The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 03, 1902, Image 3
5iV; -- -, ,-fr'Z - - j? - r - -! - r . - - -'TOl.'i, '-rsfis&fss-ir Ft! , - -- s- -jj !,"-- CofamfcttsSrarmL tsMb 4muueaamiav --. .?v I IF YOU WANT TO SEE M 'A fj-:' X i h i f- t im I-' :- w a- :i Vfr. . i 4 TERRACE Itioe : aajtkiac ia 1 Hulst & They Will Save Ton Money. Just received, largest line of Straw Mattings ever brought to Columbus. Call and see them. Our Ferndale Canned Goods, and Chase & Sanborn Coffees are leaders. Everybody likes them. They make friends where ever they go. In fact, every article we handle b the best. Have vou seen our fountain for keeping vegetables in good shape? n t.Mmsri? SH p jt aL aVaavfaam I Breakfast tint-oftcs a chilli kr- can M nan warn art fMial ftu Barter's Ideal Oil Heater It is instantaneous, cheaper than coal, can be moved any where, near the table or as far away as necessary, and never smokes or smells. The onlv objection to oil heaters in general has been odor anil smoke. " Barter's Ideal is the only oil heater that has stood the test of eleven years for a perfect combustion, giving health ful heat, anil nothing but heat. We have them in all stvles, sizes and prices. From S3.50 to 310. GRAYS'. IF WE COULD PROVE To your entire satisfaction that it is to your advantage to do your sjrili ait miff trading in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Shoes with us, would you not say: YES, WE Well, that is just what we can do, and all that is necessary for you is to look over our stock and get our prices. WILL VOU DO IT? Mschholz Bros. THEY'RE BERE! HIES STYLES THEY'RE here now, so you m will not have to wait. . ptflMH Bright, new and handsome, flKflR each one perfectly finished Oawlaw and the prettiest line ever shown flPfll in Columbus. No useless trap- (HIIYt pings on these buggies the price aamMai is put into material, workman- Til If "P 3UU finish. Each one is MM! ready to hitch your horse to, and lUim the price won't make a heavy load IHII to carry. They're here, bat HMfl " they're going. Can't I send one aWlll toot wav? Inquiry and inspec- Bmun ;iondc::"i:::: limine BEmr Lwbmem, FIHE BUGGIES. EaatiatkStraet, - - COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. CLOTH. Adams zi&Lt-&&mJK$t--iKf- WOULD? 1 4 Ji -Dt.PbbI, Haake'i Crib aft Graft. Katasmaato will have ears to KF.Ceolidaa haa oar late Slack Hilm dailiae. -Aaewliaeof faUhate jaet by Mr. M. J. Boamaa k Co. vad -Dr. Haas 1 OiiT street, tf Hack BaU yoaag friaaria Friday -tamberlOUmtaa data far Oaf-ling- Bros. areas at Grand Talsart Will Browaar aarcaaaad of Prat Garlicha his trottiag koiaa, North Star. Dta. Marty, Craaa k Gaartoffka tkraadoonaacthofFoadhofaaton. tf -FrMMt aatkaritiaB wowJdat allow the BlooaiarOiria to play ball than oa Sunday. Do aot tail to aaa oar 8-lbot galvaa iaad ateal anil for mOQL A.DwaaQ: Son. tf Tba raaidaaoaof John Bona oaaaat Foartaaathatraat waa aold laat waakto Mr. Beoniac. F. W. Herriek want to Chicago Thursday to raaaain aavaral daya par chaang gooda. We atU taa aiafia-row aad two-row Badger caltivator, the beat Loaie Sckraiber. tf Dr. McKaaa'a aaatkod of alaminam platea place equality with gold. Milwaukee, aix-row- ha been need oae math, for aale or trade. E.B.Biaaoa. 4 Mr. Floreaee Huabert of Wyoaaiag, a prof nil hair draaear, haa looatad in rooma aezt to the public library. Eaaton'e line of gaaouoe atovaa aad coal oil etovea are the aioat coaiplete of any in the city, aad price are right. Waa. Semis nakaa boots aad shoes in the best style, aad a oaly the very beet stock thatcaab procared i the market, tf The Genua Eraagelical Saaday school eajoyed a picaie ia the grove of Peter Lacbatagar east of tow, Thara day afternooa. George Bagel is ezpaetiag hie aew bowling paraphernalia soeae time this week, and whan pat in place will be oae of the finest ia the west. -Meedanae Lath, TaaAlatiBe, Ban dall, Duasell and Mks Weaver will asrva ice creaat on the Congregatioaal church law this Wedaeaday eveaiag. In Joetice Hadaoa'a ooart, this Tuesday aumiag; L. Sehwarz sues C 8. Esaton for aa anaettled aecoant, and H. Hughe sues B. F. Steinbaagh for 17. "The Convict's Daughter" oa of the solid atelodraaaatic saoosassa of 1 eeaeoa, wfll be the attraetioa at the North opera boaae Wednaaday eveaing, Sept. 3d. Coaductor CL S. Baaey parchaaad the corner resideace on Fourteenth sad M streets of A. Height laat Wedaeaday and will soon move his faauly to their new home. Lota in Becker Plane addition which sold for S450 two year ago, reesatly brought $775 ia a sale. These lot are in great demand and a good in' to the purchaser. C. L. Stillman sad Ed. J.Niswohaer returned Saturday from their oatiaa at Ericson, and report having a good time and fair success leading nek. Both are brow sa berries. CHe Olson of Oauma waa visiting friend here and in Fallsrtoa laat a Mr. Olson was for a loaaj tuae with J. C. Echols and left the fret of the year to accept a position in Oaubn. Piano. A high grade reliable ia struaieat,left oa oar haadaby oar ageat, will be offered at aliulssals price for a few days, before re shtpisat. Caa be sen at store. F. H. Laatb A Co. Otto Men left Thursday aMraiag last for three oaths' trip to hi native country. Before leaving he was tendered a receatioa by the nerehor of which he ia a BMsahar. The SLFraacia Academy will their school today for the regular year'a work. Laat year the aahool had about 375 earoUed papila aad a expected the Prof, K. M. CaapbeU was m tb city oa hie return to Humphrey He year's work aezt of the Humphrey Have yoa seea the areoaTenagour toss oae aad you win ha that you seed it ia your hoass for oae of the large OaIyS3Lf paya sobscriptioa to Tax Jomnux. Prot L H. BriteU said hie property oa east Teath sUeet to Mr. MDea Byaa last moved his faauly to the A had bee receaUy vaaatea by W. tMt B? HaTaaaw. Hoaaea aoaa water taaeolaaat, Qiuaad uj stm shell tor i aii fciaa at Dafy'itwditiwi tf thaaka far McFaydea. Washed 5 xncas aonr frssm Platte in the Ciiiiam-t Umiiss lalssj Mail dark, Latter Carrie, Castem Hoaa aad Duiitaislsl Osrhs, ate. Apply to later-State Cama. IsssCaaar isnnli, f a aa teak amy aa i. aaa Dt.IfcCi TeamommBa pajm fc i. - rasi ml mm i tb sui . . r - r -f -, -. tfci meel me mmmr aw tarn amCMSam mvm m aassaeCavtea. Taaaajaaeaatmai left aa DmtV hee sumeil evater ahell far k I. o fm tf TTTT est ia the world, et Ofays'. Jbha Saaawrkar will 1 to Small, ehoiee farm for rtowa. H..J Watek for the fa line of For la watch ispsiiiag, sail oa Carl Fraemel. 11th St, Colambua, Neb. Miss Carrie Parka winter term of school ia district 21 Moa day. The oyster ssesoa ie bow ea, the fret shipmsat haviag arrived -Garrett Halat left Mbaday for the state fair aad will visit Omaha before hwretara. This is State Fair weak aad suay Platte eoaaty.eitizeaa will he there oa or more daya. H. L. Loeklia, a former priatsr of Cblamhaa,ia aow editor of the Bristol, Near, Argue. Bural audi routes 1, 2 aad 3, bagaa runaiag July let. Bay your auul boxes ofC&Eaaton. Albert Becker will attead the Ar ssoar Institute of Chicago the coating year, leaving home aezt week. Mm. J. C FUlaian has been engaged to work at her millinery trade in Tra- City, Mica., the coming ssaaon. Ed. Hockenberger ie in Lincoln thie He baa on exhibit a gaaoliae ea- ginesnd will tell the people of itaaMrita. Judge Bettennan took an sad wife afternoon train for Lincoln Monday. They will look over the attraction at the fair. Bar. Foster moves hie family thie weak from Soutk Omaha to Columbus, aad will bold his frat services in the Episcopal chaxch Sunday. The Central City Nonpareil issued a special illustrated editioa last Thursday that waa a credit to the publishers. J. C Martin k represented in write-up and a portrait The Silver Creek ball team were here Suaday aad played a double-header gam with our boy. Of course they got tied up ia bad shape. Score first gam 9 to 8; eseoad game 12 to a George Bagel's new bowhag alleys arrived Saturday and will be taken from the car this week. George Heller, it ia intimated, will continue the bowling basiaess at Hegel old staad. A letter from W. H. Salsor, a former Platte county farmer, later of Geneva, telle us he has sold hia farm at Geneva and that he and Mrs. Sehnr are now oa their way to Oregon and California. J. C Swartsley returned Friday from hie eastern trip, to be present at the marriage of hia daughter, Miss Jes sie Swartsley, which takes place at the Presbyterian church today, Wednesday. F. & Lenhart, coming from THiaois, haa eeeured a hesnae from the city to conduct a candy, pop-corn aad aut stand oa the vacant lot between Geo. Hegel's and Mrs. Jay's business places on Thir teenth street Rev. Olcott will preach Sunday morning in the M. E. church; no church services will be held in the evening'. Bev. Luce will conduct the quarterly service in Schuyler and Purple Cane oa the same day. -John J. McCarthy, the repabbeaa caadidate for congress for the Third district, waa in the city Sunday. He ia making a thorough canvas of the dis trict aad his prospects for success at the election are bright indeed. Herman Brodfuehrer sold his deuce lot corner of Sixteenth and North streets Thursday last to Miss Ethel Baney, the consideration being 1775. We arwinformed that a handsome HOOB dwelling house will be erected thereoa thisfalL Postmaster Kramer telle oa that all that ia larking now ia the numbering; of the houess, for Columbus to have free delivery. H thia be the case, let a auttee of citizens meet the auyor at oace, and take step to have the matter adjusted. k. u. scrotner or. moaroe was ia towa Mbaday coasaltjag Architect Pearaall about plana for a aew baamesa baOdiag he contemplates puttiag up tarn rau. xae structure wiu oe a oae story brick, 22x50 feet to be aaad for the poatoaace aad the Monroe Bepublkaa plaat P. B. Darriagtoa returned Saturday Chaaate, Funsss, where he had to attead the funeral of hia brother Frank, who died from iajuries received ia a railroad accident his age being 33 Hia brother carried 92J0BO iaaar- with the Workmen aad SL200 with The familiar tone of the school bell oat Mbaday morning and the Bright yoaag- faces sssa oa the that the it is probable that will have to ha arraagad for ia part of the city. dara force of mea are at work oa about two hundred met of aew laadeaMaad of the theLiadeU wiD aaa for that part af the city. attead Aaa Arbor aaivecatty. tiaL aeaaea, eaamtaaf am an arm at ed aoreltisaat vow Bargee's. sea assent very crowded ii nl sidewalk bmng houa walk, end whaa eeaa- Wilanlij moraine from aaariy fear weeeaepeat ia the went Dariac am saaaaaa a vkated Deaver, Salt Lefce, Sam Fraacmua, laattTii, TailTaail and ether pesats of mtezaat, aad aaya he waa wefl reaaadler the time aad money ea- TmIiib saQsafaM haeef pnaTtij maiian liaeh, lKmeh aad 2amh art, rtma Mawflamw VamW saamVts awT aaammTeh " Matomvaftmkrmm xaama, xiaw aaw Flour, the -Ajahie, the as jsr eei eea af Mr. Z THE banmsmabaat here aam the BHaaartaaa u an otom a Bahrnfk '' hK ta aatle ssuow m aatoaa; , . aioaa at aaa aaaaa aaa wau aaaa aa buret " . - rT ' -. -. com Bleared bar I m.-wuul. .. i& A. b biwjmb was HnB w " w aad whaa he saw Ho. 11 eoauag, ha avartJBCthadaaaar Ott Hegel wasoa aere a i the traaa aaaamg; noaa uraaa isisao. of the sascsss of "The Coavkt'a Daughter," ia that it touches the haartetriaga of ita auditor. It ia also tiled with aaamdy of the higher ad dose aot dap sad upon buf orvalgarity teamaaa the public. It comas to aa thia year with entirely aad altogether brighter sad have ived of Mr. to Mjsb Bath Graet both of Webster Grovas, Mmaaari. Mr.McKia aie, who haa freqaeUy visited theTar aer familiea here, has maay frisada aad reUtivea among Jocaarai. readers who will be interested ia the life long happi aese of the young; people. The fireman's day exercises at Frankfort park Mbaday were well at tended, the larger part of the crowd be ing towa people. The program waa car ried oat aa published in laat JocnxAi aad the racai with great interest Labor day will hereafter be celebrated each year by the aad their triced O. C. Shaaaoa, a H. Shel don, J. E. North, E. H. Chambers and J. G. Beeder returned Thursday from Sherman county where they speat sev eral daya looking over land aad aialdag investments. They report that the lead there ie excellent, no aand bat clay soil, and sella from 95 to 925 sa acre. The crepe have been good there thia year and never have been a total failure. Wednesday eveaiag of laat week a reception waa taadarad Prof. Garlicha at Maeaaarehor hall by that aodety aad the City bead prior to hia leave takiag for Brokea Bow. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by those praasat, the two hours beiag passed ia social confabula tion, music by tb two organizations aad card playing, after which a luncheon was eerved. All preseat had a good tiase. Andy Thomas of South Bend, Indi ana, and Will H. Thomas and wife of El Paso, Texas, called here two weeks ago by the ssrioua illaoas of their mother, Mrs. Martha J. Thomas, have returned to their homes, the sick mother haviag improved very much during the visit of the children, and when able will go east to South Bend with her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Money, where she will make her Ladwig Esliager waa rua Jover and badly braised about the head and body by a horse which hsrsain frigkteaed at a threshing machine, last Friday morn ing. Mr. Ealinger waa croaaing the street in front of Schreiber'e blacksmitk shop and having defective hearing did aot hear the animal approaching until he waa struck. He waa hud up for a few days, but will resume work again this The Norfolk Newe says: "Geo. H. Spear haa tendered hia resignation to Chas. E. Thornburg A Col, wholesale cigars, of Sioux City aa their represents tive, to take affect the first of September and will give his personal atteatioa to the management of the Norfolk Audito rium during; the comiag season. In additioa to thia he will maaage the affairs of the Geo. EL Spear Advertising company, recently ocganizeaV Bev. Becker preached his farewell sermoa ia the Fmebyterian church San day evening. Ha moves his family to day to White Lake, S. D.,. where he haa accepted a pastorate of a church. Bar. Becker haa only been in Columbaa ekvea months coming here from Deer field, Wis. He has base a dihgeat work er aad the congregation will loose a faithful christian, who will wish him ia kb aew field of labor. Geo. aTramaa and Mr. aad Mia, L Tiightaar attended Friends monthly meeting atGarriaaa thia week L. J. Headryx ia traveuag for McCord-Brady Company of Omaka, tastssd of their reg ular aamamaa, J. E. Erafaaa. . . .The fol- lowiag is a hat of sabscribera oa the Mbaroe-Cblumbua talephoae line: H. J. Headryx, Beak of Moaroe, J. C. Dawson, Hamahreye Pharmacy, J. J. Williams, A. D. Cattle Co, E. Slaytoa k So. Moaroe Bspablican. While croaakg a bridge over Shell creak in Colfax county just over the Platte eaaaty liae, last Wednesday eveaiag; Adam Schmidt jr., aad Martia Schmidt ware thrown into the creek, with their team aad load of seoaat of defeeta ia the bridge wbiehrsaddealy gave way under weight of the load. Martin susr lined a brokea ealled,aad the yoaag sua better thaa ever totbaauarmga are hath dona; aieary. The norma war Mm M. A. Lamb, who has baaa tar. Mat J. D. Stone, left Saaday oa her let era hnaaa ta Taa1na, Fatmail. nhsi n aha haa charge of the aaa Beadle em hroidary deaartmeat ia aa art aehaaL Tainan! ia the ratal baa delivery ha aam a the laatea would net be mnaaar to aaamge aaek ta the eld way amwe aaa a tetel af AM letter, ate, ekamaaai emrimr Aagast Bate2had ateeflaaaimed,aadBaate3hed aaaaafaaBaaaateaaamttwathaanefaM powaxruii OVTKKDAX. vjiBPgaMBBSas JjflWfi aaTMm Ms Dan-ter II tlKAItT STORY Pare ia thought, action aad language. A wonder ful play. A strong cast embellmked by the most beautiful and startling scenic ect3 : : : : SEE The wa oa s Keviac Fniaht Tcaia! ! Caiqpa Ctefcf. Wmrj Willi! Tie Wiitifal anerhwm goL TWBebeHaco! If Colambua gate a power caaal it will be ia great luck. Cheaper power ia greatly aasded in Nebraska and if Cb lambaa gate a caaal before Fremont does it will oaly serve to demoeatrate the practicability of barn waring the waters of the Platte and make Fremont's pro posed eatarpriss more certain. Fremont Tribuaa. J. H. Bead, manager at the Knolin sheep reach, bad a horse aad buggy stolen Sunday evening, and so far there haa been no clue to the thief. The Beede were attending services at the Presbyterian church and had their horse hitched outside. When they left the church they found that the hitching strap had been left tied to the poet and horse and carriage were missing. The vehicle waa worth about 9B0l The BoaesteeL South Dakota, Pilot aaya: "W. B. Backus of Omaha arrived in the city last week and haa embarked in the law business. Mr. Backus cornea wall racommsadsd aa a thorough prac titioner aad will no doubt secure a good practice here. He is located in the Mc Faydea k Wilaon building on Central avenue and Garrison street Mr. Backus haa also had wide experience as an edu cator, having been superintendent of the Indian Industrial school at Genoa, Neb., for several years, and for nine years was city superintendent of schools at Colum baa, Neb. We are glad to have Mr. Backus locate ia Bonestssl and wish him unlimited Charles Anderson's 13-year-old boy while cattiag banda for a threshing machine at John Miller'a five miles uuth of town yesterday, waa caught by the troassra lega on the tumbling rod of the machine and after performing a number of revolutions which were too swift to count leaded on the ground beside the ir.hi,m ith every thread of hia clothes stripped from him. Hia father, who was working near him, wrapped him up in borrowed clothes sad hurried him to town to a doctor. After examination Dr. Walker reporta bis injuries confined to extensive but superficial bruises and expresses the opinion that the boy will be around again in a few days. Lind say Post Loa Millar, while in the city last week, informed ua that be ie interested with hia brother Charles in mining, their property being located within a few miles of Prescott Arizona, with good prospects ahead. They have penetrated the earth a distance of 200 feet, and last year they put in place a stamp mill, engine, etc et&, at a coat of several thousand dollars and Lou ia quite confi dent they will in time strike it rich. Mr. Miller ie also presideatof the school board of South Omaha and remained in town only a day, having to return to be present at the opening1 of the schools. George Westcott brother-in-law. of Mr. Miller, was also in town Thursday and Friday. Both Mr. Miller and Mr. West cott are prominent buatneee men of South Omaha. The manager of the North opera house will present Wednesday evening. Sept 3d, the latest senaatioo, the new melodrama entitled ''The Convict's Daughter," which haa met with brilliant success everywhere. Plays whose prom inent features are love, heart interest heroism, comedy, pathos, vice and virtue, alwaya find favor and those are the dom inant characteristics of the "Convict's Daughter." The scenes are laid in the South and various types of life good, bad and indifferent including a unique tramp character are introduced, while the scenic display ia said to surpass all previous attempts at stage realism. The plot ia original and reasonably develop ed in five acta of intense action. One scene shows a convict jumping from his priaoa wall to the roof of a passing freight train, which in conceded to be the moat astounding and realistic scene ever presented on the stage. It ia a expensive production. SfNrial Ed. ITnssitar waa a visitor at Tarnov Monday. Mm. L Gluck spent a day in Tarnov Inst week. Both the Omaha Elevator Co. and Mm. Kehoe built new coal sheds last The Nebraska Telephone Co. last Fri day removed their Taraov headquarters to L Ginek's aew store. It m beiag talked about that M. C. will ram ova to the south aide drag; store oa Broadway. L Giaak received another car load of merchandise for am big new store. He fcisps the aity dray baey aow-a-daya, at at the city last week aad site for a new building to be aa imalaaaait house. Tarnov is to the boat Tour that State graded. Ramor says the atteatioa of LACmf! HAIFMCC temaka mom for oar iaa measa Ml ateak. G to 1L D. Fitapat rimVa, the White Freat FM AAW9. DOLLAR I r , Magnify and increase as vou spend it, spaaa it here. We will give you the fall value of your money in the best gooda we caa bay. You only need to try ua once to prove what we say w true. We are handling some fae fresh Fruits these days and will pay strict attention to all orders for canning. : : r : Glass Jars in the standard sizes aad make can be found here at reasonable prices. : r When you think of anything a first-claas grocery should have, call up 'phone 29, aad we'll have it in your kitchen in a hurry. HENRY RA6ATZ ft CO. OPP. PARK. in H ill iia ill me sums EVERAL of these are shown in the September Standard Patterns just received by us. STANDARD PATTERNS are also strong in fancy waists. We al ways carry a good line of these patterns and our patrons will be benefited by in specting our stock. m m m m m m m m m T. Ova T ,T COLUMBUS, I tttaaaaaaaaaa?agraa:agga)tgajggsjgggajga)a;i Gall ni See Oir New Don t wait until every thing has been picked over. We carry a rail line of Wall Paper, PainU,riatl4.VaraU Brashes, Window Shafts, Sash Reds, Fleer Wax and every thing pertaining to the needs of a good housekeeper. ECHOLS & Painttrs and NEW HATS and S Every lady in Columbus will need one of those new white Siberian Beaver Hats, and a Veil in the new green and blue, New York and Chicago's latest lad, just arrived at aTD PWSSO1 IrClrlt SAIJCYUJL CVSSfe wu.i.iaw mnrs French Periodical Drops Strictlr vegetable. perfectlT harmless, sore to accoaroliah I RESULTS. Greatest known female re-nedy. Price, $150 per bottle. Bewara of eoaaterfelts mnd laitatlom. Car OneUr to WILLIAM MJrti. CO-3ol hib wiu iacjmii0 suBsuira ob For Sale by POLLOCK & CO. THE PARK flAKHEB - SHOP. FOB TH Best Service. Courteous Treatment. VTUTW now Hime liipa -wa Tnv W4tta faeiiiliii h hevrK mna 7ft uriBRaHinn Alanartnu Ittu tf flirmT. Hhtrm-al atliaueil by the beC artist ia hi liae Ptose GItc Us a CalL L G. ZIIIECKZR. Dr. J. E. SNYDER, OSTEOPATH, Otwick Barber Bailduur, formerly oceaaiea oy ur. v Hoars: I 5 2 to 5 p.m. i ill ill B l l ill airaapau IX Dcfkjatr for September at. STOW car lOcactfy ,"FTS AgOP-t, NEBRASKA. tF Liie if Will Paptr.J DIETRIGHS, Paper HaMTa. 13THSTacrr. Trochef s Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe ami America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which' dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritahoa er disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bode. Seal by druggists.. Be sure and get the genuine. Tb snniae is pt ap oalr ta bf was or caa "Kuxia. uaa: imu. C?rrelaaO.Uia. J)B. J. E. PAUL, DENTIST. Niewofeaer eioek. uth Qivn, stint. Cols Gaa less exlracaaa af tecta. Beauiencs Telephoa L 61. Oak Telepiiow a. 4. w. D.STIaKB. OUT mtmm, arte OsHy COLCVBCl. -. . 'ars . . i&i frWwfrfWaifcag.-i . . . ' j. Jls 'i-.r5.-u S&Jafc&Ji3fcA-.-. UirXuCiH .y- -t-is,tgmSsA. UA.