" v- "'WW'- 55HT - . - -t " -j--j "isr . .,.--" :" T&V V"' "V j!? i?PWv- '3BfcJinSLVrTWSi !ii'"-3r,,T---y'j---- . "v .. w- tJ- .r ??; T ;""; v-c- --? - ',wj"5c'"t- "'aS5TCO'r,fi' 'f'"iSvg -H?"?";-" v ." ..-&-:- ,T i c-r- . s , ". s &olumbnSmxuL Sf9is" -"ar- i i TERRACE CLOTH. IS job. vast anythima in the Ceraer Has aae . Hulst & Adams Thav Will Save Ton Mnnev 3r Jk.-c received, largest line of Straw tattings ever brought 2p . Columbus. Call and ee them. Our Ferndale Canned Goods, ami Chase & Sanborn Coffees 4 are leaders. Evervbodv likes theni. They make friends where- TT iiai thui' rt Tti ! arun' awrit varo riearwaiA ix tna hocf H av you een our fountain for keeping vegetables in good shape? MMMS. 11 Do not fail to visit our store this week and SEE THE Quick Meal Stee IN OPERATION. Hot Biscuits and Coffee served to all .... at Range GRAYS' CfZ QCi-LTJTm )t IF WE COULD PROVE Toyour entire satisfaction that it is to your advantage to do your spring ail SUKT trading in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and Shoes with us, would you not say: YES, WE WOULD? Well, that is just what we can do, and all that is necessary for you is to look over our stock and get our prices. WILL YOU DO IT? Mschholz Bros. blSbbbb i . $z . . .o THEY'RE HERE! IKS SHIES THEY'RE here now. so you will not have to wait. Ninni Bright, new and handsome, IKflfl " each one perfectly finished 111 and the prettiest line ever shown. ' VTPMI i Columbus. No useless trap- fflllYC " pings on these buggies the price II is put into material, workman- ' Tiff II ship and finish. Each one is HITHI ready to hitch your horse to, and IMaM the price won't make a heavy load Hill to carry. They're here, bat 111 I II Iff they're going. Can't I send one alamili vour wav? Inquiry and iaspec- tunun '- '- - iiiiiiw HEXMY LWBKEM9 FINE BUGGIES. East 13th Street, - - COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Dr. Peal, Msake's Cwatee at Grays'- tf areata at H.D. Sad hw -Try pureatsai Groemd oyeter ahaU for Daayafeedefcere. tf Mm. Fred. Carta) is reec seTaraiaajs'akaeae. A new haa of fall hatt jaet b y Mra. M. J. Rodmaa Co. Ed. Chambara to Graad Talaad Wedaaaday. Dr. Haaa OiiTeetraet. tf trip aad qazta akk for a raw daja bat ia now batter. Mis. Joaa Boaaieaua who haa beaa aiek the past thraa weeks, ia improving: Dra. Martya, Eraae Gear, oaaee thraa doora aorth of Friedhofa etore. tf Do not fafl to aaa oar 8-foot galvaa iasd steel mill for S32JM. A-Deaaella: Soa. tf Mra, M. C. Caito ia aatartaiaiay about tweety-fire lady friaada thia Tase day afteraooa. Quit a number of tka oouatry folk coaie to tha city and aajoy the waakly band oonoarta. Harry Jerome, who aaa beaa aiekfor sereral waaka with typhoid Caver, ia im proving; slowly. We eeil the aiagle-row aad two-row Badger cultivator, the beet in the market. Loaia Sebreibar. tf Dr. MeKean'a siethod of aukiaff alaminam platea plaoaa them oa aa equality with gold. Milwaakee, aiz-row oora ahredder, baa been uead one aumth, for aale or trade. E. R. Biaeoo. 4 E. J. Niewohner waa oat of town three daya laat weak evaaiiniHg watehea of the railroad eaployaa. Eaeton'a line of gaaoline atovea and coal oil atovea are the moat complete of any in the city, and prices are right. The New England BIqqbmt Girie are advertiaed to play the local beee ball team a game here next Satarday, Ang. 23. Piano toaing. Mr. Earl C Brink, the reliable piano toner, will be ia Co Inmboa Sept. 15th to 30th to toae pianoa Wm. Sebilx aukaa boota and ahoaa in the beat atylea, aad aaeaoaly the very beet stock that cam be procared in tha market, tf Mrs. Helea Ambvratar aad Wai Emma Webster, both of Platte Ceater, took eTsmiwarioaa before Coaaty Sapt. Leavy, Satarday. The families of John Becher, Ijouia PmHippa, Alvia Pkfllippa and Frank Hagel camped last weak oa the Galley farm east of town. J. E. Moncrief, a former dtizan, of Colomboa and coonty anperinteadaat of achoole, now of Grand lalaad, waa in town Thursday on his way to Monroe. Free, a bag of candy with every pur chase of school aappliaa of 10 cants or over, at E. von Bergea'a, from August 20 to 30. Come early and avoid tha rash. Orville Fee, who now aaa charge of the buildings and groands of the State University, waa in the city Friday aight on his way to visit over Sanday in Falkrton. The recent asengerfest held at West Point waa largely attended, the crowd the last day being estimated at 6,000. Two years hence Schayler will entertain the societies. The Monroe Lookiag Glass says that Mrs. C W. Zeigter of Colomboa had quite a seriooa accident; in going down stairs she slipped and fell, spraining her wrist very badly. Two well improved farms for sale. One in Sherman township, oae in Mon roe township. These are both bargains considering location and improvements. Becher, Hockenberger k Chambers. Bird Ellis tells as that his cherry trees are coming oat in blossom again for a second crop. Also that he has a snow-ball bosh with the second lot of bloom. This certsialy ia a prolific year. W. A. McAllister will speak at the reanion in Genoa, which will be held Aogaat 25 to 30. John J. McCarthy, repablicaa candidate forcoagress for the Third district will also be one of the George Falter, liviag jaat Seward, receatly sold his qaartar of land for tha ariaealy sum of $11,000, The big eropa thai saaeoa have had the tendency of raising tha price of laad all over Nebraska. The Platte Coaaty Saaday School assorisHoa will bold their aaaaal coa- veatioa Sept. 13 aad H ia this city. Usacera of tha ssanfistina aekta here Friday J. P. Crajrwahaak, who for aaveral moatha has had a gaaaral amrrhaadias stacaia the east half of the baahataaj waat of M. C. Gaaaia'a, has traded ha stack, throagh Elliott A SaaJBi, for a farmia Glar'a fane of haadred last of oameat aaiawalk oa Etevaath street ia float of Moaraaa'a, TTaailin'i Eaadea'a aad BridaTa alaeaa Tha TJaiom Pacific mimf say are aat tagiaaaaeaule aids track at Csfaga, aorth of tha bmb Baa traak, far tha Tnad their quia there A hah! mile traak eoath of tha aaam laaa has haaa assd for A.G. Bolf of Palaetaaa waa m the city Friday oa has retara hasaa free. Chicago. Mr. leal ji i nil it of tha Platte Ceaaty Saaday Saheel aaaaaav tkm, aad stepped here Fraaay as aaast 'tiHi Hi ii ifiiisl ii fin 1hi toar waaha at that sity Baasee aaartiBaj Mhmi Saaaar wiQ aaaai aaa. JbbmbbbV OasBBmaBBBmav WemaV gkmm IsaaW waBBBaBBsV VbbbbbbVb B3BsVSKvaBBBF For tha ail list aad bast aaam water gate Tin ihiaTs. with aeda water. Dr.L.aVoei 5eb. groand oyster shsfl for ehkkaaa at bis feed store, tf PHkbaryw Beat TTTX Flear, tha ia the world, at Grays'. tf a crowd from Huahrey eaaae down Saaday to ase tha ball game. W- W. McFaydaa. aaa atoved his family to Boasatari, Sooth Dakota. Small, choice farm for sale, uxder izagatioB, joiaingtowa. BLE-Babeeek. For fine watah repairiag, call oa Carl Froamel, 11th St, Colambua, 2iebt Boral mailroates 1, 2 and 3, bagaa. ronniag Jaly 1st. Boy your mail boxes ofC&Esaton. Ernest DaaseU with a gang of maa are at Schuyler this week workiag oa the Folda residence. The Orpheoa society have issued in vitations to the opening of their hall, for Tharsday evening. Bar. Becker held services in the Presbyterian church Sanday, tha first after his vacation of three weeks. Chrie Bauer, head plumber for A. U A Son, ia in Omaha this week the National convention of Miss Anna Baker is taking tha place of bar suter. Miss Hattie Baker, in Hnist & Adams' store while the latter enjoys a vacation. Loaia Grotelaachen of Aubaboa, Iowa, ia here visiting relatives. He waa ealled hoste by the death of his father, John Groteluschen. Will Baker says he will be obliged to go on three legs for three weeks, ow ing to hie sprained ankle he received at Norfolk in the ball game. Medical Journal desires a represen tative in this locality. Permanent em ployment. Salary and commission. Ad dress 154 East 72, New York City. Prof. Kern returned Friday from Fullerton where he spent a week in institute work, and is this week at David City engaged in similar work there. Bobert O'Brien spent a few days here on his return home from Chicago to Cheyenne. He had been in the first named city to attend a convention of postal clerks. Mary, aged 3 months, the infaat daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Powers, died Sanday evening. The funeral waa held from tha Catholic church Monday aftar aoon at 4 o'clock. Engine No. 1801, with Engineer John Miaogne at the throttle, made tha trip from Grand Island here Monday in 55 minutes. That is at the rate of aboat seventy miles an boor. Frank Schram moved his family Satarday to Tarnov where he will have charge of the general merchandise store which L Gluck will open up in his new buildings there in about a week. Judge Batterman issued marriage licenses to Wm. Lewejohn and Miss Elizabeth Deegan, both of Lindsay, also Herman W. Oaten of Oldeabaach and Mies Emily A. Scbolzof Creaton. H. B. Fennimore waa in the city Wednesday of laat week. He ia now with the Emerson Seed Co. of Monroe and reports the outlook aa not extra good on account of excessive rains. Baker Post G. A. B. will attend the Platte Valley reanion at Genoa the 25th to 30th with a large delegation. The Post will go with the expectation of se curing the next reanion for Columbus. Mrs. Ed. Clark goes to Schuyler today (Tuesday) where she will join the Woman's relief corps of that city. Ce lambua has not been able to support an organization of this kind for several years. Charles Gerrard of Monroe has par chased the Dairy printing plant that baa been stored in this city for a few years, and moved it Satarday to Elba, Howard coanty, Nebraska, where he will start a paper. Mary, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cleveland aged 1 year, died Sanday morning. The funeral will be held this Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the United Brethren church, Bev. Lohr officiating. According to a daemon rendered by the United States dietrict attorney of ITaanaa, metal checks, issued by business firms or individoala, are illegal, and there ia a heavy fine attached. We print the above for the benefit of Jocroui. readers. Officials of the Union Pacific were ia Cedar Bapida looking op the country with a view to extending the road from that place to Spalding. There would be foarteen miles of road to build, and it is altogether probable that it will be doae tbisfall. Wastzd 5 xoxtsg nxs from Platte coanty at once to prepare for positions ia tha Government Service Bailway Mail Clerks, Letter Carrier. Castas Hoaee aad Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply to Inter-State Coma. last, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Abta A Calto receatly purchased a half seetioa of Sharmaa coaaty land. Mat Calto aaya the land there is very mack like that in Sherman township, thai coaaty, tha ana rally as rich, though aotqajteao rolling. He reports iBUBeaae cropa there thia aaaaoa. Tha High achool orchestra returned Thazaday evening from their weatara toar, haviag given eoacarta ia Graad Talaad aad Brokaa Bow. They report enjoyed tka trip and their aarfaaces at both with taw maaac raadared. B. J. Brians of Idaho Falls, Idaho, nr daya' visit here, atarted for aa that while east havaatad with CeaBjal Blssm, Iowa, the of whom will ha aarrr to that he ia aadly aJEetad with of the taagae aad aia He ia ever 70 Bake HmaaaGeasBja aaa hais Wsaimj, Saleaaea, Sana of Tit Spaa- IL erepa ia Peak aad latter ceemtJas aaa tojamaasad spsadaeeapleof daya at i '" saaasthiageaaawwaa. tha Platte TaHeyliaaii a to be held at 1 Ti Ti si i aaTilipl if Msatens, mja Geaoa Aagaat fisah to3ath. Free teats I at thaBaaaaf BawheaBwlapar sera. A AapUeaaaalarteaBi see tBLFaak taia s fee sarnie far eae. Neat! ' "nriam Tisgis iaii aaa parcbaaed I . , ... . , tha LiadaU hotel property TiT . atreetofMraNaacy over urn w anaaafi maw woo wui at IVMIWIIWIHBIiaHMIK paper at for tha paxaaaa of gataag adaaa of how they weald ram a paper aad to determiaewhet pleeaaa the reader moat." 0 WART TO SEE I UR The coaaty aapenienra mat ia ial ssasioa teat Taaaday to hear tha za port of the aaifayata ia coaaectiea with tha Carrig aad JeweU ditch, bat fiadiag that all parties haviag laad aear tha ditch had aot beaa aotifled aa to tha extra meetiag, they adjoaxaed to tha 23d. aid. St Edward of Bar. D. T. Olaott of thai catyr aa old folks' St Edward oa tha 10th. ef mar. Ofaatt of tha The Sam a that tha haaaa waa crowded, maay Exaauaatioa for eatraaca to tha High achool, aad for promotioa ia the High school wfll be held at tha High achool baildxBg; Friday aad Satarday, Aagaat 2flth aad 30th. All reqaaatad to be prsesat By order of the board. M. Bragger, aaeratary. 2 W. a Saatey, of Darid (Sty, will be aaat here ia a law weeks by the Foster A Smith eompaay to take charge of their lumber baamaaa ia thai city, ia place of J. B. Gietxea who resigned several waaka ago. Mr. Saatey haa haaa in the lumbar baaaaaaa for several years past and understaada it thoroaghly. The Catholic Knights with their wives, ia all asm baring aboat sixty people, gave Mr. aad Mra. M. C Calto aa old-fashioned aarpriaa Wedaeaday even ing aa a kind of hoaae warming at their handaome aew borne. Bafreahmeata were broaght by the gaeeta and a pleas ant eveaing paean d by all preaaat The Booaa Coanty Agriealtural association will hold their Eightseath annual Fair in Albion September 24 to 26, for which they have aamad a prem ium list Booaa is oae of tha law eoan tiea who have kept np tha good old fash ioned fairs, and have aot only kept it up, bat have made a financial success of them. The infant daughter of Mr. aad Mra. B. W. Haggerty, tea miles sooth of Colomboa, died Sanday morning from cholera infantum. Tha child waa four months old. Tha faaeral earvice waa held Monday aftaraoon, Bev. Williama of BeUwood oaViatiBg, after which the remaias ware laid to rest in tha Bell wood cemetery. Andy Thomae aad sister, Mrs. J. E. Moasey, of South Bead, Indiana, Will H. Thomas and wife of El Paso, Texas, arrived here tha first of tha week, called by tha aerioaa Ulaaaa of their mother, Mra. Martha J. Thomaa, who Uvea snath of the Platte river. At laat accounts, we are pleased to note, Mra. Thomaa waa somewhat better. Duke da Boris, soa of Grand Duke Vladimir and a aepher of tha czar of Bnaaia, accompanied by thraa military aad two crviliaa Tfaaajaa ""awi, passed through' Columbus Thursday evening goiag east oa a trip arouad the world. The party occupied five compartmeata in the observation ear aad carried a large amount of baggage. Poultry raisers will take notice that Eastou sells a fall line of poultry fencing 1 inch, 1 inch and 2 inch mesh, close enough to torn tha ssisllsst rhik. I alao have a fence that will etand up without a top and bottom rail that I sell for a aught advance over the common poultry fence. Try me for prices. I will save you money. The city of Columbaa broaght suit against the Adams Expreaa Co. to com pel them to pay tha aaoal occupation tax of $15. The company offered to settle by paying 110; thia waa refuaed by the city, and the company have appealed the caee to tha district court. The caee waa op for trial laat Toeaday before Justice Hndeon. F. X. Stevenson waa in town Thurs day oa his way home to Omaha from a trip to Albion. Mr. Stevenson says his family are well pleased with Omaha and that their creamery hn sin nan is flourish ing. W. K. Lay ia no Ioager book keeper with the eompaay, having severed his connection there to start a grocery store, in which he is prospering. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. StiUmaa were in Omaha last Wedaeaday aad Tharsday to attend the commeaceaaeat exercieea of the Omaha Collage of Pharmacy. Bert Stilbaan waa one of the class of aineteea graduates and haa saeeaaefully passed hia wTamiaatioa before tha state board of pharmacy. He will probably remain in Oauba to aeoapt a poahaoa there. The Seed eompaay are going to ship about 500 baahste of cucumbers to the Harrmaaa pickle company of Omaha for picBJssaaaaaapartaMat A member of tha Omaha firm waa hare Wedaasdav aad made the arraagemeats. Should this first ahipmaat prove aatiafactory no doaht auay mora will foBaw, sa about 100 baahek a weak could be furnished. Moaroe Republican. A sn nowar stalk BaaaaarinaT 15 feet 4 iachea haa beea oa exhibition tha past week at Baeher'a aalooa, which tied to thaeoraar poat,ataada higher than tha porch. Tha pleat waa takaa from the vacant lot east of the electric light pleat. A stalk of earn meaaariag 12 foet fi what Platte eoaaty'a with favorable DOLLAR of New York Gty, who of at the city a law daya, n . maaroa Columbaa waa owaathelaadwaatofiaLaaprivm watoa bridge, a farm aear Fat Murray's aad other laad aear Craataau Ha haa beam iatareated hi Nehraaka'a farm Iaada for maay yeara, and still haa faith hi the Tha Marray aaheal aaatnaag, which waa daatiwyasl by fire a firw waaha aga, watt berehaalt aa aaam aa thoaecaaaary with. Thadaakietwieetahaaldaa werth shwat faaw, aad watt prahshly oa Etevaath Halat, takiageharge of tha BBifiiu teat Friday. Mr. and Mra. Aagaat Marz. who have been the of tha hotel tha peat three aad a half yeara, aaovad test weak to their aawly hailt haaaa waat of thecoart ho Tha LiadeU haa beaa a well patronised hotel and will eoatiaae to be under the aew maaagameat McLangeaeggerex pecta to pat rapaira oa the building Jamaa Haaaaaaaj of Platte Center, oa Mbaday of laat week, waa patting up a black board ia tha achool building, whea it broke, tha roagb edge catting a deep gash ia hia left wriat, which in a few daya tamed to blood poiaoaing and oa Friday ha died. Tha remaine paaaed throagh thai city Satarday on the way to Cheat ervflla, Pa hia mother accom paayiag tha body east Mr. Heaneasey was aboat 40 yeara old and not married. Ha haa two waters living in thia city, Mrs. O'Neill sad Mrs. Ed. Flynn. Mike Coanor, aappossd to have been aboat 76 yeara old, living alone in hia home eoath of St Mary's hospital this city, died Satarday aight after a long illness, Nobody seems to know that he haa any living relatives. He was the owner of the property where he lived and it ia not known yet what other moneyed interests he possessed or what hia wishes with regard to its disposition. Tha funeral will be held from the nn dertakiag rooms of Henry Gaas this Wedneaday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The school board held a meeting Satarday evening. Miss Hohl was trans ferred from the room assigned her in the High school building to the West End school which ahe taught last year. Miss Luth was transferred to tha Second ward and Miaa Jacobaon will teach in the First ward. Thia left the third and fourth grade rooma of the High school vacaat and Miaa Baby Bickly was elected aa teacher of thia room. The place of music teacher waa not filled, a majority of tha board deciding that for the prea eat, at leaet, the toacbera could give the iaatractioa neceaaary in their rooms. Nomeroaa ritiaena have interested thaaaaslvea and aanounce that on next Monday evening a farewell benefit enter tainment will be givaa in the North opera house complimentary to Prof. E. A. Garlicha, who aoon leavea for his new field of labor ia Broken Bow, Nebr. In this manner all Columbus citizens will have an opportunity of attending and abow their appreciation of the excellent work tha profaaaor haa accomplished in musical circtea in this city. We learn that all organisationa with which he has been aanriatnd will take part besides others, and a varied and interesting pro gram will be rendered. Prof. E. A. Garlicha, who has been the music instructor in tha public schools of thia city tha past two years, also the director of the High school and opera house orchestras. Episcopal choir and the City band, haa resigned from these organizations and will leave in a few daya for Broken Bow, thia state, where be haa been engaged for similar work in a commercial college, the fall term of which begins Sept. L The Professor has been very successful ia advancing his pupils in the musical line here, and has made many friends who will be sorry to see him leave, and who will wish him continued success in his sew location. The Genoa Times says: uAugnat Wagner, trustee in the case of Anna Saba, bankrupt, came up from Columbus Monday morning accompanied by Law yer Garlow, attorney for some of the creditors, to attend the sale of Saba's cattle and other chattels which had been ordered sold by the court. Forty-nine head of cattle brought $1,000; a horse, harness and buggy, $65. Dry goods to the amount of $75 were bid in by Mike Saba, husband of the bankrupt. Goods to the amount of several hundred dollars are stored ia Omaha, which the referee ia bankruptcy decided belonged to the assets of the firm, and were ordered returned to Genoa, bat the demand of the referee waa not complied with." Tha Columbus ball team chaperoned by Jim Faable made a trip to Norfolk laat week and played two games with that city's hired aggregation, known aa "The Norfolk Brownies.' The first game waa played Tharsday and our team waa defeated by a score of 7 to 3. Some of our players say the defeat was owing to tha high altitude of Norfolk, making it hard for the boys to get their breath, and others state it was because of the new suits worn by the "Brownies." If the latter is correct let oar team order new saita so they will have an even show with tha ladies who play here on Saturday aaxt Oa Friday, Norfolk made it two straight, winniag the game by a score of 12 to 3. Will Baker suffered a sprained amkte. Maaager Faable took his place aad aude a Bice, big, fat hit for a base, which waa oaa of three in the game; we always knew Jim had a good eye. Base hita Colambaa 3, Norfolk 10. Struck oat, by Lohr 2; by Galaaki 15. Tha Omaha Saaday Illustrated Bee eeataiae a halftone portrait of Mra, Bath Keayoa of Moaroe, daaghter of W. W. Maaaaagtoa. Mra, Keayoa is known as a conragaoaa womaa of aanaaal abilities aad tha awil wfll be ia safe ksade, with her. We quote tha following from the Bee in lufsiaaco to her: -Mrs. Bath Keayoa of Moaroe, Nebr, ia the first Nebraska woaaaa to iavade the realm of maa'a work from the avenue of the rural free delivery aarvica. She haa lately takaa tha ataariaaHna aad it is expected aha will aeam baght bar daily tripe over a route to ha eatasamhed ia the vicinity of Moaroe. Mra. Keayoa ia ao stranger to outdoor life. Whea 13 years old she m tha removal of the Pawnee from Nebraska to their reserva- takhuf the round Her father waa attheaaaacy. Mra, Keayoa ia a Magnify and increase as you spend it, spend it here. We will give you the fall valve of your money in the best goods we cam-bar. You only need to try us once to prove what we say is true. We are handling some fine fresh Fruits these days and will pay strict attention to all orders for canning. : r : r Glass Jars in the standard sizes and makes can be found here at reasonable prices. : r When you think of anything a first-class grocery should have, call up 'phone 29, and , we'll have it in vour kitchen iu a hurrv.. " HENRY RAGATZ & GIL OP. PARK. 13TMSTBCKT. S tH Hi HHfflffl ymf mm l e e m SEVERAL of these are shown in the September Standard Patterns just received by us. STANDARD PATTERNS are also strong in fancy waists. We al ways carry a good line of these patterns and our patrons will be benefited by in specting our stock. i in .. Cbt Sksigatr for September 10c a CW T. C5-.l .t. 7 COLUMBUS, NEBBASKA. ttatatataffifaiiintaa:aattgaa:gage Gall art See Oir New Liie of Wall Pant, j lion t wait until every thine has been picked over. We carry a rail line of Wall Paper, Painu, Plastic, Varalsfttt, Brushes, Wlntftw Shades, SaH Reds, Fleer Wax and every thing pertaining to the needs of a good housekeeper. ECHOLS & DIETRIGHS, Painters and Fapcr Ranters- NEW HATS and VEILS Every lady in Columbus will need one of those new white Siberian Beaver Hats, and a Veil in the new green and blue, New York and Chicago's latest tad, just arrived at J9 FmMgjr9& SrS Trochcfs Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. iVWvA A standirrf and fnfalKhr nw tnr PWPTTMATT5M ttrf rJMTV irCINl SAUCYUTE &3S&J A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed bv the bizbest medical authorities of Eurooe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing; irritanoa or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bode. Said by druggists, tse sure and get me genuine. WIIXUBS trip a Lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictl j vegetable, perfectly barailess, sure to accomplish I CC5UI.T5. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $L50 per bottle. Bcwsreof eooBterfaits and imladoas. Tbeenalne!simt a onJr la hub wius i.urimiiM umMuin (in sine nr riM rwiri n.w tot Ocamlar to WTI.UA1H BUru.COSul 4eau. C!veiaaa.Oftla. board Car- For Sale by POLLOCK & CO. THE PARK JABBER - SHOP. -FOB THI Best Service Courteous Treatment. YTHI36 amr. Three chain-no loair wmitav. Sapberb bath room ia CDoneetioa. Alao a fine line of Cinra Shoes ahineii by the besc artist in his line. Pleas Sire Us a CaD. L. G. ZIIIECKER. Dr. J. E. SNYDER, OSTEOPATH. Otwtcx Barber Baflding;, formerly occBBieu oy uv. v JJR. J. E. PAUL, DENTIST. Niewohner blnrkv earn streets. Colambaa.' Hear. 13th aad OUv aiDpaJaT terse! far aaia lesa extraetia ef teeth. Beaiiieace Telephone L it. CMfiee Telephone X . D. 3TTKE8. CHrra AhuUi deer of Fine -V i i v - . Hoars . I 9tol2 J 2 to 5 a.m. p-m. COLTJMBUa. ?-- the mother of tfaaaBSisc'