The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 14, 1902, Image 4

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flSSmfe nuauash by 1H
Is motnef's yet and
And ied It Is wRh plenty and to
we are lonely here in life's decline.
fortune smiles around as every-
fa look across the cold
Of the harvests, as of old
flw tarn, the fragrant clover, and tbo
Bat most we turn our gaze.
, As with eyes of other days
Iw the orchard where our children asea
to play.
Oh. frees our life's full measure
and rich hoard of worldly treasure
Wa often turn our weary eyes away.
And hand la hand we wander
Oowa the old path winding yonder
T the orchard where the children used
to play.
Oar sloping pasture lands are filled with
The barn an granary bins are bulging
the grove's a paradise of singing birds
The woodland brook leaps laughing by
the door;
Yet lonely. lonely still.
Let us prosper as we will.
Oar old hearts seem so empty every
way We can only through a mist
See the faces we have kissed
la the orchard where the children used
to play.
Oh. from our life's full measure
And rich hoard of worldly treasure
Wa often tarn oar weary eyes away.
And hand Jn hand we wander
Dawn the old path winding- yonder
To the orchard where the children used
to play.
-Jamas Whttcomb Riley In "Riley Farm
far Kajer Baesleer.
At a recent meeting of Frank P.
Blair post, department of Missouri.
Maj. Leo Rassieur. past commander In
kief af the Grand Army of the Repub
lic, was presented with a handsome
taifc of the organization, wrought
14-carat gold, diamonds, rabies and
lae enamel. The emblem is one of
Given Jadge Kasslaar.
Ike most beautiful testimonials ever
aaaftctnred In the United States.
The omcial presentation of the badge
a Maj. Rassieur will not take place
tmtil the thirty-sixth national ea
mmpmeat of the Q. A. R.. in Wash
mgtoa city next October. At the last
national eacampment. held in Cleve
mmd, Ohio, September 9-14, it was rec
mmended that a suitable testimonial
e presented to Maj. Rassieur. the re
drtag commander in chief. In ac
;ordance with this recommendation,
it a meeting of the executive commit
tee, held Dec. 12, 1901, at the Palmer
floaae, Chicago. Commander-in-Chief
Ell Torrance appointed a committee to
purchase and informally present to
Hay. Rassieur the testimonial voted by
She national body. It Is indeed a fit
dag tribute In acknowledgement of
HaJ. Rasaieur's patriotic services to
the G. A. R.
lama's Feeallar Fealties.
Henry Wensler of Spikers Station,
Wabash, county, Ind., belonged to the
saghty-niath Indiana infaatry during
-he civil war. While on a march in
the south he was prostrated by heat
tad later became Insane, remaining in
hospital for many years, incurable
Met harmless. Meantime his wife ob
tained a divorce and the court ap
pointed a guardian for him. In the
70s he was awarded a pension of 150
per month far disability, and- later It
aaa found that he had some property.
In 190 the funds In the guardian's
hands amounted to over 120,000.
Eventually Wensler recovered sull
:teatly to earn quite a little as a ped
ller. and Indlng that he got along
UI right he consulted a lawyer, with
the view of going into court to prove
Us sanity, his idea being to get pos
esskm of his property. Then Wensler
teamed that if he should be proven
sane his ISO pension would be cut oft,
whereupon he decided not to prosecute
he matter further. He will therefore
soatiaue to be insane and collect 9600
t year. He is now 6 years old. is Id
food physical and very fair mental
asnsstlom. showing every evidence that
ae will last a long while yet
rears Befasal to
Gen. B. P. Alexander relates in the
Semtary these interesting words of
Sen. Lee, just before the surrender.
Sen. Alexander having proposed that
zme Confederate soldiers be authorized
to immerse and report to Gen. John
atom or to the governors of the states,
Sam. Lee repUed:
"vappoee I were to adopt your sug
gestion, how many do you suppose
would get away?"
I replied: T think two-thirds of us
cornea get away. We should be like
rabbits and partridges in the bushes,
ami they could mot scatter like that
to catch us."
-WeiU- he said. "I have less than
1MI9 infantry with arms in their
amain. Even if two-thirds of these
sjst away it would be too small a
to accomplish aay useful result.
with Johnson or with the gov
ern the states. But few would
a to Johnston, for their homes have
beam overrun by the enemy and the
mm will want to go 'first and look
sitsr their families. As to any help
frami Europe, I have never believed
in It I appreciate that the surreuder
of this army Is. indeed, the end ol
the comfewctmcy. Bat that result is
mow sneTHaale. end must be faced.
Ami, as Christian mem. we have no
right to choose a course from pride
art)rrawaal feeUmgs. We have simply
toaae rhat we cam do beat for our
Now, If I should
ami order this
fas eU
Am! '? &amS.
army to disperse, the men, going
homeward, would be under no con
trol, and, moreover, would be with
out food. They are already demoral
ized by four years of war. and would
supply their wants by violence and
plunder. They would soon become lit
tle better than bands of robbers. A
state of society would result, through
out the south, from which it would
require years to recover. The enemy's
cavalry, too, would pursue to catch
at least the general officers, and would
harass and devastate sections that
otherwise they will never visit More
over." he said, "as to myself. I am
too old to go bushwhacking, and even
if it were right to order the army to
disperse, the only course for me to
pursue would be to surrender myself
to Gen. Grant But" he added, "I
can tell you for your comfort that
Grant will not demand an 'uncondi
tional surrender.' He will give us
honorable and liberal terms, simply
requiring us not to take up arms again
until exchanged." He then went on
to tell me that he was in correspond
ence with Grant, and expected to meet
him in our rear at 10 a. m.. when he
would accept the terms that had been
tVaet Serwivori.
Hiram Cronk. the last survivor of
the War of 1812, is now living in Ava,
Oneida County, New York, at the age
of one hundred and three. Congress
recently passed an act to raise his pen
sion to an amount which will keep him
in comparative comfort for the rest
of his days.
The last survivor of the Revolution
was Daniel F. Bakeman, who died in
1969, at the age of one hundred and
nine. Few persons born since 1860
have therefore ever seen a soldier of
the Revolution. James Russell Lowell,
in one of his essays, tells how plentiful
these veterans were in his boyhood,
and how well remembered among the
people were the every-day incidents
which they related of that struggle.
Webster, when the corner-stone of
the Bunker Hill monument was dedi
cated, just half a century after the
battle, addressed the survivors of the
Revolution who were the guests of
honor there as : "Venerable men; you
have come down to us from a former
generation." But none have come down
to us.
Of Mexican War veterans there are
now seven thousand on the pension
rolls. Although the number is de
creasing at the rate of about eight
hundred per annum, it will probably
be many years before the name of the
last survivor of that war will disap
pear from the pension roll.
With the soldiers of the Civil War
the present generation is familiar.
Nearly three-quarters of a million of
those who served in the Union armies
draw pensions. The average age to
day of the surviving participants of
that war is about sixty years. In 1865
it was twenty-eight years, showing the
youthfulness of such volunteer armies
as the country depends upon in its
greatest struggles. "The boys !n
blue" and "the boys in gray" correctly
characterized the soldiers who bore
arms in the sixties. Youth's Compan
ion. "Impregnable aerHScatleae.n
General Sterling Price of Missouri
was one of the best fighters in tho
Confederate army, but as a writer in
the Washington Post overheard a
veteran say, he was "a scholar in in
verse ratio." Complex tactical move
meats in practice did not stagger him,
but the simplest problem on paper was
beyond his power.
During the early days of the Civil
war he visited Gen. Beauregard, who
was a graduate of West Point an ex
pert mathematician, a civil engineer,
and an authority on military tactics
and strategy.
At Corinth. Mississippi, Beauregard
had opportunity to put his theory into
practice, and had placed about the
city a series of fortifications which he
spoke of as "impregnable." ,
He took General Price in a carriage
to view these fortifications, carefully
explaining their merits. Then he asked
Gen. Price what he thought of the
Price straightened himself up and
said, thoughtfully. "Well, I hain't never
seen none like er but onct befo'."
"They were pretty effective, weren't
"Yep, fine! I done tuk her."
They Wanted to Live Always,
"When asking Gen. Miles to tell me
stories of individual bravery that had
come under his notice in battle, aavs
a writer in The Denver Post he said
he believed the most 'abandoned cour
age' he ever saw was displayed by
a young colonel. The regiment was
inarching into battle, the band was
playing and the step was quick and
courageous. Shells began bursting
among the men and four or five would
drop at a time. Still they inarched
quickly, but the shells fell thicker and
the men began to move more slowly.
Faster and faster the fire burst on
them and the soldiers halted. Sud
denly there dashed out of the smoke
the young colonel, and riding in front
he swung his sword over his head and
yelled, 'Move up; what's 'the matter
with you? Do you want to live for
ever?' "
National W. K, C W
Mrs. Jones, national president W. R.
C, has issued general orders No. S,
in which she announces that the twen
tieth annual convention will be held
in the nation's capital the second
week in October, and headquarters will
be established at the Ebbitt House.
She also calls special attention to the
national McKinley memorial to be
erected at Canton, O. Commander In
chief Torrance has requested every
comrade to make a small contribution
to this fund. She' asks every member
of every corps in the organization to
have a part in this memorial.
She closes her general order with a
tribute to the memory of the late
Judge Wallace, husband of Mrs. Emma
R. Wallace, past national president
Ho Batter States far
The committee on ways and means
of the Massachusetts house of repre
sentatives has reported that the bill
? providing for the erection of a statue
to the late Benjamin F. Butler "ought
wt, v ftfASB.
The wealth of a man Is the number
of things which he loves and blesse
which he is loved and blessed by.
n ill ".
Bromus Inermls is a good grass for
dry situations. It has this against it
that it grows in bunches, and the seed
la very expensive. We have seen it
succeeding weU at the Wisconsin sta
tion. It grows well. In light; sandy
soil, but is not averse to clay soil.
Some seedsmen advise sowing 20
pounds to the acre. Seed catalogues
list the seed at 30 cents per pound in
pound lots to $15 per 100 pound lots.
Bermuda grass is used extensively
in the Southern States, but is not con
sidered hardy in the North. It is be
lieved, however, that it will do well
for the purpose of soil binding even
in the sections of the country where
it freezes down to the ground. It
weighs 35 pounds to the bushel.
Rhode Island Bent Grass (Agrostls
Caneria) is one of tho best for lawns,
as it makes a good turf. It weighs 14
pounds to the bushel.
Creeping Bent Grass (Agrostls Sto
lonlfera) is a lawn grass of fine tex
ture. As its name indicates, it roots
from the stalks. Its weight is 20
pounds to the bushel. .
Kentucky Blue Grass (Poa Praten
sis) Is-also called June Grass and
Meadow Grass. It is valuable both for
pastures and lawns. It grows from
early spring till late fall but is best
during the early part of the season.
It should not be sown alone for pas
ture as it does not yield a large amount
of forage after maturity. It is a good
drouth resister. It is slow in getting
established, but once established, it
persists. It weighs 14 pounds to the
Canada Blue Grass (Poa compressa)
is much like Kentucky blue grass but
is preferable in the more northerly
parts of the United States and in Can
ada. It is a flat stemmed grass and has
creeping root stocks. Its weight is 14
pounds of seed to the bushel.
To Freeurs larmalla.
Seed oats should be treated with the
formula dip before being sown. The
following communication will be of
interest to our Ohio readers:
Tho Experiment Station has no pe
cuniary interest in commercial tran
sactions but an easy and reasonable
acquisition of the formalin may ad
vance the station's teachings. Learn
ing teat some have been unable to pur
chase formalin near at home the sta
tion has arranged to have local drug
firms fill orders at the following rates,
if orders are sent to the Experiment
Station. It is preferred that purchases
be made at home. One oz. bottle of
formalin by mail, 15 cents; 2 oz. bottle
by mail, 25 cents; 4 oz. bottle by mail,
30 cents, postage in all cases prepaid.
By express half pound of formalin, 35
cents; one pound, or pint formalin,
40 cents, expressage paid by recipient.
Remittances should be made to the
station. Tho station botanist is also
director of this line of experiments in
tho Agricultural Student Union of
Ohio, and will be able to supply for
malin upon agreements to conduct ex
periments and report results to one or
moro persons la each township of the
state. Applications in this line for ex
periment may be addressed to the
station botanist Other requests, re
mittances or inquiries should be ad
dressed to the Experiment Station,
Wooster, Ohio.
Bow and Pigs.
A speaker at a Nebraska institute
said: The critical time with the brood
sow Is the first two weeks after she
farrows. Many pigs are lost by over
feeding the mother with corn and giv
ing chilling drinks, which produce in
digestion and fever. Don't be in too
much of a hurry to get the porkers to
market and in your desire to see them
start for that point kill half the crop
and stunt the balance by overfeeding
the dam. Above all things, keep your
sow bedded with clean, dry straw and
give them all the sunlight possible
damp nests are fatal to young litters.
Exercise is absolutely necessary for
young pigs, especially if the sow suck
les well; in this way preventinj
thumps, which carries off the finest of
the litter. We never saw a case of
thumps where the sow and pigs had
exercise enough. The better the sow
the greater the danger of loss from
thumps, and the more need of exercise.
Taken in time, we consider there is
less danger from thumps than colds
and scours; this trouble can easily be
brought on by just one overfeeding
of the sow or young pigs; guard
against this by not overfeeding the
sow for the first ten days after farrow
ing. Chase of Oat Smut.
Smut is caused by fungus parasites
that grow within the grain plant
eventually destroying the seed of the
affected plant and contaminating the
seed of the healthy plants by the scat
tering of spores largely during the
ripening period of the grain. The dust
iike spores when dry are readily blown
to adjoining plants, or, coming in di
rect contact with the healthy ones, in
oculate their neighbors, which in turn
continue to propagate the species. The
smut spores do not live over the win
ter in the ground, but are killed
through frost or inclement weather.
The smut affecting the crop lives dur
ing the winter as spores on the seed
grain, and begin their deadly work
shortly after the seed is sown. The
affected oat plant makes a sickly
growth and generally heads lower and
somewhat later in the season than the
healthy plants; therefore, the extent
of the crop is not noticed by casual
observation. It is largely due to these
facts that smut has been able to in
vade the oat fields unnoticed by the
farmer and has gained a strong foot
hold. Bulletin 91. University of Wis
consin. CaUare fot
Dr. L. M. Ayres of Champaign Coun
ty, Ohio, writes to the Farmers' Re
view: In a wet season give corn shal
low culture. In a dry season plow
deep. The farmers in this county that
use the old-style double shovel plows
came out ahead and produce from five
to fifteen bushels more corn to the
acre than do those that follow the
level cultural methods.
Ellage Prewar.
The outward pressure of cut corn
silage when settling at the time of fill
ing, increases with the depth at the
rate of 11 pounds per square foot for
each foot of depth. At a depth of ten
feet the side pressue is 110 pounds
per square foot, at 20 feet it is 220
pounds and at 30 feet 330 pounds.
Hoard's Dairyman.
It Is truly a surprise to see how
many dairymen neglect salting the
cattle. It is well to keep a lump of
rock salt in the yard. ,
Prof. L. R. Taft of the Michigan
Experiment Station, reports om four
of the leading varieties of red rasp
berries, as follows:
Miller This is one of the first varie
ties to ripen and for some localities Im
Michigan it is the best-of the early
kinds. The plants are vigorous ami
quite productive. The fruit is sweet
and cf good quality.
Marlboro The best early variety for
this section. Plant vigorous and pro
ductive. Fruit good in quality. Fruits
over a long season.
Cuthbert An old, well-known vari
ety and ordinarily the most reliable
and profitable red raspberry grown.
The fruit has a vinous flavor. The
plants are vigorous and, very produc
tive No other red raspberry im the
station collection has made so good a
showing year after year as the Cuth
bert Golden Queen A golden yellow var
iety belonging to the same species as
the red sorts. Very similar to Cuth
bert in growth of plant and in shape
and size of fruit This berry Is of
very good quality and for hoaienee
it is considered desirable. Shoulfetmot
be planted for market .
S. H. Fulton, in charge of the sub
station at South Haven, Michigan, re
ports: Last spring seeds of 87 varie
ties of watermelons were received for
trial from the Department of Agricul
ture, Washington. D. C. Quite a large
proportion of these new varieties came
from Russia and other European coun
tries. The seed was planted May 29,
in sandy loam well enriched with wood
ashes and stable manure. With few
exceptions the seeds germinated, and
the plants grew thriftily. The first
melons ripened about the 15th of Au
gust A few of the later, kinds failed
to mature before the close of the sea
son. Nearly all varieties bore small
melons and tho quality in most in
stances was not very good. A number
of kinds had light-colored flesh vary
ing from creamy white to orange yel
low. A few varieties proved to be
winter kinds. The latter were all of
small size and had hard gourd-like
shells. The quality of most of the
later-ripening kinds was no doubt
much impaired by cold, wet weather
in September.
Celery In the Garden.
Celery is such a delicacy that It
should be in the garden of every farm
home. Probably more than any other
crop it is left to professional growers.
The result is that there are many farm
tables on which it never appears. It
requires a cool moist soil, well en
riched, and must not be permitted to
suffer from drouth. Its natural soil is
found in lowlands, where the subsoil
is never reached by the roots of the
plants. Celery should be sown in a
seed bed in the spring to give it a good
start for the summer crop. Seed for
the late fall crop may be sown out of
doors in May. Where there is a water
supply in reach by a hose the growing
of celery is easy. The land should be
treated to a good dressing of manure
yearly, unless naturally very rich.
High land is seldom suitable for the
growing of this plant unless it is deep
ly plowed, well manured and thor
oughly pulverized. Reclaimed marshes
are the places indicated by nature for
the growing of celery, but it can be
grown in almost any well cultivated
Plantlag Ti
Bulletin 82, Oklahoma Experiment
Station: The soil In which trees are
to be planted should be given as thor
ough preparation as for any other crop.
It should be plowed to a depth of at
least eight inches and firmed down by
repeated harrowings. Where trees are
to be planted for shade the holes
should be dug large and deep, three
feet each way is not too large, and
filled in with surface soil to the depth
at which the trees are to be set This
work should be done as long as pos
sible before the time for planting the
trees, and if now, the soil that is
filled into the holes should be satura
ted with water before setting the trees.
Trees that do not have good roots
should not be set where they will be
exposed to the direct force of the wind.
When transplanting, set the roots at
about the same depth as that at which
they grew naturally, and press the soil
firmly about the roots. This is a very
important point and frequently neg
lected. The Comlar Peach Crop.
At this writing the peach crop
throughout the country promises to be
fair as a whole, though western buyers
will have to pay high prices for them
on account of transportation charges.
The winter greatly injured the peach
crop in the west and central north. In
Georgia and neighboring states it was
at first' believed that the buds were so
extensively frozen that the peach crop
would be very small. Later reports
from Georgia indicate conditions fa
vorable for a large crop. Similar re
ports come from all of the seaboard
states that grow peaches. New Jersey,
Delaware, Pennsylvania and Connec
ticut will have large peach crops, and
the railroads are making great plans
to move the crop. How much of the
peach crop of the East and South will
get to Chicago and other western cities
we do not know, but there Is little
danger of a famine in peaches.
Fralt Mete.
There are but few reports of injury
to early deciduous fruits in California
by frosts during the season thus far,
and no reports of serious damage.
Nearly all varieties were somewhat
late in blossoming, which is greatly in
favor of good crops, and unless heavy
frosts should occur within the next
few weeks these fruits may be consid
ered safe for an unusually heavy yield.
Citrus fruits are in good condition.
Fruit prospects in West Virginia,
with the exception of peaches, which
are reported to be killed in some count
ties, are excellent
Correspondents in a few of the south
ern counties of Missouri report that
peaches have not been greatly injured
and there will probably be a few in
other sections. The early varieties are
now in bloom in the extreme southern
counties. Apples promise a good crop,
but it is believed that in most sections
small fruits will be light owing to the
drouth last season.
Citrus trees in Florida have passed
through the winter in, good condition.
A good bloom is in evidence, and the
outlook is promising. Pineapples are
very satisfactory.
Occasionally a man succeeds la
startling the world, but, unfortunately.
he can't keep it startled very lone
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From Farmers Review: la answer
to the first query of Mr. Phelps, the
powders administered to turkeys for
intestinal worms are not a preventive.
Some worm remedies, like arecanut
may kill the tapeworms and thus 'cause
their removal, but they are not a pre
ventive. Second. To my knowledge very lit
tle true experimentation has been
done with worm remedies upon tur
keys or fowls of any description, and
little is known about it
Third. The life history of tape
worms in turkeys is not known and
the special secondary host in which
the young tapeworms may spend the
larval portion of their existence is still
in doubt
Such Is the nature of parasitic In
vasions of fowls and turkeys and such
the intricacies of the investigation,
that it will be long before any ade
quate Investigation is made. You may
assure your correspondent that para
sites, however, may be diminished la
number by the care that he takes of
his turkeys. In the first place, the
hens should be set, if possible, upon
grounds that have not been frequented
to a great extent by them, if at alL
The ceops of the turkeys that are used
for the first few days should be moved
rather frequently. The little ones had
best be fed outside the pen that holds
the mother or preferably they should
be fed In a separate pen into which
the hen could not get As soon as
they begin to be able to run around
to any great extent I believe that they
should be either taken to another field
or at least not allowed to frequent the
places where the larger turkeys are
most apt to be. Fields that were in
cultivation during the last year would
probably be more free from contami
nation than others. I do not know
that your correspondent has such a
practice but I regard the feeding of
turkeys near the house as a means of
concentrating the infection and ena
bling the young turkeys to' get more
of it
I have written above that the para
sites the tapeworms necessarily have
some secondary host in which they
spend their larval existences. It Is
quite probable that these larvae come
from the old tapeworms In the tur
keys. It Is quite evident therefore
that if we try to prevent the old tur
keys having so many parasites and
handling them so that the chances of
their communicating them are less,
they will be handled in the best man
ner. That is to say, if the chances of
the secondary host becoming Infected
are reduced, the chances of the young
turkeys becoming Infected will be re
duced. Medication of the old turkeys
before setting with any successful
remedy would help toward this end.
Cooper Curtice, Biologist Rhode Island
Experiment Station.
Pealtry Petots Pleked Vp.
Mr. Johnston has come to the con
clusion that windows in the roofs are
not advisable. Believing them to be
the proper thing he used them in the
roof of his brooder house. The result
was that during much of the winter
time the houses were dark on account
of the windows being covered with Ice
or snow. In the warm days of fall and
spring the objection is also that the
sun pours In and raises the tempera
ture to too high a point the thermom
eter in building sometimes registering
as high as 120 degrees. He will dis
card these windows for side windows.
The floors of the poultry house are
well adapted to keep out moisture and
rodents. There is a board floor some
distance above the ground, and on this
floor is a layer of eight inches of sand.
This sand is cleaned two or three
times a year by running it through a
wire screen of fine mesh. The sand
does not appear to get filthy. On top
of this is a thin layer of chaff, into
which the grain is thrown. This is
done in the morning, the soft feed be
ing fed the last thing at night Mr.
Johnston used to feed the soft feed in
the morning, but found the birds stood
around too much for some hours after
breakfast He wanted them to work
more so he reversed his order of feed
ing. i
The arrangements in the main poul
try house are of the best and show
an appreciation of the fact that the
successful running of a poultry estab
lishment requires that all the labor
saving devices possible be adopted.
The windows are double glazed to
keep out the cold in winter and swing
from the top. The roosts are all ad
justable, and are mounted on metal
standards in cups of oil. No lice can
by any possibility pass from the hens
to the floor or from the floor to the
hens. Between the two points are
impassable pools of oil. This will be
appreciated by our poultry readers
that have had to fight lice year in awl
year out The roosts in use consist of
two-by-fours, sides up. Mr. Johnston
says he would prefer roosts only three
inches wide If he could get them, as
that width is more suited to the feet
of the hens. The nests are under the
roosts in closed boxes, and under the
nest boxes are boxes about eight
Inches high. This is the basis of a
scheme to prevent the hens from get
ting into their drinking water. The
vessel is at a good height for the pur
pose of allowing the hens to drink
out of it but the distance from Its top
to the bottom of the nest box above is
only about four inches and this makes
it impossible for biddy to use it for
bathing her feet
Stepplax Egg Eating.
The writer recently visited a poultry
establishment where the owner had
had much trouble with egg eaters. He
said he had tried various plans for
breaking up the habit, but without
success. He had used egg shells filled
with pepper and nauseous compounds,
but the birds ate them and looked
around for more. He finally resorted
to trimming their bills with a sharp
knife, rendering them so stump-billed
that they could not penetrate the shell
of an egg. We doubt, however, if this
Is the best method to use. It certainly
requires considerable labor to do this
work In a large flock. The medicated
egg has worked well in some in
stances. Why docs it not work in all?
We notice that some of our con
temporaries are discussing the oc
tagonal silos. We think if any one
ietermlned to build a silo of this or
der will go to Champaign, and see thp
old silos built as an experiment by the
agricultural college, he will change
sis mind and determine not to build
i silo of that kind. After being used
tor some years the silos at the Illinois
agrkuItnTal college are to be torn
lown and new ones of a different form
.BUnaaBsanuuw' aaTw mhwaV I nananr Lmr Br"3'BF
It has not been generally thought
that centrifugal separation had any
particular bearing on the bacterial
content of milk. Recently, however.
Prof, a H. Eckels of the Iowa Agri
cultural college has demonstrated that
separation does really remove a very
large percentage of such bacteria. The
germ contents of eight lots of milk
were determined, and the lota then
run through the separator. The result
was that of all the germs in the milk
at first 47 per cent appeared in the
separator slime. The skim-milk con
tained 29 per cent only of the germs
In the original whole milk. That left
only 24 per cent in the cream. It will
thus be seen that the cream Is much
richer in bacterial life than is the
whole milk or even the sklm-mllk.
Though the sklm-mllk contained 29
per cent of the bacteria in the whole
milk, it must be remembered that the
cream Is much less in bulk than the
sklm-mllk. Relatively the cream by
centrifugal separation has about 29
times as many bacteria as does the
same bulk of skim-milk.
Prateta Caasamntlea,
The scientists are gradually getting
down to the foundation of the problem
of protein consumption. At St An
thony's Park a number of tests have
been made to determine the amount of
protein necessary to keep a milch cow
in good condition, One experiment
was carried on for 84 days, and in it
wheat was compared with barley and
corn. The twelve cows used weighed
on an average 954 pounds. The aver
age amount of food eaten was 24.30
pounds. This food contained 2.01
pounds of protein, 12.03 pounds of car
bohydrates and 0.53 pounds of fat
These cows were all giving milk at
the time, and it was found that 1.35
pounds of this protein was used in the
making of milk. It was therefore cal
culated that 0.66 pounds was used for
maintenance of body. The milk pro
duced amounted to 26.96 pounds dally,
containing 4.1 of butter fat It will,
therefore, be seen that about one-twentieth
of a pound of protein was con
sumed for every pound of milk pro
duced, IfZ.
Aeld la Silage.
A bulletin of the Oregon station dis
cusses silos and silage. A number of
analyses of silage made for the pur
pose of determining its acidity are
given in tables. It was found that the
liquid constituents of immature clover
containing 79.44 per cent of moisture
were lost, to a certain extent by ooz
ing out at the bottom of the silo. A
chemical analysis of this exudate
showed a protein content of 1.13 per
cent In one experiment water was
added to clover silage approximately
at the rate of one gallon per 100
pounds of material, to determine Its
influence on the acidity and the pro
tein content The loss of dry matter
and the degree of acidity were greatest
in the moistened silage. It is consid
ered that acidity and loss of dry mat
ter, which occurs in carbohydrates and
allied substances go hand in hand.
Immaturity of the plants and extreme
compactness of the silage favor the
development of organic acids.
APecaUar Case.
A peculiar thing happened a few
days ago not far from Manaia. A
lady, while engaged milking her cows,
took a long hat pin from her hat and
sticking it through a handkerchief
placed the two upon a post Shortly
afterward a valuable cow happened to
see the handkerchief which she forth
with devoured, swallowing the long
pin at the same time. Next day the
animal swelled up very considerably
and appeared to be in pain, so the
butcher was sent for to despatch her.
Fortunately the man could not go then
and next day the cow had completely
recovered and was back to her normal
milking point so that the owner of
the cow was by pure good fortune pre
vented from losing a few pounds.
How the cow succeeded in getting rid
of the huge pin is a mystery but she
did. Witness (New Zealand).
Seme Expert C'oaeIaloae
Prof. T. L. Haecker. as the results of
some feeding experiments, publishes
the following conclusions: Cows giving
ordinary yields of milk and butter fat
do not require the amount of protein
called for in the standard rations.
The amount of milk a cow gives daily
and its fat content measures the
amount of protein the animal requires
over and above what is needed for
maintenance. There is a limit to the
milk and butter fat producing capacity
of a cow at any given time. Feeding
more protein than she needs for this
production and for her own support is
of no advantage. The excess of pro
tein, with the corresponding excess of
the other nutrients will tend to cause
her to lay on flesh and thereby shrink
in milk flow.
Matlag Toaag Gilts.
The time for the mating of young
gilts depends upon their individuality.
If they are inclined to become leggy
they should be mated so as to farrow
their first litter by the time they are
one year old. On the other hand, if
they are undersized they should not
farrow until they are at least fourteen
months of age. In order to secure a
successful farrow the brood sow
should receive considerable attention
from now on, and whether she will be
successful or not depends upon the
feed, care and attention given her. If
she has receh'ed a liberal feed of
shorts and bran, with a feed of roots
occasionally, and has had access to
salt and ashes at all times, and re
ceived plenty of exercise, there is no
reason why she should not produce a
strong, vigorous litter of pigs. O. R.
Where two or more checks occur in
the same shoot, the buds below the
outermost check grow in more cases
than those below the lower check.
Soils that are unfit for cultivation
can be used to advantage for poultry.
One might as well attempt to dip
Lake Michigan dry with a pint cup
as to get a girl to give up the man
she really lores.
To-morrow" is the excuse of the de
linquent and the spur of the indus
trious. When the good man seems to be
conquered the powers of evil have
still to rue their short-lived triumph,
and to say as Fyrrhu3 said when he'
defeated the Romans: "Three such
victories would utterly ruin me." '
Archdeacon Farrar. i
fin e - iiiiiii iiiinia
ay. ........................... .t...... ...........T
f! ai tccd uiTxnrifairs nrnirm
VJ?sLaWV -a
I i
Old Mam Bern Pmlliam and his wife
have gone to their rest says a dis
patch from Uvalde, Texas, bat they
will be remembered here for long as
the queerest deer-hunting couple, and
the most successful, that this mart of
the state has known. They were wed
ded for 50 years and had no children.
They had a dog, however, a yellow,
discouraged looking brute, which car
ried its tail between its legs and
showed two front teeth to the world
when shambling along. It found im the
Pulliams its only friends.
Where they got it no other body
ever knew. It worked for them more
than a dozen years. They were bread
and meat to it; it was bread and meat
to them. They Uved the year around
bn the produce of five months' work,
and this produce was deer meat and
deer hides.
It was the custom of the Pulliams
to leave Uvalde in November of each
year. They carried a frying pan, a
Dutch oven, a coffee pot a few pounds
of 8uppUes9aad a tent-fly. The old
man had a muzzle-loading rifle of .69
bore, powder, bullets, patchlag and
percussion caps.
. So supplied, they struck out aver the
prairies and through the mesqmite and
the dog followed. It does not rain
much here In the winter time and it
does not get cold.
Reaching a suitable place, with
water near, they stretched the teat
fly over limbs, cooked supper and
Wonderful Mining Operation
A bore hole which was begun in
January, 1899. with a Sullivan dia
mond drill, near Johannesburg, South
Africa, was recently completed suc
cessfully. The drill hole on the Turf club
grounds, which is nearly two miles
from the outcrop of the main reef,
struck the main reef at 4,800 feet or
within twenty-five feet of the depth
at which it was expected formation
would be struck. A curious feature
in connection with the sinking of this
bore hole was the fact that the rods
were left in the hole for twenty
months, while hostilities were going
on. The details of the work when
it was renewed are best given in the
report of the engineers:
"Having completed all our prepara
tions, we started to withdraw the rods
on Sunday morning, May 26, at 9:10.
The full pressure of steam at our dis
posal was applied, and as the rods
took the strain it was a moment of
great anxiety to the onlookers, and we
held our breath in suspense, as it was
seen that the rods had not moved an
inch. The next moment, however, to
Rosecrans Scared
Waitelaw Reid
Whitelaw Reid, our special ambas
sador to the coronation of King Ed
ward VII.. was the hero of a little
episode which jolly old Gen. Rose
crans was very fond of narrating, says
the New York Herald.
It seems, according to the story,
that Mr. Reid, at that time a young
man, was serving as war correspond
ent for the Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette with Rosecrans' army in West
Virginia. He did some good work,
too. but one day "Old Rosey" was as
tonished to see in the paper, over the
initials "W. R.," a dispatch describ
ing the hopeless barbarism and ignor
ance of the natives of that part of the
country in which, by way of illustra
tion, the writer said:
"So absolutely stupid are these peo
ple that actually it has never occurred
to them, although they are such bitter
foes to the northern cause, to cut our
telegraph wires."
Said Rosecrans:
"I sent an orderly to fetch Mr.
Reid 'Whitey,' the boys used to call
him and I said to him: 'Do you know
that I ought to have you shot?'
"Mr. Reid looked unpleasantly sur
prised, and so I added : 'Apparently
you don't realize what you have done.
Here is a letter of yours which I have
been reading. You might just as well
Oewatreddea Writer Wka Get Even
with Hie Tyrant.
Only the rattle of the wheels on the
rails disturbed the quiet of the smok
ing car on one of the suburban trains
the other morning, save when a pro
ficient card player announced the
number to be scored at the end of a
hand. A certain publisher, who never
failed to travel on that train, for a
wonder was silent and had no tales
to tell of the enormous circulation
of the last book he bad wheedled out
of the author for "almost nothing."
After a while the author, who occa
sionally travels on the same train, got
on at a small station.
"Hello, Blank." roared out the pub
lisher as soon as the author loomed up
in the doorway, fixing the attention
of the car on the twain: "I say. did
you get that check I sent you ye3ter
dav?" "I'm sure." replied the author, mod
estly. "I don't know; I got so many
checks yesterday."
"Why, I mean the one for S"0 for
that short story of yours I accepted."
said the publisher in a loud voice.
"trh vm." nuletlv replied the author.
"I recollect now. Yes. I got it. It
was for that story I sent you last year
which you returned saying It was dead
rot' and paid seventy for this year."
With oae voice the company of card
players cried:
"Score one!"
But amid the laughter the hilarious
mote of the publisher was heard not
Brooklyn Eagle.
OrsaSTT- at Jercma May Yet
Jfaaat the Throaa
That is just what France needs. She
lacks a man. On that point the aristos.
the unwashed, and the middle class
are for one in unison. They all want
a pro-consul wno shall demolish the
limited liability company that runs
the state.
amlVl 1 IViVfe
t i
went to sleep. The old mam rose early
Im the meralag. draak a cap of cofen
aad hesmm mu hunt alone. He did net
ten mis wife where he was golmg ami '
she did mot care to know.
Two hours afterward she untied tarn
yellow dog and It took up Its maeterm
track. No matter what the cemdtttom
of the ground or the weather, this
brute, with its ugly face and its won
derful nose, stuck to the trail without
After traveling for a half hour or
am hour, the woman and the dog would
come to the carcass of a deer freshly ,
slain. Mrs. Pulllam would skin it
deftly, wrap up the skin, and the doav
gulping a huak of flesh, would lower
Its muscle to earth and resume Its
This went oa all day and every day
until the neighborhood famished am
more deer; them a move was made.
The Pulliams came iato the small
towns only to sell the hides, soma
dried veaisom aad purchase supplies.
They have beam known to sell mora
tham a thousand skins between Nov. 1
aad March 1. These skins brought
them something like 9509 and tarn
jerked veaisom was worth 9190 more.
Whea the dog died they got aaother,
but It was aot so good, and Mrs. Pul
llam often failed to find deer her warn
derlng old lord had knocked dowm.
They hunted almost to the last, how
ever, and made a sort of livlag from
at Johannesburg
our great relief and delight, they
gradually aad evenly slipped outward,
aad so continued to lift without a
hitch, throughout the day, so that at
knocking-off time we had pulled 1.8W
feet Work was resumed at daylight
on the following Monday morning aad
we are happy to inform you that by
10 a. m. on that day all the rods
were safely out of the hole.
"The nature of the ground passed
through was fairly favorable, and the
regular Rand formation."
Brazilian carbons, which to-day are.
worth 9 per carat, or about four
times the value of ordinary diamonds.
were used in the drilling.
The weight of the rods which car
ried out this operation was sixteen
tons. To prevent such an enormous'
weight pressing too heavily on the
carbons while drilling, the rods wen
suspended on a hydraulic cylinder,
which allowed the rods to descend as
desired; in fact, the enormous pres
sure of the rods could have been rum
at a weight just sufficient to tickle
one's hand if necessary. Mines and.
Correspondent Left
for the North
in sjl Hurry
have stood on top of a tall tower in
Cincinnati and shouted through a
trumpet big enough and loud enough
to be heard In Richmond. "Why don't
you cut Rosecrans telegraph?" Upon
my word. I don't know how to deal
with your case. Come over with me -to
the headquarters of the judge ad- -vocate-general.
"I took him over to the judge advocate-general
of the department, to
whom I showed the letter clipped out
of the paper, with the headlines and -signature
cut off. Said I. 'What ought
to be done with the newspaper corre
spondent who published that? Shoot .
"The judge read it through gravely,
handed it back to me. and said: 'No,
I wouldn't do that. You ought to hang
" 'I think you are right' I replied.
Then I rode back to my own. quarters
with Reid and had a very brief con
versation with him, saying: 'I haven't .
decided, young man. which shall be
done with you. I'll see you in the
morning. Good night!'
"I Inquired for Mr. Reid the next
morning, but. to my great astonish
ment, he had left camp for the north
some houis earlier on the ast?st Lor e
he could obtain. I have never seen
hira since."
In the expression of that want is real
Parisan gaycty. In it. too. is the hum
of the bees. Whoever is able to recall
both will have to come enveloped In
glamour, astride a prancing seed. The
only one competent to execute any
such feat of haute ecole is Louis Na
poleon Napoleon V.
The grandson of King Jerome;
trained in the fine school of the Cau
casus; living on terms of agreeable yet
not oppressive Intimacy with the Czar;
capable of getting a boost from Italy,
from whose reigning house his mother
came, and Into which hi3 sister was
married; capable, too. of a boost from
the Kaiser, whose granfather thrashed
his uncle out of his boots, and who in
consequence takes naturally a lively
Interest in him here is a star that
every self-respecting political meteoro-.
Iogist can discern rising in the dreary
sky of France. There is the pro-consul.
There is the man Edgar Saltus,
in the Smart Set.
riHlno Steele.
The Filipinos have no conception of .
sacred musie as distinguished from
secular airs. AH tunes are alike to
them so far as that is concerned.
Captain Francis Pierpont Slvlter, of
the Forty-flrst Volunteer Infantry, waa
stationed at the town of Mexico,
province of Luzon, where he wa3 im
charge of about 10.000 square miles
of territory. He says that when he
went to Mexico the band that provided '
the music for the Catholic church was .
in the habit of playing "Aguinaldo , .
March" at the most solemn portion of-
the church services. One day the Cap
tain's interpreter said to the leader of
the band, "You'd better stop playim.
that Insurrection march, or el Captain
will put you in the calaboose.'
The musician inquired what sort off,
music would suit the Captalm and the.
Interpreter supplied him with the mu
sic of the "Star Spangled Banner
Ever since then the strains of "Om, .
Say. Cam Yoa See?" rise daily In the
church services. Harper's Weekly.
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