The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 09, 1902, Image 2

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Cassia Itemta.
Prohibition" state convention, Lincoln,
Obataaqua assembly, Seward, Septem
ber 13 to 21.
Nebraska State Fair, Lincoln, August
to September 5.
Oraad Army encampment, Washing
toa, D. G, October 6-11.
Nebraska Epworth assembly, Lincoln,
; 6 to 14 inclusive.
and Populist congres-
1 convention, Columbus, July 15.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Treasurer,
For Secretary of State,
For Auditor,
For Sap't of Instruction,
For Attorney General,
For Commissioner Public Lands,
For Congressman Third District,
john j. McCarthy.
Tara treaty of trade, commerce and
litv between the United States and
Spain was signed at Madrid on the 3d.
Tr aohool census for 1902 in Fremont
has just been completed and shows a
total of 2JB55 as against 297 last year.
i does not include Normal students.
Tax prohibition state convention has
been called to meet in Lincoln August
7 at the Auditorium for the purpose of
lariat? in nomination candidates for
the state oflces.
Ax aeronaut named Hallbrook, of St.
Louis, made a balloon ascension at Mt
Vernon, DL, on the Fourth. His para
chute failed to work, and he fell one
hundred feet and was dashed to death.
A dispatch from Boston to the daily
i announces that Aguinaldo is com-
to the United States to join his
secretary, Sixto Lopes, and will
start on a tour, delivering lectures
on the conditions in the Philippine
islands and making a plea for the inde
pendence of his countrymen.
Me. W. T. Stead's article on "The
South African Peace, the Coronation,
and the British Outlook," written espe
cially for the American Monthly Review
of Reviews for July, touches on many
topics uppermost in the public mind of
England when the coronation festivities
were suddenly interrupted by King Ed
ward's illness.
Tee usual Fourth of July accidents
all over the country are being heard
from. In Schuyler a six year old boy
placed the muzzle of a toy pistol against
his hand to 'toe if he could feel it"
The flesh was deeply lacerated and
bruised. W. N. Combs of the same place
had a Ire cracker explode in his hand
tearing the flesh on two fingers.
OaUaxns Haix, a barber of Omaha
was shot and instantly killed in a saloon
Friday evening by a farm
Alexander. Alexander
into the saloon and demanded
that Hall hand over his money which
the latter refused to do. Without fur-
Alexander drew a revolver.
i Hall, rifled the dead man's pockets
ef tfS, nude hia escape and is still at
H. C BcasKu. of Schuyler, -who has
state reputation as a man of
ability, died at his home July
Si, ef Blight's disease from which he has
' for aome time. Mr. Rus-
born in Cadiz, Ohio, Nov. 26,
lMSL When 17 years of age he enlisted
in Co. H, Second Iowa regiment, in
which he served until the battle of
Shfloh, where he received a wound. He
then entered the secret service, serving
as a acout until the close of the war.
Mr. Russell was a graduate of the Iowa
University law school in which
i he had distinguished himself.
Ha was at one time state commander of
tha G. A. Rand took an active interest
lathe soldiers' welfare. When the mou
lt hi Frankfort park, this city, was
a few years ago, Mr. Russell
the address for the occasion. He
asa a prominent republican of the
and would have been a candidate
gerernor before the convention this
r, had his health not failed him. He
wife and three daughters, Mrs.
IV H. Sheets of New York, who is
acquainted in this city, Mrs. Headee of
Central Oky, Colorado, aad Mm. F. L.
Watts of Schuyler.
Than is soasething ao alluring in fruit
raising, and the cultiva
ted wateats that nuny farmers in the
valley are tempted to sell
slaahle lead aad auke a long
as. Before they take
i a step irretrievably it aaay J well
to read the frank confession of
ico Argoaaat that the
i at California ere exhausted
at the leek ef a market for
mi the desired I
to ha hud? I
mriHH tfc
Who says thirteen is an unlucky num
ber? The public debt statement shows a
decrease of $13,000,000 during the month
of June.-Indianapolis News.
resources, our undeveloped assets; but,
great and rich as they undoubtedly are,
there is one important rock in the foun
dation that really should be the corner
stone, but which today is practically in
the waste-heap our former wheat lands
in the Sacramento and San Joaquin val
leys. There are thousands and thous
ands of acres practically unproductive;
some of the great ranches do not even
make enough to pay the taxes. It is a
Ldismal fact, but it is the truth. And if
we expect to build up a great common
wealth out here, we must bring all that
land into bearing, and thus have a broad,
well-laid groundwork on which to build.
Specialties due to our unique climate are
very well so far as they go, but the plain,
cold fact must not be overlooked that, if
we are ever going to amount to anything,
our output must be of common, standard,
every-day goods. Producing an article
is only a small part of the successful
business selling it, getting it into whole
sale consumption, is the hardest work.
Did the California wheat grower in his
bonanza days, or even today, ever form a
co-operative association so he could sell
his product and not have an annual
carry-over, like the Santa Clara prune
men? Great as every one of our special
agricultural industries is, the fact re
mains that we have usually overdone it.
The prune men, the San Joaquin raisen
men, the walnut men, the orange men
all have associations under one name or
another to facilitate marketing their
crops, they say, but, as a matter of fact,
isn't it an indirect admission that pro
ductive facilities were so rich and easily
handled that the output grew faster than
the demand? But as they are all entic
ing industries, pleasing to figure on, but
hard to realize on, the over-production
kept up, and today, considering the state
as a whole, is it not the unwholesome
truth that the plain farm products are
pushed aside, and the main effort given
to fancy lines, as it were?
The conclusion of a long article in the
same strain is that there may be nothing
romantic in raising hogs, but that after
all the great future wealth of California
must come not from the many side lines
that have heretofore attracted so much
attention, but from the live stock indus
try and the sugar beet. The Nebraska
farmer who believes it would be fine to
go to the coast and raise prunes, walnuts
or oranges may be convinced from this
statement that he can make more money
on his farm here in raising corn, hogs,
cattle and wheat than he could in the
most romantic occupation on the Pacific
coast. Lincoln Journal.
A Catauihunte Writes ef Hit Wart
en Trip.
Some notes taken by E. H. Jenkins on
his recent western trip:
On our return from Portland we left
the Union depot the evening of May 23d
at 850. The train's number was 6, and
upon inquiry I found that although
traveling east over four different sys
tems, kept the number as far east as
Chicago, and in fact the same sleeper
which we occupied from Portland to our
destination went east to New York City.
While our visit was far from being over,
and we had planned several side trips
from our headquarters, still we were very
fortunate in having a good clear even
ing, something unusual for Oregon and
the Columbia river country also a
beautiful full moon, by which we were
enabled to get many clear views of the
river, up which we -were traveling, also
of many high mountains of the Cascade
range. All or nearly all tourists who
visit in the vicinity of Portland make the
trip by boat up the Columbia as far as
the rapids, through the mountains and
some going still further by way of the
locks, and all report the trip as well
worth taking, as the views are splendid
and interesting through each mile
To give Journal readers some idea of
the ruggednesB of the Cascade moun
tains through which the grand Columbia
wends its way, I will give the names of
some or tne nign peaks and compare
them with other mountains better
known. There are many high peaks in1
this range that are covered the summer
through with deep snow. Among the
highest are the Mts. Pitt, Wood, Jeffer
son, Baker, Hood, and Ranier. The last
mentioned peak has an elevation above
aea level of 14,444 feet, nearly three miles
high, or the same distance as it is from
Sixth street in our city to Will Ernst's
house north of town. Pike's Peak
in Colorado is several hundred feet
lower and looks much more so on account
of the elevation of the land near the
base aa the land at Denver has an eleva
tion of 580 feet
Oar first stop at a city of much im
portance was The Dalles, a place almost
the exact size of Columbus or having a
population of 3542. It is a town full of
enterpriee and has important lumber
industries and is growing fast; at about
the time we passed through the above
named place we found we could keep
awake no longer and upon awakening
the aext morning found ourselves at
Pendleton. Soon after we reached
Meacham where we were allowed thirty
minutes for breakfast, and let me adviae
all Journal readers who pass over the
8hort Line to not miss taking a meal at
the Log Cabin eating house as the hospi
tality is well worth the money. At
breakfast table we could look out of the
window and ase snow banks here and
there. This place hi at the head waters
of the Umatilla river and in the Blue
On our way east our next point of
much size is Baker City, with 7,000 in
habitants; it is quite a shipping place,
many cattle and sheep grazing in the
valleys in this neighborhood.
On the first day out from starting we
arrived at Huntington for a rather late
dinner aad expected to aes a large town
oa the Snake river, but foaad a small
place, in fact mostly railroad nmnosi
aad about three miles from the stream
. w. v.,. w c wnu ay,
nothing being raised without irrigation
aad but little water for that purpose.
J Attar sUrtiag east from
we crossed the Snake river into Idaho.
It is a deceiving stream as it is slow run
ning among the monntaina and I was
told by a party who had run a ferry boat
on the stream that in many places it waa
from GO to 75 feet deep. It certainly
carries a great volume of water for it
drains a large territory. In many places
in Idaho the Snake valley is under a
high state of cultivation, being syste
matically irrigated, and all land ao im
proved is held at a high figure. In this
valley I saw alfalfa as fine, I think, aa
any Nebraska can produce which is say
ing a great deal; besides, this section
grows many kinds of fruit, small grain
and stock of all kinds thrive welL
We reached Pocatello aome time in the
night so did not see much of the city,
but on looking up the place we find they
have more people than Columbus, and
was told on the train that times are very
good there at present. They have large
railroad shops that employ many men,
while there are many coal and 'other
mines not far distant.
Our second dsy found us nearing
Granger, Wyoming, and excepting for
the coal industry we failed to aee where
a poor human could exist, unless one
could live on sage brush nothing else
visible only now and then a gang of Japs
working on railroad track. Yet one does
not see all of a state by any means in
going through on a line of road, and
many thousand acres of Wyoming land
in the valleys grow rich grass which the
people of the state are turning into
money through feeding it to their cattle
and sheep.
In the early morning of the third day,
when I was trying to get the worth of
my money out of the sleeping car com
pany at the rate of two dollars fifty per
night, I was poked in the ribs by my
traveling oompanion, wakened, and
asked what was the matter? The reply
came "Lookout the window." When I
complied the sentence was finished
"This is Nebraska, and it is good enough
for me."
8mm Km tuck.
The following is taken from a recent
copy of the Nebraska Farmer:
A representative of the Nebraska Far
mer called upon Mr. C K. Davies, the
Columbus Shorthorn man, last week,
and found him busily engaged taking
care of the live stock on his farm, of
which he has Shorthorns, Duroo-Jersey
hogs and prize Buff Cochin chickens.
At the head of Mr. Daviea' herd of Short
horns is Fame's Heir 150963 by Golden
Fame 144750 and but of imp. Milkmaid
by Star of Lancaster (69663). Golden
Fame, the sire of this young bull, waa
purchased by Mr. Donahey, the well
known Iowa Shorthorn breeder, from W.
D. Flatt of Ontario, Canada, at a public
sale at Chicago for $1,550. Milkmaid,
the dam of Fame's Heir, belongs to the
Heatherwick Rosebuds and won second
prize at the Marr Agricultural Associa
tion in 1898. Fame'a Heir is one of those
low down, blocky bulls with a splendid
top and bottom line, possessing good
strong bone and an excellent head and
neck. He stands firmly on four good
legs, is an excellent individual and has
every right to prove himself a good
breeding bull. The crop of calves now
coming are by him and while very
young, show indications that he made
no mistake in selecting him for the
head of his herd. All the cows on the
place are bred to Fame'a Heir or have
calves at their side by him. Mr. Davies
has a few good breeding cows that he
prizes very highly, and there are a
goodly number of heifers on the place
that will mature into good breeders.
Phillis of Riverside 4th by Victoria
Prince 2d and out of Phillis of Clover
Hill 2d by the great Canute 106716. is a
calf that shows every promise of devel
oping into a good Shorthorn cow. She
is the possessor of a good back with a
nice head and neck and with quarters
that are decidedly good. He expects to
breed her to Fame'a Heir when she is
sufficiently matured, and she should
produce an excellent calf. There are
about ten head of cows on the place that
have calves at foot or are bred to his
herd bull that he might be induced to
Eart with for some well bred Shorthorn
nils. He is able to dispose of a goodly
number of bulla, and aome man who
wants some females can get them here.
He has only one bull now for sale, and
he is out of , imp. King Gloster and is
about eight months old. He is a nice
calf, having a good head and back and
would make a very useful bull for some
enterprising farmer. He also has a
couple of Polled Durham cows that he
would part with, aa he intends to devote
his efforts towards breeding the Short
horns. We found him with about 30
spring pigs, among which are some very
good ones, and his chickens are well bred
and good specimens of the breed. Any
one wanting a young bull or aome cows
already bred might do well to write Mr.
Davies and mention the Nebraska
Review of the weather near Genoa for
the month of Jane, 1902.
Meaatearperetareof the avoata
Mama do Maw atoata last year . .
Lowest do on the Met
High winds day.
Do we ioath laet year.
Fogs ob 1st, 14th and 23d.
Solar halo very fine on 24th.
Thunder stomas 5th, 10th, 14th, 27th.
Slight frost reported on low lands
the 21st.
Greatest amount of rainfall in 24 hours
on the 5th, &24 inches.
The month just paat is remarkable for
the greatest amount of rainfall of any
June in 20 years. The nearest approach
to it being Jane 1875 of 7 inches, and
June 1891 of a48 inches. That the
amount of rain in June ahould do much
damage is not to be wondered at when
we take into coneideratioa that over two
thousand laoaaheads of water were nre-
dpitated on an acre in 24 houra almost
equal to a water spout.
It's Ctal iB CakraaV
July 1 to 13. August 1, 14, 23, 24, 30
and 31. September 1 to 10. Oa the
above days the Burlington route will sell
round trip tieketa to Colorado at extraor
dinarily low rates. It's cool ia Colorado
all summer long, aad there are hundreds
of resorts ia tha Rockies where one may
escape from the heat of tha phuna aad
spend aa altogether delightful vaoatioa.
A card to J. Fraacis, Oeneral PaaasBgar
Agent, Oataha, Nebr., will bring job a
asoi sanal v of Colorado booklets that
IwiUawipToapkwjowtrip. 1
I ! .
B. P. Duty waa in FallertoB Monday.
Sam Gaas, jr., was ia Schuyler Sunday.
Jadge Albert returned Monday from
Faribault, Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson visited ia
David City last week.
Mrs. Imbof went to Belgrade Saturday
to visit her daughter.
Mini Ada Barter went to Monroe Sat
urday to visit relatives.
Hon. Geo. D. Meiklejohn of FuUerton
is in tne city today, Tuesday.
Mrs. and Miss Parks aad W. O. Will
iams passed the Fourth at Ord.
Lawrence and Miss Clara Hohl of
Albion spent Friday in the city."
Henry Bean returned Monday from a
several weeks trip to California.
Mrs. Wm. Gibson of Cedar Rapida vis
ited Mrs. Lloyd part or last week.
Forrest Butler is up from Lincoln to
spend a few days with hia parents.
Miss Abilene Damon of York ia visit
ing with the family of G. O. Burns.
John C. Sprecher is up from Schuyler
and attending the float convention.
Miss Bessie Mitchell or Ularks is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Garrett Hulst.
Charley and Evelyn Wake of Newman
Grove are visiting relatives in the city.
Miss Alice Likely of 8ilver Creek vis
ited friends in the oity on the Fourth.
Miss Msggie Willard spent the Fourth
here, returning to St. Edward Saturday.
Miss Wuethrioh went Sunday to Os
ceola where she will visit Mrs. Mike
Miss Jennie Wiseman returned Friday
from St. Edward to spend a few days at
Mrs. John Murphy and children of
Ropers are visiting with the Fitzpatrick
Mies Lou Smith of Aurora and Miss
Freda Pilling spent Sunday together in
Arthur Hale of Sioux City arrived
here Thursday for a few days visit with
Misses Cora Graves and Maggie Mo
Taggart went to Silver Creek Saturday
for a visit.
Rev. C. P. Cheeseman of Silver Creek
was in the city between trains Thursday
Miss Ruby Rasmussen accompanied
Miss Alma Hasselbach home to St Ed
ward Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Compton of Cedar Rapida
has been visiting a few days with Mrs.
W. W. McFayden.
Miss Grace Fent of Grand Island, a
former Columbus young lady, ia visiting
friends in the city.
Paul Krause and sons Victor and
Harold came down from Albion Thurs
day to visit a few days.
Miss Clara Mills, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. Dr. Mills of Osceola, visited here
with friends over the Fourth.
Harlan Dnssell went over to Dennison,
Iowa, Wednesday where he is making a
two weeks' visit with relatives.
Frank Smith went to Denver last Wed
nesday to visit several days with rela
tives and celebrate the Fourth.
Mrs. George, who has been visiting
here some time, returned last week to
her home at Sharon, Wisconsin,
Mrs. O. H. Archer of Carbon, Wyo,
arrived here last Wednesdsy and will
spend the summer with relatives.
Mrs. Nealie McKelvey, who is now
living at St. Edward, came down Friday
to visit a few daya with relatives.
Congressman John Robinson and fam
ily were in town Monday, returning from
Washington to their home in Madison.
Otto Kummer and family from near
Silver Creek spent a few daya with rela
tives here, the Hummers and Eastons.
& J. Irwin and family of Creighton
came down to spend the Fourth with
relatives and will remain for a few days.
Miss Hada Thurston of Genoa came
down last week and will spend the sum
mer with her aunt, Mrs. Barclay Jones.
' County Superintendent Barber of
Albion and Prof. O'Connor of Norfolk
were visitors in the city between trains
Bazil Gietzen came up from Lincoln to
spend the Fourth and remained at home
until Monday. He ia employed in a
Mrs. Lottie Lewis returned home to
Lincoln Saturday after visiting several
weeks here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Mary Dnnlap and children re
turned home 'Saturday to Franklin
county after several weeks visit to rela
tives here, the Plumb family.
Mrs. James of' Norfolk, daughter of
Governor Savage, waa tha guest of Mrs.
Jennie Walker Thursday between trains
on her way home from Denver.
E. D. Brink came down from Central
City to ahoot hia firecrackera oa the
Fourth. He visited at home over San
day and left Monday for Petersburg.
Prof. W. M.Kern returned home Mon
day from David City where ha has been
the paat week engaged aa one of the
managers of the Chautauqua assembly.
Miss May Fee of Fallertoa stopped in
the city over Sunday on her way home
from Boston where aha baa been study
ing at tha New England Conservatory of
Muaic the paat three years.
Misses Ethel Henrich and Marjorie
Williama atarted Friday for Denver
where they will visit two weeks. Miss
Henrich will look ap schools with the
expectation of 'attending oaa next year.
Mrs. Minnie Hurd aad two children,
Sumner aad Laura, and Mrs. Hurd's
niece, Nellie Poison, all of Mount Ver
non, Washington, arrived here last Wed
nesday oa a visit to Mrs. Hard's parents,
Mr. and Mm. A. Lath. They will remaia
two months.
Ligal Vatiasa.
America ia a tolerably free country
when you think right down to the foun
dation of things, and act aooordiagly.
The Jouexax. has had thirty yearn ex
periaaca ia haadHag legal astiees of all
descriptions, and takes thmoeeaaioa to
say that it ia thoroughly equipped for
this sort of work.
We desire that job remember aa
job have work of thie aort tobedoae.
Whea yoa do tha payiag, you have the
right to place the work. Special attaa
tioa givea to audi orders. Call oa or
address, M. K. Toevbi k Co,
Journal OaVe, Columbus, Nebr.
Wsathar TjRiiity.
That the month of July, 1901, ia tha
remarkable ia tha annate of Ne-
braaa-s climatology Beads ao demoaatra
tioa farther than the fact that for 21
daya of the aaonth the midday tempera
ture ranged from 100" to 106 ia the
ahadaTthe mean aaaximam temperature
for tha month being 99 and for the
month of August we had 14 daya in
which the midday temperature exceeded
90. 8till there are some persons to
whom the last dispensation of heat or
cold, wet or dry, is alwaya the most die
comforting of any experience to which
they have been subjected, and for this
class especially, I have been induced to
make copious extracts from my notes to
how that oar present discomforts are
not exclusively our own, but "that which
is hath been and that which is to be hath
already been, that these changes are the
result of natural causes governed by
fixed laws, and like da and night follow
each other with unerring certaintv. or
in periodical cycles of more or less sever
ity. For my purpose I have selected the
months of June, July, August and occa
sionally September when anything seem
ad worthy of note and 90 aa the mini
mum temperature, and if I shall succeed
in interesting my fellow citizens in the
workings of nature I will be abund
antly gratified.
By way of contrast I append the fol
lowing extracts of an old record kept in
the neighborhood of my old Pennsyl
vania home of the coldest July we have
an account of, that of 1816, the tempera
ture being but 68' in the middle of the
day, and there beingf rost in every month
of the year. Oa the 5th of July ice aa
thick aa a window pane waa formed
throughout the eastern and middle
states, the corn and grass were complete
ly chilled and withered that cattle would
scarcely eat it. What little corn surviv
ed July, froze so hard in August (being
in the milk) that it rotted on the stalks.
Corn raised in 1815 waa sold for seed to
plant in the spring of 1817 for $5 per
bushel Geo. S. Tbukak.
187-JueSd alight froet; 4th to 6th W to M;
Mth. Zlet. 22d, ZSd aad 25th 90 to 97.
Jaly 5th to 7th W'; Uth aad 12th ft to MO,
1 day mt 100; Mth to 19th Dt to 99; 2Ut,
29th and th 99 to 94 .
Aa. 8th to Mth 99 to 98; 12th. Uth, Mth
aad 17th 99 to 98; 22d to 28d 9 to 95-
27th to 80th 95 to 10 1 1 day orer 100'
Sept. Sd to 5th 90 to 94.
lOT-Joae 17th 91'; 24th to 23d 98 to 94.
Jaly 2d to 7th 98 to 102, 2 days over 100;
Uth to Uth 90 to 92.
Aug. let to 3d 90 to94; 8th to 10th 90 to 99';
17th. 28th aad 90th 91 to 98.
Sept. Uth aad 29th 90 to 98.
1878-Joae 21at to 24th 91 to 94.
Jaly 10th to 2Ut 91 to lOO'.l day at 100.
Aug. 2d to 8th 98 to 101', 2 days abore 100-
14th. 26th, 29th aad Slat 90 to 100', 1 day
at 100; 17th to 2Sd 91 to 108. 2 daya abore
Sept. 1st to 4th 90 to 98; 10th slight froet
1879-Jue 7th, 10th. Uth aad 23d 92 to 99.
July 5th to 14th 90 to 10T, 2 daya orer 100;
18th to 23d 90to 98'; 2d, 39th aad 31et 9"
to 97.
Ana. 1st, 2d, 10th. 13th 91 to 94';
92 to MO, l day at 100.
18th to 29th
Sept. 27th 99'; 6th slight frost.
laSO-Joae 4th 100'; 10th. Uth. 22d aad 28lh 91 to
to 98.
July let, 2d, 8th. 9th, Uth, Uth aad Uth 90
to 98'; 23d to Slat 91 to 98.
. Aug. 6th to Mth 99 to 101. 5 daya orer 100;
Mth to 18th 90 to 108 2 daya over 100;
21et, 22d. 28th aad 39th 90 to 99.
Sept. 4th aad 5th 98; Mth aad 17th 90to94.
Jaly 15th. Mth aad 20th 91 to 94.
Aa. 2d to 5th 99 to 97; 8th to Uth aad Mth
96 to 98'; 23d to 30th 91 to 101 2 daya
Sept. 3d, 4th and 20th 90 to 108. 1 day over
1882-Jaae 29th aad 39th 90 to 92.
Jaly 2d aad 8th 90 to 91; 21th to 27th 90
to 91.
Ang. 2d aad Uth 98 to 99'; 25th to 29th 92 to
95; 18th to 21st 90 to 91.
Sept. 12th. 13th 15th aad 17th 92 to 95.
1883-Jaae 29th aad 30th 98 to 94.
Jaly let to 4th 93to94; 10th. Uth aad 25th
90 to 92; 19th to 22d 90 to 98.
Aug. Mth to 18th 90 to 91; 21st and 31st
91 to 92.
Sept. 6th 90.
1884-Jaae 24th, 29th aad 30th 91 to 92 o.
Jaly 7th aad 8th 94 to 98; Uth, 18th and
23d 90 to 95.
Aug. 28th 91.
1835-Jnae 12th aad 26th 90.
Jaly 7th aad 8th 91 to 96; Uth to 15th 91 to
98'; 18th to 20th 99 to 97'; 27th to 30th
92 to lOO'.l day at 100.
Aag. 7th to 17th 90 to 98.
Sept. 24th to 25th 90.
1886-Jrue 12th to 14th 91 to 92.
Jaly 2d to Uth 90 to 104 , 2 daya over 100;
17th, 22d. 27th aad 28th 90 to 94 o.
Aag. 8th. Uth. Uth. Uth aad 15th 92 to 98;
29th to 27th 90 to 97.
Sept 22d to 23d 90 to 94 O.
1887-Jue6th aad 7th 91 to 95 o; Mth and 18th
90 to 96 o.
Jaly 7th to Mth M to 93 0 ; 25th to 30th 91 to
Ana. let to 4th 90 to 940; 8th to 10th 92 to
95 o.
Sept 6th 90O.
1888-Jaae 15th to Uth 90 to 92 O; aoth u o.
Jaly let to 6th 92 to 94 O; Mth to Uth 90 to
960; 20th to 21st 90 to 920; 29th to 30th
90 to 97 O.
Aag. let to 3d 92 to 96 o.
Sept 9th to ldth 94 to 95 o.
U89-Jaae Uth toUth 990; 28th to30th90to98O.
Jaly 5th to 8th 90 to o.
Aag. 26th to Slat 90 to 91 o ; 19th to 24th 90
to 910.
1890-Jaae 29th to 28th 91 to 98 o.
Jaly 5th to 8th 92 to M0 o,i day at 100; 19th
to 14th 90 to 104 O, day abore 100; 25th
to 30th 95 to M6 o, 2 daya abore 100; 16th.
17th, 20th aad 23d U to 97 o.
Aug. let to 8th 96 to 194 o,4 days abore ICO;
14th to 15th M to 92 s.
Sept let 6th aad 17th 90 to 950.
lSn-Jaae 23d aad 24th 990.
No 99 weather ia Jaly.
Aag. 7th to 8th 91 to 96 o.
189b-Jbb Mth aad 22d 91 o.
Jaly Uth aad 14th 90 to 960; uth to 26th
98 to 990.
Aag. 2d 950 ; 4th to 9th 90 to 950: uth to
18th 99 to 98 o.
1895-Jaae 23 to 24th. 90 to 101-, 1 day over 100.
Jaly 4th to 7th, 99 to 98'
Uth. 15th 17th, lOb. 20th. 94 to lOO'.l
day MO.
Jaly 24th to 28th. 94 to 100'. 1 day at 100.
Aag. let to 4th, 92 to 95
7th to Mth. 90 to 95.
" la 23d aad 26th, 94 to 98.
Sept 4th aad 5th. 90.
- 9th to 15th, 99 to M9. 2 daya at M9.
MM Jaae 15th to Mth. 90 to 940.
Jaly let toad, 99 to 950.
Uth to Uth, 99 to 940.
H 5th, 21st SMh aad 29th, 90 to 96.
Aag. 3d to 6th. M to 970.
- 7th to Uth, M to 980.
M Uth. 940.
Sept let aad 7th, 91 to 9fO.
M97-JaaMth to Uth. 99 to 950.
M 13rh aad TM, 99 to 970.
Jaly 5th to 9th. 92 to M90.1 day at 100.
Aag. 27th to 39th, 92 to 9SO.
let 7th. Uth aad Slat 99 to 960.
Sept let to Mth, 99 to 970.
M 12ttaadUth.99to91o.
2Bth to 39th, 99 to MO.
M 17th, 28th aad 39th 91 to 940.
Jaly Uth. 9BO.
M Mth to Uth. 92 to 970.
M 2tatto28th,99to990.
Aag. 4th, 5th aad 15th, 99 to 9SO.
- 2emtoSlst99toM90,ldayatm
gept let 2d aad 4th, 96 to 90O.
aaeUthtoUta. Mto940.
I The People's Normal Schools
X mnmmmmmmmmmmaHmmmmmmmmmmal P R
i T HBJfiamumumumuH T 1
I V imamamamammalH '
I I (s.s....Hlimll.amamam! ' I
BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfkTlBW -
M LasssssssssssssssssssssssssssPam V I W MtJamtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM M
13 Jt-of 1A o r0 motern nike, showing course of steamers from point to point
1 Iwl ICjI iVldLO and distances, teaching the young as no book can by showing
course of early explorers and date of voyage; presenting all lands and the attributes thereof
Full Statistics
Biblical Map of Holy Land.
History of every race and nation, all fresh and of modern thought.
- Population of every country, city and town, omitting not the most insignificant postoffice in the
United States. A census that just cost the United States millions of dollars.
i&Everij instructor should have one, every business man, farmer, min
ister, statistician, professional man, statesman, orator.
18th to 20th. 98 to 970.
Jaly 10th to 13th, 98 to o .
" 17th to 26th. 90 to 980.
" 5th aad 31st 90 to 92 o.
Aag. 1st to 4th, 90 to 950 .
" 8th to Uth. 90 to 910.
" 27th to 30th, 93 to 990.
" 17th, 19th and 22.1, 90 to 980 .
Sept 1st to 7th, 95 to 101 o , 3 days orer 100.
Uth. 93.
1900-Jaae 6th. 9th. 20th. 21st and 30th. 91 to 9o .
" 25th to 28th, 81 to 100 , 1 day at 100.
Jaly 1st to 5th, 90 to 1003 , 1 day at 100.
M 9th to 15th. 95 to 1023, 2 days at 100.
Aag. 1st to Uth. 90 to 983.
' 17th to 21st, 90 to 933.
" 12th, 923.
Sept 5th, 8th and 9th, 91 to 973 .
UOl-Jiuie 23d to 30th. ttl to 1003 , 2 days at 100.
. Jaly 3d aad 4th, 101 . 2 days over 100.
I 6thto2Sth.91tol0S3,19tIay8orerlC0.
M 30th, 940.
Aug. 1st. 1030 , 1 day over 100.
0th. 9th and 10th, 91 to 920.
12th, 13th, 15th. Mth. 17th. 92 to 950.
" 19th. 20th and 21st 91 to 97 3 .
- 24th to 29th. 91 to 993.
State Capitol of Dearer.
From this bnilding npon a clondless
day, the front range of the Rocky
Monntaina stretches out, a glorious pan
orama from the Spanish Peaks in the
south to the Laramie Hills in Southern
Wyoming, a distance of nearly 400 miles,
in one sweep of the vision, bringing
Pike's Peak, Long's Peak, Mount Evans
and Mount Rosalie into view. From
the snmmit of Mount Lincoln 200 peaks
are seen rising in majestic heights from
the mighty ranges, varying in altitude
from 9,000 feet to 14,48 feet above the
level of the sea, that being the height of
Sierra Blanca, the highest mountain in
the State.
To enable persons to reach these fa-1
vored localities, without unnecessary
expenditure of time or money, the Un
ion Pacific has put in effect very low
rates and splendid train service. Three
trains leaving Missouri River daily for
Denver, one of which is "The Colorado
Special, which is the finest train in the
west. Accommodations are provided
for all classes of passengers, the equip
ment including free reclining chair cars,
drawing room sleepers and day coaches.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application to
1 W. H. Benhax, Agent
Sato via The Vaiea Pacific.
Ancient Order United Workmen, Port
land, Ore., Jnne 10-20th.
Society of the United Presbyterian
church, Tacoma, Wash tickets on sale
July 16th to 21st, inclusive, $45.00 for the
round trip, stopovers enroute, diverse
routes, final limit, Sept. 15th.
Bi-ennial meeting, Knignts or Pythias,
San Francisco, Calif., tickets on sale
August 2nd to 8th, $45.00 for the round
trip, final limit September 30th, with
privilege of stopovers, diverse routes.
Grand Lodge Order or Elks, Salt Lake
City, Utah, tickets on sale August 7th to
10th, inclusive, $25.00 for the round trip,
stopovers at Denver and west, diverse
routes, final limit Sept. 30th.
$15.00 for the round trip to Denver,
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, on sale June
22-24, inclusive, July 1-13, inclusive, Aug
ust 1-14, 23-24, 30-31, September 1-19,
final limits October 31st, other dates
tickets on sale to these points at one
fare plus two dollars round trip. For
further information, call upon
W. H. Benhav, Agent
When you wish good, nsat, clean
handsome work done in the line of
printing, call at The Journal office.
Wheat, old 62
Wheat spring 60
Corn, shelled v? bushel . . . 50
Oats, V bushel 35
Rye f bushel 43
Hogs V ewt 7 00Q 7 25
Fat steers-V cwt 2 50 4 00
Fat cows $ cwt 3 00 4 00
Stock steers Wcwt 3 00a 4 00
Potatoes-V bushel. 35
Battor-V t. 15 18
Efgs-Vdoien. 12
Markets corrected every Tuesday af.
showing the range and numbers of the religions of the world,
the amount and character of products yielded by land and
year in advance, and one of
these $12.00 Atlases.
Come in and carry one of
these books home with you.
Lead Oftke at Lincoln. Nebr..
Jane 2. 102.
TOTI'K is hereby girea that the followiag
JEU named settler has fled notice of his iatea-
tioa to make anal proof ia sapport of his clain. I
aad that said proof will be Bade before t'oaaty I
Jadge at (olnrabBS, Nebr.. oa July IS. 1992. rU:
John J. UirkinsoB tor lhe no or Her. 34-17-Sw,
Aft. A. U. HPW, I
lie aataes the following witnesses to orore hie I
continnooe residence npa and caltiratioa of, I
saw jaaa, ra: Jiimnt u. uinaa. or soaro.
Nebr- Joha Bacai. of Tenor. Nebr.. Vraak
Basal, of Uenoe. Nebr.. Frank Dickinson: of I
Monroe, Nebr. I
Any oerson who desires to oroteat eeeiaet the I
allowance or euca proof, or wno kbows or any I
tmbatantial reneoa. aader the law aad the rega-1
laiions 01 iiie interior Depart meat, way eaca I
proox stioeiu bos be allowed, win tie airea i
opportunity at tne abore mentioned uaw ai
iriare to crtrns examine the witnesses of si
claimant, and to offer evidence ia rebuttal of
that sabraitfetl by claimant.
4jun6t Register.
ONT FORGET that I have for
sale, eggs for setting, so that
you can raise yonr own barred
or Buff Plymouth Rocks, Silver-
laced White Wyandottes, Partridge and
Buff Cochin and Cornish Indian Games,
by buying the eggs of me.
ST I am also agent for the Humphrey
& Sons bone-cutter, five different sizes.
See me, or write me before buying.
12mch4 Columbus. Nebr.
raoraisroa or tbk
Mi. f gut Market
Fresh, and
Salt M eats t
Game and Fish in Season.
aaTHighest market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
Also does type-writing aad
will carefully attend to all
the business intrusted to him.
19" Would respectfully solicit a share
of your business.
Over First National Bank, 1st door to
the left IHaprtf
Office Barber Building, formerly
occupied by Dr. Yoss.
9 to 12 a. m.
2 to 5 p.m.
OUva atfoarth door aorta of Pint
JwF wT
ETerytfciag ia oar lia
aad eTerjrthiag gaaraateel.
Watraas atatle to artier.
Best aarsosaaeiag ia the
A fae liae af
Carriages, etc.
HPI am agent for the old reliabfo
Columbus Buggy Company, of Colum
bus, Ohio, which is a sufficient guaran
tee of strictly first cIhbs goods.
south of Chicago ask vour lonnl
ticket agent to route you between Omaha
and Chicago via the
the shortest line between the two cities
Trains via this popular road depart
from the Union depot, Omaha, daily,
connecting with trains from the west.
Msgnificently equipped trains, palace
sleepers and free reclining chair cars.
DiaiBg cars and buffet library and
smokiag cars. All trains lighted by
electricity. For full information about
rates, etc., address
F. A. Nash,
General Western Agent 1504 Farnass
St, Omaha.
H. W. Howell,
Trav. Freight and Pass. Agt '
EditariaHy Fearless.
Caaanttntly Rspuafican.
News from all of the world Well
written, oriicirMl stories -Aaswera to
qaeries -Articles oa limit h, the Home,
New Books, aad oa Work About the
Vana aad Uardea.
il 1 m Wff om
s I a awraberot the Associated Press, the
S oahr Western Newspaper receiving the
S eatire telegraphic news service of the
New York t)aa aad special cable of the
5 New York Workl-daily reports from
3 over 2.0BS special comspoadeate
S throairhoBt the coaatrr.
W. A. aUiAxusTBB.
I wSSiitasSr1-Tk
J fc '
: '
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