The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 27, 1902, Image 3
ffcjjHJBKWS1 .'- j " c"'V;'J"a5- 2w? "1- X J ' m 1 i- .. - li" r Carpets, Stnw Hatting I I TERRACE CLOTH. 1 -fT w. Jfc jaw I Mst Adams I They Will Save You Money. M .Tifct received, large line of Straw flattings ever brought X to C.ilumbua. Call and te them. X 3c Our Fern.lale Canned Goods, and Chase it Sanborn Coffees j? 5 are leaders. Evervbodr likes them. They make friends M ever thev so. Iu fiict, everr article we handle is the best. Have vou seen oar fountain for keeping vegetables in good shape? I 1 1 MWLST & $mMS9 1 3c S TCr.CPROVE 9. V tm -anigaejBjBjiajBBimitjw tK.T . w-. WMVM mJJ - .m..-. : GO TO : VanMi o . THEY'LL TELL YOU THE BEST. tvTV - r Columbus firttTitaL Dr.Pssl, nuke's at toj' Dr. Been, teMrn Jos BfrssABnest H, gotoTTnibsss. th,a itk soda rLJ. Headryxof Monroe Wau is thm vicinity tbecnirUt, ntvMdStt- at Walhsr, Dr.L.aTo ad 18u IF HE COULD PROVE To your entire satisfaction that it is to your advantage to do your sjriflf ait anff trading in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Shoes with us, would you not say: it II y i YES, WE WOULD?! Well, that is just what we can do, and all that is necessary for you is to look over our stock and get our prices. WILL YOU DO IT 9 Frischholz THEY'RE IEEE ! ainu ncni DW so von wait. ammi WUEY'BE here now, I will not have to Bright, new and handsome, each one perfectly finished and the prettiest line ever shown in Columbus. Xo useless trap pings on these buggies the price is put into material, workman ship and finish. Each one is readv to hkch your horse to, and the price won't make a heavy load to cany. They're here, but they re going. Can't I send one vour way? Inquiry and inspec tion desired. ::::::: STYLES to de s little, act,&V Baca, to day.aaoa. -Ojaita a Thursday sight. Hoshsu's pares ftmd beat. Conrad E.O nrdey from Wayne Oroand ovstsr shell for Duty's fasd store, tf Bora, to Mm. Fraak T. Thursday, a denatsr. Answliaaof faUbnni jsnt bv Mrs. M. J. Rodman k Co. Dr. Haas Fifii, pa; orscoa, oftce Olivft itrat. tf Dr. Seymour at Thmratoa hotei, Thureday, Walter, tk yoaac aom of a few day Dn. Uartm. Evaaa k tkra doors aorth of FrJadBofa Mr. end Ma. G Saaio wOl into the iejfkinn taferty owaca oy i HohL Do sot fail to aee oar Moot ajalTaav ized atael Biill for tS2i)QL A. D 11 k Son. tf "Dont aaub a boy baeaaae a wear habby clothiaa; aftd Uvea i a tawhl downaooBB." We eell tk einfie-row and two-row Badger cultivator, the beat in tkeaBarkat. Look Sckreiber. tf TV MeSean'a BMtkod of nakiBe; aluminum platee plaeaa tbeea on aa equality with cold. Mflwaakee, eix-row corn ahreddar, baa been uaed on sumtk, for sale or trade. E-R-Bieeoa, 4 Eaaton'a hne of gaaolia atovea and coal oQ atovaa are tk aaoat coewpleto of any in the city, and prieee are right. The "Brownies" of Norfolk were de feated in the game of ball played at Minden Smnday by tk aoor of 7 to 4. Piano tuning. Mr. Earl C Brink, the reliable piano tmaer, will be in Co hxmbua Sept. 15th to 30th to tan pisnor J. H. Craan atartad Tkaraday for Manawa, Wiaaonain, wker k want to Tiait tk comntry with a view of buying a farm. EL C Halm and Hobmt Bobinaon left Sunday for St. Job, wkar Mr. Halm will purckaae dry good for Halst k Adam. Wax. &n makm boota aad akoea in the beat style, ftnd naaa only tk very beat stock that can be procured in tk market, tf Mies Carrie Parka mad a trip to tk north part of the eownty Monday to sign contract with tk school board for her winter term. The Bavin eve. ear. noa or throat troubles should not fail to call on Dr. Seymour and hie assistant whOe they are here, Sept. 19th. James O. Beeder, Irv Speioe and O. C. Shannan left Monday for Skerman county, where they will look over the arable land of that section. Free, a bag of candy with every pur chase of school sappbes of 10 cants or over, itE. von Bergen's, from August 20 to 30. Come early and avoid the rasa. F. T. Bebbft of Humphrey pur chased the Crsscaassmk etoek of general merchandise from Elliott k Sseice and last week moved the goods to that place. "If we could only raaliae that every dav we are making ft great step toward the formiagof good or bad characters, we would surely refrain from aosM of the things we do." Bev. Foster of South Omasa, who has accepted the pastorship of the Epis copal church here, will swve kie family to Columbus the first of September to make their home in our oty. The New England Bloomer Girls failed to reach Colambas Saturday last to play the game of ball with the local team ss advertised, tk date being changed to Satarday of tkis weak. Maw lizzie Farlsy went to Liadssy where she attended the wsddiag of Miss Elizabeth Desgan to Mr. William Lewe johnn oa Monday, wkick took place in the Catholic ckarck is that village. Two well improved farms for One in Qbwiw township, oae in roe township. These ar botk bargains id imarovemeata. The adjowrasd repnbtiesn coaaty convention is eaUsd to meet at the coart hosse in thai city Moaday, tk h day ef September. See call of rksirstaii Drake in another eolama of todsy 's Jocmxaz. Joka Coraihi will leave aeon for Dsa Iowa, where he will attend tk iPaxa brock, who ie; expected some soon to SckHsbsehsdragaton NfeCasl Wf ISflpCs. 9eV XBbjS Wefl QEcsfel 4wBaNS ApeffeW CKfsW K effB sbbSSbIbW Isasoat Inlay was in tk city a few a city phyat- Daty has ground oyster shall lor chickens at his feed store, tf Biagfiaff Bros', big einnis wfll ex kibit in Omaha Monday, Sept. 13. Pfllsbary's Beat WW Floax, tk bast in the world, at Grays'. tf The Leigh waterworks were pat ia operation for tke first time, Friday. Small, choice farm for sale, under irrigatioB, jouung town. HI E. Bsbcor k. Watch for tke fine line of burnt wood decorated novelties at voa Bergen's. For fiae watch iepairing, esU oa Carl FrosmeL 11th SU Colambos, Neb. Bars! mail routes 1, 2 aad .3, began ruaaiag July 1st. Buy your mail boxss ofC&Esston. Mae Brady and Demple Mad- of Omaha are visiting; this week Esther Bossiter. Anni Baker has a permanent in tke drv goods department at Halst k Adams'. One of oar hay dealers says out of thirtfmn stacks made, only three were pat up without rain. Judge Batterman issued marriage license to John Sueper and Miss Mary Widhalm both of St. Bernard. J. W. Tanner, formerly editor of tk Fallerton Post, we understand, has pur chased the Central City Democrat. If this year's corn crop can come under the wire before frost without cork ing; itself, it will equal the crop of 96L The Columbus Times ofice fixtures ware removed Friday last to the comer of Eleventh and North streets up stairs. E. J. Niewohner and Charles Still fPn went up to lake Ericson. Monday where they will remain until Friday to enjoy the fishing. Occidental Lodge No. 21, Knights of Pythias, have changed their meeting night from Wednesday to Thursday evening, to take effect August 28. One of the best attractions on the road this season ia the -A Hoosier Dai sy," which ha been booked for Colum bus, Sept. 1, at North opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Smil Hyer, who have nade their home here for a number of years, will leave next week for Milwau kee, Wis, where they expect to reside. E. E. Blaekman of the State Histori cal society was in the city Thursday aad again Saturday on his way to aad from Genoa where he made excavations for Thw relics. Lloyd Nestor, the eight year old son of Frank Nestor, was playing with powder and mtihaa last Wednesday and ss a result he received severe burns about the head. It is said by one who has tried it a few drops of oil of ssssafras will get rid of ants. Drop a few drops in cupboard or anywhere they frequent and they will leave. All aboard for Genoa today, Wed nesday. It ia Baker Post day at the reunion and Wm. A. McAllister will make an address. The drum corps will go. All aboard at 6:45 a. m. Piano. A high grade reliable in strument, left on our hands by our agent, will be offered at wholesale price for a few days, before re-snipment. Can be seen at store. F. H. Lamb k Co. JimFrazier was on the South Omaha market last week with eleven car loads of cattle, 209 bead, that he shipped in from Atkinson. They averaged 1042 pounds, brought the top price, and were a nice lot of feeders. hears aWBOjBV grsstasfawissa sbsssubx sorthera Ioaem. Hs assi tk family now Irani ia G4es weed, Iewa, aad that aB war eajeyiac ga hearth wham last kekesrt from home. . Maaro writes frost Colorado -Bex. Seriasst that kassself sad wile will return to Calaaabaa today (Tuesday) and that regular aerviesswill hahsliiasTt Sunday ia tk CoagragatioBal ckurck. ami smaiai The subject lor the morn ins; sermon will be, "Pleated as a Tree or ss s Post"; evening, "Know Thyself." Prof. FoUey has issigsed as pnao pslof theCrestoa High school, and has a poaitioa with tke Omaha World-Her ald. At tajs writiac the vacancy in the High school room has not been filled. School wfll probably opes Sept. 8th.... Mum Pearl Seaoai is up from Col ambus tarn week visiting witk relativea-Cree-tou Statesman. Poultry rsssHS will take notice that EsstonsBHsafallliaeof poultry fearing 1 inch, 1H inch and 2 Jack mesh, dose enough to turn the smallest chick. I also have a faaee that wfll stand up without a top and bottom rail that I sail for a slight advance over the common poultry fence. Try me for prices. I wfll save yoa money. The committee of the woman's club to find nn tartars nana t for guests during the State Federation which wfll meet here October 1st, 2d and 3d. met Mon day afternoon to make arrangements. Eackaieaabsrof the club will be asked to entertain two delegate. The ladies have received oasaal notice that they msy prepare for 250 people. The two-story brick building on south Olive street erected in 1885 for poetoffice purposes was purchased one day last week by Louis Sckreiber, tke consideration being $1200, Mr.Schreiber having formerly paid for an interest in the south walL The building- will now be used aa a baggy aad wagon repository, being well suited for the purpose. Schuyler ia again a victim of fire bugs. Tuesday of last week the bedding in the city jail was discovered on fire and at almost the same time a hay barn be longing to J. W. Bingham was found burning and in a short time the walla collapsed. Last December Mr. Bingham lost by fire s bam, together with horses, supposed to have been of incendiary origin. In speaking of E.Hahn, a prominent fanner of Polk county, the Clarks Enter pries says: "Mr. Hakn says that the Itorlt llfKa Hmss MONDAY, SEPT. 1st. Special Attraetiwsi : ,'s 3Teiiy. Tke A HOOSIER . . DAISY . . rwffnllTlD BT ssn. aa a- assssaWa M MMM CwfflN 4PE6HIL S6&NERY. A Good, Pare Play- full of Comedy aad Pathos. Prtt. 25-50-756. Attorney Gariow of Columbus, and Mr. Everett, oae of the parties who have recently been granted a telephone riinrhisa by the city of Columbus, were iaterviewiag some of our business peo ple yesterday, says Friday's Platte Cen ter SigasL Mr. Everett says that it n the intention of the new company when they get their system completed in Co lumbus to extend their line throughout the county, taking; in farmers aa well ss to IF! fi i i B it here. J your i I ' B I I ! WANT TO SEE YOUR DOLLAR Magnify and increase ss yes spend it, We will zive vou the full valve of monev in the best goods we can buv. You only need to try us once-to prove what we say is true. We are handling some fine frtsh Fruits these davs and will pay strict attention to all orders for canning. I Glass Jars in the standard sizes and makes can be found here at reasonable prices, r : When you think of anything a first-class grocery should have, call up 'phone 29. and we'll have it in vour kitchen in a hurry. HENRY RAGATZ ft GO, s The Genoa Times says: "Paul Giles coatemplates purchasing a larger engine for his boat and launching it on the Loup. He figures that he can carry ex cursion parties from Columbus to Fal lerton, iV"g the round trip in one day, at one dollar for each passenger." That m right. We predict good patronage from Columbus should Mr. Giles under take bis scheme. The scenery up the Loup river ia beautiful and a trip by water would be a delightful recreation. E. C Hockenberger has resigned his position aa accountant with Halst i Aawnm and has engaged with a Minne apolis firm and will soon take to the road engaged in the sale of gasoline WgiTi . While we are sorry to lose Ed. any of the time, he tells us that Colum bus will stffl resuin his headquarters and while not doing duty on the road wfll be here with his family. His terri tory will be in the western states and his many friends will wish him success in his new field of action. OPP. r PARK. 13tm Stwcct. ftawH lumuiiiimiimw I A Hoosier Daisy" is one of this for BBS ia Gem mitted SflverC Sigh with. the Odd two most successful comedy dramas. Bessie Clifton heads the cast. Special scenery ia used for the entire production. North opera house Mon day, Sept 1 Bev. and Mrs. Lueck started today, Tuesday, for Finn- City where they wfll attend the annual conference of the German Methodist church. Bev. Lueck ia pastor of the German M. E. churches of Columbus and Duncan. The Independent Telephone com pany are still at work gathering new subscribers. They have three ears of material coming and expect to begin work in about a week. Bural lines will be put in aa rapidly as possible. G. W. Mentzer recently took a trip into the southern part of the state, and bought an 80 acre farm in Gage county, about two miles from Blue Springs. Mr. Mentzer expects to move his family to their new home about next February. Mrs. Boss T.Page ia now in Schny-t ler sad masks! people there have indue previous report that Polk county wheat was not yielding up to expectations ia a mtir He says that he has not known a field that threshed less than 30 bushels to the acre, wagon measurement, and that some fields wfll weigh out over 40 bushels." Invitations were issued today for the marriage of Miss Jessie N.Swartsley, daughter of J. C Swartaley to Mr. Hans Hansen of Harlan, Iowa, at the Presby terian church, this city, Wednesday noon Sept. 3. Mr. Haaaow is a hardware mer chant of his city. He has a home pre pared for hie bride who wfll leave Colum bus with best wishes of her numerous friends here. C W. Jens, who for several months past has been engaged in Norfolk, has become a member of the Eimers firm in Humphrey, this county. The newly in corporated company include W. H. and F. B. Eimers, a W. Jens and Miss Anna Eleve, to succeed W. H. and F. B. Eimers. Mr. Jena wfll move his family to Humphrey as soon as a suitable home can be found. The New Era-Standard of Kearney gives a lengthy account of the Western Ladies' Mandolin orchestra of which Robert Rhone is director, and Miss TWtha Stsoffer is the "celloiet. The company will give 200 concerts and will probably play in Columbus some time daring the season. Six of the eompsny eome from -Nebraska, the other six are from Missouri and Kansas. Invitations were received here last Thursday announcing the marriage of Ben Brodfuehrer to Miss Anna W. Deveuter of Waterloo, Indiana, on Aug. 19th. The couple wfll be at home in Austin, Minnesota, after September 10th. The many friends of Ben in and around Columbus wfll be glad to extend con gratulations, and wish for the ycung couple much joy and prosperity. Vollie Weaver carries a lot of bruises and O. L. Baker has a damaged buggy as the result of a runaway of a young horse of Baker's last Tuesday evening. Weaver was waiting in the alley for Baker but did not have possession of the lines, and when the horse pulled the bridle off his head, Weaver jumped out. alighting on the fence and the horse took Bev. J. P. Yost, says the Schuyler Quill, is the proud possessor of an oil painting of hie father's homestead in Dodge county, the original being painted daring the early TCTa. The scene repre sents the log hnnsrt and various mem bers of the Tost family. Rev. Yost is ahown as playing marbles with one of his brothers while the third is riding a horse. The pointing ia a fine piece of art and doubly valued by Mr. Yost as it ia the place where he spent his child hood days. YOKE SKIRTS IX .. SEVERAL of these are shown in the September Standard Patterns r just reoeived by us. STANDARD J PATTERNS I are also strong In ' Taney waists. We al ways carry a good line of these patterns and our patrons will be benefited by in specting our stock." Ok Itoifftrr jor September 10c a espy T. d&. i 2 1 a : B) ed her to remain and give instruction ia fa run, badly breaking; the baggy. tk Apply to -Ca that art. Tke Sun says: "At there ia a aeareity of manic tnarkri ia the city and Mrs. Page ia rapidly enroll inffalarnwdsss." A Missionary Festival wfll be held at tk German Evangelical ekurek, Bev. sstor, oa Snndsy, Aug. 31st. at 1030 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Bapp of Leigh, Grannkorst of Shell arsekandMBsflerofColnmbes. Every bedy cordially invited. Miss Ethel Galley estrtiBd Sat urday siaajBH to a ainsjiwai card party. Each of tk sight taUes im tk room war provided witk a dhfsreat kind of eard gssae. Mr. Irv Spake won tk geutismans prisa, a grip tag, while Mam Lsttitm Sseice took As lady's The faaafly horse helnssrisg to Lae Gray suddenly took a notioi andeye at the say that a did s little Nearly every one you meet who of the weather wfll say that this has been by far the wettest since the oldest settlers came from the east. According to the records kept by C C Gray tkis is far from correct, for we find that duriag tkis year so far we have had but twenty-two and forty hundredths wkfle ia 1896 we had up to Sep-forty-fowr aad eight hundredths. Mrs. Mary H. Williams aad daugh- Etkel Hsariek aad Mrs. Wil- la. Alexander, leave the latter part of this week for Palo Alto, California, whet they wfll make their he for a few years at least, and sear where Maw Ethel wffl attend tk Stan ford TJarfanBv. The Gatambwa people wfll greatly ansa then goad dtiasns, aad wil hop for their retars to Columbus The Epworth League Grand Island district convention held in Fallerton last week elected Bev. E. B. King of St. Ed ward president, and Prof. L H. Britellof thU city the first vice president. The League assembly held the past three yean in Fullerton has been such a suc cess financially and every other way, that the offtcera have felt much encouraged as to the future prospects. The assem bly was better attended this year than any previous one, over 300 tents being used throughout the session. About $1,000 was expended ou the program alone. The benefit concert given by the musical friends of Prof. Garlichs for him, at the North opera house Monday even ing was well attended by musicians of the city. Nearly every number was encored and each responded making a lengthy program. The public are always delighted with the music of the High school orchestra. The violin solos by Louisa Marty, Elsie Pool and Hedwig Tftfiggf were highly appreciated and these three young people are excellent exam ples of the training of Prof. GarlichsT violin pupfls. The vocal solos by Miss Ethel Galley and Miss Lottie Hocken berger were well received by the audience and both responded to encores. The pi ano solo by Miss Slater was another finely rendered number. Prof. Garlichs leaves th week for his new field of labor in Broken Bow, Nebraska. The benefit ball for the Union Pacific Strikers Saturday night last at Orpheus opera house was largely attended and a complete success both socially and finan cially. The music for the occasion was famished by the Orpheus and Prof. Garl as' orchestras and the dancing program finished at about 2 o'clock. Thomas L. Wilson, of Cheyenne, fourth vies president of the International AsBocistiou of M"'lltfa'i was in attend ance aad during the trndon made a few brief remarks relative to organized labor which were well received by those present. The Strikers desire in this way to return sincere thanks to the Orpheus society for special favors with regard to hall, also to the members of the Orpheus and Prof. Garhchr orchestras for music, and the public in general for their very liberal patronage and attendance and afcing the event the great success COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. fftf Gall aid See Oar New Liae if Wall Pattr. II Don't wait until every thing has been picked over. We carry a lull line of Wall Paper, Palnw, Ptatltj), Vanitefeeft, Brushes, Windtw Shades, Su Reds, Fltor Wax and every thing pertaining to the needs of a good housekeeper. i ECHOLS & DIETRICH'S, rainier and Fapr MaMtr. HW HATS and VEILS Every lady in Columbus will need one of those new white Siberian Beaver Hats, and a Veil in the new green and blue, New York and Chicago's latest fad, just arrived at J. . FlLLM98. it tfTBCatS. HEALTH BMm T&e ercat reciiy ror scrrotts prcsiras-oa acd aU diseases cf the generasif o-zazs of sitter -"ex. saca as NerTcti Prostration. Fai-iajr or Loss MMhnoa. IsiTXHeccT. rts:7 Esussmcs. YoaUiftii Error. Jfcntal Worr7. eKeasiVBMe or Tonaa:o or Octczi. wsict lea-i w Coasiiptioix aaii Tnsanr.y with. erT S order znaraiisee to care cr r-Insd the caocey. soul ar f l.wSVger oas. hexes :rs:i.o. am. jierrrs cssnauieaJ. cav, cm Dr. J. a Jocwjux. n who i will while; sf thetailk. i Norfolk, Henspsrey, : of Tax ashav. rears and from i thaw it Tne Orpheus opera house was for mally opened to the public Thursday night, aad all attending; were most agreeably surprised to witness the change in the appearance of the baOding both inside and oat, the same now being alatost aa good aa a new structure. The ereuings prograsi consisted of two selec tions by the Gty band, address of wel mwui Kv Awset Wazner in which he gave the history of the society from its inception, ita ainu and purposes, and in behalf of the society thanked all those whs in any way had contributed to bring about present results; two songs by the Orpheus aeoety; select reading by Mis Lottie Beeher; a vocal solo by Miss Ethel Galley. All the numbers were well ren dered and seemed to please the large nw An intermissioo of fifteen auBUtss daring; which lemoaade was served, after which s dancing program of Birrsna numbers was indulged in oy desired, the Orpheus orchestra the mussc, the partxcxpantB as to the utmost. The oca eredit ha the msa- of the esaal and all praseat They overcome Weak ness. xrrefralaritT and omissions, increase vis or and hanish "pains of meostraaaon." Thev are "LIFE SAVEBS" to girls as womanhood, aidi development of organs and body. No known resiedy for women, equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a oleasorc 1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Set wj drvJCK&tS. DE. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Qhuv For Sale by POLLOCK & CO. PENNYROYAL PILLS B THE PARK JABBER - SHOP. FOB TSZ Best Service. Courteous Treatment. rrrr W S" T- - - -i fc (UtHUUtl :. xiir-i- tiJ4i u ; . waits. Sophero attn rood ta eooaKunn. Also a ns? imt? 01 i. uia. .muT "" br tlu? brat artist is. his line. DR. J. E. PAUL, DENTIST. Siewooapr block, eoracr 13tfc aad Olrre jccti. CoIambBB. Xebr. Please Sire Us a Cafl. G. ZIIIEC1 E. Dr. J. E. SNYDER, OSTEOPATH. awariw Gas admisfe- tered He pais- less extractin f teeth. Office Tei)phoae A i. D.STISXS. Opyicx Barber oceanied by Dr. V Building-, formerly Olrr St.. foezth ckior aorfli of FkC . .-. East 13th Street, OOLUXBU5, NEBRASKA. I I iTiibKT mlt lilm ttmOvrir h " ' I . . . . .. Hoars: r' 2 b ablate lot to COIXaU3, 9 to 12 a.m.