIVES IN WASHINGTON. WE ! IS 1TTMIT MMEIT cHod There While te WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. Secretary Corielisei at :3 laot Bight saade the OBxeraiBS Presi- - The Breaideafs afcysieiaBs report fast be stood the trip hosse very well. aad it bi believed that the local in laojBMliuj symptsau win subside in fa wu;h so tea day if tap kg i&m solutely at rest." Presidemt Roosevelt returned to Washington, at :3 last Bight from Iadiaaapolis, where be was compelled to abandon bis western trip because cf an abscess oo bis leg which de veloped as a result of the trolley ac cident at Pittsfieid, Mass. He stood the journey from Indianapolis remark ably well, and when he was carried in a wheel chair from the railroad car tc his carriage he was in excellent spirits, and appeared to be free from any pain. With Mrs. Roosevelt the president was driven directly to the temporary White House on Jackson place where, according to the present arrangements, he will remain until the wound is healed and he is able to again be on his feet. The president was taken to his room on the second floor of the house, and made comfortable and his wound dressed. Later he was reported to- be resting easily, and the expectation is that within ten days the president will be himself again. The trip home from Indianapolis nas an uneventful one. He remained In bed all day, and executive business en the train practically was dis continued. Few letters or telegsams were written or received. A telegram was -put on the train at Pittsburg from Mrs. Roosevelt, stating that she had left Oyster Bay for Washington. The president slept soundly all through the night until 8 o'clock this morning. Even the noise in the depot at Pitts burg, where the train remained in the .early morning for about twenty min utes, failed to awaken him. When Dr. Luny went to the president's state room shortly before 9 o'clock, he found his patient in rare good humor aad excellent physical eanditiom, uorriBS the wound on his leg. The slight fever which the president had yesterday afternoon had disap peared, and his temperature was nor mn', In fact, he felt so well that he told the doctor he would like to get up and go into the parlor of his car. Dr. Long strongly protested against this, telling the president that It was absolutelynecessary for him to remain quiet, and President Roosevelt good naturedly gave in. The pain in his leg had practically disappeared, and he conditions there were so favorable that the doctor did not think it necss sary to redress the limb. The presi dent's leg is tightly bandaged, and Dr. Lung does not look for a recurrence of the swelling, although this would be nothing unusual, and would cause re alarm. MARINES ARE IN PANAMA. Confidence of Foreigners on Isthmus Greatly Restored. COLON. Colombia. Sept. 2a. Three companies of the United States mar ines who arrived here on the cruise Panther have reached Panama. Thej are commanded by Lieutenant Colcme. Benjamin P. Russell and will be quar tered in the railroad station. Another company, consisting of eigh ty men, under command of Major Geo B. Arnett, will be kept in Colon and quartered on the dock of the Pacific Mail Steamship company. The men of this latter company will be used tn guard the daily trains across th ei3th mus. The confidence of foreigners on the isthmus has been restored in a large measure by the arrival of American men-of-war and the landing of troops. ST. LOUIS. Mcu Sept. 23. Ardashes Requests Hay's Intervention. BLKeleian, president of the American National union, composed of 20,000 Ar mpnians in this country, has written ? letter to Secretary of State John Ha: requesting his intervention with, the European powers in behalf of the Ar menians in Turkey. of Marshall Isi SA3C FRANCISCO, Sept. 23. The schooner Louisa D. has returned ta this port after a year's cruise among the' Marshan and Gilbert faTac Twice it was almost wrecked on eoral reefs and on Janaary 14 one of the crew. Ernest Weasel, fell overboard and was drowned. Captain Moore tells of a. tidal wave which visited Marshall islands and took severe Eves. Volcano Faints Fictures. KINGSTOWN, St. Yincenr, Sept. 23. The. eruption of the Soufriere volca no yesterday was a darzlfng phenome t p. nx the crater emitted a effervescing cloud which kept rapidly ascending, changing from black f te gray and then to silver color, cor- olckiy and suddenly until it is if a red cauliflower had bloomed on its crest. This cast a. over the city, but proved harm Tbe emptioB lasted about five Pill !!! Bail OB te LotMj Risfe Ro- ill is I j Watt lo TatasR te Tem porary White Mw WIH Be Doom- FIRE AT LINCOLN ASYLUM. of 91 LINCOLN. Neb Sept. 27. The state of Nebraska suffered a loss ol II&BQ0 by Ire, the stables at the hos pital for the insane in the outskirts of the city being totally destroyed. Slx head of horses were incinerat ed, a dozen others being saved by the asylum attaches after the latter were leariy suffcated and badly scorched by their efforts. Large stores of pre iBce grown on the asylum farm were destroyed, along with implements and vehicles housed in adjoining sheds. Fed bv several hundred tens of hay the names leased high in the air. The asylum was distant about 2D0 yards, but most of the patients were aroused by the din and added to the general disorder with their The iswMmj a ml Hipl ImAed- their apartments and the excitement soon subsided. " Superintendent Greene suspects in cendiarism. Within the last eighteen months the state penitentiary near this city and the Norfolk insane asylum have both been burned, representing a loss to the state of $30),000. LOCH INVAR IN KNEE PANTS. Boy of Sixteen Abducts Miss a Year Younger. SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 27. Arthur Nichols, aged sixteen, of Emerson. Neb., it is charged, enticed Flossie Haynes, aged fifteen, also of Emer son, to take a ride with him. She was enjoying the ride when he drove into Hubbard, took her to the depot and waited until a train came along. He put her on the train with a ticket to Sioux City, and said he would drive back to Emerson and follow on the next train. When he reached Emerson he was met by an officer and arrested for alleged abduction. The girl ar rived here and was enjoying the Elks carnival. She chanced to pass the po lice station just after her father had telephoned her description to Chief Devenport. The chief, recognizing her, put her in the woman'3 ward un til her father came, when she buried her face in hl3 coat and wept. Balloonist Drops Into River. SUPERIOR. Neb.. Sept. 27. Fred Butler, who does the parachute drop act for the Superior street fair, had a rather unpleasant experience. The balloon ascension was a pretty one and the drop perfect, except that the para chute dropped him in the middle of the Republican river, which is now af flood. Butler cannot swim a lick. He drifted onto a flooded island, and re mained there with the cold water up about his neck for over an hour while a boat was secured in which to rescue him. He lost his parachute. Butler nearly lost his life in the same man ner at Lake Manawa this summer. Father Begins Peculiar Suit. BEATRICE. Neb- Sept. 27. N. Brockhinzen. who resides near Adams, this county, ha3 filed claims for J100 damages against Gage county "for the death of his daughter, killed on a bridge between sections 20 and 29, in A dara? township, because of the bridge being in bad order, causing the team to shy into the railing of said bridge, throwing the girl out." This accident occurred several weeks ago. Horse Thieves In Otce. NEBRASKA CITY. Sept. 27. Horse thieves are operating in this section again after an absence of several years. They went to the stable of Thomas Blevins. a farmer living three miles south of town, and took a horse, buggy and harness and made their es cape. The horse was a very fine gray animal weighing about L200 pounds and valued at about $130. Placed in Beatrice Jail. BEATRICE. Neb- Sept. 27. Fred CIds, charged with being one of the slayers of David Jones of Wymore, was brought here from Lincoln by Sheriff Waddington and placed in the county jaiL Eph J. Herrod. whom Olds .implicated in the murder by mak ing a confession, win be brought here for trial. Struck in Eye with Scissors. BEATRICE. Neb- Sept. 27. Pearl. the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Reynolds, residing near this city, was accidentally struck in the right eye by a pair of scissors, aad win probably lose the sight- She is under the care of an oculist, who has little hopes for her. Cold Storage Building Burns. LEXINGTON, Neb., Sept. 27. The Merritt cold storage and produce building was completely destroyed by fire. Many bushels of potatoes were roasted ready for eating. Nelson Fair Postponed. NELSON. Neb- Sept. 27. This sec tion has been having heavy rains. Ow ing to this fact the directors of the Nuckolls county fair decided to post pone the fair to October 7, 8, 9 and 10. Wilcat Fire Insurance. LINCOLN, Neb- Sept. 27. Deputy Insurance Auditor A. H. Babcock. re turned from a trip to West Point, where lie went to .pursue some wildcat insurance companies and an agent rep-1 resenting them. He found John Weld ing, a betel keeper, willing- to admit that he had written policies for some an authorized insurance companies, cut the gentleman, said he had not written any policies since receiving notice, froat 3r. Babcock to cease. ................... ... I mm 1QHIM6L I tiiiiiiiiuinuiiEii:?in Russia's crops this year are the larg est produced in ten years. M. David, the noted Paris stock broker, was shot dead by an artist. Mgr. Guidi, apostolic delegate to the Philippines, bee another conference with Pope Leo. Representative Newlands urges that the democratic party co-operate with organized labor. Commissioner Ware's report will show that the pension list now contains over L000,000 names. Diplomatic relations between Vene sseia and Great Britain are on the verge of being severed. The state deartment expects no an te Secretary Hay's note to- the ynTTMI'TfTTl JT Wesleyan university. Mlddletown. Conn., has received a gift of S30.000 to equip an astronomical observary. Dr. Guy Potter Benton, late president of the Upper university of Iowa, was inaugurated as president of Miami uni versity. Estimates for the rural free delivery service for the next fiscal year aggre gate between 111.000,000 and H2,000. 000. Alaska has aid its cost twenty times. It was bought for $7,200,000. and has supplied 1150.000,000 in furs, fish and gold. President Palma requests withdraw al of remaining United States troops from Cuba, and the matter has been referred to Secretary Root Lord Cunon. viceroy of India, tele graphs that the agricultural prospects in that country have been further im proved by the general rains. The human body of average weight contains three pounds thirteen ounces of calcium, which at present market rate is worth $200 an onnce. The forces of the provisional gov ernment of Hayti commanded by the war minister. General Nord. have sus tained a severe defeat at Limb. Major J. W. Powell, director of the bureau of ethnology at the Smithso nian institute at Washington, died at his summer home at Haven. Maine. The earl of Dundon. the new com mander of the Canadian military, has just issued a sweeping order abolish ing the sword as a cavalry weapon. Within the past fifty years 164,539 persons have emigrated from County Mayo, Ireland, nearly as many as in habit the county at the present time. Monsignor Guidi, who was recently appointed apostolic delegate in the Philippine islands, win be consecrated September 23, Cardinal Rampolla offi ciating. The naval board of inquiry exoner ates Rear Admiral Coughlan and the ofcers of the Brooklyn far accident to the cruiser during the recent joint maneuvers. King Leopold's refusal to be recon ciled with his daughter, the Princess Stephanie (Countess Lcnyai), ar the bier of her mother arouses indignation cf the Belgian;?. Manila papers received at the war department report that the "Katipu nan." the society which is secretly pledged to oppose American sover eignty, is again active in ilanila. All the gas companies of Greater Boston are to be merged and eventu ally will furnish gas for fuel only, as the result of a conference of some of the most prominent capitalists of the country. A directory company has completed a count of the inhabitants of Salina. which shows that the city has a pop ulation of S.207. an increase of about 1.000 over the number reported by the city assessor. William H. Craddock. fusion nomi nee for governor of Kansas, has filed suit against Secretary of State Clark to have his name placed on both the democratic and populist tickets on the official ballots. Stanley Spencer, a well known Eng lish aeronaut, successfully accomplish ed a remarkable flight over London in an airship of his own invention. It is estimated that his 3hip trraveled near ly thirty miles. Mrs. John Doley and 3Irs. John Car ney, sisters, met at Springfield. Ohio, after fifty-one years of fruitless search ng on the part of Mrs. Doley. They became separated in New York harbor after landing from Ireland Captain Pershing of the Fifteenth Infantry captnred seven forts of the Moros in Mindanao. The tariff bill may not pass the German reichstag owing to the deter mination of three leading parties to abide by agrarian increases. Archbishop Riordan's counseL is heard at The Hague in. opposition to Jesuit claim in the Pics fund case. The eruption oi a volcano checks cable laying on the coast of Sc Vin cent and the steamer had a narrow escape. Winiam Nathaniel Roach, who was United Stares senator from North Da kota from 1833 to 1S33, died in New York. He had been in from cancer al most from hi3 coming to that city. where he had made his home after re tiring from the senate. Owing- to a strong demand, the price of Bourbon whiskies cf the years 1353. 1S9;. 1S33 and 1333 have advanced from 10 to 20 cents a gallon. The whiskies are closely held and orders to buy in lets have proved uasuccess- f ul American dressmakers-, in conven tion in Xew- York, win lay plans, it is . reported, for an invasion of Harope. in retallanan for the manner in which the- modiste, of Paris aad ether Euro pean crties have been making inroads upon their custcm- pfOfgelafljBgakgefnbBjmiBBOkfeakaahA t ne mum, i Cetartis o I State JEtatU I good notes I 0 f o o o O p. Q O vica-a iaa. cumm.- . mr l. niimt. HMMTT MUIST. aOwCrCoo0'etQ'?oc!orQFO'a , A Vedrfy RepuHkaa lwcwiOBper Derated to $e.. Best Interests of X - X Columbus, -THB-" . - - County f Platte, Tfce State cf. -Nebraska-United States. acitfce Rest cf MM. ' Tbt Unit of Measure with U $1.50 Year, xf Paid tn Adrance. Uscfalaess is by Dollars Sample Copies Sent Free to; any Address. HEINRY GASS. J. UNDEftTAKEB-. rVffwt and Metallic Cases. . .- ataQkicdoci Up huTeBry Gocds. , Columbuaa rSwta. eee M. llWeee Columbus Journal. ai prepared to Furnish Any &mf Required of a CLUBS WITH THE e a c a P7 faftertBt am Tim o I I f lltsscs Lost am Real o "2 t waves sMMttttmAFismt tHta, Cttamft, rtewYtrt.: O - W AsntiUI Fosasf Ceoaatriee. o af-Of rw ' m. "TTL asaBBBB - o a e aej kebm ibj aanataensn o who they awoi la- T Ok O wicaw nn oiwa: ru LoaHooo eoawANo. mis. aarr uMrrrm. vica-woa. 15he : .: Coluixvbus JournekJ, : i jlmm If !, jffKt.: lTv, 7 -w "IS-V" ItvT - . - !r fef .- -t