The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 11, 1902, Image 2

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Kitaukuu sUr II. 1S.
-ftolumlms 1 ountaL
Coluiubu Nobr.
Katared at th I'ostomce, Cotombaa, Nebr., m
seotid-clM Biail matter.
Tsaas or auaicarnioa:
IS uiall.poatas prepaid $IM
BOftwl Jl
IvV sWOaw W
r Seherisera ef THS JOUBW-
Alri-FlMM leek at tfcs mats sapssits
SMUT SlSSBe Ml the wnMtr 4 ywf
OUaUTAX erea ta rcUf THS
JOUBWAL. UfU(Ui late, yaur
satssriatiea is pel ruMuto4 tor.
Republican State convention, Lincoln,
June 18. assembly, Seward, Septem
ber Ui to 21. assembly, David Gity, June
'M to July H.
Nebraska Stuto Fair, Lincoln, August
2M to September f.
flraud Army wuceiupiuunt, Washing
ton, D.G., October (Ml.
Nebraska Kpwortb assembly, IJucolu,
August fi to 14 inclusive.
Democratic uud I'opuliat cougres
sioual conveutiuu, Golumbua, July 15.
Six lb district republicuu caugreeaional
oouveutiou at Crawford, Juuo 12; num
ber of delegates, 207.
A (xouiiuuuar at Durbutu, Iowa, tbo
other day deatroyod eevural tbouaaud
acres of corn.
'Villi scale of wages goveruiug job
priutora iu Glucugo vvaa raiaod from $18
to $11I.0 pur weak ou tbo 4th iuat. Over
l.WMl muu will Ih beueiUod by tbo raise.
Auhiuu id purfrcltug a uaw type of
siege oauuou. Italy's uew Held guu baa
a ruugo of 7.0(10 yard, 'l'be wbole ttuu
aiau artillery it uow beiug urmed witb
uuick-Uriug weapoux.
Vovu youug mau of Weal foiut bave
atarted afoot to make u trip around tbe
world. Their object in to aee tbe world,
aud bave uo bet or prued offered for
tbeir returu at u corluiu time.
It ia aaid that tbe owners of threshing
maebiuea iu Uooue couuty bave formed
a uombiue, wbiob indicates tbat tbe fann
ers will bave to pay more for tbe thrash
ing of tbeir crops tbia seasou.
Uias-KuiLii: Sayauk, daughter of Gov.
Savage, aud Mr. Adriuu li Harvey of
Omaba were married at tbe executive
luausiuu Juue 4. After a bridal tour
tbey wilt make tbeir borne iu Omaba.
A fiuK at Fraukliu, tbia stute, oue
uight last week destroyed proaerty vul
ued at about IVll.MlO. Two eutire blocks,
oouaiutiug of fourteeu buaiuess bouses
witb most of tbe atooka of goods were a
total loss.
Tuk Oiuaba lioe says tbat "tbe goveru-
meut crop report coutiuues to give fuvor
able aocouut of Nebraska's crop coudi
tioua, assuriug prosperity for tbe farmers
iu ull our surrouudiug territory. Tbe
- trade of tbis sectiou for tbe comiug
seasou id going to be sometbiug vvortb
competiug for."
A sjicvy political party was bom iu
Denver Juue -4 by tbe western labor cou
veutiou, wbicb adopted u declaration for
socialism aud iudepeudeut political
eotiuu. Tbe oouveutiou adopted tbe
uauiu, "Tbe American Labor Uuiou," tor
tbe orgauizutiou aud voted to send
orgauisers tbrougbout tbe oast. It is
uuuouuced by tbe leaders tbat the party
will uol enter tbe political Held witb
uomiuatious for at least auotbor year.
Niuulv 1,000,000,000 more postage
stamps bave beeu utsued to tbe post
oJliced of tbe Uuited States smce July I
last tban were issued duriug tbe wbole
of tbe previous tlscal year, observes tbe
Sprtugtield tiepublicau. Tbu la uot
uecesdarily iudtcative of u great increase
iu tbe postal buaiuess. From lack of
other fucilities for tbe transmissiou of
small sums of money by mail, stamps
bave come to be extensively used. But
tbe extraordinary increase iu tbe demand
tor stamps must rellect uot only tbe
axiateuoe of improving conditions of
prosperity among tbe people, but a
marked tendency of small trade through
mail orders to expand.
1L C Kcssmx, of SeauyW. who has
friuautly been mentioned, as a candi
date tor governor, in a recent letter to
J. IX Gage, an old army comrade, de
cliuaa to make tbe race and gives bis
reasons, aa follows: "1 bave received
several letters from you and other com
rades and friends asking me to allow tbe
use of my uouie as candidate for gover
nor. 1 did uot answer at tbe time on
account of the uncertain condition of
my health. It would bo impossible for
me to undertake it. Tberefttre with a
due appreciation of the kiuduess and
contkleuce of all my comrades and friends
I must respectfully decline, fully appre
ciating the honor. Ou the 9th day of
March, 1864, I received a severe wound
in the pit of the stomach. The ball
lodging near the spine, has given me
more ox less trouble ever since, by weak
ening of the nervous system. "With the.
an old love of country and ivontlenc
ia the American soldier and abhorrence
of thair slander and hope for the success
of the republican party, I am, vours in
"Since the republican party came iuto
power," wails the Omaha World-Herald
for the 'ateeuth time duriug the past tive
years, "the prices of the necessities of
Ufa. coatrolled by trusts, have beeu
gradually increased." Why confine it to
the necessities of life ''controlled by
trusts?" The price of wheat isn't con
trailed fey any trust nor the price of corn
or oottoa or oats, or wool, or potatoes,
wad wheat aad corn and cotton and wool
aad potatoes raak way up to the front
ajaoag the necessities of life- Compare
the adiaace ia tke prices of these pro
4m4s vilk the advauoe ia the price of
eatl oil. coatroUed by a trust aad of
foatnrtVyH by a trust. There is
aajr cosaparisoa, so sauU has
asmthaadraace ia the price of eagar
Assrtstt oosjfared to that of wheat.
HsjmC HlV MtwHiil.oc sMTMilifnllad by
It should be remembered that nomi
nations guaranteed and indorsed by cor
poration managers are not always redeem
ed at the polls by the voters. Bee.
trusts, have advanced. What was tbe
wail of tbe Omaba World-Herald and tbe
Kansas City platform and Colonel Bryan
and all tbe rest of the fusion outfit in
tbe campaign of IrUMJ? Why it was tbat
tbe machinations of tbe octopuses, tbe
trusts and corporations bad raised tbe
value of money aud depressed tbe price
of tbe products of tbo laborer ou tbe
farm or in tbe shop to such a terrible
extent tbat tbe country was absolutely
ruined. What tbey wanted was cbsup
money and dear wheat, corn, oats, cot
ton, wool and potatoes and tbe output of
tbe shops of the laboring men.
Now since tbe republican policy baa
brought about tbe fruitiou of the demo
cratic hope for cboaiMsr money aud bet
ter prices for the farmer aud luboring
tuun tucludiug higher wages, uveu if it
accomplished it by going in exactly tbo
opposite direotiou recommeuded by tbo
democrats and pops of tbe period, why
this wail from tbe Omaba World-Herald?
Does it want us to return to tbe Cleve
land times of H3 to '07? If uot, what in
tbe uame of all tbo gods aud little ttsbes
does it wuntV Why, here are 147,000
coal miners, who got a ten per cent ad
vauce iu tbeir wages last year, atriking
for auotbor udvauce. Did auybody over
bear of 147,000 meu striking for au
udvauce iu wagea duriug tbe democratic
timea of Grover? Why no. When uuy
body did venture toatnko it was agaiust
a fifteeu perceul reduction iu wages and
tbey didu't alrike very loug either for
tbey couldn't afford it, but just gave up
aud accepted a reductiou because tbey
aaw that tbeir employers couldu't really
pay more. Wheu au editor wails be
ought to have a clear idea of what be is
cryiug for. Tbe World-Heruld thinks it
wauls lower prices. Do tbe farmers of
Nebraska cry for the same thing? If
they ugree to joiu tbe wail and will
uotify tbis editor tbe Journal, as iu duty
bouud, will try to weep a little too, to
abow its sympathy witb them. Liuoolu
BtpuMicau County Couveuttou.
The republicuu couuty oouveutiou met
iu Uumpbrey last Thursduy afteruoou
witb a good atteudauco preseut, al
though live of tbe towusbips, Woodville,
Wulker. ltismark, Sbermuu uud Colum
bus, bad uo representatives.
Edwiu Hours, obairmau of tbe couuty
central committee, called tbe mootiug to
order uud K. I. Drake was theu elected
cbairmau uud K. W. Hoburt secretary.
Tbe chair tbeu uppoiutod W. M. Cor
nelius cbutrmuu, aud G. Brodboll, S. T.
Pleuiuiiug, George Alexuuder aud K. 0.
Morrow a committee ou credeutiuls.
While tbe committee were at work
speeches were mude by Judge Hobert
sou of Norfolk, Dr. Hauseu. F. M. Cook
lugbam, C. J. Garlow, W. A. McAllister,
J. U Stires aud S. S. McAllister.
Ou report of committee ou creden
tials, tbe temporary orgauizutiou was
tbeu made permaueuL
Dr. Hauseu was authorized to select
delegates to tbe congressional aud state
conventions, who, utter a recess of iifteeu
miuutes reported tbe followiug uamed
gentlemen as delegates to tbe cougres
uiouul convention: Carl K rumor, Kd.
Hoare, C. J. Garlow. W. W. Frauk,
Chris. Meedel, J. G. Keeder. K. G.
Strotber, Iv. S. Dickinson, J. D. Stires.
Harry Lamb, V. 11. Bonder, W. M. Cor
nelius, Bey Martyu, 11. Kagatz, K. M.
White aud IX U. Wulker.
For the state convention, Mr. Hauseu
named as delegates Carl Kramer, Ed.
Hoare, W. A. McAllister, M W. Hobart,
Fred. Meedel, K. H. Chambers, Charles
Kelley. J. U. Evans, E. H. Funk, George
Fuirchild aud E. Brodboll.
A committee which bad beou appoint
ed by tbe chairman tbeu reported tbe
followiug resolutions:
We, the delegutes of the republican
oouveutiou of Platte couuty, Nebraska,
iu convention assembled, bave only
words of commeudatiou for tbo policy
of our lumeuted McKiuley and bis wor
thy successor in his administration of
foreign as well as domestic affairs. Wo
realise that the fight for congress iu
this, the third congressional district.
will be close and aggressive, and further,
realising that the nominee of the con
gressional convention should bo a man
whose integrity aud repututiou are uu
questioned, aud who baa m uo way eu
tangled himself by political disputes,
quarrels or promises, or otherwise in
curred the dislike or opposition of any
faction of the party, and
Whereas, Dr. Homer A. Hauseu, of
Columbus, Nebraska, is a candidate for
the oiace of cougressmau for this dis
trict, aud the republicans of riatte
county, having full coniideuce iu the
ability, iuugrity aud strength of Dr.
Hansen, aud believing he can command
more votes than any other candidate in
the field, now, therefore, be it
Kesolved, By this convention uow
assembled, that the delegates elected to
both the congressional and state conven
tions be and are hereby requested and
instructed to use all honorable means iu
their power to secure the nomination of
Dr. Hansen for congress, and if nomi
nated that the republicans of this oou
veutiou be tireless iu their efforts to
elect him. Respectfully submitted,
0- J. Gaklow,
Edwin Hoiks,
Tbe convention theu elected the fol
lowiug as members of the county cen
tral committee: F. T. Walker 1st, R. W.
Hobart 2d, K. H. Funk 3d ward, Colum
bus; H. B, Heed, Columbus township;
K. A. Brodboll, St. Bernard; H. B. Mar.
tin. Granville; Harry Lamb, Burrows;
Herman Kluever, Shell creek; Charles
Xelley, Monroe; Fred, Meedel, Loup; Qv
Bugler, Oreeton; i. H. Harrington, But
ler; K. G. Sirother. Lost Creek; . a
Morrow, Grand Prairie; P. H. Bender,
Humphrey; Joseph Apgar, Woodville;
Niels Olson, Walker; Frank Wardeuan,
Sherman; Fred. Cotton, Basmark and
A.W.Lamb, JolwU
Ed. Hears was elected chairman of the
ceaaty central coauaittee aad B. W.
W. M. Caraelias tswa adaresaii the
convention, after wbtcb tbey adjournsd
to iuet iu Columbia at tbe call of the
cbuiruiau, when i,otuinatiuna will be
mude for county Ut.imey and state rep
resentative also tbe delegates elected to
tbe rlout and iuutorial conventions.
Tbe following geutlemeu were iu at
teudauce from tbis city: W. M. Corne
lius, J. D. Stires, F. T. Walker, George
Fuirchild. fl. Hagatz, J. E. Hoffman, L.
A. Ewing, It. W. Ilobart, O. J. Garlow,
E. U. Chambers, 0. Kramer, W. A. Mc
Allister, George Brodfuebrer, W. Sipple
aud Dr. Hansen.
The convention was harmonious and
enthusiastic for Hauauu and Hobertson.
A OoiuMbutit Writes sf HU Wstt
ro Trip.
Sonic uotes taken by E. H. Jenkins ou
bis receut western trip:
Wo left Cauou City, Colorado, at 1:1(1
p. m., aud never got to Salt Lake till
12 uotiu uext day, us tbe train was about
three hours late. Ou our trip over the
mouutuius we didu't see uuy farming
land; we didu't see any horses or cattle;
we didu't see any of tbe nice greeu grass
such as grows iu Nebraska aud tbe east
ern states, but we did see any auiount of
high, rugged, auuw-uuped uiouuluins
tbat reached above tbe clouds. We did
aee a suow storm uuu was iu u aooiu
breakfast time.
Oue cuu see snow-cupped uiouuluins tu
almost all directions from Salt Lake and
today is oue of clouds iu morutug aud
hot suu iu ufteruoou, with a uice cool
breeze from tbe suow bills, cool enough
iu foreuoou for uu overcoat aud hot
euough iu afteruoou to go iu oue's shirt
sleeves, still a Hue air. Streets here are
good aud wide, 120 feet, with two car
trucks iu center, but very few of them
paved as yet. Had a great time coming
over tbe mouutuius as we were on secoud
sectiou of a very large traiu of ierhaps
24 or 'Jti oars, each of which was packed,
but by doiug a little Hue tlguriug uiau
aged to get good accouiuiudatiou aud
Sixty tbousaud people here, aud at
present there are crowds of tourists ou
every street. Some very flue residences
iu Salt Lake, some costing well up to
wards $500,000; irrigating ditches ou
either side of each street with some
beautiful lawua. Before we leave here
will write about the fruit farms aud bow
tbey look uud what tbey cau be bought
for. Was at the Brig ham Youug Taber
uacle to hear au orgau recital. The
buildiug has a seatiug capacity of 12,000
or more than thirteen times larger than
tbe North operu bouse, aud the seats
arouud tbe orgau (which is claimed to
bo one of the fluost iu tbe world) reserv
ed for tbe choir, will hold uearly a
tbousaud. There were about 400 people
at tbe recital aud tbey just simply made
uo showing at all. It was graud, as some
parts of tbe music sounded just like a
large uuiuber of voices. When we leave
here on one end of our traiu it will be 9
o'clock aud ou tbe other it will be but
8, ho will set my watch back au other
hour which will carry us to the coast, so
wheu we sturt back will have to set it
ahead twice to reach Chicago time.
Wo Gud by looking at chart of city
tbat tbe square ou which the large Mor
mon buildiugs are located is tbe central
point of the city, or rutber tbe point from
which the streets are uamed and num
bered. First of ull is Temple street
which is just south of temple square aud
west of Main street fronting east; tbeu
comes 1st south, 2nd south aud so on
south; east aud west tbe city ia divided
by Main street as 1st east, 2nd east, or
as 1st west south and so ou. Going
uorth the streets are numbered the same,
au easy city to get arouud iu as the
streets are all laid out due north aud
south aud east uud west iu very large
squares, I think twice as large as ordi
nary towns, beiug about seven blocks to
the mile. It is a &ry interesting city in
many ways; for several years past there
has beeu a heavy influx of Yankees, in
cluding many from the extreme east, as
well as many euterpriaiug young and
middle aged meu from all western states.
bave met many here from Nebraska,
also from Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania aud iu fact from all parts
of the east.
We made a trip to Fort Douglas which
is about five miles out from center of
city aud nicely situated on a flue level
upland uear the foot of the mountains
which have suow on their crests the
year round, and the street cars iu order
to reach the fort have to climb SOU feet
above the level of the city proper. After
reaching there one has a fine view of the
valley and surrouudiug high range of
hills covered with suow almost all the
way round, aud am told that the snow iu
the gulches iu places is from 20 to 30
feet deep which makes this such an ideal
place iu which to irrigate. On our
arrival at the fort the first thiug we saw
to make us feel good waaQld Glory float
ing iu the breeze from a tall flag pole and
theu felt at home. A young soldier from
Pennsylvania showed us through mess
room. 'sleeping quarters, etc; also saw a
battery at drill. In looking up the
height of the different peaks in the
Wasatch range we find the highest to be
between thirteen and fourteeu thousand
feet above sea, or some lower than
Pike's peak. On our way back from
fort passed the old Mormon also new
gentile cemetery and by itself, the lot in
which Brigham Young is buried.
In company of a real estate agent here
took a twelve mile carriage rids into the
country and it was the finest we ever bad
and piiSffl some very fine places both
iu residencies and small fruit farms. The
small places in fruit are in five and three
acre ranches, uow all in fall bloom and
they look most beautiful. The small
farms above mentioned are most all 30
rods on the road and runniag back 40
rods, which makes jusi 5 acres. Wa
looked at one place in particular but
found the owner away; also went onto
porch of house where thay had a ther
mometer hanging in the hot sun, still it
only showed 62': triad the front door.
found it uniooaeu or in otner woras roe
latch string out. Wa attended opera in
the house built by Brighan Young years
o. It baa first, second aad third gal
leries aud seats 1800 people. The tele
phone poles here are ia the center of tbe
streets with street cars doss to then on
each side. Ia front of our hotel the
poles are at least GO fast high, with car
poles much lower and between, Ia aay
next will have omethiag to say of the
northwest country.
Places as above described lyiag near
the city, that is from two to are miles,
well iawcoved, are sslhaff as high sa
per asra. bat all eaehhave the Irat
water right whish oaa with the ahava
pnesv Lots asarta cttytaax are aoti
are hnafiag Wiaarsafa aai
aooordiag to loeatios. Maar of the
small tracts are baiag MueJussd by
eastern nsrtiss who are baildiaf. as a
rule, las sottays sostiag frost $4W
to l(MU0esea,so that ta a lev years
Salt Lake City will hare very las sar
roandinsv aad it looks to sao liks a de
sirable pises to spead oars susunsss.
Tk faheab.
Below w print Ucw to which tpeeial sites
Oob of Mbool bawd Um Use dirmUd tbe past
jrr br BUpNiatoadMU Kara:
tbk raiXAai osadm.
Uader tbia baadias are iaclodad rads 1, X, S
aad 4. lotbaMgoulM tbe work has, iaifcenaiB,
baaa aaliaf actor jr. Tha atlaMjjt, aud at tba
bnriaaias of tba jraar. to anJijr aad aaricb tha
work of grade 1 aad t, baa nMultad ia gnt od
to tbe aciiool. Ia tbcaa aradaa tba work of
rMdiag i of vital itnportacc. Attbsfratnaat-
iugof tba primary teacbaraa proraa waf agreed
upon, outlisiaa ia detail Ike work bjr ciawua,
apeciicationa being made a to diviaioas, atadjr
period, radiation parioda, method, lasta. ate.
Tbara were lobe four diviaioas, aa aaaed below,
ia each room. Pspits enrolled ia auctions C and
1) bat e aUandad acbool but one half of tba tiaa
during tbe pnacntywur. la reading theaaelaeeea
bav completed I he following number of pagea
iu alandard books.
ticclioa A, aaod Kt-t-l', 07 jiagaai B, tint
grade, M pagea; C, Uvi.i:.-.--., iuu pagea; I, be
ginners, W page. Hejlioa t' include aiz year
old pupil wbo entered acbool for tba irat time,
bimag 5 year old pupil, and a few pupils wbo
went in acbool a abort time daring lb spring of
lft)l. Section 1 include bugjnnara a years of
age, aad tboae S yeara of age wbo ware aaabU In
carry tba work of auction S.
Iu addition to tbe above a few of tba cbwaaa
have read other books, a few bave dona, some
what leas work tbau indicated. Pupils ia tba
grades named above bave been carefully abeei
Sod and tbe ayslew kept eo flexible thai promo
tion have been made at anytime tbat, tbe wel
fare of tbo children demanded it. lVaribejrmore,
in auction ( and U, tba eeeentialeof reading
bave been thoroughly taught in harmony witb tba
mot rational method of tbe present day. Above
all. ot only bave tbe above books bean read, but
tbey lutve been read well.
ras AaiTasrrio woax-aiau sosoou
lu order to give ytiu au adequate coaoetua of
tbe work iu arithmetic 1 give herewith tba re
sults of tbe investigation iuoneclaas, grade IX,
High school. The results iu all grades below the
High school, to and including the fourth grade,
were very much tbe 'same. Possibly somewhat
worocoudilitu prevailed iu grades V aud VIII.
1 begau my work with grade IX at tbo opeaiug
of the MucoudDeuiesler, uear tbu middle of Jan
uary, 'litis class was supposed to have complet
ed the arithmetic (White's Hauler) iu the eighth
grade aud lo have Mnished a half-year of High
school arithmetic at this lime, la the arst
"Written treasons" these pupils, 42 ia number,
showed a lamentable lack of knowledge of tbe
priuciples of every day arithmetic. Ouly I he
most practical problems were proposed tor solu
tion iu these written lessons, problems such as
have lo do with the affair of life, problems such
as all pupils should be able to master before
beiug advanced lo High ohool work. 1 have the
results of tha arst written lessou giveu at the
middle of the year. Out of i'i pupil. IS passed.
Tbe grade ranged from 10 per cent upward. Not
satisfied, a few days later a ocoud writleu lesson
was giveu. Out of U pupils, U passed with
grades above 70 per ceut. lu other words, ttt per
cent of those pupils were uuable lo solve cor
rectly the problems that confront one ia the
every day atlairs of life. As soon as the condi
tion of the class was discovered High school
arithmetic waa abandoned and a return made to
eighth grade work.
Tbe followiug will illustrate tha class of prob
lems proposed for solution: 1. - lAad tbe amount
of a bill of lumber. '. a'iud the value of a piece
of laud in acres uud 4Uare rod, tha price per
acre beiug gUeu. X. Cost to carpet a room.
4. Number of bushels of wheat in a bin. V
Agent's commission oa a sale, ft. Amount in
vested iu gikod by aa agent who receives s cer
tain sum of money with instructions to deduct
bis commission and invest tbe remainder. 7.
Problems in taxes. 81 Vroblems in interest.
St Find total coat wheu price per 100 or UNO ia
given. 10. Amount of a bill of goods, etc, etc,
etc. Abtruee. indefinite, "catch" problems were
iu every instance avoided. To meet the above
conditions tt series of "Written. Lessons" were
arranged for the class, for the remainder of the
sj, one such lesson being given each week.
Thus the essentials in this subject were drilled
upon week after week and the principles repeat
ed time aud agaiu in order that pupils might fix
them in mind. Tbia method of treatment, the
uw a that used in the grades, began to tell
the averages gradually became more satisfactory.
Often the instructor waa enabled to set one of
the grades against the High school on the same
written lesson. On the fifth grade written les
son. 25 per cent of the High school grade would
at times fail to reach the required 75 points. It
wa finally found necessary to re-classify the
pupils iu this grade so that a number (S) carried
the beveuth grade arithmetic in addition to tha
regular class work. At the close of the year.
after continuous drill, 3a pupils from this grade
were promoted iuto grade tea. eleven being una
ble to finish this eighth grade work for ad anco-
ment. Thirty per cent of this class will thus be
required to pursue this subject the coming year.
1 feel that credit is due Mr. Britoll for the untir
ing euergy and zm1 displayed in promoting the
interests of this class, aad for the strong support
I hnve had in this work. To him, in a large
measure, is due the credit for so large a per cent
(,70) having finished too work in approved man
ner. Tbe investigations would eem to indicate
that these pupils wero advanced to the High
school before having mastered the work in the
common branches. Out of tt pupils in this clasa
who studied grammar in the High school, 17
were able to complete the work successfully and
were promoted to grade X, while 10 either failed
in the work or dropped out of school, giving up
the attempt. Of 43 pupils in this class wbo
started to study Civics, 34 were able to carry the
work, IS either failed or dropped school. These
figure need no comment.
AaiTiuomc woaa ia Tax oa.uKs.
The importance of arithmetic work ia dwelt
upon iu the report. Pupils strong in this sub
ject arc, as a rule, strong iu other subjects.
Texts, methods, aad often qualifications of
teachers are accountable for unfavorable condi
tions. Pupil an often "inaccurate, uncertain,
iudrnuite, tvwly to tuuanl a guess, prompt to
claim credit for manner ol solution." To rem
edy these conditions a plan embracing three dis
tinct tealuree was put ia operation. This plan
was as follows:
1. Outline of work. An outline of tha work
in detail was famished each teacher. Iu every
year's work there axe a number of essential sub
jects iu which pupils must be thoroughly pre
pared. Moat failure ia school are caused by
want of preparation at a few points. These
points were named, grade by grade, aad taacaere
urged to place special euiphaaii thereon. More
over, the so-called "danger pointa" for each
grade wens specified. To illustrate: A "danger
point" iu fourth grade arithmetic occurs ia
problems iu long division iu which cipbara
occur iu the quotient; another iu sixth grada
aritemetic in placing the point in division of
decimals. At these points the fwarhinc mast be
exact and intense.
2. Method of Grading -The method of grad
ing the work iu arithmetic baa beau entirely
changed. Under the old system pupUa were
graded upon manner rather than matter, upon
intent rather than content. It ia quits the cus
tom to grade pupils a certain percent upon the
theory that the pupil "tried;" to grade 3 per
ceut for process aud & per cent tor correct re
sult. It is mora coauanu to grada pupil 3 pax
cent for process aad two pec cast for correct re
sult. This mstbod of, gradiug waa discarded,
la the domain of numbers there oaa be no con
troversy, no miapmmite, no pro nihility. ao
misgivings that that which ia true today mar be
untrue tomorrow. Hare iafenace fellow pra
raise, the aukuowa follow the kaowa, with ta
highest degree of certainty of watch tbe ham in
miad ia capable " To gat oat of arithmetic the
training ia precision, exact aad twitbfalfie
which it ia calculated to giv. w mast never
rest with partial rsaniv. Papihrn I baled act
only to see the relation of nnihaaa. thai mast
acuaire the powr to
again aad agaia with certainty aad
That teaching ia aasaatiallx iavavoaul aad
fal which lsudsacaild tebsliav that
ia par casta tar work that ha ha not doe.
Whan pupil once com, ia a ihlevai, to
realm thir real fili.tharadf fereo
jjsaariia Tht ia lillli is"toaiM faxahaam
whsre the merit y tarn of mtrkaaiaaaV Tke
result ai impartial aad hm a aaaiaa of
revelation to the tiarhar mmj laaa to
lulbfalaasjiarl ramirri -"'- -trmliaata da
Oalj fag xvawstaa asm sua ha
cossaet of aajr sort ef hniam. Te
many taaahars, that cfaaisctaristaat aatai mot
bill f attend of the laouauua they really are.
Us f syirisMa aurkof sued training Is sa Udl
Masl ia atearacy. The person who is haaita
aliriasaU cannot a trusted. As aa m-
slayw he is s soar of constant veaatios.
sad troabU. aeaatato ia miaor
accurate ia weigatjr matters.
kaowledge ia valaabl knowledge. "A small
amount of kaowledge of au exact aad perfect
character ia mora valuable for all practical pur
pose than any amount of superficial learning."
ToaoroapHah aamall aaonnt of work perfacdy,
ia far better than to half do tea times a mach.
Eight twelves are niuety-aix. If the result given
w ninety-five or aiaeljr-eva it ia graded aero.
The value of the corn in a certain bin at the
market price ia $tt.40. It .U or $HM U
givea by the pupil it is graded zero. If the pupil
misreads or miscopie a problem the result ta
graded aero even though he may have a correct
solution for the problem he has down. If on
figure ia the result ia incorrect the answer is
graded zero. If tbe decimal point is incorrectly
placed the answer is graded zero. Iu other
word, if the answer giveu is correct it is so
graded, if incorrect, it ia graded as incorrect. If
the answer lo a problem is $2.44, by uo wanner
of means can it he ti. 43 or any other sum, and lv
what course of reasoning the lnller answer
could be called partially right, "worth ight
pointa out of ten," it ia dimcult lo conceive.
There are uo degree of accuracy in arithmetic.
One answer is correct aud every other um is in
correct. Consider for a moment the results that
may follow when 3 (totals are giveu for process
aad t points for correct result. Suppose 20
problems are proposed for solution. It ia possi
ble for a pupil to attain a grade of SO per oeat
aad yet fail to solve correctly oue problem out
of that number. Hupptisa 60 problems are pro
posed. Her again, upon thia basis of marking,
tha pupil may secure a grade of W per oeat with
out giving. correct answer to on problem.
Tha ''merit system" has beeu adopted for grad
ing written work in classes above thelhird grade.
wassLV waiTTKN LBsaoas.
Her follows aa explanation of what "written
liMtiac" are. Thar carve to teat tha character of
tha work betas done. Tbey are eo prepared aa
to iuteusify the easealials and afford proper
drill at tha "danger pointa" mentioned above.
They emphasise those important items that tha
teacher may overlook. They are seat out weekly
by tbe superintendent.
(ii.aairituTioN or runut.
The instruction of pupils in n graded system
Mexible euough that individuality may not be
auluuerged affords a highly perplexing problem.
In certaiu schools pupils are expected to com
plete so much work within a specified time, re
gardless, 'l'be iajustioeof such a phut ia evi
dent. t.Wtain impile are ooatiuaally prodded
aad driven, to say uothing of lite stupidity of
requiring brighter pupil to mark time thresh
iug out old straw. Time aad effort may thus be
worse than wasted by bright boys aad girls.
Pupils are ofteu condemned aa blockheads whea
they are uot sufficiently advanced to keep up
with their classes. To reach the individual ia
the mace three thing an necessary :
1. Accurate classification of pupils.
2. The organisation of sufficient classes, iu
the more important subjects, to suable the
teacher to aiiapt the subject matter to the needs
of the individual iu as large a measure aa possi
ble. X. The careful and coutiuuous classification
and re-classificatiou, iu section of pupil of
equal ability and attainment.
To reach the above results it baa beeu found
necessary to "retain" those pupils who have
been found uot ouly unable to carry the work of
the advanced grade, but deficient iu the work of
the grade ia which thay ar at preseut classified.
The ro-olasaificatioa at the close of the present
year has been baaed largely upon the work iu
arithmetic a judged by the "continuous results
of the written lessou" mentioned iu Bee. s. 'l'be
result are ahowa below:
Male. (Wales. Total.
Pupils enrolled. Grades 1
tod 4U 301 804
Pupils enrolled ia High
school 4d 61 102
Number attending tirades 1 to S at the close of
school S.V2; promoted 442; retained 100; per cent
retained 20.
The largest per oeat of retained pupils is
found iu the timintnur or Kighth grade. When
we consider the large uumber of pupil.- who
leave school life forever before or soon after
completing the Eighth grade, pupils who do
practically no High school work, the wisdom of
thia course is at once apparent. Pupils who en
ter the High school from tbe Eighth grade with
out having mastered the common branches soon
become discouraged, give up the struggle and
drop school work for all time, having gained
nothing from the High school and having lost
the opportunity to become proficient iu the
essentials of aa English course. It is unjust to
pupils, half prepared for the work, to place them
in class beyond their capabilities and than to
bhune them for their failure. They soou grow
to hate the work, feel keenly the disgrace of
failure and become anxious to leave school life
for street life.
Tax oaADiaa of school;.
Children of every grade differ iu age, acquire
ments, aptitude, physical endurance, power of
concentration, home advantages, time of enter
ing school, attendance, rate of mental growth.
These difference should be provided for in the
character of the work and tbe amount of time
devoted to it. The ordinary school course ia
supposed u be arranged for the pupil of average
ability. Thia means that chiidntn of slow men
tal growth aw rushed over the work regardless
of thorough nose. After a time they gravitate to
the foot of the class, and in far too many cases,
misunderstood aud discouraged, drop out of
school. Where the progress is based upou the
ability of tbe slower pupils the brighter one
have time to waste, aad ar often drilled into
habit of inattention aud idleness. This course
work aa injustice to those pupils who cau and
should advance mora rapidly. These conditions
may be overcome, in a measure, iu the followiug
I. As far as possible each teacher should have
but one grade.
3. The uumber of pupUa in each grade should
be limited.
X Sufficient sections should be organised in
each grade to accommodate) pupila of eual abil
ity and attainment.
Undar the bead of nwommendatious for the
grades ia found the following:
Grade 5, a, 7 and S should be in separate
rooms. Tbe 7th grade should be placed in the
Second ward and a tith grade in the Kirst ward
and High school building respectively.
lata. Tia The Unio Pacific.
Meeting Mystto Shrine, San Francisco
June 10-Hth.
Travellers Protective .Association, Fort
land, Ore, June 3.7th.
Ancient Order United Workmen, Port
laud, Ores June MK&Hh.
TMketsoossle May 27th to June 3th.
inolusive, $45.00 for the round trip, stop
overs saroote, diverse routes, unal limit
sixty (60) days.
Society of the United Presbyterian
church, Taoosas, Wask, tickets oa sale
July 16th to 21st, inclusive, $45.00 for the
round trip, stopovers eoroute, diverse
routes, final limit, Sept. loth.
Bi-ennial masting. Knights of Pythias,
San Francisco. Calif., tickets on sale
August 3d to 3th, $45.00 for the round
trip, final limit September 30th, with
nrivilaia of stopovers, diverse routes.
Grand Lodge Order of Blks, Salt Lake
City, Utah, tickets oa sals August 7th to
10th, inelwsivsv $35.00 for tbe round trip,
atoBovera at Denver and west, diverse
roatsa, ttaai lualt Sept. auui.
$15dl0 for the round trip to Denver,
Colorado Snriatze, Pueblo, on sale June
23-34. iaelasira, July 1-13, iodusiva, Aug
ust 1-14, 33-24, 30-31, Ssptembsr 1-19,
final limita October 31st, other dates
taokate oa sals to these poiata at one
fare alas two dollars round trio. For
farther iaformatioa. call upon
W. tt. ifauuja. Agent.
To advtiseNshrak the Burlington
Boats wants nmotograahs of Nebraska
farm aad stock easaea, sad lota of thee.
Priaaa rangiBg from $6 to $95 ia cash
aad iacladiag trips to Chicago, St. Louis,
Denver aad through the Black Hills
by J. Francis,
t,Owhe who
wjUam4sjjhiitiQjJ iaJsrmatioa to any-
gThe People's Normal School g
ac cm 5C
Sam; swam
r sl7.4. Vyi o rt7 ' ,n0leril nmke, showing course of steamers from point to point
lXlV'l lCToL IVICXLO and (Hsiuuce. teaching the young as no book can by showing
course of early explorers aud date
Full Statistics
Biblical Map of Holy Land.
History of every race aud nation, all fresh and of modern thought.
Population of every country, city and town, omitting not the most insignificaut postorice iu the
United States. A census that jut cost the United States millions of dollars.
99Every instructor should have one, every business man, farmer, min
ister, statistician, professional man, statesman, orator.
Wheat, old 58$
Oorn, ahelled-V bushel . . . 47tJ
Oats, f bushel. St
Bye-V bushel 43
Hogs-W owt G40Q G So
Fat steers-V owt 2 50 4 t
Fat cows-1? cwt 3 OOgjf 4 00
Stock steere cwt 3 00$ 4 00
Potatoes- bushel 1 25 I 40
Butter W t. W IS
Eggs V dosen 170
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
Land Otticw at Lincoln. Nbr..
yi'lCK is hereby uiven that tbe folUming-
BituiMl settler has filed uoUce of his inten
tion to make final irvof in suuport of his claim.
aad that said proof will be uijde before Count)
Judge at Columbus, Nebr.. ou Jul 15. li. viz:
John J. Dickinson for the ae of Sec. '4t-17-3w,
He name the following w Unease to prme his
continuous residence upou and cultivntiou of,
aid land, viz: James O. Uillau. of Monrv..
Nebr.. John BuKi. of Taruov. Nebr.. Prank
BuKai. of, Genoa, Nebr.. Frank Dickinson, of
Monroe, Nebr.
Any person who desira to protest arfainitt the
allowance of such proof, or hw knowof any
substantial reason, under the law and the regu
lations of the Interior Department, why such
proof should not be allowevl. will be xieu an
opportunity at the above mentioned time aud
place to cross-examine the witnesses of .ud
claimant, and to oiler evidence iu rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
ijunSt Ktvioter.
In the district court of Platte county, Nebraska.
To Arthur White. Joseph Burke. Itouia L.
Love, Clementine Weist, Max Ueiaier, N. Uut
lidue. 1 M. Kawitzer. U. Kitspotriclc. Paul W.
Hearten and Albert U. Arnold, nou-reileut
defendants. . , , ,
You and each of ou ar liereby aotitied time
oa the 24th day of May. A. D VMi, Leander Uer
ranl and Michael Whitiuo)er as pUuutitl. tiled
their petitiou in the district, court of Platte
county. Nebraska, against you, as defendants,
impleaded with Columbus Land and Investment
Company and other Um object aud prajer of
which are to foreclose a certtiiu mortgage eae.
cuted b saitl Columbus Laud aud Intnameut i
Company to aid Leauiler Uerrani aud Michael
vf mtmoer U(hu iou .o. oue, id, inre. lour,
five and six in block No. oue. all of block No.
two, all of block No. three, all of block No. four.
all of block No. five. lots No. two. three, four,
five, six and seen in block No. nix, all of block
No. seven, all of block No. eutht, all of bltick
No. nine, all of block No. ten, all of block No.
eleven, all of block No. twelve, all of block No.
thirteen, all of block No. fourteen, all of
No. af toea, all of block No. ixteeu, all in High
land Park additioa to the city of Columbus, in
Platte county, stab of Nebraska, accordin to
the plat thereof to secure the lj meuL of three
promiisory note dated May it. A. D IMAI. for
Die um of Sl.UtO each, due aai payable tu oue,
twit, and three ear respectively from the date
thereof and thee is yC now due upou said note
and luorfga" the sum of Sl.S&aiid the iuteret
thervou from the ifcl day of October. A. U.. tWJ.
at eiht per cent per annum and for a decree
that any interest right, title or claim aid defend,
anta or either of taem have or claim to have ia
said preauas or any portion thereof to be infe
rior nd suhiivt to the lien uf the ulsintiflls and
the plaintitfs pray that iWfandantsbe required J
to pay to auiount yet uue upon u anus anu
tuortgage or that said preuiiss may be old to
aMiisty tbe auiount due thereoa and that eil
dfradanta may be foreclosed and forever barred
of all right, title, interust Ilea or claim aud
esiuity of redempU'oo in said mortgaged prem
iaes and that all right, title, interest or claim
which said dfodanta or either of thm have or
claim to have ia to or upon ssid premises or any
portion tlwrwot amy bw decreed to be junior and
inferior to that of plaintiff mortgage.
You aad each of ou at rwuulml to auwer
said petition oa or before Monday, tne llth day
of Jnljr.ivtti.
Dated Juue i. ISA.
LxAMKaGuuuau and
Mioiau. WatTxoiEK.
1 Plaintitf.
Th only graduated
Pi. TTamTir. -wr '-1 -' Eye. Ear. No aad
Taroat Scwcialiat. ha far the past twelve jrs
aad a Bmuy ox ta roe. cmt. .vos ibu
TtuiwI iii irn na afallr rnti ill these dusaaa.
mm vwrndcrf al ntm of correcting error o
take ha sites, baamr visioa to hnanirwl asd
saved maay from hltma Care zraoalatM
liaar' 1M. ptSJC eye. purygiasx. caca
etc. Ta doctor fit glass to correct all
of TMWajcan aad raucve retiarae,
Oaa eve is caii.
ta katzc.
tiaa fna. The deetar ia at hi cato cs
rasea wcat ot parx.
of voyage; presenting all lands and
showing the range and numbers of the religions of the world,
the amount aud character of products yielded by laud and
for The
year in aavance, ana one or
these $12.00 Atlases.
Come in and carry one of
these books home with you.
m WW
.OXT FOKGET that I hare for
sale, eggs for setting, so that
you cau raiee your own barred
or Buff Plymouth Kocks, Silver-
laced White Wytui Jottee. Partridge and
Buff Cochin aud Cornish Indian Games,
by buying the eggs of me.
ST" I am also agent for tbe Humphrey
& Sons' bone-cutter, live different sizen.
See me, or write me before buviog.
12mch4 Columbus, Nebr.
-raorurroH or tuj
flunk Bat hM
WmvWwaarwB aavaawwwW mwaawmw cmTS
Iiesli and
Salt Xeats.
Game and Fish in Season.
THighest market
prices paid for
Hidee and Tallow.
Salt Lake City.
St. Joseph.
TTansas City.
St. Louis and all
points Bast and
S a a Francisco
and all pointa
No. ii Passenger, daily except iJoadar. :15 a. m
No. 33 Accommodatioa. daily- except
Saturday t JO p. a
TBAisa .vaarvx.
No. 'it Pasor. daily xcpt Sunday. 9J0 p. m
No. il Accommodatioa. daily except
Sunday imu p.
No. 12. Colo. Special 1J a. ia.
Ho. 34 Grand Ialaad Local lv 5dS a. m.
No. lie. Fast Mail l?a p.m.
No. 5. Eastern Express- iiW p. 3-
No. 2. Overland Limited.. .. JUSp. m.
No. 4. Atlantic Exprvs. 5aiS a. a.
No. 1. Overland Limited.
No. 101. Fast Mail
No. 3. Pacific Express
No. 7. Grand Island Local.
No. 11. Colo. Special
No. 21, Freight
xoaroLx. bkasgl.
.Ili p. a
. !!: a- a.
.. 7M p. a.
. 3:W p. at.
.. !fc!Ua,i.
No. M. Passenger
:a p. m.
No. Tl. Mixed .3.
No. 84. Psassaxer WH3p.m.
No.T2. Mixed up.m.
No.S. Passssavr 23' p. a.
No 73. Mixed (5:45a. m.
No.7t). Paaaaager OdSp.m.
No. 74. Mixed ip. m.
Norfolk pssgr traa raa daily.
No amis oa Aim aad Uoear
Coiamts Local dsuraxesc :
the attributes thereof.
Eyerytkimg; ia our liae
aad eTerjtfciiif $naritel.
Waoaw Blade to order.
Best morse-keiBg ia tke
A tiMe line uf
lurriae?,. etc.
Baciea ... -
I am agent for the old reliable:
Columbus Boggy Company, at Coirnn
bus, Ohio, which ie a uAcient guarau
tee of dtrtctly tirst-claea guoda
25 oct tf
'ur juuth of Chicago ak your lucid.
uckeCagtut to route you bef.vewu Omaha
Mid Chicago via the
the shurteet line between the two cities
Tram via this popular road depart
from the Uuiuu depot, Omaha, dady,
couuecttuic with trains from the west.
Ma;uiticeutiy dquippeU trains, palace
alettpera ttud frtw reciinintf chair cars.
Dining cars aud buffet, library and
juiokiUK? can. Ail trtuc lighted by
Mctrictty. for tun iniormaitou aoout
rates, tc. adurte
Gueral Weetsrn Agent, 15ft FarBsaa
St.. Omaha. -
II. V. Howati.,
Trav. Freight acd Pass. AgS-
Low latas z Twin Cities tx 3cu
liafta JUeiM.
Bound trip ucitecs to Si. Faul .md.
Minneapolis on iirvmCoiiizubueJaQ
16 to 30 and July I to 7. m rateci it.Ty.
Liberal return Itmita.
A 9plecuid opportuzusy to vuus -ia g
the teu thousand beautiful Likj rveoru
of Miccteuca. Special nxicu trip nates
to these poicts 'roci Sc. Faul xci Mia
aeapoli. Aek the corvet BorttCscca
Boute agent, or, write
GKieral Fisawngef Agwat,
it Oasbs. Nr. '
Oa aad neat aulas framO
i1s Icesaicso. ood lasii. Pfia. ttll-Otj
iwKm. 2ocpru.iaccauaorBana
Oafc.OUv 9L. foaxtk doer aorta of Km
MCalilStSS. W.M.nBHaira
' : ' t
: -. i
. t
! I
1S;", 1. & s ,
as -.
---iS. ' i"-
fJ1"S "- ' f
- vs-r!T: jf r
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tvc-iA'llggftgr5? ""