The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 17, 1902, Image 2
ie535gEg5235 ggjaggggggaWs' rrjT's-fc"-' i-"i;-i m i:iFw-tt A-Sr- &iirj- -&t2ir? '.rjapaFv.-v i ' '" . . - - - - - -' - - - - - , " sw? re -?5E.--?Kif!"g??r-3gal?jg; iiin m TxV,'5.VV., , Tffm yrMmWfW4y? ' "; . jff-vv g-7'.?ggg3--'-? .tei- a ."-T 51 Jl ' ;? . - ,.. j- -4. - ' H4TU.UNL Columbus gonniat Zfs ALinniiik flaa ?? n. abecribere of tao J lamk at the date Mtntki wrapper of or oa the snargiB of Up to tale stoto, la paid or OaaUuauaaassmbly, Seward, 8ft IS to 21. a,u j Oraad Army eneampmenVWumtoar toa,D.O, October 6-11. - i County's 18th annual Fair, Al- ,Nebr.,8ept.2tto9fi. Federation of W etnas, Columbus, October 74, Elks Big Fair aad Great Jabour Oir cua, Sioux City, Ia Sept. 22 ta 27. State Foraiga Missionary Society of tha OaBgregationd church, Columbus, Sept. 30 to Oct. 2. KTanJCM STATE TICKET. JOHN H. MICKEY. Ferlaeateaaat Governor, E. G. McGILTON. PETER MOBTENSEN. For Secretary of State, G.W. MARSH. For Aaditor, CHARLES WESTON. For 8upt. of Iastructioa, WILLIAM K. FOWLER. For Attoraey General, F.N.FROUT. r Public Lands, GEORGE D. FOLLMER. Third District, JOHN J. MoOARTHY. Far RepraaeatatiTe 24th Dietriet, JOHN a DAWSON, of Oconee. For OaoBty Attoraey, F. M. OOOKINGHAM, of Hamphrey. The eleotora of the repablieaB party of Platte aad Colfax counties, Nebraska, are hereby called to meet ia joiat con veatioa of delegatea at the coart hoaae ia Sehayler, Nebraska, oa Taeaday, 8ep- r 30, 1902, at 230 o'clock p. bl, for P taa-tiintr - --- -- - r - I aaid ooaatisa, aad totrsnsant each other 1 . baoiaesa aa aiay properly, cosae before X ill maiMitiiM Bv mutual ssTeemsat. 1 '" ; each eoaaty ia entitled to repreaeatatioa I ataakloBaveBtioBbyotdelegateB. By order of eeaatorial ooauaittee. ' J.E.HOFFXAK. ! Gbo. W. Wkbtz. j - WufieldS. Stbatioh, the millioaaire I BMaBBgBNBi of Cripple Creek, Colorado, I eaedia Colorado Springe Sanday. Tbb way to "let well eaoagh aloaen in ' theaCakaof the Batioa ie to eleet J.J. I ' - MeOarthy to ooagreaa. Lyoaa 8am. Tax tenth Nattoaal Irrigation coo great will aet ia Colorado Spring Oct tth to Ml The American Forestry i will meet with the Irrigation TBKOauhaBeeaaya: "If it ie to be a race which ia ooaipleted irat-the i eamal or the Platte river power 1-dont place yonr beta aatU tha Eabl CMSJtwmut, a "atrike breaker, waaaaaaaHed and killed jest oataide the UaieaPaehleeaeeaatOBMhaSatarday ajght. Several arraata have beea Bwde aBdtaogailty parties are aaid to be eat pleyea of tha ooaipaay. Joaw CL Dawbob, the repablieaB aa far raareaantatwe, ia a I if elected will repreeaattbe of Platte coanty ia aa able See that the X ia placed oppo- when yoaeonM) to vote. ' K. PATfOB, nt Eaaley, ftlihawo, one ony Inat weak was oat ia two by aawitch oigaie Bad litrei an hoaraad a half after the aecjihat, ahowiag laaaarkable vital y. Ha waa aevarai oathely, bat the wwnlaaf tha engine cleaei the Ueodveaaalaaad atopnad tha f ihags. While lyiag on aa operatiag table he told of aaoaey ha had ia the father lived, aad what ited made ef hie body, for aa hoar after tha i of tha Mhwonri river jaat Borth of 8L Jeaeph, Mo, on large tracts that a fleet of govern id barges into reejueitaoa for ; tha erratic earreata, says a raesnt press imiaaUh. A aeadbar. alargad, is formmg in that the main channel of the river at that point ia beiag diverted to the liftaweeatiaaestheriver vrileeantoally est a aaw osaamel, lear- I a steel railway bridge eaBnaBnea ae wai Tnravagai BBeBsasBBBei eaaamg half a mOMen dattara high aad dry. , . OBBsed the leas of maay lrvea, destreyed BVanBBBBa of osllara worth of prapstty mA BaaaMMBi of MMMhs hsVM mb. 'aroiBesaslssB. From Ariel, Oawlite ,'imi1j, Washsagtoa, to tha foot at awo Bnass, eleven peeple are dead.foai - -- mmmm aaa ! u aaaBBaaang bbb oiar m bbvb bbbb nan hewjelsss, maayBet with evaa oMhaag to aaoar their aasBBeaa. OakPesat,a Vsanyja twaaij Banes hslsw Kasiasa, ,, 4aHkhBjlananmBOnhnphto JER4L AIM OF FREE TRADERS. that aa a rosed? for the evils of tha beef teaet the tacit ahemld be takaa boat cattle Bad tha etock of Mexieo aad tha Arfomtiaa be allowed tooosne iatothm country free of duty. Thw Dinghy torn law hasvrissly provided a duty of $3.75 oa forsiga cattle, whioh has proved pro- aad haa'thaa eaved oar owa for Aauwioaa rattle, at the Mia to three hmadred aad twenty-are of beat aad three hun- died head of oattle toEagiaad If the nglourw or say other hare beea violatiag the lawn of thia country they will be brought to book their punishment aa they The latter ia bow in the fed eral oomrta aad the people of the ooaatry may rely apoa jaatiea beiag dose aad the rights of all, people aad peckers, iaanitahoaldba. If the have traaafressed the lawa theyahoald be tha ones toaoffer the conaeqnencea, bat ao ooa desiring jastice will demand that tha stock raisers aad farmers of the ooantry ahoold be paniahed becsaes tha prices of beef have beea advanced. Ji wa ware unable to sapply the demaade of the people of the country in this direction it might be desirable to open the gates and allow the cattle from Mex ieo aad the Argentine to be brought ia to enpply the shortage. Bat the present aitastioB is aot dae to the tariff on cat tle. England has free trade aad yet beef is higher ia London than ia New York. The real thing is that every free trader ia the country ie looking for aa excuse, however small, to advocate the abolition of tha tariff. The trust swatters, with out rhyme or reason, have urged that the tariff ia the mother of the trusts, and that to kill the treats it was only neces sary to oaaot free trade uwa again. The remedy would be worse than the disesse; it would be like burning the wheat field to get rid of a few thistles, and fully as wild aad expensive a policy aa that would be. The country had four years of ilisastroBB experiences with free trade and waata no more of it If all the in dastrial combinations were really trusts they could not do ao much harm to the people of thia country aa would six months of the Wilson-Gorman law. Helens (Montana) Record. A YEAR OF ROOSEVELT. Nothing could be more obvioue than that the country is well satisfied with Preaideat Roosevelt's ooadact during hie list twelve months as chief magistrate. It will be one year, on the 14th of the present month, since Preaideat McKin- ley's tragic death at Baffalo,and the ad miaiatering of the oath of omoe to hie successor. Mr. Roosevelt haa fulfilled all reasonable expectations. He haa ahowB aaarveloas adaptability ia every direction, haa given untiring industry to the varied details of his great omoe, and haa bona the strain with entailing physical rigor and imperturbable good temper. He holds the good will of the democratic aouth almost as completely aa of the republican northwest He ia permma grata ia New England, and ia idoUxsdweatof the Missouri rivar. He maintains good relatione with the party leadera of New York aad Pennsylvania, aad haa the hearty approval of the plain people of those great states. That ha will be renominated in 1904 is now con sidered to be even more probable than waa Mr. MeKialey's renoaunation in the middle of his first term. Never, indeed, aiaee the early days of the republic haa it appeared ao likely that a preaideat would be his owa successor. This, of course, in a aaase pertains to 1904 rather than 1902. But it is well to appreciate the fact that thia remarkable popularity of the president and this quite general approval of the administration as a whole, form a very important element in the poUticalatUMephere that surrounds the electoral situation this falL From The Progress of the World," in the American Monthly Review of Reviews for Sep- RKrunania to the nnsessoasbly cool summer, the chief of the weather bureau, Prof. Willis L. Moore, aays it is not tree that the ana ia gettieg cooler, or that tha frost line is movingnorth. Nor, says be, is it tree that summers are not what they were when father was s boy. The weather, he ooateads, ia jast the aaam. The trouble ia with father's nmaafww. Father remembers the coldest winter ha ever experienced better than he remem bers the aormal winters. So he remem bers the hottest sumsmrs. Itisansv- caologicsl phanomsnon similar to the e which aeoounta for that Mealier bread of pie that "asother need to make." Tha pie aad the weather are the same, aa wm oa proved by the truthful records of aoieatific appliaacea. Omaoov, Termont and Main have elected eolid repaUicaa to the next house, and in moat by inwuaasd maioritisa over tha tial heavy vote, and indiiMtiaM that Nebraaka will do as well at tha Novem- De Jfotaes, Jo, SepL 15-ZO, 1902. The Omaha aad South Daub rwu Fallows have arranged for a special traia from Omaha to Dm Moines tolesve the Uaioa Pacific Station at Oamah. ll o'clock a. m, Taeaday, Sept 16, via The 'nonawaatara iiae. tmtine at Tk theaame eveniaw. aiviaw aaania m m " "bb) 1 to nrsaare for the erBl mu at 2 p. m. Wednssday. TheTJaioa Paame asa maae a rata of one fare for theroand trip from all aoiata ia Nahnek- rw. doaBdWyoauag. Tieketa oa aula 12 to 15 aeclamva,anel from Omaha Sspfclfith. arrmag in Omaha oa the or tna Ifith can s oa for full iaformatioa apply to 1 W.ttBmbila. Onfiaf To aU those who so kindly aurmg oar reeeat autuavasaaat to aatoad our heartfelt thaahu. Mb. ajtd Man. W. A. Wat, AU.AnMa.O.a BtbobWat. Oetober 2 toS. One fare far the round To amuy paints ia Iadmaa. Ohio: mwsatsra 1 ff n filnm ti si r isaa s .aV real estate agents, report the fallowing real estate traasfen fled intheoeaeeof the eoaaty elerk oinos our last report: Geo Lehman to Lizsie C Leh- an,k)tDl8a;Oolambus..$et)00 00 L H North to J P Kmpuet, Jot 10bl5,lstaddPUtteOeBter 1250 AatoaAbelatoMJBamaekera, neof50-5O3w,wd 500 00 Law Hosts to J P Keiauet, lot 7,8,9W5,lstsddPlCea... 125 00 8 W Lightner to Lmxie Light- ner, lot 11 MB, Monroe..... 86000 Fr Detmer to W E Humphreys, B2se9-lfr3w,wd. 8200 00 C H Sheldon to H 8 Elliott, aa andn2aw7-19-2w 10000 00 H 8 Elliott to WH Joasa, aa - swof7-10-2w,wd 4000 00 Kate Punas to Wm n i-g, Iot3bl64,0olambua,wd.... 1200 00 J Bhmislsnai to Peter Dieoh- ner, lot I eso 9-16-1 w.wd.... 780 00 Anderson k Rosa to C F F Mueller, lots 1 and 2 bl 132, Oolambus,wd 400 00 J E Hoffman to Waual Alt- maa,lot7,8bll22,Col,wd.. 145 00 E A Garrard to D F Slsyton, lot 1,2 WH,E add Monroe. 1000 00 D F Slayton to E A Garrard, Iot4seo7-17-2w,wd. 150 00 TbosM DacktoMLCronin, lot 5, 6 bl 2, Rob add PI Can. 1200 00 Marg Hensley to Anton Yogal, lot7blll8,Golambuawd... 1500 00 Sarah RobleytoC F Newton, lot 6 W D.Monroe, wd 75 00 John Gondring to Theresa Goe- dring, lot 6,6W 18,Stevana add. 100 R EJoaes to Alios M Gear, lot ' 5 bl 50, Columbus, wd. 2000 00 H I Murdook to F K Strothar, lot 4 bl C, Becker's subdiv, undptbl 14, Stevens add to Oolumbaa,wd 5500 00 L Rosa Fivana to Masonic Tom- lot8bl57,Coltwd 3300 00 Jao Hummer to Rich J Miller, n2ee22-17-3w,wd....... 2500 00 TotaL 24845100 GUARDIAN'S SALE. IamemittaroC the eatetoof FnakH.O'Doa- mtWA wrifnnc ! kMhr iIm that ia MM oCaaoraareC JMMsA.GriauMa. el tha diatriet Miait of PUtte eoaatv. mi the lKh da? of Bepteaber. tMT, oa the ppUea tkM of Sen E. O'OoaaeU. anarmaa ofJoseph F. O'Doaaell. aUaor. for the mis of the reel state hereinafter deeeribed.then will be eold at thefwwrt door of the coart hnsae in Colsm baa. Platte eoaatr. oa the Mh daj of Oetober. IBS. at 1 o'clock p. at. at peblie vaaane to the hisheet bidder for caab, the foUowiac deeeribad real eetato. to wit: "The north half of lots No. oneandtwoia bloek No. iftwo" ia the city of ColBiSaa. watte eoaaty. Haid aale will nam IUU .Lt. a. 1IWW1 I WW UUIWf M M t i MMH K. U'UUHnUiL. Osardiaaof the eatatoof Josam F. O'Doamox. nsepttt NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. Notiee ia barebr sivaa that jwraaaat to an order of the dietriet comrt of Platte eoaaty. daly mmam aaa entered of record aa yofJstr, ItBU eartsln aait therein UreinHahMtBaraaait ia pleJatJgaad BTUaao. Joaeph W. IdeeoOUnr O. Uaeo. m. anraaau wuuam bl. aar bl. Maria CBnuLflnGL SSSrifillUi A. Mrftilhwec!huiaai aLcSrt aaliaa. One R Bpaiee aa adsilaiatftor of tha estate of Geoaje S. Warsaai, desamed. The Colnaibaa mate Beak, a eorporatios. aad othere are dafasdaafa. the nsdaiaisned refer eee ia nar tiUoH wilL oa aetardav. October Bsh. BBLat thehoarot Zo'doekp.ak.atthe frost door of the coart hoaae. ia the city of Goknabaa, ia aaid Platte eoaaty. offer for aale at peblie aaetioa to the hisheet bidder for aaah ia CadTthe foUow iac daacnsaa nai property io-wh: The aoatheaet qaarter of aectioa tUity4lre (). towaaklp eetastem (17). rasa two (2). neat of me Sth Prisefaal MertiW Lota eiaht (t) ssaTaJaa (I), iaaasuoa thirty ().tea).elerea(u)andtwelre (12) Li aee- ttaa uuny-oas iai;, inaaaaip aeteanea inj, raaavoaaai.aaatottlwSUiPriaeipBlMeridW Ii fill im -- tLMJ IW to?"Mp ""(."?" ose (I) east ol i lie w ii i iiinpai !! unn The weet half of tha aorthcaot qaarter, the aoauMSMK qjsanar or laa- aorawaac qanrtar. aaa tewaehip eeieatw (17). taase one (1) weet o rat Tta rTiartpal Waridias The northaaatuMitat of the northeast aaar tor, lot one (1) ia the loatkeaet qaarter. lot two it) ia tbeaoathweet qaarter. aad tot three (S) ia the aoathweet qaartor of aacttoa thbty-aix weetoftLTBth Priaeipal MeridiaavSu ataated iathaeoBBtvof Platte aad State of Nebraaka. Aleo the aoath half of the aoatheaet oaarter of aectioa tweaty-eisht (S3), aad tha north half of the aortheaet qaarter of eeetJaa thlrty-4hree (). all ia towaahJp tweatr-toar (M). taase three (S) weet of the Sth PriaeipBl Meridiaa ia the eoaaty of Madiena aad fltetn nf Wnhreere Dated. Cotaabae. Nebraaka. Septomber 12th. BUB. JAMES B. NORTH. HANSON 8. KLUOTT, CHBISTIAN M. GKUKNTHEB, 17aeptt efi PIOPOSED COISTITVTIOIAL AIEHBHEIT. to tha la fall, la aaasattassl to at the 4, A.D.1VOC A Jomt Reaolation proaoaincto one of Article fftteea, of theCoaetitatioaof the State of Nebraaka, ralaMTs to the aamaer of asbsiirHsasad adoptiag aisaadaeata to the CoaetkatioB of the state of Nebraaka. Be 0 Boohed ami Mmmeted bfthe LegUtature of the State f Nebraaka: Saonoal. That aaetioa one of Artieleffteea of thePoaetitarioa of the State ef Nebraaka be aaMaded to read m follows: SeetioB L Either braaeh ef the legieletare amy propoee aaimdaimtB to thia CVmetftatioa. aadttttoaaawtoasnadtobythree4Utheotthe AU halloto need at i ahall hare written kUwfellswmr gorpropoeed t to the Cuaatltstina rslsMsa to (bare to theCoaatMatiaa ralat- issT to (here issatt the aabjietof theeaiaaSaieBt) aad the vote of In the eleeter to amUaa a eroae with a " ia a eiaalaer aaasm to to alsaad at the rlsbt of the i amasamanuu m to assil amffe to vste ieiaaa LO.W.M h. in j of eteteof the a sua a ', wo un aaummaaMsTa) HOCtoCm wO uaTefiaa aaOmuWL aTsMCaa BVODOaaaQ aanaaanati ahall be entered oa the Joaraala, with the rem aad aaye. aad pahliahad at least eoaaty where a anaepaper ia pabUahed. for thirty days liwediatelyprirmiiag the next elee tiaa ef aasatora aad repreeaatetirea. at which Use tut appiuiel nr rajertina. aad if a SMilnrlty of the elaetore votiaa at each aliBtloa oa aaeb ie mlasitiad at the maw aleeHna. they ahaU to ejs7 BBa)BBaBMajaBBa asui vap BaaBawnnuv asaav uaununajaaa? aaa' wuewa? nana QttCaa ammvmBvmmBBmTeT aWPaaaVCsam' aneh aleetton oa each intlsa: oa each Maae the worse -for or lastss! of Mil 1 1 iks. eJtoim ssaay smb ma aaaaamg JUHiTsiSll iinslt Hill --"--a; iaamweef the State of sTlmlii. ae appeare (j Mil iiilgsml hOlea tote mis egjas.aad theqaaliaedveaaBief theateteot Makmaaa far 2m toff asmea Taasssy the Oh day ttM. Jll'aadmW the smat aaal ef (to ateteaf j, H Tii i - mm dsy sf Jaly. ia the aaieCmmsaas aaftW.MImlaT, SBaU amasmwsfaBam , aBaataaBaaaaaaa These goods are now coming in and crowding out the summer goods which must go to make room. Here are a few of the many bargains: 3c Embroideries 4c - 5c ";;- . 8c "! i6c ; -' - i.t . You have seen our fine line of Embroideries and you know they were cheap at the old price, so you will surely take advantage of our one-half price sale. All our prices. WE 75c Goods 60c 50c a; 40c u 30c The cold, PROBATE NOTICE. Ia the matter oT the eatate of Meam aeaaeay Notice ie henbr stvea, that the enditon of teeeaaea will asm ise BiBfiff r aaam aetata nefbro aa atrJhMaB errmne eoaaw. Nelwaaaa. at iay oftoe taComaaaid conatr. on the BUh day of Septeaaber. IBB. oa tha aBh ear of Deeearimv MSt aad ea the JSlh day of March, BUS. at o'clock a. a. eaeh day. for the patpoae of praeeatiac their efaisM fer exaaUaa ttoa. ailjaetaitstaad aUowaaee. Hte mbatha an allowed for the eraditofa to sat their ehujajs and one, year let the eatea tom to aettle eid. estate frost the net day of Jatost. Itef ; aad thleanrtimtt m1 r1" edu Tan Coumsus Jooaau awl atari atdared nepteaaer. 1BU. - S7aas4 Coaatyjadf. . C. CASS IN, raoramoa or : fluialii lliai MM Varaaaummw BBBTw'mTO BBamBBBuaju Fresh, and Salt Qaai and fitli in ahum. aaid fat Bjoss sad Tallew. THrBTCEftTH ST ., OOIiUMBUS, ATTOEHETS AT LAW, UbbbbT aaa? BBbVaBBBrMBSBuS I MBmmt'i. sfB anuBBc.' TJunBr mB aaPmBBBmBBBnvml bsaAjesateuceao. . JA. mm aBaanarfaaaaaaiaaaMaBaaWiaaaBaaBBani Laces will goat the same MUST HAVE ROOM. go at , 38c yard a -.... 3C " u ? SuSSc u !8c " 15c " wet summer has left hundreds of yards SHIRT WAISTS. $2 00 White Waists $1 00 1 75 87 1 10 " 55 a W ou vv aflf 1' 25 Colored Waists 63 1 00 " 50 71 " -lft 60 " :ui 50 " 25 AAmam afaSJSl maauaat bbbbbbIbbbI aanaaBBi Summer Skirts i Price- Ill aro lnvita.fl T visit ?w CLOAK DEPARTMENT. A close inspection will III HI P IIIWIIPII that our immense stock of Cloaks are equal to that of OMAHA QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE. E. D. FITZPATRICK'S Z K (V H VCml A VACATION WITHOUT A KODAK IS A VACATION . WASTED. $1.00 to $25, Esla Ji mwtWlarsrtslf Hsa ef the Ms Wateh. a. a. a. 9.a,0AaworC.U The Uaioa Facile and O. k N.-W. lines will sell tieketa at greatly reduced rates for the round trip to the O. A. & reuaioa at Wsshisgfnn, D. O, October 6-11, 1S08. For dates of aale, limita oa tieketa aad fall iafutamtion apply to 4t W. H. BxmuM , ageat. LACmf ! Embroideries-aU summer goods at HALF PfMOC to msks room for our im sssaee Ml stock. Go to E. D. Fltspai- kcvavsss.sKkt4EiBfasaAi aid p in lie yard C " Jc " 4 C 8 c u AQn cut prices as our Embroideries. All at one-half our former W -Ja-IA,' JJ H Hhi of these goods on our shelves and counters, and bow they must go to MAKE HbbbbI IbV IH bbbbbbbI BLiCZSUITB -AND- WAGOM WORK. Ererythiag ia oar liae aad erery thiag gaaraateei. Waeoas nade to order. Best aorse-shoeiag ia the eitjr. A fae liae of Baggies. carriages, etc. VI em sgent for the old reliable Columbus Buggy Company, of Colusa- bua, Ohio, whioh ia a suBeient guaran tee of strictly first-class goods. LOUIS SCHREIBER. 25octtf J.M. CURTIS CONVEYANCER AND NOTARY PUBLIC Also does type-writing and will caref ally attend to all the business intrusted to hiss. BJ-Woald respectfully aoticat a of your business. orrs Over First National Bank, 1st door to nmm BamiaananBiaaMBiameaaaaaamBaaaaaaaBwaaaaBaa 30c Embroiderie. 40c - 50c u : 25c, Goods go at 20e " u 16c't ioc a u .! 8c hiiwils2Prte Frtmth Fluiael Watets. The largest and prettiest line ever seen in Columbus. Come and see them. Oir Fir Dift. Is very coaif lete. Conae aaa see. We wat to shew yea the latest. We waat year hasiaess. We waat te sare ateaey fer yea aai aiake seaie fer ear selves. foSBBJIKkSBUSBBrjH myMmWS!m T. H IFCOINGEAST or aoatk of Caaeugo ask your loeal ticket ssjeat to route you bet aad Caioago via tan taeaaertaat liae between the two citiee Traiaa via thia popular road depart from the Union depot, Omaha, daily, eoaaectiag with traiaa from tha Msgaiiesatly equipped traiaa, aad free rarliuiug can aad husTst, library aad AU traiaa lighted by electricity. For full infers ratea, eta, sndrom F.AKeAW, Geeersl Wsstera Ageat, IBM B.W. Howell. Trar.FrmgMsad to the Shi The Barliagtoa Reate tha low rate of oas fair plan for the round trip from all peiate ea the B. A lL&BRUsaaaypecate ia Ouaaaad tMaad 3S. (load raturniaa? stssoidvkCieago,Paerm J. 2J4J Geasral At, ravalnpas wUk esil at Tarn WaawsmwmW 19c yard 90c " 35c " srrwwn 13c yard 10 c 8 c " 5c" 4 c ROOM. DRESS 60QDS New Dress Goods Bovelties, all shades. See them. A bargaia lot of cheap achmtl Bragg tjitjo at 0C,9C Ita A yard Bever sold less than 15c. Ask to see them. convince you or LINCOLN AMERICA'S JE8J3J EartsrisNyFssrtese. twa fraea all of tha world-Well "m. oriamal atoriea-Aaawere to -Artielaa ea BaaUh.-the Bom.. oa Work Ahoat the ft 1 W Irtr OEM lav latsa to CamlsTaia. Everw Dob in Sepfmhtr mmd Oetober via The RHrUmgmm Momte. iy ether Cal Ask the a . S IeaaMOibarortheAaaoritodPiraaUt 1 only Weetera NVwepaaer reeeiriac the I S eathw telegraphic aewe aerrke of the I New York Haa aad apodal cable of the Z 9 Mew York World-delljr nporte froai S ever 2.SW epeeial coneepoadmte 9 S throachoat the eoaatnr. I YEAR ONE DOLLAR I I writa, ' A I. y it ; A v ev- - ,:f .? m theleft. loaprw taiXoT.f, J 1 j l'l.v'-. sw r. r- .f. v i- .- rt -j.- ' . rfi- ji. vihSyat!- - t ,- ! v -., toBeuTalo aad Totoato.