The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 14, 1902, Image 3

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S5- w$r - Jg -
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f j-ir-H
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Cupcts. Straw
If yea. Mt aaytaiaa ia
Hulst &
They Will Save You Money.
Just received, largest line of Straw Mattings ever brought
to C.HiiiabuA. Call and see them.
Oar Femdale Canned Goods, and Chase & Sanborn Coffees
are leaders. Everybody likes them. They make friends when
ever they go. In fact, every article we handle is the best Have
you seen our fountain for keeping vegetables in good shape?
Mv&st a
...F TME TOP..
Jewel Graaoline Stoves.
Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves.
Quick Meal Steel Ranges.
Herrick Refrigerators.
Monarch Canned Fruits and
Rlanke's Coffees.
Pillsbury's best XXXX Flour.
Our Isiif suit Is m ha-uHlne tut rMU
ff 4 the atove, whlsH alwavs five
perfecs aatlsf attic art f r which we are
sale agents.
tfssaifc aay
To your entire satisfaction that it is to your
ri vmntare to do vour tail and winter trading
1 in Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods and
I Shoes with us, wouia
Well, that is just what we can do, and all
that is necessary for you is to look over our
stock and get our prices.
Mschholz Bros.
THEY'RE here now, so you
will not have to wait.
HISJSMI Bright, new and handsome, IKfllS
MsSSMl one perfectly finished Ili
and the prettiest line ever shown
ffMl in Columbus. No useless trap- (11IIYS
Willi pings on these buggies the price ilSSlli
is put into material, workman-
ff ship and finish. Each one b PTIR
I ready to hitch yonr horse to, and UllUi
the price won't make a heavy load
Jill to cany. They're here, but IHff
HU they're going. Can't I send one mwMeWIi
yonr way? Inquiry and inspee-
Qinin -- - mam
aat tiara Km aat
you not say :
yr,. . ij- u TywrSrSTnft"fc wTifasswwpsssj
Apply to
tf Six
;of OalusxbnaL
Dr. Paul,
Blaake's Offee aft Grays'.
Try Hnahsa'a soda water and be
city sre those of E.D.:
Dm. Martyu,
thma doom north of
pot at
to have
Pat. Msshsa, Iste of the polioe force,
has gone to Beaver, "to say oat the
Do not fail to saa oar Moot galvan
ised eteel null for mot A.Dasaril
80a. tf
-TUG. A. B. will attend asrvieaa ia
tha Cathoiio chart Soaday moraiag,
the 35th.
Tha reigning stymie the east ie the
Bangkok shirt-waist hat, jeat arrived at
J. C FOlman'a.
We sail tha aiagle-row and two-row
Badger cultivator, the beet in the market
Loaia Sehraibar. tf
Dr. MoKana'a method of making
alaauaam plates placet
equality with gold.
Dr. Damlsr, eye and
will be at hie
street every Saturday.
We have tha azelaaiva right to sell
tha Taaison Atlas. Sea oar advartiee
mant on opposite page.
Fred. MeMallan can make an old
weather-beaten chimaey look new, and
good for another term.
Joseph Byaa has been down town,
and ia evidently improviag ia health,
and ha eajoya tha open air.
Wm. Hatt, editor of the Silfar Creek
Times, was in tha etty Thursday, and
says that their oommanity ia proeperoua.
This ia the last week of Eastoa's
buggy drawiag. Have you a ticket; if
not, doat you thiak you had better
get one?
Albert Hastings, who has been night
clerk in tha Thurston for soma time,
went to David City Thnraday where ha
The lot owned by C C Hardy on
Tenth street, and on which ha was about
to erect a dwelling-house, ha has sold to
Wm. Schroader.
CM. Heater of tha Eaetou aetab
liakment was gladdened Saturday by the
arrival from Mhwoeri of hie better half
and their daughter.
Nothing new under tha awn, but yon
may and eomethiagnaw on tha 5 and 10c
coasters at von Bergenia, Eleventh street
under JocnsAL
David Thomas, accompanied by
young eon and daughter, were in the city
Thnraday. They expect to take a trip
to Eagland thia summer.
GnADOATioar Pnaasarra. We have a
aiee variety of elegant thinga anitaUe,
sad will auke speeial prices for this
occasion. F.H.LambGo.
The White Front Dry Goods
store. Bsrgsias in waists, ssdrta and
wrappeia. Follow tha crowd to E. D.
Fitspatrick'a sad save money.
In JneticeHadsoaa eourt, May 8,
Dennis Dugan, on eomplaiat of hie two
daughters, Anna and Nellie, was ad
judged to giveaboadof $500 to keep
the peace.
Those farmers who have practiced
feeding hogs ground feed ia troughs fad
it pays a big prott over whole graiaa
thrown on tha ground to bo sacked up
by the hogs.
What a faas they do make over ia
Europe, and what an innovation it is,
exclaims tha Chicago Tiaue-Herald,
TTsamsaa. death, Taurteenth
Hcahonneoda water the coldest,
purest and hast.
Dr. Hana Patwsia, Bayaioiaa and
surgeon, onto (Hire etreet. tf
Dr. OL H. Qisttsn. death, in Ber
ber block. Thiiteth street. 1st
neatest atssaiess in the
r-riedaofa store, tf
Uetrie fans will aaoa 1
when it is the fashion
ha loves her.
Bsv. Vannof tha Taisnonsl church,
on Sunday last, SBaonaasrt to tha 00a
gregatioa that tha 1 saiga a tine ha had
asat to the bmaop was to be awectita
after JalyL
W. A. McAllmter asys that Tuesday
of last week, at Ltacola, there ware a
eat, and the aft snrtaaaa at anpiams wmrt
Ieaaeell yon millet for
than you ean buy same in St. Jeaeph,
Mo. I oaa sail you heme giuss. last
yearn asad corn for fLOO par hat, that
wiU grow. Where? AtEsatoa'a,
Two wall improved farms for
One in
-F.MCooeiagasm of Humphrey was
ia the city Friday, and ia a jocular way
tha amrita of the (Heck aroao
on tha
forth by him in last weakw Jocwmal.
-j. a
m. B U
w w. wmm . mm. ,
et Breaftiyn,E.T,fxeni a
efaeraryam Mr. Eahala waa a
of thai saty a aamaaref
fill sub township, one in Men-
roe towBaasBw xwbbb ace aaan aargBBBS
Echoes had weed n few naval At tee last gsnsisl mssting of tee
. .... ..I mr -1-1. l.ij -. w r, n n t.
anenamMamni wnnnnmanm mmw anaum Bnanemannanaa a umanuunumm an erianan nununan ana. anrak sj. ij. ivraw 1 mar w
go. " 1 1 " w
rssisaar Denenu. who haa bean ""'llM Woited haa decided that
J ..w.;.rfiM - a- theeatefor this exhOat shall he June
tt. JkIiMMfa.o.. The place wfll be sasimsieil later. were m stteadenee
.... ... - -..-. - - , . nmnnsnnn masrmgia lancojn.Taasdsy
power eenaaassas ay Bsssawm taw canni, 1- ... . mmmjm m, ,3 ,, ,
. 1 o s 1- 2 v mTmUmmtnm i.;. k; mtmm . weenueaay ec mac weak.
lanva oaaazaa war mm mmmm wm w --. m " -y -
Vm ftm fatwilna aad braack oat aa aa r wwta
. . .. . aU eeaaad ftoaa tha met that laataae. "mi oanueDBaag
- o. waroaman ec menavum wan an - -- aM .:i...
-. ww wnfle unQnawr kahiad aia mmrm tartar, ha SBaBiawaBVBwrttBra
" xnaanueyen bubbbsbbl JsaaanB . ; . . . state. The vaasora waca
unthatittheennitheune mnlaaepullsd 7"- 7T j ', tsinrif
m w - nsafanurVnusBarai aaWnaK nunf TkaBafaaal WMbFA TaafiaBBn?-.
!Ti-v ut. ; MM.: ,j Hebesantotaiak.aadeametotheeeB- BJ.a?acaaoa
mt -- " " m , .-.--- . i- -j , --- noeBNynnMu nmmerml earvmam their
UBBBVauam AaBaanmasBBBvaf VwwaaTanurag) unsmBBTfaanBTBay eafeaw j mmmw flMfffc 0tkmmf aaan) Vunue1 ZaBBaaaBBn' MV fBafBTeaBuV jarenreTerl buubt (Vajsnwsn WK amw EffBew
muaarta?aaaMM.aa1awaal. . . JL ... . . " . -' A .. ...
, . --. ,, -. nna ff amwmy enataaea mine mr earn
- - aara- -M. am awwa oaunN taaae anaraaan
aabaa amaWtka aaada af tha traaa to from
. taeal aad boat aa water iar mm mammm m. tmm wm w sn
fitnVMka'R aaaaw sauna amasa aar avar am anar,aaa aw a
. mwasattiaxBfcaiUHevllromavmT haanaaaami
Hoahan serves Beldanraise eaaam y- . s !
mmm m w m0-mm w CanVUgCanVHaVsttnl YaaaV"sWsMsnm ! ssWaBOa?
wKnaoaawaur. .. . w-i an
Everybody waa praising tha
during moat of last weak.
Woaderfally ana growing
we hate had tha past week.
Father Padfcaa waa in town Sun
day oa his way to Humphrey.
PUlsbary's Beet XXXX Flour, tha
ia tha world, at Grays. tf
First-clam baggies, eerriagae, road
agoae, eta, at Louis Schremera.
8bm1L choice farm for sale, under
Mgatioa,joiBingtowB. H.E.Babeoek.
For iae watch repairiae;, call on
Carl Froamel. 11th St, Colambua, Neb.
Plain sswiag by tha day; for iafor
amtkm,osllat Mrs. Cuabiag'a, Eleventh
Rev. Memo was in Mutord Monday,
called there to preach at tha funeral of
sick tha aaat weak, with
tha heart.
Carl Beetle has returned from
tana, enjoyed his trip, and likes that
country vary well.
Mam Tana Ziaaefker finished her
term of school in tha Braan district near
Duncan, on Friday.
A tea wfll be given thia Wedaeaday
afteraoon at tha home of Mrs. C. H.
Sheldon. All invited.
A quarter of an inch of rain fell
Moaday night, aad a good quantity of
BBoieture during Tuesday.
Mm. Wm. Murray baa moved her
dreeawislring shop to tha front rooms up
ataira in tha Barber block.
Easton'a line of gasoline stoves and
coal ofl stoves are the most complete of
any in tha city, and prices are right.
Dont forget to look over the 5 aad
10c countorsvat von Bergen's for any
thing you want for the kitchen or house
hold. State G. A. B. encampment at
Omaha. One fare for the round trip on
sale May 21-23, inclusive, via tha Union
Wm. Schilz makes boots and ahoas
ia tha beet styles, and usee only the vary
bast stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
Carl Naff has returned from tha west
and ia again at work at YogeTa bakery.
Ha likes the west pretty well, but stays
in Columbus.
The strawberry short cake social at
tha hosas of Mra. Phillips has been post
poned from this Friday to next week
Wednesday afternoon between 4 and 7.
Next Saturday the high school ball
team of Schuyler are expected to play
our boys here, and it ia hoped they will
give the visitors a livelier game than in
the recent trial at Schuyler.
Judge Duffy of Omaha (who, with
Judges Albert and Ames, constitute one
of the three divisions of the nine eapreme
court coeuueaioaers) waa ia the city over
Sunday, the guest of hie fallow worker.
are the latest in hate for
The Tivoli, New York, Gibson,
Florodora and Carmen, New York and
Chicago's latest, creations, and the
aweUeethateoftheeeeeon. The first to
introduce them in Columbue is J. C
Fred C Williams was re-elected ss
ssststant principal of the Syracuse
achools the coming year, and on lsat
Thnraday was elected by the Seward
school board as principal of their schools.
We are not informed as to which poai
tion he wfll accept.
Ed. Hoaee, who has been baggage
aaan from Columbus to Albion tor eosse
time, left Monday to take a similar
place on the Manhattan and Beatrice
liae. E. P. Tamaaica, who has been on
the Norfolk line, haa taken the Albion
run, and Charles Woosley baa been ad
vanced to tha Norfolk run.
A GBEAT LOSS to the amnufae
turer. We eelected from hie samples
50 silk skirts, 50 silk waists, 25 Raglans
and a lot of wash waists, skirts, eta,
which we bought at our own price. We
will sell these fine tailor-nude gamente
cheaper than you can buy the doth.
They are up-to-date in style, and no two
alike. F. H. Lamb A Co.
945 California and return. Tickets
onaale: April 21 to 27; May 27 to June
8; August 2 to 8; Liberal stopovsr ar
rangeamnta and return hmita. Farad
ditioaal information ask the neareal
agent, Burlington route or write for n
Cahforaia folder to J. Fraacia, general
passsnger agent, Burlington route, Om
aha, Nebr. lOt
It ia the first few yean after a cea-
ens is taken that tha world ecramblee
for aawly mused atlases Millions will
be sold ia the Vaited States this year at
aiaeaoB. xtut Tnn jocuxai. can give
you one, together with one yearn sub-
ssription to our paper for $3.40. Look
at ailtsttisemeat on opposite nage. Call
and ask to see tha book.
Work on changing L.G.Zianeeker's
building to face Thirteenth street ia
going right along. The iaterior of tha
building hi to be entirely resaodslsd,,
with n new steel ceiling, tile flooring and
new fixtures throughout, and when eoaa-
plated will he as fine a barber parlor as
one would wish to see. Louie ia hound
to keep abreast of the
" - -w- v v . BnMa UBuuBanssmBLgasn
it wee voted to bold an art exhibit to
help defray eapeeees wbiah the dub will
yearn mour osnsg tee asasa muersaon to ne
About twe
lent from am
- '-' - ama ana a m
thirty doUees' worth et
three Jesutha of thermae perk ha heel
hang up the ereaaag before it was stolen.
SotwithBtaaihst the etorte made, and
actwithataadiag that he thinks he
known who got the
it, as yet,
to lay the foundation for pross-
-J The T. M C A. smetiage, neat Sun
day, May 18 (S p. m.
aien; evening for everybody.
ceetod, all cordially iavited), will be held
at the North opera aouee. AUwhoning
areveryearsmtly reqaeatedtobeatthe
Methoumt chureh thia Wedaeaday avea
iagfor the outy chores practice for the
mtingat theopara houea. No
charged; free-will oaTariag
wmae received.
-John Daweoa of Oconee haa n herd
hundred, and they are a fine looaiag lot
of whits fame, Tani Jnonux. has taken
oeoaaibn to remark that among the good
quntJsa of thia breed are that they are
good feeders, and excellent all-around
eattln A goad combination for Nebraa
ka meaia vslleys surely, is cattle, hoga
aad.nlfalfa, with neoemary aubsidiary
If Platte aounty people know when
they are well off they will vote bonda for
a aew court houee at Columbue without
grambliag. That poiat is bound to
remain the east of govarament whether
or no, and the old court houee ia liable
tocoUapasoneof these deys aad be the
death of several reputable citizens,
whose weeptag relatives will at once
proceed to exact heavy damages from the
tax-payers. Bixby.
"How shall I write of my mother,''
eaya Helen Seller in the April Ladies'
Home Journal. "She ia ao near to me
that it abncat seeau indelicate to apeak
of bar. We never dmam of comparing our
mother to another; it is enough that aha
ia our mother the being in whose be
neficent tendernaae ie eaourity and joy.
To describe her would be like attempt
ing to pnt into words the fragrance of n
flower or the smile on a beloved face.''
The 60-foot wooden, bridge on the
Union Pacific one and n half miles esst
of Schuyler was so badly damaged by
fire Friday last that it waa considered
unsafe for the passsgeof trains, and thia
condition continued for nine hours,
traiaa going round in the meantime on
available routes. Conductor Murphy
was the first to notice the burning bridge.
The supposition is that a spark from
some passing train had found lodging
and foal in the bridge.
Peter Duty, graduate of the last
year's High school, haa written a story
for the lsst Beflector, "How our lecture
was made .a success," which deserves
more than n psssing thought. The story
is simply the incidents around the form
ing of the first lectare coarse and of the
first entertainment in Columbue, and
although no names are mentioned, those
scqnsinted in the High echool easily
recognise each person. The merit in the
composition ie not ao much in the sub jeet
sain how Mr. Duffy has handled it. To
write an interesting story about the com
mon occurrences of life ie the sign of
genius, and Mr. Duffy haa made thia
abort story interesting from first to last.
Frank rates went down to Omaha
Tuesday and purchased through an
agent in that city 100 acres of land in
Canada. Dr. Hewit has also purchased
a couple of sections of land there and a
whole lot of people around BeUwood now
have the Canada fever. Some of the
widows are even talking of emigrating. . .
A great many farmers scattered around
the country are now winning they had
bred more horses a few years ago when
the prices were low. When the prices
were at the low notch nearly everybody
stopped txeediag, but if they had kept
right on they would now be reaping a
nice harvest. Thia ia usually the way it
BeUwood Gaaette.
The Cadis, (Ohio,) Sentinel haa this
to say of a subject that amy interest
some Jovuxak readers: The eapreme
eourt of Ohio recently handed down an
opinion denying the right of anybody to
erect telephone or light phones in front
of a residence without the permission of
owner. Thia ia exactly the reverse of
the holding of the circuit court of thie
circuit, aad exactly ia accord with the
deeiaion of Jadge Muuafield in. each
esses. The etreetesre for the passage of
the public, end the first duty of author
ity ia to keep them for that purpose.
Theslaw recognises the eassment of the
lot owner when it compete him to im
prove to the aiiddleof the street when
each improvemente are ordered.''
A party of ladies from Albion have
been guests of Columbue friends for
several daya peat, returning home Sat
urday. The leches were entertained
Wednesday afternoon by Mm, Benhsm
and Mm. Bobinaon; the same eveaing
Mr. aad Mia, Boea aatertsined at their
honm. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Msr
tyn and Mm. Evana iavited guests to the
of the farmer, and in the evening
party was given in Maaaner-
chor hall by Mr. aad Mm. SuUivan, Mr.
and Mm. Cornetinn aad Mr. and Mrs.
Adams. Friday afternoon, Mm. Cham
bers entertained, assisted by MiaeCow-
dery of Teigh, and the
Mr.aad Mm. Anderson aad Mr. and Mm.
Needhem, H. F. Leer, E. W. Gunther,
Hettie Pittiagar, a W. Kiene, John
Peters, Wolfe, aad the
'Edgar Howard, Habert Burruss,
Bert Strotheread Man Martha Turner
at the State Press
well attended end were inter
aa brflliaat
throughout the
by their Iiaeola frieade. Wed
the State
Storhmr Morton, edi-
ity waa found last Saturday
i about three qaarters et a sails
ia home, in the brash at a sselueV
i en the "Little Tslaad" He had
the emm
et 8 o'doek. His pockets
itiunad abettfe half-filled with atryeh-
r, which fact suggasfiri
is privately learned, troubles of am own,
the right way out of which, he wrongly
of Tn JocnxAL, who haa been editing
the Damatah at Cony, Wyouuag, has
sold out and aeceptsd n position oa the
Omaha World-Herald. Mr. McCune
eaya Cody ia a town of some 300 people,
amay of whom are living-in teats. W.
F. Cody hes ietereoted New York capi
taliote ia building a CB hotel, of
which the country amy well be proud.
Railroad rompanise are aleo iaterested
in net Hiahing the shortest route to the
National Park through Cody. Mr. Mc
Cune dose not have much faith ia the
country around Cody, union
shall become a fixed feet, which
at Wamerville last Thursday, relates
the Madison Chronicle. Mrs. George
Wheeler, while doiag her regular week's
washing, eteaped oat of the houee for n
few moments to hang ap aome clothes,
leaving the little girl of 13 moatha, Ethel
Gertrude, playing about in the houee
and on the porch. A large etone jar
contsjaiag n little water etood on the
floor in the bouse, and during the ab
sence of the aiother the little toddler
attempted to play in tha water and fell
into the jar heed-foremost, and was in
that condition when the mother found
her. She was pest all hope of saving
and the mothera freasied cries fell upon
deaf ears. The little life had gone out.
Quito n few beaabsll enthusiasts
met Friday evening nt Zumeckera Mid
way barber chop for the purpose of
organizing n club for the season. The
following emcees were elected: J. W.
Fauble president and1 manager; Carl
Hoehen viee president; Wm. Zinnecker
eecretary-tressurer; Wm. Baker corre
spoediag eecretary ; Harry Lohr captain.
The playera have not yet been eelected.
Another meeting for the completion of
the organization will be held tomorrow
(ThumdayX evening at Judge Curtis'
omce, after which, we preaume, games
will be arranged for, one or two of which
the management will endeavor to have
played here during the meeting of the
state draggieta the first week in June.
There is always opportunity for the
exercise of a aian's genius. We had even
supposed that the street-crossing west
of Niewobner's on Olive street was in
tended by the authorities to show those
who pay the city'a bills what might be
done at every crossing, for the price
available in the treasury, but when we
came to talk with Jacob Glur, commend
ing his work for all the good apparent,
viz: the deep foundation of .brick-bate,
pounded down; the strong, thick layer
of cement, which with proper time given
to eat, will iaeresse iB solidity ss time
goes by, we found that hie ideal mental
picture of a crossing, costing leae per
haps, considering all things, than the
actual one under our feet, waa a long
stride forward. Stand up for the city.
W. C Templeton of FuUerton was in
the city Friday, returnine; home from a
trip into Iowa. Mr. Templeton informed
us that he had purchased the FuUerton
Post of bis uncle, J. W. Tanner, and
would take possession of the omce Sat
urday. Mr. Tanner was one of the
founders of the Post, which was estab
lished June, 1888, and now that he has"
laid down the tripod, will be sadly
miasm! by the Nebraska newspaper fra
ternity. Tbeesleof the oftce was made
on account of Mr. Tannere wife'a health,
which aaceantstss removal to a more
congenial eliaie, and shortly the couple
will remove to Arizoas, where, it is
hoped by their many friends that health
be restored and prosperity attend them.
Every school building; should have a
Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Bible and
Atlas. We can furnish you the Atlas at
a price that will astonish you. Thia ia
not an old printed book, but printed
thia year, 1902, containing the name,
population and location in state, of
every powtqgtee in the United States.
Besides this, the book baa complete maps
of every state in the union, many city
maps that enow the exact location of
every block, 48 comparative diagrams
giving the statistics of the United States
according to the new census and other
oScisl sources. In short, you cannot
afford to be without it, when you can
have it, together with Tn Jockxal for
$3.40. See our advertisement on oppo
site page.
The word "butter" mesne one thing,
aad "oleo" quite another. There ia a
growing: tendency the world over to call
thinga by their right names, and thus,
the fewest number of confiding people
will be injured from tales appearances.
If the farseers had their fall way, the
"stuff" would not be manufactured at
any pries, however low. If the other
tallows had their scheme felly developed,
their objective would be attained when
they should succeed in eombining the
cheapest suteriala sttsiashle, to ao
counterfeit butter (fresh, sweet and pal
atable) that the dairy-maid herself
wouldn't know the difference
the true and the false oommodity.
possibly are aome who imagiae all sorts
of vain and foolish thinga, probably coa
taiaiag the notion that they should find
for theemslvea, ia the' open market or
otherwise, the bast of butter, for the
fewest price of oleo. It is, ho
evident, from the close and
attention thsf has been given the subject
the peat tew years, that the good, every
day people (who ahrayawiah to be fair
thssssslfea end to be fairly treated or
know tha reason why) would prefer to
eat good butter even at extra-good
prices, aad do act wish to be compelled
to resort to analytical chemistry every
they buy n rolL It ought not be
to eoanaeate counterfeits,
all shades of opinion ia regard
to statutes eeeeeramg olea, etc
that they are propei
etanlea of trade, should
with tha truth that, at so, they
9 mmg T
seaside. The reassess ware buried
BeUwood. He had, doubtless, from what
shauld he eel ameer their own name.
Its a family mutter when the
der consideration. The wife knows
flavor that suits the taste, and
much the best should cost, lour
this respect is to let her choose her
than you nnd her mind will tell
9 something
we make a
specialty of.
Good quali
ties and low prices are jammed
together in each article.
in so many differ
ent patterns and
designs that we
cannot enumerate.
the best all-around
could buy on the
lamps we
tet. They are waiting for
a test why not give one n teat
now? Prices correct.
61II ni Sti Oir Nrw
Dont wait until every thine has been
Sicked over. We carry a rail line of
fall Paper. Patau. Plastlca. VenUeM.
Bra, Wtadaw Metfe,&a!i Reefa.
Fleer Wax and every thing pertaining
to the needs of a good housekeeper.
Painters aaa
JJt If you do not want to buy yonr
wife or daughter a fine, new g
summer hat. But if you do, you 3
-- can find a fine new line, just
gm- received ac ........ ap
eaw Three Doors East of Columbus State Bank. -bb
We quote the following from the
Spokane (Washington) Beview, giving it
in full because it gives interesting items
concerning n former Nebraska boy, in
whose welfare many Joxtbsxl readers are
interested: "W. H. Burtt has declined
the position of assistant postmaster ten
dered him by Postmaster Hartson, and
Byron Dieffenbach, the incumbent, will
be retained indefinitely, probably
thmnrhnnt Mr. Hartaon's term of office.
'Mr. Burtt decided to retain his position
with the Washington Water Poer com
pany,' said Postmaster Hartson yester
day, and I have decided to retain Mr.
Dieffenbach for an indefinite period.' It
ia generally understood in postoffice
circles that Mr. Dieffenbach's reappoint
ment is a permanent one, and he waa the
recipient of many congratulations. He
is regarded aa an exceedingly competent
man, and among those who are highly
pleased are the postal inspectors. A
great part of the detailed work of the
office devolves upon the assistant post
master. When Postmaster Temple's
office waa checked np recently, prior to
Mr. Hartaon's assuming charge, the
accounts of the office, which were largely
under Mr. Dieffenbach's supervision
checked to the cent. The inspectors
who checked up the office say that it was
one of the best conducted in the United
States, and that the credit ia due not
only to Mr. Temple, but to Mr. Dieffen
bach aa well. Mr. Dieffenbach waa
appointed by Mr. Temple in October,
1899, to succeed J. F. Leghorn. Mr.
Dieffenbach waa formerly in the railway
mail service, and haa been familiar with
postal Blatters nearly all his life."
Thk Jocusai. thinks that Spencer's
cartoon take-off representing the meet
ing of the State Press sasociation at
Lincoln Tueeday of last week shows
artistic ability of a rare order. The
length of the cartoon, eight inches,
presents about one-third the night of
the representative editor, whose hat
bend haa on its front in plain view, the
editorial "We" badge on the left breast
" 'We Nebraska Press Association."
We don't know of any just such a look
ing editor, and we are confident that in
the pegee of our scrap-book there is
none such, in all particulars. He is not
a dude; he ia careless of his dress, and
wears a brood-brimmed hat,as if to say
"you maycoasider me a Quaker or a
cow-boy, just aa you will, but play the
game fair, and I will stay with you; at
the best or wont, this game of life
which you and I are honestly striving to
play to the beat of our ability, is intense
ly interesting, and ia aa a school for us,
out of the seeming wildneas of facta and
fsnries, to think our way to tha general
principles, which alone are, after all, of
real worth." A aabordiaate place of the
cartoon ia given to President Maapia
with "Some thinga I got next to in the
Bible," sad "Pomea I have writ." The
originality, the personality of the artist
appear in some other touches discernible
that, aomewhet rasambliag copyright, it
mat least courtesy to act reemara: apoa.
Tn Jocthux, shall not be surprised to
of Sseacar's
problem of buying;
what brand of goads has the
she knows front exprneace just hew 3
part of the amtnmnami conta
grocer she can do it nmch
her to buy her nrovietone here.
m lerge
varieties at prices that cannot
help but tempt jour pocket
book and the quality is in every
ets, etc., in an alssost wholesale
variety. The prices on these
articles are low while the quali
ties are high.
Lin if Will Piftr. H
Paper Maafjers.
Half luxes Omnhn and latum.
May a, 22 aad 23, via Barlington
Boute. State Encampment O. A. B.
Ask the nearest agent Burlington
Boute. 5t
Bring ua your job work. We will
endeavor to please you.
iiui mini
Farm far tale,
Ose aad one-lialf miles froa Sfoaraa.
Flae location, good laad. Price. 40.00
per acre. For particulars call oa or addreas
SaToxuroe). 29cb
Nature's remedy for all nerve troubles
applied scientifically by an expert in
healiag. For free booklet, "Nerve Force
and How to Obtain it," address,
P. O. Box 12L CbtxmBCs, Nnsn.
DR. J. . PAUL,
Nlewohnar block, comer 13th aad Olire
treetH. Colombo. Nebr. OSfes TeL A 4.
Usea Vitalized Air
aad Deataliae, the
oalj hanaleaa aa
aesthetics. Re
ts live
fmna afh.
iMtmth aad SJla
taea at oae sitting
positively witfcoat
IVwfM arisffcetiflB aires ia ererr
particalar or moaey refandedT
Baa Baa
I UlTa mrmmr& I
BBS WW ay mmm7mmr bbb
I emiaiuUUtmweuiet
Eli Ji NlHIIIIfil
si-, a- ,-.- t,Pz
A . -
'jfe -g '- H