vHW" - -, - -&ZrslT' 3"- r " ' ' V. "" . :.- 1 iP!y??5"f!f! i I - J - ? I : '. v 4 r f: . . InuuHO Mat 11, 187. Columbus JauruaL CMumbiUf Hmlr. at tan Poetotncc. Culamass. Near.. jt-r. .ax. Transit, WEDNE8DAY. AUGUST IS. Swbscribers of te Joar- leok a tme data oppo se the auapaar of Jouul or o taa amargla Journal. Up to tals iiU, yow Is paid or Caataaqaa assembly, Seward, Septal Ur 13 to 21. Nebraska 8Ute Fair, Lincoln, Aagast "B? to September 5. Central Nebraaka Assembly, Faller toa,Aasaatl2to22. Oread Army encampment, Washiag ton, D. O, October 6-lL Nebraaka Epworth assembly, Liaoola, Aagast 6 to 14 indasrre. Elks Big Fair and Great Jaboar Oir ews, SionxCity, la, Sept. 22 to 27. IENBUCAM STATE TIMET. HorOofemor, JOHN H. MICKEY. For Lesntenant Oorernor, E. O. McGILTON. For Treasurer, PETER MOBTENSEN. For Secretary of State, G.W. MARSH. For Amditor, CHARLES WESTON. For Sopt. of Instruction, WILLIAM K. FOWLER. For Attorney General, F. N. PROUT. For Commissioner Public Lands, GEORGE 1- FOLLMER. For Congressman Third District, john J. McCarthy. 27 is the date on which Prasideat Roosevelt will Tiait Omaha. A moa marketed at HowsUs, Colfax eoaaty, a few days ago brought S46.GQ. Tax Elks of 8krax City will give a fair from Sept. 22 to 27. Great preparations are being made for the "jsbonr areas." The wheat crop in Lincoln county, Washington, is estimated at 15,000,000 baskets this year, something like four aad a half millions more than last year. A sktkbk frost visited northwestern Iowa Sunday night. Massages to the daily press from Clorerdale states that the asetioa about Sibley was visited by a heavy frost and that the damage to corn has been considerable. Faamms in York county are asking as high as $75 an acre for their land. Buy era ia large numbers from the eastern states are coming to that section of the state to make investments. Good farm land anywhere in Nebraska is very de sirable property. Cncraof thieves are becoming active again in different sections of the state. Last Thursday night at Osceola Max E. Bittaer, city attorney, lost seventy-five of his best thoroughbred Plymouth Rocks and has been unable to find any due to the thieves. A hcok tank used as a stand-pipe for the Madison water supply fell a few days ago. The heavy rains had weakened the foundation so the wall gave way and the tank toppled over. It burst into frag ments and shattered the wall beyond repair. There was about 50,000 gallons of water in it when it went over. Thkbx never has been a time in the of Nebraska when republican as certain aa it ia this fall. It isaaafe prediction that the republican majority ia the state never rose to the 1 it will reach next November, and has given some pretty pro- retmblieaa majorities in her time. York Times. Tn St. Louis Globe-Democrat ia of the opinion that when Missouri farmers pare the present prices of grain with during the presidential campaign f 18K, the time when silver orators that farm products would be aw free coinage was adopt ed, they mast mail w at the politicians who have just taaafrmad 16 tol as a live Croeker'a Iowa Brigade wit held its Eleventh Biennial Reunion Iowa, Wednesday and September 24 and 25, 1902. who served ia the brigade 1 of the Uth, 19th, 15th and 16th its of Iowa Volunteers sre entit le membership and are earnestly to attend. Address D. W. Buah- nelLOsuacil BlatXIafor particulars. A Lexington, Kentucky, July 29, 1 Lee died at the advanced age fill years, tie waa born a slave in r, Va, in 1791, his parents of Clayboura Chew. He to Kentucky with his totters and sold on the ; to Richard Dawning of Lexiagtoa. in the Union army. He I well the events of the battle sf New Orleans, in 1812. Ha waa an friend of George Harris, the "Uncle Tom" of Mrs. Stowes of Sunday bass ball play- it Herald says: "Section 941 of the orimiaal code of Nebraska any person of the age of 14 found spatting, ia ashing or he noedaauat not ex- be confined in the eoaaty ofnotoverSOdaya. at Omiw1WmU.Im I! -9LM TBWwBianwOBwawBv. aBar at Mases TlHKaaay, All soldiers lad duaWanCtiaMa in ether cities over See dfcy hall faunas. At JJebraska City as Aaao aanm are cadged with violating the faBdeyleer. Thesspumi court of Be haaahm hue held that hast ball is classed Buumeawrinuf." ' " 1. UWams UW"TS ;xxx: Colpoel Bryan says he could not say "no"incaie the democratic party decided that he was the proper person to lead its forces again in presidential tattle. , Caesar put aside the crown three times, but Bryan would reverse the rule and accept the nom ination three times. Omaha Bee. THE PROGRESS IN IRRIGATION. (Special to Tax Jocbsal.) Washwotoh, D. C, Aug. 9, 1902. The progress ia agriculture in the arid states aad territories during the decade ding with 1899 ia shown in the report just published, by the division of agri culture of the twelfth census. As una progress is attributable largely to irriga tion, the statistics relating thereto are of general interest. The number of irrigators in the United States in 1899, not including irrigators of rice, was 106218, an increase in ten years of 99.9 per cent The area irrigated was 7,599,545 acres, an increase of 107.6 per cent. Of this area, 5,944,412 acres were in crops, and 1,595,133 acres in pasture aad uamaturad crops. The cost of irri gation systsma in operation, exclusive of those on rice plantations, was $67,770, 942, while the value of the irrigated crops was $8580,491. The total length of all the main ditches ia the arid and aemi-arid states and ter ritories was 44449 miles. The average number of irrigated acres in farms in arid states and territories wss 71; the average value of irrigated land per acre, $4253; the average value of crops produced on irrigated land, $14.81; the average first cost of water, $7.80; the average annual cost of main tenance, $038. Of the 5,711,965 acres in crops, hay and forage occupied 3,665,664, or 6L2 per cent; cereals, 1,399,709, or 245 per cent; vegetables, 168,432, or 2J9 per cent; orchard fruits, 251,289, or 4.4 per cent; othercrops,22681,or4.0peroent The value of the hay and forage was $3434986; cereals, $143826; vege tables, $9,627,491; orchard fruits, $8,920, 409; other crops, including sub-tropical fruits, grapes, flowers, plants, sugar beets, eta, $16,712246. In Nebraska the number of irrigators increased from 214 in 1889 to 1,932 in 1899, or 80&3 per cent, and the number of acres irrigated from 11,744 to 148598, or 1,1618 per cent. The ditches in oper ation in 1899 had a length of 1,701 miles, cost. $1,270978, and irrigated 147,696 acres. There were 843 acres irrigated from wells. The irrigated area in crops was 129,726 acres, yielding products valued at $982,615. The area irrigated in pasture and immatured crops was 1812 acres. Shortly after saadiag the irrigation bill to the president, oongress passed a resolution authorizing the director of the census to compile statistics relating to irrigation for the crop year of 1902. With the data now assembled, this work will be comparatively simple, most of it being done by correspondence. To secure this information inquiries will soon beaentont to irrigators throughout the United States. The co-operation of those interested in irrigation is earnestly solicited, for upon their prompt response will depend very largely the value of these statistics. This is in part a sup plementary work, the results of which will be utilized in the work soon to be undertaken by the Department of the Interior under the provisions of the irrigation bill. The management of the Fremont ball team announced last week thst they will schedule no more Sunday games in that city this year. The reason given is be cause popular sentiment is opposed to playing on Sunday. tiiffiaaal ft ad. I. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ed. Early of Columbus, came up with the ball team. He made this office a pleasant call .... Mrs. Charles Hudson of Columbus, accompanied by a brother from New Mexico, visited Mrs. Elsie Jones, her dsughter, Tuesdsy. We received a pleasant visit from our old friends Wednesday. 8L Edward Sun. The militia companies of the state will probably be sent to Ft. Riley, Kan sas, for encampment some time during the letter part of September. Company K of this city have not yet received their orders but are expecting them at any time. The states of Nebraska, Iowa and Ksnsss will be included in the encamp ment with delegations from other states of the Union. Walter Galley, Alex Reed and Thorbes Reed, and the Minnas Goldie and Pearl Nichols and Nettie Reed, with s camping outfit, drove up from Colum bus Monday and camped near West oott's, ia the east part of town. Tues day morning the boys left for South Dakota. The ladies visited with friends here for a couple of days returning to Columbus Wednesday. Crastoa States- Friday last at the Union Paeifio depot a' Colambusite, in conversation with one of the eastern delegates to the masting of the grand lodge of Elks in Salt Lake City, asked him his opinion of Nebraska so far as he had observed? His reply was: "Well, air, to tell you the truth, we have been unable to see vary little of it on account of the wil- derasasot corn." natty nearly a ractBtatsmant.tobo A party was given Friday evening at the Dr. Slater 1 asides ss on wast Thir teenth street in honor of Mint Bans aHaiaar of Atkina, Iowa, who is a nines of Mrs. Slater. The lawn was beautified with a number of Jspanose lanterns and plenty of hammocks were provided for the gasets of the evening. While erery thiag had bean arranged for a splendid time at the garden party, the untimely rsia drove the young folks into the house, but they bad a good time just the same aad enjoyed thsmselves as only t with are sat ted and the hour lata before the young folks thought Hoyt, Freddie Fast, Maud Bams, IXXXXXXXX) Grace HoeTmea, Myrtle Hoffi Ralph Wiggins, John Early, Otto George Scott, jr., Fred Safron, John Nenmar ker, Willie Hall, Albert Brugger. Homer, son of Dr. D. T. Martyn of this city, who had been driving n team hitched to a mower on the ranch of Dr. Hansen fifteen miles from O'Neill, waa thrown Tuesdsy last from the mower, the horses stopping suddenly to ehsss flies. He fell in front of the sickle which cut through the heel cords aad deep into the bones of the right foot inflicting n severe wound. The horses started on n walk and unable to stop them, Homer held his right foot up and hopped on his left between the sickle and horses, until he found he was becoming faint. He then threw himself over the sickle away from the horses, and bravely did the best he could to bandage the cut with hie handkerchief, to stop the flow of blood, nnd crawled quite a distance to Ed. Coolidge who was also working in the field. He was at once taken to O'Neill where Drs. Flynn nnd Gilligan attended him and telephoned to his father here. An engine nnd baggage car were sent up, Drs. Evans, Hansen and D. T. Martyn, jr., made the trip to return with Homer, the special arriving here Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock. The injured member is doing as wall as possible, but the cnt is very deep and may yet cause much serious trouble, but the many friends of the young man hope he may get along so that amputation of the foot will not be necessary. As some of our older subscribers who have been reading Taa Joubxak n good many years have written asking sbout the earthquake shock felt in this vicinity n number of years ago, and wanting to know the date, we herewith reproduce a portion of an article given in our columns st that time: "On Thurs day, November 15, 1877, at 1135 two dis tinct waves of earthquake, with numer ous tremors, were felt here, lasting, according to our estimate, about thirty seconds. The motion, some affirm was from the southeast to the northwest; others who noticed the vibrations of hanging articles, aay it waa north and south. The two-story brick bosses in the city were more preceptibly affected than others. At the brick school bouse in district number one the walla were cracked from the foundation up in two plsees, and the school children so thor oughly frightened that they rushed out of the building and oould not be per suaded to reenter it. School was dis missed for the day. A. W. Critea, esq., whose omoe ia in the second story of the bank building, aaya that ha doesn't wish to be invited out to another such matinee. He could hear the grinding of the mortar, and Charles Wake who was in the same building, declares he oould see the walls move. Similar sensations were expe rienced at the court house, and the wall was crackea in one place. Some fear is expressed that the school bouse will not be safe for occupancy in a storm of wind; the damage to the court house is so slight as not to create any npprohonsion. No other buildings in the city were per ceptibly injured, though some of the frame ones creaked and awayed consid erably. There ia no telling what would have been the result if the shocks had been continued aa other time or two. As it was, most of our people bad a slight experience of an earthquake without the disastrous ooasequenoea which often attend them.'' The school building men tioned above ia still doing duty in the First ward. Ctaiaf Taaaks. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many frienda and neighbors who no kindly assisted me during the sickness and burial of my husband and later of my son Frederick William. Mas. John Lkhmanh. Laf laUiif at Inward. Low Rates for Round Trip August 21 via Burlington Route. For the annual log-rolling nnd picnic of the Modern Woodmen of America to be held August 21 nt Seward, Nebr., the Burlington Route has made the low rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip from nearly all pointa in Nebraska. For additional information about rates, tickets, train service, et&, apply to the nearest Burlington Route agent or write to J. Fbancxs. 2t Genl Passenger Agent, Omaha. District 44 aad Tidnity. The school house lot is being fenced with woven wire fence nnd iron gates. Jack Griffon ia pert orming the mechan ical work. Grain that was thrashed from the shock is undergoing n hearing process, and requires frequent turning to pre vent injury. It ia supposed that all farmers will mow the weeds on the roadside along their fsrma before the road overseer will Mass them to be eat down and send the bill to the county dark, who mill make it a charge against the land nnd collect aa Therefore, we say mow the your roadside by all means Mat Jigate ia Cakraia Tbeaighta are eaol without dam The air ia pure without nereis no r.taaavaraj There are no eontia saturating raiafalls, bat rather brief showara, which paaa away quickly, leaviag dear skies behind them. The gammer aighta are iavariably cooL iavit- withi datione tat all sssmea of aasssngars, aad vary low rates, via the Unjoa Faejffe, Ask or writs for pamphlets, The Rockies, Great Salt Lake sad the Yel !-- Mfiji tan from dswa. undue moisture, heatiaaaauue teaa 80 degress. W.H. Ed. Fitxpatriek at visiting JaQmaha. Ed. Hoars up from Fremont Friday. . Prof. Hicks of Monroe was k towa Monday. George Brodfuaarer was at Humphrey Monday. 1 . Miss Tons Brodfuearer ia viaitiag ia Chicago. ( E. H. Chambers wss in Lincoln last Tassday. j Mrs. Potter of Monroe wss in the city Wednesday. ; Mamie Elliott ia visiting relatives in Cedar Rapids. Miss Vesais Napier visited ia Silver Creek last week. A sister of Mrs. J. N. Heater is visiting her relatives here. Anna aad Paal Biettcher are visiting relatives in Genoa. Rev. G. A. Luce was in Omaha Wed nesdsy of last week. F. T. Walksr returned from Silver City Iowa, Tuesday. Miss Banna Harris of Central City ia visiting relatives here. Mia. W. E. Kennedy of Genoa visited in Columbus last week. Mrs. John McFsyden of Genoa visited rslstivss here last week. . t ' ' Rsv. Frank Lohr and wits want to Polk county Wednesday. Mrs. Sherman of Schuyler was here visiting part of last week. Mrs. Lucy Hukt of Omaha came up Thursday to visit relatives. Miss Rose Flynn- and Rowenn Ryan are visiting relatives in Albion. Miss Jacobs of David City is a guest' this week of Miss Alms Segelke. Clarence Gerrard stsrts Thursday for Salt Lake City on a business trip. ' Miss Esther Johnson went to Linooln Friday where she will visit friends. Miss Clara Ratterman ia visiting her sister, Mrs. G. H. Bender, at Cornlea. Louie and Miss Laura Sohroeder of Omaha are visiting friends in the dty. Mrs. Kohler left Tuesday for Colorado where aha will visit relatives for a month. Mrs. M. Brady and daughter, Miss Mollis, visited friends in Genoa last week. Miss Mary E. Dugan of Platte Center was visiting friends in the dty Thursday. Miss Msry Riohardaon of Los Aggeles, Cslh is here visiting her cousin, Susie Roan. Mrs. Max Elias returned Saturday from David City, where shs visited rela tives. Marguerite MeKdvey and Ethel Farrand went to St Edward Sat urday. The Misses Luis Plath, Mabel aad Ethel Bseeroft were in Silver Creek Sundsy. Miss Ids Meagher is taking her vaca turn, spending the time in Linooln and Kansas City. Mrs. A. L. Koon and children returned Sunday from n vacation spent in Oolo redo Springs. Mrs. Merv Kuntzelman and children are at Lindsay for a two weeks' visit with friends. Misses Lulu Brodfuehrer nnd Maggie MoTeggart visited friends in Silver Creek Sunday. Mrs. RE. Jones and daughter, Em ma, are visiting relatives near St. Ed ward and Palestine. Mrs. W. T. Riekly returned home Thursday from a several weeks' visit with relatives in Omaha. , Mr. and Mrs. George Matthews and daughter, Fleet, of Omaha are visiting relatives in the dty. Miss Zephra Creaaman of Grand Island visited her friend Miss Emily Borer from Wednesday to Fridsy. Misses Winnie and Nan Higgins of Schuyler returned home last week after a visit with friends here. Miss Elsie Hornby of Winside, Nebr., was a visitor at the parsonage of the M. E. church last Thursdsy. Mrs. Braaseh of Tilden, Nebr., return ed home last Tuesdsy after a visit to her friend, Mrs. Leo Gietsen. W. H. Lewis left this Tuesday morning for Battle Creek, Michigan, where be will make a ten days' vhut with a sister. George Miller, jr., of 8outh Omaha ia visiting the J. E. Nichols family and other relatives hare for the summer. Miss Pearl Elias arrived from Kansas City Wednesday. She will visit with relatives and frienda for three weeks. Miss Bertha Zelle and Ehae Ricks returned to Staplshurst last weak after a visit with the family of Carl Rohde. Mrs. Hans Elliott returned Saturday from her visit at Cedar Rapids, her daughter, Mamie, came back Monday. Roy MoFayden,' Harry Young and George Bear of Genoa have been guests of the Beecroft family the past few days. Mrs. Lydia Janingaad baby aad Mary Zinneeker came over from Oaoeola Thursday to vidt Mrs. Janing'a parents. E. C Hoekeaberger aad daughter, Helen, left Sunday for Minneapolis, Miaa, where they mill vidt for ten days. Miss Sadie Harris visited Mrs. Giet sen and Mrs, Roberts here a few days on her way from Omaha to Central City. Miss Adda Thurston returned home to Genoa Monday after aaveral weeks' vidt with beraaat, Mrs. Barclay Jonas. Mrs. M. K. Turaar returned Thursday from Norfolk where aba spent n weak with her daaghtar, Ms. H. A. Rows. Mrs. HU1 of Fallertoa came dowa Sat urday, goiag on to Chicago Saaday with Mary Borowiak aad Katharine Mrs. Howard Roataoa and baby of gaanyier are the guests of Mrs. Las Howard ap to spend Sunday. Mrs.Dr.Ji son of St. Edward, ted N.D. Wilson aad family last oa their way to Mre.E,D.Fitspatridr Thursday to vidt Mnfaftr, Ja with huii Mr.aadafL.W.Bewle weattoifogers her daaghtar, Mm. soma FuzpacneK m aiso and other pomta wast. They will be gone about twb weeks. Willie Quada of David City ridted over Sunday with frieade hare aad ae- Mnpanied the High school orchestra oa their trip to the westers part of the Gfdler aad son of Craigs- vills, Iadiaaa, arrived here Wedaeaday oa a vidt to the Stealer family. Mr. Gfdler is a coadn of the late Joha SUaffar. Mia Lydia Stargson came dowa from North Platte Saturday to visit her fath er who ia very sick. Mr. A. i. Adea of Garrison also cams up Saturday to vhut the family. Mrs. R T. Page came down from Kearney Thursday and visited friends here until Saturday on her way to Schuyler, where ahe will be the guest of Mm. A. O. Ballon. Mm. Paul Krauss of Albion visited relatives here between trains Thursday on her way to Washington where she will vidt her aged parents several weeks, returning by way of Salt Lake City. Misses Marie and Louis Barr return ed home to Lincoln Saturday after a vidt here to relatives, Miss Esther Mus sar accompanying them back. Mrs. H B. Muassr sad son Harry go down today to vidt ia Linooln aad Omaha. M. W. Amer of Glens Falls, N. Y is vidting with the Murdoek families and F. W. Herrick. He is on his way to Bil lings, Montana, where his dsughter, who wss recently married will reside. Last week Mr. Amer vidted in Knox county. Mrs. AdoTph Sauer and her mother, Mm. Scbonlau of Omaha, returned Monday from Humphrey where they vis ited Mrs. AL Butler. Mrs. Sauer will go with her mother the latter part of this week to Omaha where she will make her future home. Law Kates Every Bay. Every day during the months of Sep tember end October, 1902, the Union Pacific will sell one-way settlers tickets at the following rates: MISSOURI RIVER TO Ogdenand Salt Lake. $2000 Butte and Helena 20.00 Spokane 2250 Portland and Ashland 25.00 Tacoma and Seattle 25.00 8an Francisco 25.00 Loo Aogdea and San Diego. 25.00 Correspondingly Low Rates from in termediate pointa. For full information call on your near est agent or address 3 W. H. Bknbaw, Agent. A VACATION WITHOUT A KODAK IS A VACATION WASTED. $1.00 to $25, a. 4. IIEWIIIEI, 8Ja sf Um Big Watek. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AbERDHERT. aeeat te the Csawtitmtism ef the State ef Keacaska, as hereinafter set earth ia fall, is snhaaitted te the electees off the State ef Me te be voted wpew nt the eleetiesi te be held Tnesday, Weveaabar 4, A. D. ISO. A Joiat Resotatioa propoaiag to asaead section oaeof Article fifteen, of theCoaaUtatioaof the State of Nebraaka, relative to the ouaaer of aabadttiasaad adoptiac aateadBMBta to theCoaetltatioaof theatateof Nebraaka. Be it Retained and Enacted by the Legislature 0 the State 0 Nebraska: SbctiobL That aecUoa oaeof Article fifteea of theCoaatitatioB of the State of Nebraaka be uaeaded to read aa follows: Seetioa L Either braach of the kcJaktaro aaay propose araoartnwata to this Coaatitatloa, aad if the saaae be screed to bjr three-fifths of the awibtra elected to each house, each proposed aaiwartmnata shall be entered oa the Journals, with the yeas and nays, aad pabUshed at least oaoeeaeh week ia at least OBeaewspaper in each eoaaty where a newspaper is published, for thirty days immediately preceding the next elec tioa of senators aad wpresentatiTes. at which election the aanm shall be sabsaiUed to the elec tors for approTal or rejection, aad if a majority of the electors voting at sach ejection on each lendment, shall vote to adopt sach the same shall become a part of this Computation. When more than oae amendment is sabaiittedat the same election, they ehUl be ao submitted aa to enable the electors toToteon each amendment separately. All ballots need at sach election on each rormrtiuft or amendments shall have written or priated thereon the f allowing; For proposed amsnrtnuat to the Coastitatioa rektlag to (hers insert the subject of the amendment) and. against proposed amendment to the Constitatioa relat ing to (here insert the sobjeet of the smendment) aad the veto of each elector voting on sach ameadmeat or amendments shall be designated by the elector by making a cross with a pea or pencil ia a circle or square to be placed at the right of the lines the words "For or Against" the asheahsildesiretoTote or by iadieatiag hie preference oa a h machine is it ase. I, Quo. W. Mane, secretary of state of the state of Ifebrnaka, do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed ameadmeat to the Constitatioa of the State ef Nebraska ia a true aad correct copy of the original enrolled aad engrossed bill, aa passed by the Tweaty-aereath ssssioa of the leg islatare of the State of Nebraska, aa appears frees said original bill oa file ia this oeSce, aad that aaja nsonpnai amm)imat (, submitted to the aeauaed rotsss af the state of Ifebraska for task ssnstlfsi or raJasHaa at the seaerej else, to be bald oa Tuesday the 4th day of No- ,A.D.tWt. Ia Inatlnstair a hereof. I hare haieaata est my the great aaal of the state of nt Uaeala this Sal day at Jaly. ia the f car Lard Oae Thousand Nine Baadred Twa,af the lailnialwii of the United she One Haaswaa aad Twenty eeiaata. th Thirty-sixth. GpaWaUpaSH. a. The People's Normal School A SHOO ATLAS WITH TIE JOURNAL ! ffr V 4. fVl - o mdeni n showing course of steamers from point to point lVlC'l lvoL iVldLO and distances, teaching the young as no book can by showing course of early explorers and date of voyage; presenting all lands aad the attributes thereof. - O4. 4. g4.1 showing the range aad numbers of tho religions of the world, rUll OLallMlCa water. History of every race and nation, all fresh and of modern thought. Population of every country, city and town, omitting not the most insignificant postoffice in the United States. A census that just cost the United States millions of dollars. 9&Every instructor should have one, every business man, farmer, min ister, statistician, professional man, statesman, orator. XaalBrtate Traaafsrs. Beoher, Hockenberger k Chambers, real .estate agents, report the following; real estate transfers filed intbeotmeeof the county clerk since our last report: Laura C Oehlrich toE 8 Saley, lot8 3andbl43Col,wd....S 350 00 C J Smith et al to Blake Maher et al, e2 nw, w2 ne 23-19-2 and a2 nw and a2 ne 31-19-lw, wd 12500 00 Blake Maher et al to Wm Tor con, s2 ne, pt e2 nw 31-19-lw.wd. 320000 Blake Maher et al to John Barnas,w2neot23-19-2w,wd 3900 00 Wm Bucher to Gus Schreiber, n2seofl2-17-le,wd 4000 00 G us Schreiber to J L Schreiber, nw nw 11-17-le, wd 2000 00 Chas Atkinson et si referee, to Msrg Murphy, se 18, nwne 19-20-1 w, referees deed 10000 00 G W Phillips et si to C J Clark, lots 11 snd 12 bl 4 Phillips add to Columbus, wd 275 00 J T Morris to Saml T Fleming, n2 ne pt s2 ne 18-20-le. wd. . . 4000 00 Co Tress to A Letters, lot G bl 151 Columbus, tsx deed Msry H Williams to Rich Ba rney, lot 6 bl 50 Col, wd. 3100 00 M Whitmoyer to P H Geer, lot 3bl56Col,wd 850 00 F II Geer to J E Paul, lot 3 bl 56Col,wd 85000 Total $15025 00 Legal luticet. America is a tolerably free country when you think right down to me foun dation of things, and act accordingly. The Joubnai. has had thirty yesrs ex perience in handling legal notices of all dMurintinnn. and takes this occasion to say thst it is thoroughly equipped for tbis sort 01 wora. We desire that you remember us when vnn Imvfl work of this sort to be done. When you do the paying, you have the right to place tne wora. apeciai atten tion given to mail orders. Call on or address, M. ri. Trains ixx. Journal Office, Columbus, Nebr. TIME TATtTR, COLUMBUa NEB. Lincoln, Dsawar, Bslsaa, Chicago, Batta, St. Joseph, Bait Lake City, mmmasm City, Portland, BLlioaia aad all Ban Fraadaco pointa Baat aad and all pointa Soata. West. TBAISS DKFABT. No. 22 Passenger, daily except Banday. 7d5a.ni No. 12 Accommodation, dally except Saturday. 4J0p.ni TBAixa ABarrs. &n Paasenser.daMy except Baaday . flp.m II Aeeommodation, dally except Baaday 1 p.ni s TIME TABLE U. P. R. B- CAST BODVD. MAl!f LKTB. No. 12, Colo. Special 148 a.m. No. 84 Grand Island Local lv 6JBa.ni. No. ME, Fast Mail ljSia.ni. No. , Faatera Express. 2JSp.ni. No. 2, Overland Limited Sd8p. m. No. .AtlanUc Express. 5d8n.ni. socsD. nuix uaa. No. 1. Overland Limited. 12 M p. at ZlOa a0 aranw nnUnU lSwv 44 . r-a-- -urn ngsjai ?4snl a am JV. en, aanuaww aMyioe aev nw an) No. 7, Grand Island LocaL 848p. m. No. 1I.I010. Bpecwi iavi. m. No. 2, JTreignt.. ................ 4 a ait sparoi.K ssAVca. twpan .. 7dSp. m. ..',7d5a.m. t a-l . ffj, Paaaaaaar.... ,,. .71, Mixed .,,....,,. jaaraveu Mo. M. FaaMMoer , 12:45 p.m. Ho. Ttt safTT 7u0p 1XHOV ASB OXDAB BAMM BBAHCaU DeMrt XwOa wWb JnnanWBHlBareae ZllO wv BB) SO. 71a bUZbtQ TjCBB) BJ. BBJa Arriva HO SJL Taaunw4BaBBJ" . ls3w BBJs Ho Wt M 849 o. Norfolk saiiMiBir tiuiaa ran daUy, Ne tratoi en Alaioa aaal Cesar Napida 1SM3ttS&'Am. INFORMATION ON bVfcRYTttlNG EVERYWHERE. ftffi!HuSa9 the amount and character of Biblical Map of Holy $3.40 & vs ror Toe olumbus Journal year in advance, and one of these $12.00 Atlases. Come in and carry one of these books home with you. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, old 580 Wheat, spring 48 Cora, shelled-? bushel... 400 Oats, old ybasael 30 Oats, new $ bushel 22 Bye ybashsl 31 HogsHpewt. -. 6 100 6 35 Pat steers-Vcwt 2 500 4 00 FateowaHP cwt 3 000 4 00 Stock steers V ewt 3 000 4 00 Potatoes-y baaheL 0 30 Batter V ft. 140 16 Eggs doaea. 120 Markets corrected every Tassday af ternoon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IjOSm at Lincoln. Nebr., ) Jaly 8. 1. f HJOTICE ia hereby given that the foUowin MM named aetUer una nladnotiee of her inten tion to nuke Snal proof ia support of her claim, aad that aaid proof will be made More clerk of the dietriet court at Columbus, Nebr oa Aug. 23.iwe.vis: Mary Drozd, for the nwH32.n-3w. U.K. 17432. 8be mum the following- witneeaea to prove ner continuous reaidenee upon aad euuvauoa of. aaid land, viz: Frank Bok, Peter Leaa. John Koshibu aad Andrew Moakeck. all of Duncan. Nebraska. Any peraon who desires to protest ngain- the nllowanes of sach proof, or who knows of aay substantial reason, under the law aad the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity nt the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, aad to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. W. A. GREEN. Mjnlytt Register. aaaaw oNT FORGET that I hare for ZLj sale, egga for setting, so thst jL yon oaa raise yoar owa barred or Baa Ply bob th Rocks, Silrer laced White Wyaadottsa, Partridge aad Baa Cochin aad Cornish Iadian Qaaisa, by toying the eggs of me. t9I am also agent for the Hamphrey k Sons' boae-cntter, Sre different sizes. See me, or write me before baying. WM. KEB8ENBROCK, 12mch4 Colnmbas, Nebr. . C. CASSIN, raoraarroa or Tan Oiub Mtwl Market Fresh and Salt Meats- (hmt and linScaxon. BaB'rligBsst anarket prioss paid for ad Tallow. TtvWTEENTH ST.V COLUMBUS. - NEBRASKA J.BtLCUBTIS CONVEYANCER AND NOTARY PUBLIC Also doss type-writiag aad will earefally attend to all thebasiaess iatrastad to Mam. IB Would rasnsctfally solicit aaaare of yoarbasisBss, oyarxoaii n ix-a u.ib.i ix.l. la J . untrun tw m, mw us us swi Baw'B' aweWajs) BSaaBaanat aja w ! products yielded by laud and Land. one BLACCIIITH -ANI- WAGOV WORK. Eferjtmiwg ia aar line aawCTerythiagsNaraateed. Wacwms Made tw Artier. Best rse-slsiag ia the eity. A fe line af Baggies, Carriages, ete. rJTI am agent for the old reliable Colambns Baggy Company, of Colam bas, Ohio, which is a sufficient guaran tee of strictly first-class goods. LOUIS SCHREIBER. 25octtf IFGOINCEAST or sonth of Chicsgo ask your local ticket agent to route you between Omaha and Chicago via the (Miiwjujm StdmiL the shortest line between the two cities Trains via this popular road depart from the Union depot, Omaha, daily, connecting with trains from the west. Magnificently equipped trains, palace sleepers snd free reclining ehsir cars. Biaiag cars and buffet, library aad smoldag cars. All trains lighted by electricity. For foil information aboat rates, etc., sddress F. A. Nash. General Western Agent, ISO! Farnsss af.,umaba. H. W. Howbxl, Trar. Freight aad Pass. Agt. r AMERICA'S Ewitsrislly Fesrlsts. S Ceasistently RsaaMicaa. S News from all of the world-wYU J" written, origin ! tlre Answers to querire -Articles on ll-Ith. tho Home, New Hook, anil on Work About the - Farm aad (iardrn. www Tli ItflMi.r Ooai flan member of the Associated Press, tae only Western Newspaper receiving tne X entire tekgraphic news ssrviee of tne I New York Hun aad special cable of the New York World-daily reports from S over 2.S90 special correspondents S throughout the country. YEAR QNEPOLUtJt HI. ATTORNEY8 AT LAW, g -n , an ; !" ii -1 1 5 J A t: r V V.. J I 'H. -y : .rtf ,'f '":t J V- . j v. v :-f 2miitT&&&:r vi'T-i v.tw. J. -. - - t J. .lu. . aravirsjm wmi:i,tum,mtn2atBmaMBa a'ryXrtl - -, v,r Wmwnagr.WTilaajaa . VL. - "tfS. Si Jf - irTTariwnwii n w n "i n iinTt iminr -irTjmrra rTBnri ursnaisi r wiPis ,nnnr w. r. -