The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 24, 1902, Image 3

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BwHIPIIII'I ' Under 14 yean
KyiyiUll of age s
mr " I A Buck's Junior Ewe T-
- F I FREE to the '.
hHb I bakes. the be9t " S
B I Hi SINE if
; We furnish all the materials. Invite jour mothers and X
L friendVin to'see the fun. S
- seaTGirla wishing to take part must come in at oace and K
w Has
IBcT fcrMmV
P Tfr Aanuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaam. 'mwmnfanuu
uunBnanWBtoW I mLaVamfL j """
Breakfast timM--)fftCu. a skill! kMi
can ke nad warn art flraial kg
Barter's Ideal Oil Heater
It is instantaneous, cheaper than coal, can be moved any
where, near the table or as far away as necessary, and never
smokes or smells.
The only objection to oil heaters in general has been odor
and smoke. Barter's Ideal is the only oil heater that has stood
the test of eleven years for a perfect combustion, giving health
ful heat, and nothing but heat.
We have them in all stvles, sizes and prices.
From 33.50 to S10.
Wo Vi-ivp
i to be
We have the i
best line of
The City '
Mschholz Bros.
THEY'RE here now, so you
will not have to wait.
Bright, new and handsome,
each one perfectly finished
and the prettiest line ever shown,
in Columbus. No useless trap
pings on these baggies die price
is put into material, workman
ship and finish. Each one is
ready to hitch your horse to, and
the price won't make a heavy load
to cany. They're here, but
they're going. Can't I send one
your way? Inquiry and inspec
tion desired. :::::::
13th Street,
marie the mret careful Drenarations
able to offer the very best goods for
the lowest prices. We buy for cash and
give our customers the benefit.
Auother Advantage we have over those
dealers that sell "everything" Call kinds of
merchandise and no assortment of "any
thing") we buy in big quantities and it
stands to reason at a lower price than being
bought in small lot3.
It would please us to show what we can do
for you. For instance, with a Ten Dol
lar Bill f yours. Bring your boy along
and let us dress him from head to foot for
little money. Would you buy the best
Shoe in town for the least money? Shoe
repairimr neatly and promptly done. Well,
get our prices and be convinced.
-Dr. Paul,
Bamke's Cftfee at Grays'.
-Dr. Hiimii, death. Tmu toast
street- t
Freeh mOmk em lor saleat H.D.
-Try TTiiais's soda water aad ha
tke coldest.
purest and
-AL Drake
trip to
Grouadoyater ahull lor
Duffy's feed store, tf
Jfisrwohaera grab-bag; aala
going on. Oal y 25e a grab.
A new liaa of fall hata just
by Mrs. M. J. Bodmaa Co.
la aow
Dr. Haaa Pulmaaii
seigesewoaTfae Olive street tf
Henry Gaaa atartad for Bock
Friday to look aftar laid
Dm. Martyn, Evans k
tkraadoora north of Frisdhofs store, tf
A. good auay Columbua paopla
attended the Madiaon ooanty fair laat
C&Eaatom made a trip to St. Ed
ward, FlainTiew, aad other poiata
Do not fail to aaa oar 8-foot gat
izedatealaullfortaSin. A.DaaiaUA
Son. tf
Gna. G. Beeher made a (Mt oat to
Platte Center Thursday, retaining the
same night.
We sell the atngje-row and two-row
Badger cultivator, the beat in the market.
Louis Schraber. tf
Dr. McEean'a method of auddae;
aluminum plataa plaeaa them oa an
equality with gold.
No article with avalaatioa kai than
25c at Niewohner's grab-bag sale, and
some are worth $25.
A new line of ahoaaaa well as under
wear at the Bazaar store, Thirteenth
street, Eimera' old stand.
Jack Dineen was at Madiaoa last
week showing the Madiaoa county peo
ple how to drive a ainglsfootar.
If yon are lucky yon aught grab the
bag containing a $25 article at Niewoh
ner's grab-bag sale now going on. Why
not try?
Lawrence Egger, John Lipp and O.
C Shannon went to Sherman ooanty
Thursday to spend a few days looking at
farm lands.
-Wm. Scfaila makes boots aad shoes
in the best styles, and asss only the very
best stock that cam be procured in the
market, tf
The legal fraternity of Humphrey
was represented in county coart here
Monday by & & Mrftllistsr and P. M.
Cookings am.
Mr. and Mm. T. H. Wake returned
Monday from their trip to Europe, sad
report a very pleasant time daring their
absence. Seward Blade.
Peter Duffy registered in the law
department of the State university at
Lincoln, Friday, and proposes to take a
full course of law study.
CoL M. Whitmoyer brake a rib and
badly bruised bis left side laat Tuesday
evening by accidentally stepping into an
old vault on his premises.
A. L. Bixby, accompanied by a quar
tett of lady musicians, are advertised to
appear in several of the surrounding
towns to give entertainmenta.
George fiaird was accompanied down
from Cedar Bapids Wednesday by asven
deaf and dumb children who were on
their way to the Omaha school.
The Knights and Ladies of Security
at their meeting Sept. 11th, peased reso
lutions of sorrow in the death of Herbert
Way, son of Mr. and Mm. W. A. Way.
On account of fanners not bringing
in wheat to market, the Boiler Mills are
not running night or day. This is an
unusual condition for this time of year.
At the Indian school farm
Genoa, fifteen hundred bushels of apples
will be gathered thia falL This is the
second year the orchard has borne fruit.
The Independent Telephone com
pany received a large invoice of materiel
Monday and will begin immediately put
ting in wires in the city where telephones
have been engaged.
Mrs. Amanda Basawll has been ap
pointed postmistress at Schuyler. Mm.
Biwawll is widow of the late H. C. Us all
who was postmaster at the time of hia
death, a few months sgo.
E. J. Wolf, formerly of the PuUartoa
News, was in the city a few hows Satur
day and gave this ossce a friendly call.
He was on bis way to visit hia old
ing grounds in Naaoe ooanty.
H. G. Person is baildiag-
wagon for Harry Bead to be
route 3L The wagon is mi
for the carrying of mail
entirely dosed during stormy
Manual of Soil Culture.
a 2 cent stamp and I will mail you a
copy of Campbell's Soil Culture Manual
a valuable work that every farmer
ought to have. G. Frauds, G. P. A
-Compleiat was filed Monday ht the
ty court against Prof. Joseph Lake,
priurTpi of the Seeoad ward school of
this city for unlawfal assault laat Thurs
day upon T sstsr Jia-fcinenii, a pupil of
that ward.
In As county court Monday, Mm.
AlbertJaa Kolm brought suit against the
iag to her, for payment of a bffl of her
husband. The jury derided in favor of
A donen ad-iron lawn asata isauutly
by the city fathers wan
in Frankfort park met
They are neut and strong and will
to be much more durable than the eld
D. F. Darie
Hillof Star
a mail
aaad on
and can be
Send me
asm. Land never
saldaaocareadayhi Nehrneka them dex
bbc the pant few months sad never
farther them to iljiiia to meet in
Deanmuulaaur umuuuVfc ftnaaasWBsnaWsi
Dr. uepmuuTuv aye apaejamuV aannumv
Baaanuuh QneununuwHanye-
Born, to Mr. and Mm. C A. Laud
-Dr. L. C. Toes, nine i list sis phyew
ehiaaaauathsslsadatoreu at
beet ia the world, at Grays'.
or trade, by CIS.
Ssull, choice farm lor aa
irrigation, gaining town. H.E.
For fine watch
Carl Froemetllth St Catuatbuav
Stove Byan returned from the
Springs Friday, feaung and loakiag
Born, to Mr. and Mnv Frank Wur-
Wedasadsy moraiagof
and nwu'a
at the
store, Thirteenth
old stand.
W. H. Thompson,
date for governor,
in town
Wm. Possch baa been ooaiaed to his
bed far several daya. He ia
with quinsy.
Wanted, a good girl for
housework in small family. Apply at
once at this ogfea.
See Forburger & SpsJdall formarble
and granite work, 233 N. Eleventh street,
Lincoln, Nebraska. 8
Mm. Florence Humbert will give a
face maassge with every jar of akin food
sold, for just two weeks. 2t
A fine 80-acre farm north of Colnm
bne for sale at a bargain. Enquire of
Beeher, Hbekenberger Chambers.
Matt Volz, a former resident of
Platte county, now of Merrick county,
was in the city Saturday and Sunday.
William Bodenson, who baa bean
clerk at the Thurston hotel for several
years, is now employed in the Gray
shoe store.
Millinery opening of fall and winter
styles. Everyone invited, Tuesday aad
Wednesday, Sept 23 and 24. Mm.W.S.
Jay, Thirteenth street.
Mrs. Frank Morz, aged about 80
yearn, died Friday from liver trouble.
The funeral was held Monday morning
from the Catholic church.
L. A. Ewing purchased Saturday of
F. T. Walker hia interest in the Edict,
and hereafter the paper will be owned
and published by Mr. Ewing.
One inch of predpitatiou in the
Sunday's rain. It should pat the ground
in good condition for plowing and all
wheat sown will spring up sa if by magie.
Among those who will visit Omaha
this week are: Mm. Houasr, Miss Metta
Hensley, Mrs. Wm. Murray, Mr. and
Mm. J. E. Enrinne, Mm. D. N. Miner,
Miss Carrie Miner.
Charles Ziegler had a telephone put
in hia farm home near Monroe
He has a long distanrre
it will bring Onuha, Chicago and other
points to hia door, so to speak.
George Key, who lives just south
west of town on the farm formerly owned
by J. L. Sturgeon, lost a cow Sunday
night, by being run over by the cam.
The cow was valued at about 930.
Company E moved their belongings
Saturday to the new quartern in the
Macken building on Thirteenth street
the band boys and the company now
occupying the whole of the eecond floor.
Balph Stewart, of Vancouver City,
Washington, was the guest of the-Jenkins
family Thursday. He went on to
Norfolk Friday where he baa a position
in the beet sugar factory tor the asanon.
Justice Wagner was "doing" the
Madison county fair several daya laat
week, viewing the fine display of
tables and watching the snake
but we failed to see him take the high
What is so exasperating as to get a
bat that is not becoming and in which
you appear dowdyieh. To avoid such a
fate get your hat at Mm. Jay's. Open
ing Tuesday and Wednesday, September
23 and 24.
If yon would have a etylieh and
practical hat, one yon will like bettor the
longer you wear it, dont fail to attend
our opening Tuesday and Wednesday,
Sept. 23 and 24. Mm. W. a Jayr Thir
teenth street.
-Joseph Shields and wifeof Harvard,
Illinois, and Mm. T. Keatiag, of Coham
baa, Nebraska, hut for their homes
Tuesday. The ladies are sisters of War.
Sullivan and had been hare visiting their
brother. Albion Argus.
Jamas Pesmall hee the contract for
the erection of Bert Strothsrv
building in Monroe, and work
Monday. The structure will be 22x59
fast with pressed brink front and need
for the postcascesnd ne1
Aa exthange saya that two drops of
camphor put on your tooth brash will
give your month the freshest
feeling iarngiaable; will auke your
rosy and absolutoly prevent anything
like cold, sore throat or anfietiou of the
Conductor Fax of the Norfolk
takmg a week's lay-off. HughCemp-
tou wul puuoh the green ticket
take the numbers of the yellow
-nvauou the run to Norfolk, aad A. J.
Smith will take auarga of the
Laat Wednesday atoramg's freight
to Cedar Bepide earned the maim mis
tor the ...iBBliai tioa of the iitanm-m of
atU.- TTmiwwui VnmunBun-fe ftvwaua fTnecamuur VmmuBHraani am
Spalding, sad aa a result tan passsager
tain did not arrive here anta 439 in
At our npsafag Tuesday saeV WeaV
aeedey, Osptsmbar 29 sad 24, wul be
dhmlayadnfun hum of pattern street ami.
tmkawdbscs. hfhm Deary HaD, our pep
alar triaua of lest faU. aaa eaarge ef
the work roam again. Mrs.W. S.Jar,
At the TTiataass istafl greeaafaud
sessar "Same at tarn Pi is i annas at una
uaUal messsamss J
and a gnuu deal atwatto pane toubar.
amaamana anumuwmamm anreuutnas; his
pseuacty aanuar of Ofcva and mxtosath
of uWaauamsc faasag- aamth, plaaanfof
larger wis iliisa, etov a C Hardy did
-J. M. Qislimg during has rasaat
Inr'n fshiiiBia tslsnlht Hiinli
la nVnaa (Sty, he found
N.aMyattdoiagweUoaalarau John
Bolt ia hx a every sera and John Hoaa-
North Platte
in the
aT thia city
to give a
during; the winter; the
of the serias will beheld
; Sept. 29, at their salL
by the
of ninepieeaa.
Friday'a Fremont Herald saya:
to wad has been issued from
the osnee of the eauuty judge to Fred
HoUoahsth, aged 21, aad Era Loah
bauga,agedl8,bothofColambue. Bev.
Dr. Sanderson performed the ceremony
uniting the couple yesterday afternoon.'
J. B. Geitsen of Columbua, owner of
oonsidenhle real estate in the vicinity of
Central (Sty, was in the city Saturday
oabaauMns Miss Anna Cogil came ap
from Columbua Friday night aad remnia
ed until Sunday to attend the funeral of
the late Miss Prudence Baird. Non
pareil. B. W. Fiasey aad sou Henry, form
erly of Dixon, DL, were in the city a
couple of daya last week visiting rela
tives. Mr. Finney was on hia way to Ft.
Colliaa, Cohx, where ha expects to en
gage in the real estate twain use The
remainder of hia family will follow in n
concert finished the aeries for this sum
mer. That the music baa beau much
appreciated by ritiiana of Columbus and
others, the huge number who attended
during the ssasnn felly attests, a goodly
erowd being praaaat the closing night
notwithstanding the chilly stmusphsra.
Children in the rural djatrictbeloag
ug to the Monroe aehool are taken to
aad from the building in n wagon. The
IdoaingGlasB says: The aehool board
have a naw rig earning to haul the chil
dren to nahoel in. ' The plan seeme to
give much pleasure to the children and
helpe them to be regular in attendance.'
Mam Louies Bnlfanu, who hi teaching
ton Gardner school, Mr. George Evanaof
Crceton, teacher hi district 58, Mies
Liszie Sweeney of Lindsay and Miss
Mary-Dineen of Oconee, were all taking
exaaiinationa before Sup'L Laavy last
Satarday, the two first mentioned to
raise their grade aad the other two am
The July number of The Thinker,''
n magaaine pubtiahed in Bostoa, coa
tainad a story "Hekla Mane" in which
Mr. Jacques W. Badway, the author,
gives a thrilling chapter in hia Ufa's his
tory. Those who met Dr. Bedway dur
ing institute week while tsaehing here,
would bo interested in hia rugged expo
se miner.
County Attorney O'Brien had legal
business in Humphrey Thursday. On
the train up he was eadeavoring to ex
plain to other pesssngem how the tariff
should be greatly reduced, under the
wise nuuugamaat of the democratic
party. But as there were two to oae in
favor of letting "well enough alone'' hia
A word about newspaper sdvertiaing
by one who has had large experience
nays: "He who laya down' quickly in
the advertonag Una ia not likely to suc
ceed. It is the sun who holds on with
tooth and nail persistently, who will not
lot go. but atnya despite aueuoa or
rebuff it ie each a man who
largely hia bunk account aad who
out against competitors.'
Northwest in September and Octo
ber. Low rates every day via the Bur
lington route to poiata in the Big Horn
Banm of Wyoming; in Montana, Idaho,
Waahiagtoa, Oregon and British Colam
faaa the Burlington will ssU oae way
tiakato at nucammonly low rates every
day in September and October. Ask
tito nearest Burhngtou agent, or write
J. Franda, G. P. A- Omaha, 3
iaOauha. Low
event to umaas aeptomoerz.
during the Ak-Ser-Bee festivities, will
pageant Satarday evening, Sept. 27, will
be one of the features. Thie will be re-
Oat. 2. The Ak-Sar-Baa fsstm-
a opea thia year oa Seat. 24 aad cou
.ae auta Cut, 4. Low rates via the
ant. 3
Mem Johauuuv left
two or three amya atoaa
peeitism SB aaght eparator st the freight
house ie now aam gflai by Dunoan
IfBTTsuaTd T 1 "tiV-irr
The OrphsBB eosiaty
rater via Burlington n
The editor of the Been County
lil i Base hariag had long niiianasl
si issisf sen with John a Dauuuu,
tive has the laUewaag to nay of him:
"He ma mam of asnaaa esussrina, goad
auuuaaui js Ism ist, of the etristest mtsg
rity, i laat bat aet Isset a man who
Bev. Luee hut thai (Tnaeaay ) for
Genual Uand to attend ton qnarterry
waash m wis thill Ihissiih Therewfll
auaauuaahiBBhnuu pasiaut mfaMauu;
iliiiinii! ef isltiig in a pipe anient
n?em tarn healer benee to the reeadaeuae i
aleaanhc of aughaaa. They now have :
rmspsattvaiy Tt ana 75 yeses, wrtmtnser
assssMma nTTnea, of PiiaesiiUo, Tniaias,
route far Humphrey wanra they wm visit I
9or three weeaa with their eona Freak
Wsm hi the amy they called on their
VB. P. Duffy-
-Semday hamuj the fiftieth birthday
of Marsua Vagal ha waa agreeably ear
prieed st Ma raaiaamea on Paaule avenne
by the membam aad their families of the
Catholic Kaigata. The evening- waa
paaaed by playing carde aad other social
gaaaaa. Priaes ware received by Mr.
Ingaua G. Maioae, Mm. Godfrey Friseh
holr aad Mm. John Graf. At U o'clock
a daKmnau repeat was ssrved. AUthcaa
praaaat report a highly eodel tone.
In the dietriet court Robert Wi
sueethecityofColumbee for 92JMQ for
dnaaagua tsssivsd from a defective
walk, several mouths sgo. Mr-
meyesanht baa been iajared
ha baa reeeived other eeriona inju-
ilotwrt Aueua or creatou nles n
case in error from the justice court of
that village in which he had been fined
for conducting n pool room. Albert
Haafeauss Maggie Murphy for merchan
diae to the amount of $500.
The city council met in regular ses
sion laat Friday evening: A petition
signed by numeroue citizens ashing that
the private aad business houses of
the city be numbered, thereby entitling
the city to n free delivery of mail was
introduced. The city will revive the
ordinance passed in January, 1800, pro
viding for the numbering of buildings,
using what ia known as the Philadelphia
system. The clerk was authorized to
advertiee for 200 or more signs for street
corners. A bat of Iota to the number of
179 have walka adjoining them out of
repair, which the city will order rebuilt.
George Hegel opened hia fine new
bowling alley to the public early Monday
morning, and the three alleys were kept
warm by bowlers until midnight. Play
am from Schnylar were expected to be
praaaat during the evening and meet a
made up of home men, but for some
tney railed to put in an appear
Jap Nichole aad Will Gregorina
oaptaiaed teama that did good work and
made it interesting for the large crowd
of sneetotom present. -Jap's" team
were the victors. Mr. Hagel had hia hall
tastily decorated with flags, pictures and
bun ting. During the evening the City
band diseoamed several Uvely aim. It
ia the general opinion of admirers of the
that Columbua can now boast of
a alley aa any in the state, the
beat one in Omaha not excepted.
McGann, one of Platte coun-
ty'a best known farmers, died at St.
Mary's hospital Friday morning of lung
trouble from which he bad been suffering
for eosae tone past. The deceased waa
50 yean old. He waa born in Boston
but spent the greater part of hia Ufa in
TTIiir1. coming from there in 1890 to
settle on the present home farm five
miles aorthaast of Columbua. Mr. Mc
Gann leaves five children, three boys and
two giria to mourn their loss, the mother
having died several yearn ago. One of
the boys, about 10 yearn old, ia now very
flL The funeral waa held Sunday after
noon from the Catholic church, a large
number of friends attending the services.
In a pamphlet issued by the Union
Pacific company dated September, 1902,
giviag business openings on the Union
Pacific system, Columbua is bated aa
needingMPlumber,8 establishment, who la
ssie hardware and good chance for can
ning factory.' Of Oconee the foUowing
note is given: "Blacksmith shop. Thia
ia an excellent opportunity for large can
ning, factory, aa the soil is especially
adapted for tomatoes, sweet corn, pees,
eta, with irrigation to insure heavy
yield. A canning factory should be a
flnmil cmccosB. Also a general store
with good stock of rnarrhsndiaw, lumber
yard in connection. Idle capital would
do well to look thia neighborhood over."
The Platte Center Signal ssys that
L. J. Niemoallor, whose illness and re
moval to the hospital in Columbua we
Bwutioaed about three weeks ago, came
back after having remained there but
two daya. He complained that the doc-
ton there did not adnunmter the right
kind of medicine, so he would etay there
no longer. After hie return he waa seen
around town quite frequently, though
still in sn enfeebled condition, until last
Friday forenoon he waa missed, no one
having; seen him since the day before.
Hia building was locked, so a ladder waa
procured and an entrance effected
through an upper window. He waa
found in bed. suffering from a broken
shoulder which ha snid he sustained in
falling dawn steim the-evening before.
Dr. Hannan happened to be in town and
ha waa called aad -fixed him up" so that
he could be returned to the hospital
where he will doubtless remain for the
The county fair held at Madiaon last
drew large crowds, there being on
Thursday and Friday more than 6,000
seopis oa the ground each day. The
"- iu the way of stock waa quite
liauted, still all that waa shown waa of
Iragh order, there being some extra fine
koreas, cattle and hoga. While the
srrsageaMut of the agricultural prodacta
quite pace on account of the limited
in the hall, still all entries were
so with regard to sugar
grasses, com, sssda, etc
The purses hung up for the different
speed eoutasta ware hardly large naough
to bring ht the best horses, still the
grand stand waa packed both Thursday
aad Friday to aas the flyers and hear the
eeaeerta given by the Madison band.
The iiaplsy of fruits, jellies, piss, cakes
sad other goad thiaga to eat were there
bb grant plenty aad of exnslleat quality.
Of what a Jocuuaz remaster saw while
the ground there waa only one
of which ha did aot approve, that
given by the
to iiamsiiiaa law fake
tue, sspsrislTy
-mm SMllfci mi Bin ImtiiIIt tmkm
tJrmhaurtytaaiBriiB the shave. Hom
Mngnifj and increase as you amend it, mmanl
it here. We will give you the full value of
your money in the best goods we cam buy.
You only need to try ua oace to prove what
we say ia true We axe handling aosee ne
fresh Fruits these daya aad will pay strict
attention to all orders tor canning- ; r r t
Glasa Jars in the standard sues aad makes
can. be found here at reasonable prices. : r
When you think of anything a nrst-clasa
grocery should have, call up 'phone 29, aad
we'll have it in your kitchen in a hurry.
I 1
Uttlltwmi ni gnii
reeeived show
Jackets, Waists and Skirts. STANDARD
PATTERNS can be relied upon in making your Au
tumn and Winter clothes. Be sure to visit our Paper
Pattern Department and inspect our stock. Patterns
are issued for every need in wearing apparel. When
next you visit our store get a copy of
10 6EMT
It is the favorite Woman's Magazine, edited
bv women for women.
IfVf fVufffVf fCttfftVtIVVf VV1
Gall aii Sic Oir Nn
Don't wait until every thine has been
Bicked over. We carry a fall line of
Vail Paper, Patau, Plastlce, VaraltJMs,
Brassst, Wlndw Metfts, Saab Retfs,
Fleer Wax and every thins pertaining
to the needs of a good housekeeper.
raintrs an
: : : DEALEBS IN:::
All Iliad of Buiiaiag Material aad Caal.
Park Barber Shop
Is enlisting new patrons
every week but many more
can be accommodated.
Ea7Drop in and try a Shave, Shampoo,
Hair Cut or Bath. Everything first
tilmmm aad nn-tn data, r r r r r i r
Cigars of the very best make on sale. !
Ajmr,An 4 rrrrrr
Ovmca Barber Bnilding, formerly
byDr. Voas.
12 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
13tm SvacaT.
aalll lBaBBpi
Slot-Seamed effects in Costumes,
Lin if Wall Paper. J
raptr tlaaftrs.
Our Millineni Store
Is crowded every day with satisfied
customers. On all sides we hear
wonis of praise on the style and prices
of our New York and Chicago
patterns and tailor made hats.
It is the excellence of materials and
work as well as the correctness of
styles which make our hats so much
MPrr t MmTMm?
Niewohacr block, comer Uttt ami OUt
streets. ColaBtbaa, riebr.
tared fmr aaia-
lese extractiaa
af teeth.
Beauieaco' Telephoae L n.
OeVe Talepaaaa A .
U D.9TUKa.
of lint
S. M MJtMJMfm'M0 W
'jEts&Js, aulS5a,
rj"W" t ta w- ,.
Jt-- .
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