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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1902)
BPsS&SilS'iS'4i??'S?,3i"JR Ai -.- ?- - r - -f ri Uk.J - .TXi- -53 ; A V. " ir.- 4 xvJM -?: " 'US' c. L- .SjiAsis-EMtiJsfiWSMiMstTSrW. .MWWWW"- a ,f ?isratif6 ." irarnai. $- - - X' - sf . ii . .rn rfitrrdgTllJTlf-f P vr -. 2T - ? h mMP r-' - K-VSl" k jS teflja fl If 5 n fll Itltt IUal -1 u V '. ii . i - ti h " ssm mm -i v u'uk;K - r - - THE SBCAK CASE KX-CNATOII OF, BRAWCA HCARa WMTHEWllKOMmB WASHINGTON. May 17. The aea ata comaritte on relation with Cuba beard Joan Oealer of New York City. wte jrtntea the publication Facts Aboat Sugar compiled by Oscar W. Doaaer, mad confiistins of reprints from newspaper articles. Mr. Oehler said that in January last be wa etapioyed by Mr. Donner. ad vertising agent of the Sugar trust, to print' this document, for which he re ceived $750. The edition numbered 180,000 copies. Ex-Senator Charles F. Manderson at Nebraska said be had acted as le gal adviser of the general manager of the American Beet Sugar company. E. C. Howe, and the president of the Standard Beet Sugar company. Hey wood G. Leavitt. He produced two forms of contracts which these com panies had entered into during the awnmer of 1901 with the jobbers on the Missouri river, one of which con tained a provision that shipments would be billed at 10 cents per hun dred pounds less than the American Sugar company's open price for stand ard fine granulated that might be in effect in Kansas City on date of ar rival of their sugar, but that at no time would the price exceed $5.37. In the other form the words 'bona fide price" were inserted. Mr. Manderson said the American Sugar Refining company notified the Jobbers having contracts with the beet sugar companies at Missouri river points that they would furnish them augar at $3.50 per hundred, and said be was carted on to decide what to do arader the -contracts referred to. He had discovered that this sugar only would be given in very small quanti ties. The American Beet Sugar com pany, be said, sought to buy at $3.50 per hundred, but was refused. The established market price, he said, con tinued at $5.12 H: and the special price was limited to a few people, which caused him to decide that it was not. an "open" price nor a '"bona fide" price, as contemplated by the beet sugar contracts, and that the beet sugar companies were not required to aell at $3.40. Mr. Manderson said the American Sugar Refining company's cut would have broken down the beet sugar industry in the west if the beet augar people had been unable to com mand the money to store their pro duct. Mr. Manderson contended that every tariff bill and the government experi ments have been invitations to em bark in the beet sugar industry. "To injure it,' said he. "by direct or indirect methods is to my mind as objectionable if not to say as crim inal a blow as this country could re ceive." The proposition for a 20 per cent re daction, he said, had caused many ' prospective beet sugar factories on arid land in the west, to be abandoned temporarily. Answering a question by Senator Piatt. Mr. Manderson said that if we Americanize Cuba either by annexa tion or any other means there would ' be a rise In the price of labor there which would raise the cost of sugar production- PEACE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN. London Newspaper Says Attitude of Boers Justifies Assertion. LONDON, May 17. The Daily Mail this' morning says it understands that sufficient indications of the attitude of the Boer leaders at Veerening have transpired to "justify tne assertion that peace in South Africa is absolutely as eared. A powerful factor in attaining this result, the paper says, has been the British generosity in the matter of farm rebuilding, for which, it believes, about 5,000.000 has been granted. Shenandoah Divine Goes Abroad. SHENANDOAH. Ia May 17. Rev. G. O. Gustafson has started on an ex tended trip througw Europe. His church" has "granted him a vacation and he will spend the greater part of the summer visiting some of the -health resorts in Sweden. Murder of Iowa Girt. ST., JOSEPH. JIo Jtay 17. The body of Miss Emma Moore, a beauti ful young woman of Clarinda. Is-, was found in a ravine near that place, with a pistol bullet in her brain. Wil- liaxn Lucas, a well known young man of Clearmont. Ia is under arrest. ". The couple were sweethearts and left the home of Miss Moore Wednesday evening for a drive. The next seen . of the woman was when her body was found. Coleman Held to Grand Jwy 6KH7X CTTY. -T May 17. Joseph Coleman of Faulkton. S. D-. charged with the murder of his brother Ed ward to secure $10,000 insurance on the latter a life, has been held to the dicait court without bad. The trag edy secarred oa a ranch near FauOc- '.The Hag af Italy baa gfrea 2.500 traacs far the relief of the Maxtiaigue OLUME XXXJII.NUMBER 7 Tlw Tru' lifciwn toKlilN BMt Sugar lui try Th FrapaMtf C kan RMli Has Aliiij Ctowi FactoriM. " -j-t t k r. TSV - .. MMHH1 UtCALOFlhOM LAN UEAMN. j Wa OMAHA, Naav May 19 abaartihig topic of thoaaante of atockmea Golana. Wyoming aaa Idaho the ameetioa at leaamr the laaaa aaM C E. Waatlaarf. who m of the U m of statim-at oathia aabjact in its extent and suddenness. Stockmen, aad haadreds of them, who only yes terday were fighting bitterly every proposition faintly contemplating the leasing of these lands, are sow actu ally advocating such a movement moat enthusiastically. "Just now the problem ia bow to let those stockmen who are now fa vorable to the leasing scheme do so. while the ones who still hold out may not be affected. For instance, in west era' Nebraska the stockmen are all won over and are demanding this method of handling the ranges. There are about 10.000,000 acres of public lands out there, and the stockmen wish to lease them. About half of this territory can be irrigated. Now if the western Nebraska people, whose conditions are different from the con ditions ia other states, can agree upon a fair plan for range control in their state, to protect their interests from destruction, why not allow them to have it? We think we have this plan now in the local option scheme. When I proposed this two years ago it met with a storm of protest. Now the stockmen are asking for its establish ment ia many places. It is a county local option land leasing plan, which is to be applied to any county when ever the secretary of the interior is satisfied that a majority of the stock men in that county wish it to go into effect." THREE PERISH IN FLAMES. r. Mother and Child Lost in a Conflagration. LAUREL, Neb., May 19. Fire broke out in the agricultural imple ment house of John Jaoobaon at about 3 o'clock ia the morning and consum ed the hottse aad bowling alley belong ing to Mr. CariquisL Three persons perished in the fire and two were in jured. The dead are: John Jacobson, owner of the implement house; Mrs. John Jacobson and a child of the Ja cobsons. Injured: Thomas Snyder, burned about face and' bands; child of the Jacobsons, burned about face and hands. Mr. Jacobson occupied the rooms on the second floor of his building as a dwelling, his family consisting of him self, wife and two children. Mr. Ja cobson had in his employ a man nam ed Will Snyder, who made his home with Mr. Jacobson. Mr. Snyder escaped from the burn ing building with Jacobson's older child. Each was badly burned. Mr. Jacobson. wife and youngest child were apparently suffocated and lost their lives in the burning building. Fear of Grasshoppers. HARRISBURG. Neb.. May 19. Ban- county has been thoroughly soak ed during the past week, rains having fallen in portions of the county every day. The farmers and ranchmen are jubilant over the abundance of grass., which has never been better at this time of the year, and over the proa pects for an abundant crop. Much concern is felt that the grasshoppers are going to do damage this year. Sack of Counterfeit Money. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 19. While a coal car was being switched to the sugar factory, a workman found a stock in the car, which apparently had some contents. Upon opening it the man found twenty-fire counterfeit dollars, of poor metal but of excellent stamp. The car is being traced with the end to secure, if possible, a clue as to the origin of the money. Arrest Preacher for Shooting. BEATRICE. Neb., May 19. Rev. S. P. Benbrook, pastor of the Christian church at Wymore, was arrested at that place on a charge of shooting at Dr. Johnson of Wymore with intent to kilL Rural Delivery at Benedict. BENEDICT, Neb., May 19. Post master Lett received official notice from the postofSce department that free rural delivery would begin at Benedict July 1. Difficult ts Invest Funds. LINCOLN, Nelu May 19. Treas urer Stuefer says he still finds it diffi cult to obtain bonds for the permanent educational funds of the state, even when taken on a 3 per cent basis. Notwithstanding the decline in inter est rates, he declares, the demand for securities seems to keep on increas img. Mr. Stnefer. acting under au thority given by the board of educa tional lands and funds, purchased $50. 000 of Hall county court house bonds. Preparing for Encampment, EXETER. Neb.. May 19. Arrange ments have been completed with the sien who have control of the state encampment of the Sons of Veterans for securing the services of Exeter's cornet band and base ball club for the three days of the encampment. which win be held at Lashtos. Jane 3. 4 aad 5. Exeter's ball team for this will be together before that ooze fine games are looked "The D- wamim lam Tad- OaMka TiTaaay. T STRIKE WILL GO UtFCNwION CONTINUED BY VOTE OF CONVENTION. WURCHTTOTHEBITTUEIO Tlw af Calling Ovt Eaglwaa ra. and Pump Wunaara Yet to The Vote far af Work. HAZLETON. Pa., May 1L The an thracite miners in comveatioa, late yesterday decided to" continue the strike of the 145,000 men against the mine owners and to fight it-out to the bitter end. The matter of calling out the engineers, lremem and pump era will be decided by the today. The vote to continue the was as follows: Total vote east, 811; for strike, 461K; against strike, 549; majority for strike. 111!. President Mitchell, however, ia com pliance with the rules of the United Mine Workers, announced to the pub lic that the action of the convention was unanimous. The step taken by the miners, after practically considering the matter for two months, has wiped out. the un certainty of the situation and it is freely predicted that the most serious labor struggle in the history of the country, if not the world, i? about to begin. That is the view taken by nearly every miner. While the lead ers are cautious and will not forecast their actions, it is not unlikely that miners' fight will be carried into the bituminous coal regions and into other fields of industry. Mine workers for eighteen months have been looking forward r to the atrike that is Tipon them. They have saved their money and are considered to be in better shape today for a fight than they were ia the great strike of 1900.' That struggle ended by the mine owners giving the men. 10 per cent increase after six weeks' suspension. The operators are on record as be ing unalterably opposed to granting the men any concessions, and they have personally informed the mine workers' leaders of that fact. The workmen fear the present fight may mean the destruction of their organi zation, because they believe the mine owners are bent on wrecking their union than they are on opposing the demands for higher wages and shorter work days. President Mitchell's advice to the miners was for peace, and he gave it to them in the plainest and most force ful language. He was ably assisted by President Fahey and Secretary Hartlein of the lower district and Secretary Dempster of the upper ter ritory. President Nichols of the first district was the great champion of the strike advocates. Mr. Mitchell, who was the last to speak, was listened to with the great est attention. It. is also said that a telegram was read from the American Federation of Labor against a per manent suspension. But the delegates would not listen and amid consider able excitement the vote was taken. For a time it looked as though the peace advocates would win, but when delegation after delegation from the lower district, the last to be called, answered "yes," it was seen that the men who favored a fight had won. The result was received by the con vention with applause, which, how ever, was not very enthusiastic or prolonged. The men appreciated the seriousness of their decision, which no doubt dampened their ardor. The Offer of Americana, WASHINGTON, May 16. By direc tion of the president. Secretary Hay, on May 12, seat the following cable gram to Ambassador Choose at Lon don: v-; "Express to British gavsnment the sympathy of the presidentand the people of this country ia'the affliction which has befallen St. Vincent and our desire to share in-the work of aid and rescue." Orders to Hoist Mules. MAHANOY CITY, Pa., May IS. The Philadelphia ac Reading Coal and Iron company issued orders to have all the mules hoisted from all the company's collieries at once. Cannot Sail as Intended. WASHINGTON. May 16. There is no marked change in the condition of Lord Pauncefote. It is clear that he wfll not be in condition to sail for England on the 21st instant- United Order ef Farm Hand. WICHITA Kauu May 16. The rice growers of Texas and Louisiana have opened communication with the imple ment dealers of Kansas and Oklahoma with a view of co-operating in securing hands, first for care, of tne wheat har vest in the north and then in the rice harvest of the south. The purpose is to organize an army of traveling farm hands to follow wheat, rice and corn harvesting from New Orleaas to North Dakota. Minicter Clayton Resorts. WASHINGTON. Msy 16. The state department has received the follow ing cablegram from United States Miaister PoweH at Port-au-Prince, re specting the political crisis ia Hayti: "A committee of eleven baa been or ganised for the conduct of affairs. The chairman of the committee ia ex President CsaeL Committees of this frtr have been organised ia aD theitie of the republic. ABawJetat COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA- PYRES ARE FED WITH TAR. aft St. Pleff Bmchsw aa Firea Whieti Liflht Up NEW YORK. May 1 la the de stroyed city of St Pierre the on the raiae ia being coatmaed ia am avavtiafactory maaaer. aaya a Fort Fraaee dispatch to the HeraH. The dead an being burned, the pyrea being red with petreieam aad tar. Great Ires are kept aetag. which, at eight. Ugkt ap the entire itatad, and which, beiag seen at St. Lacia, led to the belief that Fort de had baraed. Although thousand have ed. maay still remaia t be Searchers, while wafting taroagm the ashes, often step upoa want eeeme to be a charred pfllar of stoae, oaly to lean as it yields graeaoael foot that it ia the trunk of unfortunate. that stm stand erasable aad fall at touch. Some idea of the terrible beat that poured dowa from Mount Pelee may be had when it ia known that the iron rollers of the Priaelle Sugar mills were melted as though they bad been put through a furnace, The Danish war ship Valkyrie has returned from Fort de Fraaee, says a SL Thomas, D. W. L, dispatch to the Tribune. The officers conlrm previous reports of having steamed through countless floating bodies, oa the way to Fort de France. PARIS IS UNMOVEO. Little Attention Paid ts in West India. PARIS, May 16. The American vis itors here cannot understand the seeming indifference of the Parisians in regard to the Martinique disaster. Beyond the half-masted fags over the government offices, there are. ao signs of public mourning. The people flock to their usual resorts, attend the races, in the theaters, aoae of which have been closed, no "extras" are issued and there ia no demand for them. But the evening papers, containing bulletins of the automobile races, are eagerly purchased. The various funds beiag raised for the relief of the Martinique sufferers now only total 303,000 franca, includ ing the large subscriptions of the foreign potentates and the 20.000 francs from the municipalities. The provinces seem more interested in the disaster than the capitaL They are actively orgaaitiag committeea to raise funds sad there is much mourn ing at the seaport whose ships wen destroyed. IOWA LIQUOR LAW INVALID- Supreme Court Holds Mulct Law to Be Unconstitutional. DES MOINES, la.. May 16. The supreme court ruled today that the sale of liquor to "bootleggers' and other resident violators of the Iowa law cannot be prohibited when the sales are made by agents of non resident dealers. The court holds that the section of the Iowa liquor law known as the "mulct law," prohibiting such sales, is in conflict with, interstate com merce laws and is therefore unconsti tutional. The decision is rendered ia the case of the state against Pat Heaappy of Jefferson county and is reversed ia favor of the defendant, who was agent for an Illinois liquor house, soliciting orders at Fairfield, which were filled by shipment direct to the purchaser. Monument to Bland. LEBANON, Mc May 16. The splendid monument erected here to the memory of the late Richard Park Bland will be unveiled June 17. Hon. W. J. Bryan and ex-Governor W. J. Stone and others will be present to de liver addresses. Burglars Rob Postoffice. DES MOINES. Ia., May 16. The postoffice at Monroe, thirty miles south of this city, was robbed by bur glars. The safe was blown open and several hundred dollars' worth of stamps taken. Bryan ia Well Received. HAVANA May 16. WHliam Jen nings Bryan, who is now here, is re ceiving considerable attention. He has been invited to a number of din ners and has many callers. Condition ef the Treasury. WASHINGTON. May 16. Today's statement of the treasury balances in the general fund, exclusive of the $150,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance. $187402462; gold. t$7, 443347. Fremont Bey Suss the City. FREMONT, Neb.. Msy 16. Salt was filed by William Schmidt, jr., a minor, in district court, against the city of -Fremont far $..- He was hurt by falMag oa a defective side walk. -" . " Copeland Geta Ten Yssra. -CHEYENNE. Wyrx. May IS. Judge D. H. Craig of the Third district sen tenced Ned Hartley Copeland to tea years at hard labor for Le killing of A. C Rogers. , CHICAfiOt May It The interstate iiimmiiii" lemasMisiea wkh Chair man Knapp aad.Cosftmissioasfs Ftfar sad Frouty on the beach, yesterday began aa investigation of the made by the Chicago Live change that railroads bare criminating oa thro vor of packers west of , Chicago reeeatarfves of aff the raflroads terJagia DAY. MAY J'r? A IS BIG t ' vaw : -- x . ..( - -. r-v .' J,J. " -- 7V . K-Z&rr-'JUL V - THAN EARLY RE- SJSDtCATED. fe5?jy5 1XJ:V wtuwasuJrariEOEAD sa East Coast is t 1 y "t of Cslawrry Defy that the Lava Still Flews. .tf-' 3 LONDON, May 15. The governor of Sss - Windward islands. Sir Robert TJlB illya, telegraphs to the colonial from the island of St. Vincent, date of Tuesday. May 13. as I arrived here yesterday and found the state of affairs worse than has port shows that the country on the east coast between Robia Rock and Geergetowa was apparently struck aad devastated in a manner similar to that which destroyed SL Pierre, aad I fear that practically all living things ia that radius were killed. Probably 1,160 persona lost their lives. The exact number will never be known. Managers and owners of the estates, with their families, have been killed. A thousand bodies have been found and buried. One hundred and sixty persons are ia the hospital at Georgetown. Probably only six of this number will recover. "The details of the disaster are too harrowing for description. "I got, at St. Lucia, a coasting steamer, which is running up and down the Leeward coast with water sad provisions. Twenty-two hundred persons have received relief. "I have asked for medical officers from Trinidad and Grenada. All the aeighboriag British colonies are as sisting generously. Every effort is be iag made to grapple with the awful calamity. "All the beat sugar estates in the" earribean country are devastated and the cattle are dead. The eruption continues, but is ap parently moderating. "Anxiety is still felt. All the offi cers nnd residents are co-operating with me. The women are making clothing." Sir Frederick M. Hodgson, the gov ernor of Barhadoes, forwarded to the colonial office the report of the col onial secretary, who has just returned from a visit to St. Pierre, Martiniuqe. It confirms the worst accounts of the disaster. The secretary compares the ignited matter, which destroyed everything within an area of ten miles long by six wide, to burning wax. He adds, significantly, that the services of doctors are not required, as there are ao wounded persons. Governor Hodgson estimates that 2,000.000 tons of volcanic dust fell on the island of Barbados. WASHINGTON, May 15. The navy department received a numfber of messages bearing on the Martinique disaster. Lieutenant B. B. McCor miek, commanding Potomac, sent the following from Fort de France, dated Tuesday: 'Inhabitants of St Pierre and six seen vessels totally destroyed. Sur rounding villages uninhabitable. Isl and covered with destruction. Ashes within five miles of Fort de France. Provisions needed for 50.000 refugees within ten days. Donated extra stores. Inform commandant at San Juan." HAYTI IN A CHAOTIC STATE. Revofutieniats Seize Custom Houses and Are Collecting the Duties. PORT AU PRINCE. Hsyti. Msy 15. Admiral KUlick, commander of the Haytien fleet, has started for Cape Haytien with the Haytien war ships Crete A'Pierot and Toussaint Louver ture, having declared himself in favor of General Firmin. the former minister of Hayti at Paris, who is the head of the revolutionary forces in the north ern part of the island. The northern revolutionists have seized the customs houses--of Cape Haytien, port de Paix and Gonaives and re collecting duties. Protests against this action on the part of Gen eral Firmin have been entered by the National bank and the diplomatic corps. Rain Helps Irrigation. DENVER, Colo., May 15. Specials indicate that rains have .been general, extending from the Wyoming line to southern New Mexico. The great shortage of water for irrigation had become a serious matter. 0Germsji at Vatican. ROME. May 15. The pope received la audience Bishop Thomas O'Gorman of Sioux Falls, S. D., a member of the American commission appointed to .confer with the pope regarding church questions ia the Philippines. The pon- f tiff expressed pleasure st coming of the mission and his admiration of President Roosevelt, especially of his -political good sense. He feltthat a debt of gratitude was due Archbishop at Doctor. WTMORE, Neb-, May 15. Rev. S. P. Beabercoke. pastor of the Christian toaight went into the office Dr. W. H. Johnson and fired five without effect. Mrs. who was ia the office, aiaaued aad diverted his got away. Ben- I ia in jaiL are sroamaest sad the sx- a sensation. Caase - y-rr- WKUJU1 HE LOSS . .5? c- A- work I JB-RysSj-- ,! PBgnay f 4aX-&- MflK&, Tcisir accuse was arrested Both mm af the la sot I. s, 1 SUGAR BEET TESTS. Experiment Stotlens TeHs ef Results. LINCOLN, Neb, May 17. The Ne braska experimeat station has just is sued bulletin aumber 73. which gives the results of a aumber of experi meats ia the prodsctioa of sugar beets. The bulletin may be obtained free of cost by residents of the state upoa writing to the agricultural ex perimeat station, Lincoln, Neb. The following is a digest of the bulletin: The sugar beet experiments report ed ia bulletin No. 73 were conducted daring the season of 1901.' npoa the farm of the Standard Cattle company st Ante. Dodge county. Nebraska. These experimeata included tests of varieties, tests of fertilizers, distaace of slantfir time of planting, meth ods of cultivation, aad the treatment A test of thirty-seven varieties un der sfmttar conditions showed a wide variation in the total amount of su gar produced per acre, the original Klein Wanxlebener occupying first place. A comparison of light and heavy soils for sugar beet production show ed a considerably higher sugar con tent in the beets grown upon the heavy soiL Slight increases in the yield, sugar content and purity of beets were pro duced by the use of commercial fer tilizers, but their use did not seem to be profitable upon the land where the tests were made. Of the different classes of fertilizers used the phos phate gave the best results. A comparison of different depths of cultivating sugar beets was in favor of about four to five inches as com pared with six-inch or two to three inch cultivation. The most satisfactory distance of planting was found to be eighteen inches between rows and eight Inches between plants in the rows. BIG FUND FOR EDUCATION. Coming Apportionment to the Various Counties to Be Record Breaker. LINCOLN. Neb May 17. The semi-annual apportionment of- state funds for the public schools of Ne braska, which will be certified by the state treasurer to the superintendent of public instruction on May 19, wiU be one of the largest ever made by the state. Forty counties have thus far failed to report the funds for the month, but the other fifty have shown an increase over the corresponding period last year of approximately $8, 000. "We look for an apportionment that will give us about $1 for each person of school age,' said Superintendent Fowler. "I well remember the time when both semi-annual apportion ments together made not over $1.50 for each person of school age, but this year we will have two-thirds of the amount in one apportionment The school population of the state is 377, 000. The apportionment in December last was $316,893 and in the May pre ceding was $350,853. So far as I know the greatest apportionment ever made by the state gave only $1.02 per each person of school age. We may fall a little behind our expectations thi3 time, but it is doubtful." Increased Acreage of Beets. GRAND ISLAND, Neb May 17. The American Beet Sugar company an nounces that the acreage for the local factory has gone over the 5,000 mark, breaking the record of all previous years in the history of the industry and assuring a long campaign this fall and winter. The work of remod eling the factory for'the improved ma chinery is rapidly being pushed. Motor Vehicles for Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., May 17. Mr. A. J. Wright, representing the Chicago Motor Vehicle company, was before the city council and made a proposi tion for the running of motor vehicles in Beatrice. He wants a ten-year franchise and the right to operate his cars on the old street car tracks. In dications are that the franchise will be granted. - A Boy Drowned. HOOPER, Neb.. May 17. Luther Reninger. the 9-year-old son of Frank Reninger. a farmer living three miles east of Hooper, was drowned in the Cutoff lake near his home. The body was recovered. Returns to the department of agri culture show 4.868.000 out of 27.103.000 acres of wheat have been abandoned over the country. Mr. Mallalieu Resigns. LINCOLN. Neb., Msy 17. John T. Mallalieu has tendered his resignation as superintendent of the state reform school for boys at Kearney, to take effect June 15. In a letter filed in the governor's office Mr. Mallalieu ex plains that he has accepted the posi tion of business manager of the Ar gus Mining company of Idahc Springs, Colo., and will begin his new duties as soon as relieved from the reform scbooL Dies by His Own Hand. YORK. Neb., Msy 17. Christopher Kreah committed suicide by taking laudanum. He was a Polander aad an old resident living near Hendersoa, who has been suffering from disease for s. number of years and was de pendent on neighbors. He years old. Floral tributes from all over the world are being laid, oa Bret Hartes tomb ia nun i"iimanmwtti awJTFJffiMMS. . . --' Ulllllllllllliiimi"" The bakers of Peoria are oaa strtta fw higher wage. Rarsl free delivery will be sstaaVi liahed ia Cass county. Neb. The Daily Telegraph of New York ia ia the hand of a receiver. At a fire In Dubsque, lows, four fire mea were crashed by fslliag walls. Four hundred union metal workers of Cleveland. Ohio, are oa a strike. The Southera Pacific railroad ia a short time wiU take over the maa agement of the eating houses aloag ita lines. A new isthmian canal route bill was announced by Senator Hoar. This bill leaves to the president the seiectioa of the route. Mrs. Tomas Estranda Palma, wife of the presidest-elect of the Cuban republic, sailed"for Havana oa --the steamer Havana. The remains of Gen, W. S. Rosecrans were taken from the vault at Rosedale cemetery at Los Angeles and shipped to Washington. D. C over the Santa Fe route. The senate committee on commerce decided to report the nomination of H. Clay Evans to be consul general to London, with a favorable recom mendation. The body of Mrs. Patrick Burke, of Owensboro. Ky:, was removed from the wreck of the Pittsburg at Cairo. I1L This Is the sixteenth known vic tim of the disaster. The $50,000 suit of Louise M. Knight of Fairbury. Neb., against Oscar a Pusch of Maryeville. Kansa3r which was to have been tried In the district court soon, has been settled. Mr. Mondell has introduced a bill in the house appropriating $10,CO0 for the purpose of furnishing a national trophy and other prizes to be pro vided and contested for annually. The grand jury of St- Louis has sub poenaed several retail butchers to tes tify aa to the charge that decayed meat is sold at St. Louis, and that dis eased cattle are killed for that market. The British exnbassys state that, while Ambassador Pauncefote's illness msy be regarded as serious and is causing- his family considerable anx iety, no immediate danger is now ap prehended. E. H. Harriman, president of the Southern Pacific, tendered an elabor ate banquet to Governor Odell of New York. The banquet room was beauti fuUy decorated, and seventy-one guests were present The net esrnings of Iowa railroads during the past year were $1,344,687.60. more than during $1900. The aggre gate gross earnings for the past year were $56,549.76. the operating ex penses, $39,609,789.99. The weekly report of Lord Kitch ener shows nineteen Boers were killed, six wounded, 802 prisoners, nine sur rendered and 600 rifles, 157 wagons, 400 horses and 4,300 head of cattle in the hands of the British. It is reported that J. W. Richards of Waterloo. Ia., at present confidential secretary to Speaker Henderson, is slated for the first assistant secretary ship of the treasury. Mr. Richards says he knows nothing of the matter. Preparations are being made by the sailors and marines of the Brooklyn navy ysrd for the dedication of the $100,000 Y. M- C. A. building erected by Miss Helen Gould. Ex-Secretary of the Navy John D. Long will make an address. .miss liouia win aiso speak. An official dispatch from Pretoria says: "Bruce Hamilton has captured twenty-seven. Colenbrander seventy and Hamilton 357 Boers, with prac tically all the wagons and stock of the commanders in the central area east oi Hart's river (Transvaal.) Since March Delarey's force has been re duced by 860. The weather bureau's weekly sum mary of crop conditions, issued on the 13th. says little corn has yet been planted in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and the planting has been delayed in South Dakota and northern Iowa, ow ing to excessive rain3. Throughout the middle Atlantic states, however, this work ha3 made rapid progress. L. C. .Richards, a prominent business man of Lincoln, died suddenly from hemorrhage of the stomach. In the naptha explosion at Pittsburg twenty men were burned to death and many others so badly burned that they cannot survive. In the anthracite regions of Penn sylvania 145.000 men are on a strike. Mary A. Livermore, the well known woman suffragist is confined to a darkened room at her home in Mel rose, N. Y., by a disease of the eyes which may result in total blindness. The interstate commerce commis sion has declined the request of the railroads for a continuance of the hearing of the charges made by the Chicago live stock association that the railroads have been violating the fed eral law. J. H. Hunt of Oklahoma has left for home, after attending a hearing be fore the senate committee on building, in favor of an amendment to the om nibus public building bill appropriating $100,000 for a building at Oklahoma City. Dr. Charles F. Rand, who is accept cepted as being the first volunteer for the civil wax, is still living in Wash ington, D. C. He was also the first soldier to win the congressional medal of honor for distinguished gallantry in action. Jacob A. Riis of New York advocates the opening of public schools in grift cities on Sundays. Lectures and es tertainments should be given to keep the boys from the evil3 of tenement house life sad the all-alluricg glitter of the salooas. WHOLE NUMBER 1.671. h J. State Sat OftasJsVrttWlwffc.1 I dBFssJt flOwi "aslflitft d SJm SH SBSBBSBBBfB Columbus JournaJ, A Vfattr frjiittic Dcioto4tett of X X ' Columbus. THE County Platte, lam Slats af Nebraska. United States, nest Tm. Sd Unit of Measure with UbIb $1.50 per Year, if Paid in Adraoce. af Uj Sample Copies Sent Tree to ny Address. HENRY GASS. UNDECTAKEIL- Goffins aod Metallic asasfchg of aiass sf Ui a i T m ry ...The... Columbus Journal. to Rjraaak Any- efisasgRfsjUsfwdsfa CLUBS WaTHTraB OF THE ; COU1NTRY UOssssMS Bs? B FaPFwnBaafiaBaamBBaap I - i r t ft fl IssWmat asm Tbbbbs Z IVasmi I MM llaUss Loaaw Sal Rss. EMsfe I asWMSSMafTaMtAFrSwM $ 6 eev Mirrv. tc-pss- O mmtn l. mmmmr. UWWTT MtHSV. o o$owoSowoo$o$o$o$o?o$o$o J5he ISO 1 JfFKLv ff; I the iaveatigatiea m 7 r-il r -r - f.1-- . . " X . "? isa, -J ' . -i4Js.fwrc '? tsiSSA js-jS ?:.&: '"4"V.. -"Sg-'g .i ""-- a - s" .- -- jL: A. vJV -- --rksi,