The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 16, 1902, Image 4

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' He always said "Good raornln.
Aa eaipfaaaUed the "good."
. Aa If he'd make it happy
For each one. If he could;
"Good nornln!" Just "good raornln"
To every one he met;
.He aald It with a twinkle
That so one could forget-
He always aald "Good monln:
". Aa people used to aay
.That one o hla "good moraine"
i ritmr to viu all the day.
Tragedy of the Sunken Road
We arc back among the memories
of the civil war. The year is 1862.
The month Is December. Winter
gives a keen edge to the winds. We
are la a little city in Virginia. Fred
ericksburg. Its historical buUding is
a hoase in which lived George Wash
ington's mother.
It has three natural features of Im
portance, the Rappahannock river,
heights which are of very moderate
elevation .three-quarters of a mile
back from the river, and at the foot
of these hills Is a narrow, depressed
country way, a "sunken road," so
called. In what is going to happen,
aa awful tragedy, this cold month of
December. 1862, the sunken road is of
sore importance than river or hills.
But look around you. On the other
side of the Rappahannock, opposite
Fredericksburg, is Falmouth. It
salght have been thought worthy of a
same om account of its heights rising
ap aear the river. Population could
sot have given It a name. In Virginia
they have a way of naming a corner,
hanging a title as a mantle on a few
Think now of Falmouth, of the
aleepy, muddy river, of the sleepy lit
tle city, of the hills, and especially
of the sunken road. Have you a map
of Virginia handy? Hunt uji Acquia
Creek oa the Potomac, trace the rail
road to Fredericksburg and then
down to Richmond. How easy this
plan looked in the campaigns of the
great civil war!
That "sunken road," though. Did
oae think of that ghost hiding in that
depression and having something to
aay about plans and campaigns,
asarches and attacks?
The Union army was reputed to
have 120,000 men. It had a good
cause and plenty of equipments. It
was under a brave general, Burnslde.
He was not the greatest general that
ever lived, but he bad much merit as
a commander. He was a soldier of en
ergy. Then all the North wanted him
to be as energetic as possible, and
Washington clamored for a forward
So the huge army, like a mighty
stream, poured across the country
and took possession of Falmouth. It
spread out on all those heights. It
Boated its big batteries. It studied up
a daring plan of attack upon the
southern army over the river. It sent
for the materials out of which to
build pontoon bridges. When these
were constructed, when across the
river the army had been led, what
opposition from an Inferior army
could block this northern advance;
Alas, that la ignorance they-Jaft
oat of the problem' that element of
the "sunken road," so closely Identi
fied with the solution!
Bat notice the movement on the
hills rising up from the "sunken
road." The southern army has
stretched upon those hills a line of
defence almost five miles long. They
are reputed to have about 65,000 men.
At their head is Robert Lee, a great
soldier. One of his generals is "Stone
wall" Jackson. He marches, he
fights, he prays. The winning side in
battle is likely to be the side he fights
oa. However, of more consequence
than Lee or Jackson is the "sunken
The Union army will have no pic
nic in getting across the Rappahan
sock. In waiting for its opportunity
the army feels the hard grip of the
winter. An officer writes in his diary,
under date of Dec 7: "Very cold,
plenty of snow. Men suffering; cold
outdoors, ice indoors, in my room."
Something worse than the snow or
the ice or the winter wind, sharp and
cutting, is that "sunken road." What
Union officer is thinking about
that? Does any one ordering his men
to clear the camp of snow and ice im
agine that there is near the coming
battlefield a trench-like way that will
need clearing?
la the division of this grand army
Into corps, there are three, assigned
to Gens. Franklin, Sumner and Hook
er. They cover a stretch of three
miles. Franklin is at the left. Sum
aer commands the center, Hooker
will lead the right
la the story left behind by a con
federate officer, it is graphically told
how the grim battle-era opens. It is
an early hour on the 11th of Decem
ber. Lee's army is stretched along
those Fredericksburg hills a distance
of almost five miles. The lonely sen
try is pacing his chilling beat.
Among the sleepers how few are
dreaming that they may be near the
sleep that knows no waking.
Suddenly the crash of a cannon goes
echoing from hill to hill and up and
down the icy Rappahannock. "Wake
wp!" cries a southerner, springing out
from -the folds of his blanket "Wake
ap!" "What's that?" There are those
la Lee's army who know. If a second
gam bays out In .the dense night shad
ows. It means a signal from the New
Orleaas Washington artillery that the
Federals are getting ready to cross
the river. The signal comes at four
Popular G. A. R.
William Emsley was born January,
1841. He enlisted August 1862, Com
pany F. One Hundred and Sixteenth
Peansylvania Volunteers, Col. D. Hee
naa, Irish Brigade, First Division,
Second Corps, Army of the Potomac,
tad eajeys the record of never hav
ing had n day's sickness nor of hav
ing aliased a doty during his service
af three years; he was in every skir
mish Bad battle In which the One
Hundred and Sixteenth was engaged;
was promoted to sergeant and com
BUsafoBed lfeatenant
Cosarade Emsley is oae of the best -J
known men in the citizenship of
Philadelphia and of Pennsylvania,
and his continued membership in the
Grand Army of the RepubMc and his
derated attendance far many ears at
aad national aacamp- J
aim hosts of Mace I
an" raade you always cheerful .
Just thinkin' o the sound
It always was "good momlnV
'Long as he was around.
He always said "Good mornta'."
An' glad an happy-eyed.
Those were the words he whispered.
The mornin' that he died.
Those were the words he whispered.
As cheerful as he could
An' I believe the angels
They emphasized the "good."
How Burne4des Men Were
Shot Down at Fredericksburg
o'clock. The Union army is moving
toward the arena of battle.
As said above, they are divided Into
three corps, under three brave, experi
enced officers. Gen. Franklin Is at the
left Gen. Sumner commands the cen
ner. Gen. Hooker, on the right, has
before him a path bloodier than any
he anticipated. The left of the army
has little trouble in crossing the river.
It is at Fredericksburg itself, in the
street by the river, in the houses that
line the unambitious way. that the
Federals find a terrible wall of hostile
fire confronting them. Gen. Barksdale
and his MIsslssippians are behind that
wall, and the Federals, trying to lay
their pontoon bridge, drop before the
Mississippi rifles hopelessly, as the
leaves on the Fredericksburg forests,
when October charges upon them.
There is a fire from the formidable
Union batteries, to force Barksdale
and his men out of their hiding place,
and they will stubbornly fall back, but
not yet Meanwhile the 7th Michigan
and the 19th Massachusetts rush for
ward in their boats, poling from shore
to shore, though the bullets rain down
wounds and death. They land. They
press into the town. Many are doomed
to sacrifice.
In the street, there In the hottest
collision, is the Rev. Arthur B. Fuller
of Watertown, Mass. He sought a
chaplaincy, resigning from his parish
to get it He resigns his chaplaincy
this morning that be may get quick
access to an altar. His soul feels the
heat and sweep of a flame of devo
tion consuming him. The chaplain's
altar is in the very center of conflict
He seizes a gun. He goes into the
ranks as a private. He is one of the
first to volunteer to dare the passage
of the Rappahannock. He gains' the
bloody street His rifle is ready. The
crack of another rifle is heard, and
Arthur B. Fuller of Watertown falls in
the crimsoned way. The altar-flame
has done its work.
The 13th of December comes. It Is
to be the saddest day of slaughter.
On the left, in Franklin's corps, Gen.
Meade almost pierces the Confeder
ate line. Unsupported, he is forced
to fall back.
The dead lie in far-stretching, silent
heaps. On the Federal right the light
ning from the thunder of the Confed
erate army is still more serious.
The 13th is a foggy morning. There
is a deep veil of mist between the
town of Fredericksburg with the north
ern army and that southern army on
Marye's hill. Willis hill. Lee hill and
kindred heights. The fog lifts, though,
in the forenoon, and the Federals
proudly advance in their march
against the bitterness of death. '
The lifting of the fog is only the
rising or the curtain on one of the
most serious, disheartening, cruel tra
gedies of the civil war. It should be
said that the project of this advance
has not been heartily welcomed among
the officers of the army. There has
been a strong blast from a wind called
public opinion roaring "On to Rich
mond," and the army is obedient to
the controlling will at its head, re
sponsive in its turn to that unreason
ing pressure of public sentiment Let
us keep this distinctly in mind.
The northern regiments are now
marching out to martyrdom. In long,
clean, bright lines they come steaduy
on. Their colors are proudly defiant
Their attitude is a challenge to the
There is a flash along the frowning
hills, there is a roar, and the southern
balls make deep furrows in those ad
vancing ranks. They will not turn,
though. They press on, when suddenly,
to their surprise, like specters spring
ing up through the last of the morning
mist like gnomes wriggling out of the
ground, rises a long line of waiting
rifles in the "sunken road."
They hurl wave after wave of fire
and ball, to which there can be no
hopeful resistance. Broken, crippled,
the bluecoats fall back in utter re
pulse. As their lines fill up, they come
again, only to be broken, crippled, de
feated again. They keep coming, but
up out of the sunken road flash the
fires of the hidden rifles, and every
time the charge is in vain.
Finally in the sunken road are four
lines of troops. The front rank, de
livering its fire, falls back. The sec
ond fires and other ranks follow. No
matter how brave, what advance could
withstand those repeated deadly fires?
The sun has gone down on the crim
son snow when the last charge is
made. It is only an assault that is an
invitation, and' the answer is a slaugh
ter. The horrors of the battlefield that
night, the sufferings of the wounded
amid the wintry cold, the discomfort
of troops bivouacked out under the
chilling heavens, cannot be described.
The Confederate losses reported
are: Killed, 608; wounded, 4,116;
Union killed, 1.284; wounded. 9,600.
The desire of Gen. Burnside to re
trieve, the next day, his sad losses,
and to lead in person another charge,
finds fortunately no encouragement
and the Fredericksburg chapter of the
war is closed.
Soldier of Pennsylvania
With Greavt War Record
wherever members
Army are known.
or the Grand
Valuable Civil War Document.
Senator Clark of Montana has been
given- the opportunity to purchase the
original of a pass which President
Lincoln wrote in his own hand per
mitting Gen. Singleton to go through
the Union lines to Richmond near the
close of the war. Gen. Singleton lived
in Quincy, 111., and was a sympathizer
with the South during war times. He
was a unique character who is well
remembered by the older citizens of
the Sucker State. Although an out
spoken opponent of the war. Gen. Sin
gleton was a warm friend of Lincoln,
who had a high regard for him, and
willingly gave him the pass to Rich
Kwd. .notwithstanding his opposition,
to the Union cause.
9 1SSi gl
1iiii ' -
The Crisis with Nursery T
It is something of a science to trans
plant trees that have been received
u m a distant nursery and have them
ive. It used to be thought that there
nust always be a large percentage of
jobs anyway even under the best coa
litions. Both the nurserymen and the
planters have now learned that trees
jf all kinds can be handled In a way
a insure their living when placed in
eir new locations. A well-packed
see has its roots kept moist by being
rolled in damp moss and tied up in
nagging. The old scheme of pulling
trees out of the ground, exposing their
roots and sending them away without
any protection was the cause of many
a tree proving a failure. When these
trees arrived at the distant station
they were thrown out on the platform
and left there exposed to the heat of
the sun and the drying effects of the
wind. In the course of time the pur
chaser drove around and got his con
signment, perhaps a couple of days
after their arrival. By that time their
roots were good and dry. He drove
home and set out his trees In any old
way. Even had he set them In the
best possible way it is altogether like
ly that a good many trees would have
perished owing to the drying out of
the roots. When a large part of Ids
trees failed to grow of course the
nurseryman was to blame so the buy
er said. He was right to some extent,
in that the trees were sent away with
roots not properly protected. In send
ing trees long or short distances the
roots and their moisture supply fur
nish the key to the situation. Proper
treatment of the tree from the time it
comes out of the nursery row to the
time it goes into the place assigned to
it in the orchard will Insure a good
healthy tree. In setting a hundred
of these there need be no failures.
Points on Asparague Culture.
When the asparagus plants come
up in the new bed they should be giv
en every opportunity to grow and
make leaf, for the leaves are what
must be depended on to develop root
The fact that the. roots depend on the
top should not be forgotten. Con
stant pruning of the top does not In
crease the roots, as some might sup
pose. All the material that goes to
the extension of the roots first goes
into the leaves and is elaborated, that
is, changed into a form that can be
used in cell construction. The ground
must be kept free from weeds and
from hard crusts. Every encourage
ment should be given for the forma
tion of top, and this should be con
tinued till the berries form and turn
red. Then the tops that have the red
berries should be cut off or the ber
ries picked off and thrown away. The
berries should not be permitted to
form seed, for that will take much
substance from the roots. Moreover
If the berries are permitted to stay
on the plants they will fall to the
ground when growth is done and the
next year multitudes of little plants
will start from them. This is the
cause of many a bed running out or
the stalks getting smaller. There
will, however, be a good many other
tops than those with berries and these
may be permitted to remain. The
water should sot be permitted to
stand on the asparagus bed but
should be drained away from it, as
the asparagus plant is very suscepti
ble to rust and other fungous dis
eases. Spraying to Thin Fruit,
Trees sprayed at the time they are
in bloom will not set aa much fruit as'
those sprayed either before or after
blooming. The pollen that is struck
with any sprays of common strength
Is doomed practically. It may put out
a feeble effort toward germination.
When trees are sprayed in blossom
of course the pollen in a good many
flowers escape, for the reason that all
flowers do not open at the same time
and many will not have opened suffi
ciently to receive the spray. It has
been suggested that this is a good
way to thin the fruit on trees. The
suggestion has been entertained by
scientists, and If it is ever put into
practice it may result in the finding
cf an easy method of thinning. At
the present time thinnin? is not gen
erally practiced on account of the im
mense amount of work required and
because at the end of the season the
added value of the apples is almost
offset by the cost of thinning. Men
dislike to do work that gives them no
gain. In tne case of peaches, thin
ning pays even when men have to be
employed to do the thinning. There
is one advantage in attempting to thin
by means of killing the pollen in some
of the blossoms, and that Is the ir
regularity with which the fruit would
set Hand work does the business in
the most approved fashion leaving
tne fruit at regular intervals. No ex
periments that we know of have at
tempted to prove the value of spray
as a thinner of fruit
Fruit in Michigan.
According to reports, the Michigan
fruit crop Is going to be a good one,
taking all things together. ' Some
kinds will be short, but the aggregate
will be good. Peaches promise less
than any of the other fruits, and are
estimated at two-thirds of a normal
crop. This In reality is a good crop,
for there are no years when all locali
ties have normal crops. Cherries seem
to lead the list In promise of yield.
Apples come next and win without
doubt be a very fine crop, a condition
that will' be welcomed both by the ap
ple growers and by the multitudes of
consumers that have been going with
out apples for several months. Pears
also promise weU, as do plums and
smaU fruits.
Pasturage in Porto Rico.
Shipments of 1,500 head of cattle are
made yearly from Porto Rico to Trin
idad, St Lucia and Barbadoes for the
English government, and about 800
head to Martinique and Guadeloupe.
Prices of 8 to 10 cents per pound on
the hoof are obtained, less 42 per cent
discount The grazing on the island
is unsurpassed, there being 130,000
acres of blue grass of the finest
growth, equal to the celebrated graz
ing lands of Kentucky. Cattle raising
as an industry can be largely In
creased in Porto Rico, and to great
pecuniary advantage, as the market
is practically unlimited. The demand
from the numerous adjacent Islands
alone is far greater than the supply.
Porto Rico Agricultural JouraaL
Tht population of London increased
during the last ceotury nearly- fivefold.
Place for the Inouhator.
Under most circumstances a
bunding out of doors Is the beat place
In which to locate the incubator dur
ing the time it Is to be la operatka.
This place is, necessary as a safe
guard against fire. There aright he
times when it would be more advan
tageously located In the hoase were
it not for the danger from fire. The
objection to an outer building, how
ever, Ues in the fact that the temper
ature is very changeable unless the
buUding Is exceptionally weU built
Where a good many chicks are to be
raised or where several incubators
are to be kept in service for some
months at a time a bunding construct
ed partly below ground is best We
have seen such houses that had been
constructed at a moderate cost. The
lower walls went five or six feet be
low the surface of the ground, and
consisted of concrete to the thick
ness of a foot or more. In such cases
the floor was of concrete and the sec
ond floor of boards was only a short
distance above the ground. The up
per portion of such building can be
used for the storage of food and the
like. The lower part, in which are
placed the incubators, can be kept at
a very even temperature. The cellar
of the residence is hardly the place
for Incubators, on account of the
dampness of the cellars as ordinarily
constructed, and the danger of fires
above mentioned.
Cornish and Indian Games.
The Indian Game has many flae
quaUties to recommend it to the breed
er, and for many years past has been
one of the most popular of fowls. In
plumage the male is green-black with
out penciling; the wings, chestnut,
with bay and metalUc black wing bar;
the feathers of the neck hackle are
short and hard, green-black, with del
icate crimson-brown shafts. The plu
mage of the hen Is very difficult to ob-
Ceroiah Indiaa G;
tain In accord with the standard, and
should be a combination of nut-brown
and green-black throughout, green
predominating. Along the breastbone
of both male and female the feathers
part and allow the skin to show Just
at or above the upper part of the keel
bone. This is a distinctive feature t
the breed, and shows from the time
the chicks shed the down.
Strength of Ancestry.
To have a strong breed of fowls we
must have birds bred up from strong
ancestors. In our present knowledge
of the different breeds we cannot tell
just what the comparisons between
the different breeds are in this re
spect Doubtless as time goes on we
will have tests to discover these rela
tive facts. There is a strong impres
sion that one breed is much stronger
than another breed, but we have no
definite data to back up these rather
vague impressions. In a small way
we can tell something about the
strength of ancestry in individual
strains. Thus, if we have had in out
flocks rather weak birds and have
permitted them to reproduce them
selves and have seen the same weak
ness In their progeny we know that
the proper strength is lacking for the
development of a proper strain of val
uable birds. The best we can do is
to watch these birds and weed them
out of the flock. If we cure a sick
bird, that bird should never again be
permitted to lay eggs for hatching
purposes. The very fact that she has
been sick makes it probable that she
lacks in hardiness.
Turkeys with Cramped Feet.
From Farmers' Review: My young
turkeys have cramped feet Can you
tell me the cause and remedy foi
it? A Subscriber. Doubt
less the cause is the cold and damp
weather we have been having. Per
haps the poults have been permitted
to Ue in damp places and have thus
become afflicted with something after
the nature of rheumatism. We have
had chicks affected that way by the
causes named. In case of chicks we
have found that taking them Into the
house where it was warm and dry in
Bured a cure in a few days. Doubtless
the same wUl be true of the poults.
Feeding Chicks.
From Farmers' Review: After
chicks are hatched I do not feed them
anything for 36 hours nor do I give
them any water. After that I feed
and water them. I feed and water
four times a day while they are under
five and six weeks of age. After that
I feed three times a day. I have used
this method for the last two years
and find it the best I ever tried. Mrs.
E. L Reynolds, La Porte County, In
diana. Japanese Bantams were Imported
from Japan, where they have evidently
been bred for a long time, as they
breed very true to type. Only after
long generations can a type be thus
fixed. They are easily acclimated and
Corn Culture.
From Farmers' Review: In a re
cent issue of the Farmers' Review I
saw an article by Dr. L. M. Ayres, to
which he said that the farmer shoulc
give his corn crop shallow culture ir
a wet season and deep cultivation In
a dry season; but he does not give
the reason for it I will say: Give
deep culture in a wet season to lei
the water down and warm the ground
In a dry season, give shallow culture,
to hold the moisture that is in the
ground. That will create a dual
mulch, which will draw the water tc
the surface. Joseph Blagdea, Okla
To those to whom tiome is a prison,
virtae is a penance.
i gfisBBBBB
-"gv- rllisKaflEo
a Grave Maltsr.
The Stom Experimeat Station has
seen carrying oa for a aumber of
rears some tests with cows known to
39 tuberculous. The results are glv
m la hnuetia 23, which closes with
Ae following auBtmary:
The' development of tuberculosis la
the condemned cows, although slow,
sonttaaed gradually, antn at the ead
af four years three of the four cows
were practically worthless, either for
milk production or for beef.
The results of 'experiments with
;hese tuberculous cows and the use
jf their milk for feeding calves coin
cide with the general results of Eu
ropean observations, and indicate that
the danger of the spread of tuberculo
sis through the mUk of diseased ani
mals Is not so great as has often been
supposed. In the earlier stages of the
disease, and when the udder is not
affected, the danger from the use of
the mUk appears to be Umlted. But
when the udder is affected, or when
the disease is so far advanced aa to
be indicated by outward signs or
narked'physical symptoms, the infec
tiousness of the milk is Increased, and
the danger in using it is greater.
It Is not to be understood, however,
that the fanner may neglect any case
of tuberculosis in hla herd that hap
pens to be not in the advanced stages,
or if the udder of the cow is not af
fected. As a matter of fact, it la prac
UcaUy Impossible for him to tell when
any animal that reacts to tuberculin
may acquire tuberculosis of the ud
der. There is danger enough in the
fact that the cows may acquire the
disease from one another at all, no
matter how likely or unlikely they
may be to do so. Therefore, if the
farmers do not want their dairy in
dustry menaced and perhaps seriously
injured by the wider spread of tuber
culosis among their herds, it Is of the
utmost importance that each one use
every effort to free his herd from the
Cows should be examined carefully
for physical symptoms of the disease
and be tested with tuberculin, and
any that respond at aU should be
looked upon with suspicion. What
ever disposition Is finally made of
those that are diseased, they should
be kept at all times completely sepa
rated from those that are not, and the
non-affected animals should be care
fully watched and be tested with
tuberculin at least once a year. Only
in thia way can new cases be discov
ered in their earlier stages. Unless
the farmers can be brought individ
ually to appreciate the gravity of the
matter to themselves and the menace
to their industry, and to take meas
ures for destroying the disease In
their own herds, the history of bovine
tuberculosis in Europe, where in some
regions the greater portion of the
cows are infected, may easily be re
peated in this country.
A Move for Pure Milk.
Pasteurized milk in sealed bottles,
prepared and inspected under the di
rection of the city health department,
win be furnished during the summer
In the congested districts of the
Northwest side, Chicago, by the
Northwestern University Settlement
Five stations In the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth wards will distribute the
mUk to flat and tenement dwellers at
a rate slightly exceeding the price
paid for ordinary milk. The first de
Uvery will be made within a week.
By offering cleansed and tested
milk to the residents of the crowded
Polish district the workers in the
university settlement hope to check
the enormous death rate among chil
dren on the Northwest side during the
hot months. The blocks surrounding
the settlement, Noble and Augusta
streets, were found in the investiga
tion of the City Homes Association two
years ago to be among the most thick
ly settled In the city, and the death
rate is double the general Chicago
rate of mortality.
The mUk will be pasteurized in spe
cially prepared quarters at the settle
ment, and will be sent out to all the
substations each day for distribution.
The milk will be inspected twice a
week by the city health department.
At first the milk will be sold only at
the stations.
The health conditions in the Polish
district have been such as to urge the
workers in the Northwestern Univer
sity settlement to Immediate action.
In the crowded neighborhood of the
upper Seventeenth ward and the low
er Sixteenth, the residents are far
from a park or a public playground.
Lincoln, Humboldt and Union Parks
are all blocks away from the district
None of the new breathing spots are
near the crowded quarters of the
Poles, and there are no available pub
lic baths. The children live in the
streets and alleys where grass spots
are few. The Northwestern Univer
sity settlement looks for no financial
reward In carrying out this plan, but
wUl furnish good milk, thoroughly
cleansed, at actual cost
Chicago Milk Campaign.
Again the milk inspectors of Chi
cago have begun an active campaign
against waterers and skimmers of
milk. In the past the spasmodic ef
forts of the milk inspection depart
ment have resulted only in .spasmodic
indications of virtue among the vend
ers of milk. The present effort will
doubtless result the same way. The
trouble is not with the milk inspec
tors but In the conditions that make
it impossible to keep at work enough
inspectors to thoroughly do the work
belonging to their office. All kinds of
tricks are worked against the inspec
tors. One of the most common ones
is to label all of the milk "skim"
whether it be whole or skimmed milk.
Then the dealers seU the milk that
haa been robbed of a part of its cream
as "good" milk, by which the custom
ers understand "milk that has not
been skimmed." When the inspector
comes along he finds the cans all la
beled "skim" milk and so the man
that haa been really selling skimmed
mUk for whole mUk Is beyond prose
cution. To the present time no check
seems to have been found on this
trick. Some have proposed that a iaw
be passed to prevent the sale of skim
milk except in considerable quanti
ties, but this would certainly militate
against both the producers aad the
consumers of milk. A considerable
aumber of milk dealers are being pros-
ecr.tea ana tneir names published in
the papers, and thia la expected to
have a salutary effect
A tablespooaful of kerosene added to
four or five quarts of starch win make
the colored starched clothes iron
w .JanawHBlBSsTBBBfisT
aWfiflfiflfiflfiVJl JBBBBnwsf-i9mi
- Points 'en Angoras.
A raiser of Angora goats
Goats have cattle diseases more than
sheep uiseases. They sever have ia
flarasutioa of the amcoas passages,
aad seldom have foot rot They aever
have scab, bat are frequently lousy.
I have often read about putting a' few
goats with a flock of sheep aa pro
tection against dogs. Dogs kill goats
but not so much as sheep. I have
never had any old ones killed hat
have had quite a number of alee
kUled by dogs. Goats are sossewhat
harder to fence thaa sheep, but aot
so hard aa hogs. Goats do aot Jump,
but climb and creep. I have 0&
fashioned rail fences that tura goats
perfectly. If a rail fence is made
to lean from t&e goat he win irilmb
It no matter how high It may be,
but a well built rail fence three and a
half feet high, will keep goats per
fectly. A seven wire fence, properly
spaced, will turn them perfectly. Two
feet of woven wire and two wires
aoove is perhaps the best Goata bear
flocking much better than sheep. In
the range countries they are generally
kept In flocks of from one thousand
to four thousand.
I read often of the necessity of aa
infusion of new blood into our Amer
ican flocks by Importing from Asia.
I have serious doubts If Asia haa aa
good Angoras as the United States.
The people of that country do act
select and breed with any care. I be
lieve that we have already In thia
country Angoras from which a most
superior animal may be produced by
American ingenuity in selecting and
mating, as has been done in the case
of the American Merino sheep and the
standard bred horse. WhUe I am not
averse to the introduction of new
blood, I do not want it of an Inferior
Little Things About Incubators.
There are some things that seem lit
tle in themselves that are of consid
erable importance In the running of
an incubator. The advice Is given not
to buy second-hand incubators. Prob
ably the advice is good, for a second
hand incubator may have been so
badly handled that It will give unsat
isfactory results fn the hands of a
new user, especially if the new user
be a person that has had no experi
ence with these machines. It is
claimed that incubators, like other
things, wear out Without doubt this
apparent wearing out is due to the
maladjustment of the parts or utensils
in the parts. How much warping
and shriklng has to do with the so
called wearing out of Incubators we
cannot tell. It is claimed that la the
case of too much moisture being used
the machines wiU warp. This use of
too much moisture is a little thing,
but ic must be looked after. It Is a
mistake to use any but the best kind
of oil in incubators. A few cents
saved on on may mean the loss of an
entire hatch. Least of all does it pay
to buy cheap thermometers. There
is little difference in cost between the
good and poor thermometers. We
have seen some of these articles sent
out from houses for advertising pur
poses that were entirely worthless.
One thermometer that we knew of
seemed to work all right for a few
days, and then dropped down to 4C
degrees below zero and staid there.
A thermometer that registers a few
degrees out of the way may result In
large losses of eggs and time, to say
nothing of the patience of the poultry
man. Various Horse Feeds.
At the North Dakota Experimeat
Station tests with various feeds for
horses led the experimenters to draw
the following conclusions:
L Brome hay gave as good results
when fed to work horses as did tim
othy hay.
2. Oat straw was satisfactorily
used for feeding horses which did
light work and for those which were
idle. One-fourth more grain was re
quired to support horses doing light
work when they were fed straw.
3. Barley was not equal to oats in
feeding value per pound, but was
nearly as good. Mules did not relish
4. Malted barley was not so valu
able for work horses as oats and was
not equal In value to the dry barley
from which it came.
5. Corn fed in connection with oats
in the proportion of 100 pounds ol
corn to 125 pounds of oats, had great
er value than cats; 77.5 pounds ol
corn equaled 100 pounds of oats when
fed to work horses.
6. Whole wheat fed alone was an
unsatisfactory feed for horses. Wheat
ground and mixed with bran in the
nronortion of two parts of wheat to
one part of bran by weight gave good
7. Bran and shorts mixed In equal
parts by weight, was equal to oats In
feeding value.
Law Against False Brands.
False brands of dairy products have
always played a large part In frauds
perpetrated in the sale of butter and
cheese. It is of Interest to know that
a bill to prevent such practices Is now
before the National Congress and
stands a good chance to become a
law. It Is known as the "Shennar
Bill" and is for the purpose of pre
venting the branding of butter and
cheese otherwise than from the ter
ritory in which they are made. Thus,
at the present time, "Elgin butter"
comes from all parts of the country
If any one section of country builds
up a reputation xor gooa proaucut,
other localities at once begin stealing
that reputation and profiting by it
This is a mean kind of robbery thai
needs to be done away with. In the
end it brings into disrepute the
products from all localities, for it
causes doubt as to the value of any
kind of brand. In New York the
state department has been trying foi
years to execute laws relative to thlt
matter, but haa always found the non
existence of a national law In this re
gard a great obstacle in Its path.
Ventilation in the cow stable Is a
lecessity If the health of the animals
is to be conserved. Little is knowr.
among the generality of cow ownen
as to the scientific principles of ven
tilatkm. The subject is worthy ol
study, especially by the men that are
to construct stables. The men thai
have stables should investigate with
the object of putting in a perfect sys
tem of lentilation.
The number of lepers in the Philip
pine islands is estimated at about 12,-080.
WfHar laslsei U Shsttjtil RemriMa
"The maa wao beUevea that the
juito caaaot be educated ap to the
poiat where he la capable of dodging
some of the artifices of humaa Mad la
simply a foot," said a man who has
aeea paylag some attention to aaaph
oie aad culex," aad whose devotton
aaa been returned with quadrupled
snraromsBese. "and I. know what I am
taUdag about, for I have had occaaton
to observe a few things within the
week, la substantiation of which I
make proffer of various red splotches
on my face. Beck aad hands. Just
outside of my door there is a cistern,
aae of these uncovered cisterns about
which so much has beea said aad
writtea. It ia a great mosquito breeder
and at night these humming despera
does make a fierce charge Into my
room. The door, window and transom
are not screened, but I' have around
my bed what ia supposed to be ample
protection in a good mosquito bar.'
For a while the bar was good enough.
But it did not take any great leBgth of
time for the mosquitoes to leant a few
thlags. Oae Bight Just a few nights
ago I was awakened by a humming
sound aad had noticed that my sleep
had not been as even aa usual. At
first I thought the souad waa made by
a street car some distance from my
room oa the line which traverses the
street oa which I live. The truth grad
ually dawaed oa me that it waa the
JUchmonsl. V.. Cladaas
mioum Kavna
According to a Philadelphia news
paper the oldest stove in this country
is at present on exhibition in Minneap
olis, Minn.
From the description this old stove
is something after the fashion of the
one which we have here in our state
capitol. It stands' upon legs or end
supports, similar to those of a sewing
machine, only that they are about half
as high and of much heavier casting.
The total weight of the stove is 500
pounds. It is three feet long, thirty
two inches high and one foot wide,
with a hearth extending in front.
There is no grate in the bottom, the
fire being built directly on the bottom
of the stove, the heat passing from
below the oven, back of it and over
the top of the pipe. The outside has
scrolls and designs and crowns in re
lief, much after the fashion of the
stoves of to-day, and on both sides
cast with the metal are the words,
"Hereford Furnace, Thomas Maybury,
Mfr.. 1767." We are assured that the
stove is well preserved, in spite of its
age. The surface has a finish which
Traveling and
Jones was In peculiarly expansive
humor the other evening. He was
packed up for the summer, and was
starting off in the morning on a cheap
racket walking trip. To traverse the
country districts of New England was
his program, and an unfailing friend
liness his method of getting about
cheaply and well.
"I have no use for traveling," he be
gan. "That, of course, is why you are
starting off on the morrow?" I asked.
"That, dear friend, is not traveling.
It is wandering, and I recommend the
world in general to get back to it, as
the Ideal manner of getting about.
Traveling is a distinctly modern in
vention. It alms at two things
speed and the attainment of a definite
locality. It is done for a purpose,
and the means are always sacrificed
to the end. The scenery through
which the victims of the system may
steam, is blurred. Cards and papers
are found necessary to slay the time.
An Interesting Little Story About Han
nibal Hamlin..
"Why don't you comb down that
cowlick: said Senator Mallory. laugh
ingly, to one of the pages, whose hair
was standing straight. "Some of these
days your wife will take hold of it
and pull your hair."
The boy glanced up at the senator's
very bald pate. "Senator." he asked.
Is that the way you lost your hair?"
There are quite a number of sena
tors with bald heads. Senator Stew
art Is among the number. And Mr.
Stewart says that it does not pay to
make fun of a man who hasn't any
hair on the top of his head, in the
place where the hair ought to grow,
as the old song says. In proof of
which he tells an interesting story
on how Hannibal Hamlin was defeat
ed for the senate.
"Up in Maine," said Mr. Stewart,
"there was a man who was very bald.
One day Mr. Hamlin came along anu
tapped the man's smooth skull. 'I
just want to tell you.' he said, 'that
one of your two hairs is crossed with
the other.'
"The remark was made only in fun.
but the bald-headed man never forgot
it Long afterward he was a member
of the upper branch of the Maine
legislature and Hamlin was a candi
date for the United States senate.
Hamlin was defeated by one vote, and
that one vote was cast by the man
who was bald." Washington Post.
King's Head Replaces Boer Legend
Orange River Coat of Arms.
While peace negotiations were
pending in South Africa, the new
colonial government went ahead just
as if the war was over and the terri
tory already at peace. The Trans
Vaal government issued a set of post
age stamps, which are in great de
tmand by collectors. There are ten va
rieties, each of a different color, rang
ing ia price from one cent to J2-50.
1 All of the stamps bear the head of
King Edward, facing to the left in
an oval within a finely beaded frame.
In gray black. Above the head is a
crowa and at the foot the word
("Traasvaal." The one-cent stamps,
iare a bluish-green, and the colors of
'the ethers range from a scarlet to
oraage, olive green aad purple.
drone of moaqaitoes which had been la
the hahR of allpptag oat of the ctstera
sad Into my room at sight They were
akiag a fierce attack oa the bar, aad
I coacladed that I would get up aad
make a little iaveetigatloB aa after
midnight atady. as it were of thia
wiaged aseassia. I did so.
"I sever saw so maay mosquitoes
before. They were mad. too. The fact
that they had eacouatered the bar
seems to have made them furious.
They were buzziag like a aest of dis
turbed hornets. Bat what surprised
me more than aay other thug was the
fact that several doaea had maaaged
to get through and were actually on
the laslde, aad had really begaa to
chew me. On the outside ct the bar
I foaad a perfect swarm. Some of
them were fastened la the threads of
the bar. They were trying to squeeze
through the little holes of the bar. just
aa the others had done. Their loag
legs, or their wiags. or some part of
the body, nad become tangled aad they
were hopelessly tied. Now how did
they know how to get through these
little places by the squeezlag process?
How did they know thia was the only
possible way to reach the food they
wanted? I tell you the mosquito Is
capable of leaning a few things,
aad he is being educated up to some
of the artifices of human kind, and
that's aU there is to it" New Orleans
One Which Seemingly
witn me j
is techincally known as "pebbled."
The famous Virginia stove also
stands upon legs, is about seven feet
high and is handsomely ornamented.
It Is "three stories" high and of pyra
midal shape, and was made ia 1770 for
the house of burgesses at Williams
burg, whence it was removed to Rich
mond when the seat of government
was removed hither. The founder,
one Buzaglo. whose place of business
was in England, wrote of the "warm
ing machine" that "the elegance of
workmanship does honor to Great
Britain. .It exceeds in grandeur any
thing ever seen of the kind and is a
masterpiece not to be equaled in all
Europe. It has met with general ap
plause and could not be sufficiently
So. notwithstanding its advantages
of a few years in age. tho Minneapolis
stove must pale its ineffectual fires
when compared with our big. highly
ornamental and aristocratically con
nected (historically speaking) old
warming machine. Richmond Dis
patch. and when the travelers dismount from
the deck or platform they breathe out
a thankful 'Here at last.' as if that
were the point. The ancients got
about in a different spirit. They wan
dered where 'sweet adventure called
them.' They merely roamed, setting
themselves no goal. They were not
whirled in hot compartments from
point to point. Under the wide and
starry sky they tented; these fine old
tramps, Arabs, gypsies and all no
mads of the Ulysses type. The peri
patetic hoboes should organize a great
league to prove that scenery is better
than speed, and that every foot of the
open road is as good as the place
named on the guide post, toward
which the wanderer's face is set.
"And no epitaph is more appropriato
for the mundane wanderer than this:
"'Under the wide and open sky.
Where he loved to live, there let him
Home is the sailor, home from the
And the hunter is home from the hill.'
The British Colonial Office, mean
time, is considering a new coat of
arms design by Lockwood Kipling,
father of the poet and novelist, for
the new Orange River Colony, which
was formerly the Orange Free State.
The coat of arms consists of a plain
heraldic shield bearing an orange tree
and above it a Tudor rose; on the
ground are wared lines, the symbol of
water, typifying the name Bloemfon
tein. Two springboks support tho
Died on Devil's Island.
Only the other day there died on
Devil's Island, the French convict set
tlement off Cayenne, the man who in
vented and patented the telegraphic
system now universally adopted in
France, and known as the multiple
transmission system. Victor Nimault,
twenty years ago. was an electrical
employe of the French telegraphic
service. In 1871 he discovered and le
gally protected a system of multiple
transmission, on which he had been
busied for years. Almost coincident
ally a M. Baudot (not an official) in
vented a somewhat similar apparatus.
This M. Baudot, being a personal
friend of M. Raynaud, the director of
the telegraphic department, found
favor with that gentleman, and the
Baudot system was finally accepted
and universally adopted as the better
of the two. Victor Nimault brought
action against M. Baudot and M. Ray
naud, and, after losing lawsuit after
lawsuit, fired at and mortally wounded
M. Raynaud. The unhappy inventor
was tried, sentenced to imprisonment
for life, and in due course was sent out
to Cayenne. Twenty years having
elapsed, he was recently pardoned by
President Loubet. A subscription made
by his friends in France left by the
same boat which took out his pardon.
But it arrived too late, for Victor Ni
mault who had been ill for some time,
died the day before port was made.
The irony of It all is that poor Ni
mault's system has been in use in
France for many years now; for, aftei
he was sentenced, it was found to be
preferable to the one adopted and ap
proved by Raynaud, the then director
of the telegraphic department
A Lyaa (Mass.) firm made a shoe
in thirteen minutes.
The course of true love never runs
smooth and in aiter years the bach
elor ia often glad of it
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