The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 28, 1902, Image 1

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Beth Skies Anxious far -the War ts
End. tout Sssth Africans -Have Same
Difficulty in Wzizifying Certain sf
Their People.
LONDON, May 24. The Associated
Prase has every reason to believe that
peace in Sooth Africa is practically
ecured. -Kerr pjon, depends, ap
parently, more upon convenience of
tfre Boer leaders than upon the inclin
ation of the British government. The
private and official advices received
In London from South Africa all
point to the same conclusion. The
delay is technical, and to end the long
war sems to be the desire of both
British and Boer leaders. The lat
ter, however, are unable to convince
all of their followers of the wisdom
of acquiescing in the terms of peace.
Information as to what transpired
at yesterday's meeting of the cabinet
is closely guarded, but it is not like
ly that the cabinet transactions were
of vital import. The surmise of one
well informed person places the sum
total of the deliberations of the cab
inet ministers at a decision regard
ing points of the peace agreement
of entirely minor importance. An
other surmise is that the cabinet
merely sent a rather mock ultimatum
to South Africa, which can be used
by the Boer leaders in explanation
to thir forces.
Both these surmises probably con
tain an element of truth, but neither
can in any way effect the widespread
belief in the best informed quarters
that the end o the war has come.
In fact those persons who are best
acquainted with the actual details of
the present negotiations only qual
ify this optimistic expression of opin
ion by guarded reservations concern
ing the extent of the personal con
trol of the Borr leaders over their
commands Were the Beers a thor
oughly disciplined force, dependent
on the action of their general officers,
peace would probably be now pro
claimed, but Botha. Dewet and the
other generals seem themselves to
positively guarantee the degree to
which their example will be followed.
The delegation at Vereningen. ac
cording to thp information of the war
office are fairly evenly divided. Ac
cordingly extreme precautions ar ex
ercised in Loudon and Pretoria to pre
vent any premature report which
might adversely influence the Soers.
Advices received by the war office
indicate that whatever decision the
Vereeniging conference may arrive at.
most, if not all. of the Bcerjeaders
who went to Pretoria will not con
tinue the fight. The present negotia
tions wore merely for the purpose of
enabling the Boer leaders to "save
their faces." After they leam the
results of this afternoon's meeting of
the cabinet the Boer leaders are ex
pected to announce their reluctant ac
quiescence with the British terms.
The war office does not expect any
serious defections from the rank and
file on the action taken bj Generals
Botha and Dewet.
Kansas Democrats Adjourn.
WICHITA. Kan May 24. The
democratic state convention has ad
journed after naming six of tne four
teen places to be filled at the Novem
ber election. W. H. Craddock, may
or of Kansas City. Kan., was named
for governor. Other nominations are:
James McCleverity. Fort Scott, and
J. C Cannon. Mound City, tor supreme
justices. Claude Duvall, Hutchinson.
for secretary of state; J. M. Love.
Kinsley, for auditor
A Veteran Passes Away.
OMAHA. Neb.. May 24. Warren
Woodard of Exeter. Neb an old sol
dier and a member of the department
of Nebraska. Grand Army of the Re
public, who came here to attend the
state encampment, died at the Pax
ton hotel. His wife arrived from Ex
eter before his death. Mr. Woodard
was one of the first settlers of Exeter,
having located there thirty-two years
Drope Dead at Son's Grave.
WDLBER. Neb.. May 24. While vis
iting his son's grave with his wife.
JBarthoIomew Zoubek fell dead over
itae grave from heart disease. He was
72 years of age and had resided here
for thirty years-
Japan Wants Large Loan.
SEATTLE, Wash.. May 24. Count
Matsuknua. the prime minister of Jap
an, with the Japanese minister of
finance, is in the United States for the
purpose of negotiating a loan of $100,
000.000 with which to build ships and
railways and to carry on mining oper
ations in Japan. This statement is
made upon authority of Theophile
Gollier. attache of the .Belgian lega
tion in Tokio, who, with his wife, ar
rived in Seattle.
Worst Floods in Oklahoma.
GUTHRIE. OkL May 24. The rir
ers yesterday reached the highest
point since the flood began and the
present indication of more rains is
alarming, as it means that the -Cottonwood
and the Cimarron win flood
the eatire country, and like reports
are received from the Canadian and
Wasaita rivers. At no tate have
such floods been known in Oklahoma.
Keara Virginia (Sty, Peter Barry, a
-killed by lightnimg-
He Details to the Court the KHIing sf
Michael Sterfcs.
ALLIANCE; Neb.. May 26. District
eoart for Box Butte county conTened
here, and when the case of the state
of Nebraska against August Jahnke
for the murder of Michael Sierks
came up it brought out a confession
tram Oliver Olson, who is charged as
an accessory to the crime. Olson's
confession is as follows:
"""We had entered into an agreement
to kill Mike-Sierks and I was to have
half of the old man's insurance, for
which Jahnke was the beneficiary, and
a share in the old man's estate, which
was by previous inducement also de
vised to Jahnke. We made three at
tempts upon his life which were un
successful. The first time we let him
fall into a 120-foot well onto a piece
of pipe projecting four feet from the
bottom. The second time we put cor
rosive sublimate in his coffee at two
different times, but this failed, as the
old man vomited it all up, and we
played sick, placing the cause with
the whisky we had been drinking.
The third was to shoot him with a re
volver, and he was gotten drunk and
forced to stagger in front of the re-
i volver in my hands which I discharg
ed, apparently by accident, but the
shot miscarried and went under his
arm. failing to do the work. The last
and successful attempt was well plan
ned. Jahnke said to me: We will
have to shoot him with a shotgun.
We came to town and procured a gun
and went back. The next morning.
as Mike was at the breakfast table. I
got the gun and loaded it in an ad
joining room and returned, and as I
came out of the door behind the old
man I pulled the hammer and let the
' whole charge into his back, where
upon Jahnke shouted: Come, help me,
Mike is shot!"
On cross-examination Olson said he
was under the hypnotic influence of
Jahnke, who is his brother-in-law.
And Sent Officers to the Designated
Stump at Night.
ADAMS. Neb.. 3Iay 26. H. Cole
man, living three miles southeast of
town, received a letter some days ago
in which he was told to go to a certain
stump in the timber about half a
mile from his home and there deposit
4300, and failure to do so would cost
him his son's life, his house and bam
would be destroyed and other dire ca
lamities befall him.
Mr. Coleman came to town and re
ported the matter to Constable Med
calf and Deputy Sheriff Galloway,
who went to the place designated and
watched a couple of nights, but no one
appeared. In the letter, which was
mailed at Srerling. Mr. Coleman was
directed to go to the stump unarmed
i and at nisht.
I Farmer Loses His Barn.
I BASSETT. Neb.. May 26. Word
I was brought in of a disastrous fire in
j the burning of a large bam and all
i its contents, except two horses, be
longing to Joe Stolcpart. seven miles
east of here. No one was at home
at the time, Mr. Stolcpart being In
j Bassett. Upon reaching home he
I found many suspieious circumstances
and a careful investigation will fol
low.. He carried $400 insurance.
Snake in Letter Box.
LINCOLN, Neb May 26. Mail Car-
l rier Warnke took a small and active
j snake out of a mail box. A youth
named Henry Ernst was found to be
I the parry who introduced the snake
i into his new home, but he insisted
that he only put the snake on the do.t
and that the reptile crawled in of its
own accord.
Preparing for State Fair.
LINCOLN. Neb.. May 26. The state
board of agriculture met and con
tracted for the construction of four
new live stock barns on the state fair
grounds. The board also authorized
the various live stock associations to
hold auctions en the state fair
grounds during the next fair.
Lcn Pine Has Commercial Club.
LONG PINE, Neb May 26. The
( business men and property owners of
J Long Pine have organized a commer
cial club, with officers as follows.
! President. W. A. Buckiin; secretary.
J. a. Davisson; treasurer, R. S. HalL
Independent Telephone Company.
3RAINARD. Neb.. May 26. The vil
lage of Ulysses recently organized an
independent telephone company to
cover the entire town and also mak
ing connection with many of the near
by farmers houses.
A Young Man in Trouble.
BEATRICE Neb., May 26. A young
fellow by the name of Grover Brown
from Hubbell Neb., was arrested here
last night on a charge of forging a
check on some party for 5140.
Liquor Dealers to Meet.
OMAHA. May 26. The sixth an
nual convention of the Nebraska Re
tail Liquor Dealers" association will
be held in this city Jane 4 to 6 inclu
sive. Requisitions for Authorities.
DAKOTA CITY. May IS. Sheriff
John Sides has gone to Lincoln to se
cure requisition papers for the arrest
of Sheriff Lewison and Deputies Ho
mer Robb, Alfred Griffith and Sam
HoIIiday, South Dakota officers. The
I three Tnrgeon brothers, who were re
cently mixed up in a fight with these
officers, claim that they were on Ne
braska soil when the officers attempt
ed to arrest them and that the sher
iff and posse were in the wrong.
Second Eruaticn of Mount Pelee
Crazes Population with Fear Tues
day's Explosion More Violent Than
that Which Effaced St. Pierre.
FORT DE FRANCE, Island of Mar
tinique, Wednesday, May 21. t p. m.
The second eruption f Mount Pelee,
which occurred yesteruay, is said to
have been many times more violent
than the fatal explosion which effaced
the beautiful city of St. Pierre and
swept itd 30,000 people-from the earth.
The volcano is described as a seething
furnace, whose deadly tongues of flame
are expected to lick up life and prop
erty at any time. Indeed, the people
of this section are in absolute terror
over what they resolutely believe to
be their impending fate. They are
throng this city by the hundreds and
crying, not for food, not for clothing,
but to be taKen far awav from this is
land, which they declare has become
the object of God's wrath and that He
has determined to sweep its people out
of existence.
Streams of people have been pouring
into Fort de France from all over the
surrounding country. The people are
not destitute, but they are terrified.
They want only one thing, and that
is to be taken far away from this is
land, with which they say the gods
are angry and which they will destroy
by fire before it sinks under the sea.
The consuls here and the officers of
the war vessels in the harbor are way
laid by persons crazed with fear and
begging to be carried away.
The weather is now calm and beau
tiful, but the mountain is veiled in
volcanic clouds, which often assume a
very threatening aspect, and occa
sional rumblings are heard. Some
heavy and very welcome rains fell this
The United States steamer Dixie.
Captain Berry, from New York, ar
rived today after a quick and safe
passage. Its passengers include many
world-famous scientists. Prof. Robert
T. Hill, government geologist; Prof.
C. E. Borchgrevink. Messers. George
Curtis and George Kennan and many
magazine writers and correspondents
are also among those who arrived on
the steamer.
Dixing began landing its enormous
cargo of supplies early and the store
house on shore soon became congest
ed, and this is the greatest difficulty
of the distribution.
The United States steamer Potomac
went to inspect St. Pierre with the
commanders of the war vessels now
here. With the greatest difficulty the
party succeeded in making a landing.
The effect of the outburst of yesterday
was tremendous.
This second eruption was many
times more violent that that which ef
faced St. Pierre and swept its people
from the earth. Nor has all volcanic
activity ceased. Vast columns of
smoke and gas still pour from the
great crater and new fissures have
opened on th mountain sides and are
vomiting yellow whirlwinds, which
rush intermittently now from one
point and now another. Boiling mud
also is thrown out at times in tor
rents that reaches the sea and produce
small tidai waves.
More Trouble in Moscow.
ST. PETERSBURG, Tuesday. May
23. Reports have reached here of
fresh labor disorders at Moscow. No
details are obtainable, but it is known
that Grand Duke.. Sergics. governor
general ot Moscow, who had come to
Tsarskoe-Selo to be present at the re
ception of President Loabet. left hur
riedly for Moscow last .night, without
waiting to participate in the military
review. The imperial family has
abandoned its intention of visiting
Rates Prcsasly Will Stand.
CHICAGO. May 23. Unless the ex
ecutive officials of the western lines
force the matter there will be few if
any withdrawals of reduced Tariffs
which have been put in force since
the issuance of the injunctions of the
United States circuit court. This fact
developed today at a meeting of the
freight officials of the western lines.
After an all-day session practically
nothing in the line of discarding low
rates was accomplished.
Hay Wants to Extend Time.
WASHINGTON. May 23. Secretary
Hay has requested the Banisn govern
ment to enter into a protocol extend
ing for one year the period of time
allowed for the ratification of the trea
ty of cession of the Danish West In
dian islands. This action is necessary
to keep alive the treaty as ratified
by the United States senate until the
Danish rigsdag can act finally upon it
at the next session, which does not
occur until September.
Former Banker Indicted.
HELENA. Most May 23- K. H.
Matteson. former cashier of the First
National bank of Great Falls, was to
day indicted on ninety counts on the
charge of embezzling $1SSK)0 while
cashier of the bank. Tea testimony
before the grand jury disclosed the
fact that Matteron was at one time
$235,000 short. It is expected he will
plead guilty to one count and it is
likely the district attorney will quash
the others.
British Officials. Hswcver. Give N
Indication sf Ncfstiations.
LONDON May 23. The concensus
of opinion here is that all the sign'
are propitious, but up to 2 o'clock this
afternoon the British oflcials had giv
en no indications of tke' course which
the negotiations between Lord Kitch
ener and Lord Milner and the Boer
delegates at Pretoria vers taking.
That conferences are occurring re
garding the basis upon which peace
shall be declared is the sum total of
the- information which the war office
has vouchsafed up to the present,
though it is intimated that a definite
announcement of the result, peaceful
or otherwise, may speedily be expect
ed. The expression that peace is does;,
at hand has obviously takes a strong
hold of operators on the stock ex-,
change. The baying of consols and"
gilt-edfed South African shares con
tinues, it is believed, in behalf of well
informed interests.
President of Cuban Republic Sends
Message to Secretary Root.
WASHINGTON. May 23. The sec
retary of war has received the fol
lowing message from the president of
"Elihu Root. Secretary of war.
Washington: I am deeply moved by
your heartfelt message of congratula
tion on the inauguration of The re
public of Cuba, to the birth of which
the people and the government of the
United States have contributed with
their blood -nd treasure. Rest assur
ed that the Cuban people can never
forget the debt of gratitude they owe
to the great republic with which we
will always cultivate the closest re
lations of friendship, and for the
prosperity of which we pray to the
Decorah Cut Off by Flood, Which Does
Great Damage.
CONOVER. la.. May 23. The town
of Decorah, la., the county seat of
Winneshiek county, has ben cut off
from communication with other points
tor the last forty-eight hours. The
storms of Tuesday night flooded the
valley from Conover to Decorah,
sweeping away railroad bridges, tracks
and telegraph poles and flooding the
Two men drove from Decorah to
Conover this afternoon and reported
that water ran through the streets,
carrying away bridges and some of the
smaller houses. They said that two
lives had been lost and that possibly
others had perished. People were
driven to the hills. The Milwaukee
road has a crew at work repairing its
linese and expects to open communi
cation with Decorah tomorrow night.
Radical Action Taken by the Retail
Dealers in New York.
NEW YORK. May 23. Convinced
that weeks, and possibly months, may
elapse before the miners' strike shall
have been settled, retail coal dealers
here have advanced the price of an
thracite coal to a maximum of IS.50 a
ton. and at the same time marked up
bituminous to $4.50 when purchased
in small quantities. To consumers of
large quanties of soft coal a rate of
$3.85 is quoted.
Only once before have these prices
for fuel been exceeded. That was in
1S71. when the price of anthracite
reached a maximum of $11 a ton.
Bad Hail Storm Hits Iowa.
PERRY. la.. May 23. The town
and vicinity of Dawson, six miles west
of here, was vited by a severe hail
and rain storm. Hail stones measur
ing three inches across were picked
up after the storm. Not a pane of
glass was left on the south side of
buildings in the town, even large plate
glass windows in stores being broken
Trees and growing crops are damaged
Think Pfeister Insane.
WILBER, Neb., May 23. Complaint
has been made before the insanity
board against a man named Pfeister.
who it is said is roaming around the
country south of Swanton in a crazed
condition and afflicted with the small
pox. Swsdish Ministers Must Refrain.
SIOUX CITY, Ia May 23. Minis
ters of the Swedish Baptist church in
Iowa cannot in future belong to se
cret orders, under the revised consti
tution of the association.
Bard Ordered to Vacate.
CHEYENNE. Wyo May 23. L N.
Bard, who owns a large ranch prop
erty on Little Bear creek, about thirty
five miles north of this city, reports
that on last Saturday he received
warning to leave the country in the
form of a note on his doorstep. Ac
cording to Bard's statement, large
areas of government land, as well as
county roads, are fenced in and in
order to get to his ranch he is com
pelled to cut fencees.
Disappointment at the Vatican.
ROME. May 23. Doubt is felt in
Vatican circles as to whether the pope.
after all. will give an official reception
to the Taft commission. Official no
tification of the arrival of the com
mission here at the end of May has
been received ar tiie United States em
bassy, and has caused not a little dis
apeoinxment at the vattcan. as it spe
cifically eliminates all the political as
pects sought to be attached to the
Frenzied Populace. Appalled by Fiery
Clouds. Hot Stones and Swirling
Ashes, Flee to Cities for Refuge
Amid Indescribable Consternation.
FORT DE FRANCE. Island of Mar
tinique, May 22. Yesterday's eruption
from Mont Pelee was violent in the
extreme. Colossal columns of volcanic
matter were ejected from the volcano.
which raised huge, hot boulders, many
fcet in diameter upon the, ruins ol,
St. Pierre and the surrounding coun
try, from an enormous elevation and
with fearful volocity. The volcanic
clouds advanced as far as Fort de
The spectacle was appalling and be
yond description. Te whole popula
tion of Fort de France was thrown
into a frenzy of panic, during which
soldiers, police, men and women, all
terrified, frantic weeping and praying,
rushed through the streets, while over
head the growing, fiery clouds rolled
relentlessly and rained down stones,
still hot. amid the swirling ashes.
The steam launch of the United
States cruiser Cincinnati took some
refugees to the French cruiser Suchet,
and nearly 100 Dersons sought refuge
on the Cincinnati and United States
steamer Potomac. At 10 o'clock the
Potomac went to investigate matters
and all reports agree that Lieutenant
Benjamin B. McCormick, the com
mander of the steamer, did excellent
work. He went in close to St. Pierre
and found that that city had been
bombarded with enormous stones
from the volcano and that the ruins
left standing aftpr the first great dis
aster had been nearly razed. Mil
lions of tons of ashes then covered the
ruined city.
Further smaller stones had destroy
ed the houses of the brave villagers
who had stuck to their homes.
Lieutenant McCormick tcok on
board the Potomac ISO refugees. The
lieutenant fed them and brought the
party to Fort de France. This work
of rescue was difficult and dangerous.
It is reported that the whole popula
tion of the island is fleeing toward
Fort de France. The consternation
prevailing is indescribable Mont
Pelee is stil very threatening.
The French cruiser Suchet went on
another tour around the island and
did not take part in the rescue work
of the Potomac.
The United States steamer Sterling
has returned from San Juan de Porto
The United States steamer Dixie is
expected here this afternoon from
New York. ;
Supreme Court Again Decide in Favor
of Present Incumbents.
LINCOLN. May 22. The supreme
court has denied the application of
C. C. Wright for a writ of mandamus
to compel the governor to appoint a
board of fire and police commissioners
for Omaha, Two questions were in
volved in this case. On was -the au
thority of the supreme court to man
damus the governor, and the other
was the right of the governor to
make appointments. The opinion was
written by Chief Justice Sullivan.
Judges Holcomb and Sedgwick con
curring. The court declares that it has the
right to mandamus an officer of the
executive branch of the government
and that in this regard the law makes
no distinction between officials. The
writ is denied, however, on the
ground of res adjudica. which is that
a question once determined by a
judgment on its merits is forever set
tled. It was on this ground that
Judge Sullivan, in the Kennedy case,
adhered to the decision in the Mcores
case, from which he had originally
Funeral of Consul Prerrbs.
FORT DE FRANCE. Martinique.
May 22. Funeral services over the re
mains of Thomas T. Prentis, the late
United States consul at St. Pierre,
were held yesterday.
Kancas Wetted Down.
TOPEKA, Kan May 22.-Heavy
rains have fallen practically all over
Kansas during the past tweaty-four
hours. The rain was the heariest of
the year.
Omaha Company Expanding.
CHICAGO, May 22. Plans are un
der way for the reorganization. of the
Omaha Packing company. Ira M. Cobe,
president of the Chicago Title and
Trust company, promoting the deal.
The stock is to bi $2,000,000 preferred
and $2,000,000 common. Subscribers
to the preferred receive 50 per cent
of the amount of their subscriptions
in common as a bonus. The Omaha
company has a branch in yhig city
and others elsewhere.
Governor Directs Inquiry.
DENVER. May -22. Governor Or
man appointed a court of inquiry to
establish the truth or falsitv of a
newspaper interview with Adjutant
General George W. Gardner, who was
quoted as having said that in his opin
ion the snow- slide at' Tellurite, re
sulting in great loss of life, was a vis
itation of the wrath of God upon the
ainers of the district for their con
duct daring strikes. General Gard-
M&T atomism ! w rvi'TtvT-c nnaraif
.. .,.
It Will Ee Costly to Comply with the
Court's Mandate.
LINCOLN. Neb.. May 24. County
commissioners throughout the state
are awakening to the meaning of the
recent decision of the supreme court
which upheld the law requiring pre
cinct assessors to gather information
for the srate bureau of labor and in-"
dustrial statistics. In many of the
counties extra assessors have been
employed to do the work.
"One county clerk has informed us
that it will cost his county at least
$500 to comply with the law," said
Chief Clerk Hodge. "The authorities
of this county have heretofore disre
garded the provisions of the act, but
are now willing to do as commanded.
The expensa is for additional men to
1o the enumerating.
We find there is a very general sen
tfmenttfi"roughour theTfat"e to obey
the mandate of the court. Several
county clerks have asked for more
schedules and others are seeking in
struction as to how to proceed with
the work. We have yet to find any
county wherein the commissioners
are intending to disregarad the law.
If all of the counties return the ched
ules with the industrial and agricul
tural information properly recorded,
we will be able to present within the
next few months statistics that will
be more nearly accurate than any of
the same character ever compiled by
the department."
Reports from All Sources Show
Flattering Outlook.
OMAHA, Neb- May 24. Crop re
ports from all sources are of the most
optimistic kind. Rumors of damage
due to the dry, warm weather of April
have been dispelled by the copious
rainfall of May, and throughout Ne
braska, South Dakota, western Iowa
and northern Kansas the conditions
now prevailing are most promising.
The government reports, made up till
Monday, give the information that the
stand of winter wheat through This re
gion is excellent. While the straw
will be short, owing to the retarded
growth during April, the stalks are
heading well and there is bow suffi
cient moisture to insure a large yield.
An increased acreage over last year
is reported. Rye is in good condition,
though not so favorable as winter
wheat. Spring wheat and oats are
well up and thrifty.
Rains have interfered somewhat
with the .planting of corn, but the
work is generally well advanced and
the early planted is already up and
growing finely. Potatoes are also up
and promise well. An unusually
large acreage of potatoes has been
planted this year.
From railroad and other sources is
gained information which more than
substantiates the government reports.
Agriculture in the country tributary to
Omaha never gave more promise o?
a bountiful yield than at present.
Ar. Ad. Man from Nebraska.
OMAHA. Neb- May 24. Warwick
Saunders, for a number of years iden
tified with-the publishing business in
this city, has become a resident of
Kansas City, where he assumes the
position of secretary ami treasurer of
the Mutual Advertising 'agency.
Mr. Saunders' experience in the ad
vertising line will serve him' to good
purpose in his new field and a wide
acquaintanceship m the state from
which he goes will wish for him full
measure of success.
Baby Smothered to Death.
BENEDICT. Neb- May 24. The S-months-old
baby of Rev. D. W. Witts,
pastor of the Methodist church, was
smothered to death. The child, which
had been left on a bed. was found
some time afterward wedged in be
tween the bed and the wall, with the
head pressed close to the covers. Vain
effort was long made to resuscitate the
Seward Will Pay Water Bonds.
SEWARD. Neb.. May 24. The city
council" ordered S1.0V) of water bonds
paid, which, with $2,700 of registered
warrants also ordered paid, makes a
good record for the year.
Madison Teachers Get More Pay.
MADISON. Neb May 24. The
board of education elected teachers
and increased their salaries quite con
siderable for the ensuinz year.
Flag Day in Iowa.
DES MOINES. la., 3Iay 24. Gover
nor Cummins has issued a proclama
tion naming June 14 as flag day in
this state.
Wcman Adjudged Insane.
HASTINGS. Neb.. May 24. Miss
Sarah Grabill of Ayr was brought to
Hastings and adjudged insane. She
will be taken to the asylum at Lin
coln. Farm Hand Drowned in the Blue.
SEWARD. Neb- May 24. Oba
Gigg. a young man who had been
working on a farm near Staplehurst.
was drowned in the Blue river. He
was 25 years of age.
To Push Farmers Telephone Line.
WYMORE. Neb- May 24. At a con
ference of representatives of the In
dependent Farmers' Telephone com
pany, with headquarters at Blue
Springs and a number of Wymore
business men. it was decided to co
operate in bringing the company's line
to this city. This move will connect
Wymore with more than one hundred
of the best farmers east, ot town, also
with the towns of Bine Springs.
Holmeseville. Liberty and Barnesxon. '
a-T-s nmilllll
Tl 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 U M M 1 1 1 1 1 1 it
A slight shock of earthquake wa
felt in California.
A snow storm in Wyomims resvlted
in great loss of sheep-
Dan Costello. of old-time circus
fame, is dangerously ill in Chicago.
Agents of the British government in
this country have been ordered to
stoy buying horses.
The Boer delegates who are as
sembled at Vereeninging. Transvaal,
held prolonged conferences.
At Castenrllle. Cal.. John McCartys,
aged 22. shot and killed his mother
and then gave himself into custody.
It is possible President Roosevelt
will attend the Philippine reunion in
Council Bluffs, to be held in August.
Senator Teller cf Colorado said that
the session of congress woald be like
ly toontinue sixty dh3'Troaf"the f
first of June.
The farewell reception given to
General Lloyd Whcaton at the Amer;
ican club, in Manila, was attended by
over 2.700 Americans.
Captain Bertram S. Neumann of the
marine corps has been dismissed from
the naval service as a result of his
trial by court-martial at Pensacola.
The cholera situation in Manila and
the provinces remains unchanged. The
increase in cases continues and the
fatalities are still about SO per cent.
King Alexander has accepted the
resignation of the Servian cabinet. M.
Passios. formerly a radical, has been
entrusted with the formation of a new
Tbe Santa Fe has been granted a
franchise to enter Oakland. Cal. It is
to run fifty years. The company must
build the road through the city within
two years.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers sent a telegram to Senator
Joseph Blackburn thanking him for
his efforts in behalf of the Grosvenor
anti-injunction bill.
The monthly report of the collec
tions of internal revenue shows that
for the month of April. 1502. the total
collections were $21,937,699. a decrease
as compared with April. 1201. of $3.
003.SSO. The executive committee of the Ne
braska republican committee has de
cided to recommend Deputy Attorney
General Norris Brown of Kearney for
temporary chairman of the state con
vention. According to a report issued by the
London board of trade, not a single
passenger was killed by English rail
roads during the year 1901.- This is
the first time that such a record was
ever made.
The bandits who recently crossed
the Oklahoma-Texas line with forty
stolen horses under the alleged lead
ership of the outlaw Bert Casey have
made a raid into Oklahoma, securing
a big herd.
Of the total yearly production of
anthracite coal, amounting to about
54.000.000 tons, the three states of
Pennsylvania. New York and New
Jersey consume about 65 per cent, or
35.000.000 tons.
Governor Sayers has appealed by
wire to all mayors of Texas towns of
over 3.000 inhabitants, urging them to
send food and assistance to the Goliad
sufferers, and also requested the rail
roads to transport the shipments free.
Ro'dert A. Williams, wbo was chief
of the Chicago fire department during
the great fire of October. 1871. died
at the Garfield Park sanitarium in
Chicago. He was 77 years old and had
been in poor health for several years.
The will of Archbishop Michael A.
Corrigan was filed for probate. The
estate is valued at about $125,000, and
is bequeathed entirely to Right Rev.
Charles E. McDonnell, bishop of
Brooklyn; Rt. Rev. Winand M. Wig
ger. bishop of Newark, and Rr. Rev.
Henry Gabriels, bishop of Ogdensburg.
New York.
In an opinion delivered by Justice
Peckham the United States supreme
court decided th case of Captain
Peter C. Deming in that officer's favor.
The case involved the right of a
court-martial, composed entirely of
officers of the regular army, to pass
upon a case involving the rights of a
volunteer officer.
Our East India trade is said to be
largely on. the increase.
A Washington dispatch says there
is much uncertainty at the depart
ment of justice as to the coarse to
be pursued in beginning litigation
against the anthracite coal trust.
Three brothers named Symmington
were drowned while crossing the
Pembina river in North Dakota.
An ordinance for the acceptance
from Andrew Carnegie of $150,000 for
a free public library, has been re
jected by the city counciL
The condition of Lord Panncefote
is reported as much better.
The Union Veterans' union win con
vene in Washington for its annual re
union and encampment in October,
simultaneously with the Grand Army
of the Republic- r
In the event that the amendment of
the senate to th house military ap
propriation bill becomes a law fc is
the intention of the department to
raise the standing of the two Tans
army posts to be the largest in the
country, and possibly in the world.
The navy department received a
sablegram announcing that Rear Ad
miral Crowrnshield. aboard his flag
ship, the Illinois, has arrived at
Naples and hoisted his flag as commander-in-chief
of the European station-Agent
McChesney, at Rosebud, is
preparing to give the Indians work by
creating a 3T3n of reservoirs on
the reservation, by means of dams.
The work is to be done under govern
ment supervision with Indian labor,
the laborers to receive fL25 per day.
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A Vekfy Republican
Newspaper Devoted to tbe
Beat mtereats of X X
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Tbe Slate of
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Year, if Paid in Advance.
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